[Use photos of Galit Baram, Peter Beinert, Rabbi Yoav Ende and insert their names underneath as captions.]

Adas Israel Congregation Chronicle Vol. 75, No. 8 March 2013 Adar–Nisan 5773 Happy Passover! Bodies of Water Honoring Our Jewish Bodies Pick a Sunday: March 3, March 10, April 21, Passover TeMfA RaBlD May 5. www.Bodies-of-Water.org Dover Emet at Adas Speaking the Truth For a complete schedule and Rabbi Gil Steinlauf important information regarding the holiday, please turn to page 3. The Idolatry of Guns (As published in the Huffington Post) “Guns don’t kill. People do.” I keep Women and girls can learn about Jewish ap- hearing this phrase repeated proaches to building positive body image and by gun supporters. It sounds so promoting healthy choices. Join Adas Ritual Direc- reasonable. Even wise. In fact, it’s tor Naomi Malka as we reframe the mikvah as a a misuse of a truth in the service safe and positive place in which to experience the of a dangerous set of beliefs and profound physical and spiritual changes of adoles- principles. People indeed do the cence, young adulthood, and womanhood. killing, but this idea implies that Come with your daughters, mothers, more handguns are the only an- grandmothers, aunts, sisters, or friends for an Second Night extra special experience! Contact Naomi Malka, swer to the fact that people kill. [email protected], to register. This If you take this philosophy to its program is supported by the Tikkun Olam conclusion, this means that the Tuesday, March 26, 2013 Women’s Foundation and co-sponsored by the only safe society is one where the 7:00 p.m. Jewish Mindfulness Center of Washington. ¢ maximum number of people are Don’t miss this evening of lively and armed. If only all schoolteach- New Adas Website thought-provoking discussion and song. ers were trained and could carry Seder led by Rabbi Gil Steinlauf. armed weapons in classrooms, Launching Spring 2013 Adult Member ($42), Child Member 9 and under ($18) more tragedies wouldn’t happen. A Smarter Website for an Adult Non-Member ($56), Child Non-Member ($29) If only the streets were filled with Era of Renewal adasisrael.org/seder reasonable people carrying load- Have ideas for the new Adas website? It’s not too late . . . Visit www.adasisrael.org to ed weapons, wouldn’t RSVP by Friday, March 15. Minimum win. There’s a human pathos to take a brief survey and tell us your thoughts! 100 guests needed. In event of cancellation, all payments will be refunded. Your feedbackSupported will have by the direct Marilyn &impact Stefan Tucker on Programwhat’s Fund this philosophy, a yearning for a Supported by the Marilyn & Stefan Tucker Program Fund safer world. Behind this mindset, to come in the new Adas Web World! Learn more on page 15. ¢ continued on page 2 Clergy Corner Life Cycle YP@AI Page 2 Page 8 Page 14 Celebrating Our 142nd Year Holidays Library Youth @ AI The Chronicle is Supported in Page 3 Page 12 Page 14 Part by the Ethel and Nat Popick Sisterhood Keeping Up with the Vision Contributions Endowment Fund Page 5 Page 13 Page 17 Education Lifelong Learning Tikkun Olam Page 6 Page 14 March 2013Page • Chroni 20 cle • 1 March Office Closings Clergy Corner Erev Passover, Mon., March 25 Schools/Offices Close at 1:00 pm Passover Days 1 & 2, Tue. & Wed., March 26 & 27 Schools/Offices Closed Dover Emet continued from page 1 Passover Erev Yom Tov, Sunday, March 31 there’s a heartfelt effort to address the deep- Schools/Offices Closed est of human longings—not to live in fear, to be safe. In the Torah, the Israelites who receive the totally heal our psychological pain, remove our fears, or relieve our Ten Commandments are a group of former anxiety, we participate in idolatry. Like the Israelites before us, our slaves. Their lives, for generations, have been idolatry originates in innocent confusion, even as it results in de- Rabbi Gil Steinlauf defined by oppression and fear. The Voice of structive behavior for which we must remain accountable. God rings out, “You shall have no other gods before me . . . you For many, guns have become dangerous idols in our time. shall not make for yourself . . . any likeness of what is in the Heav- Like all other idols in human history, they have been invested ens above . . .” (Exodus 20:3-4). Despite the undeniable clarity of by some with a power they do not possess: to keep us safe in the Divine command, the Israelites fashion the Golden Calf be- the “wilderness” of life—safe from all the unknown dangers and cause they are afraid. They fear they have lost Moses, and when unquantifiable threats of life’s journey; from all the murderers, the calf is completed, they say, “This is your God, O Israel . . .” (Exo- rapists, maniacs, and terrorists who represent the always-uncon- dus 32:4) to lead them into the wilderness. Their fear has brought trollable truth of our fragile existence. them from holiness to idolatry. The Golden Calf stands as the But all the guns in the world will never “fix” the problem of fear. symbol for all idolatries that are so bitterly scorned throughout They will not rescue gun supporters from a cynical view of humani- the Bible. Time and again, God demands the total annihilation ty, of a need to live in constant hypervigilance against our fellow hu- of idols in all quarters of the Land of Israel. All graven images man beings. In fact, they will result in the opposite of the intentions and statues, all objects invested with magical power are a direct of gun supporters: They will only increase violence, threats, fear, and affront to the Divine who exists beyond any form or limitation. cynicism. Idols have a way of doing that. They tempt us with their The Israelites must shoulder the difficult burden of being a promise of providing the long-sought answer to our problems, but people who live without seeking talismans, gods, and objects to they always turn destructive in the end. Like all addictive substanc- relieve their existential dreads and uncertainties. The salvation es, idols warp and twist our perception of goodness and justice. of the world lies in resisting the urge to find reprieve or escape Guns seem to be the way to a life of liberty and free from fear. In in “things,” objects, concretizations that get in the way of a deep truth, they are born of fear and can lead only to more fear. faith in the possibility of human goodness and justice. Guns are, indeed, here to stay. They’re a necessary evil. They In our time, centuries away from the biblical epoch, we feel that can, indeed, keep people safe from threats. But we must un- we are long past idolatries. But we are mistaken. Ours is a society couple the discussions about gun control from an emotional, with many idols: wealth, fame, power, alcohol, consumerism, and irrational idolatry of guns that lurks behind so many gun sup- countless others. What these latter-day idols all share is the mis- porters. Only when we agree to accept, together, the burden of taken belief that in some way they can “fix” some lack in our human life’s uncertainty, will we find our way through the wilderness, condition. Whenever we believe that any object or concept can into the true Promised Land of goodness and justice. ¢ Save the Date Garden of the Righteous, Sunday, April 7 On Sunday, April 7, at 10:30 am, Adas Israel Congregation will performance of Life in a Jar as we honor Mrs. Sendler. honor the late Irena Sendler (1910–2008) from Poland. Mrs. The Adas Israel Garden of the Righteous is a beautiful Sendler, a non-Jewish social worker, defied reminder of numerous acts of decency the Nazis and helped to save 2,500 Jewish and daring performed by many non-Jews children by smuggling them out of the in the midst of one of the most tragic Warsaw Ghetto and finding non-Jewish moments in human history. The entire families to adopt them. Her achievements community is cordially invited for this went largely unnoticed for many years until moving event. the story was uncovered in 1999 by four This program is supported in part by young students from Kansas who wrote a the Men’s Club of Adas Israel, the Ryna play titled, Life in a Jar, about Mrs. Sendler’s and Melvin Cohen Senior Rabbi Program heroic actions. This year Adas Israel is honored to host a Fund, and the Peter Dreyer Memorial Endowment Fund.

2 • Chronicle • March 2013 search for and symbolically eliminate all remaining leavening Holidays from the house. This is an especially enjoyable ceremony for your children. The Kol Hamira formula for nullifying unseen hametz, which can be found at the beginning of many haggadot, should be recited at this time and in the morning when the hametz is disposed of. Pesach Guide, 2013/5773 The search is performed in the following manner: Passover is celebrated this year from Monday, March 25, through • Place 10 pieces of (visible size) bread in various locations Tuesday, April 2. The sedarim are held on Monday and Tuesday throughout the house. nights, March 25 and 26. All cleaning and preparations to make • Make the following blessing: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu the house pesachdik (kosher for Passover) must be completed melech ha-olam asher kid-shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivonu al by 10:00 am on Monday, March 25. If you have any questions, biur hametz, and then proceed (traditionally with a lighted please consult with the rabbis. candle, a feather, and a wooden spoon) to look for any leaven The rule against hametz on Pesach applies not only to eating that can be found. but to enjoyment (hanaah); it also involves removing all the • The pieces of bread should be gathered in a container, such hametz from one’s home. No hametz is even allowed to be in the as a small cardboard box. possession of a Jew during Passover. To facilitate this cleaning, • After the 10 pieces, and whatever other leavened food is certain rituals are part of Passover preparations (the text for the gathered, make the following declaration: “All manner of ceremonies can be found in most haggadot): leaven that is in my possession which I have not seen or have • mehirat hametz: the sale of hametz not removed, or have no knowledge of, shall be null and • bedikat hametz: searching for crumbs of hametz disowned as the dust of the earth.” • bittul hametz: a formula for renouncing hametz inadvertently missed Siyyum Bechorim, Monday Morning, March 25 • be’ur hametz: burning hametz The fast of the firstborn is a time-honored custom that recognizes God’s role in history. On the day before Passover, it is customary Mehirat Hametz for the firstborn to fast as an expression of gratitude that he or she, We are not always able to unlike the Egyptians’ firstborn, was saved. However if the firstborn destroy or remove all of our attends a siyyum (a public completion of the study of a tractate of hametz; doing so could be the Talmud) on the morning before Passover, he or she is exempted economically disastrous. So from fasting and may eat. Thus any firstborn who participates in the rabbis ordained that a the ceremony may eat. This is known as the Siyyum Bechorim. As do symbolic sale is made of all many congregations, we hold a siyyum (the celebration of conclud- hametz to a non-Jew in the ing a section of the Mishna); ours takes place as part of the morning community, who then sells minyan on Monday morning, March 25 at 7:15 am. it back to us after Pesach. The hametz is then no Seudat Mitzvah longer “in our possession.” This small meal follows, and any firstborn who are present may This is normally done eat, and need not fast that day (following the Siyyum Bechorim). through the synagogue for the entire congregation. Please Be’ur Hametz, Monday Morning, March 25 use the form in this issue of the Chronicle and send it to Rabbi This day should be Feinberg c/o Marcia Miller by Friday morning, March 22. It is treated as an ordinary only necessary to sell or destroy foodstuffs; dishes and utensils Erev Pesach in regard are simply locked away in storage for the duration of the festival. to be’ur hametz Bedikat Hametz, Sunday Evening, March 24 (removal of hametz). The Search for Leaven, a The burning of the lovely home ceremony hametz should be of searching for the completed by about leaven with a candle, 10:00 am. The stove feather, and wooden should be koshered spoon, indicates that for Pesach, all cooking all other preparations should be done in have been made. It is Pesach pots, and only Pesach utensils should be used. Food customarily done at required for the first seder should be cooked at this time. nightfall (immediately Burn your hametz at Adas Israel on Monday, March 25 at 9:15 am after sunset) on the night in the parking lot. before Passover when we continued on page 15

