WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

W I N N I P E G S Y M P H O N Y O R C H E S T R A A l e x a n d e r M i c k e l t h w a t e , M u s i c D i r e c t o r


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ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS July 15, 2009 4:00 pm | The Centennial Centre Corporation | Piano Nobile level | 555 Main Street | Manitoba

1 A l e x a n d e r M i c k e l t h w a t e , M u s i c D i r e c t o r

Mission To provide exceptional musical experiences for Manitobans.

2020 Vision • The WSO will be an internationally recognized model of artistic excellence and community relevance. • Structural pillars that include:

 excellent musicians  innovative programs  strong leadership  diversified revenue streams  solid financial foundation

Strategies: for 2008 - 2013 • To build the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s governance, artistic, and operational capacity. • To build the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s community (artists and audience) through education and outreach • To identify and deliver expanded opportunities to bring music into people’s lives. • To enhance the ability of musicians to live and thrive in the community.

Values  Artistic Excellence  Community Leadership  Organizational Strength  Innovation  Stewardship  Inclusion  Entrepreneurship  Respect  Collaboration

WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


 Dorothy Dobbie I am happy to report that this has been another wonderful year and that we are very pleased that our team – the orchestra, the administration and the board – has been able to pull together and produce a number of firsts again this year.

The highlight, and there were several, was the first Annual Indigenous Festival in April. Our curator, Andrew Balfour in collaboration with Eagle and Hawk and Maestro Alexander Mickelthwate, did a wonderful job in producing what was truly a magical week – the first event of its kind where our two cultures came together to create something new and exciting. We are thrilled with its success and Alexander and folks from the Aboriginal community are already hard at work, planning an even bigger event next year. I’d like to thank the minister, the Hon. Eric Robinson, for his support and encouragement. And I hear Vince Fontaine has a new career, planning gigs with other orchestras now that he has the orchestration for his music! Way to go, Vince.

I would also like to congratulate composer in residence, Vincent Ho, on a successful and innovative New Music Festival last season and winning CBC’s People’s Choice award for his composition, Nature Whispers.

Another highlight was the launch last September of our very own radio show, Musically Speaking, courtesy of CJOB. It is hosted by Maestro Alexander Mickelthwate and Trudy Schroeder, our hardworking executive director and together they have created a growing audience. I’d like to thank Trudy and Alexander who do this for us on a volunteer basis and I’d especially like to thank CJOB Manager Garth Buchko and news director Vic Grant for their faith in us and for giving us this opportunity. I believe that this is the first orchestra in North America to host such a weekly show.

A third highlight was the world premiere of the “I Believe” concert to mark the Holocaust, produced in conjunction with Zane Zalis and the Jewish community of Winnipeg. I’d especially like to mention the support of Arnold Freeman of Advance Electronics, who worked so tirelessly to make the event a huge success. We send our best wishes for success to Zane as he markets the concert around the world.

The annual conductor’s symposium was another hit this year. It helped us to choose a new resident conductor, Richard Lee, who you will meet this fall. Richard Lee, who is a Canadian from the Quebec Symphony Orchestra, will

2 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season replace the popular Rei Hotoda, who completed her term with us this spring and who has gone to work with the Dallas Symphony.

In addition to these special highlights, we had several sold-out concerts in Winnipeg this year. Our audience in Brandon is once again growing. I am happy to report that, over all, our seat sales are up 10% over last year, so everyone is clearly doing something right.

I would like to acknowledge and thank our funders, the Canada Council, Canadian Heritage, the Province of Manitoba, the City of Winnipeg, Arts Stabilization Manitoba Inc., the Winnipeg Foundation and our many private sector donors, including IMRIS, the Scotia Bank and the Richardson Foundation. The Women’s committee, under the able leadership of President Lesia Peet, has made a huge contribution as always and it is much appreciated. Thank you as well to all our volunteers.

Of all the good news about this year, the best is that we produced an operating surplus of $18,000 in spite of the difficult economy. This is a credit to our hard working and dedicated team including our musicians, our board and our administration. The musicians and the maestro receive credit for their always excellent musical presentations; the Board for both its direction and its fundraising efforts; and our administration, led by Trudy Schroeder, for being the glue that holds everything together and makes good decisions about managing the operation.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Bill and Shirley Loewen for their appointment as our directors emeriti. I would also like to announce the formation of the President’s Advisory Committee and to congratulate those who have been appointed to this body. This committee will be made up of members who have been of service to the WSO over the years and will recognize the wisdom and experience they have still to contribute.

Thank you all for your continued support and confidence in the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.

Dorothy Dobbie President & Chair, Board of Directors

3 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


 Trudy Schroeder As I try to consider the past year in an overall picture, I have a sense of a remarkable kaleidoscope of people, programs, music, opportunities, triumphs and challenges. The overarching impression I am left with is of an organization of remarkable versatility. The WSO very clearly has a desire to serve its community in new and innovative ways while also firmly being connected to and committed to the traditions and artistic richness of past generations of symphonic musical creation.

From the planning, preparations and learning process of the 2008 summer season to the intensity and unrelenting pace of the fall and winter season, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra has become a remarkable shape shifting organization that reconfigures and deploys with astounding versatility. The musicians and administrative staff with the direction, support and oversight of the board of directors change focus and move from one program to other forms many times over the course of the year.

From 20 th anniversary concerts at the Forks through a fully engaged series of education programs to film presentations ranging from Joan of Arc through to The Bear. The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s New Music Festival in itself provides more concerts and more variation of program than many music organizations are able to deliver in one full year of programming. The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra delivers incredible value to its community through commitment to youth and education, to outreach and inclusion, and to maintaining a strong symphonic presence in Manitoba’s rural communities.

The most important measure of our success as an organization is our ability to return value to the community that supports and provides a home for this institution. The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra provides this value to the community in multiple and measurable forms. The WSO welcomed hundreds of excited young people to full participation in an extraordinary performance of Carmina Burana in our Rising Stars concert program in February and performed in dozens of schools and hospitals and day care centres.

Throughout the year there have been a whole series of firsts for the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, and I believe that is a measure of the full intention to take every step necessary to be fully relevant and engaged in its community. Noteworthy first ventures include the first Indigenous Festival, the Rising Stars program, the I Believe project, the Musically Speaking radio program on CJOB, the baroque series in conjunction with Virtuosi Concerts and the summer series. Continuing commitment to innovation exists in our 18 th New Music Festival, the 2nd International Conducting Symposium, the second annual spring gala, and the series of house concerts that were held during the year.

4 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

Overall, the sheer volume and intensity of the WSO’s year is somewhat astonishing. In this, my first season on the staff of the WSO, I have been so thankful for the hard work and competence of a dedicated administrative staff, the support and guidance of the board of directors, the generosity and commitment of the volunteers, sponsors, donors, funders and patrons of the WSO, and the truly wonderful opportunity to work with the charming and talented Alexander Mickelthwate and talented musicians of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.

At the close of this 61 st season of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra we can proudly say that we have served our community well, advanced the art form, and truly been connected in the most important ways with an ongoing tradition of great music and musicians in Manitoba.

Trudy Schroeder Executive Director


It is with true pride and gratitude toward the entire organization of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra that I submit my report of a highly successful 08/09 season.

As the artistic mind behind the entire orchestra it is of utmost importance for me to find an exciting balance between repertoire that stretches the imagination and skill set of the orchestra and the audience and music that has proven itself part of everyday knowledge and admiration of us here in the 21st century. And, in trying to find a healthy balance between traditional ways of presenting concerts and new ways in connecting with different parts of the  Alexander Mickelthwate community and making a real impact in the 'every day lives' of people.

In my opinion music (classical, jazz, pops, you name it) has true, tangible, almost magical power to take the listener and touch him or her in a very personal way that catapults him out of his life into something that goes way beyond our physical senses. To me this gives tremendous satisfaction and it is something that always will draw an audience. And it is something that our fast-paced pop- culture will never be able to compete with because of it's lack of depth. So we all here are in the real business of touching and changing lives!

5 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

Last season brought several masterworks to Winnipeg that hadn't been performed before in Manitoba. I'm thinking of beautifully and heartfelt readings of our orchestra of Sibelius' Lemminkainen , Messiaens' Turangalila Symphony and Mahler's Symphony No. 6 . Together with several classical blockbusters like Beethoven's symphonies no. 7, 8 and 9 and pieces like Holst The Planets and Mussorgskies Pictures at an Exhibition , it created a season that helped draw more audiences.

