JAY ACCUSED TRIED TO GET' BRITISH TO BATTLE RUSSIA Claim John Amery Told British North Ireland "Occupied" by American Army London, July 30. - (BUP) - John Amery, son of Brit- ain's former Secretary for India, pleaded not guilty at his preliminary hearing to-day on a charge, and was ordered held for trial at Old Bailey. Amery is charged with trying to recruit Britons to fight with the Nazis by telling them that the Americans had,"occupied Northern Ireland." Legion of St. George f - - -- - fell in with and - Amery appeared in Bow street Marcei Deat . French collaboration- police court and heard himself ac- ists, and they persuaded him that cused as a "person owing allegiance "Europe was in the greatest peril to His ; of Communist - invasion, and this .Majesty who adhered to the !invasion would sweep the whole . Ding's enemies elsewhere than in continent. the King's realm." The son of Amery was arrested by British'' ' Leopold S . Amery, India 'secretary police in , where he made his ; in the Churchill Government, last broadcasts. Conviction of broadcast Nazi from treason could carry the death pen-' durihg the war. -tLlty. ' PrOSECutor L. A. Byrne read Burne 'quoted Amery's alleged from a.proclamation which . Amery statement as - describing at great circulated to British internees in length his propaganda efforts with . He urged them to join the 'British'uiternees in which he told' Legion of St. George to fight the them that the Americans were ar- Russians . The prosecutor said riving in Britain and they should Amery told the internees they jion in an anti-Communist front. would not fight against the Brit- Mussolini ish, but Saw against . Amery was quoted as saying that Amery was accused of propagan- he dizing the British in France with a he and Doriot agreed'that what proclamation 'described as the "ultrareactionary saying that Ameri- Government of priests" at Vichy can troops . had "occupied" North- " ern Ireland, and the naval "should be overthrown. bases ; He had freedom of movement in there were to be gaiven to the' Europe, he Americans . The proclamation said' Germany and occupied the battle would be against "Asiatic' said, but claimed he disagreed with and Jewish bestiality." the Germans on everything except "Hundreds of. soldiers have vo1- their fight against Russia. He said he visited Mussolini last unteered to join the legion, and "optimis-tic" 149 inany R.A.F. planes are coming, near and found Il Duce over to the and confident of "obtaining WAR u5,?° proclamation was the peace that we had for year,; .quoted. EUROPEAN Communist Peril been seeking." He said he agreed to help Mussolini and join him in 1939 ; yrne said Amery also was the mountains in a fight "to show charged with making propa- the world there were a sufficient ganda. broadcasts and speeches number of idealists who were throughout Europe for the Nazis. willing to show a great deal to He introduced a long statement, al- obtain a general anti-Communist legedly written by Amery, describ- ,leader :" ing, his departure from England . HP