March 2013 • Chronicle • 3 Holidays Continued Moss Haggadah Passover at Adas Schedule The Moss Haggadah is one of the most creative among the more than 3,000 editions of the Haggadah. David Moss, who now lives in Israel, and is known worldwide as a Jewish calligrapher, made every page Erev Pesach, Monday, March 25 a unique artistic rendering. Drawing on both the text and its 7:30 am Morning Minyan - Pesach Siyyum Service interpretations, he prepared the beautiful Haggadah in such a 8:00 am Pesach Siyyum Breakfast way as to make it exquisite, evocative, and unique. The quality of 9:00 am Biur Chametz his work makes it a source of study as well as inspiration. 6:00 pm Evening Minyan Adas Israel is fortunate to have acquired a Moss Haggadah Pesach–Day 1, Tuesday, March 26 through the generosity of Dr. Clement and Sandra Alpert. It 9:30 am Combined Smith & Traditional Egalitarian Minyan can be seen in the museum case opposite the Rabbis’ offices Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf in a specially designed display case. The open pages are 6:30 pm Adas Israel 2nd Night Community & YP Pesach Seder; changed periodically to allow viewers to see and appreciate this Led by Rabbi Steinlauf wonderful creation. Pesach–Day 2, Wednesday, March 27 We thank Clem and Sandra for enabling us to celebrate 9:30 am Combined Smith and Traditional Egalitarian Minyan Passover in such a beautiful way. ¢ Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg Chol HaMoed Pesach, Thursday, March 28 Passover Sale of Hametz During Passover, it is technically forbidden to have any hametz in 7:30 am Morning Minyan our possession. Because we cannot finish it all and it is improper 6:00 pm Evening Minyan to destroy usable food, the rabbis provided for a symbolic sale Chol HaMoed Pesach, Friday, March 29 of all the hametz to a non-Jew who then “sells” it back to us after 7:30 am Chol HaMoed Pesach Morning Minyan Pesach. The hametz is then no longer “in our possession.” This 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf includes food, dishes, and utensils, which are locked away in 6:30 pm Ruach Minyan Service storage for the duration of the festival. This year the sale can be 7:00 pm Ruach Minyan Dinner (Pesach) done through March 22. 7:10 pm Light candles Funds collected through donations and through the “sale” Chol HaMoed Pesach, Saturday, March 30 of hametz are used for charitable purposes and to help provide 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class Passover food for those who otherwise would have none. This 9:15 am Smith Shabbat Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg legal procedure technically transfers ownership of hametz that 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan; Havurah Shabbat remains in our pantry during the festival. Technical ownership Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf reverts to us when the festival is over. 11:00 am Tot Shabbat Please fill out this form and send it to Marcia Miller 12:00 noon Congregational & Havurah Combined Kiddush ([email protected]) by Friday, March 22. 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services Dear Rabbi Feinberg: 8:10 pm Havdalah Please sell our hametz so that we have fulfilled our obligation of Chol HaMoed Pesach, Sunday, March 31 religious ownership and accept this contribution so that others 9:00 am Morning Minyan are assured of a seder. 6:00 pm Evening Minyan Name ______Pesach–Day 7, Monday, April 1 9:15 am Combined Smith & Traditional Egalitarian Minyan Home Address ______Pesach Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg ______Pesach–Day 8, Tuesday, April 2 Business Address ______9:15 am Pesach Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf (Yizkor at 11 am); Traditional ______

4 • Chronicle • March 2013 Sisterhood Ruth andRuth Simon & Simon Albert Albert Sisterhood SisterhoodGift Shop Gift Shop SHOP HOURS Mark Your Calendars Sun.–Mon., Wed.–Fri.: 9:30 am–12:30 pm Special Event: Excursion to Philadelphia’s National Museum of Tues.: 9:30 am–3:00 pm and 6:15–8:00 pm American Jewish History, April 28—Reserve Your Seat Now Passover is coming. Are you ready? In conjunction with the Foundation for Jewish Studies, Sisterhood is planning See our many beautiful seder plates its first ever day trip for a docent-led tour as well as haggadot and children’s toys. of the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. This trip is open to the entire congregation. The cost is estimated at $95, which includes h Y the bus, tolls, and entrance fee. Food will 5t e be available for purchase at and near the 2 ar museum, located in the heart of the city’s historic district. Departure will be at 8:30 am with an estimated arrival back in DC at about 6:30 pm. The tour will be led by David Epstein, who has led several successful foundation bus tours in the past. En route he will discuss the Jewish historical experience in the context of religious freedom in the United States. Also providing orientation is Sisterhood member Dr. Carmel Chiswick, research professor at George Washington University, whose academic specialties include economic history and religion. Reserve your place by contacting Joyce Stern at joycestern@ 202-364-2888 starpower.net. ¢ [email protected] Adas Israel Sisterhood Events Every purchase benefits Adas Israel Congregation. Upcoming Sisterhood Events • Minimum Torah Fund donation is $36. Send a check payable to Book Chat: The next Book Chat, open “Torah Fund” to Mrs. Gerry Lezell, Chair, 5800 Magic Mountain to everyone, is March 10 at 10:30 am Dr., North Bethesda, MD, 20852. in the library. In celebration of Philip • The lunch and program cost is $18. Make checks for this Roth’s 80th birthday, we will discuss his event payable to Seaboard, WLCJ and send to Mrs. Toby B. most recent novel, The Nemesis, about Holtzman, VP, Seaboard Torah Fund, 8507 Wilkesboro Lane, the 1944 polio epidemic. The last Book Potomac, MD 20854. Chat, January 3, featured acclaimed local author and Sisterhood member Faye Seaboard Spring Conference: May 5–6, Pearlstone Conference Moskowitz reading excerpts from her Center, Reisterstown, MD. Author Maggie Anton will discuss collection of essays, And the Bridge Is Love, recently reissued by her recent book, Rav Hisda’s Daughter. Program and registration the Feminist Press. Thanks to Adas Librarian Robin Jacobson, details will be available soon. Library Committee chair, Sisterhood member Leah Chanin, and February Events Sisterhood liaison Marian Fox for organizing these chats. Washington Women of the Taste of Tanach: The next in this monthly series of Sisterhood Wall: This group promotes discussions of Jewish values with Rabbi Steinlauf is March 19, 10 Rosh Chodesh minyanim am, in the Library. All are welcome! in area synagogues in solidarity with Women of Women’s League Institute offers Seaboard Sisterhood the Wall in Jerusalem. On members the opportunity to learn with area rabbis on March 14, February 11, we welcomed March 21, April 4, and April 11. Contact Joyce Stern for locations the group back to the Adas and registration details at [email protected]. Israel morning minyan for Torah Fund Luncheon: Sunday, April 14, 12:30 pm, at Rosh Chodesh Adar. Among the area organizers are Sisterhood Congregation Har Shalom (11510 Falls Road, Potomac, MD). members Lucy Hassell and Linda Yitzchak. Our Sisterhood David Wachtel, senior consultant for special collections at the has long been a supporter. See the youtube video, “Adas Israel Jewish Theological Seminary Library, will describe “Treasures Sisterhood Stands with Women of the Wall,” http://www.youtube. from the Rare Book Room.” com/watch?v=WW3qfykXznY. continued on page15

March 2013 • Chronicle • 5 Please mark these dates on your calendars: Sunday, March 17, & Sunday, May 19. We will meet on these dates onsite at A Education Wider Circle from 1:00-3:00 pm. Students, parents, and siblings are all encouraged to participate in the program and help us sort through donations. Gan HaYeled We will be maintaining the warehouse of household items, Sweet Summertime Registration linens, baby clothes, kitchen items, toys, books, etc. RSVP to Along with summer comes Sweet Summertime, the Gan’s [email protected]. ¢ summer camp. This year Sweet Summertime begins June 17 and runs through July 26. Throughout the six weeks of Sweet March Religious School/Youth Calendar Summertime, you will see smiles and hear laughter from 1–3: 6th Grade New York Trip our campers and staff alike. Our many activities range from 3: 5th Grade Sunrise Assisted Living visit; Chugim (Specials)

cooling off in wading pools to creating special art projects to for 3rd–6th Grade; USY/Kadima Basketball event going on field trips to places such as the Puppet Company at 8: L’Dor VaDor service & dinner Glen Echo and the National Aquarium. Most important, Sweet 9: USY Spring Fling Dance Summertime is a time to connect with former classmates, meet 10: Daylight Saving—move clocks forward; Machar Rocks! new people, and form new friendships. Rock Climbing Our very special Gan teachers work in the summer and 16: Kadima Washington Wizards Game make Sweet Summertime a wonderful experience. We are very 17: 6th Grade Model Seder; Chugim (Specials) for 3rd–6th fortunate to have a number of terrific teenagers as well, many Grade; Kadima event of whom are Adas Israel members, join our summer staff and 20: Last classes before spring break add energy and excitement to the camp. Sweet Summertime 24–April 6: Spring break registration has begun. For more information call the Gan office, 25: 1st Seder 202-362-4491. 26–April 2: Passover Days 1–6 Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!

