In Michele Bachmann's Home District, Evangelicals Have Been Waging
In Michele Bachmann’s home district, evangelicals have been waging war against gay teens. After a rash of suicides, the kids Above: A candlelight are fighting back vigil in Minneapolis for the victims By Sabrina of gay bullying. Right: An anti-suicide Rubin Erdely memorial poster. SCHOOL50 | Rolling Stone | February 16, 2012 OFFebruary 16, 2012 | Rolling Stone | 51 SCHOOL OF HATE very morning, brittany geldert Alliance club, as a safe haven for mis- where woodlands abruptly give way to stepped off the bus and bolted through the fits like them, although the club’s prog- strip malls and then fall back to placid double doors of Fred Moore Middle School, ress was stalled by the school district that, woodlands again, and the landscape is among other things, was queasy about the dotted with churches. The district, which her nerves already on high alert, bracing for club’s flagrant use of the word “gay.” Reli- spans two counties, is so geographical- the inevitable. gious conservatives have called GSAs “sex ly huge as to be a sort of cross section of “Dyke.” clubs,” and sure enough, the local religious America itself, with its small minority Pretending not to hear, Brittany would right loudly objected to them. “This is an population clustered at its southern tip, assault on moral standards,” read one re- white suburban sprawl in its center and walk briskly to her locker, past the sixth-, cent letter to the community paper. “Let’s sparsely populated farmland in the north. seventh- and eighth-graders who loitered stop this dangerous nonsense before it’s It also offers a snapshot of America in eco- in menacing packs.
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