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4:30 pm – 7:00 pm AAMDC Registration & Partners’ Program Information Desk Hall D Foyer, Pedway Level, Shaw Conference Centre

5:15 pm – 6:15 pm Reeves’/Mayors’ Meeting Salon 4, Meeting Level

6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Brandt Tractor Hospitality Suite Devonian Room, Westin


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7:00 am – 8:15 am Breakfast Hall D, Pedway Level

6:30 am – 3:00 pm AAMDC Registration/Information Desk Hall D Foyer, Pedway Level

7:30 am Board Convention Briefing Breakfast Meeting Boardroom, Pedway Level

All board members, Executive Director, Director of Advocacy and Communications and Executive Administration Coordinator are to attend.

8:00 am – 10:30 am AAMDC Partners’ Program Information Desk Lobby, Westin Hotel

8:00 am Processional Coordination SCC Boardroom, Pedway Level

. President Barss to meet Lieutenant Governor & Vice Regal Party at his vehicle . Susan Valentine & Kim Heyman to coordinate processional . Vice President Kolebaba to meet Minister Griffiths . Director Whaley to meet Paul Lorieau


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. Director Odegard to meet RCMP Chaplain Bob Harper . Director Burton to meet past presidents o Don Johnson o Jack Hayden o Gordon Miller(will be sitting at front tables not walking in) o Joe Smith . Director Jones to meet fraternal delegates o AMM –Russ Wyatt (Director) o AMM – Joe Masi (Executive Director) o AMM – Doug Dobrosolski (President) o FCM – Daniel Rubinstein (Research Officer) o ASVA – Beverly Anderson (Executive Director) . Director Kemmere to meet affiliate delegates o AFCA – Bill Purdy (Executive Director) o AMHSA – Jim Moroney (Executive Director) o ARMAA – Dennis Shigematsu (President) o LGAA – Michelle White (2nd Vice President) o SLGM – Al Harvey (Chair) o SLGM – Linda Davies (Executive Director)


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8:00 am Processional Line Up SCC Boardroom, Pedway Level

. All Board to gather for processional line-up.

Line up as follows:

PIPER / HONOUR GUARD: 1. Piper – Staff Sergeant Doug Stapleton 2. Drummer - 3. Sergeant Tom Kalis 4. Corporal Rod Carleton

AAMDC PAST PRESIDENTS: 5. Joe Smith and his wife, Alva 6. Don Johnson 7. Jack Hayden

FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION GUESTS: (If extras show up, organize alphabetically and then elected rep before the staff rep)


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Association of Manitoba Municipalities 8. Doug Dobrosolski (President) 9. Joe Masi (Executive Director) 10. Russ Wyatt (Director)

Association of Summer Villages of 11. Beverly Anderson (Executive Director)

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) 12. Daniel Rubinstein (Research Officer)

AFFILIATE ORGANIZATION GUESTS: (If extras show up, organize alphabetically and then elected rep before the staff rep where applicable)

Alberta Fire Chiefs’ Association 13. Bill Purdy, Executive Director

Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Association 15. Jim Moroney, Executive Director Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators Association 4

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16. Dennis Shigematsu, President Local Government Administration Association (LGAA) 17. Michelle White, 2nd Vice President Society of Local Government Managers (SLGM) 18. Al Harvey (Chair) 19. Linda Davies (Executive Director)

HEAD TABLE PROCESSION LINE-UP: Note: Head table dignitaries are to enter stage on right side (facing stage) and proceed to the end of the table in this order to their assigned seating.

1. Chaplain Harper (RCMP) 2. Director Soren Odegard 3. Director Tom Burton 4. Director John Whaley 5. Leave space at Table for Lieutenant Governor 6. Leave space at Table for President Bob Barss PODIUM 7. Vice President Carolyn Kolebaba 8. Minister Doug Griffiths 9. Director Al Kemmere 5

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10. Director Bob Jones 11. Executive Director Gerald Rhodes (already on stage) 12. President Bob Barss 13. Lieutenant Governor Donald S. Ethell

Executive Director Rhodes to approach podium and announce…

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Before we kick off the convention, I would like to remind delegates of some important house rules:

. If you have your cell phone with you, please turn it on silent during all sessions.

. Delegates may have noticed the clik-a-pads in your name-tags. Please remember to have these with you tomorrow and Thursday, as you will need them for electronic voting. These clik-a-pads are costly, so please keep track of them. The loss fee for unreturned clik-a- pads is $250.


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. We have a message board set up for your convenience for the duration of the convention. It’s located near the registration/information desk in the foyer of Hall D.

. I hope that you used the shuttle bus provided between hotels this morning. The bussing is provided and sponsored by Red Arrow. You can find the scheduled times in the handbook and on the mobile app.

. For any municipalities with emergent resolutions, this is your reminder to submit a copy to the resolution chair, Al Kemmere, as soon as possible. If you don’t know Al or can’t track him down, please feel free to ask our staff.

. We have free wifi for our delegates to use. The username is aamdc and the password is convention2012. This is also available on page 44 in the handbook and will be displayed on the main screen throughout convention.

. For the first time at convention, the AAMDC has a mobile app for you to use on your smart phone or tablet. If you haven’t accessed it yet, open your internet browser and type in the address: app.aamdc.com. You can find the 7

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address on page 22 in the handbook for future reference. For ease of use throughout the convention, you can save the page to your homescreen that will take you directly there. The method will be different based on your phone, but if you’re on the site and press menu, you may see an option such as ‘Create a shortcut to your homescreen’. If you need some assistance with this, our staff at the registration desk can help.

. You can find the agenda, workshop descriptions, announcements, all of the resolutions and more on the app. We think it’s a great resource, especially if you don’t have your handbook on you. We want to thank Stantec for sponsoring this App and making it possible for us to provide it to you.

This year, along with our fraternal delegates, we welcome His Honour, Col. [KER-NEL] Retired, The Honourable Lieutenant [LEFT-TEN-ANT] Governor Donald S. Ethell to join us for our opening ceremonies. With the Lieutenant [LEFT-TEN-ANT] Governor’s attendance, there are a few matters of protocol that I need to go over with you. 8

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First, I need everyone to come inside the room, as it is customary for the Lieutenant [LEFT-TEN-ANT] Governor to be the last person to enter the room, and also to be the first to leave. Because of this, we request that you remain in the room until His Honour exits the room.

Also, once the head-table is in place up on stage, we will be playing the Vice-Regal Salute and we ask you to remain standing until it finishes playing. Even though it will sound familiar, don’t worry, there are no words to sing.

Without further ado, will you all please rise and welcome our fraternal, affiliate delegates, head table dignitaries and His Honour, Col. [KER-NEL] Retired, The Honourable Lieutenant [LEFT-TEN-ANT] Governor Donald S. Ethell….

8:15 am Start Processional to Stage

Bagpiper commences and the procession takes place.


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8:15 am Opening Ceremonies Hall D, Pedway Level

After Processional, the head table remains standing and the Vice Regal Salute plays. Once the vice regal salute has finished, Executive Director Rhodes to take podium and say...

I will now call upon President Bob Barss to pay the piper. The piper, back in the old days, was traditionally paid in the form of a captured sword obtained by a powerful member of his clan during a battle.

It is often considered tradition when “piping in” a head table, for the piper is presented with a quaff of scotch (or apple juice) which is ceremoniously downed after the toast "Schlang ge va".

President Barss to assume podium…

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.


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I’m Bob Barss, president of the AAMDC Board of Directors. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the AAMDC’s Fall 2012.

To begin today’s proceedings; please help me welcome Paul Lorieau, who will lead us in O Canada. I ask that you continue to stand as he sings the national anthem.

Note: All head table dignitaries to turn and face the Canadian flag behind the head table.

After the national anthem….

Thank you. Please be seated.

Let me introduce the head table. Starting on my right, at the far end, are: 1. Chaplain Bob Harper, RCMP Chaplain 2. Director Soren Odegard, District 5 (-East) 3. Director Tom Burton, District 4 (Northern) 4. Director John Whaley, District 3 (Pembina)


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5. His Honour, Col Ret’d, Honourable Lieutenant [LEFT- TEN-ANT] Governor Donald S. Ethell 6. (Reserved seat for Bob Barss, President) To my left are… 7. Vice President Carolyn Kolebaba 8. Minister of Municipal Affairs, Doug Griffiths 9. Director Al Kemmere, District 2 (Central) 10. Director Bob Jones, District 1 (Foothills-Little Bow) 11. Executive Director Gerald Rhodes

We are happy to have four representatives from the RCMP “K” Division. Serving as the Honour Guard are Sergeant Tom Kalis and Corporal Rod Carleton.

In addition, we’d like to acknowledge today’s piper and drummer. Please join me in a round of applause to thank them for volunteering their time to escort our honoured guests.

President Barss introduces Chaplain Bob Harper for the Invocation…


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It gives me great pleasure to welcome Bob Harper, the chaplain from the RCMP "K" Division and coordinator for the division’s chaplain program. He provides chaplain services to "K" Division headquarters, "V" Division and other parts of the RCMP Northwest Region when required. We are honoured to have him here today and to offer the invocation.

When Chaplain Harper finishes… Thank-you Chaplain Harper.

President Barss to give Chaplain Harper his gift and resumes podium. I would now like to introduce the His Honour, Col. [KER- NEL] Retired, the Honourable Donald S. Ethell, Lieutenant [LEFT-TEN-ANT] Governor of Alberta. His Honour was installed as the 17th Lieutenant [LEFT-TEN-ANT] Governor of Alberta on May 11, 2010. His Vice-Regal duties came following a long and distinguished career in the Canadian Armed Forces as well as civilian service as a military advisor and volunteer with humanitarian.


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The AAMDC is proud to welcome the Lieutenant [LEFT- TEN-ANT] Governor to our convention this morning. Let us welcome him with a round of applause. Your Honour, I invite you to take the podium…

President Barss prepare to assist the Lieutenant Governor with the presentation of the Diamond Jubilee Medals.

Kolebaba to assume podium and announces…

Thank you, Your Honour. We now have the great pleasure in presenting six deserving individuals with a prestigious Diamond Jubilee Medal. Over six decades ago, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of Canada. And today as we award the Diamond Jubilee Medals, we celebrate the contributions the recipients have made to make Canada better. They have improved their communities, and the lives of the residents within them. Recipients have been nominated and honoured by your peers, with the final selection being made by the board. As recipients names are called, we request that you come on stage to receive your medal. 14

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Our first recipient is Pat Vincent, CAO for Parkland County. Pat has made considerable and lasting contributions to his community by offering his personal and professional time to others. Pat has demonstrated his passion by selflessly being of service to others. Congratulations Pat, please come to the stage to receive your award.

Pause until Pat receives his medal.

Next we honour Floyd Haas [HAH-S], a councillor for Cypress County. Floyd has farmed in the area his entire life, and has many noted accomplishments in farming, ranching and volunteering. Floyd has been a Councillor for the last 38 years. Congratulations Floyd.

Pause until Floyd receives his medal.

Our next deserving recipient is from Parkland County, Councillor Phyllis Kobasiuk. Her involvement with youth, volunteering and her dedication to public and community


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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 service makes her truly deserving of this medal. Congratulations Phyllis.

Pause until Phyllis receives his medal.

Our next medal is being awarded to Bernie Buzik. A lifetime spent as a teacher has given Bernie a unique opportunity to be involved in the MD of Wainwright. Bernie is passionate about helping seniors and is a role model and mentor to many in the community. Congratulations Bernie.

Pause until Bernie receives his medal.

Not one to pat his own back, Ross Rawlusyk [RAH-LUS-IK], CAO for Starland County was nominated for his guidance and experience he gives to all the communities across the County. His dedication is just one of many great attributes that Ross has. Congratulations Ross.

Pause until Ross receives his medal.


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And last but not least is a recipient who could not be with us today. Many of you know as both a past Lamont County Reeve as well as our past Premier. His commitment to Alberta makes him deserving of this Diamond Jubilee Medal. Ed received his medal at a ceremony that took place with the board a few weeks ago.

Congratulations to all the recipients. The AAMDC is truly appreciative of your efforts to improve the quality of life in Rural Alberta.

President Barss assumes the podium…

Thank you again, Your Honour, for joining us this morning for these important presentations commemorating Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee. We appreciate you making time to be here.

I also extend thanks to the rest of our head table guests. You are welcome to sit with the Fraternal and Affiliate guests for the rest of the program if your schedule allows. If you are unable to stay with us this morning, you’re 17

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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 welcome to follow the piper and Vice-Regal Party out the door.

At this time, I ask everyone to rise as the Lieutenant [LEFT- EN-ANT] Governor exits the room.

President Barss to accompany the Lieutenant Governor off the stage and to his car. Gerald Rhodes, other board members and Minister Griffiths to stay. President Barss to return to the floor in front of the stage to be ready for Long Service Awards.

The piper pipes and leaves with Chaplain Harper.