Second graders listen to a special book presentation as part of Parent Connection, a reading program that invites a second-grade parent What is S.T.E.A.M.? It stands for Science, Technology, and child to read a Engineering, Art, and Math. In this room Daniel de los Reyes, book with a Jewish theme and to share the Gan STEAM specialist, lets children explore with lots of the story with the rest of the class. Pictured here is Frank Foer speaking to different materials in small groups. Wood, fabrics, metals, the students during a book presentation. plastics, recyclables, technology, art supplies, and more are at their disposal. The children use materials of interest to them Tenth, 11th, to problem solve, build, create, experiment, and learn in an and 12th grade environment where they can grow. students discuss Things the children have explored in Gan STEAM lab recently gun control issues include: with a member of • construction and problem solving the NRA as part • length and distance of the Ma’alot • technology Leadership Class. • what sinks and floats Students who • observational drawing participate in the Ma’alot Religious School Leadership Class Ma’alot @ A Wider Circle spend the year doing research and learning about a A Tikkun Olam Opportunity for 7th–12th Grade Families! particular issue, and then go to Capitol Hill in May to share their position Join us as we volunteer at A Wider Circle, a wonderful organization and lobby for change. The class is facilitated by Dr. Guy Ziv, professor of that offers a “unique, holistic approach to ending poverty.” Learn international studies at American University and a member of the Adas more about A Wider Circle at http://awidercircle.org. staff. 6 • Chronicle • March 2013 Education Continued

A Shabbat Experience for All Generations! Friday, March 8 6:00 pm Service 7:00 pm Dinner 7:45 pm Gaga Tournament A Tu B’Shevat seder for all! Adult Dinner (11 and above), $19.95 Several Ma’alot families volunteer at A Wider Circle, a local organization Child Dinner (ages 3–10), $14.95 that helps fight poverty. Families help sort through donations of household items, furniture, toys, books, etc., in the organization’s warehouse; the items Children 2 and under eat FREE! are then delivered to families in need. Financial assistance is available; please contact Josh Bender, 202-362-4449 or A Farewell from Elie Greenberg [email protected]. With sadness, we announce the departure RSVP by Wednesday, March 6, at 11:00 am. of Elie Greenberg from Adas Israel. We wish Elie the best in his new position in the com- Register online at http:/adasisrael.org/ldorvador; or call munity and know he will continue to be a or e-mail Carol Ansell, 202-362-4433 or presence at our special services and events. [email protected]. Please read his farewell letter: Dear Adas Israel Families, After seven rewarding and fulfilling years at Adas Israel, I will be stepping down as director of informal pro- gramming next month. I have accepted the position of assistant campaign director at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. This transition is bittersweet for me. While I am very excited to May you have love in your hearts, enter this new chapter in my life, I am saddened to part with Adas happiness in Israel, a place I have called home since moving to Washington, DC, your home and seven years ago. The Adas community has been like family, and I peace always. know the relationships I forged during my time here will endure. Thank you to all our congregants and lay leaders for your sup- port throughout the years. I am so grateful to have had the oppor- Happy tunity to work and collaborate with you. It has truly been a privilege getting to know each and every one of you. It has also been a magi- Passover cal journey working directly with your children; watching them grow personally and Jewishly has been exceptionally rewarding. I also want to thank the staff at Adas Israel, who nurtured my growth and encouraged my creativity. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support and guidance. It was a blessing to be able to work with so many remarkable faculty members and staff over the years, and I have learned a great deal from them. As Samara and I expect our first child next month, I look to the beautiful relationships I have seen between parents and chil- The Jewish Federation dren at Adas Israel as inspiration for the kind of parent I wish to OF GREATER WASHINGTON shalomdc.org be. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you, your fam- 301-230-7200 ily, and this special community. Warmest Regards, Elie ¢

March 2013 • Chronicle • 7 Matthew Rones, March 23 Matthew, son of Lori and Cliff Rones, is Life Cycle a seventh grader at Pyle Middle School. Matthew began his Jewish education at Gan HaYeled, continuing at the Estelle & Melvin Gelman Religious School and Milestones Capital Camps. He is the grandson of Births: Marianne and Abraham Hyman and Avi Noam Leach, son of Ada Gold & Terry Leach Shirley Rones, all of New York, and Fred Micah Netter, son of Brian Netter & Karen Dunn Rones (z”l). Matthew shares his simcha with his brother, Michael, Elianna Beatrice Rakitt, daughter of Jeffrey Rakitt & Susan Bayles family, friends, and members of the Adas community. Emily Anne Blumenfeld, daughter of Joshua & Diana Blumenfeld We wish our newborns and their families strength, good health, New Members and joy. AJ Campbell and her daughter, Marika Campbell-Blue, live in Takoma Park, MD, where AJ is a graphic artist.

B’nai Mitzvah Ryan & Alycia Kantor live with their son Samuel in Washington, Ari Pomeranz, March 2 where Ryan is an attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice and Ari, the son of Bob Pomeranz, is a seventh Alycia is an attorney at The Pew Charitable Trusts. grader at Westland Middle School. He Alexander Laskey & Rachel Farbiarz and their daughter, attended Gan HaYeled Nursery School Harriet Laskey, live in Washington. Alex is a business executive and looks forward to celebrating his bar with OPower, and Rachel is an artist and writer. mitzvah with his brother, Adam, and many relatives and friends. He particularly re- Brian Netter & Karen Dunn live in Washington with their members his mother, Julie Schapire (z”l). children, Naomi Netter and Micah Netter. Brian is an attorney at Mayer Brown LLP, and Karen is an attorney. Karen’s mother is Isaac Silber, March 2 Adas Israel member Nina Dunn. Isaac, a seventh grader at the Charles E. Scott & Ilissa Shefferman and their children, Mirabel and Smith Jewish Day School, is the son of August, live in Chicago. Scott is an attorney with Verizon, and Richard Silber and Debbi Wilgoren and Ilissa is a postpartum doula at Birthways, Inc. the brother of Carol Silber. He attended John Speaks III & Susan Shirley live in Washington with their the Jewish Primary Day School of the children, Morgan Russell and John Speaks IV. John is a diplomat Nation’s Capital from pre-kindergarten with the U.S. Department of State. through sixth grade. Isaac is happy to be celebrating his bar mitzvah with his Members in the News parents, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev established a stem cell research fund last month that will support scholarly William Satloff, March 9 collaboration among selected medical and pharmacological William is a seventh grader at Eastern researchers, stem biologists, and tissue engineers. The generous Middle School. A proud alumnus of Gan donor is Adas member Rhoda Baruch, in memory of her late HaYeled, he faithfully attends the Estelle husband, Dr. Jordan Baruch, past president of Adas Israel. and Melvin Gelman Religious School. Josh Bender, director of education at Adas Israel, was invited to William is thrilled to celebrate his bar join a select panel of Jewish education leaders to tackle the most mitzvah with his parents, brothers, Benji challenging questions facing Jewish education today. and David, grandmothers, extended Judy & Richard Cohen dedicated the Cohen-Rosen House at family, and friends. the Charles E. Smith Life Communities Complex in Rockville, providing assisted-living services for 18 residents who need a Sam Himmelfarb, March 16 specialized living environment. Sam, son of Dan Himmelfarb and Carol Cardinale, is a seventh grader at Deal Prof. Orde F. Kittrie coauthored U.S. Nonproliferation Strategy for Middle School. He has attended the Estelle the Middle East. The 154-page book includes recommendations & Melvin Gelman Religious School since for how to improve U.S. efforts to stop the proliferation of first grade. Sam celebrates his bar mitzvah weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. with his brother, Joe; sister, Liz and other In Memoriam family members and friends. We mourn the loss of synagogue members: Jack Y. Dinsmore, husband of Betty Dinsmore Amb. Max Kampelman, father of Jeffrey, Julia, and Sarah Kampelman Leo Kramer, husband of Fradel Kramer

