Hope Hampton, Wyndham Standing and Alec Francis in the “Gold Diggers” Showing at Metropolitan Theatre, Baltimore, for the two weeks commencing October 15th i



J •f'Ji. i. • • •»' v. .. s <. * : i?y John R. Clymer and Henry R. Symonds

‘Directed by ROWLAND V. LEE • ‘ •v'-









»*.•> !<’% f > :ni tt'j. V < •* WALTER LONG

ncture Issued Trice a Month in the Interests of the 'JKCotion Picture Exhibi- tors and Distributors Within the Territory Comprising Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina and the District of Columbia

Film News Publishing Company 700 INSURANCE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. New York Office, 1540 Broadway - TOM HAMLIN, Representative

VoL. I No. 5 OCTOBER 15, 1923 $2.50 a Year

Charles Chaplin Explains His First Serious Production

“As I see it,” said Mr. Chaplin, “the pur- vince the audience and to enable the spectators pose of story telling is to express the beauty to lose themselves in the story as it unfolds. of life, condensing its high spots, for purposes We can have too much realism, which, of course, of entertainment. For after all, it is only borders on boredom, but to my way of thinking, beauty we seek in life, whether it be through the nearer to actual life we get, the more power laughter or tears. we have in story telling. “And beauty lies in everything, both good “In ‘A Woman of Paris’, I have tried to and evil, though only the discriminating, such make a story of life as I see it—a life that is as the artist and the poet, finds it in both. A not composed of heroes and villians, but of painting of a shipwreck in a storm at sea, or men and women with all their passions given of ‘George the Dragon,’ in their fundamentals to them by God. are horrible, but as architecture and design “My sole purpose is that of entertainment, they carry a compelling beauty. In analysis but if a moral has crept into it it is a preach- they chill the blood, but in poetic feeling they ment for tolerance and understanding for those take on warmth and beauty. who have made mistakes, to invite your pity for human weakness, for after all, none is “The object of the theatre is that we lose perfect. It is so easy to condemn so hard to ourselves in another world that lies in the realm — understand and forgive. I dwell on truth of beauty. This can be done only by getting because of the fact that in this picture treat- as near to the truth as possible. The more we ment and technique are different from the become educated, and the more we know of usual run of pictures. As I have noticed life; life, the more we demand of truth to entertain in its dramatic climaxes men and women try us. To entertain people you must convince to hide their emotions rather than seek to them, hence the realism of today. express them, and this is the method I have “Super-optimism and 100 per cent senti- pursued in an endeavor to become as realistic losing mentalism are out for those of intelli- as possible.” gence do not lose themselves in a brand of Mr. Chaplin both wrote and directed “A entertainment that is not convincing. So Woman of Paris,” which had its premiere at realism and truth are merely applied to con- the Lyric Theatre, New York, recently. — filmTnews

Of General Interest

Stills from “Tiger Rose” Made Costume Museum Planned Talking Pictures at Washington Permanent Exhibit in Con- Five women met one afternoon Press Club gressional Library last week in the Joseph M. Schenck The 1923 model of talking motion An unusual request was presented offices to complete the plans for a pictures was presented at the Press at the Warner Brothers’ Home Office remarkable costume museum. Club in Washington last week, the last week when the National Geo- It is the intention of the three program including a humorous ad- graphical Society expressed their Talmadge sisters, Clare West and dress by Irvin S. Cobb and addresses desire to possess a complete set of Frances Marion, to group all the cos- by the Secretary of Labor, D. W. stills from “Tiger Rose” to be tumes which have been used in past Griffith and Walter Damrosch. Er- placed in the Congressional Library, Joseph M. Schenck productions on nest Davis, of the Metropolitan Washington, D. C., as a permanent two entire floors in the new building Opera Company, rendered a tenor exhibit. which is being erected at the United solo. The request was based on the fact Studios. The costumes will be kept that the exterior scenes of the in glass cases. Every period in California Forest Fire Cost Goldwyn Warner Classic were taken in Yo- will represented. Judicious history be $7000 a Day semite Valley, in locations untouched purchases have been authorized to The big forest fire which raged in by the camera up to this date. fill in historical periods which already the vicinity of the Big Dipper Mine, Because of their pictorial beauty, the are not represented. ” where the company making “ Greed National Geographical Society de- It is planned to open the museum from Frank Norris’s “McTeague” sired them as a photographic record to the public which at present is were acting the mine scenes under the of the most rugged and natural barred from the studios. It is mani- direction of Erich von Stroheim, was spots of beauty in the National festly impossible to permit all visitors a costly one for Goldwyn Pictures Park. from the East to go through the Corporation. Von Stroheim and the First National 250,000 Cattle studios while photoplays are being members of his company were en- quarter of a million head of made as this holds up the production. A rolled by the fire marshal to fight cattle were driven across the border But the costume museum, it is felt, the flames. into Mexico last week, and the will satisfy feminine curiosity in one Owing to the interruption in shoot- spectacle was filmed by Associated respect, at least. ing the mine sequences, Goldwyn was National Pictures as the basis First out $7000 a day while the company of an epochal drama of the passing Public Invited to View Filming of was helping to fight the fire. of the west, called “Sundown.” “America” Converging from the rim of the To counteract the prevalent im- Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Arizona pression of faking in productions, Shipman to Film Productions in and Columbus, N. M., three mighty D. W. Griffith has invited the general South herds were concentrated. The scenes public to be present at the taking of With a view to increasing his show the last desperate stand of the the principal scenes in his forthcom- annual output of outdoor photoplays, cattle-Kings to regain the open range ing picture, “America.” Galleries Ernest Shipman will produce a from the grasping hand of civiliza- of from 1,000 to 13,000 have taken series of pictures in the South during tion. For months the cattlemen advantage of this opportunity, but the current months. A five year have been fighting to save their very the state police had to take a hand program has been determined upon, existence, and the amalgamation of to prevent “pirate photography” of under which Mr. Shipman will divide three biggest herds in the world for a some of the scenes by smaller cam- his activities between Canada and drive into Mexico has been carried eras for sale to local companies to Long Island during the summer on secretly. use in minor productions. months and the Southern States dur- Six aeroplanes were used in getting ing the winter to obtain continuous sky shots of the stampeding herd, a Virginia First State to Have “Dry” production of outdoor dramas thru- prairie fire and the burning of a com- Film out the year. Altho no announce- of homesteaders. has been definitely plete settlement The Virginia Prohibition Enforce- ment made as to addition to the six cameramen in the locale of the southern activities, In ment Director, Harry B. Smith, twelve other cameramen it is generally understood that one aeroplanes, together with Attorney-General John were rushed from the Coast studios of the states east of the Rockies will N. Saunders, were “shot” in a pic- Mexico in order to make be selected. Mr. Shipman is to to New ture recently made depicting the certain of getting every angle of the start on a tour of the South within work of the dry officers in enforcing stirring spectacle. the next few weeks, to decide on the the provisions of the Eighteenth one best suited to his winter pro- F. B. O. to Distribute Palmer Amendment. Every day activities duction plans. Releases of the dry agents form the basis of The Film Booking Offices have the film, which shows the conditions been selected to handle the releases surrounding the making of bootleg Goldwyn to Hold “Jimmy Granger of the Palmer Photoplay Corpora- liquor and why it is dangerous to Week” tion for , it has been drink it aside from the alcoholic The week of November 25th definitely announced. Three of the effects. In one instance, the still December 1st has been set aside by Palmer pictures are available for was even located in a pig-pen. Vir- Goldwyn-Cosmopolitan as “Jimmy distribution. “Judgment of the ginia is said to be the first state to Granger Week” in honor of their Storm” is the first, and will be re- have a motion picture production of universally liked General Sales Man- leased December 1st. this kind. ager. it, and it's

