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'Inn I VI Es- Nem WS E OOD ■ ] ANIMALS IINTHEAHIC O N T H E AiG G E N D A Hin I THE HARDWO ir up Uninvited visiisitors, are not P&Z to hear requiquests on second MagicMi Valiey boys gear high school, teenen dance club. for new basketball seasjson. B P S ' unusual in ararea homes. _________SPORTS. PAGE B l COUNTRY ROADS. PAGEPA( C l_____________________ 1_ [C 3___________________I MAGIC VALLEY, PAGE C; Good Moriiiiming _ lUESDAY HI«h;29 I ' LowlS H a y November 2 8 ,2 0 0 6 ■ i.;': ■ ^ - i ; Breezy, cold, chancoce o snow, ^ 50 cents OotaUvBO 'innes-NeWS m ™ Gourndl OS(s first phase pactfei«studi I of im[ tlic covcr ex p an sio n costs blit u loften ' ;otiatlons, like build- developi a n d it will be paid for ou t o f tlic y S7.S00 to p a y' f(for thc.initiol special negotia BybredS.HopUn capital Improvement fund or fall short when growth Iss rapid.'r phase wilh Its5 ggoal being to Ingparks.whicvhich is currently the used to d ie cliy’sreser\-e funds. Experts havc said impactict fees delermlnewhethf•thcr Im pact fees case in TWinIn FallsF and most of servicesiplngarcas and carmoi be am The second phase woulduld — which arc designedlo to align • The City arc the best optloItlon for the city the countiy.f. c a n so10 r repair or replace city caf TW IN FALLS — Tl start only If the group flndsids witli population growtli1 -— aro Council. Monday, unonlonlmotisly topayforexpansin slo n . "Il’s goingg toto b e fair to every- 'b c ttccs m o r faclUlies. T hey also die Impact fees to he the bestcst beneficial in the- longlg ru n for th e first “I d o n 't knoww Iif Impact fees one concerneirned," Councilman ing serviomiillmes be usc^ for 1 approved payment for choicc. It costs at least $5,000XW bccausc they generate m o n e y ie study of aa* the end-all,, bebe-all solution." David E. John*ihnson said. ."Fair to T liermeni." s such as Improv- sta pan of a iv/o-phose s for w M c increasing th e a m o iu n t o f Shawn Barlgar tlie citizenss tliattli are herc now. teredrviccs. by forIm each study, plus S8.000 for impact fees, which1 aiarc cosls Councilman Sh; Jd- land for building, help devevelop- some concerns, die taxpayersers here, the devel- ' Rcscarclstudy will be adminis- eachchi impact fee prognun stud­ , assessed lo developersers to covcr said. “I havc sor ro m o te ijyThoniasI’ippinofBBC ied.for ’IWln Falls would study sev­ev- ers predict costs and pro the cost of new infrasfrastfucturc , I’m concemed ababout how they opers out creatingcr( jobs and Denver: Jcs and those who Galenarch & ■ Consulting in eraleat programs. For insioncc,5, a jo b growth, like roads, water Ilnlines and will add on to the costs of opponunitics ^iopmcwhea*." wil/come occupyocc homes and and/oA/;r: Anne Wescott of sewericd impact fee would be an schools. h o m e s a n d deveic drtscan law flrma Consulting in Boise: examplecra of one program:im: BeporierJaredS.Hopkin Willl little discussion;ion. (he six O tiier opiio nIS s itinclude raising pay taxes." (Ann CBuiJcr of the Boise streeisset another. be reachcti at (208) 735-323204 or council members —_ cone vvas taxes, passing boibonds or having Impact eesfees by law are used Mone; Property taxes normallyilly jhopkiiis&magicvalley.conom . absent — voted lo10 iallocate developers andid cities make to maintainI citycif services in new. set asidim Spink Butler. exi icy for the study wjis n o t sin ide in the current budget I Increaasing aidi VI id of whit( to inctTease act;cess ifond<erian e State to propo pose Bytiieninumbers ■'T, more financiaaalaid Tbtal federel andm d s ta te fund- . li«ferstiidMtaiitaM atC S I* Iid e n ts 2 0 0 0 0 1 : $8 ,026 2 6 .3 , 6 0 for Idaho studliU C iiio 200W 2: $10.19-194.824 . ■rf, 2002-03: $12,47:472.632 ^ BytosbuPafoef 2003^: $14,06!06S.837 Tlnw»Newt wrtter ---------------- 200405: $14.17!1 7 5 ,3 5 1 2 1 7.787 T O IN FALLS — Idal'vinhnhi..,’ 200506: $12.21 ‘Totals reflect botbothneed-and ' lot to offer its young (d. The average dents, but [inancial ffulHlme enroll- . e d u ca iio n is no l o n e ol S ' “InjIM ng expens- Idalio spends about Ited to bo s tu d e n t o n nc ed s-b ase {^and . ■: , cial aid, wliile Wasl SS spends morc than $5 national average Is S: , ■ ' s S387 pur ietaiwymber-elCDfOKIwMi ‘.'