It was through imaginative programming in the New Music Festival with our movie night, the breathtaking percussion ensemble Scrap Arts Music and a concert of newly invented instruments that for the first time ever the festival financially broke even. Vincent Ho, our composer in residence and co-curator was doing absolutely heroic work. Thanks for all your ideas and follow-through. It is testimony to a healthy and courageous organization to look for new ways of artistic expression and to become more meaningful to its community.

Last season we started 2 new endeavors that became the water-cooler talk of the city. First we started a new annual concert called Rising Stars, where we drew over 300 choristers of many different schools plus the entire Winnipeg Youth Orchestra performing Carmina Burana with the WSO to a sold out Centennial Concert Hall. The musicians of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra truly became the heroes of a whole new generation of young music lovers. Secondly we saw the inaugural concerts of our new annual Indigenous Festival. We presented 4 nights of music and film rooted in the Indigenous history of Manitoba, Canada and our world. Judging by the feedback, this was a historic event in Canada and judging by the audience it was also a first. Thanks to composer and co-curator Andrew Balfour whose music transformed all of us at Thunderbird House and who was a perfect link between the different cultures. For our final concert of the Festival we had an audience cheering for Eagle and Hawk AND the WSO.

To me personally the organization grew last year to a highly flexible and creative organism that could become the model of symphonic organizations of the 21 st century. I want to comment on the honest team spirit in all decision making from the programming committees of the orchestra, to the curators of the festivals, and to all the staff.

At the core of it all stands of course the outstanding music making of our orchestra. I want to thank those 65 musicians who played many memorable performances. To me the orchestra's playing of Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra, Messiaens Turangalila and Tchaikovsky's and Mahlers 6 symphonies stand out and I want to commend everybody for their dedication and beautiful playing.

I would like to specifically mention Doug Bairstow (principal oboe) who finished his career with the orchestra after 44 years of very dedicated music making. We will see several new faces next season: a new principal oboe, assistant principal cello, assistant principal second violin and a new assistant conductor. I am 6 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season personally very excited that we were able to attract such a high caliber of musicians.

Our international conducting master-class continued to attract lots of applications for the 12 active spots and with master teacher Larry Rachlef and acting coach Debbie Divine we were able to give back by teaching and giving advice for the next generation of music directors.

My highlight every year is of course Up close and Orchestral , where we connect with several fantastic high schools throughout Winnipeg. To me this is just the beginning. The amazing thing about creativity is that it is exactly that – creative and that means it is endless and full of fun and joy and beauty, and that is exactly what is touching lives.

At the end I want to thank our outgoing assistant conductor Rei Hotoda for 3 years of dedication and beautiful music making.

I am truly honored in being the music director of this organization and I'm looking with absolute excitement and joy to the future.

Alexander Mickelthwate Music Director

7 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


The Organization had a very successful year on many levels as described in above reports. Financially it was also a success ending with an operating surplus for the 2008/09 fiscal year of $18K. During the year the WSO also received the first installment from the Arts Stabilization Manitoba of $100K. The combination of both reduced our Fund Balances deficit from $(337K) in 2007/08 to $(218K) in 2008/09.

The operation of a professional symphony orchestra is fragile at the best of times but currently the WSO looks well placed to build on the foundation laid down over the past two years. This foundation is built on the innovation evidenced by the new projects started in the past year that will continue into the future; the Summer Season, the Indigenous Festival, the Conductors Symposium, and the focus on Education and Outreach.

For the coming season the WSO has again budgeted for a small surplus. This is expected to be attained through a more marketable program in our Pops series increasing ticket sales plus rebuilding the fund raising program spearheaded by our new Director of Development.

There will always be challenges but currently the organization is strong largely due to a strong cooperative spirit between the stakeholders of the organization including among others the Musicians, Staff and Board.

I would like to express the appreciation of the Board, musicians and staff to BCCA LLP the auditors of the WSO for the past 6 years, especially Ryan Peterson the manager of our annual audit. As a cost saving exercise the WSO put out a tender for the annual audit of the WSO in February this year. Five quotes were received. The successful bid was from the firm of Runchey Miyazawa Abbot.

Respectively submitted,

Muriel Smith 2nd Vice-President & Chair, Finance & Audit Committee

8 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


Retiring Directors The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors has received the resignations of the following Directors:

1. Wally Fox-Decent 2. Sherrill Hershberg 3. Bill Knight 4. Dr. Hermann Lee

On behalf of the Board, musicians and staff, I would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to each of these Directors for their efforts on behalf of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra during their respective terms of office.

New Nominations New nominations are being proposed for election to the WSO Board of Directors as follows:

1. Irene Merie 2. Greg Doyle 3. William (Bill) Shead

Respectively submitted,

Dr. Brendan MacDougall Past President & Chair, Governance & Nominating Committee


We would like to thank all of our corporate and private donors, sponsors and government funders for their support. Over 150 businesses in Manitoba demonstrated once again how important the WSO is to our city and our province through their donations to our Corporate Campaign and through gifts-in kind. We thank them for their commitment to the WSO. A very special thanks to our Sponsors for their leadership support last year and this coming season.

On behalf of the board, musicians and staff of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra I would like to salute the Women’s Committee who work tirelessly throughout the season in support of the organization. Thank you for your dedication.

Respectively submitted,

Ed Martens 1st Vice-President & Chair, Development & Fundraising Committee

9 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Endowment Fund Dr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw Barwinsky In Memory of Madeleine Suzanne Gauvin Fred & Karen Nicholson Blumie & Iser Portnoy Endowment Fund, In Memory of Jessica Bernardin Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Parrish through the Jewish Foundation R. & J. Lewis Dr. & Mrs. M.R. Steinbart Ms. Marion Bruno Kathleen Lovelace Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Stothers 3 Anonymous Robin MacMillan Mrs. C.M. Valentine Mr. Ray Davis Jim MacNair in Memory of Mae Barbara Main In Memory of Graham Dixon Miss Helene Dyck James Manishen In Memory of Evelyn Turner Irene Groot-Koerkamp & Greg Edmond Ms. Lori Marks In Memory of Diane Bairstow Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Mrs. Jean H. McLennan Women's Committee of the Winnipeg In Memory of Bente Cunnings In Memory of Edward "Bud" Harlow Symphony Orchestra

Corporate Partners Resident Artist Gendis Inc. Number Ten Architectural Group between 10000.00 and 24999.00 Peerless Garments LP Piston Ring Service Corus Entertainment Inc. Premier Printing Ltd. Pitblado LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Pollard Banknote Limited Principal Chair Red River Co-Operative Ltd. between 5000.00 and 9999.00 Music Stand Silpit Industries Co. Ltd Johnston Group Inc. between 500.00 and 999.00 The Smith Agency Ltd. National Leasing Belton Financial Services Ltd. Qualico Florence & Sheldon Berney Riser Birchwood Automotive Group between 250.00 and 499.00 Assistant Principal Chair Coghlan's Limited The Manitoba Teachers' Society between 2500.00 and 4999.00 Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd. Patill/St. James Insurance J.K. Investments Ltd. Deloitte Foundation E.H. Price Limited Donor Orchestra Chair InterGroup Consultants Ltd. between 0.01 and 249.99 between 1000.00 and 2499.00 Lawton Partners Ancast Industries Ltd. Cambrian Credit Union Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Donald M. Ross, Fraser & Partners Dormond Industries Manitoba's Credit Unions Gunn's Bakery

New Music Festival Club Aubrey & Linda Asper Mrs. Koren Kaminski Ron & Sandi Mielitz Mrs. Anne England Kozub/Halldorson Family Ms. Sheila Miller Anonymous T.G. Kucera Mrs. Brenda Morlock Paul & Nel Henteleff Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lambert Margaret Moroz Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Ms. Kathleen Leathers Lesia Peet Richard & Karen Howell Dr. Brendan MacDougall Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope Dr. Keith Davies Jones & Dr. Gwyneth Jones Douglas MacEwan Mr. Doug Shewfelt Ms. Teresa Martin Karin Woods

Share the Music Gorden Andrus & Adele Kory Mr. Adam Geras Peter Miller Richard Arcand M. & G. Crielaard Corinne Platonov Assiniboine Credit Union In Honour of Liz Kristjanson Carolynne Presser Andrew Horatio Budyk Catherine Harrison In Memory of Agnes Travis In Memory of Raymond Crossman In Memory of Peter D. Curry Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Taylor Barbara Cook Investors Group Ross & Bette Jayne Taylor Mr. Robert Vineberg