Inspiration Pictures Inc., Charles H.Duell, Pres., presents RICHARD

Booked for its premier showing in Washington, D. C., at Crandall’s Metropolitan The Greatest Barthelmess To Date

Motion Picture News said: “The Barthelmess of the simple though rugged home- spun drama is thoroughly at home in costume drama. Not since he reached stardom has he had such dramatic opportunities as are presented here. This swashbuck- ling story holds one in a tight embrace because of its emotional sweep, to say nothing of the spectacular appeal so well established in the gorgeous sets. A story re- plete with clashing elements—a story rich in daring exploits, plot, intrigue, adventure and romance.”

c .Directed by

John S. Robertson


Washington, D. C.

October 15, 1923


Just as the Chamber of Commerce, The Rotary, The Kiwanis and the various other clubs in your city or town are the mediums of the commerical world to formulate ideas and plans

for the betterment of local conditions in general, so is the Washington Film Board of Trade the medium for the distributing end of the Motion Picture Industry in this territory.

To further acquaint you with the purposes of the Washington Film Board of Trade, we will quote Section Two of our Constitution:

“The objects of this organization shall be to promote friendly relations and frank intercourse of opinions, ideas, and ideals among its members, and the enlisting of their cooperation to secure higher and more efficient standards in their business; to secure equitable adjustments of all grievances between exchange managers and ex- hibitors; and to maintain the highest and best standards and most cordial relations between exchange managers and exhibitors, thus affording better business conditions for all.”

To this end it is gratifying to witness the splendid spirit of cooperation evidenced by individual members in adjusting the many problems pertaining to transportation, selling and conditions in general which are presented at the regular weekly meetings. This naturally

means the sacrificing of many valuable hours of its members’ time from their offices, which is cheerfully given with the utmost desire to fulfill the purposes of the organization.

However, despite the whole-hearted efforts of its members, the aims of the organization will be defeated unless we at all times receive the generous cooperation and good will of the exhibitors of this territory, and we want you to know that we welcome constructive suggestions and criticisms.



Jack Pickford Near Completion on Navy Disaster Delays “Man From One-Third of Preferred Program “The Valley of the Wolf” Brodney’s” Completed The completion of “The Man B. P. Schulberg has brought a Jack Pickford and his company From Brodney’s,” the forthcoming final 0. K’d print of “ The Virginian” have returned from the wilds of David Smith production picturized to New York, and release copies of Feather River canyon, where they from George Barr McCutcheon’s it are now at the Washington Ex- filmed the exterior scenes for the famous novel, was delayed by the change. “Maytime” is being cut forthcoming production, “Valley of tidal upheaval and storms which and titled, and will follow at once. the Wolf.” With a week’s work at drove seven United States Navy With “Mothers-in-Law,” “The the Studio, the shooting will be Destroyers on the rocks of the West Broken Wing”, and “April Showers,” completed. Coast. this completes one-third of the entire The cast includes Lucille Rickson, The United States Navy Depart- Preferred Pictures program for this Frank Leigh, Jane Keckley, Ralph ment at Washington had granted season. Mr. Schulberg has already Yearsley, Malcom Waite, A1 Hart privilege to take certain scenes on had a conference with A1 Lichtman and Ashely Cooper. board two battleships. A date for and J. G. Bachmann regarding pro- the taking of these episodes which duction plans for 1924. “Ben Hur” to be Filmed Abroad included long shots of the men-of war traveling under full steam had After considerable speculation and “Gown Shop” Released been set, when news of the destruc- experimentation, it has been decided The first of the only four two-reel tion of the seven destroyers and that the entire production of “Ben Larry Semon comedies which will orders from the Navy Department Hur,” Goldwyn’s picturization of be released during the season of sent the two battleships to the Lew Wallace’s great story, will be 1923-24, “The Gown Shop,” is now rescue of the smaller vessels. filmed abroad. Not even the interior in the Washington office of Vitagraph shots will be made in American Two other Larry Semon comedies “Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall” are finished and the fourth will be studios. Under Way Models of the settings for the completed shortly. picture have been made and these Mary Pickford ’s coming screen “The Gown Shop” is a “girly- will be taken abroad to be con- version of “Dorothy Vernon of girly show,” transferred from Broad- structed on a vast scale in Italy, Haddon Hall” is going forward way to the screen. Kathleen Meyers Egypt and the Holy City. The rapidly. An exact reproduction of plays opposite Larry in the picture. actual photography on “Ben Hur” the famous old English castle has will last about a year. been made, thru photographs and Climax of “Thief of Bagdad” Being Charles Brabin has been selected exact measurements taken in Eng- Filmed land. Miss Pickford plans to take to direct the production because he Some 570 scenes in Douglas Fair- a trip to San Francisco for a number has been a student of Bible history banks’ huge Arabian Nights spec- of exterior scenes shortly. for many years, knows Europe and tacle, “The Thief of Bagdad,” have the continent perfectly, and is an already been taken, and preparations “Jealous Fools” Changed to “Jeal- accomplished linguist. for the climax are now being made. ous Husbands” The personnel of the cast of “Ben This latter will require almost six Hur” has not been finally decided A public pre-view given Maurice weeks to film, however, and it will upon, altho film tests are being made Tourneur’s production, “Jealous probably be the first of the year daily at the Goldwyn Studios. Fools”, recently, resulted in the title before the actual photograph work, being changed to “Jealous Hus- including sequences, is all completed. bands.” The endorsement of the Release of the production is expected Ethel Shannon Named for Leading film itself was unanimous, but the some time in January. “The Thief Role in “The Boomerang” audience did not like the term “fools” of Bagdad” is by far the most pre- Ethel Shannon, the versatile player in the title. tentious picture that Fairbanks has of four distinct characterizations in ever attempted, the personnel in- “Maytime,” will have a far different “Flowing Gold” to be Produced by cluding every color and nearly every role in her next picture. Miss Shan- Tully nationality. Julanee Johnson plays non has been cast for the laugh- Rex Beach’s latest novel, “Flow- the feminine lead, Sadakichi Hart- inducing, leading feminine role in ing Gold,” is to be screened by man is the Governor of the Province Preferred’s screen production of Bel- Richard Walton Tully for release of Wah Hoo, Mat Comont has the asco’s stage success, “The Boom- thru First National. Mr. Tully is role of the Persian Prince and Noble erang.” now in New York conferring with Johnson that of the Chinese Prince, Mr. Beach, and plans to start pro- Brandon Hurst is the Caliph of duction immediately. Practically all plays the part of Wright Assisting Production of Bagdad, Sam Baker of Tully's pictures heretofore have the Caliph’s attendants and body “Barbara Worth” been laid in a foreign atmosphere, guard, Charles Belcher portrays the Harold Bell Wright, the famous and “Flowing Gold” will give him a Holy Man, Snitz Edwards is the Author, is in Hollywood lending story of virile, typically out-of-door Evil Associate, Anna May Wong assistance to the director and scen- American life to portray on the takes the role of the Disloyal Maid ario writers who are getting his story screen. It is a tale of the recent and Etta Lea that of the Loyal Maid, “The Winning of Barbara Worth,” oil rush into the Burkburnett dis- Lasca Winters is a maid and Tote ready for the screen. trict of Texas. du Crow is the Soothsayer. Production Reports

