Arxiv:1712.01760V3 [Astro-Ph.CO] 26 Jan 2018

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Arxiv:1712.01760V3 [Astro-Ph.CO] 26 Jan 2018 Instant Preheating in Quintessential Inflation with α−Attractors Konstantinos Dimopoulos,1 Leonora Donaldson Wood,1 and Charlotte Owen1 1Consortium for Fundamental Physics, Physics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YB, United Kingdom (Dated: January 29, 2018) We investigate a compelling model of quintessential inflation in the context of α-attractors, which naturally result in a scalar potential featuring two flat regions; the inflationary plateau and the quintessential tail. The \asymptotic freedom" of α-attractors, near the kinetic poles, suppresses radiative corrections and interactions, which would otherwise threaten to lift the flatness of the quintessential tail and cause a 5th-force problem respectively. Since this is a non-oscillatory inflation model, we reheat the Universe through instant preheating. The parameter space is constrained by both inflation and dark energy requirements. We find an excellent correlation between the inflationary observables and model predictions, in agreement with the α-attractors set-up. We also obtain successful quintessence for natural values of the parameters. Our model predicts potentially sizeable tensor perturbations (at the level of 1%) and a slightly varying equation of state for dark energy, to be probed in the near future. INTRODUCTION expansion, is called quintessential inflation [6]. Quintessen- tial inflation is economical in that it models both inflation One of the greatest discoveries in cosmology was that and quintessence in a common theoretical framework and the Universe is currently undergoing accelerated expansion employs a single degree of freedom. It also features some [1,2]. To account for this, Einstein's General Relativity de- practical advantages, for example the initial conditions of mands that the dominant component of the Universe con- quintessence are determined by the inflationary attractor. tent violates the strong energy condition. Assuming that it As such the infamous coincidence problem (which corre- is a barotropic fluid, its pressure must be negative enough sponds to late inflation occurring at present) is reduced to 1 a constraint on the model parameters and not on initial p < 3 ρ. Such a mysterious substance is dubbed `dark en- ergy'.− conditions. By far, the simplest choice of dark energy is vacuum den- Quintessential inflation models require the inflaton po- sity, due to a non-zero cosmological constant, for which tential energy density to survive until the present day to p = ρ. The main problem with this idea is that the re- act as dark energy. Amongst other things, this necessitates quired− value of the cosmological constant is staggeringly a reheating mechanism alternative to the standard assump- small such that the vacuum density is about 10120 times tion, in which, after the end of inflation, the inflaton field smaller than the Planck density, which corresponds to the decays into the thermal bath of the hot big bang. If in- cutoff scale of the theory. This has been called \the worst flaton decay is not considered, then reheating must occur fine-tuning in Physics".1 To overcome this, but at the ex- by other means. Different reheating alternatives to inflaton pense of introducing new Physics, there have been alterna- decay include instant preheating [7,8], curvaton reheating tive proposals put forward. [9{11] and gravitational reheating [12, 13], amongst oth- A substance which can exhibit pressure negative enough ers [14], which may or may not happen exclusively. For is a potentially dominated homogeneous scalar field. Thus, example, gravitational reheating is always present, but be- it is possible for a dynamical scalar field to drive the ac- cause it is a very inefficient mechanism it is overwhelmed celerated expansion of the Universe, therefore being a type if another reheating mechanism is present. The outcome of of dark energy. The idea has long been in use when mod- any of these reheating mechanisms must complete and lead elling cosmic inflation in the early Universe (inflationary to radiation domination well before the time of Big Bang paradigm). Mirroring the mechanism used to explain in- Nucleosynthesis (BBN). The temperature of the Universe arXiv:1712.01760v3 [astro-ph.CO] 26 Jan 2018 flation, this idea can also be applied to address the cur- when radiation domination takes over is called the reheat- rent accelerated expansion. A scalar field responsible for ing temperature Treh. Thus we need Treh 1 MeV to avoid late inflation is called quintessence; the fifth element after disturbing BBN. baryons, CDM, photons and neutrinos [3{5]. In quintessential inflation models, if reheating is not Since they are both based on the same idea, it is natu- prompt, a period of kination exists, where the kinetic den- ral to attempt to unify cosmic inflation with quintessence. sity of the inflaton is the dominant energy density in the Indeed, the mechanism in which a scalar field is both driv- Universe. During