10 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Maestro’s Circle Platinum Baton Dr. John & Mrs. Leah Bracken Ted & Wanda Lismer $25,000 + Doneta & Harry Brotchie Dr. Judith Littleford Bill & Shirley Loewen Herb & Erna Buller John Loewen Kori & Cynthia Buhler Suzanne & Graham Lount Gold Baton Timothy & Barbara Burt Dr. David Lyttle $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. Jim Carr Ed & Pat Martens Mr. Robert Chipman Ron & Sandi Mielitz Dr. Brendan MacDougall Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Irena Cohen Ken & Judy Murray Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope James Cohen & Linda McGarva-Cohen Ted & Mary Paetkau

Art & Leona DeFehr Wayne & Linda Paquin Silver Baton Faye Dixon Gerald D. Parkinson $5,000 - $9,999 Dorothy Dobbie Harvey & Sylvia Pollock Carol Bellringer & Greg Doyle Dr. Glen Drobot Mr. & Mrs. G.V. Price Morley & Marjorie Blankstein Fund, through Harold & Judith Dueck John & Violet Rademaker the Jewish Foundation Marten & Joanne Duhoux Dr. Diane Ramsey Muriel Smith Douglas C. Everett, Chairman, Domo Gasoline Dr. Donald S. Reimer & Mrs. Anne Reimer Corporation Limited Hartley & Heather Richardson Concertmaster's Bow Philipp R. & Ilse K. Ens Jim & Leney Richardson $2,500 - $4,999 Judy Fields Mrs. Shirley Richardson Babs Asper Ms. Barbara Filuk Edward Richmond Joyce & Margaret Beggs Dr. & Mrs. Albert D. Friesen Mr. Rick Riess & Mrs. Jean Carter Bill & Margaret Fast David & Evelyn Friesen Mr. & Mrs. H. Sanford Riley Gail Asper & Michael Paterson Mrs. Minnie Friesen In Memory of Geraldine L. Robinson Mr. Frank Fred Gladky Rudy & Edith Friesen Tamara & Garry Roehr Mrs. Audrey F. Hubbard Dr. & Mrs. Percy Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard & Helga Roehr Kevin & Els Kavanagh Dr. & Mrs. W. L. Gordon Trudy Schroeder & Norman Dyck Leonard & Susan Asper Drs. Daya & Chander Gupta Cheryl & Lorne Sharfe Drs. Eleanor & Grant MacDougall Ray & Lynne-Anne McFeetors Jack & Elaine Sine Michael Nozick & Cheryl Ashley Mrs. Elba Haid Dudley & Eleanor Thompson Frank & Jeanne Plett Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Hawkins Ian R. Thomson & Leah R. Janzen Lawrie & Fran Pollard Dane & Sherrill Hershberg Arni Thorsteinson & Susan Glass George & Tannis Richardson Richard & Carol Jones Mr. Richard Turner, in Memory of Graham Jimmy & Morse Silden Mr. Daren Jorgenson Dixon Mr. John Thistlethwaite Ian A. Kay Edward & Irene Warkentin Michael & Glenna Kay Professor A.M.C. Waterman Black Tie Peter Kroeker & Alvina Block Don & Florence Whitmore $1,500 - $2,499 Hon. Otto Lang & Madame Justice Deborah Klaus & Elsa Wolf Aubrey & Dr. Linda Asper McCawley Klaus and Dorit Wrogemann Mr. Jim Barrett Jack & Zina Lazareck Ivy & Norval Young Birks Inc. Dr. Hermann K. Lee Mrs. Lucienne Blouw Paul Leinburd

Friends Symphony Mr. Abdo A. El Tassi Mrs. Marina Plett-Lyle $600.00 - $1499 Carrie Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. Phil Poon Delores Gembey Dr. & Mrs. Brian Postl William & Irmgard Baerg Robert & Linda Gold Dr. & Mrs. J.L. Rabson Len & Mary Bateman Gwen Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. N.W. Reilander Reesor & Norma Bingeman Michael & Hélène Hoffer Jim & Pat Richtik David & Jillian Bird June & Lawrence Jones Justice & Mrs. Charles & Naida Rubin Mrs. Dorothy Black Millie & Wally Kroeker Olga & Bill Runnalls Gerry & Lorraine Cairns W.K. Labies Bill & Winnifred Sim Bruno Gossen & Solange Chabannes Fraser & Joan Linklater Ms. Inga Storgaard Ms. Patricia Chaychuk Terry & Vi Moore Miss Inga Storgaard Dr. & Mrs. V. Chernick Bonnie & Richard Olfert Dr. & Mrs. Willem T.H. van Oers Jan & Kevin Coates Blair & Kari Parker Raymond & Shirley Wiest Dr. & Mrs. C. Dawes Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Parrish 2 Anonymous John & Gay Docherty

11 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Friends (cont.)

Concerto $300.00 - $599.00 George & Gladys Oelkers Ron Clement Margaret M. Adams Carol Paradine Con-Pro Industries Judy & Jay Anderson Shelley Parham & David Smith Mrs. Joyce Cooper Gorden Andrus & Adele Kory Blanche Parsons Irene Crofts Margaret-Lynne & Jim Astwood Mrs. G.T. Pearson Gary & Fiona Crow Ms. Margaret Barbour Mrs. Betty Peddie Ted & Margaret Cuddy Cheryl & Earl Barish Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Pelletier Ms. Linda Daniels Monty & Marie-Claire Bell Vic & Gwen Pinchin Bob & Alison Darling Mr. & Mrs. C.R. Betts Donna & Ian Plant W.C. Davies Reesor & Norma Bingeman Mr. Douglas A. Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Dingman Mrs. Dorothy Black Douglas A. Pollard Sally R. Dowler Mr. Jim Bracken Mrs. Delia Power John & Ada Ducas Sheila & David Brodovsky Carolynne Presser Miss Helene Dyck Dee & Harold Buchwald, C.M., Q.C. Rosemary Prior Mr. & Mrs. W. Easton Mr. & Mrs. F. Buckmaster Michelle Redekopp & Kenneth Kulchyski Clifford & Kathleen Edwards Elizabeth Buggey J E Louanne Reid George B. Elias Gerry & Lorraine Cairns Jim & Pat Richtik Miss Tina Enns Laura Campbell The Hon. & Mrs. Duff Roblin Ken & Connie Epp Gail Carruthers Bruce Roe & Margo Lane Margaret E. Faber Dr. & Mrs. V. Chernick Donald & Karen Ross Mrs. B.B. Fast Dr. & Mrs. David Connor Merrill & Shayna Shulman Margaret & Bob Ferguson Barbara Cook E. Stamp Dr. Jeannette Filion-Rosset Arthur Cramer & Darlene Stewart Harold & Brenda Standing Marcia Fleisher & Kelly MacDonald Mr. Ray Crossman Curtis & Lorane Steiman Doug & Phyllis Flint Ted & Margaret Cuddy Dr. & Mrs. M.R. Steinbart Mrs. Evelyn Forget Cameron & Tanya Derksen Walter & Margaret Swayze Reg Friend Timothy Dewart & Denise Marks Lee Treilhard Arnold & Christa Froese Kevin & Pam Friesen Susan & Kerr Twaddle Harold & Alice Funk Adrian Frost Mr. Peter van Dijken Eileen George Penny Gilbert Robert & Shawna Visch Harry & Mary Giesbrecht Marj & Gil Goodman Mrs. Gwen M. Welsh Dr. & Mrs. L.C. Graham Marjory Graham Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Heather Williams George & Marilyn Grant Mrs. Harold W. Grant Harry & Evelyn Wray Larry & Sue Greer Patricia Guy 6 Anonymous Lucien Guenette, C.A. Julie Hancher Mr. & Mrs. Allan & Audrey Harburn Mary & Gregg Hanson Serenade $150.00 - $299.00 Harry & Sylvia Haywood-Monk Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. J. Harvey Larry & Evelyn Hecht Ross & Doreen Adamson Mr. Daniel Heindl Mrs. S. Heuring Trish Allison-Simms Elsie Hignell Bob & Biddy Hilton Mrs. Dorothy Armstrong Sonia & Harvey Hosfield Jim Hiscott S. Attwood & M. Dupuis Helmut & Dorothy Huebert Nicolaas & Pearl Hogeveen Mr. Murray & Mrs. Isabel Auld Robert Jaskiewicz Mr. & Mrs. J.K. Holland Ray & Barb Bailey Mr. Leroy M. Johnson N.J. & L.J. Holliday George & Eleanore Balacko Marianne Johnson Roberta & Larry Hurtig Dr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw Barwinsky David & Diane Johnston Investors Groups Mathching Gift Program Dick & Minnie Bell Penny & Gerald Kalef Ms. Helen Isaak Ruth Bellan, through the Jewish Foundation Koren & Leonard Kaminski Rudy & Gail Isaak Archie & Teresa Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Burton J Kennedy Wilfred & Dorothy James Mr. & Mrs. Benson Dr. I Kinizsi Robert Jaskiewicz Audrey & Barry Bermack Ms. Heather Kirkham Mr. Frank D. Jefferson Mark & Zita Bernstein Family Foundation Susan & Keith Knox Drs. Keith & Gwyneth Jones Helga & Gerhard Bock T.G. Kucera J. Gartner & L. Kampeas Mr. & Mrs. A.K. Bolton M.L. Kuntzemueller Henry & Dena Katz Frances Booth Mr. & Mrs. Jack Levit Bruce King & Louise Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. Penny & Sheldon Bowles James & Pat Ludwig Ms. Heather Kirkham Mrs. Jean M. Bradley In the Memory of Lisa Lugtig Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Kirkland Ms. Marion Bruno Robert Mondy Ms. Mary Klassen Mrs. Kimberley Burfoot Mrs. Sharon Mooney Ms. Janet Kuchma Sel & Chris Burrows Margaret Moroz Lillian & Ernest Kushniaryk John & Lois Cameron Mrs. J.E. Morris Melissa La Forme Mrs. Mary C. Campbell Drs. Kenneth & Sharon Mould Ms. Teena Laird