“America” Filmed on Gigantic Scale Harry Myers Replaces Monte Blue Educational to Distribute “Yes, We in “Daddies” Have No Bananas” The big outdoor scenes of D. W. “Yes ,We Have No Bananas,” the Griffith’s Revolutionary War pic- Word has been received from the million dollar title, is at last attached ture, “America”, have been staged West Coast that important changes to a motion picture. on an immense scale. A thousand have been made in the cast of the Announcement was made this week horsemen take part in some of the Warner Classic, “Daddies,” starring from the offices of Educational Film scenes, and several thousand players Mae Marsh in a filmization of the Exchanges, Inc., that they had ob- and soldiers. An encampment a David Belasco stage hit. Harry tained for distribution the two-reel mile long has been established at the Myers has replaced Monte Blue in comedy with the catchy title, which little town of Somers, in Putnam the leading masculine role, while was produced by Zits Comedies. County, New York, which lies on a Louis will appear in the part that Don Barclay, star of “Go-Go.” hillside overlooking a valley beaded was originally assigned to Myers. who plays the part of the fruit with lakes. The War Department This change came about suddenly stand proprietor temporarily suffer- and Secretary Weeks are evidencing when Monte Blue was given the ing from an acute shortage of much interest in the manoeuvres, as leading masculine role in the Ernst bananas, is supported by Gilda Gray, they afford an unprecedented oppor- Lubitsch production, “The Marriage Francine Larrimore, Belle Baker. tunity to study from a military view- Circle,” replacing Warner Baxter. Mabel Withee, Lillian Shaw, Anna struggles of the American The story tells of a group of young point the Chandler and Edna Aug. colonists. The cavalry have been bachelors who forswear marriage, assembled from reserve units, and a and vow to do their share toward Two New Shipman Films to be Pro- considerable force of U. S. infantry humanity by adopting war orphans duced on Long Island is participating in the picture. and taking care of them. The or- “The River Road,” adapted to the phans arrive from abroad, and in- screen from Hamilton Thompson’s “Three Weeks” Started clude a girl of seventeen, a set of novel, and “Home Sweet Home,” triplets and a number of other infant Production started last week on from John Howard Payne’s univer- terribles. The pretty seventeen year Goldwyn’s screen version of Elinor sally beloved song, are to be the two old girl falls to the handsomest of the first of Ernest Shipman’s productions Glyn’s novel, “Three Weeks,” under bachelors, and a surprising love at Long Island this coming Spring. the direction of Alan Crosland. The affair is the result, breaking up the Hodkinson will distribute these pic- leading parts in this film will be vows that each of the bachelors tures probably, just as they are played by Aileen Pringle and Conrad now committed in the beginning. releasing the three latest Shipmans Nagel. —“The from Glengarry,” “The Stuart Holmes will act the part of Man “Twenty- One” Completed Critical Age”, and “The Rapids.” Petrovitch, Nigel de Brulier that of Dmitry and H. Reeves Smith the Production on “Twenty-One,” the “White Man” Forman’s Next role of Paul’s father. Inspiration Picture starring Richard Following the completion of “The Barthelmess, and to be distributed Virginian” and “The Broken Wing,” King Vidor and his company mak- by First National Pictures, ends Tom Forman is hard at work on ing “Wild Oranges” from Joseph this week at Fort Lee, N. J. preparations for his next Preferred Hergeshiemer’s novel returned to “Twenty-One” reveals Mr. Bar- Production which is to be “White the studio last week from San Fran- thelmess as a very modern young Man.” This is adapted from the excellent open sea George Agnew Chamberlain novel cisco where some man. It is a story of a rich man’s photographed. of the same name. A thrilling scenes were son, a poor man’s daughter, petting elephant hunt is holding the direc- parties, joy rides and other typical “On Banks of Wabash” at Wash- tor’s primary attention, and pro- incidents in the lives of 1923 boys ington Exchange viding him with numerous problems picture is full of and girls. The as regards locale and participants. Prints of “On the Banks of the human qualities and good whole- “Lullaby” to Be Released early Wabash,” the J. Stuart Blackton some modern fun, mixed with its in November production for Vitagraph, have been melodramatic moments. Washington office of “The Lullaby,” Chester Bennett’s shipped to the Dorothy Mackaill plays opposite Vitagraph. most recent production for F. B. 0., Dick, and in the cast are Elsie This picture portrays life in a little is to be released the early part of Lawson, Joe King, Ivan Simpson, Indiana town, and was written by November. Jane Novak is the star. Bradley Barker Elaine Sterne after many conferences Dorothy Cummings, An outstanding situation in the with Mr. Blackton, who procured Nellie Parker Spaulding and Helen story deals with the birth of a child the rights for the picturization of the Tracy. in a penitentiary and the keeping of song from Edgar Seldon. After the the child by the mother. Film picture was finished Mr. Blackton Booking Offices’ exploitation cam- personally cut the film and George paign will be directed to start wide- Randolph Chester was engaged to spread discussion of this situation title it. throughout the country. Endorse- ments of the film from many prom- is headed by Mary Carr, with, , The cast , _ ' 'POODLES* A inent social workers, educators and Burr McIntosh, James Morrison, HANNAFORD Mary MacLaren, Madge Evans, and statesmen also will form an import- Lumsden Hare. (~(&<£ux&ZLcriat ant feature of the campaign. May McAvoy to Play Opposite Frank Lloyd will Start “Sea-Hawk” Vitagraph To Produce “A Tale of Barthelmess in “The En- on Completion of ’’Black Oxen” Red Roses” chanted Cottage” Frank Lloyd has announced the David Smith, who has been visiting May McAvoy has been chosen to purchase of film rights to “The Sea his brother, Albert E. Smith, Presi- play opposite Richard Barthelmess Hawk” by Rafael Sabatini, author of dent of Vitagraph, will take back in First National’s “Enchanted Cot- “Scaramouche,” “The Snare,” “Cap- with him to the coast the finished tage.” tain Blood,” “His Odessy” and other continuity of his next production, This is a story of England, after classics of modern fiction. “A Tale of Red Roses,” an adapta- the war. It tells of a war hero, re- “The Sea Hawk” is said to possess tion of George Randolph Chester’s turning home laden with medals, more dramatic value, more diversity novel. The story is a drama of but shattered physically and men- of theme and more richness of setting high finance, politics and society in tally. He meets a girl who is plain than any of the famous Italian- which a vigorous and not too scru- and unattractive. Yet to each other, English author’s widely read narra- pulous political leader is the domi- these twain are the most beautiful tives, and Mr. Lloyd is planning on nant figure. A gripping love story of all living things. Love recreates giving it a picturization which will gives heart interest amid a back- them and gives them a beauty which require many months to complete. ground of modern life in America. no others can perceive. Dealing with the romance and In the enchanted cottage in which adventures of Sir Oliver Tressilian, “Galloping Fish” Next Ince Pro- their love affair takes place, they “The Sea Hawk” relates how his duction live again all the many loves that suit for the hand of Rosamund “The Galloping Fish,” a story for transpired in it in the past. The Godolphin is suddenly ended by laughing purposes only, will be Tudor gallant comes to court his the murder of Rosamund’s brother Thomas H. Ince’s next production. love; the pompous noble of Queen Peter and the report that Oliver had The story was adapted by Will Anne’s day revisits the scene of his committed the crime. It unfolds the Lambert from Frank R. Adams’ amours, and to the modern youth story of how Oliver is kidnapped, story “Friend Wife.” return all the fair ladies of an earlier put on a pirate ship which is later A trained seal will be one of the day. sunk in a naval battle, establishes star performers in this tale and there himself on a desert province, under Colleen Moore in Leading Role of are numerous sequences built around an assumed name and later returns “The Swamp Angel” spectacular water stunts that prom- to England to acquaint Rosamund assembled his ise a laugh a minute. Clarence Badger has with the facts and to deal with his technical staff for his next picture cowardly half-brother who actually he is to Filming Commences for “Beau “The Swamp Angel,” which participated in the murder. produce for First National with Brummel” Colleen Moore in the leading role. Production is getting under way for Production on “The Swamp Helene Chadwick and William Mong ” the Warner Classic, “Beau Brum- Angel” which is a screen version by in “Why Men Leave Home mel,” starring John Barrymore. Edward Montanye of Richard Con- Helene Chadwick, famous screen As “Beau Brummel,” the Prince nell’s story of the same title, will beauty, and William V. Mong, pop- of Dandies and intimate friend of the next weeks. begin within the two ular portrayer of character parts, Prince of Wales, Barrymore will have are the newest acquisitions to the a role well suited to his personality. to Appear in Long Beach Citizens cast now being assembled to give a Mary Astor is to play the leading “Her Temporary Husband” screen interpretation of Avery Hop- feminine part opposite the star; First National’s “Her Temporary wood’s stage success “Why Men Irene Rich will appear as the Duchess Husband” company moved to Long Leave Home.” of York; Willard Louis, as the Beach last week, where the exterior The picture is soon to go into Prince of Wales; Carmel Myers as scenes of the picture are to be made. production at the Louis B. Mayer Lady Hester Stanhope; Andre de Through the interest of the local Studios, where John M. Stahl will Beranger, as Lord Myron; William chamber of commerce, the various direct it for First National release. Humphrey, as Lord Alvanley; Mich- societies and associations in the Miss Chadwick is to play the ael Dark, as Lord Manley; Templar beach resort have volunteered to leading feminine role. The leading Saxe, as Desmond; Clarissa Selwyn help production by appearing in male part will be in the hands of as Mrs. Wertham; Rowland Rush- some of the big scenes. Lewis Stone, whose last appearance ton, as Mr. Abrahams; and Alec The action of the play calls for the in a Stahl picture was in “The Francis, as Mortimer. summoning of a large crowd of people, Dangerous Age.” The three angles underlying the to a home, presumably surrounded “Why Men Leave Home” is a theme of “Beau Brummel” are the by ruffians. In the crowds which play dealing primarily with discon- fickleness of fortune, the test of will rush to the home from every tented, lonesome husbands and ir- friendship and the instability of angle and avenue will be the Long responsible, carefree, wanderlust- popularity. Because of his intimacy Beach fire department, police de- stricken wives. with the Prince of Wales, Beau partment, letter carriers, officers of Brummel was able to influence his the city government and members of creditors, his acquaintances and thirty one fraternal organizations. cause all of his associates to cater to “Her Temporary Husband” is his every whim and fancy. At the being directed by John McDermott. height of his popularity, this salient The cast includes Owen Moore, wit made an undiplomatic remark Sidney Chaplin, Sylvia Breamer, about the Prince of Wales which Tully Marshall, Chuck Reisner and precipitated him into a deluge of Charles Gerrard. misfortune. ' 1