8 • Chronicle • March 2013 Life Cycle Continued Important High Holy Day

We note with sorrow and mourn the passing of: Seating Changes and Gladys Rose Barkas, mother of Eileen Hoffman Information Alfred Belkin, brother of Leonard Belkin At the December meeting of the Adas Israel Board of Directors, Lanie Cecula, sister of Jamie Butler Ricki Gerger, chair of our Religious Practices Committee, reported Bertha David, aunt of Jorge Goldstein on the many months of committee work, discussions, and rec- Barbara Kline Goodof, sister of David Kline ommendations relating to the High Holy Days. This review occurs Dr. Bernard Griefer, father of Amy Godin every year in advance of our High Holy Days planning, but was Ruth Kleinman, grandmother of Kinney Zalesne even more significant this year due to the changes being made Susan Lee Kuner, sister of Rae Grad to our prayer spaces. Emanuel Mullen, father of Daniel Mullen With the renewal and reconfiguration of our chapels and Anne D. Ratner, mother of Phillip Ratner sanctuary, along with the opportunity to address various issues Paula Sadun, mother of Arrigo Sadun raised over the last few years, the Religious Practices Committee Hans Schapire, father of Julie Schapire (z”l) presented the following determinations to the Board of Directors Alfred Simenauer, husband of Hilde Simenauer and father of to enhance our High Holy Day season. Stephanie Lynn The creation of the Beit Midrash, including our Kogod Chapel, Alberto Socolovsky, father of Jerome Socolovsky has created the opportunity to expand the wonderful, creative “Return Again” type of service held on the patio last year for Kol Life Cycle Information Nidre and last month in Kay Hall. A new service led by our own When Death Occurs Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt will be held in this special, renewed When death occurs, please call the synagogue office, 202-362- space on Rosh Hashanah (1st day) and Yom Kippur. The musical 4433, so that we may inform the clergy and be of assistance. During and memorable “Return Again” Kol Nidre Service outside on the business hours, ask for Glenn Easton or Carole Klein. After business patio will be repeated. hours, a staff member on call may be reached by calling the syna- The Gewirz Beit Am has been renewed to provide a beautiful gogue office at the number above and pressing “2” to be connected and sacred space that our Traditional Egalitarian Minyan will use automatically, or by calling the answering service, 301-421-5271, during the holidays. The Gewirz Hall service conducted by Rabbi which will page the staff member on call. On Yom Tov and Shabbat, Reuven Hammer will be discontinued. We will miss Rabbi Ham- even though detailed funeral arrangements should not be made, a mer at High Holy Day services and look forward to bringing him staff member on call can still be reached at 301-421-5271. to our congregation on other occasions during the years as a Bereavement Committee scholar and teacher. The Bereavement Committee assists families with all of the arrange- For many years, we have turned away many congregants who ments surrounding the funeral and subsequent burial of loved have wanted to attend holiday services in the Charles E. Smith ones. We welcome your interest and encourage your participation Sanctuary. Due to the system of reserved seats, we have not been and assistance. We need you; please join us. If you have questions, able to accommodate all of the requests, yet there often are many or know of someone whom you think might be interested in par- unused seats in the Smith Sanctuary during the holidays. To ad- ticipating in this important work, please feel free to call either Jane dress this problem, we will begin a system of open seating in the Beller (301-518-2275) or Edie Hessel (202-244-7189) or contact Toni Smith Sanctuary for the holidays except for the Historic Dedicated Bickart (202-244-2747) regarding the Tahara Committee. Seats that many members contributed toward in our early days Adas Israel Community Mikvah in this location. We have experimented with open seating in the Our mikvah is a sacred space where Jews can mark life transitions balcony for a few years with good success and believe open seat- with powerful physical ritual. Immersing in a mikvah connects the ing on the main level will accommodate member preferences. As body to the water cycle of our planet and to the sources of life. noted, Historic Dedicated Seats will be reserved as they have been People visit our mikvah to observe the mitzvah of monthly im- in the past and will be marked as reserved . mersion; to celebrate s’machot; to find strength during a difficult When the current phases of building construction are com- time; to pray for healing; to reflect on the meaning of becoming pleted (by September 2013), we will begin the renewal planning a bride, groom, or bar or bat mitzvah; to convert to Judaism; and of our Kay Hall and adjacent spaces. One of the new features of to prepare physically and spiritually for chagim. To learn more this area will be the opening of Kay Hall’s back wall to accommo- about our mikvah or to schedule an appointment, contact Naomi date more seating for that service. Plans for this phase of our Vi- Malka, 202-841-8776 or mikvah@ adasisrael.org. For more infor- sion of Renewal are in their early stages, and completion is likely mation, visit adasisrael.org/mikvah. a year or two away. Cemetery Hours We thank our Board and committee members for their time Visitation at the Adas Israel Cemetery is by appointment only. and thoughtful deliberations about the important and meaningful Contact Glenn Easton or Carole Klein at the synagogue office High Holy Day season at Adas Israel. Full descriptions of all chang- (202-362-4433) to schedule a visit. ¢ es, clergy, and holiday plans will be sent to members in June. ¢

March 2013 • Chronicle • 9 3/17/2013 9:00 am Morning Minyan 3/17/2013 9:30 am Hebrew I 3/17/2013 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 3/17/2013 10:30 am Kadima Event, 6th Grade Model Seder 3/17/2013 10:45 am Hebrew II 3/17/2013 10:45 am Mindful Yoga 3/17/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 3/18/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan 3/18/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 3/19/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan 3/19/2013 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 6- to 12-month-olds 3/19/2013 10:00 am Sisterhood Taste of Tanach 3/19/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES: Please turn off cell phones and pagers before entering services. for students in grades K–3, is led by Linda Yitzchak, Allison Redisch, Rina Bardin, and/or Naomi Michaelis. Junior 3/19/2013 7:00 pm Conversion Course Charles E. Smith Service: Interim Ritual Director, Naomi Malka will read Torah. Congregational kiddushim co-spon- Congregation, for grades 4–6, is led by David Smolar and/or the Steinsaltz Ambassadors. Shabbat Unplugged: A 3/19/2013 7:30 pm JMCW Meditation Session sored by the Paul Goldstein–Lillian Goldstein-Lande Shabbat Kiddush Fund and members of Adas Israel. new musical family service for families with young children on Saturday mornings at 10:45 am. The service is designed 3/19/2013 7:30 pm Budget & Finance Committee Meeting Traditional Egalitarian Minyan (TEM): Every Shabbat morning at 9:30 am, with the Torah service around 10:30 for elementary school families and above, though older children are welcome and encouraged take on leadership am. Led by laypeople with the occasional assistance of Adas clergy, the TEM is a participatory service with a full roles. Led by Josh Bender and Elie Greenberg. 3/20/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan March 2013 P’sukei D’Zimrah (introductory Psalms), Shacharit, and Musaf, a complete reading of the weekly Torah portion, and a ‘Dial-in’ for Programs & Services: If you are unable to attend programs, lectures, or services, dial in to hear them. 3/20/2013 10:30 am Gan Passover “Seder” d’var Torah. For more information, e-mail [email protected]. Call 202-686-8405. 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 3/20/2013 Adar–Nisan 5773 Havurah Service: Lay-led, participatory service at 9:45 am. Rotating volunteers lead services, read Torah, Library Open on Shabbat: The Adas Israel Library is open on Saturdays from 12:30–1:30 pm. Our Shabbat volunteers 3/20/2013 6:30 pm Board of Directors Meeting 3/20/2013 7:00 pm JSC Classes and conduct an in-depth discussion of the weekly Torah portion. A kiddush follows the service. For additional will help you find just the right book to bring home. For assistance during the week, contact our librarian, Robin information and to participate, e-mail [email protected]. Jacobson ([email protected]). 3/21/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan Youth Shabbat Services: Starting with Tot Shabbat for children ages 5 and under led by Menuhah Peters. Netivot, 3/21/2013 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 12- to 18-month-olds 3/21/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 3/22/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3/22/2013 11:20 am Shabbat Sing 3/22/2013 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg 14 Adar 15 Adar 16 Adar 17 Adar 18 Adar 19 Adar 20 Adar 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 Parshat Ki Tissa /Shabbat Parah 3/22/2013 12:00 pm Congregational Kiddush ponsored by the 3/22/2013 Light Candles at 7:03 pm 9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 5:42 pm 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 9:30 am Gan Class Meetings with 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 11:20 am Gan Shabbat Sing 9:30 am Smith SanctuaryShabbat Service; Pomeranz Family 12:30 pm Havurah Shabbat Kiddush 3/23/2013 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class 10:00 am Megillah Madness, Abbr. Megillah Rabbi Holtzblatt 7:00 pm JSC Classes 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg Bar Mitzvah: Ari Pomerantz; Parshat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol Reading with Shpiel for Elementary 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf Sermon by Rabbi Feinberg 5:45 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services 3/23/2013 & Middle School-Age Families 6:42 pm Havdalah 3/23/2013 9:30 am Smith Shabbat Service; Bar Mitzvah: Matthew Rones; 6:15 pm Budget & Finance Committee Meeting 6:30 pm Shir Delight Oneg 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan with 3/23/2013 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan; D’var Torah by Rabbi 10:30 am Abbreviated Pre-School Megillah 7:00 pm Conversion Course 7:30 pm Shir Delight Service, 8 pm; Rabbi Steinlauf; Bar Mitzvah: Isaac Silber 3/23/2013 11:00 am Tot Shabbat Reading with Shpiel 7:30 pm JMCW Meditation Session D’var Torah by Rabbi Holtzblatt 9:45 am Havurah Shabbat Service; 3/23/2013 12:00 pm Congregational Kiddush sponsored by the Rones Family 11:00 am Purim Carnival (11 am–1 pm), 8:30 pm Shir Delight Dinner D’var Torah by Jane Fidler-Rosenblum 3/23/2013 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services Parade and Costume Contest 11:00 am Tot Shabbat 3/23/2013 8:03 pm Havdalah at 8:03 pm 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 3 21 Adar 4 22 Adar 5 23 Adar 6 24 Adar 7 25 Adar 8 26 Adar 9 Parshat Vayakhel/Pekude/ 27 Adar 3/24/2013 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 5:49 pm Shabbat HaChodesh 12:00 pm Congregational Kiddush sponsored 3/24/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 9:30 am Gan Concert with Oh Susannah 9:00 am Gan Movement 12:00 pm Downtown Study Group (off-site) 9:30 am Gan Parents’ Class with 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 10:30 am Steinlauf & Starbucks 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class by the Satloff Family 9:30 am Hebrew I 12:00 pm Gan Staff Meeting 6:00 pm Evening Minyan Rabbi Holtzblatt 12- to 18-month-olds 11:20 am Shabbat Sing (children only) 9:30 am Smith Shabbat Service; 5:45 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services 3/25/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan‒Pesach Siyyum Service 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 7:00 pm Conversion Course 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 5:30 pm L’Dor VaDor Oneg Bar Mitzvah: William Satloff; 6:49 pm Havdalah 3/25/2013 8:00 am Pesach Siyyum Breakfast 10:45 am Hebrew II 7:00 pm JMCW Meditation Session 7:00 pm JSC Classes 6:00 pm L’Dor Va Dor Shabbat Service with Cantor Brown & Sermon by Rabbi Steinlauf 3/25/2013 9:00 am Biur Chametz 10:45 am JMCW Mindful Yoga Rabbi Feinberg 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan 3/25/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 7:00 pm L’Dor Va Dor Dinner 11:00 am Tot Shabbat 3/26/2013 9:30 am Pesach Day 1: Combined Smith & Traditional Egalitarian 3/26/2013 6:30 pm Adas Israel 2nd Night Community & YP Pesach Seder; 3/27/2013 9:30 am Pesach Day 2: Combined Smith and Traditional 10 28 Adar 11 29 Adar 12 1 Nisan 13 2 Nisan 14 3 Nisan 15 4 Nisan 16 Parshat Vayikra 5 Nisan DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME (Spring Forward) 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan‒Chol Ha Moed Pesach 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:00 pm Conversion Course 7:30 am Morning Minyan 6:56 pm 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class 12:00 pm Congregational Kiddush sponsored by the 3/28/2013 11:20 am Gan Shabbat Sing 9:30 am Smith Shabbat Service; 3/28/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Evening Minyan Rosh Chodesh Nisan Breakfast; Sponsored by the 7:30 pm JMCW Meditation Session 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group Himmelfarb Family 9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:00 pm Social Action Committee Meeting Goldstein Rosh Chodesh Minyan Breakfast Fund 12- to 18-month-olds 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg Bar Mitzvah: Samuel Himmelfarb; 12:30 pm Havurah Shabbat Kiddush 9:30 am Hebrew I 5:30 pm Gan Family Shabbat Service with Rabbi Holtzblatt & 7:30 am Morning Minyan‒Chol Ha Moed Pesach 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 7:30 am Morning Minyan 6:00 pm Evening Minyan Sermon by Rabbi Steinlauf (with KOLOT) 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services 3/29/2013 10:00 am Executive Committee Meeting 6- to 12-month-olds 6:00 pm Evening Minyan Robyn Helzner 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan 7:56 pm Havdalah 3/29/2013 Light Candles at 7:10 pm 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf 9:30 am Gan Class Meetings with 6:30 pm Religious Practices Committee Meeting (with KOLOT) 3/29/2013 10:30 am Adas Book Group Discussion Rabbi Holtzblatt 7:00 pm JSC Classes 6:15 pm Gan Family Shabbat Dinner 9:45 am Havurah Shabbat Service; 3/29/2013 6:30 pm Ruach Minyan Service 10:45 am Hebrew II 7:00 pm Ruach Minyan Dinner (Pesach) 1:00 pm JSSA Job Search Group D’var Torah by Susan Finston (with KOLOT) 3/29/2013 10:45 am JMCW Mindful Yoga 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 10:00 am Learners’ Minyan with Rabbi Holtzblatt 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 11:00 am Tot Shabbat 3/30/2013 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class 6:30 pm Anne Frank House Meeting 3/30/2013 Chol HaMoed Pesach 3/30/2013 9:15 am Smith Shabbat Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg 17 6 Nisan 18 7 Nisan 19 8 Nisan 20 9 Nisan 21 10 Nisan 22 11 Nisan 23 Parshat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol 12 Nisan 3/30/2013 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan 9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:03 pm 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class 12:00 pm Congregational Kiddush sponsored by the 3/30/2013 9:30 am Havurah Shabbat Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf 9:30 am Hebrew I 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 10:30 am Gan Passover “Seder” 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 11:20 am Shabbat Sing 9:30 am Smith Shabbat Service; Rones Family 3/30/2013 11:00 am Tot Shabbat 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 6- to 12-month-olds 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 12- to 18-month-olds 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg Bar Mitzvah: Matthew Rones; 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services 3/30/2013 12:00 pm Congregational & Havurah Combined Kiddush 10:30 am Kadima Event, 10:00 am Sisterhood Taste of Tanach 6:30 pm Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg Sermon by Rabbi Feinberg 8:03 pm Havdalah 3/30/2013 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services 6th Grade Model Seder 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 7:00 pm JSC Classes 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan; 3/30/2013 8:10 pm Havdalah at 8:10 pm 10:45 am Hebrew II 7:00 pm Conversion Course D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf 10:45 am Mindful Yoga 7:30 pm JMCW Meditation Session 11:00 am Tot Shabbat 3/31/2013 9:00 am Morning Minyan‒Chol HaMoed Pesach 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 7:30 pm Budget & Finance Committee Mtg. 3/31/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan

13 Nisan Erev Pesach 14 Nisan Pesach Day 1 15 Nisan Pesach Day 2 16 Nisan Chol HaMoed Pesach 17 Nisan Chol HaMoed Pesach 18 Nisan 19 Nisan 4/1/2013 Pesach Day 7 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach 9:15 am Combined Smith & Traditional Egalitarian Minyan 9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan– 9:30 am Combined Smith & Traditional 9:30 am Combined Smith and Traditional 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:30 am Morning Minyan 7:10 pm 8:00 am Boker Ohr Parashat Hashavuah Class 8:10 pm Havdalah 4/1/2013 10:00 am Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Pesach Siyyum Service Egalitarian Minyan Service; Egalitarian Minyan Service; 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; 9:15 am Smith Shabbat Service; 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 8:00 am Pesach Siyyum Breakfast D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg 4/2/2103 Pesach Day 8 9:00 am Biur Chametz 6:30 pm Adas Israel 2nd Night Community 6:30 pm Ruach Minyan Service 9:30 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan 4/2/2013 9:15 am Pesach Service; D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf; Yizkor 6:00 pm Evening Minyan & YP Pesach Seder; 7:00 pm Ruach Minyan Dinner (Pesach) 9:30 am Havurah Shabbat Service; 9:15 am Traditional Egalitarian Minyan Service 31 Chol HaMoed Pesach 20 Nisan Led by Rabbi Steinlauf D’var Torah by Rabbi Steinlauf 4/2/2013 9:00 am Morning Minyan 11:00 am Tot Shabbat 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 4/3/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan 12:00 pm Congregational & Havurah Combined Kiddush 4/3/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha/Maariv Services 4/3/2013 7:00 pm JSC Classes 4/4/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan 4/4/2013 9:00 am Adult Child Play Group 12- to 18-month-olds 4/4/2013 6:00 pm Evening Minyan 10 • Chronicle • March 2013 March 2013 • Chronicle • 11 4/5/2013 7:30 am Morning Minyan 4/5/2013 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg 4/5/2013 Light Candles at 7:17 pm 4/5/2013 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat; D’var Torah by Rabbi Feinberg 4/5/2013 6:30 pm Shir Delight Oneg 4/5/2013 7:30 pm Shir Delight Service, 8 pm; D’var Torah by Rabbi 4/5/2013 8:30 pm Shir Delight Dinner Library Corner Happy 80th Birthday to Philip Roth! Like The Plot, Roth’s Nemesis is set in World War II-era by Robin Jacobson Newark, this time during a summer polio epidemic in a Jewish This March 18, devotees of Jewish American literature will neighborhood. The anguished father of a young polio victim converge on Newark, NJ, for the start of a two-day extravaganza laments: celebrating native son Philip Roth’s 80th birthday. Philip Roth We have sons in the army . . . not a day has gone by when I has been a towering figure in American fiction since 1960, when haven’t expected to hear the worst. So far they have survived the young author’s debut collection, Goodbye Columbus, won the worst fighting, and yet their baby brother wakes up a few the National Book Award. Recently, Roth elicited worldwide mornings back with a stiff neck and a high fever, and three days headlines by announcing his decision later he’s gone. How are we going to to stop writing. His 31st book, tell his brothers? Nemesis, will be his last. Other Roth novels touch on social If you’ve never read Philip Roth— issues, such as racism (The Human or even if you have—this is a perfect Stain) and Vietnam (American Pastoral). time to sample one of his books, For writers, a perennial favorite is The many of which are in our library. You Ghostwriter, in which a legendary will then be primed for the upcoming literary figure gloomily describes the flurry of Roth retrospectives, writing life: including the PBS national premiere I turn sentences around. That’s my of Philip Roth: Unmasked later this life. I write a sentence and then I turn month. it around. Then I look at it and I turn it The Author around again. Then I have lunch. Then Philip Roth has won every major literary prize (some multiple I come back in and write another sentence. Then I have tea and times) except (so far) the Nobel Prize for Literature. So esteemed turn the new sentence around. Then I read the two sentences is he that the Library of America published a special edition over and turn them both around. Then I lie down on my sofa of his life’s work, an honor previously given to only two other and think. Then I get up and throw them out and start from the writers during their lifetimes. In a show of civic pride, the City beginning. 9:00 am Morning Minyan of Newark placed a commemorative plaque on Roth’s boyhood Perhaps this passage suggests why Roth, after struggling for 10:45 am Mindful Yoga home and named the nearby street corner, Philip Roth Plaza. more than a half-century to turn sentences around, has finally 6:00 pm Evening Minyan The Novels laid down his pen. ¢ One of my favorite Roth novels is The Plot Against America, a dark re-imagination of American history. In The Plot, Charles Lindbergh, renowned aviator and Nazi sympathizer, wins a landslide Going . . . Going . . . Going . . . election against Franklin Roosevelt in 1940. President Lindbergh As part of the synagogue’s Vision of Renewal, the Quebec negotiates with Hitler and begins a frightening reign of anti- Street lobby is taking on a whole new look. When that be- Semitic government policies. The novel memorably opens: gins, the Ruth and Simon Albert Sisterhood Gift Shop will Of course no childhood is without its terrors, yet I wonder if I vacate its current space to make way for a soaring, airy, would have been a less frightened boy if Lindbergh hadn’t been modern space. We’re not positive where our interim home president or if I hadn’t been the offspring of Jews. will be, but watch the Chronicle, @adas, and your e-mail for notices about our location. We will continue to serve you, no matter where we’re located, and we’ll continue to depend on you for your support. Next Adas Book Chat To save ourselves a ton of effort and sweat, we are hav- March 10, 10:30 am, in ing a GIGANTIC sale beginning March 10. Almost EVERY- the Library THING in the shop will be available at a major discount, so you won’t want to miss it! Again, watch @adas, your e-mail, Celebrate Philip Roth’s 80th birth- the weekly order of day with a discussion of his latest service, and other novel, Nemesis. outlets for more in- Sponsored by the Library Com- formation. And plan mittee and Sisterhood. to start shopping MARCH 10!! For more information, please contact Robin Jacobson, librar- We’re bidding a [email protected]. fond farewell to our longtime home. 4