12 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Friends (cont.) Viola J. Schultz-Ridge M.E. Carr Serenade - continued Dr. Marvin & Emily Shane Dorothy & Bob Carswell Gwen Shelvey Mr. Ray Catellier Ms. Phyllis Law Michael & Lena Shewchuk Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Causley Mr. Don Lawrence Mr. Robert Skinner Dr. Jong Chang Mr. Norman Leathers Ms. Brenda Snider Carol Chapman Rod & Ann Ledwich Gordon & Darby Spafford Naomi & Jack Chapman, Q.C. Mr. & Mrs. H.F. Leggett Mr. & Mrs. R.P. Spear Ms. Shirley Chase Mrs. Myrna H. Levin Mr. & Mrs. A.E. Stanton Saul Cherniack & Myra Wolch Yetta and Jack Levit Ms. Margaret Stevenson Mrs. Leona Christiansen Tom & Lovie Liewicki William & Peggy Stewart Barbara Coghlan Rose & Dick Lim Margaret & Hartley Stinson Alex & Peggy Colonello Wendell & Eleanor Lind Miss Evelyn M. Stoddart Ms. Marcella Copp Ann Loewen Dr. Lea Stogdale Joyce & Lawrence Cormack Lloyd & Joyce Loewen Dr. V. Marie Storrie Ms. Helle Cosby Royden & Mary-Ann Loewen Mrs. Ruby T. Swartz Mrs. E. Craig Long & McQuade Dr. & Mrs. David Swatek Ms. Ruth Crook Lawrence & Alice Lu Dr. & Mrs. John Taylor Mrs. Hannah Cross K.J. Lyons & C.E. Simcoe Leslie John Taylor Fund, the Winnipeg Rev. & Mrs. W. A. Cross Ms. Christie J. MacDonald Foundation Kathleen Crowston Jim & Mae MacNair Mr. & Mrs. Bruce S. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Cunningham Pat & Murray Macrae C. & R. Thomsen Mr. & Mrs. H. Lewis Dahl Dr. & Mrs. A.G. Macrodimitris Dr. & Mrs. J.M. Trainor Alonzo & Lise Daley Mark & Gloria Mancini Lee Treilhard Mrs. Daphne Davidson Elaine & Neil Margolis Hugo & Anny Veldhuis Mrs. Sheila M. Davis Tamira & Cornelius Martens Dr. & Mrs. F.C. Violago Jack & Mary Davison Ruth May Joyce & Sidney Waldron F. De Grazia Mr. & Mrs. W.G. McCrie Pat & Peter Walker Marilyn Derksen & Merle Neufeld D. McKay Mrs. Marion Wallace Ms. Janice Dietch Glen Mead Douglas & Janet Watson Mary Dixon Margaret & Fred Mooibroek Mrs. Phyllis Watson Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Donna Donald Ruth Moore Ms. Donna Webb Oscar & Lois Domke Valinda Morris Mr. Alphonso Weekes In Memory of Diane Dowling Margaret Morse Mr. J.P. Whitlaw David Downie Bill & Hilda Muir Herb and Shirley Wildeman Dr. F P. Doyle Mrs. E. J. Nebbs Elma & Charles Wilson Herbert Driver Ms. Joan E. Nolting Melanie Wood Ernest & Lorraine Dueck Truus Oliver Karin Woods Kobus & Corne Du Preez Theda Olson 22 Anonymous Mrs. Dorothy Easton Carole & Cam Osler Bill & Anne Edge Mr. Terry Panych Prelude $75.00 - $149.00 John & Martha Enns Mr. William S. Parrish Patricia Allen Don & Martha Epstein Mrs. G.T. Pearson Tatiana Arcand Mr. A.F. Eshmade Don Browne & Lesia Peet Doug Arrell & Dick Smith Janet Evans Margaret & Peter Peters Jack Atchison Pearl R. Eyford Ms. Danuta Podkomorska Allan & Rochelle Baker Frances Faber Mr. & Mrs. Ron Polinsky Robert Barton Greg & Linda Fearn Ms. Cornelia Pope Mrs. Margaret Bellhouse Ms. D. Ferraton Mr. & Mrs. Sam Potter Mrs. Audrey Belyea Doug & Phyllis Flint Tim Preston & Dave Ling Eric Bergen Doug & Joanne Flynn Mavis & Mayer Rabkin Madeleine Bernier Ms. Judith Flynn Mrs. Evelyn Ramsay Donald & Edith Besant Margaret Follett Mary Redekopp Balram & Carole Bhakar Alan & Gail Forrest Reynold & Esther Redekopp William & Heather Birtles Mr. Lloyd Friedman Ms. Marjorie Reed Judy Boldt & Ken Friesen Harold & Alice Funk George & Lois Reenders Marnie Bolland Mrs. Margaret Funk J. Reichert Pat Bolton Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Evelyn Gardner Ms. Iris Reimer Brian & Bev Born Deborah L. Ginther Levi & Tena Reimer Brenda Bracken-Warwick & Ken Warwick Joyce & Bob Gladding Gina Rempel & Paul Shelton Miss Shirley Bradshaw Ms. Diane Gooch Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Richardson Mr. & Mrs. A.D. Brady Miss Margaret Goodman George & Pearl Richert Ruth & Kris Breckman Mr. Joe A. Graham Dr. Ron Richert Mrs. Ruth Bredin Donna Grescoe Dojack Mrs. Tracy Ridley Lorne & Rosada Bride Dr. Hilary Grocott & Ms. Shivaun Berg Dr. Walter & Mrs. Rozalia Rohalsky Ms. Evelyn Bridgeman Irene Groot-Koerkamp & Greg Edmond Lucien Roy Mr. Robert Briercliffe Ms. Joyce Grose Judge & Mrs. Charles & Naida Rubin Miss Dorothy Broomhall Ms. Edna Guenther Alixe Ryles Mr. Chris Brown Katie & DeLloyd Guth F.E. Sanderson Mr. & Mrs. E. & M. Mavis Brown Mr. Patrick Hackett Michael & Patricia Sas Mrs. Judy Brown Miss Marilyn Hall Hans & Gabriele Schneider Marilyn & Jim Burt Mr. Roy Halstead 13 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Friends (cont.) Barbara Magnusson John & Wendy Russell Prelude - continued Barbara Main Mr. John Russell Helen & Brian Mansfield Mr. Johnny Rule Salangad & Ms. Pearly Rule Ellen & Daniel Hamburg Markham Physiotherapy Clinic Salangad Ian & Gerry Hamilton Mr. Ed Marks Bill Sands Marie Harnois Harold S. Mawhinney & Judy Moon Grant & Janet Saunders Beth & Raymond Harris Gwen & Bill May Mr. & Mrs. M. R. Schneider Catherine Harrison Dr. & Mrs. Ihor Mayba Mr. M. Schnitzer Mrs. Phyllis Hatskin Dr. & Mrs. J.C. McCawley A. Schroeder Ms. Paula Havixbeck Mr. & Mrs. R. McDougall R. Schroeder Teresa A. Hay Janet McDowell Shirley Schroeder Jane Hayakawa C. & J. McIntyre Walter & Dorothea Schultz Paul & Millie Hemmelgarn Ms. Muriel McKenty Dr. Bernard Schwartz & Barbara Bronster Mrs. Betty Henderson Violet McKenzie Mr. Ken Schykulski Paul & Nel Henteleff Mr. James A. McKinley Ray & Charlene Scouten L.G. Herd Mrs. Ruth McKinnon Dr. L. Sekla Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Helen McLennan Drs. Sexton Ms Marilyn Hido Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon McLeod Mrs. J.M. Sheane Bob & Biddy Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Erhard Meier Shirley E. Sherwood Shelagh A. Hinch Mrs. Laurie Menard Johann & Joanne Sigurdson Patricia Hoebig Rita & Don Menzies Louis & Shirley Ann Simkulak Mr. & Mrs. J.K. Holland Ms. Emily Mikolajewski Garth Simonson Marion Holland Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Ricki Miles Mr. Robert Skinner Elly Hoogterp-Hurst & Lorne Hurst Mrs. Jocelyn Millard David & Lorraine Smith Richard & Karen Howell Ms. Sheila Miller Derek Smith Mrs. Joan M. Hunter Mr. I. Minuk Mabel S. Smith P. Ilavsky Nathan & Carolyn Mitchell Lindi & John Smith Mr. Lindsay Ingram Mrs. Akemi Miyahara Geri & Peter Spencer Ms. Helen Isaak Anne Moore Coralie & John Standing Shirley James Dr. Stan & Wendy Moroz Nicola Lindley Starin Alan Janzen & Leona Sookram Vera Moroz Mr. & Mrs. Starodub Father Stan A. Jaworski John & Margaret