Bijou Theatre j Tivoli Theatr


A Real il

take pk t

We also offer a 5-Reel WEST I

5-Reel SERIES i ESSANAY CHAPLINS- “Police,” “Triple Troul e


The Stellar Cast Includes: “DESERTED AT THE ALTAR” Moving c

is based on the famous play by the Altar ii i Tully Marshall usually careft ri Pierce Kingsley, and the book ver- Now playing with “The Covered Wagon.” beautiful to 1 k sion by Grace Miller White, author New Yo: l b Bessie Love of “Way Down East”. Altar" shoulc x country.

Frankie Lee Do you remember how we put Trade F v: over “Yankee Doodle in Berlin”, markably cr li William Scott throughout is t “Mickey”, “The Whip” and others ? Wade Boeder New Yc : Well, we’re going after this the The charm v r questionably u Barbara Tennant same way ! cient story h; b Queenie, the dog SUPER FILM AT" Directed by William K. Howard Mather Building., 916 G St. =


A Phil Gold^tone Feature ed At The Altar has played at

Richmond Wells Theatre, Norfolk .Portsmouth Arcadia Theatre, Wilmington, Del.

and will show at DROME, Baltimore, Week of October 22nd hrriage on the Stage of LOEWS HIPPODROME will Thursday, October 25th, in connection with this Picture

F ^ SERIES with Neal Hart;

I Leo Maloney, and 2-Reel Shanghaied,” “Woman,”

. and “In the Park.”

v re World: Scenically, “Deserted at ;auty, the director having been un- i ie selection ot his locations which are

rning Telegraph: Deserted at the big money maker throughout the

: at Altar” is a re- | “Deserted the t; le production. The atmosphere if small town and is faithfully portrayed.

