Total lnlisted Strength, 30 Sept~bor •• ••• •• • 164 ,047

l' loo~ Reservitlts (enlisted) on acti ve duty • • • • .. 7,121 Other Reservists II II II II •••••• 4,053 Retired Men II II II II ___ 65

Total •••••••••••••• 11 ,239 Aseregate Enlistnente (24 hours) •••••• •• . • 311 Afe 11 re(3ttte Discharges " • • • • • • • • • • 86

Gain ••••. • . •• 225

Retired Officers r eturned to active duty, as of 1 October:

Line Officer~ 649 Staff Officers 167 . . YiEU·rant Officers ~

Total •••• 862

Naval 'lcst:rvo Offi cers ordered to active auty for en­ forcoment of neutral1 ty and t he strengthening of the NatiQnal Defcn~e .nthin t ho .i ~ts of Peace-time au­ thori zation; as of Scptemtu r 30 : 1fumber Nu:::lber . Number Character of Du All o1~ed Obligated Ordered V(G Officers Afloat 300 JOO 307 Uercll8.nt Ma rine Afloat 225 225 268 Aviati on Instructors 248 248 214 I-V(S) Off 1oors 125 125 112 CEC-V(S) Officers 125 125 125 ~upply Corps Officers 125 125 149 ~edicnl and Dental Officers 177 177 190 Communication Offi cers 100 100 12/, CC-V(o) Officers 20 20 20 Adminiatration of Rese~e Training Program 140 110 Miscellaneous ~ ·rotl\l Esti.aated Nu.nbet· Al­ ~ lowed: 1905 2070 2104 llur!lau of Yordo and DooaDY of Philadelphia. Ietimated oontr.• ct coat - $65(>,000 . 'l'ho burc.tu or lolrdicine and Sur1·ory ?.ill >roblllllY ree=- Extenai on of chomicel laboratory li!ld be.rreoks building mend additional bu ildings, but not 4 as re 1ueatsd. at the Naval Roaeurch Luborntory, Bellavuo, D. C., u nd in­ utrumont repair nnd atorase ut t he Naval Observa tory, Contoronco, b~tweon tho hel\dS or the Naval l:oocrve 'i•ooninston, D. C. awarded to the Charles H. Tompkins Co . ot \ nshint;ton, D. o. Estimated contract coat - $5)1,000. ani the Bureau or Uodieine and ~~ery was held t hi s Extension and i.llprova:aenta at the Naval Reserve Air mornins on tho advi sability or rocooll. sndi.Jlg , •ivors on Ba•o , Squantum, Weas . awarded to t he lluck-llcDonald Co . ot , llass. and the \•arren Brother s Roads Co . ot Cam­ phyoioul disabi lity. Tbe Buronu or Uedicino und'Sur- bridge , Woos . ~t imated cost or contruct - $))1, 500. ~ery , bec or 30-dii,Y ret irO£lDnt privile·ee tor t he

brine Corps, Tot al en...i ted strength, JO beptBOlbor 19/,0 , !~Tel •Oaerve, will tic~ to nl~ • i oal rs_ui~ente or t he n &c.llar llavy for tho immetdi ete future .

Selection Boord, for promotion ot 4 Colonel~ in tho Resear ch, Reuorta are being received from certain

W..ri ne Corps to the rani: or llrir;adier Ocne....U. is cCIClposod European belli ~oro nta that foir_y large n~era ot pilots

or t~o followinc: aro ~e1ni incapaci tated f or ~Geka and somot ~ .os .ont ha

l!ollr Adnir!lo •rnuasig, Courtney, \Iatson, Do>mes, Bro>.n, tlieht to eltitud as ubove JO ,000 :root. 'l'he 1/oyee; and GeDAirale Little, Upehur, ll.lld LosAn · Thla board con11tlon ta prqbnbly not the direct roau.t or !allure

ot adequate oxygen 8Ul)ply . There nre Jtru1Y 1JY41pt0lll8 and ( 4· other features which make it very likely that the cause

i s aero-embolism or " ben~a " , as we are familiarywith it in daily ope1•ation. The condition has been known to be pos- Bible and likely, but this is the i'irst time that it has

been reported in any appreciabl e numbers. There has been

a comprehensive program j ointly bet>leen the. Army and Navy and Public Health Service to carry out research directives

to~~rd the determination of the most practical answer to the problem. From the informati on available at the

present time , it appears that there should be little danger of the development of "bends" in rapid ascent provided ade-

quate oxygen is breathed from time of ~s-oft.

Jacksonville Airport , Will be officially opened on 15 October,

Banana River, will be officially opened on 1 October. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, announces:

A contract has been awarded the Elgin National Watch Com­ pany for 3,300 clocks, aircraft, at a unit yrice of ~10 . 33, ptt¥ spare parts in the amount of 1999·45, total price of $34,088.45 A contract has been awarded the Switl1k Purachute & Equip­ •nont Co . for 800 Parachutes, at a unit pri ce of $100, 00 , total cost $80 ,000 .00 A contract has been awarded the Pionee1· Parachute Co . , Inc. f or 600 Parachutes at a unit cost of $116 . 50, total coat $69 ,900 .00 CW#>~Qitfjj£ t.eru-.Tu« OF TJil\ NAVYA .l ' ·J\· 2 Octob&r 191.0 : *fi: r l'otol Fnlit·tcd "troll{,th, 1 Oc tobcr •.••••.... 1~\~ ~~ :I'loet 'Resec-vist, ( cnlistcl!) on totiYe duty •· •.•..• •. Ot aPr ;

•••••• Tot 1 • • • 0 0 ••• 0 11,2·9 •.f,. ~·ec;ate I:n 1 ietll'eate ( l -~ t 4 nours) ...... :.66 l>t "'reglte Discb.'lrc,oa " " " ...... ·2 Guin •••...... •. 130 c ,ir<'d O"rteel'8 returned to active duty ue o!' l October: Line Ortice!'Y 649 utui'f O.i'l'icern 167 i ar1·~nt Ol'f'ic ers /+6

Total 862

en:!'orot'"' ent of neu .. r.;~li ty anu the strongthonin{l: ·or the ~tiondl db'en&o ~1· .in tte limits or peoco-timo or- g,miz tion: Nw:lbor Number Number Clltlr.. ctor ot Duty ·..!lowed Oblig~ted Ordered Innhoro Pb10rol b.Jsefl . 40 212 88 lN v .ocerve Avi:J.tion Dn-eo Canr:unications -JOO :.!300 65 8;; • 83 76 t.1'lo . 5000 1352 )lincell!ill 1 15ts OOUG • . ( 1191 Cl8s~ V-7 l~·oc 1189 urem~nt Progrwn {2325 224 223 C1uue V-7 for .:i.idshij:Cl&n,U:...."in 5000 1500 Total Men . 15,c.,o 6,862 :;,286 3· BU!"< u <>f Yaro.~ Uld Doc - 'l'ho tollcwtn& co t --plu:s- Ldditl Dl•l (; ooUne Storage e.nd .,.rv1oill6, • I.o.ndl~ i'iold, lliuv y I~lends - J60,0'0. fixr -toe r.c·ntruct cv;nrd bus 'boon : AdditionaJ Undergrouod Fuel Storaga, Pearl Earbor, •·•o1li it 1or Lddit1onal on' 11 tea personnel ot too t2, 250 ,000. 11 .,. 1 Tro!n1nt; etat1on, ian Dioro, Clilitornio, unu·uod to Ch:u·loc ~ · oe\;ine of 11oeo. l.stir.uted' coutraot ooRt - Dredi log cuonnels and &rboro, Hawo.ii - tJ., 25Q , OOO . t871 ,600. . Tar&et utor~e ana ll~r .t"ci.~oHies , ilishop Point, Contnct tor ..-.ciditio\l.~Ll unltion .;torelcs, Ce.lUornia, ror lrltsgn;.inoo ll.lld Storetou:;ew, l•:lval A l • vt tic;r:, l'c l"l t o ou:a c! $2,l1,6 ,QYO; :C'7'> do.ys. n=bor,, - t99, 9QO .

l'ho contr ct -r0r ... d~i Honal otor~e uvi&o:ey Council.

11ddHicull or.; added to o:rcving Crcunds, 11!\lllsren, ~ • . - 1effr· . ;;-Dyer co. - }.);teru:icn to Gun .,ton., e Yr.c­ Contr>tct tor Taaporsry houa1L4;, tor..,·o and Aviation llitioo - ,;6, 000. ~eollitiea , Plirris Island - Charles , .. ..n,;o~e, Inc. - Repair to llulldings Uld Cnuoeway !Uld Ex onsion to HOBdD , Contrnct Avi•tion luc1lit1oa Cunntenano Buy - .roderick Parris Island, S. C. - j571, 500 • . ma•o Corp. - b'torol.ouao, JJorr:>c o, ttUngnrs omd l!unl•llYO - ... 5~1 , 000 . NOTl. : Contracts in excess of ';oo, 100 wero cleared by the !ltti onal De1'cnse Ad71SOl'Y C~ ss i o n. Contrc:.c~ Or - t22;,ooo. at'ter it llad l.een to.. ed •olTU'd. Peerl harbor by tho I!AIIAPO.

J.ircrort Storohouss, L und:ey ~lldin,~, Llll

Tuberouloais \.aniand ._wu·toro, CWllll - ~Jl6 , 800 . Conml!tpder Atlanti c Squad1-on, aD

ll1auenw:ey Buildi~ , ·rutu1l , ••ll:loa - ,.162, 000. tllo lx•vy DeJlllrtment to l!i~cuaa l.Japondi nc operations.

Grad1DP nc ~ •rvicill(l, u1dition:ll Goa ::.tor -n, t.4D•>Obe , u,., , ,,, ciU'h.O (oiler), will escort llhtriet d.raJt ftu~ Oolou, . t- . - $1., 766,700. l:orrou ab ut 15 October to the Cene.l ~ne . · 'l'hii!Y iJ: elude "submarin· e caesere 454, 456, and 460, &nd Yachto 33 and )4, caaser 457 will be in the group, deaignated to Tent h l!avsl District.

Admire.l Greenslade o.nd -party flew i'rom liU1.mJ. Wld Nassau

this mct•ning, and will continue on to Cuantanomo \;here they will join the ST. LOUIS.

Civil l!ilGineers, 32 candidates passed, the examination to

fill existing vscanciee in the grade of As•ietant Civil En­

gineer, with. the rank of lieutenant (junior grode) , Ten of

the candidates vlill be recom:nonded i'or commissions iimne-

dl ately, the ramaining candidates to. be placed on an eli- 8ibil1 ty list from which additional appointments mer be l:llldo.

Dwntal Officers, 32 candidates for appointmont have

suocosefully qualifi ed and commissioned as Assistant

Dental Surgeons (lieutenant, junior grade) oe of 5 Sept eaixr .

. Univers i ty of 6olrthern California, Presi dent Von Klein­

sunG offers tho facili Uea of its ro::-kshop, ~chool of In-

gineering, o.nd related tocl:Ulical de'PQrtmente for tbe train-

ing of naval personnel, photography, oinematof!r apby , !lound

rooording nnd su"Ooort itJG soi cnces . :F'ttcul ty, buildings, o.nd

o ·uipncnt are also offered T itt: the most capable technicians f rom col!ywood • . titunJ.idu o iie I BIFOR'l '1'0 'lB! BIXmEl'.AHr 01' 'lU P'Jl\ . . . October 1 0 -.tal Kall1ah4 Btracth, 2 October •••••••• J'leet ieaerrtata ( eAliste4) On actiTe duV '• • 7 ,121 Other Reaerrt•-• • • • • Retiree! • ••• 4,053 § • • • • 65 ·····-~..;.- Total • • • • • • • • . • • • 11,239 Asmete ..Uiaaumta (last 24 hours) •••••• 289 A,....,..te biacharJ!a • • • ...... 3 Oain ••••••••••• 26S Retired Officers returDe4 to actin duv aa ot 2 Octdber: ~ Officers 649 Btatt • 167 Warrant • J!. 'l'otal 862 Han.l Reaene ~iate4 Mllll ordere4 to actin dut)' tor en­ torc... t ot n~Gtral1t7 u4 the nrezag\hllllhl£ ot the D&­ tioDal defense within the lt.its ot peaoe-tt.e zation: orsant­ llullber Jllaber Character llalber ot DuV .Al.lon4 Obllpte4 Ordered Inshore Patrol Baaea )40 212 88 .Nanl Reaerore AT1atlon Baa•• 2300 Co 2300 652 ewJ oaUou 85 83 76 Atlod 5000 13.52 Miaoell&DeOua lOSS ( 1191 1189 Cl.Ua V-7 Pl'oOW:I sot C2325 ~ ( 224 223 Olaee V-7 fer II1401Jae, UBIR SOOO 1500 Total .... 1.5,050 6,862 2. ' \ • ll· fi•!!pUa .,, .. 7£!!1641f4• FlaM baa b-ordered )laftl Jleaene, Drills Will be iDOJ'MMCl trca 48 to 60 ' there t or pren-111&1'7 n:rnrnrore v.s.s. -:eoiDI'fQI ar- sv_n, , AU 41Th1ou &.94 air aqu.drcu will be b ~l!CI* '· \ riT.. abODt 1j October: At tbat t iJne two IIIOH p1qea will up to tuU st:revcth. D1rle1ou ot 69 - Will be 1D-

~ ~ ... '. be or4erecl ~Ill!~ tor IIU.M'.,. ot operatiD& 001141Uou. ora... e4 to 100. Air equadrcu will be bro'Q&llt up to 124 u. e.s . .utCiuRos (oarso ebip) , toxwer JI»>W::IAAE w1ll =- 4erso DO coll"ieraioA at "Jireaent. Ae IIOOil aa tuU c~-t Local Defense D1Tie1ona, there are 30, are beipg broll&ht ot otticere and "&Aliete4 paraonne1 are plaCed aboard - . · tba up t o 1.50 - · prerlouel.J 69. These la~ ter 41~~0ILI . iA AliC'l'OliUB Will ~~ll, 11: ·~~ie.l. aaa1gmullt to out:ty1as baaes. 1114.111 cues will probablJ be ordered to ll1na81nlepare, ,m,Ue-

v.s.s. SABDII ( tallkar), toraer llaeo AlbuT w1ll Ull4ar810 l&Jere, ,achte, ~ obaeere, and Dei t~er11 •.

cou ereion a t Pbila4elpb1a tor tbe next 2-1/2 .,lltba. District Headquarter• and Reaern Anloq, Bo a~R . At

Statue or airoran, ae or 27 Septcber: a coDfereAOa ot GoTernor' a repreaeatat1Taa, .llqor•a C

tbe Cit)' ot Boet oll ia aat~ted to coa\ trca t J5,000 to

a Je&r. Cal. it. , baa be&R nar4e4 to Jlaiuon Broa., Ball 7r&D01aoo, m ,ooo Bllreau of )lay1pt1oA, ia reetriotipg enliatme calif, tor the - ot t.5.5.5 , 400, Tiaa 210 oal..SU de;ra. nts, Clau V-6, JlaTal ReaerTa, to u -aarrtce .. in order ROt to taka Tbia coa tract llia "-zl o1a&rea"bJ t he • auone.J. Detanee A4- 4nltt clo4&er• aJid aen tor wboll tbara· are llO taoiDUM Ti80l7 ec-.i"H' tor •. 4. tftSotDI at the pNaent tiae. M aooa u the lla"7 ~a

rqular reo:Nitill& prograa baa been aolUeYe4 enl.111aeAta

1Jl V-6 will be opene4 to qual.ifiecl mea ud the f acilities of llaftl 'lra1a1118 Statlou w1ll. be uee4 to. p.,.. aeoeeH1'7

prel '•'M'7 tre.WDS t o nch Noruite bdoN or4er1Jig t hem to ••·

u.s.a. m RA'DII (SS196), reporte4 t o ClllaJ8 oa 30 sep- te.ber for dut7 1Jl sw.artDe J'oroe.

u.s.a. 'roiA (SB 203), wu la\11ohe4 .- 11are leland oA 2 Oetober.

Clout Gn•r4 0\!tter 0 pltell 11111 leaTe ._ York t oda7 tor Lisbon to reline the CIIABA..

1940 a.ber ot applioaate accepted. tor t1ret alietaeat - 1744 Baaber ot first .aliat..Dta •••••••••••••••••••••2028 ~- ot ramua~h, cont1JQ11Du aerrtoe .. .. • 41 a.ber of reealietaenta, broke aerrtoe •••••••••_1i

Total ·••• ·• • • • • • !:zo89 6 .AIIerioa !gena, nud;Jbg the Neourou ot Bondurae deolare4 toda;r that the 11orth Coast ot Bon4uru oontailled

Jlt'ephll Ben, Loll4o~ ea1c1 toJlisht ~the ainldl!i ot 132,000 BriUah tou ot shipping last week, "The 50 Aaeriou deatro7era aho1al.d ease, but DOt 1n t h-..elTea cure this situation.• C:eailfid ts e t i tl l . Bli:fOR'1' '1'0 TSl!: SJlCRETARY ..fJ"'~.,._,,..,. Ootober 1 Total !911ate4 StrepQh, 3 October u··o· "11eet BeeerTiata (8D11ated) oa Aot1Te dut7 ••••• o\hir ReaerTiata 7,121 • • • • · ••••• 4,053 Jiet1r!4.. • • • • ..... 65

• TOtal •••••••••••11,239 A'IE"'te llllbtaellh (1aat 24 houra) ...... Af'P"Pte 31.4 Dlaohal'l!a • • • • • • • ,,...... 4l OaiJl ••• :: • • • • 2'11 Retired returned to aot1Te 4at,r,· aa o~ 3 Oo~ober: Line Ottioera 649 . . o: Start Ottioera 'li>7 Warrant Ottiova- ... t,6 l • l • 'l'otal • •• • • 862 • r :tr llaftl Reaft'Ye otfioen ordered to aot1n du~ ror •• toro.-.nt ot neatrality and the atreQStbenius Rational Deteue ot the w1 thin the 11111ta ot Peaoe-u.. au­ thorization; u ot 3 October: a.ber Cbal'eoter ot DllV Alloncl T(6) Ottioera Atloat' JOB llerobut llariDia Atloat 225 225 268 ATiatUm Iutftotora 248 .. · 24L . 214·.. I-Y(S) Otfioen . • 125 125 ll2 0.,-V(S) Ot1'1oer. • ,t 12, : lRS I c 125 Supp}7 Corp~ Ott1 cera 125 125 ¥e41oal a4 149 Datal Off10e1'11 l'n 177 190 ' ~ t•toatioa Ottioera 100 100 oo-v(S) ott1oere 124 20 20 20 .,_tptetratiOD ot Reaer.e llldldli~MD 'l'reiaiaa Procr- 140 Miaoell•neoua 140 no 320 +'5 485 TOtal KaU•ted llaUer Al­ al.lowed 1905 2104 2. Firat ll&rine Briaada, will lean ~Uco on 8-9-10 . oparatiOAa • 3· Oo~ber eld'Jidud tor -~on Roede. Oa 12 October Bripde .Bureau ot Supplies and Account!, announces the tollotrUaa; will sail tor Ouantuao on the KoCAIILI:f llDd BAJIIIIft (liar­ .A. prel1w1u:rr award baa bean lll&da , nbjact to later coll­ ina tr&DBporta). The :Uret group arr1Ted at Guntan- tiraation to The Baboook & Wilcox C~p&DJ tor 400 sets ot 11110 yuurdq o011poaed mainly ot aooutillg and ttptft" - 5•/)8 Wal~ta at a ooat ot $2,)00,000, and tor the pur­ planes. Balbillg aquadrone will lean at a later 4aie. chua ot 0oT411'211Dent OWDBd equipllant not to exceed Adnrua.. ui, ·~:U soon go out tor ooutruoUon-o1' a $250,000.

CIOII1'1~Uon, to Uatted A.iroratt Corporation, Baailwa

S~ Propallen DiTislon, tor propeller aquipaent and NORTH CAROLINA, oonetruotion is reported to spare parts, at a coat ot t43,962,098.)0.

be UIIWIIIal~ ra,Pid ud. ~'M're 1a nary poaa1 bill t)' t!Ua .A. prel!•1 nary eWIU'4 baa been aade, nbject to later oon- • Teeaal will be ~lated s ix or aena -· 110niha ahead ot tlmaUoa, to Ull.ited A.iroratt Corporation, Pratt & Whitnq schedule. D1Tia1on, tor ellginee ot a coat ot $197,294,12).75 Adel'!l •n~ . wda7 relined Adalral Briuer u head A contract has been awarded tha Bauch & Laab Optioal ot "tlla·B6ar4 Gr~tiC!Il ud !lurTS)'. ~ (J(JaP8117 tor 520 pairs. ot BiDooulara at. u anraca 11111 t u.s.a. 80'*1R (DD3331, reports that on the requat ot coat ot t56.ll, total coat $29,17).00 the haedoriaa ll1Jlidar tor loraip Attal.ra the SIIIIRR Tha preli.ainary awards to the Uni tad A11:0ratt Cor- PI:O"fdad to ~ oa 30 S.J* .-bar tor a oaatareaoa reprd­ poratioR tor propellers and •ll&iAee inoludf the propeller iDC PeruTian orticara on board. The Kl.aiater ot .rore1ca 8114 •DC1u raquir.qta ot both the Arlit u4 the Ba17. Atta1ra DOW baa 110 objecUoa to the pr-• ot PaNrtu 8appl.Y C6rp!, has 583 recuJ,ar ortioara '• ot 1 Ootobar, ottiaera ot tu ~ s•• withia the tarrtwrial 8114 9S5 raearn ottioal'tl with 11)5 appl.ioaUou taTOI'&b~ wahra ot louador p1:0Yida4 tb.q tall:e lllo pari 1n 8Ur'fll)' reo~ended. There are approx1aahl¥ 350 reaern ot- 4· :ticera enrolled in tile &lppl.7 Corps corrqpondnce oourae.