Mundie Dan & Elsie Stasiuk David & Heather Jenkins D. Munro Gary Steiman Jeff & Karen Johnson Margaret Murphy Bonnie Hoffer-Steiman & Lionel Steiman Matt & Drin Jones Charlotte Murrell Ms. Helena Stelsovsky June Kaan Dr. & Mrs. G.H. Nicholls Josephine Stemerowicz Dr. Sam Kantor Fred & Karen Nicholson Elva G. Stevens Ms. Marilyn Kapitany B. & J. Nielsen Peggy Stewart Mrs. Sarah Karasick Mr. Robert Nix Helen St. Germain Mrs. Ethel Karr J.T. & Karen Ogden Archie & Shirley Stone Mr. & Mrs. Murray C. Kerr Mrs. B. Ozog Mr. & Mrs. Ray L. Stotts Mrs. Shirley Kilburn Shirley & Graham Padgett Juris & Aija Svenne Erwin W. Kitsch Ms. Susan Pannell Audrey M. Swan Jim & Syble Klady Dr. F. Paraskevas Moira Swinton & Bernie Léveillé Mr. Ernie Krahn Abraham & Henny Paritzky Dr. & Mrs. S. Szirom D. Kristjanson Edith K. Parker L. & P. Talbot Miss Patricia Kuchma Garry & Rebecca Parkes R.M. Tan Robert Kusmack Pat Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Don & Tannis Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Benson Labinsky Mrs. Louise Penner Ross & Bette Jayne Taylor Alan Laing Margaret & Peter Peters Ms. Alison Thiessen Ms. Elaine Lamonica Ms. Pat Philpott June & Lorne Thompson Edith Landy, in Memory of David Landy Ms. Clare Pollock Ms. Marilyn Thompson Mrs. Helen La Rue Ken & Geri Porath Mr. Ross Thompson Miss Elizabeth Lavender Blumie Portnoy Lorna & Dr. Ken Thorlakson Rod & Ann Ledwich Phyllis Portnoy & Rory Egan Ms. Helen A. Toews K. Le Madec Don & Carol Poulin Loraine Toews Mr. R Leroeye Ms. Joanne Prygrocki Carol & Neil Trembath Riva Levi Eric & Erna Pullam Nataliya Trochanowski Mrs. Myrna H. Levin Mrs. Carol Pyper Mrs. C.M. Valentine David & Suzanna Libby Mr. & Mrs. A. Rathke Henri & Jane van Dam Mr. Gordon P. Linney George & Lois Reenders Dr. & Mrs. Jose & Ruth Vasconcelos Albert & Helen Litz Gordon & Adele Reid Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Eliesabeth Vensel Mrs. Mary Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rerie Eve & Harry Vickar Roger Lowe Mr. Patrick Rice Bill & Brenda Voort G. & G. Lowry R. Richman Alice & Jesse Vorst Evelyn & Brian Lundeen Stan Ridgway Ms. E. Wall Mrs. Helen MacIntosh Waltraut Riedel-Baun Elizabeth M. Wall Ms. Lorraine MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Vera Ripley Patricia & Lorne Wallace Mr. John Macrae Ms. Barbara Robertson Peter & Faye Warren Mr. & Mrs. Alexander & Phyllis Madryga Mr. John Russell Jack & Bernice Watts 14 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Friends (cont.) Alan & Anne Crossin Nora Harvey Prelude - continued Mr. Raymond E. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hattie Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. J.C. Haworth M.J. Whyte D. Cymbalist Dr. Kent & Sandy Hayglass Mr. Herbert W. Wildeman Ms. Mary Dahl Mrs. Elisabeth Hellmuth Mrs. Shirley Williams Ms. Joan Dale Olga Hembroff Dorcas & Kirk Windsor Mrs. Jacqueline Davie Irene Hamerton Dr. Kenneth & Norma Woodman D & E De Graff L.G. Herd Patrick Wright F. De Grazia Max & Eleanor Herst Mr. John Yarema Beth Derraugh Ms. Shirley Hicks Mr. Edwin Yee Donald & Christine Dewar Jean Highmoor Ruth Zoltok M. Jane Dick Dorothy L. Hodgson 28 Anonymous Miss Shirley K. Dickinson Mr. John Holmen Marlene & Fred Dickson Rod & Ivy Horne Sonatina Under $75.00 Iris & Cliff Dirks Ken Howard Sylvia Dixon Ms. Jillian Hudspith P. Achtemichuk Mrs. Reta Dordick William J. Hutton Joyce Aitken Mrs. Norma Drosdowech Ms. Ishbel Isaacs Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Albersheim Mr. R. D. Dryden Jacqueline Iwasienko Jacqueline Anderson Doug Duncan Bob & Vi Jacob Ms. Barb Andrew Mr. & Mrs. Peter Eibisch Mr. Joe Jahns Doug R. Arrell Ms. Adele Elin Neoma Jantz Mr. Philip Ashdown Mrs. M.L. Elliott Bill & Betty Jennings Stuart Attwood John & Ruth Ens Grace Johnson June I. Ball Don & Martha Epstein Audrey E. Jones Mr. Cliff Barrett Mr. A. F. Eshmade June Kaan Veronique Barthet Vera & Peter Fast Estelle Kay Lucille & Ed Bass Miss Irene Fedak Mr. Gordon C. Keatch Gertie & Asher Begleiter Ms. Helen Feniuk Mr. Brian Kells Mrs. Eva Berard David & Ruth Ferguson Mrs. Rhonda Kennedy Clara & Lou Bernstein Ms. D. Ferraton C. Roween Kenward Mrs. Janet Bider Laurel Fife Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Kinnear Mr. Michael Bodnarchuk Cal & Lois Finch John & Martha Klassen Dr. Eric R. Bohm Ms. Joanne Finney Mr. Ernest Cornelsen Ms. Ingrid Bolbecher Mr. Mark Francis Mr. Eugene S. Kovach Shirley Book Glen & Florence Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Hy Kraitberg Ruth & Kris Breckman Ms. Judy Fredette Ms. Ricky Kraut Jean Brewer Mrs. Marguerite Fredette D. Kristjanson Ms. Catherine Brockway Mrs. Gitta Fricke Mrs. K. Kristjanson E. Brown Ms. Anne Friesen Ms. Betty Laing Gloria Brown Mr. & Mrs. George & Carol Gamby Mrs. Jessie Lang Dr. Jeff & Madeline Brown Bonnie Geller Elizabeth Lansard Estelle Bubis Mrs. Cathy Gervais Beryl Larsson Tamara Buchel Ms. Barbara Gessner Miss Elizabeth Lavender Narendra Budhia Mrs. M Gilbert Mr. Frank Lavitt Mr. Alfred Buelow Marybet & Jim Gilroy Mrs. Eveleen Lawrenson Ms. Carol Burns Ms. Valerie Gilroy Wayne & Helen LeBlanc Ruth Calvert Mr. Laurent Gimenez Mrs. Ingrid Lee Dr. Aubrey Caplan Les & Doreen Girling Mr. Francois Lentz Mrs. Hope Carroll Dr. Julie Gold Steinberg Ms. Heather S. Leonoff Mrs. Audrey Cassels Mr. Goldstein Mr. B. Lerner Mrs. Carol Cassels Rita Fast & Kristjan Goodmanson Mr. & Mrs. C. Lewis Betty & Bruce Catchpole Mr. Richard Graham R. & J. Lewis Mrs. Patti Cherney Robert & Wendy Graham Ms. Tuula Liivamae Ms. Claudia Chernitsky Mrs. Inga Granovskaya Ms. Dorothy Lindblom Marjory Clowes Josephine G. Green Mr. Paul Lindsay Ms. Shirley Clubb John & Louise Greenaway Mrs. Rhoda C. Little Ms. Wendy Cockerline Ms. Cheryl M. Greenwood Barry & Patricia Lloyd Ms. Doreen Conlin Ms. Christina W. Grose Dr. Amazis Louka Jean Connor Jim & Lorraine Griffiths Ms. Savellia Love Mrs. Marion Corbett Ed & Margaret Guenther Kathleen Lovelace Joyce & Lawrence Cormack Denise Habeck Mrs. Lisa Lucht Mr. James Cory Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Debbie Hall Ms. Gladys Lussier M. Aimé Coté Ms. Ruth Hallonquist Lyttle Family Stephen Crane Gertrude Hamilton Mrs. Ruby MacDonald Ms. Judy Crawford Mr. James Hanley Jim MacNair in Memory of Mae Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Joyce Crawley Mr. & Mrs. F. & C. Hanlon Mrs. Pat Maguire M. & G. Crielaard Arthur J. & Ellen Hanson Mr. Allan Mapes Ms. Maxine Cristall Bud Harlow Ms. Jacqueline Marques