Gerald Rhodes to assume podium and to introduce fraternal and affiliate organization delegates…

It is my pleasure to introduce a number of fraternal and affiliate organization delegates who were able to join us today. I would ask that they stand when their names are called. Please hold your applause until we have announced all of them…. 18

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First, our fraternal organizations:

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) 1. Daniel Rubinstein, Research Officer

Association of Manitoba Municipalities 2. Doug Dobrosolski, President 3. Joe Masi, Executive Director 4. Russ Wyatt, Director

We are also pleased to have representatives from several affiliate organizations:

Association of Summer Villages of Alberta 5. Beverly Anderson, Executive Director

Alberta Fire Chiefs’ Association 6. Bill Purdy, Executive Director


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Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators Association 7. Dennis Shigematsu, President Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association 8. Jim Moroney, Executive Director

Local Government Administration Association 9. Michelle White, 2nd Vice President

Society of Local Government Managers 10. Al Harvey, Chair 11. Linda Davies, Executive Director

I’d like to also welcome four past presidents of the AAMDC to the convention: 12. Joe Smith and his wife, Alva 13. Gordon Miller and his wife, Audrey 14. Jack Hayden and his partner, Yvette 15. Don Johnson

President Barss calls on Executive Director Rhodes to conduct the In Memoriam


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Please join me in our “In Memoriam” prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the opportunity to meet again at this convention. Thank you for allowing us this life so that we might do our part to make Alberta a better place for our friends and families. Let us also remember those who have passed on this year.

We ask, Lord, that you be with the families and friends who are left to mourn the passing of a loved one. Amen.

Please observe a moment’s silence with me in memory of the departed as their names are shown on the screens.

***Begin In Memoriam slideshow during moment of silence*** DO NOT READ . Ray Boyer, County of Grande Prairie . Rick Butler, Rocky View County . Joseph Chaibos, MD of Smoky River . Thomas Farnsworth, County of Grande Prairie . Jerry Gartner, Ponoka County . Bob Gingles, County of Grande Prairie 21

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. Joseph Hammel, County of Forty Mile . Dalton Longson, County of Grande Prairie . Anna MacGregor, MD of Bighorn . James Lamar Meeks, County of Warner . Robert Miles, Northern Sunrise County . Pete Nykolyshyn, Clear Hills County . Donald Penman, MD of Provost . Jim Rheubottom, Rocky View County . Elmer Stoyberg, Red Deer County . Lloyd Trapp, County of Lethbridge . Pete Wallace, County of Newell . Dennis Waters, Lac Ste Anne County Thank you.

Executive Director Rhodes continues with Long Service Awards

Before I continue, I would ask that this year’s Long Service Awards recipients please make their way to the reserved tables at the front of the hall. AAMDC staff will direct you. Thank you.


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The AAMDC recognizes dedicated rural leaders with Long Service Awards. Today, we give special recognition to those with 9, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of municipal service. These people have dedicated years to bettering their communities as councillors, mayors, reeves and CAOs.

The long service pins were placed on the recipients’ convention name tags. Those with 25 years’ service will be presented with a plaque. This fall, we recognize 26 members for their years of service to rural communities.

Please come to the front of the stage when your name is announced to receive congratulations from the Minister, your board and your peers. I would ask that you hold your applause until I have finished calling on all recipients.

Gerald asks Minister and Board to move to floor level (Camera to adjust ) We have the following members celebrating 9 years of service… From Parkland County  Darrell Hollands


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 Jo Szady [ZAY-DEE] From the County of Wetaskiwin  Wayne Meyers From the MD of Provost  Allan Murray From Camrose County  Allan Radke

At 15 years serving their communities we have… From the MD of Acadia  Patrick Gordeyko From County of Paintearth  Tarolyn Peach

With 20 years under their belts… From Flagstaff County  Shelly Armstrong From the County of Wetaskiwin  Garry Dearing From Camrose County  Steven Gerlitz


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From the MD of Willow Creek  Earl Hemmaway From the County of Warner  Bob Jones From Lac Ste Anne County  Ron Kidd  Lorne Olsvik From Parkland County  Phyllis Kobasiuk From the County of Forty Mile  Ron Lane From Beaver County  Dennis Miciak [ME-CHUK]

Celebrating 25 Years is… (Note: these people receive a plaque) From the MD of Big Lakes  Guy L'Heureux [G-EE LE-ROO] From Starland County  Ross Rawlusyk [RAH-LUS-IK]


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Celebrating 30 years is… From Lamont County  Al Harvey From Cypress County  Doug Henderson

Celebrating 35 years is… From Ponoka County  Charlie Cutforth From the MD of Foothills  Harry Riva Cambrin From the MD of Wainwright  Phil Valleau [VAL-OH]

And celebrating an amazing 40 years is…  Lucien Turcotte from MD of Smoky River

Please join me in a round of applause for this year’s Long Service Award recipients. I’ll now call Vice President Kolebaba to the podium.


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President Barss, Vice President Kolebaba and Minister Griffiths to return to the stage. Rest of the Board and Executive Director Rhodes leave the stage.

Vice President Kolebaba announces R.W. Hay Award…

Ladies and gentlemen, we wish now to acknowledge outstanding administrative service. In 1997, the AAMDC established the R.W. Hay Award for Excellence in Rural Municipal Administration, to recognize the superior service provided by rural administrators.

I want to thank the Society of Local Government Managers for their support of this program and for their participation on the evaluation committee.

I was joined on the Evaluation Committee this year by past winners Cynthia Vizzutti, Lucien Turcotte and Duane Coleman, and SLGM Board representatives Shelly Armstrong, Luc Mercier and Al Harvey.


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The R.W. Hay Award recipient will receive $2,000 jointly funded by the AAMDC and the Society of Local Government Managers. In addition, they will receive a bronze grain elevator made by Corney Martin of Coaldale.

I would like to ask SLGM Vice-Chair Al Harvey and Executive Director Linda Davies to come forward and assist President Barss in presenting the award.

President Barss will take statue and cheque from table to the side of the stage. Al Harvey and Linda Davies will come up on stage to join President Barss.

Vice President Kolebaba to announce…

This year’s recipient of the AAMDC R.W. Hay Award has been selected by his peers as an inspiration, as he consistently demonstrated leadership, courage and passion. He has recently been called a pillar of strength when the community and municipality needed it most.


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This administrator is extremely dedicated to the community and continually seeks opportunities that enhance the well-being of residents and staff alike. He is a well-known positive role model that values education, volunteerism, and youth. He leads by example and this is evident as his entire family is dedicated and involved with the community

This administrator values ongoing education, training and professional development. He currently holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science and a Bachelor of Management Accounting. He is certified in General Accounting and Local Government Management and supports his staff in all their pursuits.

This year’s recipient consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty, and is always quick to step in and help when needed. He believes in fostering a culture of respect within the workplace.

There is a sense of family under his direction and in times of crisis this is imperative. This administrator has 29

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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 always valued effective communication, which has been essential as he helped the community overcome trauma and hardship. He is creative, resourceful and is able to make the difficult decision and accept responsibility for the outcome.

He knows that sometimes there is no rule book when facing a disaster and lives by the words “Tough times don’t last forever, Tough people do”.

Please join me in congratulating the 2012 recipient of the R.W. Hay Award for Excellence in Rural Administration: from the MD of Lesser Slave River, Allan Winarski!

AAMDC staff member assigned to camera to get a photo of the presentation. Janet

Recipient to say a few words.

Al Harvey, Linda Davies to leave the stage area. Vice President Kolebaba to continue…


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Next, we’ll turn our attention to the Elected Officials Program. You may have noticed an EOEP booth just outside this room in the foyer. If you take a moment to stop by this booth you can have the opportunity to “Take the EOEP Challenge”! The EOEP Challenge gives you the opportunity to take a quick 5 question quiz about any municipal content that is part of the EOEP program. Whether you have taken a course or not, I encourage you to take 5 minutes to sit down and prove that you know your stuff. Have fun with it and challenge your fellow councillors too!

Now it is time that we celebrate those that have proven they can meet the EOEP challenge and have graduated from the Elected Officials Education Program. I would like to call upon the following people to come to the stage to present the certificates to the graduates.

 The EOEP Board of Directors – Gerald Rhodes and John McGowan (checking on this)  AAMDC President Bob Barss


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 And EOEP CEO Lavinia (La-vine-ah) Henderson and Registrar Sheena Linderman

…Keep reading while they assemble next to the stage

***Slide 2*** The primary mandate of the Alberta Elected Officials Education Program is to provide municipally elected officials with an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and skills. This enables those in office to effectively achieve the goals of the community.

***Slide 3*** The EOEP was launched as a joint effort between the AAMDC and the AUMA in 2006. With support from Alberta Municipal Affairs, the EOEP program has grown into a 21 course curriculum that can be taken in class or online.

To date, more than 673 municipal elected officials have taken at least one course in the program. Today we will be recognizing eight individuals who have graduated


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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 from the program by completing the necessary seven courses. We would like to present Certificates of Achievement to these AAMDC members in recognition of their commitment to personal development and to improving the quality of municipal government in Alberta.

As I read a brief biography, I’d ask each graduate to come up on stage to receive their certificate. For the sake of time, we ask that you hold any applause until the end of the presentation. With that, let us call the first graduate to the stage.

***Slide 4*** Helen Cyr [SEER], Councillor, MD of Pincher Creek

In addition to serving her first term on Council, Helen is an active community volunteer. She and her husband Clarence have been married for 41 years and have four sons and two grand-daughters. They raise Elk and beef cattle and have developed a Niche Market with their low cholesterol, antibiotic and growth-hormone free beef.


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Helen’s community service includes 4-H, the Pincher Creek Ag Society, Pincher Creek Women’s Emergency Shelter, Classroom Agriculture Program and a Carnivore Working Group which includes members from Pincher Creek, Ranchland, Willow Creek and Cardston communities.

***Slide 5*** Dwight Dach [DAK], Councillor, County of St. Paul

Prior to becoming a councillor, Dwight spent 35 years as a firefighter for The City of Edmonton. Along with his colleagues they were able to raise funds to realize the first burn treatment unit in western Canada at the U of A hospital. He also volunteered with Muscular Dystrophy and UNICEF.

His goal now as a county councillor is to sustain an infrastructure that provides services that enhances the quality of life.


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Dwight believes in building vibrant communities through compromise, collaboration and partnering with other municipalities. Much of his volunteer time is now spent with Rural Crime Watch, libraries and Lakeland Tourism.

***Slide 6*** Lois Duech (DOO-ECK), Councillor, County of Grande Prairie

Lois was elected to County Council in 2007. She is committed to working with agriculture and industry to improve roads and bridges in the County and preserve the rural lifestyle. She is a member of the Assessment Review Board, the Agricultural Service Board, the County Library Board, and the Beaverlodge Airport Commission.

Lois also sits on the Beaverlodge-Elmworth-Huallen recreation board and the McNaught Homestead Preservation Society.

Lois is an avid volunteer in her community and works with various organizations. She is the Vice-President for 35

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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 the Beaverlodge Hospital Auxiliary and a board member for the South Peace Centennial Museum.

Lois and her husband Peter had a mixed farming operation where they raised three children. They now have seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

***Slide 7*** Mary Ann Eckstrom, Councillor, County of Grande Prairie

Mary Ann was elected to County Council in 1994. She sits on many committees including the Agricultural Service Board, the Saddle Hills Advisory Board and the Sexsmith and Area Community Centre. Mary Ann is the Northwest Region Representative of the FCSS Association of Alberta and Board Chair of the County FCSS.

Mary Ann was born in Grande Prairie and grew up on a farm near Sexsmith. After marrying her husband in 1980, she returned to the University of Alberta to finish her degree in political science.


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She now lives on a farm near Sexsmith and has three sons. In addition to being Division 9 Fire Guardian, she balances her life with local politics, being a piano teacher, and spending time with family and friends.

***Slide 8*** William Lane, Councillor, County of Barrhead

William was elected to Council in 2001 and sits on the Agricultural Service Board, Regional Landfill Authority and Community Futures Yellowhead East Corporation, among others.

Over the years, William has worked in various industries throughout the Yukon, BC and Alberta. He and his wife of thirty-seven years have 3 wonderful children and 9 grandchildren who take up a lot of their time.

Now in his fourth term, William has truly enjoyed his time on Council. He has learned a lot over the years and says you never stop learning new things. Serving on council is


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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 one way William has been able to give back to the community that has given him and his family so much.

***Slide 9*** Bonnie Riddell, Councillor, Strathcona County

Bonnie was first elected to Strathcona County Council in 2010 and also spent 9 years as a Trustee with the Elk Island Public School District. During this time, she served 3 years as their Vice Chair, and 3 years as Chair of the Board.

Bonnie sits on many boards and committees within the municipality such as Agricultural Services Board, Resolution Committee, Capital Region Board, the Beaver Hills Initiative and Youth Advisory Committee just to name a few.

She has lived in Strathcona County for 20 years now and has raised two sons. Bonnie enjoys the country living and all its offerings, but has a particular passion for horses. She has volunteered extensively in the 38

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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 community with organizations such as local cadet clubs, equestrian associations, archery and gun clubs and has spent many hours helping out at the local rural hall.

