British Columbia Geological Survey Geological Fieldwork 1989
GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF THE YALAKOM RIVER AREA* (920/1, 2, 92J/15, 16) By P. Schiarizza and R.G. Gaba, M. Coleman, Carleton University J.I. Garver, University of Washington and J.K. Glover, Consulting Geologist KEYWORDS:Regional mapping, Shulaps ophiolite, Bridge REGIONAL GEOLOGY River complex, Cadwallader Group Yalakom fault, Mission Ridge fault, Marshall Creek fault. The regional geologic setting of the Taseko-Bridge River projectarea is described by Glover et al. (1988a) and Schiarizza et al. (1989a). The distributicn and relatio~uhips of themajor tectonostratigraphic assemblages are !;urn- INTRODUCTION marized in Figures 1-6-1 ;and 1-6-2. The Yalakom River area covers about 700 square kilo- The Yalakom River area, comprisinl: the southwertem metres of mountainous terrain along the northeastern margin segment of the project area, encompasses the whole OF the of the Coast Mountains. It is centred 200 kilometres north of Shubdps ultramafic complex which is interpreted by hagel Vancouver and 35 kilometresnorthwest of Lillooet.Our (1979), Potter and Calon et a1.(19901 as a 1989 mapping provides more detailed coverageof the north- (1983, 1986) dismembered ophiolite. 'The areasouth and west (of the em and western ShulapsRange, partly mapped in 1987 Shulaps complex is underlain mainly by Cjceanic rocks cf the (Glover et al., 1988a, 1988b) and 1988 (Schiarizza et al., Permian(?)to Jurassic €!ridge Rivercomplex, and arc- 1989d, 1989b). and extends the mapping eastward to include derived volcanic and sedimentary rocksof the UpperTri %sic the eastem part of the ShulapsRange, the Yalakom and Cadwallader Group. These two assemhkgesare struclurally Bridge River valleys and the adjacent Camelsfoot Range.
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