15 WSO Annual Report – 2007/2008 Season

Friends (cont.) Don & Marion Putnam Gerry & Jasmin St. Laurent Sonatina - continued Margaret Redekop Ms. Linda Sturgeon Anne Rempel Muriel Sutherland Mrs. Irene Marriott T. & E. Rempel Mr. & Mrs. Swirsky Ms. Kimberley McCallum Mrs. H.J. Reynolds Gladys Tarala Ms. Susan McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. G.J. Riach Mr. Barry Taylor Don McCaskill Mrs. Helene Riesen Ms. Anne Thiessen Grace McConkey Dr. Leonard Rivard Ms. Leann Thompson In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Evans Ms. Charlotte Robbins Nancy & Geoff Tidmarsh Ms. Mary Jane McIntyre Carmen Roberge Dr. H.A. Toews Mrs. Jean H. McLennan Mr. Laverne Rose Mary & Gordon Toombs Ardythe McMaster Mrs. Sandra Rosen Mr. Alan Tring Miss Barb McNeill Mrs. V. Rosolowich Mrs. Mary Tucker Mr. Lyle W. McNichol Mr. Barry Rowley Ms. June Tyler Ms. Muriel McPhail Frances E. Rowlin Eleanor Urquhart Miss Pauline Michalchuk John Russell Mrs. Roseline Usiskin Peter Miller & Carolyn Garlich John & Shirley Russell Mr. & Mrs. Gerry S. Varnes Mrs. Mona Mills Alan & Rebecca Schacter Mr. Rick Vincent Dianne Milton Nicola Schaefer Mr. Robert Vineberg Howard Mitchell Kay Schalme Mr. & Mrs. Don & Trudy Voth Miss Jane E. Montgomery William Scheidt Miss A. H. Wagstaffe D. Munro Ms. Henriette Schellenberg Robin & Joanne Walker Mrs. Nadia Negrich Ms. Velma Schmidt Michelle Walters Esther Nisenholt Mrs. Edna Schneider E. Sylvia Warrington Edgar Oddleifson Mrs. Marian Schroeder Dr. Lorne Watson Mr. & Mrs. Kiem Oen Adolph & Diane Schurek Mrs. Hilda N. Weber Mr. & Mrs. I. Oiring Mrs. Doreen Shanks Barrie & Phyllis Webster Miss Jenny Olynyk Carl and Margaret Shaykewich Mr. Glen Angus Webster Ira Owen Ms. Norrine Shobrooke Elaine & Manuel Wiseman Edith K. Parker Izzy Shore Mr. & Mrs. John Wood Ms. Norma Parsons Joyce Sinclair Phillip S. Young Mrs. Mary M. Patterson Catherine E. Smart 35 Anonymous Addie Penner Mr. George Smellie Mrs. Louise Penner Nancy Claire Smith M.B. Perfect Mr. Graeme Spafford Listing as of March 4, 2009 Mrs. June Perron Geri & Peter Spencer Capt. Kevin J. Peters Dr. & Mrs. J.B. Squire Janet Pinchbeck Clara Steinberg David & Fraidla Pollick Josephine Stemerowicz Mr. David Procner Hugh & Jean Stephenson R. Publow Madge O. Stevens

16 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

17 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


Alexander’s third full season as music director continued to build on his desire for a balanced musical season to both excite WSO audiences and stimulate new ones. A broad sampling of the core symphonic literature in the Masterworks series included Richard Strauss’ Also sprach Zarathustra , Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 (Pathétique) and Holst’s celebrated orchestral classic The Planets. First WSO performances of Messiaen’s Turangalila Symphony and Mahler’s Symphony No. 6 added exciting new vistas to our classics series and the WSO rose to the occasion in truly inspired performances. The orchestra closed its Beethoven Symphony cycle with performances of the Seventh led by eminent guest conductor Matthias Bamert, the Eighth and a sold-out Ninth. A fine collection of soloists appeared throughout the Masterworks series with especially notable performances from bass Nikita Storojev in highlights from Mussorgsky’s opera Boris Godunov , pianist Sergei Saratovsky, violinist James Ehnes and concertmaster Gwen Hoebig.

Our choral series continued in strong fashion with excellent attendances. As well as the choral portions of Boris Godunov and Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony , the Mennonite Festival Chorus again showed why Manitoba is the nation’s choral capital, with a wonderful account of Handel’s Messiah . We look forward to next season’s presentations of Haydn’s The Creation and Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis , both hallmarks of the literature.

Our hosted Musically Speaking series offered a stimulating product mix with newly designed scripts by the WSO’s artistic team, visual elements, actors and fascinating archival material, all focusing on the universal genius of Leonardo da Vinci and its musical equivalents.

Our Pops season offered a wide mix of music and styles for all to enjoy. Notable were the dazzling virtuosity of Time for Three , the ever popular Bravo Broadway team of singers, the return of Five By Design and comedian Rainer Hersch’s all new show Last Night of the Proms…Ever! We especially thank our departing assistant conductor Rei Hotoda for her valued contributions conducting three of our seven programs.

Our outreach department was especially busy in the 2008-09 Season. In September, Alexander and the orchestra visited seven high schools throughout the city in the aptly titled Up Close and Orchestral series, promoting the season and filling the various gyms and auditoriums with great music. Similarly, our Adventures in Music series in March and April brought approximately 15,000 elementary school students to the concert hall for a highly successful concert that featured, among much else, an aerial dancer!

Our Great-West Life, Great Explorations Sundays with the Family series again proved highly successful with concerts averaging well over 1000 in attendance. The live-music-to-film of composer Howard Blake’s score to the movie The Bear proved a special hit. There was much for the eyes throughout the series, including the brilliant puppets in Roald Dahl’s Jack and the Beanstock and Carnival of the Animals . Entertainer Al Simmons brought his special brand of fun to the series.

18 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

The WSO’s second international conducting symposium took place in January. Over 70 applicants from around the world competed for the 12 spots, where budding conductors got the chance to work with the orchestra over a weekend. A distinguished faculty included the eminent conducting teacher Larry Rachleff, with Alexander, Carl Topilow and other fine conducting teachers offering insight and enlightenment to the students.