***Slide 10*** Karen Shaw, Councillor, Sturgeon County

Karen was elected to her first term on Sturgeon County Council in 2007. She believes that community input is an important component of a strong and sustainable community. Karen hosts regular "Let’s Talk” coffee meetings in Redwater with residents in her Division to increase awareness about programs and services offered by the County, as well as discuss important local issues.

Karen lives on a 108-year old family farm with her husband, Stuart. Together, they have three children and three grandchildren. In addition to serving on numerous boards and committees, Karen raises livestock and volunteers with local agencies, including the Bon Accord 4H Beef Club.


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***Slide 11*** Terry Yagos, Reeve, MD of Pincher Creek

Terry was born and raised at Lee Lake in the Crowsnest/Pincher Creek area. He attended the University of Lethbridge graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1969 and a Bachelor of Education in 1971.

Terry taught school in Lundbreck for 12 years and then served on the Pincher Creek school board for three terms. He coached various levels of school basketball for over 30 years and was active in many sports leagues as well as the Toastmaster club.

In additional to being a full-time Rancher at Lee Lake, Terry also operates a recreational development.

Congratulations to the 2012 EOEP graduates. Let’s have a warm round of applause for their accomplishments.

Pause for applause…


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We also want to point out that the EOEP has now been opened up to municipal staff and general members of the public. So if you know someone who plans to run for office in 2013, this program is a great way for them to educate themselves about municipal government.

If you are interested in learning more about the Elected Officials Education Program, make sure you stop by the EOEP booth in the foyer and talk to Sheena or Lavinia (La-vine-ah). Also don’t forget to take the EOEP Challenge!

Kolebaba to leave the stage…

9:50 am – 10:05 am Hon. Doug Griffiths, Minister of Municipal Affairs

President Barss to assume podium…

Congratulations to everyone who has received an award here this morning, we do have very deserving colleagues. I’d like to now welcome to the podium the Honourable


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Doug Griffiths, who will give us an update on Municipal Affairs.

Doug Griffiths was first elected as an MLA in 2002 for the constituency of Wainwright and is currently serving his fourth term as MLA.

In May of 2012, Mr. Griffiths was named Minister of Municipal Affairs, a position he was originally sworn into in October 2011. Previous appointments he has had include serving as parliamentary assistant for the Department of Finance and Enterprise and as parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Honourable Doug Griffiths.

Minister Griffiths assumes the podium and delivers greetings.

10:10 am Director Odegard meet Municipal Excellence Award Recipients, Foyer Hall D.


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10:05 am – 10:20 am Introduction of Municipal Interns

Minister then introduces municipal interns. The following have CONFIRMED attendance at convention:

. Rory Tarant, City of Grande Prairie . Kinni Sandhar, City of Wetaskiwin . Trevor Duley, Clearwater County . Matthew Atkinson, MD of Foothills . Sarah Clack, County of Wetaskiwin . LaRae Ellis, Town of Chestermere . Jenna Dutton, Town of Didsbury . Clinton Bishop, Town of Nanton . Anna Robinson, Town of Trochu . Kelly Cust, Town of Viking . Neil Chadda, Athabasca County . Jeff Robson, Strathcona County . Stephanie Chai, Capital Region Board . Aminu Bello, West Central Planning Agency

President Barss to assume the podium…


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Thank you, Minister Griffiths. Let’s all have a round of applause to welcome our 2012 municipal interns. I hope to see more of these new faces as they continue on their journey in municipal government.

***Pause for applause***

Vice President Kolebaba and Director Odegard to assume the podium… 10:20 am – 10:35 am Municipal Excellence Awards

The next item on the agenda is the Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence.


At conclusion, Vice President Kolebaba to announce…

Thank you, Minister Griffiths for presenting these awards, and congratulations to the winners. 44

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We’ll now take a 15 minute coffee break, sponsored by Urban Systems.

10:35 am – 10:50 am Coffee Break sponsored by Urban Systems

10:50 am Director Jones meet Mayor Nolan Crouse and Mayor Stuart Houston Capital Region Board, Foyer Hall D

10:50 am – 11:00 am Karen Leibovici, FCM President

President Barss to assume chair and announce…

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your coffee break. I’d like to quickly thank our sponsor, Urban Systems, for their support.

Comment [S1]: Needs to be updated to the Joining us now is someone who has a long history with VP…Well plans might be changing leave until last to update cc Alberta politics. FCM President Karen Leibovici has served


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Edmontonians as a city councillor since 2001. Soon after, she became involved with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, with her election to the board of directors. Karen’s notable experience and knowledge in governance has carried her through a career in labour relations, a Member of the Legislative Assembly and teaching at the University of Alberta. AAMDC would like to formally congratulate Karen on her newest position as FCM President and we are honoured she has joined us here at convention.

Please welcome Ms. Leibovici to the stage.Karen was Formatted: Highlight

Comment [KH2]: To be completed when video is unable to join us here today and instead has sent a video to confirmed. bring greetings. Formatted: Highlight

President Barss leaves the stage or sits to the side off-camera.

Director Odegard assumes podium…

Thank you, Karen.


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11:05 am Director Burton meet Hon. Diana McQueen, Foyer Hall D

11:00 am – 11:15 am Capital Region Board “The value and importance of Alberta’s oil industry to Albertans”

We are pleased to welcome two representatives from the Capital Region Board to address our group today.

Please join me in welcoming Nolan Crouse, Capital Region Board Chair and Mayor of the City of St. Albert, and Stuart Houston, Mayor of the City of Spruce Grove and Chair of the CRB's Pipeline Linkages Strategy Committee.

Director Odegard leaves the stage or sits to the side off- camera.

At conclusion, Director Odegard to announce…

Thank you, Mayors Crouse and Houston.


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11:20 am Director Kemmere meet Hon. Ric McIver, Foyer Hall D

11:15 am- 11:30 am Hon. Diana McQueen, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

It’s now my privilege to introduce the Honourable Diana McQueen, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and MLA for Drayton Valley-Devon.

As a former Minister of Environment and Water and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Energy and Minister of Environment, she has a strong understanding of the environmental and land-related issues that our members are faced with. Please join me in welcoming Minister McQueen.

Director Odegard leaves the stage or sits to the side off- camera.

At conclusion, Director Jones to assume the podium and announce…


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Thank you, Minister McQueen. You have a large and diverse portfolio and we appreciate hearing developments coming out of your ministry.

11:35 am Vice President Kolebaba meet Hon. Ken Hughes, Foyer Hall D

11:30 am- 11:45 am Hon. Ric McIver, Minister of Transportation

I would now like to introduce the Honourable Ric McIver, who is attending our convention for the first time as the Minister of Transportation. Minister McIver was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for -Hays in April. Shortly after, he was sworn in as Minister of Transportation and was named a member of the Treasury Board committee.

The Minister previously served the residents of Calgary as an alderman on Calgary city council from 2001 to 2010. In that time he served on the board of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, the Calgary Police Commission and the Metropolitan Calgary Foundation.


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Please join me in welcoming Minister McIver…

Director Jones leaves the stage or sits to the side off-camera.

At conclusion, Director Jones to announce…

Thank you, Minister McIver. We appreciate you coming to speak to our members today.

11:45 am- 12:00 pm Hon. Ken Hughes, Minister of Energy

Our final ministerial address this morning is the Honourable Ken Hughes, Minister of Energy. Minister Hughes was elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for the constituency of Calgary-West this past spring and was quickly appointed as the Minister of Energy.

Mr. Hughes has a distinguished public service career, which includes serving as the founding chair of Alberta


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Health Services, chair of the former Headwaters Health Authority and federal Member of Parliament for the rural riding of Macleod from 1988 to 1993. As an MP, he was appointed as Parliamentary Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Please welcome Minister Ken Hughes…

Director Jones leaves the stage or sits to the side off-camera.

At conclusion, Director Jones to announce…

Thank you, Minister Hughes….

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

We will now break for a buffet lunch. Lunch is sponsored by GENIVAR and MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP. We thank our sponsors for their generosity, which makes it possible for us to put on great conventions like this.


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Following lunch, at 1:00 pm, will be the start of our breakout sessions on the Meeting Level. Due to recent flooding of the Shaw, the escalators from the second to third levels are not working. If you would prefer to take the elevator instead of the stairs please give yourself a little extra time as the elevator has limited capacity.

You have the opportunity to attend 2 sessions so please check your handbook or our mobile app for details. Also, remember to take all of your belongings out of this room, as Shaw staff will be breaking down the room to prepare for Finning’s hospitality suite tonight.

Show workshop slide

Enjoy your lunch.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Buffet Luncheon sponsored by GENIVAR and MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP Hall A, Pedway Level


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1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Striking a Balance: Water Allocation, Access and Issues Salon 4, Meeting Level Board Member: Al Kemmere Staffer: Tasha Blumenthal

Director Kemmere to announce…

Welcome to Striking a Balance: Water Allocation, Access and Issues. Before we begin, just a reminder to please turn your cell phones to silent.

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I hope you all enjoyed your lunch. Again, I’d like to quickly thank our sponsors, GENIVAR and MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP, for supporting our convention.

Welcome to Striking a Balance: Water Allocation, Access and Issues. This workshop has been sponsored by Enbridge & Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline LP. A big

Comment [TB3]: Cindy says Enbridge may want thank you to them. to say a few words. Waiting on confirmation of this.


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I’d like to welcome our presenters from Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development.

Dave McGee has been involved in water management for 30 years and currently manages the implementation of the South Saskatchewan River Basin Water Management Plan. His experience includes managing risk in water shortages, negotiating water allocations for First Nations, and representing Alberta on a Task Force convened by the International Joint Commission for the St. Mary and Milk Rivers.

While Dave was the District Approvals Manager for Alberta Environment in Lethbridge, he managed the implementation of the first water rights transfer system in Canada, which includes the watersheds of the Bow, Oldman, and South Saskatchewan Rivers. Dave created the statutory concept and procedures that enables water sharing agreements and managed the 2001 Southern Alberta Water Sharing Agreement, the recipient of the 2003 National Water and Energy Conservation Award awarded by the American Irrigation Association.


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I’ll turn it over to Dave who will introduce the rest of his team.

At conclusion, Director Kemmere to moderate Q&A session if necessary.

At conclusion of Q&A session, Director Kemmere to announce…

I’d like to thank all of the Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development representatives for taking the time to talk with us today.

We’ll now take a coffee break, sponsored by AAMDC’s Aggregated Business Service, before the next round of sessions. The next session will start at 3:00, and this room will feature a Jubilee Insurance and RFPs and Tenders presentation. You’ll find Municipal Affairs and the MGA in Salon 8 and Asset Management in Salon 12.


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Please note that staff members have left green evaluation forms on your tables to let us know your thoughts on this breakout session. Please take the time to fill these out for us before you leave for coffee.

Also, just a quick reminder to bring your clik-a-pads tomorrow and Thursday. You will need them for voting on presidential elections, evaluations and resolutions.

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Coffee Break sponsored by Aggregated Business Services


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1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Have Your Say: Municipal Affairs and the MGA Salon 8, Meeting Level Board Member: Soren Odegard Staffer: Darren Reedy

Director Odegard to announce…

Welcome to Have Your Say: Municipal Affairs and the MGA. Before we begin, just a reminder to please turn off your cell phones.

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I hope you all enjoyed your lunch. Again, I’d like to quickly thank our sponsors, GENIVAR and MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman, for supporting our convention.

As we are all aware, the upcoming review of the Municipal Government Act is critical to the future of municipalities. With the review beginning this year, AAMDC Board felt it would be a great time for Municipal Affairs to come speak


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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 about what we can expect over the next three years as we engage in this important process.

Now I’d like to introduce our speakers from Municipal

Comment [DR4]: Still have not received word on Affairs… who this will be.

At conclusion, Director Odegard to moderate Q&A session if necessary.

Thank you, ______for educating us about the upcoming MGA review and for giving us the opportunity to provide our input.

We’ll now take a coffee break, sponsored by AAMDC’s Aggregated Business Service, before the next round of sessions. The next session will start at 3:00, this room will feature a repeat of this session. You’ll find a session on Jubilee Insurance and RFPs and Tenders in Salon 4 and Asset Management in Salon 12.


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Please note that staff members have left green evaluation forms on your tables to let us know your thoughts on this breakout session. Please take the time to fill these out for us before you leave for coffee.

Also, just a quick reminder to bring your clik-a-pads tomorrow and Thursday. You will need them for voting on presidential elections, evaluations and resolutions.

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Coffee Break sponsored by Aggregated Business Services


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1:00 pm – 2:30 pm What is Black and White and Grey all over? Salon 12 Board Member: Tom Burton Staffer: Stephanie Williston

Director Burton to announce…

Welcome to What is Black and White and Grey All Over. Before we begin, just a reminder to please turn all of your cell phones to silent.

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I hope you all enjoyed your lunch. Again, I’d like to quickly thank our sponsors, GENIVAR and MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman, for supporting our convention.

Now, I’d like to introduce our facilitator, Gordon Macintosh.


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Gordon McIntosh, President of the Local Government Leadership Institute, has conducted 950 sessions involving 120,000 elected and appointed civic leaders throughout Canada and overseas. Gordon has 34 years of executive, consultant and educator roles. He received the Professional Award for Excellence and served as President of the Local Government Management Association of BC. Dr. McIntosh teaches at 4 Canadian universities as well as the Tanzanian Public Service College and serves as the Local Government Advisor at the Banff Centre for Management. He is currently preparing to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in January 2013.