12 • Chronicle • March 2013 Keeping Up with the Vision

Temporary chairs set up in the Gewirz Beit Am. Keeping Up with the Vision is a monthly col- umn providing up-to-the-minute informa- tion about our exciting renovation process. This is where you can find all you need to know to access all of our programs and ac- tivities during the construction phases. You can also follow all the noteworthy develop- ments as they unfold over the coming year. Keep up with the progress as we strengthen Rabbis Charles Feinberg, Lauren Holtzblatt, and The Charles E. Smith Sanctuary as of Adas’s ability to meet the social, intellec- Gil Steinlauf share their ebullient mood while February 1. tual, and religious needs of our wonderful they decide where to hang the mezzuzah at the congregation. entrance to the renewed Gewirz Beit Am. The Gewirz Beit Am is finished, and we happily celebrated the inaugural Shab- Jodi Macklin and Jeanie Mulbauer, have bat service for the new davening space joined our design committee, along with with the Traditional Egalitarian Minyan on Rabbi Holtzblatt, to help create, furnish, February 2. We’re just putting the finish- and plan for the this special and unique ing touches on the new space now and space. The new plans include a welcom- focusing the rest of our attention on the ing and open gathering space in the lob- Charles E. Smith Sanctuary. The Sanctu- by, prime positioning for the Sisterhood ary has already undergone a massive Gift Shop, a place to meet a friend for transformation. We’ve removed the chairs coffee or study, easy access to the wor- and floors and begun the process of cut- ship spaces and administrative offices, ting the enormous skylight in the ceiling. larger, more accessible bathrooms, and a The building and design committees are beautiful internal façade. working tirelessly to ensure that every The architectural and design achieve- nook and cranny of the renewed spaces ments of the renovation are truly coming carefully matches the quality standard into focus and providing a clear indica- and aesthetic vision of the congregation tion that the renewed spaces, upon com- and its leadership. pletion, will be far better equipped to Phase 3 is anticipated to begin in meet the social, intellectual, and spiritual April and will focus on the lobby, Biran needs of this incredible community. Stay The Adas Community Mikvah gets in on Beit Midrash, and Kogod Chapel. The final tuned for more, and visit www.adasisrael. the Renewal with a brand new paint job floor plans for the lobby and Beit Midrash org for full renovation updates and ser- and cozy new furniture. have just come in. Two new members, vice times. ¢

March 2013 • Chronicle • 13 Lifelong Learning Youth @ AI

Start Your Jewish Learning It’s March Madness at Youth @ AI! After an awesome Kadima @ Adas today! Kallah and amazing time at the Visit www.adasisrael.org/LLL to learn more and to register for Adas Israel Purim Carnival, we any of the following incredible learning opportunities: are stoked for events coming up Waters of Freedom: A Women's Passover in March. Mikvah Healing Workshop Chaverim: Get ready for an incredible afternoon at the Sunday, March 17 @ 2:30pm Chaverim Tie-Dye Dance Party! Be the first to see our new Led by Rabbi Gilah Langner and Naomi Malka. youth group T-shirts and tie-dye one in your favorite colors. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Then dance the afternoon away with your friends! Center of Washington @ Adas Israel and Date: Sunday, March 10 the Washington Jewish Healing Network. Enter the healing waters of mikvah as we Machar: We all know Machar rocks! To prove it to the world, prepare for Passover. your mission: A Rockin’ Rock-Climbing Afternoon. We’re Fee: $36 with mikvah, $18 without. To register, contact Rabbi heading down to SportRock in Alexandria, VA, to face our fears Gilah at [email protected]. and climb to new heights! We’ll be unveiling our youth group Grandparenting Interfaith Grandchildren T-shirts for Machar, so you’re not going to want to miss this day! Sunday, March 10, 12:30–2:00 pm, Miller Chapel Date: Sunday, March 17 Taught by Dr. Marion Usher and USY: Seaboard Regional USY is throwing another dance party, Rabbi Charles Feinberg and this time it’s a Spring Fling! Join your favorite friends in USY This is another session in for a perfect night in Potomac at Har Shalom. our ongoing support group Date: Saturday, March 9 for grandparents of interfaith Kadima & USY: Come together, right now, over BASKETBALL! grandchildren. This program Our USY and Kadima basketball teams have been on top all focuses on how to acknowledge season long! C’mon out to Rockville and cheer them on as they the entire family, promote Jewish experiences, take pride in your gear up for the playoffs! children and grandchildren, celebrate the upcoming Passover Date: Sunday, March 3 holiday, and attend to the complex feelings that grandparents For more information or to sign-up for more information on these experience dealing with this area of their lives. This is a drop-in events, e-mail youth advisor Sasha at [email protected]. ¢ session; everyone is welcome. Dr. Marion Usher has been the leader of interfaith couples groups for the past 15 years and has worked with more than 450 couples. Her film, Love and Religion: The Challenges of Interfaith relationships, premiered at the Washington Jewish Film Festival in December 2009. Rabbi Charles Feinberg YP @ AI has led discussion groups for parents of adult children who have intermarried in Poughkeepsie, NY; Vancouver, BC; and Washington, DC. A community for young adults between the ages of 21 and Seven Blessings: A Workshop for Engaged & 35. Singles can meet singles, young couples can meet young Newly Married Jewish Couples couples, newcomers can connect with other newcomers. Wednesdays, April 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 7:30–9:00 pm Shir Delight Led by Rabbi Charles Feinberg and Friday, March 1, 6:30 pm Natalie Merkur Rose Shir Delight is Adas Israel’s Kabbalat An interactive workshop, allowing Shabbat experience for young Jewish couples to explore the professionals between the ages of Judaic marriage rituals, spiritual 21 and 35. Our evening begins at 6:30 pm with a happy hour approaches to making decisions oneg, followed by a lay-led Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv service as a couple, establishing a and $8 Shabbat dinner. While everyone is welcome to join us for Jewish home, and building our happy hour oneg and services, we can only accommodate a communication skills, the class is limited number of people for dinner. Register at www.adasisrael. also wonderful way to meet other org/yp by February 26 to reserve your spot.¢ couples in the community. ¢ 14 • Chronicle • March 2013 RETURN AGAIN to Shabbat Friday, March 15 at 6:30 pm With Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt and Elie Greenberg!

A uniquely elevating Shabbat experience, in-the-round, in the style of our innovative outdoor Kol Nidre service. Join us for a reflective journey into the power of Shabbat—an eternal Oasis in Time. Featuring seasoned musicians and a spiritual, personal excursion into prayer and song. A program of the Jewish Mindfulness Center of Washington Register at www.adasisrael.org/shabbat

Pesach Guide continued from page 3 Sisterhood continued from page 5 First Seder, Monday Night, March 25 Purim Mitzvah: February 17, Sisterhood members joined the Tradition encourages that the Seder not begin until after sundown. Havurah and other congregants in the annual preparation and delivery of mishloach manot to seniors and new synagogue members. This activity was organized by Sisterhood members Krayna Feinberg and Harriet Isack of the Adas Israel Hesed Project and by the Membership Committee. Sisterhood Shabbat Celebrated: Sisterhood Shabbat returned to Adas Israel on February 23. Thanks go to organizers Janet Kolodner, June Kress, and Susan Stiles. In addition to a thoughtful Torah presentation by Julie Weisman and an inspiring sermon by Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, Sisterhood members ably conducted the entire service. Sisterhood had extended an invitation to all women, girls and teens in the shul to participate in a Flash Choir led by Cantor Arianne Brown. Their beautiful voices lifted the hearts of everyone there. Sisterhood wishes as well to thank its “angel,” Candlelighting Times: Donald Saltz, who sponsored the kiddush in memory of Monday, March 25: light candles at 7:07 pm Mozelle Saltz (z”l) who always participated in Sisterhood Tuesday, March 26: light candles after 8:05 pm Shabbat. ¢ Friday, March 29: light candles at 7:10 pm Sunday, March 31: light candles at 7:12 pm Monday, April 1: light candles after 8:12 pm Save the Date Memorial Candle: It is customary to light a memorial candle A Celebration of Rabbi Feinberg! for departed members of the family before lighting the holy day candles. Saturday, June 8 Blessings for Pesach The blessings recited are: Honoring x¥p wi¦l§c©d§l Ep«¨E¦v§e ,ei¨zŸev¦ § n§A EpW§ «¨ C¦w x¤W£` ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl-` ¡ ¨i§i d¨Y©` KEx¨A Rabbi Charles .aFh mFi lW ¤ Feinberg’s Baruch ata Adonai EloheinuBle smelechsings fo rha-olam, Pesach asher kid-shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzeevanu l’hadleek ner shel Yom Tov. Praised are You, 40th anniversary x¥pLord wi¦l§ ourc©.d¤d§G©l d God,Ep«¨ o©E¦n§v§G©le Master,ei¨ Ep«¨zŸeri¦v¦B¦ § d§n§ eofA Ep«¨Ep then§W§ «¨I¦w§C¦ universe,ew Ep«¨i¡ x¤W£g¤d¤`W ,m¨lFr¨ ,m¨lFr¨ whod dhas K¤l«¤ K¤l«¤n sanctifiedn Epi«¥ Epi«¥dŸl-dŸl-` ¡` ¡¨i§i ¨i§ id¨us d¨Y© Y©`with` KEx¨ KEx¨ AA in the Rabbinate. Your commandments and commanded us to light the festival .aFh mFi lW ¤ candles. Join us for a And on the first night only: special combined .d¤G©d o©n§G©l Ep«¨ri¦B¦d§e Ep«¨n§I¦w§e Ep«¨i¡g¤d¤W ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl-` ¡ ¨i§i d¨Y©` KEx¨A service and Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, she’hecheyanu, v’kee’manu, v’heegee anu lazman hazeh. kiddush in his Praised are You, Lord our God, Master of the universe, who has honor. kept us in life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season. ¢

March 2013 • Chronicle • 15 Save the Date Rabbis Batya and Gil Steinlauf invite you to the Bat Mitzvah of Meirav Yael Steinlauf on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. at Adas Israel Congregation 2850 Quebec Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Good Deeds Day, Kiddush Luncheon to follow the service. Sunday, March 10 A Community Day of Service Your personalized e-invitation coming soon! Presented by the Jewish But you can RSVP ahead of time by Federation of Greater Washington calling Carol Ansell at 202-362-4433! Show the world that you are a Good Deed Doer! Join us for a one-day community project, in which members of Adas Israel will accomplish a good deed on behalf Join us at the of the community. The specific Adas Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation project will be announced in the coming weeks. Past projects have included: Walk to Cure Diabetes on the • Food sorting with Manna Food Center • Mitzvah projects with JFGH in National Mall 8am on April 21st, 2013 Rockville and NoVA, JCCGW, and Gesher JDS Join Ravi’s team - Ravi’s Revolution • Park cleanup with Maryland- Go To: National Capital Parks & Planning http://www2.jdrf.org/goto/RavisRevolution Commission • Activities with seniors with JCA and Charles E. Smith Life Communities • Tree-planting with Earth Sangha in NoVA Follow Us on Facebook • Food preparation with Shepherd’s Join the Community - Follow Us on Facebook Table and Stepping Stones Shelter Contact Joel Fischman at [email protected] to learn Visit our Adas Israel Facebook Page at more! facebook.com/adasisraeldc to get of up-to- the-minute information in your community.