Once again, Winnipeg new music-lovers’ hearts and souls were warmed in the middle of our cold winter by the 2009 Imris New Music Festival. Curated by Alexander and our engaging composer-in-residence Vincent Ho, the festival’s highlights included more live-music-to-film in a concert featuring the classic Carl Dreyer film The Passion of Joan of Arc with music by Richard Einhorn. Other highlights were the appearance of the exciting percussion group Scrap Arts Music. As has been the case since the festival began in 1992, we were graced by the attendance of distinguished composers: this year Denis Gougeon and Linda Bouchard, among others. Many local soloists rounded out a most successful festival.

The orchestra’s first Indigenous Festival featured a well-received closing concert with the band Eagle and Hawk in world- premiere arrangements by Charles Cozens. Curated by Andrew Balfour, the festival drew much interest and we are excited about building its audiences and content going forward.

The orchestra continued to forge artistic connections with the community in several notable partnerships. November saw two well attended performances at Kildonan East Collegiate in cooperation with the River East Transcona School Division. Local students and teachers partnered with the WSO in this program.


February saw the debut of our Rising Stars concert, in partnership with the Winnipeg Youth Symphony Orchestra and high school ``honour’’ soloists from around the city. An extraordinary performance of Orff’s Carmina Burana received thunderous applause (and similar YouTube comments the next day when a rather grainy video appeared!).

19 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

The year’s singular community partnership highlight took place in May with the world premiere of Zane Zalis’s I Believe . This much anticipated event drew a sold-out audience plus numerous visiting dignitaries from outside the country. A recording was made that will be issued shortly.


The WSO’s exciting and innovative education programs were presented to more than 30,000 students during the 2008-2009 season. Reaching students from across Manitoba, these programs introduce orchestral music and instruments in an engaging and educational way.

The season kicked off with the Up Close and Orchestral program. Led by our talented and vibrant conductors, this program visited seven high schools across Winnipeg in one week. More than 3500 students received a rare opportunity to meet the WSO and experience an “up close and personal” orchestra performance in their school.

Continuing with the success of last season’s opening night, the WSO invited all high school students to attend the performance of Holst’s “The Planets” as part of the Musically Speaking series. Thanks to the support of the Richardson Foundation, these tickets were offered free of charge. More than 800 students attended to take in the wonder of this spectacular work.

In response to teacher requests, an Open Dress Rehearsal program was launched this season called Musically Speaking for Young People . More than 1000 students attended two rehearsals to observe the WSO’s final preparations before a concert. Music Director, Alexander Mickelthwate hosted the rehearsals.

20 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

As part of the National Arts Centre Orchestra (NACO) Western Canada Tour, the WSO partnered with the NACO Education Department and the University of Winnipeg to present the Music Connections – Winnipeg program. This 10-week program involved 80 students in grades 3 to 6 from two inner city schools – Mulvey School and Dufferin School – who made and learned to play the Native flute. After weeks of preparing and learning from various teaching artists, the program culminated with a performance with eight NACO brass musicians at Westminster Church. The students performed “One People” and “Largo” from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, as well as their own creative response to the music of Vivaldi.

Music Connections Program: Students from Mulvey School and Dufferin School performing with WSO brass musicians at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Groundbreaking Ceremony on December 19, 2008.

The Bach to School program had ensemble groups – string, woodwind, brass and percussion - of the WSO visit more than 60 schools in Winnipeg, performing for students in their own gymnasium. In order to reach more students across our province, there were a number of new initiatives. A Woodwind Group created a program to specifically visit junior high schools in Winnipeg. To expand across the province, a String Group visited five different schools outside Winnipeg. We were very excited to announce that a newly formed Percussion Group visited schools with a presentation to showcase the many instruments in the percussion family.

The Nursery Notes is an innovative program designed to reach pre-school aged children. An ensemble group from the WSO shared presentations in eleven different nursery schools across Winnipeg. The children connected with the music and instruments through interactive activities and a puppet named Symphony Sam.

The WSO launched the Rising Stars program this year to a full house of excited parents, friends and community members. Featuring the Winnipeg Youth Symphony Orchestra and a combined choir of more than 300 students from 20 schools across the province, these students performed Orff’s Carmina Burana with the WSO. The concert also featured a young vocalist, Sage Robinson, and two 21 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season young instrumentalists, Joshua Peters on violin and Ariel Carrabre on cello, performing with the WSO.

Rising Stars Program: WSO Music Director Alexander Rising Stars Program: Massed High School Choir singing Mickelthwate visits Steinbach Regional Secondary School Carmina Burana with the WSO and the Winnipeg Youth to rehearse with choir students who sold the most tickets to Symphony Orchestra. the Rising Stars Concert on February 19, 2009.

The WSO’s largest education program Adventures in Music presented seven concerts in March and April. More than 13,000 elementary school students attended this program during the season. This year the “Classical Elements” series explored the Four Elements of fire, water, earth and air. Led by Assistant Conductor, Rei Hotoda, these concerts included more than 1500 students performing in choirs, recorder groups, strings groups, and composition groups on stage with the orchestra. WSO Assistant Conductor Rei Hotoda with choir students from Hanover and Sunrise School Divisions.

Thanks to the Richardson Foundation, the WSO was able to return to Brandon for two sold-out concerts. In addition, the Adventures in Music program visited Portage la Prairie to perform for more than 400 students.

Prior to each Sundays with the Family concert, the WSO presents an hour of pre- concert activities for children ages 4-9. In partnership with Music for Young Children , these activities can include a craft station, rhythm ensembles, an instrument petting zoo and a conducting station. Manny Tuba attended each concert inviting children to learn about music, pose for pictures and bring their friends. The WSO hosted six birthday parties during the season, which included a special performance of “Happy Birthday” by the WSO for each birthday child.

In partnership with the , Faculty of Music, the WSO presented a Mentorship Program that provides opportunity for young university orchestra students to be mentored by professional orchestra musicians. The WSO musicians participated in the rehearsals to offer technical expertise, suggestions for rehearsing excerpts and demonstrate leadership skills.

22 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season

For adult students, the WSO co-presents a series of Music Appreciation Courses with the Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts and Creative Retirement. Led by instructor Don Anderson, these courses offer a wealth of information about classical music including themes from the WSO’s current season.


The WSO is committed to being an integral part of our community and bringing orchestral music to new audiences.

Due to the success of the past three years, the WSO and the River East Transcona School Division presented two special community concerts at Kildonan East Collegiate in November. Building on the success of previous years, these concerts showcased more than 600 students and soloists from the division who performed with the WSO.

In partnership with Manitoba Artists in Healthcare , the Artists in the Hospital program offers musical presentations by a WSO string quartet and Principal Harpist, Mr. Richard Turner at various healthcare centres across Winnipeg. Using live music, this program promotes the health and healing of hospital patients, visitors and staff in the community.

Share the Music is a unique partnership with community organizations that enables economically disadvantaged children, their families and adults to attend WSO performances. Because of the generous donations by corporations and individuals, more than 3000 tickets were provided across the province this season. The organizations distribute tickets free of charge to people who want to hear our orchestra.

Through the Musicians in the Making program, the WSO provides performance opportunities for young musicians in our community. This season, numerous school groups and students performed in the Piano Nobile Level prior to each Pops and Musically Speaking concerts throughout the season. During the 2008-2009 season, the WSO hosted students from as young as age 5 performing under the University of Manitoba, Division of Preparatory Studies Suzuki Program.

The WSO continued a unique partnership with Sisler High School during the 2008- 2009 season. As part of their Visual Arts program, approximately 30 students painted images inspired by Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. These paintings were on display during regular WSO concerts in February and March for our patrons to enjoy.

Education and Outreach sponsors & partners:

• In memory of Peter D. Curry • TD Financial Group • Richardson Foundation • River East Transcona School Division • Great-West Life Assurance Company • Manitoba Artists in Healthcare • Investors Group 23 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


The WSO regularly packs up instruments and musicians and heads out on the open road to take the full orchestra to communities throughout the province and beyond. Our regular concert series in Brandon presented a wide range of musical offerings, as we have done, five times per season, ensuring that music lovers in the Western regions of Manitoba can experience the wonder of live symphonic music. A Brandon season-highlight was the appearance of James Ehnes with the orchestra.

December was especially busy, as the orchestra embarked on its Power Smart Holiday Express Tour with family-focused holiday concerts in Winkler, Russell, Portage la Prairie, Steinbach and Virden, with Sarah Halmarson as soloist. The orchestra’s Adventures in Music series saw early May performances in Brandon and Portage la Prairie.

As always, the WSO continues to explore touring opportunities in Manitoba to ensure that all Manitobans may regard the orchestra as their own.


