Terrestrial Analogs 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2595) 8023.pdf FJORD-HEAD DELTAS IN FINNMARK, NORWAY: ANALOGS FOR PALEOLAKE FAN-DELTAS IN XANTHE TERRA, MARS. J. Wolak Luna1, K. Crane2, and G. D. Corner3; 1Department of Earth Sciences, Tennessee Tech University, 1 William L. Jones Drive, Cookeville, TN, 38505,
[email protected], 2Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University, 3Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Introduction: Fjord-head deltas are a subset of fan- on the surface of the delta plain, and channel widths deltas that form in subarctic to arctic latitudes on Earth. range from 30-70m. Wave-cut terraces are uplifted They are characterized by a prism of sediment deposited adjacent to the modern Björnnes fan surface, which at the mouth of a canyon or feeder channel debouching suggests a history of base level fall linked to local into a deep marine fjord [1, 2]. Most fjord-head deltas isostatic rebound [6, 7]. Terrestrial and martian orbital show classic Gilbert-type delta profiles and measure imagery shows lineations that cross-cut feeder canyons <10km in diameter. They demonstrate a change from on Earth and Mars. These features are likely tectonic, subaerial processes on the delta plain to subaqueous implying that structural deformation controls the processes on the delta slope and toe [3]. channel pathway and volume of sediment available for Assuming a cold and wet Mars scenario [4], fjord- these fan-delta systems. head deltas on Earth may be analogous to fan-deltas Future Work: Given that fjord-head deltas preserve formed in crater paleolakes on Mars.