'fhla bureau continues to M deairo\18 of reo:ruitlns reaene

o:ttlcera under 26 7eara o:t age wbo hold a 4teret traa a reoopizecl 1m1Teratit7• A. ba1141Da on the srounde o:t the Na- val BoapUal, Wash1DCt6n, ba been secured tor tbe new oJ.ase

ot the Resern School be&lnnhs 7 October. '1'he course ls 5 IIOiltha &Dd will be ocnpoeed o:t 36 ottioera.

Ooaat Gaard, IUIDounoe4 it 18 1Dcreaslns ita JUrohaJd:

ship oontrol :tarce 'b7 1500 ••· to preTent possible sa'botqe a.D4' Tiolatiou in Aaedcan pons. 500 extra ~ will be· baaed at Bn Yol'k.

~1ss-'lriP' Oorporation, baa completed pl.aDs tor an

a:pansion procraa oalllns :tor coutNoUOD ot tbrM nn aU-plane aautaoturi'D8 plants at a coat ot t40,ooo,ooo.

poadbb at Jhaftalo, Col-..bua, 8114 St. Louis, tor aua

pro4aaUon ot :tishUns pl uea tor tu 1bl.1 tea States IUII1 GNat Britaua. Ollrtu.-wnpt 9,200 to 45,000.

9Trr:!!doal Ia) 0 lthe, HW1-M4 tz. an iupeoUon tli&ht to 1114-.q, 1olmatolll, IUII1 ~ IalaD4a. Repr,_ ••tatiTe Dard• Mid tbe ec.uttM t011114 ooaftQoftla · •* IIOYba •h.S aooozo41~ to aoWe, •u4 T_, 8004 Pl'OCNss bel DC ade. • -----· -r.MJ. •••• •• ••• •••• U,239 l!.u' 24 -.) •••• ••• 334 • • • • ••••• ·--l!Z

G&iD • • o • •••• • • •• 217

LiM otficon 649 80&ff Offt- 167 •nu• ott 1ooro .M_ -r.MJ. ••• 162

!!!IJ._ ltMen'e otttJf[f ordered to t.oUn toro--.t: dV\J' tor .... ol UR\l7 aad tbe .t:rt~Q~rtJa.J.. ot tM ut.t.-.l 4et_.. wta t.a tbe Ua1te ol PMo.-t.._. \'-1.UtOD& ••

T ( r=ner01't1ova " Atl.oat Da!t q!l-rl. ... t • Atl.. , za, AY1t.Uca luU'UC\OJ'W 241 I·'J(8) otn..... 12, -.Y(8) otth... ~ ~0.-otn- },a, ....loal ud O.kl Ot'tioe" 177 o-t••t• ottloot"a 100 __cc-'J(a) ott1o,_el_ ... 20 IIU.U- 'll'ailliac .....,.,_ 140 140 111ooell0boou ..J!!2 ...l!!! Tokl •• u ..t.e .-M:r u- 1-= 1905 2. 3. Jtarine Corp!, Total El>liated StreJl8th aa ot ~ October - KidTale Oo!p!AJ, onl1 bidder tor 18 torsad eteel apltn- 35..5:33 hr pl&tee (uout 37 tou) ot rttal iaportance to t hl ooa M!1l'!l Ricbardaon, .and Mlairal Ya_mell were 111 tbe Jk'Q'

De~t . to44J tor conterencea. stNction prosrea. Contract ie still boiJ18 held up ae

Ll.!llt. CQII!k, KoDowell, NaTal ReserTe, e.Mi'eued the 0«11- 111dn.l.e &waite decision on tho 111~ wage l aw, cl.&ia1JI&

ere.l Board on .the ~\ e Islande end South Pacific Archi­ it doea not caae under this law.

pelago inc~udina tile Dutch &at Indies. 'l'lle A!eiatant Secretary, llr. Ccrl!pton, is leuina tor

Brigadier General Strong, ABs1ot8.11t Chlet ot Btatt re­ !lew Torlt to address the Arw;y Ordllance Aleoc1nt 1on, e.nd cently returned from London, will address the General Boord Rutgers Oni vers1 ty. He will also inslli'ct the Norden

'lllllorrow. Bomb Sigbt Plant.

All. ehip Contrach, to shipbuilder• were mailed tb18 Baperor Birohito, will rertew the aain unite coabined

110rning, tollowina up- awerd letters prerio~ mailed. ot the 7ap&Deae Jleet in TOkio Bay on ll October.

El:cn1 PJ:ofit• Tax, Bill taa been paned 8JI4 1e awai tina ProteoUon ot propeller lhetth!l, egaiD&t corrosion ot signature. sea -ter hi• 10118 been a probl• ot thl Ral7• A new

Desau.eing Cable, tor Fleet. Intormetion wet pnn io proce•• ot covering the shett baa b ..n invoked bJ tirst bidder!- at 111 ....o'oloolc thU.. IIOZ'Il1118, bide to 'Do aooopMcl+- ae.ndblaatin& tho ahott, (2) spraying it with a 1/16 inch at 31 o'clock ibia afternoon. Deliver!•• ere to be .-4o at C08tin& ot sino, and (3) appl)'ing no ooatl ot Pbenolio

varniah. Prelillill&r)' teste indicate a hi&h degree ot lal&nd, Pu&ot lkNnd, C&Tiie an.d Pearl Hut»or, ao l'C' o.a ree1atance to oorro1ion and p1U1Jl&. .l eerrtoe teet will withia 12 417• (uoept Paoitic Co&a,, 19 ~•), D4 MteeM - be triad out oe the o.s.s. 'l'RiiiTOB. ot 80 per cent 1e 30 4117•. 22, 500,000 tee\ ere 'Debe JIIU'­ chaeed with a 100 per cent &dd1 U on&l cl.&u.e iDMrt!d 1A forward ae t ollon.&

1 contractl it more ia desired. !ewport - l drill ball, 100 % 2001 ; Extension to Koaa : . 4· liall, 20' :1: 200' ; 3 barl'aoks, 228 IU!1 ea@, _total oapacity

684 ... This contract •s awarded 19 Sept•ber, eniated tbul of completion, 5 months •

.llortolk - 11 barraoka, 288 aen each; subsistence buildiD£,

912 men; drill hall 100' :1: 500 1 ; sw1aDiDg pool, additional .ubaistance building, 1824 man.

Great Lakes, nilE1Dg pool, llarine barracks, 9 additional

barracks, drill hall, trade school, Administrative build-

1Dg, supply and accountiuc offi ce and stores• building.

This contract is being negotiated; estimated time of com- pletion is four months arter contract award.

San Diego, trade school, aud1tor1•, buil ding and acces­ sories; 4 barracks; recreation bu1i 41ng;. storaae buildillgll;

Contract tor t his construct ion •s awarded 1 October; es- t1Mte4 time of oaapletion, 6 110ntha.

Actiy Ohapl.ai118, ana han been appointed w1 th tbe

rank of lie111ten.ut (J.g.) u of 20 October.

SeDate CoDterMa reached an •••••nt t oc187 on ·legisla­ ti?n which will autho.rize an t150,000,000 appropriation f or a Batlollal. DeteJLBe bouaiD£ ·proirea. UDder the legislation

this housing would include enl1sh4 aea· ia the-MaQ', · ••


neat leaerrtete (ea11etecl) on active d~y ••!•• 7,12l Other Reservist& • • • • • •••• 4,053 l etired !!a • • • • ••..• ·6s Total •••••••••••• 11,239 Af'P'!S!t• llllht!l!!te (last 24 hours) ...... 347 ME!S!t• Dlacbarges • • • • • • • • • 110 Gain •••••••••• 237

Baval Otticera Retired, returned to aotlve 4ut7, as ot October 7: LtD• Otticera 649 statt Otticere 167 Warrant Otticera 46 ' I Total ••••• 862

la!!l Reserve Gtricers ordered to active dut,r tor ea­ toroiiUilt ot neutrali t7 and t he atreqtheniq ot t. .ational Deteaee within the limits ot Peace-tt.a aa­ thorizatlon, aa ot 7 October: a.ber a-bar •Uw•a4 Ordered jOO 316 Kerohaut lfari.Des Atloe.t 225 225 282 ArtetioD IDat:ructora 248 248 81. .l-V(S) Ottioera 125 12.5 11.5 OID-V(S) Ott1oe,_ 12.5 125 13.5 &appq aorp. Otticers 12.S 125 lSO lle41cal u4 Daatal Offioera 17/ l'f7 216 ~ 'nto-~~aa Ottioera 100 100 136 00-V(S) Otticera 20 20 20 A~'•'•t.at1oa ot Reserve llidahis-n TftiD1111 Proptaa 140 140 109 Misce)l&DSOQS 320 'fotal :l.attatecl lhaber 508 s Allon41 190S 2093 2. 3· '1!!,.101111!1! or naMla nre u tollowe: ticer aUXiltar,y Teaaele ae the7 b~ aT&llable. ~ Date BASS, Bolli'&, Barraou4e ~e. s Sept. SeTeral nelte will pro'be'b~ be alloored batDZ'8 oalllDc, Cllar1ee F. llllsbe•· ~er s • 8-ll ~ille 6 • tbat tlle7 oan take oare ot their builleu ueociatloDII. Blltal'J p. ,_ DNti'OJer 7 • R-9, R-15 sw..rillee 9 • lfoC..W., Trauporl ll • E.Mru7 Deat~r 13 • tho• beat t1tte4 to- to dui7 tirat. Laudal.e· 0 • 17 • B-31,8-32 Bulla&rill.. 18 • J!9reau ot Or<'•gca, hu placed ordara tor anuteell IIQo Deatl'Q7ar 18 • ~ P0-449 Sub ~er 25 • planara wi tb Masta Machine DoaqM\DJ ot PiUabursh u4 BaruiU TraJIIporl 25 • S.bine ...... OUer 2S • General lfochi,Dary Corporation ot Hamilton, Ohio, at a Arcturue storeahip 26 • coat ot $3,311,000 tor use ill the !faTal OrdDADca Plat, October c-ieeionil!l! are oont•plated ae tollowa: ... TJpe South Obarlaston, W. Va. P0-454, 456, 457, 460 Sl&b Cbaa.ra Al'betroea lltD' ..HPC' Coabao\ tor SiX lllm4recl low oost houaly lliLite, 1D the Bluebird • Catbird • TioWq ot Vallejo, Calitornl,a, biUI been awarded t o ~lw • J'l.icll:er • !- Barrett & Hil.p, San ,henciaco, Ce.lltorn1a, tor the 8\a or Ool4tinoh • Oraoll:le • $2,243,418. Tiae, ~weln ot the buildl.Dp eball be oca­ Olll.l, J:Ue, Lilmet • plated raadT tor OOOUOMLJI07 wi thiA 90 cal8114ar c1a)'e u4

the r.a!Aill& 38 bu1141nae eball be ccapleted within lSO Br1 Uah be.ttleUip and a large llr111hh ol'Uieer 11111'tere4 calandar dqa, u4 the laadeoaplna shall be cOIIIPleted aeriOWI ~· ill the aotioa apinat tbe :Jl ab at Dliauo. witblll 360 oalaDdar 4&7•· 'l'hia contl'l!.ct 1!'U cleared 'b7 ihe •uODal Date... Adrtaor;r c-!Nlon. tabc' ... the - aa tbe preoecUac ,..., 1'1·1• !!2!1!. VARA, OIIDe4 b)' Ba.rol4 Vandarbllt, ... takell onr l!o!!Uhation, orpnh!C\ ruern, lt 1e t:ro'be~le tllat 7 October. ott!- will be • ...Ued ~ -U Uipe beo- &ft1lalt1e !'or U.s.a. LlVIRIIlD (1. 435) , :prel.1Jl11lar7 accaptanoe t~ t~. .U preellllt it ta lib~ tU7 will be oalled to ot- B&th Iron Works Oorp. oa 7 October, aa4 placed ill tull .J 4'· cc.alaaloh at lla'97 Yard, Boston, on the II8IU daT· DestroJ!rB to Britain, following Teasels were dec~ a18ll1oned aDd turned onr on 8 Ootober: BRANCH, JIDlr, IIABON, SA1'l'ERLD, LADB, ADLICllt, KD!fiARJE, and Jloi.ANAHAM, u.s.a. 11oJ'.ARLAND (DIXI!37) reoc.aiaaloned and placed in tull caiiBieeion on 5 October, •• lla'f7 Yard, lfare leland. llaT&l. llob1le Hospital 8Dit, Wa8 pl.aced 1n tull COIIl­ lliaei on at lla'97 Yard, !lew York, on 5 Ootober. J!esotiatlou, are being speeded tor aoqu1a1Uon ot 53 llerchallt lfarine nesele to till the need tor auil1ar1es.

to the t1nal contract stage. These Teasels aDd 31, o1;Jlere Will be conTerted u tan u possible. '!'he ·budget allows 175,000,000 to be apeat on such ahipa. Br1Uah Mlliral.V, IUUlOWlOea the lose ot 12,3'J7 tou ot ..rohant shlppiDg due to en..., aoUon 1n the week e41111 29 Bept4Dber. toasu 1ncluhd 10 BrlUah, 4 all1e4, u4 l nwtral ahip • .Aiurloan Sh!pbuildere, launched 632, 5~ tou ot ehlpe during 1939· Lord tothtea. did no' t17 to •sland toi!AQ" I1T111C u hla reuon the nrlouaeas ot the hr ....tea eltuaUon~o -- --- i &: Sll:ID.TARY 0~ THE NAVY October 9, 1940 .. --·-- • Total Epl i at ed Strength, 8 October •••••••••• 165,599

Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on act i ve duty • • • • • 7,121 Other Reservists " " " • ••••• 4,053 Retired lien • • " " ••.••._-.J.9, 5 Total ••••.•.••••• 11,269

llggrega.te Enlistment s (last 24 hours) ••••••• 347 Assresate Disch!rges • • • ••••••• 189 -0- Gain ••••••••••• 158

Retired Officers returned to aoti~ o duty, as ot 8 October:

Line Otticars 649 • Stat! " 167 l 0 " 46 Total ••• 862

NaTal Reserve Ealisted~en or dered to active dut7 tor enforcement ot neutrallt,- and t he streDgthenills ot the National Defense w1 thin t he lirnit s ot Peaoe-tilae zation: Nulabar Jfwaber s.ber Character ot Om~ .Allowed Obligated Ordered Inahore Patrol Bases 340 212 89 NaTal Res • .A.Ttation Baaee 2300 2300 680 Ccmmnj oatlons 85 83 76 Atlod 5000 1352 1190 Kisoellaneous ( 1191 1054 Olus T-7 Proou.r-aant (2325 Progrea ( 219 Class T-7 tor Kldehipm.n, t1SHR - 5000 1500 1500 stpal. Radio aad Sohoola 4000 ~ 531. uo Total IleA • .:. • • • • • • 19,050- 7 ,.396 5,118 2. BB 61-64, Oontreot w11;h tu .taerican •gineerills ~ San .TQ&Jl, Poerto . ) Rioo, in tbe ST. LOUIS arrirtD& t here will probably be s igned sbortly tor windlaaaea, capstaruh about 20 October tor a atq ot 3 4a;J'a duration and . anohora. This contract will run about 1517 ,000. Destrozera. to Britain, Date ot arrival ot 41T1elon 72 Storese Powder Depet, negot1ot i ona are ~·rw&J tor pur­ composed of the Olarlon, J'airtu, Rinuold, Slsourne7, ob.ue or land . in lllartiD. COunty , Ind1am, tor buildiDS ~h ie Tilllllan end Robinso n at Halifax ia delqed until 8: A.M. depot . 15 NoTember . These 1'8BB8la will remain in the Norfolk :re.r East te.aULisa, or naval paraonnsl are beiDS recalled Arae to a ccomplish additional work, the tlloue)l aooompliahnent tha \)1'00888 ot their r eturn may be slow It has . ot wbioh will allow t h• to depart trom Jlewport on 1) 'been susgeated that s.s. WASBiliG'l'ON and MANBA1'I'Aii be sent tor r_,n. l of Americana 1n ObiDA and .Tape.n, and negot1a­ Bureau of Yarde and llooke, Tb8 tollowing oost-l'lua- t1ona are underway to make t his poa81ble. J'ul111es or tlxed-tee oontraot award bas been made: Hllval ott1oars are haills .retuaed pueqe to the Far lest Fao111t1ee tor additional enlisted pe1·sonnel becaue at t be NaTal ot tha uietiDS oond1Uou. The .Ta~e Training Station, Croat Lakes, lll. pre.. awarded t o the Baney J:ricaeon Collpany or Ohioeso, contiaues to be warlike Ill. !atilllated contract in ita etat.-.nte ~u.s . coat - t1,200,000. •ba.rsO•s 1n ap1 te of se The !ollowiJI& oontraot eailla lack ot interest in Britain' • also been ellllrded: opening ot the Burma Two etorehoueoa Road. Soaa papera even consider our tor reserve 1118tari al' et the Naval ~apply Depot , Oakland, OalitorDia, awarded to MoneoD attitude •tan~t to Broe. or San a decl aration ot war•, tddin& tbat J'ranoisoo, Calif. Eatl.Jiated coat - 1~55 ,400. Tiaa of completion 210 .rape~~ baa a 4qa • tored iaportant aunl t iou a&alnet a poaaible U. s . a . O' BRIEN (DDJ.l?) reported to CDICOS break with Britain tor duty and the Ualted Statea. Ia order to on 8 Ootober. capitalize t he occupation ot 7reJU~h D&»..Cbi .., tbe .Tap­ u.s.a. BOWDrrc:B, aflar tual1DS at liortollc, aDaM Qovel'D11181ll lett 011 .ia ae.u4111& ~ trade lliNioa to Baao1. 8 October tor Placentia Harbor (Bewr Raar Adairal oundlsa4l to aot •• Oreeulade, and hio. ~~oUaion. wil.J. Tiait 11U'1'q ah1p t or DW haaa, 8114 will arriTe t here on 13 Oc­ tober. 4· RJa:JiilrtlJG AC'I'IYrl'DS JQR WDIC J'.NDIJD OOTO:Bm 4. 1940:

lluaber of appllcan'ts accepted tor tiret eDllstmcl.t - 1804 HUmber ot reenlistments (first) •••••••••••••• 1313 lblber ot rMJllist.enta, conUmaous ael91oe ••• 64 Number ot reeDlistllents under brolca serrtce ••~ Total •••••••••••••••• 1413 O.iu.n Spolce81118D., tor the JooDCDJ.c Section ot the Genllall

Bisb Oclllluand told foreign correspondents that AmericeJJ

should aYOid underestimating the econaaic strength ot the

Germs.n-Italian-J'apenese alliance. Be said J'apen was prepar-

eel tor u;y econc.ic retaliation by the United Statea.

0el'Jli8JO' aa4 J'apan will soon enter 11a11o oleeer -eooJKaic ·re-

latiou, he said, and CJermaD7 will delinr important ma­ terial& to 1apan. • • Dirtn,s teats,. a nn. electrtcal]J heated, tiber glue. in- sulated diTine suit was approTed b7 tbe diTi~ school at the Jfa"7 Yard to487. It will pemit dbers to r in at sreat depths twice .. loDg .. prew1oul7. 'l'his nn equip­ unt will be aut· to the au aal.ftCe ?Neels tendiq m­ arines ill the AUatic aDd Pacitlc.

I:Eceaa proti ta tax, ..blortization Bill ._. aiped todq · and will eue the NJQJ~.ent of deteue plaDt apen•ton. cosh. 'l'hia Ull beo•hac law Will del in aecoUatiD& oon­ traoh preYioulT troubles=- to the •v ~t • --- - - • C·onficate, • U•L~ --r: 0" REPORT '1'0 SECREl'AJn' Ol THE NAVY ... ~ 10 October 1940

Total Enlisted Stre~h, 9 October •••••••• 166,371

Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active du~ •••••• 7,1--21 other Reservists " " " " •••••• 4.565 Retired lien " ...... • • • • • • 95 ' • Total ••••••••••••••• u. 782 .Aj!;gr!pte IDJ.htlllents (last 24 hours) •••••• 412 Aggrepte bisobarses " " · " ••••••_.22:

Gain • •••••••••• 359 .