At conclusion, Director Burton to moderate Q&A session if necessary.

At conclusion of Q&A session, Director Burton to distribute presenter gifts and announce…

Thank you, Gordon, for taking the time to talk with us today. 61

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We’ll now take a coffee break, sponsored by AAMDC’s Aggregated Business Service, before the next round of sessions. The next session will start at 3:00, and this room will have an asset management workshop. You’ll find a session on Jubilee Insurance and RFPs and Tenders in Salon 4 and Municipal Affairs and the MGA in Salon 8.

Please note that staff members have left green evaluation forms on your tables to let us know your thoughts on this breakout session. Please take the time to fill these out for us before you leave for coffee.

Also, just a quick reminder to bring your clik-a-pads tomorrow and Thursday. You will need them for voting on presidential elections, evaluations and resolutions.

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Coffee Break sponsored by Aggregated Business Services


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3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Jubilee Insurance Workshop Salon 4, Meeting Level Board Member: Carolyn Kolebaba Staffer: Tasha Blumenthal

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I hope you all enjoyed your coffee break. I’d like to quickly thank our Aggregated Business Services for their sponsorship.

Vice President Kolebaba to announce…

Welcome to the Jubilee Insurance Workshop. Before we begin, just a reminder to please turn off your cell phones.

This workshop will have two parts. First Tony Wadsworth from Jubilee Insurance will give us some history and background as to why self-insuring has been important for municipalities. Secondly, Paul Stocco will be informing us what we need to know about tenders and RFPs.


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First up this afternoon, we have Tony Wadsworth, Jubilee’s Manager of Insurance. Since emigrating from England 30 years ago, Tony has spent most of his career working with municipalities and local community organizations across Canada. He is dedicated towards serving all members of the Jubilee family and wants every member to feel confident that they are always getting the very best in service and advice.

Outside the office and away from work, he lives in the Town of Millet where he also serves as Town Councillor.

After Tony finishes speaking…

Thank you Tony. I think we’re all better informed on our insurance now.

Now I’d like to introduce Mr. Paul Stocco. Paul Stocco is a partner with the law firm of Brownlee LLP in Edmonton whose practice focuses on construction litigation and procurement. Our Jubilee insurance department relies on Paul for our most complex construction and tender liability 64

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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 claims. Paul was also a major contributor to our Risk Pro 5 presentation on Tender Liability which some of you may be familiar with. With that, I’ll invite Paul to the podium to teach us a thing or two about tendering and RFPs.

At conclusion, Vice President Kolebaba to moderate Q&A session if necessary.

At conclusion of Q&A session, Vice President Kolebaba to distribute presenter gifts and announce…

Thank you, Paul, for taking the time to talk with us today.

Before you leave, please take a moment to fill out the green evaluation forms on your tables to let us know your thoughts on this session.

Also, just a quick reminder to bring your clik-a-pads tomorrow and Thursday. You will need them for voting on presidential elections, evaluations and resolutions.


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This is the end of today’s convention activities. Tonight, Municipal Affairs is hosting its Open House at 4:30 pm in the Foyer of Hall D. Brownlee LLP is hosting their hospitality suite featuring country singer Tracy Millar at the Westin starting at 6:00 pm. The Central Alberta, Lakeland, North Parkland Power & South REAs Hospitality Suite will be at the Westin at 5:00 pm. GENIVAR is hosting their Game Show Mania at the Westin at 6:00pm. At the Hotel Macdonald, Fortis Alberta begins their hospitality night at 6pm. And the annual Finning Night will be taking place in Hall D from 7:30 pm until 11:00 pm. Enjoy your evening!


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3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Have Your Say: Municipal Affairs and the MGA Salon 8, Meeting Level Board Member: John Whaley Staffer: Stephanie Williston

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I hope you all enjoyed your coffee break. I’d like to quickly thank our sponsor, Aggregated Business Services, for their sponsorship.

Director Whaley to announce…

Welcome to Have Your Say: Municipal Affairs and the MGA. Before we begin, just a reminder to please turn off your cell phones.

As we are all aware, the upcoming review of the Municipal Government Act is critical to the future of municipalities. With the review beginning this year, the AAMDC Board felt it would be a great time for Municipal Affairs to come speak


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Podium Program for Tuesday, November 13 about what we can expect over the next three years as engage in this important process.

Now I’d like to introduce our speakers from Municipal

Comment [DR5]: Still have not received word on Affairs… who this will be.

Director Whaley turns mic over to…

At conclusion, Director Whaley to moderate Q&A session if necessary.

At conclusion of Q&A session, Director Whaley to distribute speaker gifts and announce…

Thank you, ______for educating us about the upcoming MGA review and for giving us the opportunity to provide our input.

Before you leave, please take a moment to fill out the green evaluation forms on your tables to let us know your thoughts on this session.


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Also, just a quick reminder to bring your clik-a-pads tomorrow and Thursday. You will need them for voting on presidential elections, evaluations and resolutions.

This is the end of today’s convention activities. Tonight, Municipal Affairs is hosting its Open House at 4:30 pm in the Foyer of Hall D. Brownlee LLP is hosting their hospitality suite featuring country singer Tracy Millar at the Westin starting at 6:00 pm. The Central Alberta, Lakeland, North Parkland Power & South REAs Hospitality Suite will be at the Westin at 5:00 pm. GENIVAR is hosting their Game Show Mania at the Westin at 6:00pm. At the Hotel Macdonald, Fortis Alberta begins their hospitality night at 6pm. And the annual Finning Night will be taking place in Hall D from 7:30 pm until 11:00 pm. Enjoy your evening!


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3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Too Many Assets…Not Enough Time – Maintenance vs. Management Salon 12, Meeting Level Board Member: Bob Jones Staffer: Darren Reedy

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I hope you all enjoyed your coffee break. I’d like to quickly thank our sponsor, Aggregated Business Services, for their sponsorship.

Director Jones to announce…

Welcome to Too Many Assets…Not Enough Time – Maintenance vs. Management session. Before we begin, just a reminder to please turn off your cell phones.


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Now, I’d like to introduce our guest speakers….

Dr. Ian Greenwood has over nineteen years’ experience in the application of asset management and is currently the Principal Consultant within the Opus Global Asset Management Team. Ian both leads and provides technical input to a range of infrastructure asset management projects around the world.

He has published over 30 papers and technical articles, and has co-authored industry manuals on asset management. He often guest-lectures at Auckland University on infrastructure asset management, and has run numerous industry training courses on infrastructure related issues.

Ian is a Fellow of the Institute of Professional Engineers of New Zealand, a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Partner with Opus International Consultants.


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He has extensive experience working with other provinces regarding asset management. We value the expertise that he brings to us today.

Please welcome Dr. Ian Greenwood.

At conclusion, Director Jones to moderate Q&A session if necessary.

At conclusion of Q&A session, Director Jones to distribute presenter gifts and announce…

Ian, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today.

Before you leave, please take a moment to fill out the green evaluation forms on your tables to let us know your thoughts on this session.

Also, just a quick reminder to bring your clik-a-pads tomorrow and Thursday. You will need them for voting on presidential elections, evaluations and resolutions.


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This is the end of today’s convention activities. Tonight, Municipal Affairs is hosting its Open House at 4:30 pm in the Foyer of Hall D. Brownlee LLP is hosting their hospitality suite featuring country singer Tracy Millar at the Westin starting at 6:00 pm. The Central Alberta, Lakeland, North Parkland Power & South REAs Hospitality Suite will be at the Westin at 5:00 pm. GENIVAR is hosting their Game Show Mania at the Westin at 6:00pm. At the Hotel Macdonald, Fortis Alberta begins their hospitality night at 6pm. And the annual Finning Night will be taking place in Hall D from 7:30 pm until 11:00 pm. Enjoy your evening!

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Director Kemmere Meeting with Resolutions Committee in Salon D2

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Municipal Affairs Open House Foyer, Hall D, Pedway Level

5:00 pm – 8:00 pm 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Central Alberta, Lakeland, North Parkland Power & South REAs Hospitality Suite


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Manitoba Room, Westin Edmonton

Manitoba Room, Westin Edmonton 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm FortisAlberta Hotel Macdonald

6:30 pm Municipal Affairs Intern Meet and Greet AAMDC Hospitality Suite Westin Hotel, Suite 2003

6:00 pm – 11:00 pm GENIVAR Hospitality Suite AB/BC/Yukon Room, Westin

6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Brownlee LLP Hospital Suite Devonian Room, Westin

7:30 pm - 11:00 pm Finning Night Hall D, Pedway Level


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7:30 am Board Convention Briefing Breakfast Meeting SCC Boardroom, Pedway Level Confirm lift is beside stage for Minister Fletcher

All board members, Executive Director, Director of Advocacy and Communications and Executive Administration Coordinator are to attend.

7:00 am – 8:30 am Breakfast Sponsored by FortisAlberta and Brandt Tractor Ltd. Hall D, Pedway Level

7:00 am – 3:00 pm AAMDC Registration/Information Desk Hall D Foyer, Pedway Level

8:00 am All Board, Gerald Rhodes and Susan on stage

8:25 am Kim Heyman meet Hon. Steven John Fletcher Foyer Hall D


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8:00 am – 8:05 am Clik-a-pad Testing

Vice President Kolebaba assumes podium…

Good morning, and welcome to the second day of our annual fall convention.

Just a friendly reminder that if you need to carry on a conversation, please step outside into the foyer. Please also remember to turn your cell phones on silent and make sure you have your clik-a-pads handy for elections, resolutions and evaluation questions.


Before we continue, let’s thank FortisAlberta and Brandt Tractor Ltd. for this morning’s breakfast. Sponsorship and support is crucial to making events like this possible. I also want to extend many thanks to Municipal Affairs for the minister’s reception yesterday evening, as well as


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Brownlee, Genivar and Finning for their great events last night!

Door prizes for the convention have been drawn so if you see your name up on the screen, please stop by the registration desk by 10:00 am tomorrow and pick up your door prize.

While all of you are familiar with our clik-a-pad voting technology, we’ve asked MEDIA-CO to offer a brief refresher on clik-a-pad use. I’d like to welcome Scott Leblanc from MEDIA-CO, who will offer a demonstration.

Scott Leblanc performs demonstration, with practice (phone question) slide for voting members.

At conclusion, Vice President Kolebaba will assume podium and say…

Thank you Scott, for that demonstration.


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8:05 am – 8:35 am Annual General Meeting

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to call the Annual General Meeting to Order.

From my observations, I would like to declare that quorum has been achieved. Are there any objections?

Carolyn: For your reference, our current bylaw’s definition of quorum is: Fifty per cent (50%) plus one (1) of Voting Delegates (elected officials) shall constitute a quorum at any Convention.

Before we get further into the business, I want to remind you of the process for the AGM. The AGM will be recessed at the conclusion of this morning’s business. We’ll reconvene tomorrow morning in order to have a motion recording the results of the elections.

For your reference, the agenda and the 2011 minutes are on your tables. Recording the minutes today is the AAMDC’s own Susan Valentine. She can and will stop proceedings to clarify any needed details.


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The first order of business is approval of the agenda. May I have a mover and a seconder? Please remember to clearly state your name and jurisdiction.

Now the question, all in favor? Opposed? Thank you.

The next order of business is the adoption of the 2011 AGM minutes. Again, I need a mover and seconder.

Now the question, all in favor? Opposed? Thank you.

I will now ask President Barss to present his report and share some of the key issues over the last several months.

President Barss to give President’s Report…

Good morning everyone! This past year was a busy one for your association. To learn in more detail where we focused our efforts in 2011 and 2012, I would draw your attention to the annual report which you would have received with your delegate bag. But I would like


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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 to highlight a few places where your association was working for you in the past year.

While there are always many issues to navigate, this past year was influenced by unpredictable provincial politics. Tight election races, changes in provincial rural representation, and a new official opposition meant that the AAMDC needed to forge some new relationships.

With many new faces on the floor of the legislature from all parties, our election awareness campaign worked behind the scenes for a number of months. We wanted to ensure that the AAMDC would be top of mind when discussing rural issues, and this has led to many consultation invitations and meetings with ministers in recent months. It is clear to me and the board that the AAMDC is truly seen as the voice of rural Alberta.

While there were many advocacy successes over the past year, I am also proud of the progress that our Aggregated Business Services has made. New programs to support our members bring real benefit to municipalities in this province. 6

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Our investment program helps you get the most out of the money you have placed in reserves. The cell phone and energy purchasing programs ensure you have lower and more reliable monthly bills. And the expansion of PFA into new provinces means that there is now the opportunity for even bigger discounts when we tender out the combined fuel purchasing needs when the current fuel contracts expire.

Looking forward, it is expected to be a pretty eventful year. First and foremost, the review of the Municipal Government Act has begun. The Alberta MGA is a flagship piece of legislation that has been modeled by other provinces and the AAMDC will participate every step of the way. We will ensure that a progressive legislative framework is continued for municipalities and look forward to innovative improvements to municipal governance.