1 obe and Commercial Advertiser:

F| Deserted at the Altar” possesses is un- e r the simple yet forceful way the an- ei i handled.

3 - . " FACTIONS ashington, D. C. Interesting Introduction to “Leaven- Tully to Produce “Bird of Paradise” to Play in “Poisoned worth Case” Following the completion of his Paradise” Whitman Bennett has arranged a new production of the Texas oil Clara Bow will play the colorful most interesting introduction to his fields rush, “Flowing Gold,” Rich- French street gamin in the screen new Vitagraph production, “The ard Walton Tully has announced production of Robert W. Service’s Leavenworth Case.” Immediately that he will proceed to film his long story, “Poisoned Paradise.” In following the main title of the pic- awaited presentation of the Hawai- order to permit her to play the part, ture, there will be a hundred feet of ian Islands story, “The Bird of it has been necessary to readjust film showing Anna Katherine Green, Paradise.” The picture will be made “shooting schedules” for this picture, the popular author of the story. Miss right in the Islands, and many of us which Gasnier will produce for Pre- Green is now seventy-seven years envy Mr. Tully his pleasant environs ferred Pictures. old, but is still an active writer, for the cold winter months. Clara is now playing the piquant having published a new novel only flapper in Frank Lloyd’s production recently. Her husband, Charles of “Black Oxen,” being loaned for Rohlfs, was once a prominent actor Photoplay Edition of “David Copper- the part through an arrangement and played in “The Leavenworth field” Out with B. P. Schulberg. Case” when it was first dramatised in 1891. He is living, and is now a handsome edition of “David A Pauline Frederick and Lou Tellegen furniture designer. Copperfield” has just been issued by to Star in Vitagraph A. L. Burt Company, New York. New Film Ben Alexander Has Leading Role This book shows a still on the paper Vitagraph has engaged Pauline in “Misunderstood” cover from one of the principal scenes Frederick and Lou Tellegen to head The young American boy who made of the film, and many production the cast of J. Stuart Blackton’s such a success recently as Penrod in stills are distributed thruout the drama on the evils of divorce, “Let “Penrod and Sam,” is playing the context. The National Association Not Man Put Asunder.” The topic principal part in another Booth of Book Publishers is putting on a of this picture should give exceptional Tarkington story, “Misunderstood.” national campaign to increase sales opportunity to the emotional talents This picture is being produced by of this book, which should add mater- of both Miss Frederick and Mr. J. K. McDonald and will soon be ially to the reception accorded the Tellegen. Basil King is the author of ready for release by First National. film in various sections. the story.

Where and How They Are Showing

Preview Showing of “Mailman” at “Main Street” at Bijou, Richmond “Midnight Alarm” Brings Colorado Ambassador Theatre Capacity House The Independent release, “Main On Thursday, an exclusive pre- Street,” was shown at the Bijou The largest theatre in its state, view showing of Film Booking” Theatre in Richmond, Va., week the Colorado Theatre, Denver, used “Mailman” was given at Crandall’s before last, with excellent attendance. a striking newspaper advertisement Ambassador, Washington. with excellent results in connection Among those present were mem- with its recent showing of Vitagraphs’ “Midnight Alarm.” A strip six bers of the Foreign Legations, and Much Interest Shown in “Golf, As five hundred Washingtonians of polit- inches deep and eight columns wide, Played by Gene Sarazen” comprised of five stills featuring ical and social prominence. Emory the stars of the picture, was inserted at Johnson, producer of “The Mail- Following the defeat of Walter the top of the amusement pages of man,” attended, as did Emile Jensen, Hagen by Gene Sarazen, for the all Denver newspapers. This was Assistant Manager of Exchanges for National Professional Golf Champ- accompanied by a bottom caption, F. B. 0., and Ed. Hurley, Manager ionship, a marked increase in the describing the film itself. A capac- of the Publicity and Exploitation demand for Educational’s special, ity house for the entire week resulted. Departments. “Golf, As Played by Gene Sarazen,” Percy Marmont, Alice Calhoun and The Ambassador was offered for was shown. This picture shows Sar- Cullen Landis play the leading roles this special showing thru the courtesy azen in both normal speed and slow in “Midnight Alarm.” of the Crandall Circuit. Frank L. motion photography, as he executes McNamee, local Manager of F. B. his famous shots. O., officiated. “Drivin’ Fool” Showing in Baltimore

Hodkinson’s “Drivin’ Fool” is “Virginian” to Open at Granada showing at the Metropolitan Theatre, MERMAID COMEDY^: Baltimore, with an excellent atten- Theatre in Frisco RUNNING dance, and is still running on the The first showing in the West of Crandall Circuit. The Metropoli- the Preferred Picture, “The Vir- tan is to present “The Affairs of A JACK. "WHITE ginian”, will be at the Granada PRODUCTION Lady Hamilton,” another Hodkin- Theatre in San Francisco the week son booking, some time this month „ tlGE ' COWLEY of November 6th. Ut probably. —

“Richard, the Lion Hearted” Goes Premiere of “Courtship of Myles “Woman of Paris” Makes Hit in Well at World Premiere Standish” Well Attended Showing At the world premiere of Asso- Reviewers of the Los Angeles Breaking house records for receipts ciated’s super-production, “The newspapers gave unanimous endorse- and attendance, and necessitating a Courtship of Myles Standish,” held ment to Charles Chaplin’s “Woman call for police reserves to handle the at Grauman’s Million Dollar The- of Paris,” following its West Coast crowds, is the record set by “Richard, atre, Los Angeles, the house was premiere at the Criterion Theatre, The Lion Hearted” at the Regent filled to capacity, altho top prices Los Angeles, recently. Simplicity, Theatre, Ottowa, Ontario. prevailed. Charles Ray takes a directness, novelty, sublety, and art- This initial release of Associated rather unusual part for him in this istry are some of leading character- Authors is a historical romance deal- picture; he combines the semi-hum- istics attributed to Mr. Chaplin’s ing with the adventures of King orous with the highly dramatic and first serious picture. Richard in the Third Crusade, and with excellent success. Enid Bennett covers that period which is sum- plays Priscilla, and E. Alyn Warren “Rupert of Hentzau” to Show at marized by Douglas Fairbanks in the part of Myles Standish. Sid Richmond and Norfolk “Robin Hood.” Wallace Beery, who Grauman presented a characteris- The Wells Theatre, Norfolk, Va. scored such a success in the role of tically appropriate prologue to the has booked Selznick’s sequel to Richard, the First, in the Fairbanks film, by reproducing a section of the “,” “Rupert production, has the role of King Mayflower with about fifty Pilgrims. of Hentzau,” and will present it the Richard also in “Richard, The Lion week of October 29th. The week Hearted.” Crandall to Show “Common Law” thereafter, that of December 3rd, “Rupert of Hentzau” will Tri-Stone’s New Editions of Key- Following the presentation of Selz- show at the Bijou Theatre, Richmond, stone Comedies Popular nick’s super-production, “Rupert of where it will be followed the succeed- Newspaper reviewers have been Hentzau,” at Crandall’s Metropoli- ing week by Selznick’s other current giving considerable space of late to tan, Washington, last week, comes release, “The Common Law.” the special revivals of Keystone com- the announcement that “The Com- Tri-Stone edies which have prepared mon Law”, Selznick’s other feature and which are distributed thru Lib- “Where the North Begins” at Rich- current release, has been booked to erty in this territory. And recently, mond and Norfolk show at the Metropolitan also, the the National Board of Review in- The Colonial Theatre in Richmond week commencing December 2nd. cluded in its list of “Pictures for and the Norval Theatre in Norfolk The Bijou Theatre, Richmond, Va., Selected Programs” Charles Murray both presented Warner Bros.’ classic, has also arranged to show in “Hogan’s Aristocratic Dream.” “The “Where the North Begins,” week This impartial recognition of their Common Law” the week following before last. This picture features seventh release in the series of twelve that of December 10th. the famous police dog, Rin-Tin-Tin. New Edition Keystones, was re- ceived with much gratification by Tri-Stone Pictures, as evidencing the merit of their revivals.