Retired Otticers returned to active duty as ot 8 October Line Otticere 649 Statt " 167 larrant " 46

rro~al ••••• 862 • Haftl. Reser.e ottioere ordered te> acUve 4'">' tor e­ torcement ot UIRrality and the streDgtheniJ:I& ot the natioDal ut.... within ~be il..imiN ot peace-time nthori­ zation, aa ot 9 Ootober: ' -ber Character ot Dll~ Allowed Ordered v(4J OriiO ... ~oat; 300 3106 llerohant; llarinea Mloat 225 225 282 Aviat101l Iutl"QQtc)n 248 248 81 I-V(S) Ottioers 125 125 115 cm-v(s) otttova 125 125 135 Supply Corps Ottioers 125 125 150 lle41cal and Dental Otticera 1TT 177 216 Oommnns cation Otticets 100 100 136 00-V(S) Ottioera' 20 20 . 20 Administration ot Reserve 1114ahi~ 'l'rainiDS Progrea 1.40 Jliscellaneoua 320 Total BatlM,... lllabv Al­ lowed: 1905 2. ! Bureau of !P'Pl1ta •p? A900I¥lh hu aw.r.Sed oontre.ota rors 3· lll8 and ~~~aob1Dlll8 abip ahattJ.n&, turbiu rotor., u4 as follows: turret tl'll1Dl118 reeks to an UOUilt or about t3,000, ooo. Contre.ota tor oliMb 1Ad1oatora (airorat\) awarded to: The OoYeraaant will own thaaa taollitiao. Koll- ~tl;U11411t D1Y1a1on of Squue D ~~ · . 2,994, Hanoi Preaa, tor '1'bnrsda7 "78 .TQPU. ~IID8 action pn unit pn d, 't64.oo, spare pa.rta $), 000.00, total $194,616:00; the opening ot. tba BuZIIa Road, that h ou be out or Pioneer Iuatrumect Dtrtalon ot Bendix AT1at1on CorpornUon .oo.be4 from. a base 1A Iado-Cbiu; .TSJMUl•'!• 111111t&rJ acti on tor 4,402, IIDl..i. Fi_oa 162.75, apara pina t J ,OOO:oo, total •p i DAt CIIU. 1a eald to han al:ree.~ started tl'OCI Indo- $279, 225. 50. .. •• •. . • ChiD& baaaa. Contracts tor ataal aw.r.S~ to: SN'Df ha1, 4t h Marines report Aaeric8118 are cala and in Carneeie Illlnole Steel Corporation 1n tile IIIIOUilt of 110at caaea are 111 ao llan7 to lean the Orillllt. 14 , 826,464.55: .Tones &:. LalllllliD Steal Corporntion, 1,538,000 Ma1r!l Greenalade, 18 expected to r &t\U'II about ,24 Oc- l ba. or steel, total ~c.. . jll6,28l. 80; Lukeu Steel C•• apao1i'1e4 iiltlla aon- 1 11~"""" •ncl aurTBJ now in Procre•• will aobian aa- traot tor a ....,-to4 or 6 -tha trooa 1 Ooioller 1940 . tallUalluDt or a baaa 111 tllat area. In Waahiactoa - A -tract tor 150 air~• anc1 apara puota 11u bMa bare ot tlla Greaulada Board are 110rk1118, with nrloua awarded to Olu-iiaa-llrlght Oorporatioa at a total ooat ot bureaua or the lia.'t'7 Da}lllrtllant ooll•ot1118 data and atu41- t3,674,566. J9. 1118 t he. outer detaua 8U1"TW7 aa a whole. Bureau or Ordanoa author1ae4 a:pauion of tlla Orr'• Oon rnor ot l!arzlend, hu ofre:red lAa4 at the IIOUtb of J'ors• Ocape.JIJ, Ca.dc, x •.r . , to 1Ml'M88 -..a1'7 for t bo Patuxent R1Yar for eraoU on of a naTal or artatton 4· base oOYeriiiC 1400 acres on tbe East -- ot the river. U.S.S. GIWifOS (Bubllariu.e) will be l&Wlohe4 at t he Elec­

tric Boat CoapenJ, GDoton, Connecticut about 23 December.

u.s.s. JUL'roH (nt rine tender) Will be launched at t he

lia'fY Yard, llare Island ecaetime in Deo•ber.

11ob1lizat1on, Or4!D.lzed llarine Corpa a... ne, cona1stln6

ot 2.3 batblions, ground unit s, ha8 beeD directed to take

place on or about 7 .November 1940. au.l.l adminiatrat lTe

de~ila will precede t hen units to 110billzation _points.

tisht battalions will be 110b1llzed at Qaantico, 1 at Pbila-

delphia, 9 at s.n Diego, 1 at llare Ial~ • .3 at .Norfolk, and 1 at Pllget Sound.

Ar!tr-Be.!litlnHiona Board, is 11n1Uq with ..-bera ot

t he lAbor Departmct toward dietrtbutlon ot *!lied :Labor

to k:_,- pointe in the de1"enae so~, :t•)'f'111C gluts 1a

a0111e aeot1ona ot the countey to 1"ill needs in othera •

.Ailerl oan Cbarge d 1A1"fa1rea, to Berlin, Alu.ander ltirk:,

has been reoallecl. '!'he State ~t aaid he would not

return t o Berlln, adding that there was no 81gn1t1oanoe to

the raoali be)'ond t he desire to reaaeip personnel.

1apanese 0<-n•Mant, apreaaecl r~t tor ·~wa~t.\ble contact• o1' 1apulese gen4armes 1n sei&iD& and beat1D& a Karina in the Internat i onal Settlement. ------CO' ·tldWI •ISW:l RKPOR'l' TO '1'RE Sl!:CRRl'ARY 0'1 ' October 11 1 0

Total inlisted Stren&th, 10 October

Jleet ReserTtsta (enlisted) on actiTe du ,122 Oiher Leerrtata • • • • • ••• .4,S65 Retired. Ken • .. • • •• • • 95 Totu ••••••••••11, 782.. Assr-s-te Enlistments (last 24 hours • • • • • • 391 !se!P1i.Cb&rgea n • • ...... ~ Oa1D ••••••• 264 Retired Otticen returned to act1Te duty aa ot 10 Oct. L1zw Ottioers 649 Statt Officers 167 Warrant Ottioars .,J,!

a Haftl. ReserTe Ottica:re ordered. to aot1Te clut7 tor •• torc--.t ot nwtr1U1ty and tile strenctheni~~g or the DII.UOII&l clataaa within the 11mits ot paeoe-Uu au­ thorization, u ot 10 October: MJIIber .,her .Iaber Character ot Du Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G Otttoara Afloat .300 )0& 316 Merchant llariJles Afloat 225 225 282 A.Tiatloa Iutruowrs 248 248 8l I-V(S) Ottioers 125 125 115 CDD-V(S) Gftioen 125 125 135 SUpplJ Oorpe Ottioers 125 125 150 • lle41oal u4 llctal Ottioers 171 171 216 o- "''cation Ottioers 100 100 1)6 00-V(S) Ottioera 20 20 20 Adm1ntstrat1on ot ReserTe 111.s.hi~ Trainill& Pro&na 140 111so•llanltOU ~ Total J:att..ated a-bar Al- lowed: 190, ;a. Brushee tor -..a1 Use - ODe ot the etteote ot the hoe- u· subetitutee tor the A ccsa1ttee ot t111 ties in JIUrope and the Far !aet bae been to oa\l8e a the brush IIIIUIIltaoturere 1a now worlc1ng on reoommendatioll8 ehortage ot bristles NOh ae are ued tor tba III&Jlutaoture for rerts1011 ot brush apeo1t1cat1oll.8, It 1a probable that ot bl"Q.Shee in. the tJDited States. B:ruehee . . tor •ftl ue are greeter re~n& the len&th ot brietlee u;y be procured 1n aooordalloe w1 th Navy Department or J'ederel. Spec- neoeuary and 4u to t ho greeter abundance of ehort br1t- 1ticat1one which epeoit)' 1n 110st 1natanoes briatlea 111porte4 Uea tbat . eaee ot brua!IN pc'll1tt1n& lhorter brletlel .a)' traa Cbill8, Siberia, or :rre.nee . There hu bee praotioall.y be added to the epecitieatiou. Where certain t)'pee ot no domestic brleile 1114uetry tor the reeson that the cheap briltlel, such u Whits J'raoh, are not available labor obtaiuble ill tho88 coantn•• hu ~ U 111poee1b~ subatltvtion ot other brlatlee will be neoea881')'. tor such an 1nduatry to here, and tor the further Oontreot, tor Bous1ng and Alm!un1 tion J'ao111 tiel at the reason that the bristlea do not IJ'OW u 1911& due to t he Han! Kina Depot, li&ftl hel Depot, YorlttoWD, V1rs1nia alaug11ter of bogs ill this o011Dti'J at a J'OUngn a.- and to an4 llnport Jlne, VirgiDSa, 11&8 been aarded on a ooet: oltmatlo oon41t1ona. The taportation ot brietle• f~ plue-tixed-tee bub to the Virginia J1Dc1nearing CO'Ip'D7, :rre.noe at the preaent tw hu praot1call7 o_,ed an4 tbat Inc,, Mewport Jlewe, Virtillia, an4 W11e Contracting CcmpaDJ', rrc. Siberia &D4 hu b- greatly curtailed. A oon­ Inc,, RiobaoDd, Virgilli.a, The total e•tt-ted ooat, 1D­ e14erable portion ot the Chineee br1e11le 1n4ulti'J bu. fallen olu41na tee, 11 tJ,,o26,26o.oo. 'l'hie oontreot •• cleared

into the ~ ot the J'apanese. The abon tao•• &D4 tile ill­ oreeeed 4.and tor bNehee 4u to the ~.. e hoc- 11&8 tJ.s.s. BEAR, arrhae at the Naval.. Aoa4~ this atter- reeulted 1n a rlee in the pr1oe1 4~e4 tor brletle1. To liOOD 11114 will leave Amlepolie on 1.4 Ootobar tor the Alit-:. aeet thie 1ituat1ou repreeentatl•ee ot the br.ab ....tao- arouo. !'he BDR will pioll: '-P the J3 .-ben ot tbe turer• Antarotio bped1t1on. The NORm STAR -oooterred reoentl7 ill W&lhington with lila't7 Deper1illent is aoba4ule4 to repreeentatine ~ill& the OoTe~t•e neecl an4 the lean Seattle, Waehington, early in·~otmber' to aeeht I J.,o the B:DR u this taek. • SAILnSH v.s.s. aJid 'l'HREHJ!R (Bnlner1'Dia) will take an

bar u Am8r1oan waters apendtna 49 da7• at Oooo Bolo, OaJI&l. Zane.

Seutar Walsh, disclosed toctq that three lfuaaohuette utioul. d~aae howliq proJects han been accorded tent•-

would be gi't'en to 50 wdte at Squahtum, am a4d1Uo11Bl 50 units at Squantua, 50 unite at the Boston Ba"f)' Y~, ~ 20

UDita at Ohelsea. .)

liarS*'" 0 , ..ion, recorda shoW ~ large pus8Jl88r na­ ..~ u4 2S heiptere anil•hle in~. :rar .._tftll fttere tar tbe enouat1011 ot .a..ric&ll8. • •

't'OO&te4 Hlldiug a fleet of detltroyera to- ~e a •tim 811&114 • apinet .Tapm. Be also urged ou-r1sbt decluaUon ot war •hl•t the uie powere. !urpu ot Yarde en4 Dooks- Contract hu been aarcled f~ three • •nt tion in4ueb'1al buildiDSB at tlae • .,.al ~rpedo Station, Kqport, Washiqton, to Dally OonatruoUon aDd &lgineeriJI& Co. and o.:r. Dally of Seattle, Wuhiqton, tor t166,949. Ttae ot ~etion 180 de7•· ------c~ox1fldea• tiaJ DPORr '1'0 'l'HJ: SEORn'Ailr o-. 'l'HI IIIA.vr l4 October 1940 --

Total ~isted Streyth, 12 October • • • • • • • • • 167 ,2l.2

Fleet ReserTista (enlist ed) on actiTe du~ •••• 7,122 Other BeaerTiata • • • • .... 4.S6s Retired ilen • • • • • • • • 128 Total •••••••••••• ll,81.5 J\grepte lhlistments (last 24 hours) •••• 421 A,...... ,.te Discl!argee • • • • • • . • 46 --. 0.111 ••••••••• .365

Retired Ottioera ret urDBd to act1T& dut,y aa ot 12 Oct: Line Otticera 649 Btatt Otticera 167 warrant Otticera ~ ,___ Total 862 •. •··- !laftl. Resene ottioera ordered to acUTe du~ ror •• torctaellt ot neutral!ty and the straugthening ot the national defense- within the 11lllits ot peaoe-tme au­ thorization, as ot ~ October: !Uiber a.ber- .., .. Character ot Duty Ob11&ated Ordered Y(O) otneera M1oat ji6 llftoobaAt Marines At1oat 225 22.5 282 .biaUOb Iutrueto:n - 248 248 81. I-V(S) Ottioers 125 12.5 115 CIC-V(S) OttioftW 12.5 12.5 135 8appl.7 Corps Officers 125 125 150 lledioal and Delltal Officers 1'77 1'77 216 Qommnni cation Ottlcera 100 100 136 OC-V(IJ) ottioera 20 20 20 A&.1n1at~tion ot ReaerTe 111clah1]1MA Tft1ptq Progrea 140 140 109 Mlacel1an.oua ~ Total Bstt.Mted Jbaber Al- 508 508 lowed: 190.5 2093 2068 2. ll&jreeu qt A81'0aaut1oa , 'l'lla Chief of tile JlurMu of Aero- beoouse ~ · of eaeeot1al 1D4uatr1es oleasi f icat.ioA aa4 uuUca, Raar Ac!ali-al 1. If. 'l'owera, will lean todq b7 eir tu.i~ rw.aooa. aocQIIIpllDied -bi 'iieut~t. Con•nller T. A. Reia or· the - D1at.r1ot. Det-,,.r Squadron 41 lias bM11 Bureau qt Ji.!~utioe, to repreoeni the !1&'1'7 De~t. at deeigDated tor aaai.....,t to Dhtriot .s.flll18e toroM on t he oOiiiililaio~ of the u.s. llsT&l Air Station, J'ackeoo- tho-West Co&at. ae tollowlllt Deatro;reli d1v1e1on .8j to vtlle, nori~ ,' 'oD 'is '

00&1110, Pll1itlltB, PiiiS'lV.R &114 aa'l'H. ec.plet1on ot tbie

work le to be cpedltecl. 'l'he PHELPS &llll. l'Lid'H: ?ill . ~~

antlable tor depuellll OlD arrival d Jlare Ie . l nd abo1n 16 Ootober. !b.e •x1•• dep.uaelng that oan be aoo

a) rn&JI), Jill IIUIOO, VTSS'TSCJIPPI, oomplete des&uaellla and

AA pzoteot101l bir 16 llcw~;

. b) WJ81' VIBGDIU, OOLORADO, MAm.AMD, TOlilrl'O. &114 ou o..tler; . ..

o) Oli.IJOliiiA. 'tM 16B, AliRP'RISK all1 ou aux11iat'7 tor depUHlua oaq, ""''P' etloa 26 Deo.aber.

!h... lktu are pn41oaMcl oa dre beiua on haD4 'l:l!r lkt•

~ UTinl. ot ahipa 1D Yard. 'l'hie work 1• Priorit;r' 1. over

.ctdernizaUOil ot the SARATOGA. 8Dd all DMf OOUtl'QOU.Oil.

Quanere tor ottioere and llal71ecl ..Uetecl 11111n; labora­ tory bullcllDg; exteu1oD ot c.ara&e; exteu1oll of .powe r lKNHJ 1 •Uve ONM ahecl; ctarpeDtft llhop fti); u4 barraoke bullcllD& tor llarlu pard at ~e Raval Ptoov1ua Oolmd8, Dllal.cra. va•• awar4ecl to l.rtreu-~er. Iao. ot luhiii£\OD, D. o. - J:eU•tecl oontraot ooet - t,-,2,000. Total !!'Hated Streyth, 14 October ...... 167,591

on ~ctive ~ •••• 7,122 .. .. • • ••• ·4· S65 • • • • ••• , 128

Total •••••••••• ll,815 As'T'Pte :llll1etaenta (last 24 .llan) ...... 403 Awtgate Diaobarpa • " • • • • • • • 20 - Gala •••••••• 383 Retire4 Otticer8 ~turned tq aot1~- .4utx •• .Qt .14 Oct.: .. .. . Line Orricers 649 Stat! Otticera 167 _.... ------Warrant Otticers 46 Total 862

Na!!J. Beaege Otticm ordered 110 aoUve duty tor en­ torc•ant of neutral1 ty aDd the atreDSthenina ot the naUonal. cleteue w:ithiA tu l~b ot peaoe-tm. au­ thorization, u ot 12 Oohber: • ~ Jlwlber lblber JZ.baraoter ot Dutz Allowed Obl1fb6e4 V(G) Mftbere Afloat 300 Kerchant llarinee Anoat 225 225 AnaUOJL Inatftoton 248 248 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 OIC-V(S) Ott1cera 125 .us SUpply Corps Ottioers l.25 125 lle41cti u4 DIDtal ott'!M.r8 lTI .lT/ Co unt oaUon lttioere 100 lbO"" OC-V~) ott1oere f1D 20 Adwtnist~tion ot Reserve lltd•hts-a 'l'ftbiJI8 Pzoo_..a 140 Ul lliaoella~~eoua 320 S04 Reo1'Qitlq Orpniz-. RHerve.!.,.:_ ll Total :lett.atecl lil.aber - Allowed 2153 2. j . llanl ~aena ~Uated JlaD Ordered ~o .AcUn duty tor en­ Bureau ot Yarde 81ld Doole• - Cont ract tor Ground Machine tor<~-t ot W.Utra.tit,-"&114 tba et~hlllling ot the • llationel Deteua with1l1 the limite ot Peec.-Tt.e orplli­ Gun llaJI&e, at the Operating Base (Air Station), zation, u ot l2 October: 111&\bar Jblller !lortollc, Virsillia, bee been awarded to Anaold ll. D18110nd, ChaHDte ~ Du!y Al.lo•ed ~, ...'811 Or4m4 IubQre Plt.tJIOl !lues 340 2!, 89 Brooltl7n, !lew York, tor t he - ot $15,334; tt.e - 75 llaTel Rea. AYiatlon Ba.eee 2)00 2)00 696 Co••nn1 catiou 85 83 76 cal•dar da1•• Atloet 5000 1352 l2U Jlieoell&lleoua ( U97 1073 Contract tor etoraae building at the liaftl SupplJ' Depot, Clue V-7 Pl'

To tal ~ •• · •••••••• • ••• 19, 050

Mari ne Cerp - Totel :IIU.isted StreJlS\h, l4 Dot •••• 36,127 s.s. M>lll'.KRJ:r aD4 JIW!IIIIOSA ot tbs llatiiOJl Line, i ll ad­ u.s.s. liiOR'I'B CAR(IT.INt, 'llb1le ho1stilla a 40 ton turret sec­ ditioll. to the s.s. IUSI:IDIG'l'Oli (preYiou.el;r reported) will tion on deck with two oranea one ot the oraM bo

pointe. Tbe IOIIl'.B!lE!' will sail tl'OIII San Fr4D•Uoo todq were DO eerloua lajuriea to pereollllel, ~hou&b t here .., tor Shenghet, Tokobella, and .

4a-.. to t ba deok ot the IOII'Bi OAROLI!IA. Thia accident Alexander l;irl£, Oll&rga d.' Attaire at Berlin, reached , ::... ""' -,.._ ocourred ~bia 11111'111~ and extent ot ~ to ahip W1U Lisbon to board a P&ll-Amorioan Clipper tor the Vnited be reported 1Jl tllll wben report ot 1JIYNU.,..tlon - a- Stat ee. de~ ia recelYed • 'far S1Jllciya, lleroutile ehipping loa- 4111'1118 t he

.Urpl!lle tatell!t, Liwtenu.t (j. c . ) 1- •· IIIIF•• aD4 WMi: end1ng ·6 Ootoba:r ware the lo-et alooe t he wHit

Artatlon Macbilliat, 2nd clue, L.H. DiUOIII _.. ll1Ua4 endina 6 llll7, ~ba BrHieh A4a1:ralt7 re,POI'\ ad W4q.

'llba 'hair plana attached to ....1118 8qua4l'oll 3 enaed 7 Br1Ueh ehipa totelllng 24,943 tou; 2 a1Ue4 ahlpa near c.ap JCaal'IIIIT, Sen D1e&O, J'eaterdq ~-011 · Oaua totalling 2, 464 ton111 llll4 1 BftbAl ahlp ot 3,68? t ou ot accident 1e aa J'Bt np'f='tv-D, wore l ost, a grand total ot 3J, ,094 tone. =~· •d• praotJoe flilh'l oyer last llilbt, their tirat noh aneuTera since arriftl f1"C8 the 'O'u1ted

be piud b7 pilots •.

Rua.o-J'apanese relatioDA, l'la)rs that RlYsi& 8Dd J"apan

Will sign a DOn-essreasion pact srow 8111'0JI6ti". Tbe RuNians would oonUJWe to aid Ohiua, it is thouaJlt, while g1T1116

J"aliQ tree reip in In4o-Oh1114l and the Dlltoh J!ast Indielh

Rear . lloreell, urged P.W.A. '• nioe regioD&l direo-

tors to apeed up ...IDUal. projeoh 11Dd61WJ, _aponeored·_b:y

the •~ Departaezn. 'fbe W.P.A. adrtsed the lla~ Depa.rtaent that 500,000 workers would be assigned to dete.nae projects bT ad-winter.

Voluntary Reserve, both Haft! and llariDe, han been ad-

Tised to hold th... elTea aTailable for possible -- .obilisati. - on on short notioe.

-.cliterranaan Aotion, reported b:y the BriUah said the oruiaezo UIJ. ba4 nak two deetl'OJera ot 679 t_!~· ud OM deatzo:yer of the .ARWRJRRE olua ot 1,620 tou. The

Itali&DB . a~tted the loaa...

Lord Lothiu, BnUah Allbu-,4or to the Unihd steha, len tor LoD4on toda7 b7 ollpper plus. • -----' cuutn~ax•da~ 1~ REPORT '1'0 smRErARY OJ' THE .IIA.VY 16 October 1940

Total Enlisted Stre~h, 15 October ••••••••• 167,867 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• 7,l22 Other R8serT1ste " " " " •••• 4.S65 Ret ired lien " •••• Total" " •••••••••••• " td!tll, 15 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••• 372 Agrepte Discharges " " • 96 ... ···--~..::.. Total ••••••••• 276 Retired Otticers returned to active dut;y as ot 15 Octob,er:

• Line Officers 649 Stai't Officers 167 Warrant Officers .J! • • Total 862

Naval Reserve Otficere ordered to aot1ve dut;y for .._ forocent of neutrality and the strengthen1118 ot ~• Dational detenae within tbe limits ot peaoe-tt.. au­ thorization, as of 15 October: Number Humber llulllber Character of Dut[ Allowed Oblipted Ordered V( G) Ottioers Afloat 300 300 j28 Merobant.~a Afloat 225 225 292 Aviation Instructors 248 248 89 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 ll6 CIO-V(S) ottioere 125 125 143 SUpply Corps ottloers 125 125 158 lledioal and Datal Ottioers 177 177 238 CoamQMdoatlon Officers 100 100 14.3 cc-v(s) ottloera 20 20 20 Administration ot Reserve 111dah1:pua TraWq Prograa 140 140 lll llisoellaneous .320 504 504 Reorui ting OrganisM Reserve.!...:... 11 Total Estimated Number Al- - lowecl 1905 215.3 • 2. J , Seaplane teadera, Bide were opened at noon today for the Contract for Additional J'eo1litie6 at the Mar ine

construction of ten. The Aesooiated Shipbuilders, Puget Barracka, Parr1e leland, South C8rol1DA, bas boen anrded ( Sound Bridge and Dreda:ill8 Col:lpe.ny , and Lake Union Dr)' Dock on a coat-plua-tixed-foe basta to Cbarlea \,, Anglo,Inc.

and llacbine 11orica, Seattle, Waehington, auhmitted the fol - and Pottt>r & Sbaclcoltord, Inc. , Creenaboro, llorih Caro-

Iowin& bide 'With a 1'ixe4 price an.d alternate bids with pro- lina. Tbe total estimated coat, 1ncludill8 t eo, ot t his Yisions for adjUIJtiM!Ilta tor ooate or aateriala and labor: contract is $3,900,000.