Our Executive Director, Gerald Rhodes has been appointed on the AAMDC’s behalf to sit on the Advisory Committee for the review. This committee will oversee the process of the review and ensure that both the AAMDC and individual 7

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 municipalities have the chance to provide input on any proposed changes.

In the spring of 2013, there should be policy papers released that will review issues with the current MGA and bring forward potential solutions. I’ve been a member of the board for over ten years and anticipate that these policy papers will spark some of the most important discussions that I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of. The changes discussed will have a significant impact on the future of all rural municipalities.

I ask all of you to pay close attention for bulletins and requests for input that the association may have in coming months. We rely on your feedback. Without it, we cannot ensure that your interests are represented at the table. It is imperative that your administration and council participate in the surveys and provide us with as much information as possible. This is a critical point in the future of Alberta’s municipalities and we look forward to advancing rural interests.


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Another item that will arise over the next year, the Municipal Sustainability Strategy, or MSS will begin implementation. This strategy was developed in 2010 by Municipal Affairs, with involvement from the AAMDC, the AUMA, ARMAA and LGAA.

The MSS was meant to design a new process that a struggling municipality could go through before a dissolution study was conducted. The new process, which was recently approved by cabinet, focuses on the greater community surrounding a municipality.

When a municipality is struggling, it brings players from surrounding municipalities and municipal associations together to form a Viability Review Committee. These committees will examine if there are new ways of operating or co-operating that can increase a municipality’s future viability. It is our expectation that AAMDC board members will sit on a few Viability Review Committees in this upcoming year.


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Other projects we have planned for the year include a study of seniors lodges and a report looking at a Provincial Strategy for Aggregate Resource Management.

The Seniors Lodge Study was asked for by the membership in a resolution this past spring and should be underway shortly. This study will examine funding and governance issues for lodges and provide recommendations to ensure they are sustainable for the long-term.

As well, gravel will be a focus in the coming year. Municipalities are increasingly faced with access and regulatory issues to aggregate. This includes being held subject to policies that do not recognize a municipality’s need for long-term infrastructure planning and sustainability.

Our upcoming study will examine the current state of affairs, identify gaps and make recommendations. We think this study will be an important step in improving the management of this often over-looked resource.


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In response to Resolution 3-11F, I am happy to say that the AAMDC has partnered with AMSA, ARMAA and Alberta Transportation to conduct a complete review of the Local Road Bridge Program. This resolution had requested a study on the use of alternative methods when replacing bridges and to change funding guidelines.

While alternative structures are a part of the review, the committee is also reviewing bridge ownership, control, funding, roles and responsibilities and engineering standards. You can expect that we will be surveying our members in the future to have your input into the review.

There has also been some action happening on the federal front recently.

A few weeks ago, the Federal Government announced amendments to the Navigable Waters Protection Act. AAMDC members have continually struggled over the years with lengthy delays in obtaining federal approval on maintenance and construction works on water crossings.


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The proposed amendments now clearly list the major waterways for which regulatory approval is required prior to the construction of a work. For Alberta, these waterways include: Lake Athabasca, Bow River, Peace River, Athabasca River, and the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers.

As well, the amendments will include an expansion of the list of low risk works that can be pre-approved due to little or no impact on safe navigation. The AAMDC had been advocating for these significant changes for a number of years and is pleased that the Federal Government has taken the initiative to improve this approval process.

Your association has also given input on the new Federal Long Term Infrastructure Plan. I won’t go into too much detail, as we have both Minister Stephen Fletcher and FCM President Karen Leibovici to discuss it with you today, but I do want to let you know of the four-point position that we put forward.


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1. Funding should be delivered on a non-competitive free- flow basis that supports certainty and predictability for financial planning 2. Funding should be flexible and adaptable to local needs 3. Funding should be long-term 4. Funding should be indexed to protect the present value of funding against future inflation

We will share more details with the membership as the new long-term infrastructure program takes shape.

Getting back to provincial matters, there is one issue that many of you have expressed concern about. Over the past year, the board and I have heard increased talk regarding the rural municipal tax base.

What we’re hearing is that some of our urban neighbours are focusing on the revenue that rural municipalities collect from linear and machinery and equipment assessment. There are assumptions that a fiscal imbalance exists between urban and rural municipalities due to differing assessment bases.


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As president, when I hear these discussions, my first reaction is to explain that looking at revenue is only one side of the financial statement; expenses need to be considered to get the complete picture. When industry moves or grows in an area, there are significant impacts on municipal infrastructure.

For rural municipalities, the majority of municipal funding is spent on providing infrastructure, not services. The infrastructure deficit that we carry in our roads and bridges is evidence of municipal budgets that are unable to keep up with industrial development.

Simply put, there is a cost that comes with development that does not reflect the population in the area. It doesn’t matter if there are twenty people or ten thousand people – someone needs to maintain that infrastructure.

You and I know that we all fund our infrastructure needs each year. This may not be understood by everyone, which is why we need to educate our urban neighbours and the province. 14

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In order to have a discussion based on facts, the AAMDC is planning to do a study on rural municipal finances. This study will demonstrate the challenges that rural municipalities have in funding their infrastructure and highlight that rural municipalities across this province are sharing the costs of services with their neighbours.

In conclusion, I want to thank the AAMDC board and staff for their hard work in putting this convention together. I also want to thank you—our members—for building our strength as the voice for rural Alberta.

I will now move to accept my report.

After report, President Barss steps down from podium.

Vice President Kolebaba to resume chair and ask for a seconder to accept the President’s Report.

I will now request a seconder from the floor. Please remember to clearly state your name and jurisdiction. 15

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Now are there any questions? All in favour? Opposed? Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

I’ll now call on Executive Director Gerald Rhodes to present the association’s Financial Report. Gerald…

Executive Director Rhodes to announce financial statements… ***Slide 1*** Financial Report (Title Page)

Good Morning.

Before we review the statements, I would like to acknowledge our auditors, MNP, LLP. We have Ian Comment [TB6]: Janet? MacDonald here today representing them. Where are you sitting? – Welcome.

****Slide 2*****MNP

Thanks to you and your team at MNP from all of us here at AAMDC as you have a very short time period in which to get the three audits completed. 16

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AAMDC’s Director of Corporate Services, Janet Tomalty and her team did a terrific job for the Association again this year in preparing the financial statements and supporting papers.

I will comment very briefly on the financial statements for the AAMDC, Jubilee Insurance, and Prairie Fuel Advisors (2008) Ltd. as the audited financial statements were circulated to the membership in October, along with a summary of Board per diems and expenses. These financial statements are also in your annual report on pages 31 to 54. I will reference the pages as I present the information.

***Slide 3*** AAMDC Statement of Financial Position - Assets

We will start with the AAMDC. The Statement of Financial Position is a snapshot of where we were as of July 31. This can be found on page 33 of the Annual Report. The first thing you will notice is that we have a smaller cash balance this July compared to last and this is mainly due to the capital asset purchases, expansion of the trade programs and renovations to the office building. I will talk about 17

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Jubilee Insurance and Prairie Fuels shortly but you will notice that the investment in the Jubilee has increased over the year and Prairie Fuels Advisors saw a reduction..

***Slide 4*** AAMDC Statement of Financial Position – cont.

For both the assets and the liabilities you will note that accounts receivable and accounts payable recognized higher balances than last year along with use of the operating loan.

***Slide 5*** AAMDC Statement of Operations - Revenues

For the AAMDC Statement of Operations, we will be showing the information over three separate slides. This first slide is Revenue for the AAMDC. This information can also be found on page 34 of the Annual Report.

In reviewing the revenues, you will see that our commissions were 5% higher than the previous year as we see results from the expansion of the trade division. We encourage you


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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 to review your procurement practices and take advantage of our purchasing programs. Remember, we are a large buying force and you all save when you buy through AAMDC’s Aggregated Business Services.

Moving on, you will note a 12% increase in Convention revenues; however, this was offset by similar increases in Convention expenses shown on the next slide. Grant revenues were down in 2012.

Membership Fees were up slightly and continue to be based on equalized assessments and the approved formula.

***Slide 6*** AAMDC Statement of Operations – Expenses

We will now move onto the expense section. As I mentioned with the previous slide, the increases in Convention Expenses were matched with increased revenues. Due to the timing of grant approvals, grant expenses exceeded revenue during the fiscal year. This is simply a timing issue.


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In the previous year we undertook an extensive Bylaw Review and Contract and Employment review. With this work being complete we were able to recognize a 40% decrease in legal fees for 2012.

An increase in service ability has led to increased salary and benefits expenses. A copy of the Organizational Chart can be found on page 13 of the Annual Report.

***Slide 7*** AAMDC Statement of Operations – Summary

In summarizing the AAMDC’s Statement of Operations, we experienced a 59 thousand dollar surplus from operations which is down somewhat from the previous year-due to a mild winter which results in decreased purchases in trade

The numbers reflect the building of the business units to accommodate the future plans that will provide you, our members, with the services you have told us you want. Our bottom line, although not as strong as last year, is still very positive! As we are a Not-for-Profit Association, our goal is


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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 to provide services while breaking even. With these results we are in a healthy financial position going forward.

***Slide 8*** Jubilee Balance Sheet

Moving on I will review our first subsidiary company, Jubilee Insurance Agencies. Jubilee’s Balance Sheet can be found on page 44 of the Annual Report.

We see a difference in the cash balance and this corresponds to the increase in accounts payable and intercompany transactions. Any dividends declared are payable to the AAMDC and paid through the AAMDC. The noted intercompany transactions are referred to as “Due to” and “Due from” AAMDC and PFA. ***Slide 9*** Jubilee Statement of Income - Revenues

Next is the Jubilee Insurance Agencies Statement of Income. This will be presented over two slides and can also be found on page 45 of the Annual Report.


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Jubilee Insurance Agencies continues to be a strong business unit with a 5% increase in commissions for the fiscal year.

***Slide 10*** Jubilee Statement of Income - Expenses

On the expense side, the one item I would like to bring to your attention is the increase in salaries and benefits. This increase is mainly due to the transition to an in-house claims department and the cost involved in moving the financial accounting in-house. As a result of this change, we were able to reduce our Service Fee expense by 38%. This was the amount previously paid to Aon for these services.

Please also note that the Risk Pro Premium expense represents the amount paid to the members.

I would also like to bring to your attention that professional fees decreased by 77% due to in-house expertise with our new staff. ***Slide 11*** Prairie Fuel Advisors


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Prairie Fuel Advisors is our newest subsidiary company which is now four years old. It is gaining a foothold but was just short of achieving the same revenue in commissions as 2011. We see the results of this new subsidiary building its workforce and sharing in the aggregated costs of the business side of our business. Prairie Fuel is positioning itself to take on the expansions to the other provinces. With a small increase in the retained earnings, we are pleased that this relatively new subsidiary surpassed its previous year level net income.

***Slide 12*** Thank You

This concludes my overview of the financial statements. Thank you.

At conclusion, President Barss to resume podium and announce…

Thank you, Gerald.


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I will now request a motion to accept the Financial Report as presented. Who moves?... Seconder?... All in favor?... Opposed? Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce our credentials committee. As per the AAMDC’s bylaws, the board has established a credentials committee to oversee the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 conventions. I ask that the committee representatives stand as I call your name.

. Committee Chair and Vice President, Carolyn Kolebaba . Rocky View County Councillor Lois Habberfield from District 2, and . County of Wetaskiwin Councillor Barry Dunn from District 3. We thank the committee for agreeing to serve these important roles.

Finally, in order to ensure that business can move forward at each convention, we are proposing an amendment to section D(8) of the AAMDC Bylaws to clarify the definition of quorum for conventions. As per section J(26) of the 24

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 existing bylaws, which are available in your convention handbook, notice of this proposed amendment was distributed in a member bulletin on September 26 and through recent district meetings.

You will see the proposed amendment to section D(8) displayed on the screens. The amendment will define quorum for any convention as voting delegate representation of 50 per cent plus one of full members. This would mean at the start of every convention, the chair would request that the reeve, mayor or one elected official from each of our full membership municipalities stand for a count to ensure 50 per cent plus one, or a minimum of 36, of our full member municipalities are represented. This same process will be used to establish quorum at resolutions session.

I now call for a motion to accept the amendment as presented.

Do I have a mover? Seconder?


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Is there anyone speaking in opposition to the motion?

As a reminder, bylaw changes require a three-fifths vote by the membership. Please have your clik-a-pads ready. I’ll now call the vote….

President Barss wait for results to be displayed, if carried..

Thank you for your support on this amendment. The amended bylaws will be distributed to the membership and updated on our website.

Noting no other business, I will now ask for a motion to recess the AGM until tomorrow morning. As I mentioned, we’ll reconvene the AGM in order to record election results. Mover?... Seconder?... All in favour? Opposed?...Carried. Thank you.

All board members except Bob Barss leave the stage.

8:40 Director Whaley to meet Karen Liebovici in Foyer, Hall D


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8:35 am – 9:50 am Honourable Steven Fletcher Federal Minister of State (Transport)

I would now like to introduce our next speaker, the Honourable Steven Fletcher, Federal Minister of State for Transport. Minister Fletcher was first elected in 2004 and was appointed as the Official Opposition Critic for Health. Upon re-election in 2006, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Health and in 2008 he was appointed Minister of State for Democratic Reform.