Preview of “The Marriage Market” Held at the Coast “The Marriage Market,” second of the Columbia Pictures to be dis- tributed by Exhibitors Film Ex- change, was previewed at Pasadena, Los Angeles and Long Beach, and the picture went over exceptionally well. Not only were the people that saw this picture pleased, but the exhibitors in the three particular houses where it was shown unhesi- tatingly said it was without doubt one of the best pictures that C. B. C. produced this season.

Loew’s Hippodrome to Show “De- serted at the Altar” The week of October 22nd will see Super Film’s feature picture, “De- serted at the Altar,” showing at Loew’s Hippodrome in Baltimore. This production has already played at some of the leading houses in Richmond, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Wilmington. The subject of the film lends itself Nat unusually well to G. Rothstein, advertising and publicity chief of F. B. 0., with the trophies clever exploitation handling. he won in the recent Motion Picture Tournament. —

Among Our Exhibitors

Lynchburg Academy of Music Play- Lyric Theatre, Temperanceville, Va., Visitors To Washington house Leased as Theatre Reports “Nice People” Well Received C. M. Casey has leased the play- - house of the Academy of Music at When sending~in his subscription The Karanicholas boys from Ports- Lynchburg, Va., for a period of five to FILM NEWS, N. H. Gordon, mouth, Virginia, were in Washington years beginning the first day of owner of the Lyric Theatre at last week. The Rialto and Tivoli next July. Mr. Casey has con- Temperanceville, Va., stated that are their theatres at Portsmouth. tracted to maintain a high class pro- “Nice People,” the film shown in his gram of theatrical productions, in- house that week, was being very well William Gordon, of the Palace cluding vaudeville and motion pic- received and the attendance was Theatre, Newport News, Va., was a tures. The Board of Directors of excellent. Washington visitor week before last. the Academy are contemplating mak- ing extensive improvements in the Crisfield, Md., Opera House Mr. Fraye, of the Fairfax Theatre building prior to Mr. Casey’s taking Reopened Culpepper, Va., was among the it over. The Opera House at Crisfield, Md., exhibitors in Washington this past has been reopened by Everett Lewis week. Crandall Musical Broadcast and Paul Henderson. Mr. Hender- The musical program of Crandall’s son was formerly with the Washing- E. B. Ross, of the Opera House, Metropolitan Theatre, Washington, ton office of Famous Plasyer-Lasky Leesburg, Va., was in the Capital D. C. was broadcast by radio through Corp. Plans are on foot, also, to City a week ago. station W. C. A. P., the radio station open a new theatre on Chincoteague of the Chesapeake & Potomac Tele- Island, Va., before long. Last week saw Mr. Byrd, manager phone Company on Thursday even- of Eugene Crall’s Newport News ing, Oct. 11. The big musical feature The Colonial Theatre, Norfolk, Va., houses, in Washington. of the bill consisted of the singing by has been renovated and put in shape the entire audience of the old favorite for Fall business. Walter Colter and Mrs. Thorpe, of songs contained in “Golden Gems,” As Our Subscription Contract the Bluebird Theatre, Petersburg, the second of the “Sing Them Again” Might Read Va., and the Theatre of the same series by Norman Jefferies distrib- name in Richmond, Va., were visitors uted by Educational. 1. FILM NEWS, hereinafter called at the local exchange offices week This is an exceptionally clever the Party of the First Part (and before last. exploitation stunt for both the Met- various other things, according ropolitan Theatre and “Sing Them to the temper of the caller), Again” series, all of which has been agrees to mail regularly to the Among the visitors at the Crandall booked by this theatre as well as Exhibitor, hereinafter termed the offices recently was Harry Lewy, Crandall’s new Ambassador. Party of the Second and all other Baltimore producer of industrial mo- Parts, twelve copies of their tion pictures and part owner of the Mr. Emmons, who was formerly Regional Perpetration in order Wizard Theatre of that City. Mr. an organist at Loew’s Palace Theatre, of release for the sum of Lewy’s film on the 1923 Atlantic City One Washington, is now at the Chevy Buck. pageant was shown at one of the Chase Theatre, same city. 2. The party of the Second Crandall houses. Part agrees to personally read FILM Hippodrome, Elkins, W. Va., Books NEWS from cover to cover, and Playgoers for 18 Showings. send in his comments (asbestos Renovated stationery recommended). Dumbarton Theatre Playgoers Pictures have secured 3. The Party of the First Part Work has been about completed eighteen play dates between Septem- agrees to at all times tell the of the ber 6th and 3rd for their on the remodeling Dumbarton November truth, the whole truth and noth- Theatre, Washington, D. C., owned features at the Hippodrome Theatre, ing like the truth,—to the best of Frain and Marceron. Elkins, West Virginia. The pictures by Messers A his limited ability. new heating plant, lobby and ceiling to be shown are: “The Isle of 4. The Party of the Second Part installed, and a Doubt,” “Scandalous Tongues,” have been modern agrees to abstain from using any air-cooling system added to the “Tracks,” “The Man Who Waited,” of the several issues of FILM equipment of the theatre. “Through the Storm,” “A Paste- NEWS which may be at hand as board Crown,” “The She Man missiles in any argument with I. Weinberg, of the Lyric Back.” “Face to Face,” Mr. Brought Exchange Managers or The Film Theatre, Lexington, Va., was unable “Sunshine Harbor,” “The Ruse of Board. to attend the recent Exhibitors’ Con- the Rattler,” “The Man and the 5. And Parties of Both Parts agree ference in Washington, because of Moment,” “Counterfeit Love,” to submit any and all controver- injured knee. “Father Tom,” “Discontented an sies to a sober and upright arbi- Wives” and “The Hills of Missing tration board—if such can be Nelson B. Bell, publicity chief of Men.” Associated Exhibitors have found. the Crandall circuit, spent a week- also secured fourteen showings at the R. S. V. P. end at Atlantic City with his mother Hippodrome, and within a space of recently. sixty days. (Rush Subscriptions Very Promptly) ANNOUNCING