Fixed Price Alternate Bide Contract tor ~torngo Fao1lit1ea at tho Naval Operating t5.69S,J75 t or each or two - t5,198,395, tor each or two 5,247,93, tor each ot t011r- 4,747,923, tor each or tour Base, Norfolk, VirgWa, baa been a~ on a coat plua

Tbe Williaette Iron and Steel Corporation, Portland, fixed fee basis to Doyle ll!ld ~sell, Tbe Central

Oregon, submitted the following bids, beeed on different Bank Build1ng, Rioblllond , Vir&in1a. Tbe total eatilnated

types of propulsion mach1D817, wi tb prov1e1ona for adjust- cost, including tee, or this contract is $8,56,000. These menta tor ooet ot labor and material! contra cts ~ere cleared by tho National Defense Adviso~

Fixed Pries Alternate Bida Commission. The total of bbe eboTO oontraots 1• t2,260,64Sl Fo~eeoh or 6,48.5,645) li'our. $3,925,000.

$6,196,645) :ror eech or Allocation of ship construction, b&e been made to the 6,387,645) Six. following NaTY Yarde, the total oost of tbe oonotruction Tbe Southern Oalitornia Shipbuilding OOIIP8117, Loe Allgales, California, submitted the tollowins bid with provisione tor being estimated at $50,000,000: adjuetllents tor ooat of l abor end materi al: 2 Su'bllarine Tender& - l/4T;y Yard, l&are leland, Calit. Fixed Price Alten~ate B14e t5,887,907, tor MOb of :ax 1 SUbl:\arine Tender - tlo.TY Yard, Pugot Sound, 'lla.ab.

Re'f'ised bi tldera' data tor Mine-para Hoe. 58 \o 65 in- Theaa ooutraote were cleare4 through t he National De- cluahe, will be ieaued on or about October 16, 1ncla4iJic genae Advieor.y Caaa!aaion. prorlsions for the Deportment turniah1ng main propellill8 Tbe Under Secretary, Mr . J'orreetal is in Hortt

consideration are the iXC,AI.IB~ and 5 ships of the 11Ci ty"

class at present owned by the Baltimore 11&11 Line, sub-

sidi&rJ ot UDited States Lines. These ships would till out

the program of 10 transports to be purchased, the President

01'ant, President :r ackaon, Santa Marie and Santa ~arbara al-

ready having been turned over to t he HilTY and ren.aJaed the


Orsen1zed Reserve, the-Second divi 5ion ot Baltimore has

been ordered to active duty as ot 18 October tor the dura- tion ot the emergeno7, aad will proceed to the Canal ·Zone. British A"dra11f, adTises that no merchant vessel shall

approach within 3 Jliles ot the United KillfJdom between sun-

set and aunrise except as organized in C!9DTOJS _whioh 11Q

proceed to aaJ British rort. Vessels proceediDS tram an other I:Dglillh port to 8IIY may enter ports of Northern Irel.an4 and 8117 Eqlieh or Soottillh port trom Mil:tord Hann, North.

The Orkn97s and Shetl.alld I slands are exolw1ed. In to& or low visib1l it7 no merchant vessel is to approach Eucliah

porta unless permission has been· granted b7 patrol vessels.

Vessels t ailing to comply with tnese instructions ~ill be tired on. C:Ol:JtllUW' ''JctJ · • • • Rl!:PORT TO THE bh'CHl!.'l'AHY OF THE .W..VY 17 October 1940

Total ·Anl isted Strens!h, 16 Ootober •••••••••• 168,280 neet • • .Keservittts (-enlisted) on active duty •••• 7,122 Other Reserv:•sts · . 'I • •••• Retired " " 4,568 Men " " " " •• • • 140 . . .. - Total •••••••••••• 11,830 Aggregat e Enlistments (last 24 hours) 420 Aggregate ••••••• D1scbarses n " " ••••••• 22 - . Gain • ••••••••••• 398 Retired Officers returned ~ aatlve duty as of 16 October: Line Off icers 691 Statf " 17~ Warrant " 53 Total ...... 917 Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for en­ forcement of neutrality and t he strengthening of the nat i onal defense within tha liJaits of peace-tae au­ thorizati on, as of 17 October: . .Nullbar. .Numl>C" . llulliber Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Offi cers Afloat 300 f 3QQ i_ H o • ).28 Mer chant Marines Afloat 225 225 292 Aviation Instructo•e 248 248 89 • I-V(S) Officers 125 125 116 CEC-V(B) Officers 125 Supply Corps 125 ··· 1.43 Officers 125 125 ;e) 158 Medical and Dental Officers J-77 L17 ' 2jB Communication Officers 100 100 OC-V(S) ..- 143 ~fi o•rs 20 20 20 Administration of Reserve Mtdehtpaan Trai ning ProSJ'IIIl 140 Recruitins Organized Reocrve lll Miscell.aDeous 11 ,,SQ4 Tot al Estimat ed Number so4 Allowed: 2089 2153 2, Rl!:Cl!UITINJ ACTMTIC> FOR YiEl3K mDINJ J OOTOB!R 11, 1940: size ldll be ordered to Guant&J18J30 and l to San 1uan.

Number ot applicants accepted tor t1rat enlistment-1750 Additional ~are, will be taken over, 2 on 21 October Number or tirot enliet=enta • •••• ••••• •• ••••••••••• •• 2133 Number or reonliatmentc, continuous service • •• • •• •• • 69 and one on 25 October. Th6,r are the s~. Beeo Tronton Number or reenlistments, broken serTioe • ••••••• • ····~ • . Total • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -~YI and Esso Raleigh, to be renamed SANI'D, WACHITA, and Bureau or Yarde and Docks - Tha folloWing coot-plua-tixed CASCASCIA respectively. Arter a brief period or out-

tee oontraota have been awarded: fitting ond conversion they are axpectod to arrive on 1042 bouah~& uni.ts at the Naval Base, Norlolk, the west Coast by 1 Deoecber.

Virt;inia, aftlld.ed to ll;y=s Organization ot Norlol.k, Va . - u.s.s. AROTUROS (Mo~cbaw), has arrUe

Ratillated oontraot coat, t2,284,000. delphia Navy Yard tor minor alterations that will be re- 1200 houains unite at the Naval Operating Base, , etriotod to the ttae limit ot a short titting out period.

California, awarded to The ~ . Siopson Conotruction Company, Commandant 13th Naval District, has urgentlY reo~ndad Los Angolee, Calif. !stimated .contract coo~, t3,800,000. purchase ot s.s. llll:NALI ot the Alaskan Steuehip Compa.tG'

400 bouaing unit& at Long C~itornia, Beaoh, awarded to tor service in traneportntion to new bases, aupp1eman&ins the JoloNeil Construction CaiP6%1Y, Loa ~elea, Calit . Be- the taoi1itiee now provi ded by the Sfl CA. timated oontract ooet, $1,26), 000. .First llarlne Brigade, ft8 di&Ciberlce

at the latter on 22 Ootober. Rear Admiral LeBreton, Com-

1118Ader, will t~ aasume co!!ID 8 Dd of :ijatUeship Division 5, on disbandiDg Squadron 40-T. J •

Oa-andant, l3'h Naval District, x:eports by dispatch that all preliainary work at ~tch Harbor, Al&Bka, in ao- cordanoe with details prevto~y reported was completed on the arrival ot the SPICA, 14 OctobeJ'. SPICA oarr1e,d Jlll detaobllent personnel not trenaported 1n the H)R'lEWES'TERN and all specified equi:Eaent and supplies less the artillery llp,er. Te.porary sbore ~nstructioa iB proceed!Dg tor completion b)' December With 145 contract ~~oyes now •DP&&Cl· .

Repreeentative D!Z48D, and aambers ot the Congressional Oa.ittee inapectiDg PaoUic Detenses reported 'today after- a ~5,000 aile~\ trip into the IU.d-Pacit1c to see naval de- teues.

Planes for Sweden, 250 ori.ginally orde~ , pQrSuit planes will be d1Tided bet.,.en the Amy Air Corps and the Canadian

Air Force, according to reports. .

New Yortc today bx clipper plane tl'OII Liebon. c;; I I H'1it It hill t:IRT TO Tim SECREl'ARr OF THE NAVY 18 October 1940

Total Enlisted StreDith, 17 October ••••• ••• 168,629 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active dut)' • • • • • • 7 ,122 Other Reservists " " " " ••• ••• 4 , 568 Retired Ken " " •••••• go r.::--' " " , ./ Total •..•...... •• 11, 830

Asgregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••••••• 396 A6gregate Discharpa " • " •• •••••• ...Ji1. Gain ••••••••••••• 349 Retired Ottioers returned to active duty aa ot 17 October: .. Line Otticera 691 Stati' " 173 • • Warrant • 53 Total •••• 917

NaTal Reserve Ottioera ordered • aoUve ttl ty tor .en- . torcement ot neutrality and t he strengthening ot the national detenae within the lillita ot peaoe-Ume au­ thorization, as ot 17 October: liblber aa.o.r lblaber Character ot Duty Allowed Obli~ed Ordered V(G} ottioera .U1oat 300 328 Merchant Marines Atloat 225 225 292 ATio.tion Instructors 248 248 . .89 I-V(S) Offioera 125 125 116 OI!Xl- Y(S) Officers 125 125 143 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 158 lfe4ioal ud Datal Ottioera 177 177 238 Communication Otticera 100 100 143 OC-Y(S) Ottioera 20 20 20 Administration ot Reserve M14ah1~ Tra1n1ns Pl"opa 1.40 111 Recruiting Organized Reserve - 11 111aoel1aneoua 320 Total Estiaated Number Al• 504 · lowed 1905 2153 2. Bureau. of Supplies ). &lid Acaounta, announc.. the followtn&: Bureau. of Yards end Docks , reporte that the eo-andant, A contract has been awarded the Pionoer Ins trwAent Division T.. eUth llbval. District hll• aucceedad in chartering the ot Bendix AY1at1on Corporation for 1 , 000 drift Sights, river at8111141' S.S. Delta Qneen to house t he firet bettal- at a UAI.t prtce of $247.00, toto.l $173,394.00 ion of the local c!efeDBe diYiaion of organized Reaer9'8e. A contract has been awarded the Kollsman Instrument DiY- The Delta Queen was daliYered on October 15th and moored 1s1on of Square D C

1 submarine tender ot 7,886 tons, 2 •nvm•n1t ion abips ot

7, 886 tons aDd 6, 200 tons, 1 oiler ot 6 ,.200 tons, 10 aine­ sweepers ot 115 tona, 2 ainelayers ot 332 llD4 662 tons, 1

submarine chaser ot 3~ . tona, aDd 16 diatrict crat't ot various categories.

Bureau ot Ships, reports that sinQe 27 October l9J9, 26

combatant and auxiliar,y vesselw, exclusive ot small craft

have been completed an4 pUt in operati on, They include:

1 , 1 cruiser, 17 destro:rers, 5 and 2 tenders. Ot these the tollo'l\'i.Dg were delivered ahead ot schedule: 2 , 7 months; l destroyer, 2 months;

2 destroyers, l-1/2 months; l tender, 2- l/2 110ntha. Ot vessels now under construction the tollOWiDS are DOW ahead ot schedule: 4 , average ot 2- J/4 months; 2 crui-

sera, 2 weeks; 8 destroyers troD. 2 weU. to 3 months; 19 submarines, average ot J-l/2 110nths, ranging trca 7 weeks to 7 months; l xepair sh~J. 8 months; 2 tendars, 4-l/2 months. On.e shipbuilder has reuntly reduced his eeti-,

Mted time ot delivery ot 6 new destroyers by l2 110ntha. u.s.s. HORNEr (new aircraft carrier) will be launched at Newport News, Virginia, on 20 Dec.nber. Tot al Enlis t ed Strength, 19 October •• •••••••• 169,12.4 Fleet Reserv1ute (enlisted) on active duty •• •• 7,122 Other Laervi-" .. " " Retired Ln . •..• 4. 568 " " " " • • • • l40 Total •••••••••• • ll,830 J\ggregate Enlistments (last 2.4 hours) • ••••• •• 389 Aagregate Discharges " " • _ ! • ! •• ~ ., .ill,

· O.iD • • • • • • • • • • • • 278 Retired Officers r eturned to aot 1ve .duty as ot 19 Octob~ Line ortlcera 691 Staff Offi cers 173 -- Warrant Ottioera __ll --

'llotal •••• 917 lilaYal Rese rve Otticers ordered t o active dut7 tor toroement •• or ae\ltrali ty and t he etrenathen11l8 of the nat lcDal 4et8JIBB Witllln tile ll.a1te ot peace-tc;llle au­ thori zation , as ot 19 October: .~tabu !habe:r Character lluabe:r of Duty Allov.ed Obligated .Ordered V(O) Ottlcara Atloat 300 llerohant Marines 300 339 Afloat 225 225 292 Aviation I~truotors 24'S I-V(S)Oftl 248 92 . cera 125 125 112 CEC-V(S) Ottloera 125 li- 125 149 Supply Corps Officers 125 lle41oal 125 164 and DID.tal Ottloe:re 177 171 251 Commnntcation Ottioera 100 100 CC 149 -V(S) Ottloen ao 20 ao Ada!Dietration of Reserve ll148hilJMD 'l'ralDiDC Pl'o&rm 140 111aoellaneou 140 106 )20 495 495 Reol'lliUnc Orpnisecl Reseron~ Total Eatillate4 ._.,er Al- - - .J!!1. lowd 1905 2080 2279 2. J . Burc:au of Yards and Dooka - Contract tor Adain1atret1on, Sen Pedro. Probable U'l'tval. or tbeae abipa t•a 11 liloYISber Catetcrla and l:leeting Plant building at t he NaTal SUpply and 00111pletion 25 No» ber. The IIAI!JJ All) will un4e:rso de­ Depot, Oakland, C aUtomia, baa been awarded to J"~mea I . gaussing at Todda, Seattle, DTydocka on arrival 8 November Barnee Oonatruction Coclpany, Builders Exc~e lluildipa, S8mpletion d&t e ,JO November.

Santa lil:mioa, California, unde1• itens 1 and 5, to:r the BUill Chief ot .Bureau of Aeronautics, AdllliTal Towero on

ot $317 ,400; time, lSO calendar ~· · 25 October will make an addreaa i n ~ow York City to t he

DeatDOyua .to .Brit.ain, 10 ehipa were iielhere

on 16 Octobe» ~ 40 .to d&to. The last 10 will be de- Bureau ot Yarde and Docks baa awurded the ,following

11~4 on 15 llcrnDIIler. cos;- plua-t1xec1-fee contracts:

Del!!u.eeipa, the \\'EST VDlOINIA, OOLORAOO and IIARXJ.AND Admin.i stration 'Building and Additional Fa cUi ties at • will be available upon arl'iYal at Seattle about 8 Nov811ber t~ Naval ll'orpado Statioa, Newport, R. I . , baa 'been awaiX!.od tor desau.ealng, splinter proteotton, end 3-inch gun l n­ to O.D. Pua>ingtoa Co . ,Ino., 49 l'leeta1Q8ter. Strtiat,. et&llaUoa al.Hady authorhed. The ~Gil.Y , bLPB 'rALI!()Il', Providence, R. I . - J::at izated cost, t544,500·

J'ARVIS 11114 PA1"l'ERSS• wtll be uatlable on the aaae date tor ExteneJ.on or Barracks tor School tor Torpedo lfen at the

desauaalng onl;r. 'rhe battleahipe will be reedy for aea on Naval Torpedo Stati on, Newport, R. I . , awarded to Gilbane

10 Dec~b er , tb. WHITNEY end- other destroyers oa 30 NoTaa- Buil

apllllter protection and 3-i nab lnatalletlon, atter sua­ Bureau of Yarde and Doolce , Reaume or 'li'Orlc on n.. NIIYf

onl;r, at Mare IalftJid , The Sl!l.nUOOr: Will be aftllable

aleo at Mare bland tor depu.eslng 011 6 ~er. The t•plated, present atatua and. preeent pl&aa tor t bei r OONLAP, a nd BIIIUII will be depuaed at the Loa All&elee completion, as follows : Sbi pbu1ld1n& end Dry Dock ~, San Pedro, Blld the Na'l'f Yard .Puget Sound , Washington - Dry Dock No . 4 - }'AN!I])j() and II:.LZl' at the a.tbleh• SbipbuildiD& Co., This is a ujor dock with a length of 996', e controlling 4· wiMb O't '133' 6•, and a depth over the blooks at aee.n high water ot 43'· This dock has been completed and is now es­ senttallJ available tor docking&. Juziliar.y facilities are now practically completed. Dry Dock No. 5 - This is another major dock the same size as No . 4, but Wi t h a clear lengtll of 1000•6•. The contract date tor completion is 6 Nov11111ber 1941, and progress is satisfactory tor campleti~n thia date• ..ProJects cover­ ing facilities necessary for use of the dock will be ex­ pedited to correspond.

t Navy Yard Mare Island, California - Dry Dock lilo. 3 - The controlling dimensi ons of t his dock are 693' 4" in length and 821 in Width With a ..depth onr. the'". blooks at mean high water of 53'6". This dock is now available and being used for the regular docking of shipaj AUXiliary facilitiss are now prao\ically completed.

Dry Dock No. 4 - This double destroyer dock is 432'6" long 84' wide, and hhd ll 'depth over the Blocks ot 20' at mean high water. The original date tor oampletion was 1 Oc­ tober 1941. · J:lowever, it is now "Plamted tor subst8Jlti'8.1 completion by 1 KaT 1941. - . . Hunter's Fbint, California - Titl• to the two dry docks and adjacent lands bting purchased tram "thll Bethlehem Steel Qampany Will soon pass to the Gon"""•~ · Bids for the construction of tt 'Blll:lp building will ~ IPened 20 No­ vCIIIber. Prepftration ot plllJlll and specifications tor the ~".-ient or. serv1ces and qU81118-lJ.a®'UCt1on is Pl"Ogressing. Bids for the dry dook crane '11111 be opened on 6 Novanber.

San Pedro, Calitorpia - Ino~uded in the develop!l8nt of a Fleet Operating Base at San Pedro, contraot"for·wnicli was let on 14 ~st 1940, is a major dry dock with d~sions corresponding in general to the new large dry docks at Puget Sound and.Pearl .Harbor. Tlle lGatb u pl•pned, how­ ever, is 1088'. Contract tor this dook has been awarded and work in the field has begun.

To be ~ontinued . - - - - a.=.a 01 • :6 d tii' tio 1 -~ PORT TO THE SECRhTARY OF THE. NAVY 22 OCtober 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 21 October ••••••• 169 1 450 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• ? 1 122 Other Reservists II 11 11 " •••• 4 I 568 Retired Men II II II II o o • • 140 - . Total •••••• ••••••• 11,830 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 h~urs) ••••• 36? Agpregate Discharges " n " •••• • _M

Gain •••••.• •.• •• 323 ' \ Retired Officers r eturned_ to activ~ dut y as of 21 Oct. 1 Line Officer s 691 Staff Officers l?3 Warrant Officers _2l Total 917

Naval ReserYe Officers ordered to active duty for en­ forcement of neutrality and the " strengthe~ng of t he national defense within the limits ~ - of peac. e- time. au- thorization1 as of 21 October s Numbe r Number Numbtr Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G ) Officers Afloat 300 300 339 L!er chant l!arines Afloat 225 225 292 Aviation Instructors 248 248 92 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 112 CEC-V(S) Officers 125 12~ 149 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 164 Medical and Dental Officers 177 . 177 251 Communication Officers 100 100 149 CC- V(S) Officers - 20 20 20 Administration of Reserve J.tidahi})!Sn Training Proeram 140 140 10 6 Miscellaneous ' 320 495 495 Recruiting Or ganized Re serve~ _lQ2 Total Estimated t!urober Al- -- l owed: 1905 2080 22?9 2 , Bureau of Yards an~ Docks has 3. n?:orded the follo'ldf18 San Diego , ClllHornia - Drz• ·Dock llo, 1 - This will be coat-plus- fiXed- fee contracts: a gravi.Jl<' dry dock for cruil'.,rs, lt will be 693 '4" F~ension and improvements of Fire Protection System at long, 45 'll- J/4" wide, an<:! will have

dock will be the same a~ the new dock at Puvet SoUJ'ld ex­

cept that its l enath Vli11 be 1088 '. The Bo~d is now in

session c~ged with the selection of site for this dock.

Submarine 1 Base Nel'r London 1 Connecticut - A contract for

a oew 118rine r ailway at this Base has been awarded, and

work in the field has begun. It 1t 11 be of a size to ac- collllllOdate dest r oyers 1 destroyer leaders and the larger

destr oyers now planned. Present es.ti.Dated essential conr-

pletion date for dockii18S is 1 October 1941.