Prior to his election, Mr. Fletcher worked as an engineer until an automobile collision with a moose, left him a quadriplegic. Afterwards, he returned to university where he obtained a Master’s in Business Administration. Upon his election, he became the first permanently disabled Canadian to be elected to the House of Commons.

Minister Fletcher has been inducted into the Terry Fox Hall of Fame, received the King Clancy Award and was the recipient of her Majesty’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2003.


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Please welcome the Honourable Steven Fletcher.

Bob Barss to sit off camera…

At conclusion, President Barss to announce…

Thank you, Minister Fletcher. We appreciate your attendance and the opportunity to hear about the federal perspective.

8:50 am – 9:20 am Karen Leibovici Federation of Canadian Municipalities FCM Target 2014

Joining us now is someone who has a long history with Alberta politics. FCM President Karen Leibovici has served Edmontonians as a city councillor since 2001. Soon after, she became involved with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, with her election to the board of directors. Karen’s notable experience and knowledge in governance 28

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 has carried her through a career in labour relations, a Member of the Legislative Assembly and teaching at the University of Alberta. AAMDC would like to formally congratulate Karen on her newest position as FCM President and we are honoured she has joined us here at convention to profile the FCM’s Target 2014 Campaign on a Federal Long-Term Infrastructure Plan.

Please welcome Ms. Leibovici to the stage. President Barss to sit off camera…

At conclusion, President to Barss to announce…

Thank you, Karen. The work you are doing at the FCM is valued by municipalities across the country.

Director Burton to assume the Podium..

9:20 am – 9:30 am Nominations for President


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At this time, I’d like to call AAMDC past President Jack Hayden to the podium to oversee the nominations for president.

Prior to running for provincial office, Jack held various municipal government positions, including county councillor and reeve for the county of Stettler. He served as District 2 Director before being elected as AAMDC president in 1998, a position he held until his retirement from municipal politics in 2004.

Jack was elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for the constituency of Drumheller-Stettler in 2007 and served as MLA until this past election. During his tenure at the legislature, he served as Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development as well as Minister of Tourism, Parks and Recreation.

Welcome, Jack.

Past President Hayden to assume the chair and announce…


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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. As set out in the AAMDC bylaws, nominations are now open for the position of President of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties.

Please note that the successful candidate will serve a full two-year term on the AAMDC Board of Directors.

Anyone wishing to put forward a nomination please proceed to one of the microphones…

I’d like to remind everyone that nominations require both a mover and a seconder. Both the mover and seconder must identify themselves and their respective jurisdiction. Please keep in mind that the mover and seconder have a total of TWO MINUTES BETWEEN THEM to speak to the nomination. I’d like to draw your attention to the traffic light at the front that will be used to monitor the allowable time for each speaker.

Your time will start after you have given your name and jurisdiction. 31

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The light will switch from green to yellow once the speaker has 30 seconds left in their allotted time. Once the light turns red, the speaker’s time is up, and the mic will be cut off.

If only one nominee…

I call for a motion to cease nominations…

Ladies and gentlemen, I declare ______as president of the AAMDC. Congratulations ______. Please come up to the podium and say a few words…

If more than one nominee…

I call for a motion to cease nominations…

You now have the names of the candidates for president. They are: 1.______2.______32

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Candidate speeches and voting will take place after lunch at 1:00 pm here in Hall D. We will be using our clik-a-pads for voting, so ensure you have them with you.

Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen. I will now turn the podium over to Director Burton.

Director Burton assumes the podium…

Thank you, Jack. 9:30 am – 9:50 am Director Kolebaba Meeting with Credentials Committee Salon D2, Pedway Level

9:30 am – 9:35 am Convention Evaluation Questions

We will now use the clik-a-pads to ask a few questions. Please take the next few minutes to respond to the following questions by selecting the corresponding 33

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 number on your clik-a-pad with the possibly responses displayed on the screen for each question.


(*Slide 1*) Question 1: How often do you read the Contact newsletter?

Wait for response time, and then move on to next question.

(*Slide 2*)

Question 2: Do you intend on taking an online course through EOEP this year?

Wait for response time, and then move on to next question.

(*Slide 3*)

Question 3: Have you used the Fall 2012 Convention app yet? 34

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Wait for response time, and then move on.

Thanks for your input!

If you have further comments, please note that there will be comment cards on your tables tomorrow. We will pick up these forms at the end of the day.

Our next set of evaluation questions will be during the convention closing tomorrow.

We’ll now take a coffee break, sponsored by Urban Systems. Make sure you keep your clik-a-pads handy as we will be starting the resolutions session in 15 minutes.

9:35 am – 9:50 am Coffee Break sponsored by Urban Systems

9:50 am – 12:00 pm Taking Care of Business: The Resolution Session


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9:50 am Director Kemmere to have resolutions committee seated on stage

Director Kemmere to assume chair and announce…

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your coffee break. I’d like to quickly thank our sponsor, Urban Systems, for their support.

Voting on today’s resolutions will be conducted using the electronic clik-a-pads. MEDIA-CO staff members are available at the back of the hall with replacement clik-a- pads in the event that any of you require replacements or assistance. Just a reminder that Wi-fi will be disabled in Hall D during the resolution session to minimize interference.

On behalf of the Board, I thank you for participating in today’s resolutions session, without which we would not be able to properly represent your interests. I’d also like to 36

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thank our resolutions committee for their work evaluating the resolutions. Joining me on the committee are:

. Henry Doeve (DEW-VEE), District 1 . Pat Alexander, District 2 . Barry Dunn, District 3 . Leanne Beaupre (BO-PRAY), District 4 . Richard Van Ee, District 5

The resolutions up for debate today can be found on the green pages of your convention handbook along with the resolution process policy. This policy and the expertise of our parliamentarian will be consulted should a question arise. With that, I’ll review a few highlights:

. Each resolution requires a mover and a seconder. They may speak to the resolution for A COMBINED TOTAL of no more than FIVE minutes. Everyone else gets TWO minutes. The mover and the seconder have the right to close debate.


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. If there is no one speaking in opposition, asking for an amendment or clarification once the resolution is on the floor, I will call for an immediate vote.

. Only elected officials of AAMDC’s full members may speak towards a resolution. Associate members, member administrative staff and guests may be permitted to speak upon recognition and consent of the majority of voting members, but may not move or second a resolution.

. Resolutions requesting legislative change or bylaw amendment require a THREE-FIFTHS (60%) majority. All other resolutions require only a simple majority.

. The resolutions will be dealt with as outlined on the order paper. This means we will deal with all resolutions in your package before moving on to emergent resolutions if we have any.

. As in the past, we’ll read the resolution header information and therefore clause(s).


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. During the vote, you will notice that there will be no timer displayed on the screens, however you will still have 25 seconds to cast your vote. Your time is up when the music ends.

I also want to draw your attention to the traffic light at the front that will be used to monitor the allowable time for each speaker.

Your time will start after you have given your name and jurisdiction. You must clearly state your name and jurisdiction.

The light will switch from green to yellow once the speaker has 30 seconds left in their allotted time. Once the light turns red, the speaker’s time is up, and the mic will be turned off.

Taking minutes this year will be the AAMDC’s Susan Valentine. Should the minutes need to be clarified, Susan will request the session be stopped and then ask for clarification. 39

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Only elected officials can vote. Each delegate can vote only once, meaning that you cannot have one person holding more than one clik-a-pad.

As was presented in our bylaw amendment earlier, quorum for the resolution session shall be defined as representation of 50% plus one of the AAMDC full member municipalities who are eligible to vote and are here in the room at the start of the resolution session.

If I could please ask that one elected official from each of our 69 full members to stand to ensure we have representation from at least 36 of our full members. AAMDC staff will quickly count so if you could please remain standing.

Director Kemmere to wait for count…

It looks like we have established quorum with _____ members being represented. With that, I hereby call the resolution session to order. We will be using the clik-a- 40

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 pads for all voting during this session so please have them ready now.

I now call for a motion to accept the appointment of Mr. Feehan as our parliamentarian. Mr. Feehan is a partner with Fraser Miller Casgrain, and a certified parliamentarian who has presided over many resolutions sessions.

Do I have a mover? Seconder? I’ll call the question now, please use your clik-a-pads to vote. Thank you.

Now I need a motion to accept the order paper found in your resolution package on page 50 of the handbook or on your mobile app.

Do I have a mover? Seconder? I’ll call the question now. Thank you.

With that, let’s consider our first resolution.


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Director Kemmere goes through resolutions 1-28 one at a time. Once the delegation is ready to vote, Director Kemmere to announce…

I’ll call the question now…

This signals the AV technician to change to the voting slide. Repeat for each resolution.

If there are emergent resolutions, Director Kemmere announces at the end of the order paper …

At this time, we will now put before the assembly the proposed emergent resolutions.

Each emergent resolution will be dealt with separately and requires a mover and seconder. The purpose of this motion is to determine if the resolution is truly emergent and whether it should be accepted for consideration. Both the mover and seconder have TWO MINUTES TOTAL for remarks, so please be brief and direct. A simple majority is required to be accepted for debate. 42

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I will assign a number to each resolution that is accepted as emergent. Once that is finished, we will proceed to consider them on their merits.

Delegates must determine whether the proposed resolution meets the definition of ‘emergent’ as it is defined in the Resolution Process Policy. It states:

Emergent resolutions are defined as one submitted to the AAMDC after the aforementioned (four-week) deadline that deals with a subject or problem that has arisen subsequent to the deadlines.

If the resolution does not meet this definition, it should be considered late and would be referred back to the sponsor for submission through the proper process.

With that, let’s proceed with the motions to determine the emergent nature…


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Once all proposed emergent resolutions have been accepted or rejected, Director Kemmere to announce…

We will now consider the emergent resolutions on the basis of merit. Each resolution will again need a mover and a seconder. As with the non-emergent resolutions, the mover and seconder may speak to the resolution for a combined total of no more than FIVE minutes.

All other speakers wishing to address the resolution may speak for no more than TWO minutes. If no one wishes to speak in opposition, I will call for the vote immediately.

First up…


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IF NO EMERGENT OR TO CONCLUDE, Director Kemmere announces…

Thank you for your participation in the resolution process. This concludes the resolution session for the Fall 2012 Convention. Thank you for your attention and participation. I would like to thank Mr. Feehan for his services; as well as the Resolutions Committee for their hard work.

To all delegates: please hang onto your clik-a-pads, as you will require them tomorrow during closing for more convention evaluation voting.

Remember to take a few minutes today or tomorrow to stop by the booth in the foyer and take the EOEP Challenge.

We will now break for lunch, which has been generously provided by ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric.

If an election is to take place…


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Immediately after the meal we will hear from the candidates for president and hold the election. Enjoy your lunch!

If there is no election… Since we do not have an election for President, we will reconvene at 1:15. Enjoy your extended lunch.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Buffet Luncheon sponsored by ATCO Gas & ATCO Electric

1:00 pm – 1:15 pm Candidate Speeches and Election for President

Director Burton to assume podium and announce…

Welcome back everyone, I hope you enjoyed your lunch.

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

Again, I’d like to quickly thank our sponsor, ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric, for supporting our convention. Our 46

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 sponsors are crucial to the success of these events and we value their support.

I will now ask AAMDC Past President Jack Hayden to come back to the stage for our presidential election.

Director Burton steps down and past AAMDC President Jack Hayden assumes podium.

Ladies and gentlemen, as set out in our bylaws, the election for the position of president of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties will now take place.

You have ____ excellent candidates. Each candidate will be allowed up to FIVE minutes to speak.

Now, without further ado, I’d like to call on the first candidate to speak, ______.

At conclusion of all speeches, past President Hayden to announce… 47

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Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve now heard from each of the candidates running for the position of president.

Please remember that ONLY ELECTED OFFICIALS are able to vote for AAMDC president. The voting will be done by clik-a-pad. The clik-a-pads have been configured so that only those assigned to elected officials will be able to cast a vote that will be accepted. Please vote for your candidate of choice by selecting the number next to the candidate’s name.

The winner must receive 50 per cent of the votes plus one. We will continue with subsequent rounds of voting until this occurs. At each round, the candidate with the least number of votes will drop off the ballot. At the end, only the winner will be identified. Actual voting results will not be shared.

Voting will commence now.


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Results of each vote will be displayed on monitor on stage. Please keep these results confidential.


We haven’t had a candidate reach 50 per cent of the votes plus one. You will now see on the screen the next round of candidates, with one of the previous candidates removed.

Continue process until a majority winner is clear…THEN announce:

Ladies and gentlemen, I declare ______as President-elect of the AAMDC. Congratulations, ______. Please come up to the podium and say a few words…


At conclusion, Director Burton to assume the podium and announce…


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Thank you again, Jack, and congratulations to our president elect, ______!

