
• Total lnlisted Strength, 30 Sept~bor •• ••• •• • 164 ,047 l' loo~ Reservitlts (enlisted) on acti ve duty • • • • .. 7,121 Other Reservists II II II II •••••• 4,053 Retired Men II II II II ___ 65 Total •••••••••••••• 11 ,239 Aseregate Enlistnente (24 hours) •••••• •• . • 311 11 Afere(3ttte Discharges " • • • • • • • • • • 86 Gain ••••. • . •• 225 Retired Officers r eturned to active duty, as of 1 October: Line Officer~ 649 Staff Officers 167 . YiEU·rant Officers ~ Total •••• 862 Naval 'lcst:rvo Offi cers ordered to active auty for en­ forcoment of neutral1 ty and t he strengthening of the NatiQnal Defcn~e .nthin t ho .i ~ts of Peace-time au­ thori zation; as of Scptemtu r 30 : 1fumber Nu:::lber . Number Character of Du All o1~ed Obligated Ordered V(G Officers Afloat 300 JOO 307 Uercll8.nt Ma rine Afloat 225 225 268 Aviati on Instructors 248 248 214 I-V(S) Off 1oors 125 125 112 CEC-V(S) Officers 125 125 125 ~upply Corps Officers 125 125 149 ~edicnl and Dental Officers 177 177 190 Communication Offi cers 100 100 12/, CC-V(o) Officers 20 20 20 Adminiatration of Rese~e Midshipman Training Program 140 110 Miscellaneous ~ ~ ·rotl\l Esti.aated Nu.nbet· Al­ lowed: 1905 2070 2104 llur!lau of Yordo and Doo<ta - Tho following cost-plus- ') 1rtll maot on 14 Ootobor, and wi ll not be r~l oas s d f or f i xed foe contract nrmxds nnvo been made: publication until i'Urther notice. :he selection board to Teauorary con t ruction dnd racilitieu tor enlisted wi ll ~eet peraonnal. a~ t!l~ Naval 'l'rainin.· otation , t1e\TDOrt , R. I , promote J Bri gudicr GeneralJ to ~Jor Gen6rnl n· uded to ·'lihe Platt Contr.,otin!l Co . , Inc . or C!llllbridRe , th.. t selects Uuaa . oat i~~ted contruct coot - ,455, 000 . on 15 Uovcrobor, und 1oill be the atune board in tho R1 gular tlavy . ~Upoly p i e ~ , renab111tnt1on of existing pi ers and bronk­ Cuptaino to Reolr /..d.mirals .. ~ur at tne b'Ubanrine Base, t . .v al Opernting Base, Uortollt, Virginia, -•~rded to the WcLean Contractinn Comnany ot DdtL .ore, Wd . i.stilllatad .contract coat - $), 226 , 500. hospital buildtn.-a to house 21,0 patient s . At present l:ltorB!Iousao nt the .N,.val Ai rarart b'actory and thB lll•rine Coroa Dopot of &Upolioe , N.lvy Yard, Philedelpbl e , there are 482 pntionts in tho hospital at Pourl ...rbor . Pe. awarded to the W. nod L. CoDlltruction CoaJ>aDY of Philadelphia. Ietimated oontr.• ct coat - $65(>,000 . 'l'ho burc.tu or lolrdicine and Sur1·ory ?.ill >roblllllY ree=- Extenai on of chomicel laboratory li!ld be.rreoks building mend additional bu ildings, but not 4 as re 1ueatsd. at the Naval Roaeurch Luborntory, Bellavuo, D. C., u nd in­ utrumont repair nnd atorase ut t he Naval Observa tory, Contoronco, b~tweon tho hel\dS or the Naval l:oocrve 'i•ooninston, D. C. awarded to the Charles H. Tompkins Co . ot \ nshint;ton, D. o. Estimated contract coat - $5)1,000. ani the