Fl oating Dry Dock ARD2 - This dock is ~ing built commer- ' cially in. Saq Francisco under a contract awarde t d on 21 Sep~ember 1940, but no l ocation for this dock has as yet

been assi!med. This 11111 be a seagoing shipshape gate

type floating dry dock similar t o the ARD-1, and 11111 be capable of docking submarines, dest:r:oyers, destroyer leaders, tug~ and other smal:J. ships with a dr':ft not ex­ c.eeding 21 feet. Its inside di!llensions are plnnned at

406 ' in length and 51' in width. It is expeoted that this dock will be available for use 111,th the Fleet by 1 October 1941. To be continued,

J -- -- l t "'''''''' • ••ia'· THE REfURT TO THE SF.GRETARY OF THE NAVY 23 October 1940 Total. Enlisted Strength, 22 October ...... 1 69, 584 .fleet Reservists (enlisted) on acti'ft duty •• ? , 122 Other Reservists " Retired Den " " " • • 4, 568 " n " " • • 157 Total ••••• •• • ••• 11,84? ~gregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) • • • • 204 ggregate Discharges " " " • • • • _Jr1

Gain ••••• •••• 11? Retired Officers ret urned to active duty as of 22 Q ~ : Line Officer s 691 Staff Officers 1?3 Warrant Officers ..._jl Total. 91? Naval Reserve Enlisted Men ordered to a ctive duty fo enforcement r of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense within the limits of Peace- time or ganization, as of October 19a · Number Number Numb!l _Chara r ct!;!r of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordend Inshor e Patrol Bases 304 215 89 Naval Reserve Avia. Bases 2300 2300 CoiiiiiiUilications 729 85 83 ?6 Afloat 5000 1611 1202 llaneous ( 1198 1108 Class V-? Procurement (2325 Program ( 224 21? Class V-7 for Yidshipmen, l.k'3NR 5000 1500 1505 Radio and Signal Schools 4000 ?40. ~~~ Total. ll.en 19,050 ?,871 5~4Bl t 2 ' Bureau of 'lards and Docks - Continued ReiUIIIII of work on 8ati~fllctory rro,..-ns is being made for completi?n. 3· new Navy drJ' clocka and JCarine railwa~ under j)Onstruction or contemplat.1vn, as followa> • featuree are keepint' pace with the main ~rl< of con- llarine Rail!l!y!l . at Boston , San Diego. and Pearl Harbor - struction, l'lork loo~ ~o the revamping of these structures for IFD-2 - The floatine dry dock YFD2 , until rt>cently better tvmdltng ·at ·eh±ps nomally Withln their capacity located at lferr Orleans, an-ived safely at Pearl fle.r­ range has had ta ·be postponed indefinitel y due to the urgent - bor ' is moored in the permanent basin, and .essential need for theeo etructures in hrmdline vessels of the Fleet, ly equipped and available for group docJd.nee of small PlAna and specifications for the ~rk hAve been completed, ships and tor cruisers and auxi.liaries, This dock is

however 1 eo that it can be undertaken at a.n,y time on uhort 525' long, 100' wide inaide of aide .aile, and ~ notice. provide 28 • over the blocka at ~:~ean hig)l '!lUter. • • Pearl Harbor , - Dry Dock 1/o , 2 - This dock is the San Ju.a.n . Put>rto Rico - Thi~ dry dock is 655' long, Sll!D!I dze as dry dock !;o, 5 at Puget Sound, but bas a 83 •9" wide 1 and ba_s 25 •6" over the blocks at mean hi~ depth ov~r the blocks at mean l ow water of 43 '. The or- water, Satisfactory proeress is being made for es­

iginal completion date y;as 9 October 1942, However 1 it sential completion by l March 1941. ThA dredging of is ftOW'"-planned for oomple~i

to dry dock llo , 4 at IJare Island 1 but w1 th a length of has not yet boen ~ . 497 <:f' • The coi'Q)letion date for this dock hae also been ~ Singapore Preas, report a aa of today that ia advanCAd f r om 9 October 1942 to 9 Ontober 1941, and booking down on the Netherlands East .Indiee, 4o u.s.s. A.RCTUR1.5 (l4ormacHawk) 1 will probably be ready to depart from Philadelphia on 26 October, taking her famil- iarization runs previous to that date, Voyage orders are still to be issued.

u.s,s. OMAHA, arrived Norfolk on 23 October from Lisbon, Rea r Admiral LeBreton will Taille b1s flag in the NEW IDRK on 29 October. FRENCH FIEBT 1 has returned to Toulon after much specu­

lation as to her iiestination during maneuvers in nearby waters.

U,S ,S, laVAJQ (fleet I tug) 1 is in a heavy storm in Lati- ' tude 41 North, Longitude 132-30 West , nth both barges ad.ri.f't 1 and one in a flooded condition, NAVAJO is standing by to- r ecover them if storm abates; weather very rough, Bureau of Yards and DOck! announces the award of the fol­ loWing cost-plus- fixed- fee contractsa

Contract for Additions to Bancroft Hall and Newdecreation Hall at the Naval AcadeDg', .Annapolis, Maryl.and, awarded to Irwin & leighton, Philadelphia, Estimated coat $1,786, 500. - Contract for Dredging at the Naval Reserve Aviation Base, Squantum, Mass. has beon awarded to 'Bay 'State Dredgin Contracting g &. Company, East Boston, Uass. - EstiDa ted cost $189 ,900. . 1

Minelayers, there were no bidders for contracts on two ships opened' today, ----- t)• •• 1t]dwr1tJal RF.FORT TO T"ffi SECRETARY CF THE t AVY 24 October 1940 Total. Enlisted Strength, 21 nctober •••••• 169, 987 Fleet Reservists (enlisted)on active duty •••• 7,122 ~her Reservists II II II 11 4 568 • • • • I Retired !!en 11 11 II II • • • • 157 Total •••••••••••••11 , 847

Aggregate Enlistlll811ts (last 24 hours) ..... 417 11 Age;regate Discharges 11 " •• • ••_!2

Oain ••••••••••• 398 Retired Officers r eturned to active duty aa of '23 Oct. Line Officer s 691 Staff 11 173 Warrant " ~ Total 917 . . . Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for en­ forcement of neutrali t y and the str engthening of the national defense within the limite of peace-time au~ thori?,ation, as of 23 October: Number Number Number Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Or dered v(o) Afloat 3oo 300 3.39 Lerchant ~ines Afloat 225 225 292 Aviation Instructors 24B 248 92 I- V{S) Officers 125 125 112 CEC- V(S) Officers 125 125 149 Supply Corps Officers l25 125 164 Medical and Dental Officer s lrJ7 177 251 · Communication Officers 100 100 149 CC-V{S) Officer s 20 20 20 Administration of Reaerve Midshipman Trahlng Program 140 u.o 106 L~acellaneoua 320 495 495 Recruiting Organized Reserves - lU1 Total Estillated Number Al- - - l owed 1905 2080 2219 2 • ) .tviation ~ts, 77 more have been appointild for flight ,tatJ&nese shi.P!!., are German cheoaical prod- traini"i at Pensacola 1n the class now conveninc. '!'hey ucts, optical Mel 1'1l.a equipamt and lllCIVies to Bra­

coma from l4 Diatncit:s in all sections of the country. zilian ports !rom Vladivoatok accor

Rear Admiral'Cook, reported to Co~er Atlantic Squad­ A large quantity of rubber will be shipl'(d to Cerm&ny

ron on 2) Oci~"lier !or duty as Air, Atlantic, and 1n return via Japan. Comrrandor' o£ ·carritir· tl/Vision 3. Commander Steven•, just•returned from London , ad­

E•so R1ch:l¥)nd ·co~J. tanker), ,;as accepted by the Co=d­ dressed the General Board and selected officers this

ant Firat !;a,~ .~~~1:~~~1o; .!rom ti'.e J.:ari timll Coc:U.saion on - afternoon.

22 October. Conversi.,n -.:as started in::lodJ.ately. Expected Contract (a..reau of Yards ar:d !locka) for Earracu

date of com:d.as1onitl8 is l r:ovecber . and Shipbuild1n& Facilities at the Navy lard, Charlee­

Squadron t,p-T, Tt&S disbanded on 22 October. ton, South Carolina, hea been ar.arded on a cost-plu.a­

U.S.s . ClEAVES (DD/,23) reported to CDICW !or duty in fixed- !ee basia to Daniel Construction Company, An­

the ~tlantic Sq~on on 23 October . derson, South Carolina. The total est1mo.ted coat,

U,S.S. PLUNXETT (DDQl) and NIBIACK (DD424) reported !or including fee, of this contract is $1~3 , 500 . duty on 19 October to Commander Squadron 2, Al:lericans in .hi&, seeking to return holl8 on edvice

Joseph P. Kenned,y, Ambassador to London, h&a been held of ths State Departmont, have been assured of passage

up in his return by clipper plane dtl!! to bad woather 1n at regular ratee in first arxi second class acco::mo­ Lisbon. dstions. t..reency accoamodations in cots will be

SS . .lSH'IoG CON , with ~ !;avaJ. Reserviets !or l'anama available at 1o1oer rates. This woul.d seem to aatiefy de!enae arrived at CrhtvbeJ., Canal Zone today. complaints that fuat class fares were being charged

u.s.s. IPUlSVI~, saUed from Rio de Janeiro today !or for all aocomnod&tions !or the three ships dispatched Mont6video where Jlhe is sbb.!!duled to rolllllin until 24 No­ to ovaouato Americans, vember, 4. . Two- subnarires, of unknown nationality were sighted off Buenaventura , Co l ombia, yesterday. Colombian planes dispat.ched from base refused to divulge any information on their return. Non-Ag gression Pact, betl..-een Told.o .and lloscow will prob- ably be the result of Saturday' s meeting of diplomats f rom both nations at the latter capital . Sel ection Boards , Reports are said to be r eady on selec­ tion of colone ls to Brigadier General in the Marine Corps. otber Selection Boards will convene as fol.l.owll: November 15 to reeol!l!lend Captains for promotion to Rear Admiral; DecemQer 4, to recommend lieutenant for_promo- tion to Commander; November 15, tp recommend Brig~er Gen­ eral.s for promot~on to J.:ajor General, Llari.j'le Corps; October 28, to recolllllltnd Lieutenant Colonels to Colonel, J.:arine Corps; November 12, to reco~~~~end Majors to Lieutenant Colonel, Marine Corps; December 2 1 to reco~~~~end let lieu­ tenants and captains f or promotion to next higher grade. Shi!?!l!!!!!.s to Clreat Britain, from porte during the first ]e&r of the y;ar totalled $780, 000,000, a 57 per cent increase over the previoua J88l'. Spain, may soon align itself wit.h the Axis powers, it was agreed by neutral diplomats in Madrid. --- - @nt ef!auu5Jai /- • REPORT 1'fl THE SECRJ:."TARY OF THE NAVY ' 25 October 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, 24 October ••• ••• 1?0,393 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty , •. 7,189 otner Reservists n n n " •••• 4,663 Retired 11 11 Uen 11 " • • • • 157 Total •••••••• ••• 12,009 Agereoote Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••• .. 415 Ag.gregate Disoha;rees " - " " · ·· ·· ~ Gain •••••••••• 249

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 24 Oct. Line Officers 691 Staff Officers 173 Warrant Officers ....ll_

Total 917

Naval lteserve Ufficers ordered to active duty for en­ forcement of neutralit;r and t he strengthening of the national defense within the limits of peace4 ime au­ thorization, as of 24 October: Number Number N1.11Dber • · Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered · V(G) Officers Afloat 300 300 339 Merchant Marines Afloat 225 225 292 Aviation Instructors 248 248 92 I- V(S) Officers · 125 125 112 CF.C-V(S) Officers 125 125 149 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 164 tAedical and Dental Officers 177 177 251 Communication Officers 100 100 149 CC-V(S) Officers :;o 20 20 Administration of Reserve Midshipdll Training Program 140 140 106 Miscellaneous 320 . 495 495 Recruiting Organized Reserve.!!....=.... JJ!1. Total Estimated Number Al- lowed: 1905 2080 2279 2 , Fleet Divisio 3. . ns of Ornanized Reserves - Orders to active of tho airplane and automobile industries into a more duty, - Commandants of tho Dietricts cono~rned nave been af!ioient prot;ra.m !or aircraft rroduction. Spare parts directed to 'orde~ 'ihi 'Fleet Di or the Org~nized Re­ for 12,000 bo:::bers will probAbly go to the autpCIObile cervee 11 ~ :tie:l ow tc the shipo indicated When such shipe tanufaoturer s . are r eiay t ~'ta...... ke them: Joseph P. Kennedy, Amer i can AJ•bassador to Great OF 'Bt.LTMRE em Sixth Division, Portland, Ore. Britain, left Lisbon today on the clipper plane. CITY OF UlS AN~ Thirtieth Div., Peoria, nl. CITY OF KEI'IPOI\'t ~ Tllenty- sixth Div. , Chicago, ru. u ,s ,s . 5.UIFISH (.submarine ex-Squalus), refitted at CITY OF IIORFoiJ< Third Division, Portland, Ore. CITY OF SIIN FfW\C.J$.C.Q . .Fortieth Division, Kansas City, Uo,• a cost of e2,000,000, v$s ready to sail today on a ex..l':XOCHORJll\ First Divisicn, Boston, l&ass , shakedown cruise with the T!IRI:;SHER, recently col!Qis ­ The. U.S .S. SACRAI!E:"l'O , U.S .S. DUBUQI.l8 1 aridu.S. S, aioned. Cruise will extend alonl' the East Coast t.o PADUCAH , now in tho Great Le.lrce area, are being prepared the Panrur.a Canal, for 8ervice at sea. It. is proposNi to send neet Divi- u.s .s . TtJTUTIA (fU!lboat) , was dar.aged consjderably eions of the Orcanized Reserves to these vessels as indi- today-. Fort;~ Japanese planes bombed Chlmgldr.g, dis cated below: ­ lodging a hugo rook from tho South bank of the r iver U.S.S . SACRAl~' TO 16th and 18th D1 vidons , Indio.napolis U,S,S, DUBUQUE C)th and lOth Diva., Detroit, !Jioh, which at that point flows betq en high hills, This U.S.S. PADUCAH 49th and 50th Dive . , Duluth, Jann. rook struck the Ttr!uJA. A full report will be forth- British Dest.rover, VD:E'CI.A , struck a mine and sank with collling later . some caeualt os, the Admiralt y snnoUJ.lcad. The Aw:d.ralty

Ai r Compressor s 1 Contract v111o a•:arded today 1n the al so said that the Submarine S\'iORD}'ISH torpedoed and sank IIJIIOunt o! t\505, 542 to the l!ardie- T'ynes l..anufaotunr.g a German off t he trench Coast. The VE!:ETIA ' Company1 1!1rm1nghlltl, Alabaria. l'his oontract .,.... na llOO tons and carried 4 II' guns and . . cl ear ed by the National Uo!enso Advisory Commis sion. 6 21• torpedo tubes , National Defense, During the current session of llr. -Knudson, !taioi today- ha ho2fKI to eombine tho efforte Concroes, a total of W , l 06,22?,930 has been appro- 4 •• priated for National Defense and over 23 billion dollars for all purposes, according to the House Appropriation& Committee.

Japanese Navy, announced that a Japanese. subclarine, the

I-6? was lost on 29 August with all on board,· including two Captains and one Commander , Bad weather conditiohs while diving was given as the reason, The I-6? ~ed

12 officer s , 38 1'11lrrant officers and an undisclosed number of men, The accident occurred during fleet maneuvers off Tokyo. Commission ships , to which N.aval Re servists vtill be ordered will be taken over as follows: ·- CITY OF &\LTn!ORE - 2p October CITY OF Ire ANOEIES - 25 October CITY 0? tEtiPORT NEI'iS 1 November CITY OF NORFOLK - 2 December CITY .OF SAN FRANCISCO - 2 November BXCHOR!ll - 1 November

)3ureau of Yards and Docks , anndunces the award of the following cost-plus-fixed- fee contracta

Extension of Seawall at the Naval Torpedo Station, Newport,

R. I ., awarded to The Beattie Corporation of Fall River,

Massachusetts. Estimated cost - $49 , 500. REJlORT TO THE S~~~ October 28.

Total Enlisted Strength, 26 October ...... 171, 031 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• 7,189 Other Reservists II II n n •••• 4, 663 Retired Uen II n n n •••• 157 Total ••••••· • 12, 009

Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••· •• 4J.6 Aggregate Discharges n " " ••••• 103 Gain ••••• 313

Retired Officers No Change Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for enforce­ ment of neutrality and the strengthening of· the national defense within the limits of peace-time authorization, as of October 261 Number Number Number Character of Dutz Allowed Qblil!ated Ordered V(O.) Ofi'icers Afloat 300 300 349 t.lerchant Marines Afloat 225 225 313 Aviation Instructors 248 248 92 I -V(S) Officers 125 125 133 CEC-V(S) Officers 125 125 155 Supply Corps Officer s 125 125 174 Medical and Dental Officer s rn 177 259 Communication Officer s 100 100 167 CC-V( S} Officers 20 20 24 Administration of Reserve Midshipaan Training Program 140 140 100 Miscellaneous 320 537 537 Organised Res .orf. (Ashore) 196 Organized Res .orr. (Ai'1oat) - - ~ Total Estimated Number Al- -- lowed a 1905 2122 2523 \ 2. .... J , Bureau of Yards and Docks annoWlcea the award of the Lee J , Immel, Berkeley, Californ.La, for the 11\111 of follollinG coat:-Pt':l!':-fixed-fee contract1 $32, 200; time - 45 calendar days, except work on the net

Hous~g 1'~9 g1t1es at tho Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, asseobly slab shall bo completed Within 30 calendar daya Vir ginia ,: ~~ been awarded on a cost plus 'fixed fee basis Yacht HAIDA was accepted at San Pedro, Ca.litornia, on

to Allen J ••. S;a;vi;Uo, Inc. 1 Rich:llond, Virginia. Latiratod October 25,

cost - $713 10QP. •. . • !let Tenders, Teaberry, Peak, o.nd 1/alnut (Yll 29 , 301 Cont ract to; Refrigeration System at the Aeronautical Jl), were laid at J . H. Knthis Company Shipyard, Engine Laboraio'ry,· Naval Aircraft Factory, Navy Yard, ea.deo, New Jersey, on October 25. Philadelphia, Pa., has been o.warded to Car bondale New U. S . S, DIXIE (dostroyar tender) 1 roported to CINCUS York Co., I nc., New York, New York, for the sum of for duty in the Battlo Force on Octobar 25. $287, 287; tiM - 200 calendar days, OSS. THRESHER '(SS 200) 1 reported for duty to CDICUS Contro.ct for Boiler and Accessories at the Norfolk !laval on October 26.

Hospitel, Portsmouth, Virginia, has baen awarded to E. u.s.s. ABCTURUS (cargo shipY, 11as placed in .fUll com-

Keeler Company, flillinmaport, Pennsylvania, for the 81.1111 of mission on October 26. $20 780; time- 1 120 calendar days. u.s.s, RANGER (aircraft carrier) , reported for duty Contract f or Repairs to Pier at the ~'uel Annex (Cro.ney in Carrier Division 3 (Atlantic Patrol) on Ootobar 24. Island) Naval Supply Depot, !laval Operating Base, Norfolk, Belgrade1 a dispo.tch from official quarters said Va ., has been awarded to Tidewater Conatruction Corpora- JU6oal4v1a would reaain neutral in the Greek-Italian

tion, tlorfollc, V1rgin1a1 1'or the suo of. $J,P80; time - 45 conflict. calendar days , Clltladlo.n Destroyer JlARCAREE wo.a aunk in tho North Contract for Grading, Sllf'acin8 and Drain.a8e 'iiork at the Atlantic in collision, Ottawa &nnOWlced l 140 of the Naval !let Depot~ Tiburon, Cal.ifornia haa been awarded to crow were l oot. Only Jl wore ao.ved. 4. r..lorcss of Britain, Br~tish Adlliralty admit ted loss of t he 42,000 ton liner, attacked by enemy aircraft, set afire, abandoned • , later towed, and then blew, up • Far Eastern Observers believe that Japan may allow her adherence to the Axis Ailiance to wano if efforts to break t he British..U. s. front are unsuccessful. Information from Shanghai would reorientate her policy along lines less

likel y to lead to trouble 1vi th the U. S.