1:15 pm Director Kemmere meet keynote speaker, Linda Edgecombe in foyer, Hall D

1:15 pm – 1:30 pm EOEP: Knowledge is a Click Away

I’d like to now invite Brenda Colombus to the stage who will be presenting on the online program available through Elected Officials Education Program.

Brenda Colombus is the Vice President of BaseCorp Learning Systems. BaseCorp has been responsible for the development of the online versions of the EOEP courses and has developed, and continues to support, the technology platform that delivers those courses. Brenda holds certification in Adult Education, Human Resource Management, and Business Analysis from the University of Alberta. Along with BaseCorp’s technical and writing teams, Brenda has been working collaboratively with EOEP


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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 executives to determine training requirements and recommend learning and technology solutions.

Please welcome Brenda.

Director Burton steps down or sits off camera…

At conclusion, Director Whaley to assume the podium and announce…

Thank you, Brenda. We now have a better understanding of how easy it is to use the EOEP’s online system.

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Keynote Address: Linda Edgecombe

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to welcome our keynote speaker, Linda Edgecombe.

Linda is an internationally renowned, award-winning speaker, trainer and consultant. She is known for


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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 energizing a room by encouraging her audiences to loosen up and laugh.

As a best selling author of books such as “Boost, Powerful Tools to Re-Engage You and Your Team in Crazy Times” and “Shift…Or Get Off the Pot”, Linda encourages people to find meaning in what they do and let go of what is not working.

Linda, we are thrilled that you are able to speak to our delegates today. Please join me in a warm welcome…

Director Whaley steps down or sits off camera…

At conclusion, Director Whaley to assume the podium and announce…

Thank you for that fantastic presentation, Linda. I think you succeeded in feeding the energy in the room.

We will now break for a 15 minutes coffee break, available in the foyer of Hall D. Afterwards, we will conduct our final 52

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 business for the day: elections for district directors. Please note that District 1 elections will be held in Salon 4 and District 4 will be held in Salon 8, both located on the meeting level. These rooms are where we held yesterday’s breakout sessions. So grab a coffee on your way down to the session.

Please note that only elected officials from these respective districts may vote for a director.

For non-elected officials or those not voting in Districts 1 or 4 elections, this is the end of your day. We will see you back here in Hall D at 6:00 pm for our annual banquet, sponsored by Brownlee LLP. Doors open at 5:30, Grace at 6:15.

Also, please note that ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric will be hosting a hospitality suite in the Manitoba Room at the Westin starting at 4:00 pm.

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Coffee Break


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2:45 pm – 3:45 pm Election for District 1 (Foothills- Little Bow) Director Salon 4, Meeting Level Moderator: John Whaley Credentials Committee: Lois Habberfield ARMAA Scrutineer: Ron Leaf, Cindy Vizutti, Kevin Miner AAMDC Staff Member: Stephanie Williston

Director Whaley to announce…

Good afternoon everyone…

As set out in the AAMDC bylaws, nominations are now open for the position of District 1 Director for the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties. Anyone wishing to put forward a nomination, please stand…

Just a reminder to everyone, nominations require both a mover and a seconder. I would ask the movers to identify both themselves and the seconder by name and


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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 jurisdiction. The mover and seconder will have TWO MINUTES COMBINED to speak.

Acknowledge each person standing and record the nominees…

If only one nominee…

Ladies and gentlemen, I declare ______as District 1 Director of the AAMDC. Congratulations ______. Come on up and say a few words…


That concludes this election proceeding. ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric are hosting a hospitality suite starting at 4:30 pm in the Devonian at the Westin. We’ll see you at the AAMDC Banquet sponsored by Brownlee LLP in Hall A on the Assembly Level. Doors open at 5:30 and Grace will be at 6:15.

If more than one nominee…


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You now have the names of the candidates for district director. You will need your convention name tags in order to receive a ballot to vote.

As a reminder, Credential Committee member Lois Habberfield is here if needed.

You have ____ excellent candidates. Each candidate will be allowed UP TO FIVE MINUTES to speak, so without further ado, I’d like to call on the first candidate to speak, ______.

(After speeches conclude)

Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve now heard each of the candidates for the position of district director. The winning candidate must have 50% plus one of the votes cast. If there is not a clear majority (if more than two are running) the lowest candidate will be dropped until one candidate has the required number of votes.


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ARMAA representatives will serve as administrators for this election. They are now circulating through the room to distribute the ballots.

Please remember that you must show your yellow name tag in order to receive a ballot. Once you have your ballot, please fill it out by entering the name of the candidate you support, and return the ballot to an ARMAA representative.

Ensure enough time to submit ballots…

With that, we will await the results of the first ballot.

Continue process until a majority winner is clear…THEN announce

Ladies and gentlemen, I declare ______as District 1 Director of the AAMDC. Congratulations ______. Come on up to the podium and say a few words…

(wait) 57

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And now, I’d like to ask for a motion to destroy the ballots. Mover?... Seconder?... Carried. The ballots will be destroyed.

That concludes this election proceeding. ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric are hosting a hospitality suite starting at 4:00 pm in the Manitoba Room at the Westin. We’ll see you at the AAMDC Banquet sponsored by Brownlee LLP at 6:00 in Hall A on the Assembly Level. Doors open at 5:30, Grace at 6:15, banquet lines to be opened at 6:20 by the banquet captain.

4:00 pm – 7:30 pm ATCO Gas & ATCO Electric Hospitality Suite Manitoba Room, Westin


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2:45 pm – 3:45 pm Election for District 4 (Northern) Director Salon 8, Meeting Level Moderator: Soren Odegard Credentials Committee: Barry Dunn ARMAA Scrutineer: Ross Rawlusyk, Shirley Bremer, Matther Kreke AAMDC Staff Member: Tasha Blumenthal

Director Odegard to announce…

Good afternoon everyone…

As set out in the AAMDC bylaws, nominations are now open for the position of District 4 Director for the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties. Anyone wishing to put forward a nomination, please stand…

Just a reminder to everyone, nominations require both a mover and a seconder. I would ask the movers to identify both themselves and the seconder by name and 59

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Podium Program for Wednesday, November 14 jurisdiction. The mover and seconder will have TWO MINUTES COMBINED to speak.

Acknowledge each person standing and record the nominees…

If only one nominee…

Ladies and gentlemen, I declare ______as District 4 Director of the AAMDC. Congratulations ______. Come on up and say a few words…


That concludes this election proceeding. ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric are hosting a hospitality suite starting at 4:30 pm in the Devonian at the Westin. We’ll see you at the AAMDC Banquet sponsored by Brownlee LLP in Hall A on the Assembly Level. Doors open at 5:30 and Grace will be at 6:15.

If more than one nominee…


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You now have the names of the candidates for district director. You will need your convention name tags in order to receive a ballot to vote.

As a reminder, Credential Committee member, Barry Dunn, is here if needed.

You have ____ excellent candidates. Each candidate will be allowed UP TO FIVE MINUTES to speak, so without further ado, I’d like to call on the first candidate to speak, ______.

(After speeches conclude)

Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve now heard each of the candidates for the position of district director. The winning candidate must have 50% plus one of the votes cast. If there is not a clear majority (if more than two are running) the lowest candidate will be dropped until one candidate has the required number of votes.


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ARMAA representatives will serve as administrators for this election. They are now circulating through the room to distribute the ballots.

Please remember that you must show your yellow name tag in order to receive a ballot. Once you have your ballot, please fill it out by entering the name of the candidate you support, and return the ballot to an ARMAA representative.

Ensure enough time to submit ballots…

With that, we will await the results of the first ballot.

Continue process until a majority winner is clear…THEN announce

Ladies and gentlemen, I declare ______as District 4 Director of the AAMDC. Congratulations ______. Come on up to the podium and say a few words…

(wait) 62

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And now, I’d like to ask for a motion to destroy the ballots. Mover?... Seconder?... Carried. The ballots will be destroyed.

That concludes this election proceeding. ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric are hosting a hospitality suite starting at 4:00 pm in the Manitoba Room at the Westin. We’ll see you at the AAMDC Banquet sponsored by Brownlee LLP at 6:00 in Hall A on the Assembly Level. Doors open at 5:30 and Grace will be at 6:15.

4:00 pm – 7:30 pm ATCO Gas & ATCO Electric Hospitality Suite Manitoba Room, Westin


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6:00 pm AAMDC Banquet Sponsored by Brownlee LLP Hall D, PedwayLevel

President Barss to take microphone and announce…

Good evening, everyone. I hope you are ready for great food, drink and entertainment by Ol’ Ugly and Domino at our annual banquet.

*******SPONSOR ALERT********

I would like to thank our sponsor, Brownlee LLP, for their continued support of our convention. Our sponsors are crucial to the success of these events and we value their involvement.

Before I begin, I’d like to introduce your AAMDC Board of Directors for 2012-13.

President: ______


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District 1: ______District 2: Al Kemmere District 3: John Whaley District 4: ______District 5: Soren Odegard

Let’s all give them a round of applause.


Next, I’d like to welcome Barry Sjolie (SHIR-LEY) Partner at Brownlee LLP who will be our emcee for the evening.

Barry Sjolie at conclusion, say…

Now, I’d like to introduce Vice President Carolyn Kolebaba who will say grace.

Barry Sjolie waits for Carolyn Kolebaba to say grace, then thanks

Thank you, Carolyn.


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The buffet lines are now open. Please wait until the banquet staff let your table know it is time to join the buffet line. Enjoy!

After dinner, Barry Sjolie to introduce comedian, Ol’ Ugly:

Well, everyone, I hope you’ve enjoyed your meal—I know I did! I’d like now to introduce tonight’s entertainment: Ol’Ugly!

Ol’Ugly is a storyteller who lives by one motto: If he can only contribute one gift to mankind, let it be the gift of laughter. It is hard to believe that the Alberta-based “barnyard comedian” was once an accountant. Lucky for us, Ol’Ugly has stepped away from number crunching and taken to the stage. Tonight’s performance is titled: “All Manure Doesn’t Come from Bulls”. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I am dying to see him in action.

After Ol’Ugly, Barry Sjolie to announce…


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Well Ol’ Ugly sure didn’t disappoint with the laughter and stories tonight. And we are just getting started! Independent Recording artists Domino is winning over country music fans everywhere, especially in their home province. Hailing from Stettler, Domino is here to help us finish out the evening.

Please enjoy your evening and help me welcome Domino!


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7:00 am – 8:30 am Breakfast sponsored by Brownlee LLP Foyer of Hall D, Pedway Level

7:30 am – 12:00 pm AAMDC Registration/Information Desk Foyer of Hall D, Pedway Level

7:30 am Board Breakfast Meeting SCC Boardroom

All board members, Executive Director, Director of Advocacy and Communications and Executive Administration Coordinator are to attend.

8: 15 am Director Whaley meet Michael Higgins (Alberta Primetime), Foyer Hall D

8: 15 am Director Burton meet Brian Mason (NDP), Foyer Hall D

8: 15 am Director Jones meet Danielle Smith (Wildrose), Foyer Hall D

8: 15 am Director Odegard meet (Alberta Liberals), Foyer Hall D


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8:30 am – 9:30 am Provincial Perspectives: Alberta’s Opposition Parties Hall D, Assembly Level

President Barss assumes podium.

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to our final day of convention—Government Day.


I’d first like to thank Brownlee LLP, our breakfast sponsor and co-sponsor of last night’s fantastic banquet. All of our sponsors make our fall convention possible through their contributions. We could not do this without their help. Let us thank them with a brief round of applause.

***Wait for applause, then continue.***

As we noted yesterday, we will be reconvening the 2012 Annual General Meeting this morning to ratify the results of yesterday’s elections. Who will move and second to 2

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Podium Program for Thursday, November 15 reconvene the AGM? We’ll do this by show of hands. In favour? Opposed? Thank you.

The only order of business this morning is to formalize the results of yesterday’s election. On the screen you will see that we need a motion to record who comprises the entire board of directors following this AGM. For those of you who were unable to attend the banquet, let me introduce your AAMDC Board of Directors for 2012-13.

President: ______District 1: ______District 2: Al Kemmere District 3: John Whaley District 4: ______District 5: Soren Odegard

So, I’m looking for a mover and seconder. All in favour? Opposed? Thank you.


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And finally, I need a motion to adjourn the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the AAMDC. Mover? Seconder? All in favour? Opposed? Thank you.

8:30 am – 9:30 am Provincial Perspectives: Alberta’s Opposition Parties Hall D, Assembly Level

This morning we’re excited to begin with our opposition party leadership panel, which was a great success when it was first introduced at the 2011 Fall convention. This year, we welcome the leaders of the , the NDP and the Wildrose Alliance.

It’s my pleasure to introduce Michael Higgins who will moderate today’s panel. Michael co-hosts Alberta Primetime weeknights on CTV2 where he plays an integral role on a team that is committed to reporting news that affects residents across our province. Please join me in a warm welcome.


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President Barss to leave stage or sit to the side.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome Provincial Perspectives, the AAMDC’s opposition party panel. I was very pleased to have been asked to participate in this event as your moderator again this year and am looking forward to what I’m sure will be a dynamic morning.

