The Haydenville Congregational Church 143 Main Street Open Hearts • Open Minds • Open Doors PO Box 257, Haydenville, MA 01039 Rev. Chris Mereschuk, Acting offi[email protected] Jeff Olmsted, Minister of Music Rev. Lindsey Peterson, Transitional Director of Children’s Church (413) 268-9344

As you prepare for worship, you are invited to light a prayer candle or write down a Joy or Concern. Please silence your cell phone. February 26, 2017 • 10:00 am

Prelude Jeff Olmsted

Welcome Pastor Chris

Gathering * “Gather Us In” Hymnal #284

Prayer of Preparation Jan Varnon; By Fr. Mark Link, S.J. Unison Give me your strength, Lord, because sometimes things get tough… and I am ready to quit. Give me your love, Lord, because sometimes people reject me… and I am tempted to hate. Give me your eyes, Lord, because sometimes life gets dark…... and I lose my way. Give me your courage, Lord, because often I feel pressure… and it is hard to do what is right. Give me yourself, Lord, because my heart was made for you… and I will not rest until I rest in you. Amen

Anthem “What a Mighty We Serve” Lavender Light

Offering Jan Varnon Circle Song^ “Listen, all you who struggle with the Infinite: God is One. x2 Sh’ma Yisrole Adoni elohenu Adoni echod. x2” * Traditional: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Inclusive: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Children’s Message Lindsey Peterson Singing the Children to “You are wonderfully made, named and claimed by God.” Children’s Church

Scripture Reading Lisa Hall Romans 12:1-2, 9-21 One Voice: For the word of God in Scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us, All Voices: Thanks be to God.

Sung Response* “Gloria Patri” Chalice Hymnal #35, (feel free to change words to be more inclusive)

Sermon “Kindling” Pastor Chris Response Time

Prayers of the People Pastor Chris Pastoral Prayer

1 *Please rise if you are comfortable doing so. ^ By Shlomo Carlebach The Lord’s Prayer (please Our Mother/Father/Creator who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom use the version of the come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, Lord’s Prayer you are most and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not comfortable with) into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Sung Response “Let It Breathe on Me” Chalice Hymnal #260

News of the Community Dana Gillette

Closing Hymn* “God Be with You Till We Meet Again” Chalice Hymnal #434, verses 1, 2, 3

Benediction* Pastor Chris

Postlude Jeff Olmsted

Our Worship is Over - Now our Service Begins * Please rise if you are comfortable doing so.

Romans 12:1-2, 9-21 So, my brother, sisters, and siblings^, because of God’s mercies, I encourage you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to God. This is your appropriate priestly service. Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature. Love should be shown without pretending. Hate evil, and hold on to what is good. Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other. Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic—be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord! Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer. Contribute to the needs of God’s people, and welcome strangers into your home. Bless people who harass you —bless and don’t curse them. Be happy with those who are happy, and cry with those who are crying. Consider everyone as equal, and don’t think that you’re better than anyone else. Instead, associate with people who have no status. Don’t think that you’re so smart. Don’t pay back anyone for their evil actions with evil actions, but show respect for what everyone else believes is good. If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people. Don’t try to get revenge for yourselves, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. It is written, Revenge belongs to me; I will pay it back, says the Lord. Instead, If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, Today’s Worship Service Leaders give him a drink. By doing this, you will pile burning of the Month: Shirley Sicurello and Mariel coals of fire upon his head. Don’t be defeated by evil, but Addis defeat evil with good. Trustee of the Month: Sylvia Fappiano ~The Message translation by Eugene Peterson; ^Adapted Ushers: Carol Shaw and Cate Shaw to reflect gender expansive language. Greeters: Jesse Atkins-Barber, Bonnie Atkins, Nancy Winninger, and Dana Gillette Children’s Church Teachers: Andrew Geery, Dawn Orluske, Jen Miller-Antill, and Pastor Lindsey Baby & Toddler Church: Ileana Fournier

Church Leadership: Ministers All of us • Rev. Chris Mereschuk Acting Pastor • Rev. Lindsey Peterson Transitional Director of Children’s Church • Jeff Olmsted Minister of Music • Rev. Yohah Ralph Minister of Outreach, Advocacy, and Pastoral Care • Francis McKane Mount Holyoke College Intern • Laurie and Ann Loomis Co-Head Greeters • Cindy Dolgoff Head Usher • Anne Pratt Scripture Coordinator • Rev. Dr. Peter Ives Theologian-in-Residence • Lynn Fogg Church Moderator • Sam Icklan Church Vice Moderator • Pat James Chair, Diaconate • Alice Barber Chair, Trustees • Sue Carbin Church Scheduler; Chair, Building Committee • Jo Cannon Treasurer • Kathy O’Connor Sexton • Andrew Geery Chair, Children’s and Family Ministries • Doug Renick Chair, Peace and Justice Steering Committee • Jim Foudy Human Resources Coordinator • Nancy Winninger and Beverlee Orluske Angel Hearts • Jackie Cloonan Coordinator, Snow Angels and Green Angels • Nancy Winninger Coordinator, Angel Wings • Linda Ziegenbein Coordinator, Interfaith Cot Shelter Meal • Shirley Sicurello Chair, Welcome Ministry • Laura Paul Church Librarian • Laura Garcia Webmaster • Hannah Karpman and Katie Hull CrossCurrents Newsletter