Island of Crete: an W'lconfirmcd report says British troops have land.ed there. Oi"ficial Athens reports British

t roops are f i ghting now ~ behalf of Greece. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts awarded contracts this date of more than $1, 500, 000. Racks , pinions , and training gear were purchased from tho !.ti.dvale Company and the Camden ¥orge Company in the &Qount of $480, 460. . . . Contract NQy-44lO, 0 for Light Shop Activities Building and Accessories at the Navy Yard, Boston, Mass, has been award- ed on a cost plus fixed f ee basis to Sawyer Construction Co., Boston, Mass , Tho total estimated cost, including. fee, of this contract is $550,000, Thia contract was cleared by tho National Defense Advisory C~ssion . c 0 n fi d e e t I ol "-- j JLt. ~:)..0"' ~ REPORT'D THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY October 29, 1940 Total Enlisted Strength , October 26 ...... 1711 031 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty ••• 7,189 Other Res n 11 n n ervists ••• 4,663 Retired n Uen " " n ••• 157 Total ••• 12, 009 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ..... 416 11 Aggregate Discharges " " • • ••• 103

Gain •• 313

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of Oct. 151

Line Officers 691 Staff Officers 173 11arrant Officers ...2.:l Total 917 . l~aval Reserve Enlisted Men ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality.and the strengthening of the national defense within the limits of peace-time or­ ganization, as of October 26: . Number Number Number Character of Duty Al!owed Obligated Ordered

Inshore Patrol Bases 340 215 89 Naval Res. Aviation Bases 2,300 2, .300 758 CoiiiiiiWlications 85 8.3 76 Afloat 5,000 1, 716 1,193 !Aiscellaneoua 1,208 1,134 Class V-7 Proourem.Program 2,324 217 217 Class V-7, MidshiiJIIen, USNR ~ 5,000 1,500 Radio and S1 gnal Schools 4·000 833 571 Total !.len 19,050 8, 072 4,038

l 2. Bureau ·J. of Aeronautics. In connection with the announce- woven into a stro~ pacJdDe. 'I he 'technique of woo. v1n!:

11ent of the appointment of Jl.ll.jor General Amold, present the cotton fibre into a suitable packing has shown con­ Chief of the·Air Corps, ae an additional Deputy Chief of siderable protdse, and will prove almost equally as Staff, it ltaa been l earned from G1!neral Arnold that the suitable. ~·.Lax pacldn" has also been used for paclcing present plan·ia thet he continue as titular Chief of tho of the air end water enda of the reciprocatint, air JIIIIIPS Air Corps in o.ddition to hie duties of Deputy Chief of on older vcssel.o. A form of metallic pacJdne is being Staff and thD.t r.tajor General Brett be Mde Executive As­ substituted therefor. sistant Chief of Air Corps . A I1IIO.ll amount of flAx has been raised in Oregan, In the opinion of tho Chief of Bureau of Aeronautics but the quantity gro1m there has not been sufficient to this arrangement is basically unsound and will not iJzlprove supply the needs of the Navy for a year. what is ncognized as a very Wtsatisfactory situation in Llarino Corps: Total enlisted strength as of October the liar Departaoent, 28 is 37,239. Cotton and Asbestos for Flax, Since importation of Bureau of the ·Budeet is hol ding continuous hesrinas tlo.x froo Delg1Ul:l, , and Northam has stopped in 1942 appropriations. 1'hey will continue for all it has been neceaaary to provide wbatitutan for that bureaus through lfoveaber 5. material. An important uee of flax in tho Navy has been Seaplane Tenders1 Contracts for 6 rill probably be in the stuffing boxes of stern tubes and rudder awarded todA,y or t0111orrow to the L&ko •ashington Shi!>­ posts of Nanl Yeseela to keep the sea water froa enter­ :I'U'd, Houghton, Weshinrton, and contracts for 4 others ina tba ohipa. to Associ.& ted Shipyards, Seattle; l•ashington. Cotton and aebostoa are being aubotitutad for flax ss EXOCIIOBDA rill bo acquired from the American Ex­ in the manufacture of thia packing, 'l'h• adYBntage of port Lin.. today and received to.orrow for converaion flax has been in the long fibres which can be easi}J' into o1 transport. .4· Maritime Commission: 5 "Cj, tyn ships will be acquired

this week or early next week, f ormerly of' tho Baltimore

Mail Line. I Wholesale Price Index for week ending October 19 was

78. 4 up .3 from a week ago and up . 6 from two weeks a go.

It was the third consecutive weekly rise in commodity


I]SS WHARTON (transport , former Southern Cross) had a

damagingfire yesterday afternoon at the Robins Drydock

Co., flew York Ci~y, where she is undergoing conversion.

Damage is estimated at $50,000 and started in mattresses

in forward hold. WHARTON is insured for $3qO, OOO , so

repair will not be at government expense. Ca.plction

date is estimated to be delayed t!o weeks, to Nov. 15.

USS GRENAPIER (SS 210) . It is pl.anned to launch this vessel on November 29 at the Port- outh Navy Yard.

Naval COllllllllllications: The following 'fts intercepted on 500 kilocycles. Quote. All Greek ships immediately on instructions of the Greek Government in the Pacific if bound for the American Continent are to proceed. If bound for Asia they are to make for British or Dutcll porta or ports in the U.s. In Atlantic ships are to proceed if West bound. If East bound they are to make for British porta. No Greek ships are to proceed to brance or ports in French possession. uss ,[:'Lica(Minesweeper) was placed in full commis- sion on Oc r 26 at Atlantic llorks, Bethelehem Ship- ruil.ding Corp., Boston, Yaas. . e o nfldwQil&l < - 1. J,~ · ... REFORT 'IO TliE SECRE'TARY OF ~ NAV~ October 30, 1940

Total Enlisted Strength·, October 29 •• o . o. 171,481 Flest Reservists (enlisted) on active duty • 00. 7,189 other Reservists n It It II •••• 4,663 Retired Wen It It " " 0001 157

Total oo oooo o o •• 12, 009

Aggregate Enlistments {last 24 OOUI's) oo o . 229 Aggregate Discharges " " " o. o o _!!2 . Gain • o o o o . 144 Retired Officers r eturned to active duty as of Oct, l5r Line Officers 691 Staff Officers· · 1'73 t warrant Officers __2l

Total , .. • 917

Naval Resel'Ye Officers ordered te active'· duty for en- forcement of neutralltu and the strengthening of the national. defense within the limits of peace- time au­ thorization, as of October 29a Number Number Number Cba!'acter of Duty A.ll.ond Obligated Ordered V(Q) Officers Afloat 300 3C. 349 J.l'erohant lla.rines A.fl.oat 225 225 313 Aviation Instructors 248 248 92 I- V(S) Officers 1.25 125 133 CEC-V(S) Officers 12 5 125 155 Supply Corps Officers 125 1.25 174 Jl.edical ani Dental Officers 177 177 259 Communication Officers 100 100 167 CC-V{S) Officers 20 20 24 Administration of Res erve Midllhipmlll Training Progr.a 140 140 100 Miscel.l&neous 320 537 537 Organized Res ,Off. (Asrore) ltt 11, II \ (Afloat) - - Total Estimated Mlllllbcr Al­ - -· lowed: 1905 2122 2523 2 , 3 I:AVY tF.Cill!J:IJl 0 AC!'IV~--5 Yi'F.t :': Eh'DiliG QCTOFXR 25,191,0: cubic teet volume a,d 246 !Pet in length. The train-

f;umher of applicants accepted for l'lrst enlist ant - 1381 ing type are 123, 'X)() cubic f eet. in vollllllll and 147 feet t;ll:ll><~ of first enli sk.mts ...... , , 196.3 liu:nber ot reehliilttir.lts, continuous service , , 7.3 in length, These blimps cqnstituts the first of the !lumber or ~enlist~:~ente, broken service •• '' •• ~ 2081 48 nol)-:rigid ,airships authorized as part of the "lO,Oo:>.

Bureau o.t'!ar

tract umircia 't~t&ll.n g ,;2 ,251, 700, 1111 follo>Ya : and tave been appropriated for by tm Congreae. • • • Contract tor_ :~habilitation of Submarine Base Facil­ ~rchant vess ~>ls , delivered or to be delivered for ities and Construction of ~ine Railway at the Naval Station, Key 'le.~t:.. ;'lorida, ar.arded to ri, P, Thurston use as aux:l.liarios :Jince 18 October number JS ships, ~ny, Richmond, Va , on a cost- plus- fixed- fee basis, Tbll t;ota.l estiJ:ated cost, inclu:lilll fee, _il ~.3 , 000 , They include 2 general Stores issue ships, i provision

Contract for Torpedo AsseMbly Plmot a t N8\·aJ. Torpedo ship, 9oilere (Esao t;ype ll, SOO gross tons), 5 tr~ne-' Station, Newport, ll, I ,, bas been a111l.rded on a cost-plus filced- fee 1:a sis to Tho Tredennick- B1ll1116• Compaey porte ("Cit¥" typo, Bllltimore !.ail Line), 1 transport Best on , J.laae, Estiuii ted cost, t675 ,000. ' (Exochorde., ? , 359 tons), 2 submarine ctaser~ , 14 ~ - Contract ibr Kousin0; Faclllties at the Navy Yard, Chl,rl oston, S,C, , has been a.:arded to the Southea stern sweepers, md 4 D1.stri~t Craft (diesel "as, 'yacht s), Construction Company, Charlotte, li, C, , on a cos t-plus Bids for 'lline111'1tlepers , Bids for Uc eon::tructl on of fi.Xejj- fee ~is , Total estimated cost , $525 .000. . . Contract Jl)r Housing Fad.Uties at th& NIIVoJ. Station, ei(lht minoeweepers we~;e 'opened today. Thrc(\ compan:le e Key V.est , Florida, has been a'n.l"d'!d on a co~lua-tixed tee-basis to Southe11.stern Construction CoJII)&a_v Of Florida subl!litted !omal bids with fixed prices and 'alternate Inc . , Viami , Flori

t;on-Rictd Ai rehip Construction - The 'IN y O.part­ l'ollowirn are the bids received:

1. General Enpineering nnd Dry Dock Co .. Oakllllld , cAl. m!l'lt ll'tlarded contracts to the only lxl.ckler 1 the Coodyet.r Aircraft Corporation of Akron, Ohio, to Fixed l!ri ce $l , J 24, 000, for_ non- rigi_d airshipe for .pat r.ol a nd train- Sl, 850, 000, !or of two. 1ng purposes, Tho patro-l airships are each of 11)0 ,ooo 4. General Engineering andDry Dock Co . , Cont'd:

Bid with Ad.1ustment Clauses for ~bor arrl Mater ial $1, 750,000. 00 for each oftl'D .

2. W:hnslow Marine Railway & Shipbuilding Co ., Inc., Seattle, '·ashi nrton: Fixed Price

,.1,749, 493.00 for each of boro.

Bid vd.t h Ad.iustment Clauses for Ie.bor and t!aterial $1 ,699, 493. 00, for each of two .

3. Defo4 Boat and Motor Y\orks , Bay City, Michigan: Fixed Prices

~1 , 787 , 6oo . oo , for each of bel -t,l ,745 ,000. 00, for each of t hree $1,718 , 100. 00, for each of four.

Bids with Adjust:nl!!nt Clauses for ~bor and Cataria;!.

$1, 647,000. 00, for eac.l-! of U.O . 61, 604, 400. 00, for each of thr ee. $1 , 577 ,500. 00 , for each of four.

A reJresentative of the Toledo Shipbuilding Company of

Tol edo, Ohio, stated tllat that co1110any had submitted a proposal v.nich was placed in t.h e mail on l'onday, October

28th. It was not received prior to the opord.n~ of the bids. Japanese Freighter, of 9,000 tons arrived at Manzanillo and t' ' MIS begat l oading asrcury, copper., lead, mica, and f l orspar. The Meaican r.overnmmt lifted an embargo on ~0 ,ooo worth of mere ury !or Japan . (Another Japanese ship will call soon at U&nunillo for 5,000 drums of gasoline and oil . - - --- C:Ou tjtU~~ (ii'JtcRETARY OF '1 w:.fvl (;. October 31 , 1940 ~~ ~~ T otal rtnlisted Strength, October 30 ••• fj~ /t47 t lcet Reservists (enlisted) on active d Other Reservists y •••• 7,189 n n II n • • • • 4, 663 Retired Men n n " " ••• • 157

Total •••• Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) Aggregate Discharges •••• 11 11 11 ••••

Gain •••• . Retired Officers returned to active duty as of Oct. 15& Line Officers 691 Staff Officers 173 \/arrant Officer s _.21 Total •••• 917 Naval R eserve Officers ordered to active duty for i'orcewmt Qf en­ • neuyalit.y and the strengthening of the national < defense within the limits of peace-time au- thorization, as of October 29a < t Number Number Character Number ol Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered V(S) 01ficers Afloat 300 Uercbant 300 349 Marinee A,tloat 225 225 313 Aviation Instructors 248 I-V(S) Off i cers 248 92 125 125 133 CEC- V(S) Officer s 125 SUpply 125 155 Corps Ot'Cicers 125 . 125 !Aedical and Dental 174 Officer s 177 177 259 C~cat,io n Off icers 100 CC- V( 100 167 S) Officers 20 20 Admi nietration of Reserve 24 !Aidsbipman Training Program 140 1.40 100 !.!iscellaneous 320 Organized 537 537 Res.Of'f . (Ashore) 196 n n 11 (Af}.oat) _ Total Estinated - -Yt Number Alloweda1905 2i22 2523 ) . 2 . Bureau of Yards and Docks announces the following awards : welder's sparks dropping on t rash at the base of the

I Contract for Foundations for Electric Shop, Steaa Teat tube. There •s no evidence of sabotage, and no da "AEJt

Plant , Subaasubly ~·acUities Extension ~ 8 u1ld1ng 382 to the ship's structure. Damage was lillll.ted to 12 or

and Gal.vani&in& Plant at the 11avy Yard, ~o Island, Call£, the 50 cables in the director tube. The alm circuits to DeLuca Md •So n, Inc. , San n·ancisco, Calif, , f or tho required renewal, The danaged cables have been replao-

dum of $92, 480; tione - 120 calendar da,ys, ed, apparently at less cost than the' $1, 700 estiuate,

I • Contra ct for Icproveoents to loater System at tho !Aarine Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor a SS VIASP.DIGTotl sails from . - Barracks , ~ t1co , Virginia, to DaBs Engineer ing & Con­ tbe West Coast on October JO With 1,000 ci vllians to

struction Co., Detroit, l.tlch., for the sUI:I of .,178,800; build up the warlcing force of Pearl Harbor, In addi-

tille - 180 calendar da,ys, tion 1?5 cen will. go to increase tre force on Govern.­

neat Repair Shifi'S 1 Contracts for two ships lo.ave been c:ent contracts, Ship mvl!l:lents of the train and de­

anrded to the Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Drydock Co , gaussing are the reasons for building up thb Navy

of Los Anaeles, California on a cost-plue-!ixed- fee basis, Yard force , These man Will receive maximum pay rates The estimated cost of each vessel is $14, 284,500, making a subject to. rerating, V~n have been checked as to total !or t110 128, 569,000. This contract was cleared by experience and character, They have been finger- the National O.Cense Adviaor-.1 Conmd.ssion, Theee s hips are printed by F, B, I . 2,626 additional men are eati-

similar in type to a pr'>vious a'Wllrd of one to the san. mated for Pearl Harbor needa b;r the end ot 1941, compan:y on Sept.mber 9, Funds for these Yeesela were co- Te~rary housing, canton.nts, and aubeiatence for

tained in the 2nd Supple•ntal Appropriatj on Act, these •n baa been left to the authorities ot Peal

[55 A!.fEI. 'fJUB (Seaplane tender}: The offioial report of Harbor to cope With on their arrival. tire (previously reported} on October 9 shows it occurred Add Bureau of Yards and Docksa Contr act for HoWl­ ing facilities at the Naval Training Station, Oreat in the director tube on the main deck, Fire ne caused by 4 • . Lakes 1 , has been awarded on a cost-plus- fixed- fee • basis to Ieonard Construction Company 1 Chicago 1 illinois. • t. ~ The total estimatef cost, including f ee, of ~~s contr act ) • is $5?41 000, 00 (200 units for enlisted personnel ) .

Contract for Radio Towers at the Naval. Academy {High

Power Radio Station), Annapolis, Mar yland, has been award- • t t ed to Vanguard Construction Corp ., New York City, N. Y.

- --- L... - - for the sum of ~109 , 210; time - 120 calendar days. The t contract exceeding $500 ,000 has been cleared by the Nation- al Defense Advisory Commission.

Landing Force :t.guipment . Special tests ldll probabl y

be held on new equipment off Virginia Beach on 1 November. Commandant Boston, has requested authority .to charter one Eastern Steamship Line vessel, Boston to

New Yor k run type, for housing naval personnel, Pre­

liminary negotiations are underway for a 6 months time t • charter with possible renewal from month to month if • necessary. Char t er is desired beginning 12 November . t u.s.s, BEAR (Byrd Antarctic) will visit Galapagos on her trip South.

U.S, S, S-l3 (Sub11Ulrine) vms placed in full com-

mission at N~vy Yard, Philadelphia on 28 October, ---- e .. }, E •lil.VY..;r \J Total Enlisted Strength, October ..... ,. ""'173 ,147 Fleet Rese~sts (enlisted) on.actlve ~7 .... 7, 230 Other neo~rvists II II II )I .... 5,733 Retired ..:en " II II II •••• 180 Totru. ••••••• •• •• ••13 ,143

A~gregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••• •• 401 ' A8gregate Di scharges 11 11 n • , , , • ...J:sl2

Gain ••• • ••• • • • 266

R~y!red Officers r eturned to active ,duty,as of 1 Nov. Line Of.t;icer s 717 ' Staff Officers 176 ;'larrMt Officer' ..2.. Total 950 Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality and the str engthening of the national defense v~thin the limits of peacetime authorization, aa of OctGber 29: number Nwnber Number Qheractqn of Duty illaired Obligated Ordered V(S) Officers Afloat 3UO 300 349 Merchant Marin~s AUoo.t. 225 225 . . 313 ,wint.ion Instructors 248 248 92 I- V(S) Officers 125 125 133 C~C-V(S) Officers 125 125 155 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 l 17, ~edical and Officers 177 177 259 Co~cation Officers 100 100 161 CC-V(S) Of ficers 20 20 24 Administr ation of Rea•rve W.dshipman Training Program 140 140 100 W.scellaneoua 320 517 517 - Organized Res .Off, (Ailoat) 196 •" · ~ , " (Ashore) - __M Total Number Al­ lowed 1905 2122 2523 •• ~ · '3 • Bureau or Yard4 !lnd Docks, awarded contraote ae fol.Lte Glerm L . L! Cot .:..v or Sa.l.timore I tor' Aviation 3Wia' , ..tle.nta , Ga . 1 on a co~t,.plus-!ixed totaling vl o6 ,125, 396. JJ,

fee bash to .!.J.on ;;onstruction eo..... ony I A.Ua.'lta , C-eorgia. S, S\ t:iJUPOSA, l.!at:Jon ll<. ~r , ~ialed toda,y for Shatlghai Estimated cost, incl1..:din,; fee, of t:us contract is to evo.cuate Aznerican~ from Japan'ldld'• • 0 ••• • • ~75u , wv . s,s. CITY O." llC.iPO'lT ll!::'.S , PantU!Ia Pacific liner, docks Contrc.ct_D>r . 1Jn ~grground ::l.ectric C@le Syat.em and !'ole ir. wW Francisco toda,:r Cro!!! Yorktown, her last \-oya,."' Line TerlllinaJ. at ·\lta · Acadenzy (high Power Radio St:v- before beine takon over as a !laval' aUx!.lic.ry, tion}, A..'I.Ul;>olia, ).!d. , awar<.1ed to ; lymouth Electric Co ., Oeri:l3tl i.1.r rleets, including dive bo~a , claimed to ,;aslw1,&ton, D. c ., under itom 1, for t.l.e sum of .;33, 572. have sunk nine merchant ships, and seared hits on a Ti...o 1 'IV calendar J1D.:;s . destroyer toda,y. Contr act for ..<¥!1tional Att:unition Facilities end Low J.!ar1ne Cc r,)~ Selection Board - J.lajors to ' Ueutenant Coat Houaing Units at tho Naval Powder factory, Ino.illtl Colonels - \'fill convene in the l'ayy Deportn:!lnt on l!ovem- llea.d , iiarylond, hae been o~tl&l'ded on a cos t,.,>lus-fixcd- bar 12, 1940, to r eeouce:td J4 officers ofi the grade of fee basia to The lllll'!.oo~,;ebe! Conatruction Co ., :7a&h-. l!ajor 1 U. w. liurine Cor pa 1 for proav:>tion to Lieuteno.nt ineton, u.c. Total e3t~jed cost, ~1 , 945 , 40U . (The .;olonel. This board w1ll be cooposed of: housin~ units will be e rected on the station• 50 for President: Br igadier !Jener al Er.d.l.e P. !.Ions; }(embers : enlisted men , 30U !or civilians), (Contr.:.cta exx:eeclinS t.'Olonei Harry Sclu:ddt, Col. Uiles R. Thacher, Coloaal $500,000 hava.a~.~8'l. L. Howard, the l. atiooal Defense Ad­ Colonel Arnold ':1. J&ebbeen 1 Co1onel visory ColDlliaaion) . Earl ll . Jenldna , Colonel S8.1!Uel A. \lood1 Jr. , Liaut, Col. Pr:1tt ~:nJ ':':hitney, hu been awar ed an additional Louie R. Jonea, Lt, ,Al, Claucie A. Lardn; Recorder: cont r act fo ' r a.irplane engines t.otnlin8 ~4l , illlb 1 5Bl.bll . Ueut, Col. Joseph rr. \(niihton , • ·av::U R.O.T .c., Approximt.tely 2 1 0UU graduates o! the aval R.o . r .c . units have been comilliaaioned ~. the l.aval eeerve since 1930, and a n1J.I:.ber have been appointed • • t t .r.n- igns in t~.e Suppl;,• Corps . At present there are 3 000 ,_ - 1 .!.. !Inhere of Naval R.O.T. C. units, m.ich are now established n.L"leteen Colleges and Universities. t Officers of the 1val RP.serve who r;ere appointed ther ein upon l graduation •oa the ::nval .t.O . .T. C. are eligible for appointment to >r.t.ori.ssioned rank in . the .teL;Ul3r Navy in such numbers as e Jee~d necessary ·-- . These officers must be less than l years of :J,;e ~men appointed ar.d have c~mpleted at ast one y~ar•s continu~s active duty aboard ship, tese officers are eligible to promotion by line si.ection •ards in accordance with the policy of the r egular tJa'ly • be eligible fo • r consider ation for appointment in the gular Navy, r eserve officers llllst be r econmended by eir present conr:wlding . . officers. Exal:linationo must be seed in ~avy Regulations, ' . . tlavigation, s e~ahip , ord- )Ce and gunnery, !.!a;ine En$1neer ing, ::J.e ctri~ • ty 1 and .itary law. ,. 'he Argentin e Government, began a nation- wide pilot • • 0 \ .ining program today designed to • pr ovide 5 1 000 r eserve ot a for the Argentine Air For ce. ''"ie,ofi9!M# K SECI'\ETARY OF THE NAVY November 4, 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, November 2 •••••• 173,655

Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• 7, 230 II n n n Other Reservists I I I I 5, 733 Retir ed Men " II II II •••• 180 . Total •••• 13,143

Aggregate Enlistments (l ast 24 hours) •••• 391 Aggregate Discharges 11 11 11 .... ill Gain •••• 258

Retired 01Ticers returned to active duty as of llov. 1: Line Officers 717 Staff Officers 176 Warrant Officers ....21 Total 9!>0 Naval Reserve Oi'i'icers ordered to active duty f or en- forcement of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense Vlithin the limits of peace- time author- ization, as of November 2: Number Number Number Character of Dut~ Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat 300 300 363 Merchant Marines A1'1oat 225 225 339 Aviation Instructors 248 24B 102 I -V(S) Officers 125 125 16o CEC- V(S) Of'f'icer s 125 125 166 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 183 Medical anu Dental Officers 177 ·177 266 Communication Officers 100 100 186 CC- V(S) Officers 20 20 25 Administration of Reserve Midahipman Training Progi>am 140 140 89 Miscellaneous 320 580 580 Organized Res . Off. (Ashore) 214 ~r~ized Res .Off . (Al loat) - .J1_ o Estimated Number -- Allowed 1905 2165 2760 Air St&Uoo, cape.~, lift Jore..t , baa bee:a aw&rd.-.1 011 a llo"" 10. 'lho llation.lll tsroade&liUII"! (:aap&A7 nll COlt pl ua t bod fu b11ia to 01e Hantton , Ventnor City, ott.rrY a epeo.l.&l pJ'OCt'U boa 8 100 PW to 8 1JO PV. "" Jer••T• .1ot..l eo.t, l.ncl~ ree, ot t..h1l

Con~ct for Equip:t:~Unt. lor Cold Stor age Buildlftl at the uation, foUO'I'ind oxbftust.ivo 1tudle1 'fl'itb lo.bor leidtr.. '.~UiA J . A. . " .. l' bu acted ao am.ior DIICbu ot t.M to Iorlt lee ll&chlne:17 Conlorat.ion, Pllila4elpb1a, P~ ., . Fi..ndiA ·a w1ll -rniH ratA-a for f>"7 Ted •or.< \0 1or the IIWI of $.1)9 026J t.llle - 15() calendar 1 de.yl. fh8 00111pare with oxiltinC rat.el' 1n their looalitlee lOr coctr&ct. awardtcl undt.r th1l apoec.Uiet.Uon. to t.hia c~ .,..rioua t.rt.des. • Oetobor U , 1940, tor Ule - ot *1:!9, 150 hu bo

....; NSC!J!

lAW'\ohocl at. the Pu.iet. So~ N•vy !&rd. abcNt. J-.niJ.1r.rY l , A.N4. Th.11 l'orce h.eta bHn the wbJect ot ~b o~t. l.o 1941.

t.he pnta due \0 l't'Mcto-~.. e~ nalat.iou Ud p:'OXi- &1t7 to MarUn.s.qu.. :;,Q w.~nc , GOQv.n..cS W1.e o..w u.o.,. ot lB, OOO ton• Av!AtlOil Cadotaa 67 have been &fiSI01nt.ed .for tltaht. train- ano.1 Use SS PA'li!Dt(WS ( 'trade) of ll,()(kJ t.c:.o., ••\"'• inf! at Pana&oola b t.bil o.l&., 001'\...unc Oft JO'nlllllber 4 .