An exceptionally good line-up of SEMI-WESTERNS and WESTERNS S Splendid SANFORD Productions

beginning with “SHELL SHOCKED SAMMY”

and following with “THE LONE WAGON” “Thrillspeedramas” with Mary Anderson, Vivian Rich, Leonard Clapham

and All-Star Casts


A story of love born in the days of Tut-ankh-amen Valda Valkyrien, Harris Gordon, Morgan Jones

also “IS MONEY EVERYTHING” Miriam Cooper — Martha Mansfield — Norman Carry “ SHATTERED REPUTATIONS ” Johnny Walker — Jackie Saunders “THE BROAD ROAD” “THE LOVE NEST” Richard Travers — May Allison Richard Travers — Jean Scott

Art Film Exchange

J. Robbins, Manager 228 North Gay Street Baltimore, IVid.

Washington Office to be Opened November 1st. Community Singing In Your Theatre

A New Form of Film Entertainment—A Real Novelty That Will Make Your Patrons Happy And Prepare Them to Enjoy Your Whole Show More

NE of the questions most constantly before the wide-awake exhibitor is: “What can I do to put more O ‘pep’ and ‘punch’—real novel interest in to the show?” To such a theatre manager Educational’s latest one-reel inovation, the “Sing Them Again” Series by Norman Jefferies, will make an immeidate appeal, because it not only is novel entertainment in itself, but will put his patrons in a happy frame of mind that will make the whole show look better and brighter to them. What could make your patrons happier than a good, old-fashioned singing bee? This is just what each of the twelve pictures in the “Sing Them Again” Series is designed to do. Song numbers are common on film programs. Exhibitors everywhere are spending large sums of money every week to provide special musical numbers, but however good these may be they can never be counted on to please the audience 100 per cent. But invite the audience to do the singing! Put one one of the “Sing Them Again” Series, reviving three of the old favorite songs. And listen to the applause and laughter! The old songs are never forgotten. The old favorites are always the best. Every one of your patrons knows them all. And every one of your patrons will join gladly in singing them. Here is a novelty that will bring community singing to your theatre; a Short Subject that offers many new angles to exploit your show; a treat for young and old alike that will make them all happy and bring about a feeling of sympathy and enthusiasm that will make every member on the program more enjoyable. Every “Sing Them Again” number is a show in itself. EDUCATIONAL FILMS COMPANY OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA 926 New Jersey Avenue, Washington D. C.

W. M. Pollock 805 Mather Building WASHINGTON, D. C. A


Heralds and motion picture This publication is the product of theatre programs The Ben Franklin Press, Inc.


Main 2 9 2 7

' • VY


Exchange Notes

Payette and Sherwood in New York

J. J. Payette, General Manager of Personals Personnel Changes the Crandall Circuit, and E. A. Sherwood, of the Exhbiitors’ Film Exchange, spent several days in J. R. Granger, General Sales Man- Harry Mann, who has been busily New York last week. While there, ager of Goldwyn-Cosmopolitan, and engaged for the past few weeks in they took in a couple of the World’s Eddie Bond, Exploitation Chief, getting all the live publicity for Series games and also reviewed sev- spent a day at the Washington office Film Booking’s current releases, has eral of the current releases. Mr. last week. been appointed Assistant Manager Sherwood says the exhibitors of the and Booker of the local F. B. 0. M. Schmalzbach from the Fox territory can prepare themselves for office by Frank McNamee, Manager. home office, is spending three weeks a rare treat in some of the indepen- Mr. Mann succeeds Mr. Loeffler in the local looking dent productions he is going to offer at branch over the this position. them shortly. Among the newest accounts. the Exhibitors’ line-up additions to Harry A. White, General Sales the B. pictures, “Forgive L. F. Ribnitzki has succeeded Mr. are C. C. Manager of the Fox Corporation, and Forget” and “The Marriage Zimmerman as Assistant Manager made a three days visit to the Wash- Market.” and Publicity Director of the local ington office last week. Goldwyn-Cosmopolitan office. Mr. Ribnitzki is a Washington man, and Reddick, New Herald and Program Supply C. P. auditor from the was at one time associated with Paramount office, is spending Office home United Artists here. Mr. Zimmer- a couple of weeks at the local branch. W. M. Pollock has opened an man has been made auditor at the Mr. Reddick is a Washington man, office at Room 805, Mather Building, New York Office of Goldwyn. and is delighted at the opportunity where he is engaged in supplying to get back to his home city and exhibitors with printed Heralds and renew old acquaintances. George Lockwood has replaced Programs on all the current pro- Edward Heiber in the field as Uni- ductions. “Birth of a Nation,” Cir- Carl Laemmle, of Universal fame, versal representative. Mr. Lock- cus Days” and “Robin Hood” are was in Washington last Monday, wood was formerly with Shannon some of the pictures on which Mr. with his secretary. Harry Brown, and Luchs, prominent real estate Pollock has Heralds available. local manager, accompanied him to men of this city. Mr. Heiber has Baltimore, where they made a call been transferred to the Philadelphia Liberty to Release Tri-Stone Re- on C. E. Whitehurst. Mr. Laemmle office of Universal. vival of “The Bargain” returned thence to New York, Mr. The new edition by Tri-Stone Pic- Brown leaving the party at Phila- J. L. Driscoll has been tures of William S. Hart in “The delphia. appointed Bargain,” which Liberty Film Ex- Secretary of the Film Board of Trade, change is distributing in this territory succeeding Miss Conradi. Prints of “Lights Out,” a stirring promises to be an exceedingly pop- drama taken from the successful ular revival picture. Within two stage play by the same name, have Manager Stanley Spoehr has as- weeks after the announcement of its been received by the Washington cended to poetry this month, and proposed release, independent ox- Branch of F. B. 0. and the picture here are two of his most Vita-graphic changes covering of the dis- 82% is now being booked in this territory. “current releases”: tributing territory here and in Can- “Lights Out” is regarded as one of ada had taken up the distribution (1) Unlike famous Knights of bright the most important of F. B. O.’s rights. “The Bargain” was mail, made October releases. at the time William S. Hart was We battle not for fame but for associated with Thomas H. Ince, kale; Progress Offer New Series of Jack and is a picturization of William H. Hoxies And the exhibitor that knows Clifford’s popular western story. The To Vitagraph goes, J. H. Marks, of Progress Pictures, entire production was filmed in the announces that he has a new series And books their new “stuff” Grand Canyon, and the scenery is of Jack Hoxie productions, and has without fail! magnificent. “Bill” Hart has often booked them at Richmond, Norfolk chosen “The Bargain” as his favorite (2) The setting sun sinks o’er the Petersburg, Roanoke, Lynchburg and of all the pictures he has turned out. hills; others of the key cities in this Tri-Stone secured an expert judge of The showman counts his roll of territory. box office values to re-edit and re- bills. “ title this film for its new edition, I’ll pay that mortgage on my with the result that the length was ' b farm; " HWEE reduced to five reels and the action Hail Vitagraph’s ‘ Midnight itself materially speeded up. ' CHEERT Alarm’.”