Bureau or Uodieine and ~~ery was held t hi s Extension and i.llprova:aenta at the Naval Reserve Air mornins on tho advi sability or rocooll. sndi.Jlg , •ivors on Ba•o , Squantum, Weas . awarded to t he lluck-llcDonald Co . ot Boston , llass. and the \•arren Brother s Roads Co . ot Cam­ phyoioul disabi lity. Tbe Buronu or Uedicino und'Sur- bridge , Woos . ~t imated cost or contruct - $))1, 500. ~ery , bec ~u.se or 30-dii,Y ret irO£lDnt privile·ee tor t he !~Tel •Oaerve, will tic~ to nl~ • i oal rs_ui~ente or brine Corps, Tot al en...i ted strength, JO beptBOlbor 19/,0 , t he n &c.llar llavy for tho immetdi ete future . Resear ch, Reuorta are being received from certain Selection Boord, for promotion ot 4 Colonel~ in tho European belli ~oro nta that foir_y large n~era ot pilots W..ri ne Corps to the rani: or llrir;adier Ocne....U. is cCIClposod aro ~e1ni incapaci tated f or ~Geka and somot ~ .os .ont ha or t~o followinc: tollo1.ing tlieht to eltitud as ubove JO ,000 :root. 'l'he l!ollr Adnir!lo •rnuasig, Courtney, \Iatson, Do>mes, Bro>.n, roau.t or !allure 1/oyee; and GeDAirale Little, Upehur, ll.lld LosAn · Thla board con11tlon ta prqbnbly not the direct ot adequate oxygen 8Ul)ply . There nre Jtru1Y 1JY41pt0lll8 and ( 4· other features which make it very likely that the cause i s aero-embolism or " ben~a " , as we are familiarywith it in daily ope1•ation. The condition has been known to be pos- Bible and likely, but this is the i'irst time that it has been reported in any appreciabl e numbers. There has been a comprehensive program j ointly bet>leen the. Army and Navy and Public Health Service to carry out research directives to~~rd the determination of the most practical answer to the problem. From the informati on available at the present time , it appears that there should be little danger of the development of "bends" in rapid ascent provided ade- quate oxygen is breathed from time of ~s-oft. Jacksonville Airport , Will be officially opened on 15 October, Banana River, will be officially opened on 1 October. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, announces: A contract has been awarded the Elgin National Watch Com­ pany for 3,300 clocks, aircraft, at a unit yrice of ~10 . 33, ptt¥ spare parts in the amount of 1999·45, total price of $34,088.45 A contract has been awarded the Switl1k Purachute & Equip­ •nont Co . for 800 Parachutes, at a unit pri ce of $100, 00 , total cost $80 ,000 .00 A contract has been awarded the Pionee1· Parachute Co . , Inc. f or 600 Parachutes at a unit cost of $116 . 50, total coat $69 ,900 .00 CW#>~Qitfjj£ t.eru-.Tu« OF TJil\ NAVYA .l ' ·J\· 2 Octob&r 191.0 : *fi: r l'otol Fnlit·tcd "troll{,th, 1 Oc tobcr •.••••.... 1~\~ ~~ :I'loet 'Resec-vist, ( cnlistcl!) on totiYe duty •· •.•..