Tb8J e.-o fro- 14 nHl"'f't baHI lit.UA\ed. ~\ t.hl country. 4· . Tangiort Spanish proclamation today conve.rta Tangier to

Spanioh territory. Occupied a • oar at;o by Spal'lillh troops,

Tan&icr had formerly been reco~ized as an international

zone, situated across from . International cdxed commiosions have been suppressed.

British Admiralty announces li ~ht forces have destroyed 2 more Italian sul:marines.

Germany Claims 80,000 tons of merchant shippin

1! , 14, 5 , CLEVELAND , British cruiser, \"laS bombed b-.f German planes while returning to England from tl1e Mediterranean, vti "\h numerous casualties , the Admiralty announced.

Russo-Japanese negotiations now in progress embrace not only a non-aggressi on J&ct between Japan and tho Soviots, but tdll probably grant Russia. a f r ee zone in the

Manchurian city of Dairen, key port. It will doU-btlees grant l1ussi a speci al privileges in shipocnts ricr the r.Janchurian Rail"ay to from Siberia,

***** ** * t • ' • 1i e e 11 ai a ' REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY November 5, 1940

Total Enlioted Stren~ ; No~em~: 4 ••• •• • • 174,074

~lcot Reservists (enll:Jted) on active duty •••• 7,230 Other n II II Reservists • • •• 5,733 hetired Nen n n n " 180 ...... 0 .... 0 " •••• Total ••• • 13 , 1.43 Aggregate Enlistments (lust 24 hours) •••• 446 Agsreaate Discharges " " " • • • • 28 Gain • ••• 418

F.etired Officers returned to active duty as of Nov . 1: Line Officers 717 ' Staff Officers 176 \,arrant Officers ...:J1_ · Total 950 t • Naval Reserve Enlisted Men ordered to actlve duty for en­ forcement of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense within the limits of peace-iimc organi­ zation, as of November 2: UUI!Iber Number Number Character of Duty Allo~ed Obligated Ordered

Inshore Patrol Bases 340 215 89 Naval Res .Avi ation Bases 2 , 300 2, ,300 86,3 Communications 85 83 76 . A1'loo.t 5, 000 1,723 1,686 ~iscell~eoU$ ( 1,238 1 , 238 Class V-7 Procurencnt Pro-,.. ~ 2 , 325 209 209 Class V-7 for Uidshipmen,USNR 5,000 1, 500 1, 500 ('lentative) Radio and Signal Schoola 4 ,000 833 657 Total Lion 19,050 8,101 6, 318 2 . 1l'U'1qo Corps St.rga,;th. u ot N,.•bu la ,, b. "' blt«l .ado, aubJoct. t.o l&tr.- con!int don, t.o Oi'l)eftCer ..ocular .D> S"'--tll ...... • • • • • • 77, 414 ..._.. c~ !ot' 2800 'i'.haoopu, MArk LIXIV, for h­ Ro6Ular Olricer Stronlth • •• ••• , •••••• 1, 394 flegu.l.Ar Ylarrant Ott1cer Stronrtb ••••• 111 Retired Ott1o6r St.nn,.fth ••• , ••••••••• U7 et.o.l.1..4ltion 1n '"'"' callbN: cun lliOW'It.~ at an eet1.atted !:;a.._r'ft Otr.leer St.retvtb ••••••••••••• 474 COtlt. Ot ~ 0)6 000 anJ. for 119 ?U'i•co, a ami . •~ I)Llteted s~ •••••••••••• )58 1 1 50tJ f &U­ A'l'toUon C04ota St.r

Coa.W'&e\. tor Houain• i:l the TlcWty or,.,.,_ (Oitniaa), tb.lnULD, Jo.K Ill, P10U'GIA) Art -.kine port, Rhode Itsland1 haa been awiU'ded on • coat pltl:l fixed prtptuo.tian fol" dtp.&rt.u:ro cmd loa.din ~t.rA pr<~vhLoos . tH buLa t.o C:llhnnt 8nlld1nl' CO . , tne. and Rol~aJ.r.. 1 Cr..,~·· beeD H"b"1et..d -.o ehi;.. S6.il1n. ClaW are ehlld ~ ., PToricieee, Rbocie blaDcl (600 unit. tor a till 1.1nknown . c1vil.14n nplo)'ttoa) . Tho total e~Uaclted coat, iholud.Lnc l!t&te DeDG.£t~tpt reporta 1.. FNneh aulllll.rineo pre- tee., or tJUa eoo\nct. 1a $1 655 000. Coa1.ncte ue:HCU.Aa: 1 1 rl~ at&tJ.on.di at. De.kAr art re-tumln to Tou..lGft tor 1500,000 ••" b)' the X L\ioe\al Doteut .Aeh1.#oq u~.. p pu,rpoo•• and JJ"t holn& replaced by 4 ot.hf'ra wh-ich COIN.uton. Total cont.nacta announced by th• H•VT Dep&t't- pf.ta..i Cibralter 2 da,ys &10 · PriOr not1lication "A• ~Ttl\ b.t toM irmcl'l tiM no ritJ.ah oppoa1\1oc -. ex­ 8u.reftu pr Rueel1.u !04 Accgunkla Prell:aln1U"7 •WI.I'd• perienced. Add11.1~ 1ntot...,.t.1on indioat~• tht P:r.nch 4. Admiralty bas turned aver ll:pproximll. tely 20 small

craft, tups and mines~eepers to Germany for use off French coast ports. Other similar craft are bein~ con-

structed at St.!lazaire,Nantes, nnd LeHavre by German Tlorkmen .

USS KASKASKIA , SANGAMAN , e.nd SANTEE (oilers) l'1ill be

ready to sail on November 18 to the lieat Coast via the

Gulf of !Aexico, and will carry fual oil to Pann!iJII for

storage and emergency purposes on the way West.

USS SWANSON (DD44J) t1as launched at tile Navy Yard, Charleston, on NovBQber 2.

Uinesweepers1 Construction of four will soon be award-

ed to the General l:.ngineering and Drydock Company, San

t•rancis co, Calif. An additional four w1ll be awarded to

the Dof'oe Boat and Motor \7orks, Bay City, Michi gan. Cost-plus - fixed feo Contractsa During Octo~ addition­

al 1'1ork was added to existing contracts in the amount of

t20,269,J85. These included housing units in the follow-

ine amountsa Honolulu, 1300; Kodiak, 250; Sitka, 125; Unalaska , 75; San Juan, 400 ; St. Thomas , 50; Guantanamo, 500; Alameda, 600 ; Quonset Point, 236; Dahlgren, 100; Parris Island, 50; Piney Point, 10. .._ G I ill lAJii&t))\f;@im SECRETARY OF THE NAVY tlovembor 6, 1940

Total Enlisted StrenGth, november 5 • • • • • .. 174, 400 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• 7,230 Other Reservists n n 5,733 Retired " " •••• Men "" " " •••• 180 Totoal •••• 13, 143 AgB!e~ate Enlistments (last 24 hours) 367 Aggregate •••• Discharges " " " •••• _Q Gain •••• 326

Hetired Officers returned to active duty as of Nov. l1 Llne Officers 717 Stali' Officer s 176 \'/arrant ou .icers _21 Total 950

Navai Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for en- •~ i'orceriJont of neutrality and the strenethening of the national defense Ylithin the limits of peace-ti.J:Ie author- i~ation , as of November 5: Number Number Number Character of Dutl Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) 01'1.'icers A.f'loa t 300 300 363 r.:orchant Uarincs AD.oat 225 225 .3.39 Aviation Instructors 248 248 ·102 I - V( S) Officers 125 125 160 CEC- V(S) Officers 125 .125 166 Supply Corps O!ficers 125 125 183 Lledica.J. and Dental Officers 177 177 266 Communication O!'iicors 100 100 186 00- V(S) Oi'f'icers 20 20 25 Administration of Reserve ~idshipoun !rJbing Program 140 140 89 Organized Res .on. (Ashore) w. OrgWli::ed Res .Off. (AJ.'lol\t) 87 r.tiscellaneous .320- 580 580 Total Estimated Number Allowed 1905 2165 2760 ~ - P'rg:"?~ ~· ~te f\&miatwt. ..u labor aAd lilllW'ri&l and perl'ondnl all .•-OF~ l.or oon8t.r'uct.J,n& n.i.M b•U J)I"'pell- or 11 1.nclu4Cid in UU.e -.r84 'liit.h a channl,l). '5 fe.ot. deep at lftl.l Mchinv.x and DJ.tlol engln• t.iriven ..enont.o r s ur •M.n low we. tv. li.a.U ADd ruM conn.ctlOQI O"nr a C&WI... 1 1 "1... 1pt:rA:WJ.u be rec.t:"ed. a\. v ~ t.. &l"'iaea1. l.l't.U ~ lu t.o t..niAIC rail Un•• &onel hi~ . ,1\11 November ~... )..9t.D, wtu•n ~hey w1ll be publ.iolt opened. A


""'"~' l.ondon "'J'''"lonood lOIIf!\\o• ntch• I'Oid

ot U.• WW'1 t.n. ..U c:l..r •towU Mint '!1.-.n on1.1 a\. Uanl, • d£P1x J?seet. Daxspp•. In J ttttn • t5,000,

USS TRITON (submarine) wil.l operate submerged off Por"tsmouth, New Hampshire , on November 7 and 8 in areas prescr~bed. by th~ Hydrographic Office. Air pasesz, Contracts for additional work (reported yesterday) include tht> Pacific Air Bases, Naval Ail: Stations, Navu.l Air Stat.ion, San Juan, Pensacol.a, Jaclulon- ville, Dahlgren, Guantanamo, Alcuneda., Puget Sound, Charleston, Quonset Point, !lew York, Philadelphia, Parris Island, and Indian Head. Besides housing units, store- houses, assembly shops , ammunition facilities, fuel stor­ age, and recreational facilities were included in con- tracts. ork on all bases is still up to schedule and· proceeding to speeey conclusion. tloot contracts oan hardly be expected to bo completed ahead of schedule as tbey were negotiated in as fast time limits as could reasonably be expected. Additional Vlork io embodied in tYtenty different contracts. ~~ -r~ e 1 11 1 ). .. I j 'i:o'Q. t~ TlfE SECRETARY QF~~ NAVY · November 7, 1940 Total Enlisted Strength, NovembEir 6 ~· ~~·~~·• 174,812

Fleet Reservists {enlisted) on active duty 11 11 7,230 Other Reservists • " • • •••• 5, 7.3.3 Retired Ken " " " n •••• 180 Total •••• 1.3,1:43'" .

A&ste&!te Enlistments {last 24 hours) •••• 470 Aggregate Discharges " • • •••• ...2! Gain •••• 412

Retired Officers ret~d to active duty as of Hov, l a Line Officers 717 Staff Officers 176 Warrant Officers ...21 Total 950 Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for en­ forcement of neutrallt¥ and tbe strengtbMing of the national defense within the 11m1ts of peace-time au­ thorization, as of Noveaber 61 • Number Number Number Ck'£l1Ctet of Pl!tz An O'lfed &W'sateci Ordered V{G) Officers Afloat 300 ~· 300 · .36.3 !Aercban t Marines Atloat 225 225 .3.39 Aviation Instructors 248 248 102 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 160 CEC-Vf S ) Officers 125 125 .166 ~ Corps Officers 12.5 125 18.3 Medical and Dental Officers rh 1T7 266 Ca.nmicatioo Of!'icers lOO lOO 186 cc-v{s) Officers 20 20 25 Ad ministration of Reserve Yidshipaan Training Pr ogram 89 Organized Res.Off, (Ashore) 214 Organized Res.O.t't. (Afloat) 87 W.scellaneous ..,jJlQ Total EstiJDated HumWr Allowed 1905 27f:I:J 2 . USS HARRY LEE (Ex-Exochorda) was placed in commission .the Naval Reserve Nurse Corps.

in ordinary on November 5. ~: contracts have been signed betweeh the Metals

USS S-12 (submarine) was placed in full commission at Reaerve Company and tin ore producers in Bolivia for

the Nav:y Ya:rd,· Philadelphia , on November 4~ • •• the purchase of tin ores and concentrates sufficient to

USS GREGORY (DD82) and LITI'LE (DD79) were placed in full produce 18,000 tons of fine tin annually f ar t he next

commission at the Navy Yard, New York, on November 4. five y~s .

Transport Grollp i:s being f ormed by the CDICUS 011- the - War Sinldngsa Large merchant einldngs reported in the

Vleet Coast, conlf.l:lft1ng of •citY" boat s recently pur­ pcuit two weeks seam to be due to German lorw-range

cheeed -from the Baltimore Mail Line. patrol planeiJ finding convoYIJ well off Ireland and co­

Patrol Force, Atlantic, went into eff ect as such on ordina ting their efforts with submarines. Britis h •

November 1, so called because of acquisition of submarines, or protected convoys ~~ men o'~ an~ then_

destroyers, planes, and additional training vessel s , mak­ thinking it unnecessary tul'ned to armed merchantman,

ing a much larger force. It contains Compat flings 3, 5, which were not of much help in trouble some waters as

and 7, and 2 aircraft carriers. results show . Our observer& in Canada believed convoys

Aviation gasoline& ahipunts to Japa11 in October were of 100 vessels and ~ ess were insufficiently prot ected,

said to be 4 times as large as any recent previoul! ship­ at least in ~ving this side of the Atlantic. Fate of

ment . a British attacked by a Genaa.n raider in J:dd­

Naval Reserve Nurses& By January 40 will have been Atlantio was still unkn011n. .Reider is believed to be

called to active duty, the first Reserve nurses to be of the Clraf Spee Class, and to be ablo to attack

summoned under t .he present National Emergency. 8 will .British .convo)"'J in mid- Atlantic at her loisure.

repor t on November 15, 1.2 in December, and 20 in January. ~el'IISn Govern!!l!!!nt baa reluaed to give se.fe conduct

Since Sept01aber, 1939, 887 nurses have been appointed in guarantees for an American ship t o go to a port oa 4. the West Coast of Ireland to repatriate Alllerican citizens. There are about 1200 Americans 1n the British Isles aj;1].1 deoirous of returning home. The Reich Govsrmaent c1a1JMd to be 1n no positi on to gin any assurances 1n &riled areas around Britain. Chilean Government laid claim today to all Antarctia territory lying between Meridiana 5.3 and 90 vttet of Gnen- ncb. This doss not in~e Little America, kut does in- elude a 111!!1111 part of tbe area explored by the Byrd Expe­ dition.

Bureau of Yyda 'and Pnrks awarded contracte totaling $2 275, 465 1 which were cleared by the Natiooal Def'enN Advisory Cc.aisaion, aa follows& Contrac t f or Bnlkhee4 and Fill at the Naval. Aaad81111Y1 Annapolis , llaryland, baa been awarded to lla7 & Zh•ner.n, Ina., 620 P&Wikard BnUd t ng, Ph1Jodelph1a, Pa., for the .._ ti.u.ted BUll of $3.3l, 400J tiM - 180 oalcuHr c:~qa . Contract f or 600 bOWling UD1 t. for the liavy Yard, Porta- mouth, New Kaapehire, to be erected 1n the rl.cinit y ot Kittery, Me1 ns hu 1 been uarded to J . SlotDik Co., Boston, Maas. for ths eat imated 8UIII of $11944, o65J t1ll8 360 oa1sa­ dar days. { : , II II] u:;;6M 1'Nfk SECRETARY OF THE NAVY {' ~ / NoVember 8, 19M) - (1/: d Total Enlisted Strenl!th, November 7 ...... 175, 172 ,

Flett. Reservists (enlisted) on active duty ... 7, 230 Other Reserviste • " • • • • • 5, 733 Retired Jlen • • • • • .. 219

Total .. ,13, 182 Aggre'gate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••• 489 Aggregate Discharges " " " .... ~ Gain .... 321

Retired Ofticers returned to active duty as of Nov. l 1

Line Officers 717 Staff Officers 176 Warrant Officers · ...2. Total 950

Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for en­ forcement of neutrality and the strengthening of the national defense within the ll:mits of peace-time au- thorization, aa of November 71 ' Number Number Number Character of Dut:r Allowed Obligated Ordered V(G) Off icers Afloat 300 300 363 Mer chant Marines Afloat 225 225 339 Aviation Instructors 248 248 l02 I - V(S) Officers 125 125 169 CEC-V(S) Officers 125 125 166 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 183 Lledical and Dental Officers 177 177 266 Communication Officers 100 100 186 CC- V(S) Officers 20 20 25 Administration of Reserve Midshipun Tra1 n 1 ng Pr01l"8.11 1.40 1.40 Uiscell.anebus 320 580 Organized Res. ort. (Ashore) Organised Res. Off. (Afloat) - - Estimated Number Al101Jed 1905 2.

iho !irat ~. ~•. B!aon• lll.dall1_., will bo bold J..n tbo th•bar ot J.ppl.ica.ot.• accepted tor: 1at enllat..:ntl .1401 Il,J.DlO!S OD tto_v•aber 1.4. 'l'he UJ1atant Seortt.N7t kr. lluaber ot le-t •nll.ta.ont. 2007

c_,t.oa., 'td.ll~ ~·eftt. c:~Nioaa ... £• 1n the •rral lu.ber f:L l'HIIl.Ut..mte.,conU.d\kMI.a l orrlCI 17 ~ ..,..... to ·~ul.T :!60 poa4uatoa. 1<1<1> t .. e=ep­ Jfuabu ot re.alllt.M:nt.a, broku aerrtce _M. tiona, all are r~.u.eatin& totJ.vt d\11..7 with tho Fleet. TotAl 2128 'l'b.ia clau, ~ vtth )00 t~~tn, tho.. teleo-ted .Seleetiona 'iAe Une\ bo&rd ot wbiob RNr f'roa 11bo ~ \oat t.b• tira\. Cl'\&1ai t 1D the W!tii.DO l'rca J.d.1a1.Nl r.nant c. lal~, u. a. rc •..,., Ma bMo ap­ .Tul¥ 15 to AU&U#t 9, and ba.. -plet.ed 3 -tb• J..nt«>­ pointed tba pr.. id:eut , and. whlcb l1ll caanne on lin t.r& aaboro . ()Y&r ) ,000 ot Clua Y-7 M'l'e now lloHmber 1,- wUl bt ice-tnLctod t.o reec..eod. not •or• the iJ"&1.b.1Ag period ot one aooth at '"· 1, .500 an co- oa the~ Cl"\\.1.M tot.~ on BOY~ 2). 1,500 addlt1onal c...s.ldatoo will liOlc.o tbo tittl1 and to the 1!1'141 ot eaptoin in the ~· ot ~• .,. t.o fUj. lut Cruioe eohl

actin duty requirements. 6, 170 sddttl onal general clasa

officers including 3,150 graduates of the Naval reserve

m1dshipmen 1 s train1ng school. 12,950 additiODal enlisted

aen have been asked for which will bring this number to

18,000 on active duty by !.larch 1, 1942. Forty Naval Re-

serve nurses are also included 1n appropriation req_u_est.