this period, the non-decaying mode for ing primordial inflation and causing the current accelerated gravitational waves is not suppressed and this produces a spike in the gravitational wave spectrum at high frequen- cies. The energy density of these gravitational waves may be large enough to disturb the BBN process. As such it is 1 by Laurence Krauss. constrained and provides an upper limit on the duration of kination. This, in turn, is a lower bound on the reheating missible. We investigate this issue in detail, but conserva- temperature. tively choose to avoid super-Planckian values for our non- The scalar potential in quintessential inflation typically canonical inflation field in our treatment. features two flat regions, which when traversed by the scalar We start with an overview of the model before noting field, result in accelerated expansion, provided that the how a change of reheating mechanism affects the num- scalar field dominates the Universe. These are called the ber of remaining inflationary e-folds since observable scales inflationary plateau and the quintessential tail and can lead left the horizon during primordial inflation. We calculate to the primordial and current accelerated expansion respec- the inflationary observables before investigating how the tively. Thus, the required potential is of runaway type, with quintessence requirements determine the parameter space the global minimum displaced at infinity, where the vacuum in a model with instant preheating. density is zero. The form of the quintessential potential is We use natural units, where c = ~ = 1 and −2 non trivial, especially since the two plateaus differ by more Newton's gravitational constant is 8πG = mP , with 18 100 mP = 2:43 10 GeV being the reduced Planck mass. than a factor of 10 in energy density. Consequently, one × needs to use a theoretical framework that is valid at both these extreme energy scales. THE MODEL A compelling way to naturally generate a scalar poten- tial with the desired two plateaus is the idea of α-attractors, The Scalar Potential which is heavily used in inflationary model building [15{37]. Recently, we have presented a new quintessential inflation We consider the following model: model along these lines [38]. Our model is in excellent agreement for inflationary observables with the CMB ob- = kin + V + Λ ; (1) servations [39]. In our paper in Ref. [38] we utilised the L L L where kin is the kinetic Lagrangian density, V is the po- mechanism of gravitational reheating to reheat the Uni- L L verse after inflation, in alignment with the economy of the tential Lagrangian density and Λ is a cosmological constant. quintessential inflation idea. However, gravitational reheat- The kinetic Lagrangian density is ing is notoriously inefficient, with a very low reheating tem- 1 (@φ)2 4 2 perature of approximately T 10 GeV. As a result, kin = 2 ; (2) reh L φ 2 ∼ (1 6αm2 ) the spike of gravitational waves due to kination is large − P enough to challenge the BBN process. This is the price to where α > 0 is a parameter. This is the standard, non- pay for economy. In this paper we generalise our approach canonical form in the context of α-attractors [15{18]. It and employ the instant preheating mechanism to reheat can be realised in supergravity theories, when the K¨ahler the Universe. Thus, we envisage a coupling between our manifold is not trivial, such that kin features poles, char- scalar field with some other degree of freedom such that, acterised by the α parameter. L after the end of inflation, the rapid variation of the infla- For the potential Lagrangian density, we consider a sim- ton's expectation value leads to non-perturbative particle ple exponential function (possibly due to gaugino conden- production, which generates the radiation bath of the hot sation [42{44]). Thus, we have big bang. The process is modulated by the coupling con- −κφ/mP stant g. If g is small enough, instant preheating becomes V = V (φ) = V0e : (3) comparable to gravitational reheating. Thus, in general we − L 4 where κ is a parameter (without loss of generality, we con- consider Treh > 10 GeV. sider κ > 0) and V0 is a constant density scale. The setup of α-attractors also has another beneficial con- In an effort to minimise its potential density, the ex- sequence, apart from generating the potential plateaus. It pectation value of the field φ grows in time. However, it has to do with the suppression of radiative corrections near cannot cross the poles at p6α mP [15{18]. Thus, starting the poles (so along the plateaus), which otherwise threaten in-between the poles, we± expect that it finally approaches to lift the flatness of the quintessential tail, as well as the p the value φ + 6α mP, which correspondsp to non-zero suppression of interactions, which would otherwise generate ! −κ 6α potential density V (p6α mP) = V0e . a 5th-force problem for quintessence. Both these problems We assume that, due to an unknown symmetry, the vac- plague models of quintessence and quintessential inflation uum density is zero.
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