Yaakwdetat Kwaan, Galyax Kwaan, and Gunaaxoo Kwcian Place Names
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16 • Yaakwddat Kwdan, Galyax Kwdan, and Gunaaxoo Kwdan Yaakwdetat Kwaan, Galyax Kwaan, and Gunaaxoo Kwcian Place Names Asterisk indicates uncertain, unconfirmed, or partial; NM = not mapped. Some names have more than one pronunciation or translation. Nonstandard orthography from the following pages of de Laguna (1972) is used for these table entries: #4 (p. io5), #13 (p. 103), #23 (p. 104), #z6 (p. um), #28 (p. Dm), #31 (p. 100), #37 (p. 97), #58 (p. 59), #59 (p. 59), #107 (p. 59), #114 (p. 62), #122 (p. 64), #125 (p. 64), #127 (p. 64), #130 (p. 64), #133 (p. 64), #142 (p. 67), #147 (p. 67), #158 (p. 65), #161 (p. 79), #186 (p. 79), #201 (p. 65), #233 (p. 70), #239 (p. 80), #300 (p. 90), NM (p.105). See de Laguna (1972, 11) I for explanation of her orthography. I Map # Name Translation Location ti 1 Anaxanak Mistake (Wrong Turn) Western branch of Copper River So (from Eyak, originally Alutiiq) gr. 2 Kaagin Heenak'u Stickleback Creek Mouth of Copper River tri I 3 Kaa Yahaayi Ghosts Near Copper River N. 4 On the Place of [Frequently Absent*] Camp on Martin River de Mud Flats (from Eyak, Ts'a'di:q') 5 Kaataania —* (from Eyak, Qa:ta:lah) Katalla settlement gr. 6 Saaxw Taak Behind the Cockles Village on Softuk Lagoon th Gixdak [X'aat'i] —* (from Eyak, originally Alutiiq, Fox or Kiktak Island ge. Qikertaq) [Island] 8 Kixooliyaa Teeth (from Eyak, K'uxu:liyah) River between Katalla and Cape Martin A - 9 Eek Heeni Copper River Copper River ci. 10 Gixdaldak Behind Gixdak (#7) Village at Cape Martin si- Gixdak (#7) [Point] Strawberry Point m. 11 Gixdak [X'aa] of 12 Xaat Aa Duls'el' Ye Where They Dig Spruce Roots Cordova sp 13 Thaattl'ait* Small Kayak* Wingham Island (from Eyak or Athabaskan) w. 14 Ginak Egg Island Kanak Island na (from Eyak, originally Alutiiq) pl. IS Kanaltalgi Saani Dax Spongy Islands Are Floating* Bering River Delta ev Nalhashch* ju • 16 Kaasheishxlaw Aa Dragonfly Lake Bering Lake mi 17 Yaay Ka On the Humpback Whale Kayak Island all 18 Yeil Xakwdli Raven's Harpoon Line Okalee Spit ca Jilkaat Cache (from Eyak) Below Cordova of 19 Cave on Kayak Island ev 20 S'igeekaawu Hidi Dead Person House 21 Yaay Shaayi Whale Head Lemesurier Point on northeast end of Kayak Island T 22 Anakei South side of lake near Bering River m 23 'Ukwyanta* Mountain above Bering River at 24 Yell Katsees Raven's Float Between base of Okalee Spit and Cape Suckling Sc U Be Yaakwdaat Kwdan, Galyax Kwaan, and Gunacocoo Kwaan • 17 Map # Name Translation Location 24.1 Yid Hit Raven's House Cave at Cape Suckling 25 Axdalee Place with Lots of Whales Settlement at Okalee River (from Eyak, A:xdalih, originally Alutiiq, Arwertuli) 26 She-ta-ha-na-ta* Northward (upstream) He Lives* Seal River area 2,7 Ts'iyuh* Black Bear (from Eyak) Tsiu River 28 Djuke* —* (from Eyak) Stream entering Kaliakh River 29 Galyax The Lowermost (from Eyak, Galyax) Kaliakh River 3o Ch'awaax' Robin Mountain Robinson Mountain 31 Daktial* (Gexta'ar) Cooked* (from Eyak, Daqta:1) Duktoth River 32 Yell X'us.eeti Raven's Footprints Cape Yakataga 33 Tayeesk'* Little Adze* Cape Yakataga 34 Yell (Yeil) T'ooch' Black Raven Gulf of Alaska (Pacific Ocean) 35 Yakwdeiyi Canoe Road Inside Cape Yakataga 36 Yid Naasa.aayi* Raven's Bentwood Box* Cape Yakataga area 37 GatiaTw* Muddy Water (from Eyak) White River 38 Heen Tlein Big Creek Big River 39 Teey Aani* Yellow Cedar Bark Town West of Icy Bay (Was'ei Dak) (Outside of Was'ei [#45]) 40 Ligaasi Aa Tabooed Lake Icy Bay 41 Ts'ootsxan X'aayi Tsimshian Point Point Riou 42 Ts'ootsxan Geeyi Tsimshian Bay Riou Bay 43 Ana.00t Gil'i Aleut Bluff Icy Bay 44 Sit' Kax6owu Piles of Rock on the Glacier Icy Bay 45 Was'ei (Yas'ei) Yik Inside of Was'ei/Yas'ei (see #48) Icy Bay 46 Geesh K'ishuwanyee Place below the End of the Edge of the Halibut fishing bank, Icy Bay Base of the Kelp 46.1 Kwat' X'aat'i Bird Egg Island Gull Island, Icy Bay 47 Was'ei Tashaa Mountain Inland of Was'ei (#45) Mount Saint Elias (Shaa Tlein) (Big Mountain) 48 Yas'ei* Heen Swampy* Creek Yahtse River 49 Ligaasi Heen Tabooed Creek Yana Stream 5o Calgox* (Qalyax) Muddy* Yahtse River tributary * 51 Nasaaxix* Malaspina Glacier 52 Kwalaxuk'w* Dry Up Water [Little One]* Malaspina Glacier 53 Sit' X'aayi Glacier Point Front of Malaspina Glacier 54 Sit' Tlein Shaa KA On the Mountain of the Big Glacier Sitkagi Bluffs 55 Taan Teiyi Sea Lion Rock At Sitkagi Bluffs 56 Sit' Lut6 Glacier Point (nostril) Malaspina Glacier, beach in front 57 Sit' Tlein Big Glacier Malaspina Glacier 58 KIk* Manby Stream or Kwik Stream 18 • Yaakwdciat Kwcian, GalyaxKwcian, and Gunaaxoo Kwdan Map # Name Translation Location * 59 Yaat'Aak* (Yafak*) Point Manby 6o Shaanax Heen Valley Creek Creek behind Point Manby 61 Laaxaayik Inside Laaxaa (#90) (from Eyak, La'xa, Yakutat area "Near the Glacier") 62 Yaakwdaat Canoe Rebounded (or bruised) Yakutat Bay (and town of Yakutat) (from Eyak, Di:ya'guda't, "Mouth of Body of Salt Water") 63 Gus'k'iyee Kwaan Aani Under the Clouds People's (white Ocean Cape people's or Russians') Community 64 Yakwdeiyi Canoe Road Inside the berm on Ocean Cape 65 Goox Aa Shakdut'ex'xi Ye Place Where They Conk Slaves over the Ocean Cape Head [with a Stone Hammer] 66 Anax Tanaashuwu Ye Where the Rock Sticks Up Lagoon north of Ocean Cape 67 Anooshi Noowo Russian Fort Kardy Lake 68 An6oshi Aayi Russian Lake Kardy Lake 69 Kadziteix'i Aa Rocky/Pebbly* Lake Kardy Lake (from Eyak, originally from Alutiiq) 7o Anax Daak At Kuwdzitiyi Ye Place Where a Monster Emerged Point Carrew at mouth of Monti Bay 71 Tayeexnak Spit (from Eyak, originally Alutiiq, Point Carrew (whole area) Tangirnaq) 72 Tayeexnak Luta Point (nose) of Spit Point Carrew (the point itself) 73 Xaas Geiyi TA Inside Xaas Geiyi (#76) Ankau 74 Yaakwdaat Yik Canoe Jumps Inside* Ankau area (Inside Where the Boat Is*) 75 Tsaa Heeni Seal Creek Grand Wash 76 Xaas Geiyi Cow Bay Ankau 77 Gooch Shakee Aan Village on Top of the Hill. Kardy Lake 78 Kaa Gukk'iyik Inside the Little Ear Ocean Cape / Ankau Saltchucks 79 Aankaawu Man of the Town (Chief) Ankau Creek 8o Aa KA On the Lake Aka/Summit lakes 81 Lein X'aayi Low Water Point Khantaak Island 82 Kawdzigani Ye Opening/Clearing Port Mulgrave 83 Juwaanik TA Head ofJuwaanik (from Eyak) Monti Bay (whole) 84 Tawanyik TA* Head of Tawanyik Monti Bay 85 Ganawaanik TA Wild Rhubarb* (from Eyak) Pyramid Point 86 Kaa Gatsx'aak Between a Person's Thighs