In 1942 there will be a decrease 1n Naval Reserve ap-

propriations askod for Naval reserve aviators as 450 are

expected to be transferred to the regular Navy. In 1942 Naval r eserve officers on active duty expected to

total 8,236. Enlieted 118!1 should be increased up to

44, 000 by June JO , 1942, and it is expected that 7, 500

Naval reserve midshipmen will have been trained during

the fiscal year 1942.

Stleoticm 8oard 1 Brigadier Generals to L!aJor Generals,

~· w1ll convene 1n the tla.vy Department on November

15 to rec~end three officers of the grade of Brigadier

General, USMC , for promotion to the grade of !Aajar General.

QU!P g ,IQAIW"'f is reported ready to leave New York on Monday for service as a tropp transport, probably to

~ soldiers fr~ Australia to the Bri t ish I sles. 1 E_ c o. H I :;;;; ::0~~ i.;o ~HE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (.), \ n ' November 12', ·19.40 -.!__~/ Total Enlisted strength, November 9 ...... 17~V Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• ~504 Other Reseryists " " " " .... 51733 Retired lien " " • " • .. • 219 Total •••• 13,456

~egate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••• 354 Aggregate Discharges " " " .... m Gain •••• 241

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of Nov, 1:

Line Officers 717 Staff Officers 176 Warrant Officers ..11. Total 950 - NaVal Reserve Officers ordered to active duty far en­ forcement of neutrality and the of the Na­ tional Defense within the limits of peac~time authori- ­ zation: as of Novl!llllber 9: • NWDber NWDber Number Charactsr of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered. V(G) Officers Afloat 300 . 300 '602 Merchant Marine Res.Afloat 225 225 J47 Aviation Instructors 248 248 113 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 171 CEC- V(S) Officers • 125 125 176 SUpply Corps Officers 125 125 193 Medical and Dental Officers - 177 177 274 Communication Officers 100 100 191 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 26 Administration of Reserve .., Widshipman' Tra,n1ng Program 140 89 Miscellaneoue 610 610 Organised Res. Off. (Ashore) 23S Organized Res.Off. (Af1oat) - - - - ..ID Total Estimated Number Allowed 1905 2195 3142 2. ,, Du.r!!u o! AeroruwUca& AdairtJ. T01tera report. that. tlMI U§S ALIMJ'Jm8 (ainen"pc 71) .., 9lactd i.D 1\Ul

Ctl"''IMI~ b&Yb.g. ;o~ ,tha'tl it waa too cosU7 t.o tx.b oocat... 10ft at. lla'l')" Yard, Boa\on, oa November 8.

D\cl.And on the. wboleaalt eoalt in da_ylight howt, btoauae uss II&I!!'OOP (Ex-City or BoUIIooro) wu placed 1n ot the loeaei · ULtUctecl b7 the Royal fo:r-ce l.lebt.rt, ord.lna.ry ~a&1oo at Po..r\l.a.od, MaW, oa ~~ 8. ba.. r.oorlod ~ -1...... IW>& ot aucbant ob.lpo ..u J!lS!...!i&ll (~lno) - l&uod>od •• G:ot.oo, c-.....

out. O"''tr the eea &r4IN tftM,r. ~ AN &l,.,.,t. -~ hoM lev:\. oa JCOYMber 7.

tNoo ll>t BrlU•o 'r!Chw J.nttrctp\ 9tr!en 8&1dtr baa bettt ~ l.SO lliltl ott Roou,

tbt •e.n• to cciun\er tbttt activities or the Ce:rmAn, on Novcber ll bJ ~allah wt)o &TO hold­ bollbcrre Uea in l..orl&-r&ft&l f1Cht.r, capable ot In& oblpt , J.n port.

1 poc.roi.Uoc o.. r ll>t ...,•• ,.. elw-In& cloTlli!lt. QSS per (UatDyer) had )6 l'oo\ NOt-i~ t4 ~

\I!'S !pill!T (airclUt C&ITltr) will 0t !t•Mc"od &bout kMl oa ~ port •!de fonud C.Ortl •8.7 appucUy ct1111 O.C•bv u at. the l"npon .... Shlphlfldhc t.o b ...,. roll.lDi· !be IW.I -.. O'fwb&uled, U.'t'inc All 1 Csmz1 Una Price 1.n4w: for ...U M41Dc the 8&'7 Ytrd Septe:sbe: ~ . rorcet &tloat. &:J'II Novabe-.r was 2 78. S 1n CCIAJ*l'i•on Witb 18.6 oo Octo'bv 26 ott torn INtJ.oct• which will DOb rt•t.rie~ the .DAl..&_ and '78.4 em Oet.obar 19. till• prico 1n4e>< tlbl.cb IMo4 t- 0&1'r71Ac out. operatio& oob&dolo . prort~ allaorod & ·~ rilllo;c t.rtbd ..... pr.n.... St&!.t l!!p@1e!!!~ roporto Ci\1' of lle.y'f1ll. 111 ba­

U..od 17 -· o! l~ hoy to baTt """ tliDk 17 a iA lluo Str ..u. l ollllber ot• ba•• eJzpl.t.ntl t.o tbt Cooaol.14t.t.ed llicn.l't Co:rporo.t.,ion, SM been

D1tco1 c.J.itornU, 1a t.h.t MOU.nt. ot $75, 313,000. Th11 to bo of 1 t.U... or - ortc;lA. eoo\l'&ot n.a cleared b7 toM llaUCMl Del.,. Adwit017 VSS np VU wUl be tor ~ dock.. c~ttoe. 1n& ADd repair• upoo &r:"inl at. U. a....,. 'f.&nl, 4· Norfolk, and will be assigned nuaber one priority. . No dock was at New York.

Tokioa Beat advioes report strong possib11.lty of Soviet -edietion tG ead Chinese hostilities. Both

Germany and Russia are said to be anxious to enable

Japanese forces now in China t o be witbdra1m tor opere.-

tioaa against Malaya and Netherlands Indies. There is

also possib1lity of a Saviet-Japanese agreement under

which the Soviets will stop assistance \o China.

violent explosion rocked the plant ot the United. Rail­

way Signal Corporation at Woodridge, New Jersey, this

.orning. Bet••• 10 &lid 20 persooa wre ·telten to the hospital with injuries.

CbileaD Coi!Dt[l Jape hu reaUIIed '-T7 purchases ot this oOIIIIIIOdity. Japu waa also said to be purohuirlg

large UOIQilta cl foreign copper bald in .PoDcl in. the United States.

ities COIIIIIittee to aoord1llate National Defenae needs

with c~roial and export d=snds to el1w1nate bottle-

necu. C

~'leet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •••• 7, 504 Other Reser"f'i.sta " ...... 5,733 Retired Wen " II II • •• •• 219 Total •••• 13,456 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••• 332 Aggregate.Dischargea • • • ••••• 16 Gain • •••• .316

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of l~ov . 1: Line Officers 717 Staff Officers 176 • Warrant Of.t'icers ...2. total 950 Naval Resena Ot.t'icera ordered to active dut:y for en- forcement of neutrality and the strengthening of the natioaal defenae within the lilllits ot peace-U.. au- thorization as of November 9: lflaber IIUIIber !luaber Character of ~tz Allowed Qbl!&ated Ordered V(G) Officers Afloat. 300 300 602 Merchant Uarine Res.Ai'loat 225 225 347 AviAtion Instruetors 248 ·248 113 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 171 CEC-V(S) O.t'fioers 125 125 176 Supply Corps Of.t'icers 125 125 19.3 J.ledical aDd Dtmtal Officers 177 - ~77 . 274 Communication Of.t'ioers 100 100 191 CC-V(S) Officers 20 20 26 Administration of Reserve Nidshipaan Training Prograa 140 140 89 Organized Res . orr . ~Ashore) 2.35 Organized Res.Off• .li'loat) 115 Miscellaneous ....J62 _gQ ...§12 Total Estimated Number Allowed 1905 2195 3142 2. Navul SUpply Depot at Ba:yonnta plane and specifications 3 • . construction, The other two 1'lill probably be converted are in process of preparation. Captain Ste.Dley (SC) in . . into sut.arine tenders, though this is tentative • charge, ...... Reserve !ltdsbitpen, graduating as El!eigne D(V)G) in Marine Corp!!! total enlisted strength, Noveaber 121 the USS ILLINOIS to.o~, nearly all have requested .37,802. .... active dut;r with the i'l.Mt and have been aesicned to Regular Navy had 10,828 commissioned officers as of bo.ttleehipq, cruisers, and aircraft carriere. Orders NoTeaber 1, inc~~g start' and warrant offictrs_. have been issued, This a ctive duty constitut es the •• Naval 0 • 0 Reserve, aa ci' llovecber 1, coosisted of 15, 5.38 of- third and i'inal phase of their training and will deter­ ficers and 44 1 801 enlisted men, There are o.pproximately mine their actual qual.i!ications after a 6 month period 4,180 oi'i'icers in the llercbant lf.arine Reserve. afloe.t, after which t1111e the Bureau of Navigation can Amphibian Tractors a 200 have been ordered, copablo ci' judge their efficiency through 'blo quart.rly fitness traneporti.oc 45 M.rinee with their equtP"'!'t in ship-to- reporte from cowmond1ng officers. The Assiatant Secre- shore mDvamants. These tractors are capable ot 9 lalots te.Q-, J4r, Ca.ptoa, will gi'Ve the graduatico address. speed through the water, can run up a beach, and are Bureau ot SUpplies !!!d AocO!!IIts reporta a prel 1m1 nary poweri"ul eno\ldl · to knock C1'1/er an s• tree. It ia Dat. award baa been ll&de, subject to later c:oof'irmation, to U;pocted that thay will displace, but rather cOIIp].-t the l'i&terbury Tool COIIJl8lQ' for Electric Hydraulic __ the Uiggina boat in landing force operaticaa. Equij)llellt a, electric 110tor11 and controllers, SDcl a pare 8S SH!JOTING STAR to be converted into an ·-m1 tioa parta at u eataated cost ot $575 1 000. (llot for carrier will probably be taken over from the llaritillle release) C~asion tomorrow or llovember 15 . Tbia i e ooe ot 3 A preHetnary award baa been Mde, subj.eot to later

contire&tiOil, to General Motor• Corporation for 100 poration, all of which have been in tho process of sixteen cylinder, t wo-cycle1 1200 hor sepower, light- 4. weight radial Diesel Engines and spare parts at an esti-

mted cos~ of $101 0001000. (Not fo71 press releaae)

A pnl1,.1nary award bas been ll&de, aulljeot to later

confinaation, to the Will)"B Overland Motors, IDe., for

1,000 breech housings and 21000 recoil o;yllndars, with

spare parts, at an estimated cost of $119.391000. (Not for press release)

A prel1m1Mry award baa beeo llll!.de1 subject to later con­ fi.rllation, to the Timken Roller Bearing Corporation, for 50 sets of 5•/.38 caliber r oller paths and rollers, at an

estimated cost of $95,889.50. (Not for press release)

PTatt and lhitnez b&ve been awarded an additional con­

tract t.or airplane engines in the IUIIOUDt of $57,856, 179.

This oootract. waa cl.eared through the Natioool.Dot'eoee

Adrlaory C~ssion .

I blian n..t waa struck a beaV7 blow b7 British bollbers

at their Min baae in rannto. one battl.eahip of the

Littorio wu l.ett with·her forecutle under water and

0 heavily llsted. one battleship of the Conte di Cavour class waa beached. A second battleship of the Cavour class was also said to be badl.y dameg~ . This is an official report of the Sritish Adairal.ty. ' REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY November 14. 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, November 1.3 , , .. , 177 109 . 1 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty •• •• 7, 504 o~er Reeervists " II n " •••• 6, 525 Retired Men " II n " •••• 219 Total •••• 14, 248 Ag£es;ate Enlistments (last 24 hours) •••• 204 ~~&t•i!te Diecharses • II • • ••• 152 •••• 52 Retired Offi cers returned to active duty as of Nav • . lJ

Line Officers 717 Staff Officers 176 Werrant Officers ...£1

Total 950

Naval Reserve Enl1 sted Men ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality and the strengthening of the natiooal. defense within the :u.its of peace-t.illle organ- izationr fiiUIIber Huaber Humber Character of Duty Allowed Obligated Ordered Inahore Patrol Bases .340 215 89 Naval Reserve Arl&tion Bases 2,.300 2, .300 864 Communications 85 8.3 80 Afloat 5,000 2,04.3 2, 558 ( 1,284 1, 281 Miscellaneous ~2 , 325 Class Vw7 Procur8111,Program 215 215 Class V-7 for Midsh1~ 1 USNR 5, 000 1, 500 1,504 Radio and Signal Schools 4.000 1 ,030 958 To'bi Men 19,050 8,670 7, 549 2. ) ; Jliurt&'l If Yarde a.n4 J)Mt' &ar:~.oUncea tM toUoa-in.i find fH bulo to~- llrldge aDd OA41.1>« Co. aw&r'\'111 Cootr ao\ tor Powt.r W1rinc at tht H*"1 Io.rd., PH.rl Kl.rbor, T. H ., b.a1 bt1n awarded. to Severin Ebot.ric Co., eatiJiat.d GMt, including fee, of t.h1a contract 11 Sao l"N:Dciacet-,.eau.r., ror the ... ot t66,900; 'COtM- uo t2,000,000. a)'O. uss !J!1!l!jlW (SSW) wUl l>o l.a"""Md oc J.,...... ,. ~. Con\.t'll.ot tor Out.t&U tor 600 LoY Co•i Bous1ni Unita 19.¢'1.. 1n t.he vioio1 t r of.Valltjo, CAli.tomia, h.. bte~ a~ardl4 t.o hAl been aw.ardo4 t.o Hislin• Jno ~·ted nlohln 6o c.lon4ar .s...... oM )1.

plua Clxed fee buia to a.s,:er Coo.ltrw:Uoa, C:~, • ora, Bath, Maine, cc Mtrr•btr 11. Da.l.l.u, 'Tau . '11M t.ot&l. u-ti!:at.ecl co.L, b cl" :r.. , m PAm (kiraenee;M!T) ... pl.acecl 1D Ml c..Ud.OD ot \h1il coatn.ct 1.a .750 000. 1 at "t.ha Ji&"'f)' 'lard, fio:rlollt1 Vir11n1.a, od !tcr.Mbtr 11. Cont.not tor Rece1v1r\l Ba.rra cka M4 Ac~eaaorioa at. SS CI'1'I or Nf!PQRt NE!!S •ae rtceJ.ved by \.bt Q~ )1 &"7 tarcl, Pb.i..l.att.lphl.&, Pa., hu bHo .~ aa a ~on ant· 13th ••val D11tr1c:t ..rro. '\.M *ritiAe Co.ialion at p1uo ttud r.. l>oou ~.....,.E. Botoo, tac. , Phll.odAol- t.ou 011.1... ~. s-tUe, - placed 1n ord1n&r7 pbia, Perma . !be \0\&1 ••t.t:..ted. ooat., 1Ao.lur!11v ~-. ot c-=al.aa1on •• t.b• OSS !ULIJll (tt1antporl) oa. laY. 12. t.h11 o-oat.ra.ct i t 1450,000. Seapltn• !rnkinn D!rr;1oko 20, 22, and 2J, kMll wtre 1 Ccnt.r.ct. tor Con•t.raot.ion ot Pier Mo. 3 a\ the Havy Yard, la.1d $\. t.M !t&T7 Y&rd, 8o1ton, ot1 MoY•ber 12. ~·t SOUnd, 1ia.ah1Aft,on, M.a bMI1 awuded oa a 0011t pl\MI Veaael.l tor Cpn!!rfiC!l• U 100ft u pracUoeble a.t\u 4· tne Navy takes possession of any vessel for conversion into yachts, coastal patrol boats, subilarine chasers, gunboats, or minesweepers, recommended conversion features will be forwarded to the Navy Department for t)le infOIT.Ia- tion of the Bureau of Ships and the Bureau of Ordnance, including cost estimates and time to complete, . by Cop~­ mandonts of all Naval Distcbte concerned.

Rumanian Oilt production for the first ten months of

1940 dropped 158,000 tons under the production for the sim·Jlar 19.39 period. Drilling was 22 percent 1mder 19.39 figures. During the first t en months of thi~ year

Germany imported .32 percent of over 2i million tons of

Ru.ani an oil, England .17 percent. Since invasioo by

Cie1'1118.I1Y the Reich ia importing virtual.J.T all of avail- able Ruasn1an oil.

§r1tiph Convoy said to have been wiped out in Kid­

Atlantic by a Gel'IIIIUl raider, is slowly returning bolae. only 8 of the .38 ship convoy are now miasing according to a ;tate British report.

Japaneae are withdrawing all available forces from

China. There have been no air raids in Central China for two week!. REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE IIAVY November 15 1 1940

Total Enlisted Strength, November 14 ...... I I rnI 542 Fleet Reservists (enlisted) on active duty ••1• 7, 504 Other Reservists n n n n , 1 ,, 6, 525 Retired IAen " II " " •••• 266 'lotal •••• 14,.295 Affgregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••• 455 Aggregate Discharged " n n , , , , , ..Jti.

Gain ..... )86

Retired Officers returned to active duty as of Nov , l5a Line Officers Staff Officer.!'- _ Warrant Officers Total

!laval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for en- forcecent of neutrality and the strengtheninG of the natiolllll. defense within the l.ildts or peace-time author- ization as of November 14: Number NUIIber Number Qharacter of Dutz Allowed 0 blifi.a ted Qrdered V(O) Officers Afloat 300 300 602 Merchant !Jarine Res, Afloat 225 225 347 Aviation Instructors 2.48 2.48 113 I-V(S) Officers 125 125 171 CEC-V(S) Officers 125 125 176 Supply Corps Officers 125 125 193 Wedioal and Delltal Officers 171 171 274 Communication Officers 100 100 191 CC-V(S) Offioera 20 20 26 Admi.nistration of Reserve l.lidsldpaan Tr&ining Progrsa lJ,O 1.40 89 lliscellaneous 320 610 610 Organized Res .Off. fAshore) 235 Organized Res.Off. Afloa~ --- - _l,;ll Total Estimated Number Allowed 1905 2195 3142 ~ . ) . keu ot Afi.J'Onfiut.1ell The Cb.iet ot tbt BurNu, Rear r .. buJ.e to tht 1i'l4b.t.u, ""' & c.z..y Coep8J\J'j Rp.rt.rord,

Ac1&J.r&l J • . U• • Towero, at&ted a •The by t.ol'J*Io Cocu> . (100 WIHB !o>· enl.1oto

't'INeb in. tbt Ka.rbor ot T.ranto ... • ptrfect d_.t.ra­ Uocot u.. ettoetJ.nneN ot t.h.H fora or att&c.k where t.ra9t tor oJ.rpW.. 1n. the_, ot UB,m ,500.

_,.... ~. - o1--' 117 the Jou...l Dof- un......

•n.e \.orped.o pla.n.e b adait.tedl..7 1 -...pea ot ~ '-Uol..oa.

1t7 I•~< .m.. that oppa:-tuzdt7 1a otforclod ito otfoet 11 USS HQ&'P'M (DD46L) kMl wa1 laJ.d &\. \ht Cbarleaton tar cr"t.•r than t.h4t or • bc:lcb1nc attack.• R&V)' Y&r'd 00 JJovc.b.r U .

Pu.reau of Xyda a.nd PocJca awUded th.l toUOtrinc con­ HoLn Jorptdo Boat. PT-ll 'lf&l ddivtrtd to the !faV7 tract. I Cootr.c~ tor Re ce~Yina Jarr&ckl and !oceaaoriea Yard., ~~ on. illoT•btr 12, Tb.h 11 UM •econcl ot at tale !i&'f7 tf.l'd, le• rort baa been award.M • a cost U.. Llco bootl to bo O

York. The \ot.l. eat..!Jiat.ed eo~t, 1Do.lJ.I41A& r .., ot w_a a\ the pl.u\ ot 1JM S•w Iork SbJ.pbvl)dt• l CorporatJ.oo, caotract. 11 $1,.)00,000. ea.110, lott JuN.Y, oo lL.

Contract tor W&rebouae and Acc•••or1.. •~ ~ Warine AJ.rplue Cryh1 Lieuteaant. (J&) 1. D. C\lllat.n• ed

Corpa hpot. or Suppl.iea, PhJ.latltlph.l&, PellA&. Ua bit~ Aviation Qhipt Macbin.iet'a Matp, L. J) , StAAieweki 1•r• aw.rded. on A coat plua l'ixtd r .. 'buil to .De7 a. u....z..­ Jd.Utd. 1A1tan't1¥ wben tlwir c.rubtd 1\0&)" P•fl.l"1

_,., lno., Ph1.1A4.lpb1a, Penna. 'fbi Lot.&l "tJ.ated K&rbor

ant Colonel Kiebler, u~s . A . and Lieutenant C

Campbell to the followingt November 20-22, Barbadoes;

Nov•ber 23-28, Trinidad; .Nm;ember 29, Grannda and St ..

Vinceot; Nov811ber JO- December 1 , St. Lucia; December 2,

Domini ca; December .3-6, Antigua, including adjacent islands .

The Mlseion will board t he SAMPSON at BarbadoeS· Oil Nov8111ber 20.

Arllly~ay:y llunitions Boardt Preliminary discussion on

priority of contracts was held in the H.,vy ~eut. followed b;r a meeting of the joint board this afternoon.

High Speed Tankers scheduled to be t.ken over by the

Navy on Dec8111ber 1 from the !.laritillle C~eeian 1lill .re- main in serrice with the Standard OU Coapany and the

Keystone Oil COIIIpB!ly during the winter months to supply winter heating requirements on the East Coaat. These tankere, the ESSO ANHAPOLIS, ESSO NEW ORLEANS, ESSO

RALEIGH , &Dd llARKEI are similar to the ClliARR08 in con- structlon &Dd speed, and are readily. convertible to NaTal aux1Uaries. They are s ubject to call by the Navy at any tiae Oil 1•ediate notice,