As you heard from President Barss in his report to you yesterday, the AAMDC and its membership are preparing to advocate on many issues this year. The AAMDC’s ability to build relationships with all stakeholders will be important to ensure the rural perspective is considered in all circumstances. Your association feels strongly about its role—both as a voice to provincial decision makers and also as a conduit for those same decision makers to interact with you. This session is a vital piece to increase understanding of the unique issues and challenges facing rural municipalities.


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So to begin, let’s review today’s format. Each party leader will have three (3) minutes to address the delegates with opening statements. Following that, I will then begin posing questions to the various leaders. AAMDC members were asked to submit potential questions which were then compiled and finalized by the Board of Directors. Thank you to all those municipalities that participated. Your assistance in developing today’s session is very much appreciated.

The questions have been assigned to specific parties. Once I’ve asked the question, the leader will have the opportunity to respond. We ask that you try to limit your response to 2 ½ minutes. The AAMDC’s trusty stoplight will be here to serve as a reminder. The light will turn yellow when you have 30 seconds remaining in your time.

With that, let’s begin…


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We’ll begin with the leader of the official opposition, Danielle Smith of the . Elected as leader in Fall 2009, Ms. Smith has become a recognizable and vocal political player. Through a hard-fought election earlier this year, Ms. Smith led her party to win 17 seats and overtake the role of official opposition. Ms. Smith, we look forward to your introductory statements.


Next up, we have Raj Sherman joining us today, who has led the Liberal Party for the past year and a half. The Alberta Liberal Party has a storied history in Alberta’s political scene and currently serves with five sitting MLAs. Dr. Sherman, we welcome your introductory remarks.



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Brian Mason became leader of the New Democratic Party in 2004. His political career spans 20 years including time as a councilor for the City of Edmonton. Brian also sat on the FCM Board of Directors. Coming out of the last election, the NDP now have four sitting MLAs.


Thank you very much. Let’s keep the discussion moving and begin with our first question…

…moderated Q&A, conclude with….

That concludes today’s opposition party panel. On behalf of the AAMDC, thank you to each of the party leaders for taking the time to share your thoughts with us today. Alberta’s citizens are served best when their needs are well understood. We hope that you gained insight into rural municipal issues in as much as we learned about your policies.


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1. Infrastructure Deficits Overall, the province and rural municipalities share responsibility for 89% of all roads and 91% of all bridges in the province. These numbers show that collectively, rural municipalities and the Government of Alberta have a large responsibility to maintaining the hard infrastructure that is essential to the economic growth and prosperity of the province. It has been recognized that we are facing a growing deficit in transportation infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Does your party have a long-term plan to address the funding shortfall in provincial and municipal infrastructure deficits?

2. Fracking and the Impact on Water Use Industry practices of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, are becoming more common in the province. This method of extraction places demands on the local infrastructure and water resources. The AAMDC membership has brought forward concerns on the amount of water being used in this process. How would your party balance the sustainability of water resources and industry development in the province?

3. Municipal Funding Some municipal governments are struggling to raise the necessary revenue to meet their capital costs. Some individuals have been proponents for pooling of industrial tax revenue as well as changes to the assessment of farmland. Changes such as this would have a significant impact on rural municipal finances. The Wildrose policy states that “many municipalities have increased local property taxes to the point where is has become a major financial burden on individuals and businesses”. What does your party propose as a solution to the municipal funding challenges?

4. Land-use Framework AAMDC members have contributed to the development of the land-use framework through consultations and participation on regional advisory committees. We are cognizant of landowner and municipal concerns, but also of the benefits that the Land-use Framework promises for this province. Most recently, the lower Athabasca regional plan was approved and municipalities will have up to five years to align their regional plans. What are your party’s opinions regarding the implementation of the land-use framework and the benefits of long-term land-use plans?

5. Health Care Wildrose policy is to keep provincial spending increases below cost of inflation plus population growth. With the impact that aging populations have on health budgets, how does the Wildrose Party intend to restrict spending and respond to increased demands on the health care system?


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1. Municipal Taxation All municipalities have very limited means to raise the funds necessary to meet service requirements. Consequently, there are think-tanks that are of the opinion that municipalities need more taxation tools such as the “penny tax” or changes to levies for new development. What is your party’s opinion on the current municipal taxation structure and its limitations in allowing municipalities to meet their service requirements?

2. Water Allocation Access to water is growing challenge in the province, particularly in the south. Many rural municipalities struggle to find adequate water supplies for development, whether it be due to allocation or land use issues. What would your party do to address diverse water needs across the province including the demands of municipalities, industry and agriculture?

3. Seniors Alberta’s rural population is aging and there are significant issues in being able to access affordable and sustainable housing options. To ensure that seniors can continue to live in their rural communities, AAMDC members are actively involved in their local seniors lodge management bodies. Seniors lodges face significant sustainability challenges such as building upgrades, bed availability and funding shortfalls. What is your party prepared to do to address challenges that seniors housing is facing?

4. Land-use Framework AAMDC members have contributed to the development of the land-use framework through consultations and participation on regional advisory committees. We are cognizant of landowner and municipal concerns, but also of the benefits that the Land-use Framework promises for this province. Most recently, the lower Athabasca regional plan was approved and municipalities will have up to five years to align their regional plans. What are your party’s opinions regarding the implementation of the land-use framework and the benefits of long-term land-use plans?

5. City Charter Throughout the spring election, the Liberal Party promoted the need for a “new deal for cities” in terms of gaining their share of Alberta’s revenue wealth. Since that time, the government has signed a memorandum of understanding with Calgary and Edmonton to develop a city charter. The AAMDC recognizes that all municipalities are partners in building livable communities. In considering a city charter, how would your party address the concerns of a city’s regional neighbours such as Airdrie, St. Albert, Rocky View County and Leduc County?


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1. Municipal Taxation All municipalities have very limited means to raise the funds necessary to meet service requirements. Consequently, there are think-tanks that are of the opinion that municipalities need more taxation tools such as the “penny tax” or changes to levies for new development. What is your party’s opinion on the current municipal taxation structure and its limitations in allowing municipalities to meet their service requirements?

2. Water Allocation Access to water is a growing challenge in the province, particularly in the south. Many rural municipalities struggle to find adequate water supplies for development, whether it be due to allocation or land use issues. What would your party do to address diverse water needs across the province including the demands of municipalities, industry and agriculture?

3. Infrastructure Deficits Overall, the province and rural municipalities share responsibility for 89% of all roads and 91% of bridges in the province. These numbers show that collectively rural municipalities and the province of Alberta have a large responsibility to maintaining the hard infrastructure that is essential to the economic growth and prosperity of the province. It has been recognized that we are facing a growing deficit in transportation infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Does your party have a long-term plan to address the funding shortfall in provincial and municipal infrastructure deficits?

4. Seniors Alberta’s rural population is aging and there are significant issues in being able to access affordable and sustainable housing options. To ensure that seniors can continue to live in their rural communities, AAMDC members are actively involved in their local seniors lodge management bodies. Seniors lodges face significant sustainability challenges such as building upgrades, bed availability and funding shortfalls. What is your party prepared to do to address challenges that seniors housing is facing?

5. Municipal Sustainability Initiative The maintenance and upgrading of municipal infrastructure is a high priority for rural municipalities as quality infrastructure is critical in supporting a healthy, vibrant province. In rural Alberta, infrastructure needs are not reflective of the population and therefore the formula for the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) funding was developed with this principle in mind. Tell us what your party’s position is on the continuation and expansion of the Municipal Sustainability Initiative program.


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At conclusion, President Barss to assume podium…

And that concludes our opposition party leadership panel. Thank you very much to all party leaders for coming and answering questions today, and thank you to Michael Higgins and Alberta Primetime for moderating today’s panel.

As leaders and moderator leave stage, President Barss says…

We will now take a 15 minute coffee break, sponsored by the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) after which we will continue Government Day with our traditional ministerial forum.

Don’t forget that today is your last day to take the EOEP challenge which can be found in the foyer. We will see you after the coffee break.

9:30 am – 9:45 am Coffee Break Sponsor: Natural Resources Conservation Board


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11:15 am Vice President Kolebaba meet Premier Redford, Foyer Hall D

9:45 am – 11:30 am Ministerial Forum

President Barss to resume podium….


Welcome back. Before we continue, I’d like to thank the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) for sponsoring our coffee break. We could not host convention without the help of sponsors like the NRCB. Let’s give them a round of applause.

***Pause for applause, then continue.***

President Barss to introduce…

It’s now time for our ministerial forum. We are privileged to be joined by members of the Government of Alberta


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Podium Program for Thursday, November 15 cabinet this morning. We thank you all for making the trek back to Edmonton during constituency week.

In an effort to accommodate as many questions as possible, members will be limited to ONE MINUTE to ask your question. The stop light will turn yellow when there are 15 seconds left, and at one minute it will turn red.

We encourage succinct questions that focus on municipal issues with a provincial impact.

To help us with the forum, we are joined by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Honourable Doug Griffiths. Minister Griffiths has graciously agreed to co-moderate the forum this morning. I’d like to call on Minister Griffiths to introduce us to his cabinet colleagues.

Minister Griffiths introduces participating ministers…

At conclusion of Ministerial Forum, President Barss says…


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Thank you to all ministers and associate ministers for coming to answer our questions. The AAMDC values this opportunity to engage with you and the Government of Alberta’s continued participation in this event reaffirms your interest in rural Alberta. We hope that you learn as much from our questions as we get back from your responses.

11:30 am – 11:45 am Premier’s Speech

We are very pleased to have Premier Redford join us today. As you are aware, she was elected as leader of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party on October 1, 2011 and sworn-in as Alberta's 14th premier on October 7, 2011.

Premier Redford has been actively involved in both provincial and national politics since the 1980s. She served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Right Honourable Joe Clark, Secretary of State for External Affairs, and in the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada from 1988 to 1990.


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Prior to returning to the political forum, she furthered her legal career, including working on constitutional and legal reform issues in Africa for various governments. In 2005, she was appointed by the Secretary-General to administer Afghanistan's first parliamentary elections.

As Premier, we know she seeks to improve the quality of life for all Albertans while working to build a province that is prosperous, fair and inclusive—values we endeavour to reflect as an association representing rural interests.

Please help me give a warm welcome to the Honourable , Premier of Alberta.

At conclusion, President Barss to announce…

Thank you, Premier Redford. We are looking forward to the upcoming MLA lunch and anticipate that some of Cabinet will be able to join us. At this time, we’re going to wrap up our convention, and you are all welcome to leave the stage if you wish. I respectfully request that any media present please refrain from approaching the stage to interview the 17

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Premier. We have set up a media space in salon D1 which is located across the foyer from this room.

11:45 am – 11:55 am Convention Closing

President Barss announces…

Delegates, our fall convention is drawing to a close. Thank you all so much for joining us for another successful convention. The attendance for this convention is:

Total attendance: ______

For the final time, I would ask that delegates get out your clik-a-pads to vote on the last of our convention evaluation questions. After voting has finished, AAMDC staff members will be on hand to collect your clik-a-pads. Please return your clik-a-pads, as there is a $250 loss fee for all unreturned clik-a-pads.

Evaluation slideshow will begin here. (*Slide 1*) 18

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Question 1: Please rate the convention keynote speaker, Linda Edgecombe.

Wait for response time, and then move on to next question.

(*Slide 2*) Question 2: Please rate the entertainment provided at the AAMDC/Brownlee LLP banquet.

Wait for response time, then move on to next question.

(*Slide 3*) Question 3: Please rate the value of the Alberta’s opposition party panel.

Wait for response time, then move on to next question.

(*Slide 4*) Question 4: Please rate the value of the Ministerial Forum.

Wait for response time, then move on to next question. 19

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(*Slide 5*) Question 5: What did you think of the Fall 2012 Convention app?

Wait for response time, then move on to next question.

(*Slide 6*) Question 6: Please rate the overall convention.

Wait for response time, and then move on to conclusion.

Thank you, again, for your responses. This feedback will help the AAMDC know how to best work for you, our members. If you have further comments, please note there are evaluation forms on your tables. Please leave completed forms on your table and we’ll pick them up.


Throughout the convention, you’ve heard us give thanks to our sponsors. Our sponsors’ generosity is a reflection of 20

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Podium Program for Thursday, November 15 the value of the work performed by our association and its members.

Once again, please join me in giving a huge round of applause to all of our sponsors.

(Wait for applause to finish)

And now for our grand prize, sponsored by the AAMDC. Comment [CC7]: Need to add description All registered delegates have been entered in the draw. Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, that you MUST be present to win the grand prize.

President Barss draws winner.

Congratulations to our grand prize winner, ______! Please make your way to the registration desk in the foyer to claim your prize.

We now ask you to join us in “God Save the Queen.”

After singing done, President Barss announces… 21

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That officially closes the AAMDC’s Fall 2012 Convention. The AAMDC looks forward to seeing you March 18 - 20, 2013 back here at the Shaw Conference Centre.

We now invite you to join us in Hall A on the Assembly Level for the MLA luncheon, sponsored by Alberta Municipal Affairs.

Thank you, and have a safe trip home!

11:55 am – 1:15 pm MLA Luncheon sponsored by Alberta Municipal Affairs Hall A, Assembly Level