August 2011 Newsletter–Guyaneseonline
August 2011 The Newsletter and Blog for Guyanese Individuals, Associations and Groups Worldwide Blog: Trinidad declares a Limited State of USA to forfeit Ed Ahmed’s assets if he Emergency to control crime is convicted for mortgage fraud (Newsday) Trinidad– August 22, 2011 August 21, 2011 - KNEWS At midnight last night (August 21, 2011, TT was placed Prosecutors in the mortgage fraud case against New under a limited state of emergency to facilitate anti- York-based Guyanese businessman Edul Ahmad has crime curfews in hot spots, as announced a few hours given notice that they will seek the forfeiture of his prop- earlier by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. erties if he is convicted. Ahmad who was indicted on ten counts relating to bank fraud could also be deported The measure specifically al- at the end of his sentence if convicted, according to a lows the 5,000 Defence Force legal source. powers of search and seizure, and of arrest, so they will be A federal grand jury in Brooklyn has returned an indict- able to better supplement the ment charging Ahmad with participating in a mortgage work of the TT Police Service, fraud scheme in which he and others fraudulently ob- she explained. Details are due tained more than $50 million in loans. today of the areas in which the curfew takes effect. Ahmad‘s indictment alleges the defendant conspired to defraud financial institutions, including Bank of New At a 15 minute news briefing at York, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, N.A., Countrywide her Phillipine home at 8 pm, Financial, Flushing Savings Bank, Fremont Investment she said the documents to ef- and Loan, HSBC Bank USA, N.A., IndyMac Bank, One fect the state of emergency — a proclamation and regu- West Bank, U.S.
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