Monti Bay 87 Di.aanki Ye Place with a Little Village (in front of Reef opposite Point Turner (Village the road) Shoal) 88 Ts'oos (S'6os') KA* Port Mulgrave 89 Yaakwdaat Geeyi Canoe Rebounded Bay Yakutat Bay 90 Laaxaa Near the Glacier (from Eyak, La'xa') Yakutat area 91 Sias' Harlequin Duck Dolgoi Island area Yaakwddat Kwdan, Galycix Kwaan, and Gunaaxoo Kwdan • 19 Map # Name Translation Location 92 Ytixch'i Geiyi Sea Otter Bay Large bay which nearly bisects Khantaak Island to the east 93 Gantakw Lupine* (from Eyak, Ga:ndak)* Khantaak Island (see also 4415) 94 Taan Teiyi Sea Lion Rock Monti Bay 95 Anooshi Aade Ayawdihaani Ye Place That the Russian [Man] Retreated Site on/near Ophir Creek To 95.1 Tadalaw* Having a Strap at the Bottom* Fish hole (ish), Ophir Creek 95.2 Kadziteix'i Aa Rocky/Pebbly* Lake Waterway from Ophir Creek to Aka Lake (from Eyak, originally from Alutiiq) 96 Kaa Gatsx'aak Aan Kaa Gatsx'aak (#86) Town Old Village (between two rocky headlands) 97 Ch'iak' Aani Eagle Town Yakutat Bay 98 Tleficw Tlein Big [Salmon]berries Larger island east of Old Village 99 Yaakw X'aat'i Canoe Island Mouth of lagoon north of Old Village island 100 Ell' Aayi Salt Lake At head of T'aawaal Yik (#110) 101 Tleilcwk'atsk'u Small [Salmon]berries Just north of Tleikw Tlein (#98) near Old Village 102 Keik'uts'inata* Lagoon which runs behind and opens north of Old Village 103 Ax Geer Wuduwatax'i Ye Place Where Crunchy Fish Eggs Were Shores of Canoe Pass Chewed 104 Dalcde Seet Channel on the Way to Place Behind Canoe Pass 105 Kuxjeenik * Ophir Creek 106 Heendt Yatani Yaakw Shoowti Half a Boat That Used to Face the Water Canoe Pass 107 Yat'a S'e.aa* Beside the Face of the Muddy Lagoon* Esker Creek estuary (Yafa-sea, Yati-siT)* 108 Daak Uwahuwu X6ots Brown Bear Who Swam In[land] Rock in Canoe Pass 109 Tatook Cave Puget Cove 110 T'aawaal Yik Inside —* Salt Lake 111 Daagaadlaani Aan Deep-All-Around Village Island in Johnstone Passage 112 Sgoon Yaka In Front of the School* Lutheran Evangelical Mission 113 Xeinda.aax' Strawberry Point* Khantaak Island 114 TCAxqatlata* Inside on the Mountain* (as applied to Landlocked lagoon just south of Canoe a bay) Pass 115 Kantakw (Gandik) Lupine (from Eyak, Ga:ndak) Khantaak Island 116 K'ulat'aalk' Yaka In Front of K'ulat'aalk' (#119) Gilbert Spit 117 Tandaa Aak'w Jumping Fish Little Lake An ish (fish hole) in Ophir Creek above highway bridge 118 Gaaxw Aa Dusgeiwu Place Where They Used to Net Ducks Lagoon west of Dolgoi Island 119 K'ulat'aalk' Shaking Their Wings (from Eyak) Crab Island in Johnstone Passage near Khantaak Island 120 Deikee Seet Out-to-Sea Pass Ahdahk Bay Pass 20 • Yaakwdciat Kwaan, Galydx_Kwcian, and Gunaaxoo Kwcian Map # Name Translation Location 121 Gunakadeit Seedi Gunakadeit's (Sea Monster's) Pass Johnstone Passage 122 QyakW* Open Place (from Eyak) Open water between Khantaak and Kriwoi islands 123 Shadat'eix' Busted Head Hatchet Pass 124 Sit' Kusi Narrow Glacier Turner Glacier 125 WAxAq* (Gofex 'ayi*) —* (Aleuts' Lake) Lake/lagoon on Dolgoi Island 126 X'aa Yayee Below the Point Yakutat Bay 127 QiY0-21-Adijak* Dolgoi Island, west shore 128 Asgutu.aan Village in the Woods Dolgoi Island 129 Aanilawaak* Fitzgerald Island 130 'Ildiliyal* Close Together