Mrs. Harry M. Crandall is recover- Juvenile ing nicely from a recent operation on -COMEDY* Vitagraph reports 909 bookings her throat. U Ci! tic fic i for “The 90 & 9.” Publicity Stunts

Clever Trailer for “White Rose” Imperial Theatre, Charlotte, N. C., Red Street Lanterns used to Exploit Novel Publicity Stunt Has “Red Lights” A unique method of announcing In connection with his recent For the showing of Goldwyn’s the next week’s picture and yet con- showing of Goldwyn’s “Enemies of “Red Lights” at the Capital Theatre stituting the announcement a part Women,” G. E. Brown, Manager of in Guelph, Ontario, a number of red of the current program, was staged the Imperial Theatre at Charlotte, lanterns with cards attached carry- by Gordon Reid, of the Branford N. C., ran a guessing contest in the ing the name of the picture, the Theatre, Newark, New Jersey. Mr. local papers built around the question theatre and the date of showing, Reid made a special stage setting and of why are bachelors women haters. were placed on all the important Much general interest was aroused, corners in the town. This stunt musical number where the screen and a lot of free newspaper space caused a great deal of comment, as was raised under cover of a dark obtained. Many of the letters re- did a spotlight on the roof of the stage and, to the opening bars of ceived by the papers were quite theatre which was kept playing all song, a transparency of a huge white humorous, and they all made good around the city. rose appeared. A tenor solo of “A reading matter as well as good ex- All of the lobby and theatre front White Rose” with special orchestra ploitation material. One of the lights were in red. Special window accompaniment, completed the an- spreads given was over four columns. cards and throw-aways were used. nouncement. Manager Brown also evolved a clever scheme to publicize “The White Rose.” He got one of the local florists to cooperate with him in delivering white roses to the sick Current Releases people of Charlotte. Names of pros- pective recipients of the roses were Paramount Independent secured thru the newspaper columns, “WHERE NORTH BEGINS”—Rin-Tin- “RUGGLES OF RED GAP”—Jas. Cruze which again resulted in much val- Tin. production. uable free advertising for the Im- DIGGERS” Hope Hampton. Wm. de Mille “GOLD — “MARRIAGE MAKER”— JONES”—Johnny perial. production “LITTLE JOHNNY Hines. “ZA-ZA” Gloria Swanson — BINDS” Louise Fazenda. Box-Kite Used to Exploit “The “WOMAN PROOF”—Tom Meighan “TIE THAT — Spoilers” in New Haven Film Booking Selzniek A box-kite was used by E. S. “LIGHTS OUT”—Page and Dickey. Raffile, Manager of the Globe The- “CAUSE FOR DIVORCE”—Pat O’Malley “FAIR CHEAT”—Dorothy Mackail. “BROADWAY BROKE”—Mary Carr. atre in New Haven, Conn., to ex- “DAYTIME WIVES”— Derelys Perdue. “DEFYING DESTINY”—Blue-Rich. INTO SOCIETY”—Bull the showing of Spoilers.” “BREAKING ploit “The “RUPERT OF HENTZAU”—Bert Lytell. Montana. The kite was green with the title “COMMON LAW”—Chambers novel. “HALDANE OF SECRET SERVICE”— of the picture and the name of the Hodkinson Houdini. theatre in red letters. Fox “PURITAN PASSIONS”—Glenn Hunter. A boy was stationed on the roof “CAMEO KIRBY”—John Gilbert. “DRIVIN’ FOOL”—Wally Van. “GOVERNOR’S LADY”—All Star. of a building near the Yale Campus, “ MILE-A-MINUTE ROMEO”—Tom Mix so that all of the university students First National Liberty saw the kite and the lettering on it. “THUNDERGATE” — Joe DeGrasse special “DEVIL’S NEEDLE”—Norma Talmadge. IN WORLD”—Sol FE TRAIL” Gerber-Perrin. Orchestrations Written Specially “MEANEST MAN “SANTA — Lesser special. “SPAWN OF DESERT”—Wm. Fairbanks. for “Puritan Passions” “PONJOLA”—Rork-Crisp . “THE AMERICANO”—Douglas Fair- A complete set of orchestration brinks Progress parts and additional piano scores “THE BARGAIN”—Wm. S. Hart. “DANGER TRAIL”—James Curwood. have been made of Frederick S. Preferred “GALLOPIN’ THRU”—Jack Hoxie. Converse’s symphony score, written “CYCLONE JONES”—Big Boy Williams. “APRIL SHOWERS”—Colleen Moore. specially for the film production of “TANGO CAVALIER”—Geo. Larkin. “MOTHERS-IN-LAW”—Gaston Glass. Percy MacKaye’s stage play, “The “DANGER”—J. B. Warner. Universal Scarecrow,” which will be distributed Priscilla Dean. Exhibitors “DRIFTING”— through Hodkinson under the title “RAMBLIN’ KID”—. “FORGIVE AND FORGET”— Gladys Walton. of “Puritan Passions.” “WILD PARTY”— “MARRIAGE MARKET”— “MEN IN THE RAW”—Jack Hoxie. These orchestrations have been “TEMPTATION”—Eva Novak. “LITTLE MISS HOLLYWOOD ’’—Baby made as an accessory for the exhibi- “OUT OF DUST ’’—Russell Simpson. Peggy. tor who desires to use this special “I AM THE LAW”—All Star. Goldwyn “SURE FIRE FLINT”—Johnny Hines. score either in symphony or full “SLAVE OF DESIRE”—George Walsh. orchestra, in conjunction with the Educational “STEADFAST HEART”—Mary Alden. presentation of “Puritan Passions.” “THREE CHEERS”—Juvenile Comedy. Vitagraph Frederick S. Converse is a musical “RUNNING WILD”—Mermaid Comedy “MIDNIGHT ALARM”—David Smith writer and musician of note and “DISCONTENT”—Wilderness Tale. production. “SPEEDVILLE” Hodge-Podge. “ ” David Smith prod. wrote “The Pipe of Desire,” the — PIONEER TRAILS — “HEADS UP”—Cameo Comedy. “LEAVENWORTH CASE”—Anna Kath- first to pro- native composition be erine Green story. United Artists duced in the Metropolitan Opera “ON BANKS OF WABASH”—J. Stuart House, New York. “ROSITA”—Mary Pickford. Blackton production. Scanned from the collection of Karl Thiede

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