Yaakwdetat Kwaan, Galyax Kwaan, and Gunaaxoo Kwcian Place Names
16 • Yaakwddat Kwdan, Galyax Kwdan, and Gunaaxoo Kwdan Yaakwdetat Kwaan, Galyax Kwaan, and Gunaaxoo Kwcian Place Names Asterisk indicates uncertain, unconfirmed, or partial; NM = not mapped. Some names have more than one pronunciation or translation. Nonstandard orthography from the following pages of de Laguna (1972) is used for these table entries: #4 (p. io5), #13 (p. 103), #23 (p. 104), #z6 (p. um), #28 (p. Dm), #31 (p. 100), #37 (p. 97), #58 (p. 59), #59 (p. 59), #107 (p. 59), #114 (p. 62), #122 (p. 64), #125 (p. 64), #127 (p. 64), #130 (p. 64), #133 (p. 64), #142 (p. 67), #147 (p. 67), #158 (p. 65), #161 (p. 79), #186 (p. 79), #201 (p. 65), #233 (p. 70), #239 (p. 80), #300 (p. 90), NM (p.105). See de Laguna (1972, 11) I for explanation of her orthography. I Map # Name Translation Location ti 1 Anaxanak Mistake (Wrong Turn) Western branch of Copper River So (from Eyak, originally Alutiiq) gr. 2 Kaagin Heenak'u Stickleback Creek Mouth of Copper River tri I 3 Kaa Yahaayi Ghosts Near Copper River N. 4 On the Place of [Frequently Absent*] Camp on Martin River de Mud Flats (from Eyak, Ts'a'di:q') 5 Kaataania —* (from Eyak, Qa:ta:lah) Katalla settlement gr. 6 Saaxw Taak Behind the Cockles Village on Softuk Lagoon th Gixdak [X'aat'i] —* (from Eyak, originally Alutiiq, Fox or Kiktak Island ge. Qikertaq) [Island] 8 Kixooliyaa Teeth (from Eyak, K'uxu:liyah) River between Katalla and Cape Martin A - 9 Eek Heeni Copper River Copper River ci.
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