Just “like” our page! Our goal is 1,000 fans by Rosh Hashanah. A special prize will be drawn from our first 1,000 fans.

Join in the fun!

16 • Chronicle • March 2013 Contributions The congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions:

Anne Frank House Fund Committee by the Weissler family. Garden of the Righteous Fund By: Robert Zucker, Lucy Hassell, Jane Baldinger, In Memory Of: Esrael Danziger by Arnold In Honor Of: Mel Gelman’s bar mitzvah Alice Burton, Arthur Lerner & Linda Dreeben, Danziger. Lanie Cecula by Bruce Ray & April anniversary by Judy Strauch. David Cohen, Robert & Jane Loeffler, Hannah Rubin. Harriet Bickart by David Bickart. In Memory Of: Morris Kornberg by Sheri Aurbach, Martha Taft & Fred Weiss, Gerald Bible & Prayer Book Fund Brown. Lepp, Charlotte Anker, June Kress, Bonne In Memory Of: Dr. Milton Slawsky by Zalma Harry & Judie Linowes Youth Endowment Fund Lewin, Michael & Iris Lav, Robert Peck & Lynn Slawsky. Moses Cardash by Sarah Frumkin. In Memory Of: Jordan Bierman by Harry & Palmer, Arthur & Edie Hessel, Florence & Cantor Brown Discretionary Fund Judie Linowes. Lawrence Meyer, Richard & Irene Spero, Alfred In Honor Of: Cantor Brown by the Weissler Havurah Kiddush Fund Munzer, Ann Mazer & Stephanie Gomer, Joseph family. Cantor Brown’s installation by Larry & By: Stan Cohen & Sue Ducat, Judith Morenoff, Sellers & Laurie Davis, Sandra Braunstein, Jamie Edna Povich Alan Davidson & Melissa Goldman Davidson. & Stuart Butler, Michael Rosman & Jessica In Memory Of: John Grad by Rae Grad. Susan In Honor Of: Gail Schwartz’s special birthday Kasten, Barry & Carmel Chiswick, Eric Bensky Lee Kuner by Irv & Grace Lebow, Dava by David & Gail Schwartz. Lisa Sandler’s & & Amber Cottle, Amy Rudnick, Stephen Kroll, Berkman, Bruce Ray & April Rubin, Zev Lewis, Adina Mendenson’s birthdays by Sandy & Dr. & Mrs. Barrett Burka, Grace & Irwin Lebow, Bruce Lewis, Johanna Chanin, Steven & Ruth Adina Mendelson. Our birthdays by Jerry & Richard Cooper, Susan Ducat & Stan Cohen, Kleinrock, Glenn & Cindy Easton. Marvin Kathy Sandler. Amy Fine, Ellen Ficklen, Robert & Ruthanne Presser by Ross Eisenman & Shelley Tomkin. In Memory Of: Relatives & friends by Ben & Miller, Adas Israel Social Action Fund, Judith Alfred Simenauer, Lanie Cecula by Rae Grad Talya Schultz. Rabinowitz & Joel Fischman, Laura & Perry & Manny Schiffres. Ina & Jack Kay Fund for Abraham S. Kay Hall Applebaum, Fred & Felicia Siegel, Mr. & Mrs. Cantor Saltzman Youth Music Endowment Fund In Memory Of: Rose Friedman by Glenn & Stephen Lachter, Arlene & Marshall Cohen, In Honor Of: Ian Butler & Lanie Cecula by Cindy Easton. Isaac W. Friedman by Jack & Arlene Sidell, James Feldman & Natalie Wexler, Johanna Chanin. Barbara Kay. GEICO Philanthropic Foundation, Robert & Celia & Louis Grossberg Cantorial Fund Jewish Mindfulness Center of Washington Sharon Wolozin, Nechama Masliansky, Reuben In Memory Of: Susan Lee Kuner by Susan By: Brian Schwalb & Mickie Simon. & Marcia Sternfeld. Stiles. In Memory Of: Roslyn Blatt by Cynthia Blatt In Honor Of: Upcoming marriage of June Kress’s Charles Pilzer Computer Center Rosenberg. niece, Marielle, & our son, Eric, by Jinny & In Memory Of: Jean Greenberg Fogel by Michael Goldstein. Hazel & Bob Keimowitz Joan Alison White Art Education Fund Geraldine Pilzer. In Memory Of: Anne D. Ratner by Glenn & by Max Kahn. Marian & Michael Usher’s 50th Congregational Kiddush Fund Cindy Easton. Ben Ettleman by Linda & Jim anniversary, David Cohen’s birthday by Hazel In Memory Of: Yetta Chiswick by Barry Cafritz. & Bob Keimowitz. Kathy, Steve, Samantha, Chiswick. Michael & Lauren Belmont; all by Caron Julius & Anna Wolpe Auditorium Fund Dale. Sue Ducat by Rachel Greenberg. Hazel Daily Minyan Fund In Memory Of: Eleanor B. Wolpe by Carolyn Keimowitz by Susan Besharov. Susan Klein by In Memory Of: Norman Frumkin by Ricki Wolpe Sanger. Rabbi Melissa Klein & Dr. Neysa Evins. Reuben Gerger. Lanie Cecula by Jane Baldinger, Glenn Marilyn & Stefan Tucker Program Endowment Leo, son of Dan & Shira Lantner & grandson of & Cindy Easton. Fund Karen & Lou Lantner by Susan & Morris Klein. Daryl Reich Rubenstein Staff Development Fund In Memory Of: Florence Tucker by Stefan In Appreciation Of: Adina & Sandy Mendelson In Memory Of: Daryl Reich Rubenstein by Lee Tucker. by Sheldon & Shulamith Elster. Rubenstein. Maxine & Gerald Freedman Endowment Fund For The Speedy Recovery Of: Birdie Benator by Esther Saks Abelman Yiddish Cultural Fund In Honor Of: Gloria Furman’s birthday, the Debra Benator & Randall Wagner. In Memory Of: Irving Gerger by Ricki Gerger. Bubes family receiving the Shem Tov award, With Thanks To: June Kress by Jinny & Michael Ethel & Nat Popick Chronicle Fund Harriet Bubes’s birthday, all by Maxine Goldstein. In Honor Of: Nancy & Alan Bubes and Harriet Freedman. In Memory Of: Benjamin Brodsky by Jean & David Bubes receiving the Shem Tov award In Memory Of: Courtney Bond’s mother, Gerry Bernard. Ann Colman by Dr. Clement & Mrs. by Bo & Marky Kirsch. Freedman, Judy Zalonis’s mother, all by Sandra Alpert. Alexander Tempchin by Phyllis In Memory Of: Anna Rosenblum by Dorothy Maxine Freedman. Schwartz. Sophie Silfen, Lanie Cecula by Jim Block. Melvin Gelman Religious School Fund Williams & Susan Miller. Joe Gichner by Gloria Executive Director Discretionary Fund In Memory Of: Norman Frumkin by Alvin & Lisa & Al Buckberg. Susan Lee Kuner by Joyce & In Honor Of: Glenn Easton by the Weissler Dunn, Steven & Lisa Marie Himmelfarb. Michael Stern. Leo Kramer by Susan & Morris family. Men’s Club Amuday Torah Fund Klein. Jeanne Feuerstein by Marcia Feuerstein. With Great Appreciation For: Glenn Easton by In Memory Of: Arnold Belkin, Jack Dinsmore Bertha Popkin by Susan Willens. Mary Charlotte Muchnick & Family. by Irv & Estelle Jacobs. Jerome Sorcher by Tempchin by Phyllis Schwartz.Robert Gilbert In Memory Of: Alfred Simenauer, Lanie Cecula Alan & Dale Sorcher. by Sally Gilbert Moskowitz. by Rob & Rachel Rubin. Mikvah Fund Anne Kampelman Wiederkehr Cultural Arts Frances & Leonard Burka Social Action By: Benjamin Tauber & Sara Lichtenfeld. Program Endowment In Honor Of: Stacie S. Lincoln Isaacs by Todd In Memory Of: Max Kampelman by Julie In Memory Of: Irving Burka by Frances Isaacs. Naomi Malka by Maya Bernstein. Garmel. & Leonard Burka, Karen & Edward Burka, Mildred & Jess Fisher Nursery School Fund Benjamin James Cecil Special Education Fund Christine & Elliott Burka. In Honor Of: Birth of Avi Noam Leach by Sheri In Memory Of: Regina K. Friedman by Judith Fund for the Future Brown. Friedman. In Memory Of: Julius & Shirley Epstein by In Memory Of: Pam Saltz by Ezequiel Steiner Bereavement Fund Beverly Epstein. Irving Burka by Rise Lavine. & Nienke Grossman. Manny Mullen by Ian In Honor Of: Edith Hessel & the Bereavement Murray Zawatsky by Carol Zawatsky. Gershengorn & Gail Levine.