■.S';, I student, lic H a M i t Within the past fivi colleges and univers slates like Utah. S( c V n " S f s S 1 ^ '.' w '' ' Washington and ^Montana JO ^. 2 .^ ' havc begun aggressiveive market- 200^ . 2. ^ Ing campaigns thai la briglitcst stu d e n ts inn lcIdaho. 200506.2.455 Alld tlieir biggestit iiincentive SeweorlDe Co/f#O/togBorSout/^I i to attra c t litem is Hnannancialaid. Idaho, niwxdalWMOepiitment A The Idaho Statei UB oard of E ducation Is w orkinglg 0on a pro- a certiffcaie o r•diplom di| a. u th e r tlM Itom Moodiy awmlm s t I m e Road netr kraoM. - posal to increase needeeds-basi'd The proposal:al knowrn as 1- ' H otw iiiutn financial aid for IdaIdaho siu- CAN (Idaho Commits( to I t ther f i v i le s fMd oa Getf Cem i denis. As opposedI tcto merit- Access Now) will/ill go before the Q r\m )ain fo r Othe]3 r s b a sed aid , w hich is awiaw arded to Legislature in lanuaryJan after the O lllJOW ' is fro sty t m e, a real p£ students based on) acacademic board discusseses it w id i Gov.- achievcmeni.needs-bis-based aid eleci Butch Otter, treat fo r SOU Is awarded based on llie stu- By Cassidydy FiFriedm u d ent's flnancial n e e d tcto pursue P lease set see AID. Page A3 TImefrNewilews writer__________________ TW IN4 BFALLS — At 12:30 p.m . M ond 11 ] r O it's snowA^ng ini like crazy. ' More)e aid or new prices'S • C ars rollingroll; down Locust Street pas:iday, J boy riding h is liike w ilh his hc FteneWaidisiiKnaytley that ends IrK r^ n g financif iiM«M dow n.' WatWatching him tlirough tumbli UR in th e hands of'colhMllaess and not make educetic ikcs and bccausc of his crumplhe ad Mitfithe efTordableforstuc 'umvenme$.^ltKMK SSiS ■ r. drivers could not sec hebling w ihfromfed- Tmreelly concern rnoneymsybeaioahfi sm iling. ipicd ,JOTnmS^he committee, he Ely^smil^ or sta te KOMflunerments.Kls dinction ofthls o ’. Alex Bunon Is happy ridingw I as •'non«h^{»ldtoln*HnsUtutkns said, «i.u>u.Min bike toJ tlthe store tlirough 28-degt ' based on tuition andd ffe e e i *We are supportinf weatlier. Dut one suspects af t B -■^son»«^'wtVtlhy ttw state Increase student f ' r y ; at the lown around him !grccti :shoukllncirMMflnandancialaM seems to me thathat we are not mSinV''! AJ.* tn A/\ Burton is nan anomalous crcalure cau(after >when.8orne unlverBltletMles charge' ' doing what we set n two opposite species: tlic youth a l the same Milch Is to Increa: te lw c c n ,v twice th e price for th e : !0ld. lUghl credtthoucForexainp^tni)le.one abONyofapmfftst pare the two extremes, oung V fuiJB iB zai . aedlt'hour of English i Boise cal education/ lue L akes B oulevard N ortli. ihei flUUrtlM lAfTV .'S tate University costatta mI m After the same me f five cars waiting in ihedrive-th anthesam e Beck. preskJent ol that) $100 more than t Walgreens pharmacy. The he:lere's credit hour oflered ata t thetl question about tul : radio’s blaring, w ipers b a t flaJ-thru if Ailett B ectik Inc. prepw n the greereead CoUflfe of SouthemYktaho. kti should be why the :e fro m w in d sh ie ld s — th e sm Kl In a Mmrstera, iatoa Sellan of As 9Rimltteeon mequttable to beg o r w h ile fl •During an Interim CoRin a moderate inconvenience lakesih M at the tHe of the'new eteMDtaiyuy tehooft to lettan a tniMfenMr. TodOdljf^ am eet»« *lfthe state haste■ W M T O lnand ' Community OoOegeam to modern technology, cansnow The n r k n n t co on cren'aDn ll caHt f x a dunce of n o « vftbitbihlfhe(25. i wherelaw- flndaweytomakilateOliaofMs “ earOerthlsmontMwhe co m p letely avoided, th a t. 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