Extase - Passion and ecstasy are perfect words to describe our 2009 New Music Festival. As our theme suggests (EXTASE), our goal in our programming was to explore all forms of ecstasy though sight and sound. For seven nights, we presented a wide variety of events that featured new music in many exciting forms.

The opening night concert set the tone for the festival, with Turangalila-symphonie by Olivier Messiaen. The symphony also featured soloist Jean Laurendeau on ondes Martenot , an early electronic instrument, whose eerie and wavering sound has been used in such recent film scores as Amélie and There Will Be Blood.

With our 2009 program, we maintained our position of being at the vanguard of the new music scene. For example, three important premieres took place. Canadian composers Orjan Sandred (from Winnipeg, Manitoba) and Greg Kozak (from Vancouver, B.C.) were commissioned to compose works specifically for our orchestra and a newly-invented instrument of their choice: an electronic wind controller (Dr. Sandred’s Yamaha WX5) and the Chariot of Choir (a 32-foot stainless steel percussion/string instrument built by Mr. Kozak, which was unveiled at our Festival). These works embodied historical and musicological significance and 24 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season marked a new era of concert classical music, where cutting edge technology and modern engineering met musical ingenuity and new music performance.

Our third world premiere for the Festival was Vincent Ho’s Sonata for Violin and Piano , performed by Gwen Hoebig and David Moroz. This piece has been commissioned specially for our event by Harvard University’s Fromm Music Foundation . Their generous support had allowed us to present this new and exciting work by Canada’s fastest rising star.

After the success of last year’s presentation of Guy Maddin’s Brand Upon the Brain , we were proud to present another motion picture event: Carl Dreyer’s film classic, The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928; for choir, soloists, orchestra and film), with a recent score by Richard Einhorn. This performance featured our own Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Prairie Voices Choir, and five local soloists. This evening drew many new listeners from the film community and general public. The response to this event was overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

In addition to this element of “innovation,” we were proud to present Vancouver-based percussion group Scrap Arts Music as this year’s distinguished guest ensemble ( ). Performing on a battery of newly-invented instruments built out of scrap metal and industrial equipment, the group presented newly composed works specifically created for their musical inventions. The response to this concert was unanimously positive: a standing ovation with a 5-star review from the Winnipeg Free Press.

Scrap Arts Music

We had also incorporated a number of special events targeted to a younger audience (ages 16-25). These included the presentation of The Canadian Music Centre’s Emerging Composer Prize (for best orchestral work), an on-stage panel discussion for our “And You Call This Music?” evening (featuring guest artists and literary personalities), and our wind ensemble concert (featuring The Winnipeg Winds and the University of Manitoba Wind Ensemble). These events generated high interest amongst a younger demographic audience, the academically-oriented, and members of the wind ensemble community. As well, our guest artists’ involvement with the local schools and colleges provided an educational component

25 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season to our Festival, giving a new generation of listeners the invaluable opportunity to discover what goes on in the concert classical world.

The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra has maintained its reputation as one of the premiere new music champions in the world. By providing such high-calibre performances and innovative programming, we delivered an important musical event of the highest artistic standards. The WSO New Music Festival will continue to be culturally relevant to the community by playing an integral role to the development of its musical culture.

26 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season 2008 - 2009 Orchestra Members

First Violins Basses Trombones Gwen Hoebig , Concertmaster Meredith Johnson, Principal John Helmer, Principal Karl Stobbe, Associate Concertmaster Stanley Label, Assistant Principal Steven Dyer Mary Lawton, Assistant Concertmaster Paul Nagelberg Chris Anstey Bruce Okrainec Bass Trombone Raymond Chrunyk Zdzislaw Prochownik Julia McIntyre, Principal Hong Tian Jia Trevor Kirczenow Flutes Tuba Simon MacDonald Jan Kocman, Principal Chris Lee, Principal Rachel Moody Martha Durkin Julie Savard Timpani Jun Shao Piccolo Jauvon Gilliam, Principal **Jane Radomski Martha Durkin Percussion Second Violins Oboes Frederick Liessens, Principal Darryl Strain , Principal Doug Bairstow, Principal **Mona Coarda, Assistant Principal Robin MacMillan Harp Karen Bauch Richard Turner, Principal Laura Chenail English Horn Barbara Gilroy Robin MacMillan, Principal Orchestra Personnel Manager Narumi Higuchi Anne Elise Lavallee Boyd Mackenzie Clarinets Susan McCallum Micah Heilbrunn, Principal Principal Librarian Kathryn Sigsworth Richard Klassen Raymond Chrunyk Claudine St- Arnauld Bassoons Assistant Librarian Viola Alex Eastley, Principal Laura MacDougall Daniel Scholz, Principal James Ewen Anne Elise Lavallée, Assistant Principal Laszlo Baroczi Contrabassoon Richard Bauch James Ewen Greg Hay Suzanne McKegney Horns Merrily Peters Patricia Evans, Principal Mike Scholz Ken MacDonald , Associate Principal Shannon Linklater Cellos Caroline Oberheu Yuri Hooker, Principal Kenneth Strahl **Emma Quackenbush, Assistant Principal Alex Adaman Trumpets Margaret Askeland Brian Sykora, Principal Arlene Dahl Paul Jeffrey Carolyn Nagelberg Steven van Gulik Tom Watrous 27 **One year term WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


OUR DISTINGUISHED PATRONS ADMINISTRATION Trudy Schroeder, Executive Director His Honor the Honourable John Harvard P.C., O.M. Lori Marks, Confidential Executive Assistant Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba ARTISTIC The Honourable , Alexander Mickelthwate, Music Director Premier of Manitoba Bramwell Tovey, Conductor Laureate

His Worship Sam Katz, Rei Hotoda, Assistant Conductor Mayor of the City of Winnipeg Vincent Ho, Composer-in-Residence

Mr. W.H. Loewen & Mrs. S.E. Loewen, ARTISTIC OPERATIONS WSO Directors Emeritus Jean Francois, Directors of Artistic Operations

James Manishen, Artistic & Operations Associate Sue Stone, Production Manager

Anne Elise Lavalee, Orchestra Personnel Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jacob Gurevich, Personnel Manager Emeritus Dorothy Dobbie, President & Chair st Lawrence Rentz, Stage Supervisor Ed Martens, 1 Vice-President nd Ray Chrunyk, Principal Librarian Muriel Smith, 2 Vice-President Laura MacDougall, Assistant Librarian Dr. Brendan MacDougall, Past President Michael Cox Arlene Dahl EDUCATION & OUTREACH Wally Fox-Decent Tanya Derksen, Education & Outreach Manager Dr. Daya Gupta Amy Wolfe, Education & Outreach Assistant Elba Haid Sherrill Hershberg FINANCE Dr. Ian Kay John Bacon, CMA, Director of Finance & Administration Bill Knight Sandi Mitchell, Payroll & Accounting Administrator Dr. Hermann Lee Terri O’Neill, Accounting & Administrative Assistant Lesia Peet Harvey Pollock, Q.C. DEVELOPMENT Dr. William (Bill) Pope Carol Cassels, Development Manager John Rademaker Irene Sas, Development Coordinator Ed Richmond Lorne Sharfe MARKETING & SALES Joanne Sigurdson Ryan Diduck, Director of Marketing & Public Relations Karl Stobbe Lindsay MacKenzie, Marketing & Communications Richard Turner Manager Sheena Stemler, Marketing & Communications The WSO is a chartered non-profit organization Coordinator governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. Shaun Thompson, Graphic Designer

PATRON SERVICES/BOX OFFICE WOMEN’S COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE Tara Forshaw, Patron Services Coordinator Lesia Peet, President Jillian Yorke, Patron Services Representative Shirley Loewen, Vice-President Jason Hayes, Patron Services Representative Olga Runnalls, Past-President Gerry McDougal, Patron Services Representative Koren Kaminski, Treasurer Janessa Nayler, Patron Services Representative Evelyn Davidson, Secretary Melissa Ungrin, Patron Services Representative Louise Jones, Secretary Jordan Zalis, Patron Services Representative

28 WSO Annual Report – 2008/2009 Season


MAILING ADDRESS WSO PATRON SERVICES WSO IN BRANDON Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra 555 Main Street 205 - 20th Street 1020-555 Main Street (Centennial Concert Hall) (WestMan Centennial Auditorium) Winnipeg, MB R3B 1C3 Phone: 204-949-3999 Brandon, MB R7B 1L6 Fax: 204-956-4271 Brandon Patron Services: 204-728-9510 Email: [email protected] Toll free to Winnipeg: 204-725-1165