• •. Ot aPr ;<e& l'vie "-~., J. ~ " " " " (£~l1 _ t ir&a ~c.n " n u " • • • • • . &r; Tot 1 •••••• • • • 0 0 ••• 0 11,2·9 •.f,. ~·ec;ate I:n 1 ietll'eate ( l -~ t 4 nours) ...... :.66 l>t "'reglte Discb.'lrc,oa " " " .. .... ·2 Guin •••.... ..•. 130 c ,ir<'d O"rteel'8 returned to active duty ue o!' l October: Line Ortice!'Y 649 utui'f O.i'l'icern 167 i ar1·~nt Ol'f'ic ers /+6 Total 862 en:!'orot'"' ent of neu .. r.;~li ty anu the strongthonin{l: ·or the ~tiondl db'en&o ~1· .in tte limits or peoco-timo or- g,miz tion: Nw:lbor Number Number Clltlr.. ctor ot Duty ·..!lowed Oblig~ted Ordered Innhoro Pb10rol b.Jsefl . 40 212 88 lN v .ocerve Avi:J.tion Dn-eo -JOO :.!300 65 Canr:unications 8;; • 83 76 t.1'lo . 5000 1352 1 15ts )lincell!illOOUG • . ( 1191 1189 Cl8s~ V-7 l~·oc urem~nt Progrwn {2325 224 223 C1uue V-7 for .:i.idshij:Cl&n,U:...."in 5000 1500 Total Men . 15,c.,o 6,862 :;,286 3· BU!"< u <>f Yaro.~ Uld Doc - 'l'ho tollcwtn& co t --plu:s- Ldditl Dl•l (; ooUne Storage e.nd .,.rv1oill6, • I.o.ndl~ i'iold, lliuv y I~lends - J60,0'0. fixr -toe r.c·ntruct cv;nrd bus 'boon liW.do : AdditionaJ Undergrouod Fuel Storaga, Pearl Earbor, •·•o1li it 1or Lddit1onal on' 11 tea personnel ot too t2, 250 ,000. 11 .,. 1 Tro!n1nt; etat1on, ian Dioro, Clilitornio, unu·uod to Ch:u·loc ~ · oe\;ine of ...an 11oeo. l.stir.uted' coutraot ooRt - Dredi log cuonnels and &rboro, Hawo.ii - tJ., 25Q , OOO . t871 ,600. Tar&et utor~e ana ll~r .t"ci.~oHies , ilishop Point, Contnct tor ..-.ciditio\l.~Ll unltion .;tor<J.t:C acilltieo Oahu, T.H. - $2SO ,OOO . at t .o ;; val •.:"":un1t1on JApot, 114• tbo-,.ne, u.,v, {a, b.lls been 0 0 e.lmrd~o! to l.:a . ~ · liqU Co . , Loa An.>elcs, Ce.lUornia, ror lrltsgn;.inoo ll.lld Storetou:;ew, l•:lval A l • vt tic;r:, l'c l"l t o ou:a c! $2,l1,6 ,QYO; :C'7'> ce.lc&dar do.ys. n=bor, T.il, - t99, 9QO . l'ho contr ct -r0r ... d~i Honal otor~e <toilities at tho M4ce.~ine 1111d btorehouse, Awleohe lluy, 'r',lt. - to2, J.OO . Huval ·~·•·•uni t i on I:epot , llaYtllOl'no, lloveda, ct<8 boon olallrcd through the National Dol'l•nno J>uvi&o:ey Council. 11ddHicull or.; added to o:<iotic.s cost-plua-fixed-fee Contract 1or J..daitional Pier, loavy Ycu-d , Puileoolphie, oontr.cts: Pa. - Kauhlan Con. <ructi on Co . , o.nd 1 . !.. Brenne:an Co . - Strencthen b'hil"'aya ol, Navy Yard, .t'lliladelpbia - L5 , 000. ~:ttr ct lo.n :ar, etc. t: vnl l>rcving Crcunds, 11!\lllsren, ~ • . - 1effr· . ;;-Dyer co. - }.);teru:icn to Gun .,ton., e Yr.c­ Contr>tct tor Taaporsry houa1L4;, tor..,·o and Aviation llitioo - ,;6, 000. ~eollitiea , Plirris Island - Charles , .. ..n,;o~e, Inc. - Repair to llulldings Uld Cnuoeway !Uld Ex onsion to HOBdD , Contrnct Avi•tion luc1lit1oa Cunntenano Buy - .roderick Parris Island, S. C. - j571, 500 • . ma•o Corp. - b'torol.ouao, JJorr:>c o, ttUngnrs omd l!unl•llYO - ... 5~1 , 000 . NOTl. : Contracts in excess of ';oo, 100 wero cleared by the !ltti onal De1'cnse Ad71SOl'Y C~ ss i o n.
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