March 2013 • Chronicle • 17 Contributions Continued

Milton Engel Library Fund Suzanne & Sander Davidson. Bess Torgoff’s Sophie Silfen Shalom Tinok Fund In Memory Of: David Mark Promisel by Larry & special birthday by Glenn & Cindy Easton. In Memory Of: Helen Blatt Sarosky by Shelley Myra Promisel. Dorothy Block, Harriet & David Bubes Kossak. Minnie & Abraham S. Kay Israel Scholarship receiving the Shem Tov award by Elinor Tattar. Traditional Egalitarian Minyan Kiddush Fund Fund In Memory Of: Blanche Banov by Stuart & By: Mark & Sue Levenstein, Rabbi Joel Alter, In Honor Of: Amy Easton by Cindy & Glenn Jamie Butler. Lanie Cecula by Nancy, Dan & Standley Dorn & Carla Ellern, Betsy Strauss, Easton. Jack & Barbara Kay by Larry & Melanie Jory Weiss, Irv & Grace Lebow, Stuart & Elinor Edward Kean, Rachel Rosenthal, Doug Wissoker Nussdorf. Tattar. Bernard Penny by Toba Penny. Sylvia & Alys Cohen, Jake Yeston & Sarah Leffler, David MLK Shabbat Slater by Nancy, Daniel, & Jordan Weiss. Schorr & Judith Krones, Kent & Pamela Kahler, Charles Wiedman by Mildred Jacobs. Mildred By: Joel Fischman & Judith Rabinowitz. Jeffrey Knishkowy & Patti Lieberman, Michael Morris Hariton Senior Programming Fund Hessel by Arthur Hessel. Miriam Shore by Krones, Rick Silber & Debbi Wilgoren, Norman Sarah Frumkin. Alfred Simenauer by Stuart & Shore, Aron Krasnopoler & Tamara Halle. By: Allyn Kilsheimer. Elinor Tattar. Arnold Belkin by Glenn & Cindy In Honor Of: Sara Lichtenfeld by Benjamin In Honor Of: Traditional Egalitarian Minyan by Easton. Louis Chanin by Johanna Chanin. Dr. Margie Siegel. Bill Levenson’s devoted service Tauber. Harry Aks by Vicki Perper. Jack Dinsmore by Offerings Fund to Adas & to the Traditional Egalitarian Minyan Anita Bobys. Louis L. Rusoff by Gail Roache. by Johanna Chanin. Dirk Aardsma by Bruce By: Stefan Gottschalk & Wilhelmina Roepke, Anne Ratner by Elinor Tattar. Ian Butler by Phyllis & Richard Levy, Robin Taub, Dennis Lewis. Norman Shore’s bar mitzvah redux by Steven & Ruth Kleinrock. Ruth Lebow by Irv Bruce Ray & April Rubin. Dedication of Beit Am Priebat, Alan & Beryl Saltman & Grace Lebow. Sylvia Colbreuner by Wendy In Honor Of: Isaac Meltsner by Kent & Pamela by David & Jessica Nemeth, Sandy & Bonnie Eisenberg. Roskes. Minyan’s move to the new Gewirz Kahler. Knishkowy family by Daniel Devries. Rothstein Family Israel College Scholarship Fund Bess Torgoff’s special birthday by Linda & Beit Am, Moshe Samber by Michael Leifman In Memory Of: Jack Dinsmore by Bud & Lorain Alvin Neuman. Marion & Michael Usher’s 50th & Sharon Samber. Minyan coordinators by Rothstein. anniversary by Larry & Edna Povich. Maya Bernstein. For The Speedy Recovery Of: In Memory Of: Miriam Baskin by Laura Maria Ruach Minyan Fund Lillian & Ruben Kort by Maurice Shohet & Ann Herrera Cuesta. Pearl Weissler by the Weissler By: Bill Levenson. Kort. Ken Goldstein by Bill Levenson, Judith family. Rita Natanson Lupovich by Dr. Penn Ruthe Katz Dial in Program Hellerstein Lupovich. Ian Butler by Symoine Laufe. Joel In Memory Of: Lena Katz by Dr. Nathan Katz. In Memory Of: Peter Kenen by Judith Winnik by Cynthia & Merrill Yavinsky. Arnold Susan Lee Kuner by Rae Grad, Lucy Hassell. Hellerstein, Bill Levenson. Moses Cardash, Belkin by Don & Gail Roache. Irving Burka Ryna & Melvin Cohen Senior Rabbi Program Rabbi Yehudah Cardash by Lillian Cardash. by Adele Weinberg, Loretta Feldman, Mary D. Fund Leo Kramer by Bill Levenson. Rados, Irma C. Poretsky. Irving Burka & Bertha In Memory Of: Mel Cohen by Ryna Cohen. Tzedakah Fund Davis by Rebecca & Marc Hertzman. Ian Butler Samuel & Sadie Lebowitz Israel Scholarship In Honor Of: Ann Ruth Witkes by Glenn & & Lanie Cecula by Stan Dorn. Leo Kramer Fund Cindy Easton. Nancy & Alan Bubes receiving by Harold & Debra Luks. Jack Dinsmore by In Memory Of: Leo Kramer, Jack Dinsmore by the Shem Tov award by Tina & Albert Small. Bernice & Donald Fingeret. Lanie Cecula by Bo & Marky Kirsch. Sadie Lebowitz by Markey In Memory Of: Arnold Belkin by Adrian & Symoine K. Laufe. Kirsch. Annette Morchower, Maddie Shapiro. Jack Oliver & Bertha Atlas Youth Endowment Fund Shelley Remer Gan HaYeled Enrichment Fund Slater by Nancy, Daniel & Jordan Weiss. Sadye Ottenberg by Regina Levin. Abraham By: Simon & Ellen Atlas. By: Robert & Shana Zucker. Tersoff by David Margolies & Susan Tersoff. In Memory Of: Scott Funger, Lester Melnicove, In Honor Of: B’nai mitzvah of Michael Ruth Usher & Jean Lazar by Michael & Lester Poretsky, Richard Block, all by Simon Fensterheim, Isaac Meltsner, Danny & Marion Usher. Isidore Cross by Dr. Alan Cross. & Ellen Atlas. Rebecca Ingber, all by Stewart & Shelley Raymond Joseph by Ellen Gertsen. Lois Remer. Birth of Laura & Jeff Blumenfeld’s Rabbi Avis Miller Lifelong Learning Fund Wilkins by Jill Wilkins. Susan Lee Kuner by In Memory Of: Ida Chernikoff by Larry granddaughter, Emily Anne, Birth of Susan Roger & Renée Fendrich. Murray Gottlieb Chernikoff. Bayles & Jeff Rakitt’s daughter, Elianna by Glenn & Cindy Easton. Anne Buring by Beatrice by Glenn & Cindy Easton. Rabbi Feinberg Discretionary Fund Benjamin Buring. Sola Both by Charles Both. In Memory Of: Lanie Cecula by Susan Stiles. In Honor Of: Rabbi Feinberg by Robert Mollie & Arthur Rose by Hannah Aurbach. Pamela Saltz by Linda Frenberg & Jeffrey Weissler & family. Bea & Irving Loewenthal & Isaac Goldstein Bauman. With Thanks For: Boker Ohr class by Warren by Michael & Jinny Goldstein. Beniamino Clark Jr. Siegel-Kalmekoff Family Adult Education Fund Sadun by Arrigo & Mary Elizabeth Sadun. In Memory Of: Sophie Kean by Edward Kean. In Memory Of: Jack Lish, Norman Frumkin, Renard Sanders by Florence Sanders. Norman Alfred Simenauer by Stephanie Lynn. Peter Kenen, Rose Kalmekoff, Max Frumkin by Leo (z”l) & Fradel Kramer. Louis Rabbi Jeffrey A. Wohlberg Masorti Fund Kalmekoff, & Victor Siegel, all by Margie Kessler by Janet Waxman. In Honor Of: New members by Avram & Anat Siegel. USY/Tikkun Olam Fund Bar-Cohen. Social Action Fund In Memory Of: Morris Kornberg by Jane In Memory Of: Zoila Luskin by Roger & Renée In Memory Of: Arnold H. Weiss by Nancy, Baldinger. Fendrich. Leo Kramer by Glenn & Cindy Daniel, & Jordan Weiss. Leo Kramer by Bruce Easton. Ray & April Rubin. Dov Bernard Fischman by Vision of Renewal Joel Fischman. In Honor Of: Clarice Smith’s special birthday by Rabbi Steinlauf Discretionary Fund Glenn & Cindy Easton. Harriet & David Bubes In Appreciation Of: Rabbi Steinlauf by Stuart & Solar Cookers receiving the Shem Tov award by Barbara Jamie Butler. By: Joel Fischman & Judith Rabinowitz, Arthur Bosses, Robert & Adele Buckhantz, Marvin C. In Memory Of: Mildred Hurwitz by Marsha Lerner & Linda Dreeben, Debra Rubin. Korengold, Larry & Melanie Nussdorf, Marilyn Pinson. Alfred Simenauer by Stephanie Lynn. In Honor Of: Katie Kohn McLain by Michael & Jay Weinberg, Yaacov & Herlene Nagler, Rose R. Freudberg Sisterhood Memorial Library Leifman & Sharon Samber. Rabbi Feinberg, Diane Rosenberg, Stanley Scherr, Louise Piver, Fund Laura Cutler, Anna & Sam Zuniga, Joel Sally & Robert Brisker.Nancy & Alan Bubes In Honor Of: Alex Chill becoming a bar mitzvah Fischman, Glenn Easton, all by Robert receiving the Shem Tov award by Robert & by Jean & Larry Bernard, Jane Baldinger, Samuelson & Judith Herr. Adele Buckhantz, Marvin C. Korengold, Larry

18 • Chronicle • March 2013 Contributions Continued The NEW adasisrael.org & Melanie Nussdorf, Marilyn & Jay Weinberg, A Smarter Website for an Era of Renewal Yaacov & Herlene Nagler, Diane Rosenberg, Stanley Scherr, Louise Piver. In Memory Of: Pearl Schultz by Glenn & Cindy Easton. Warren Dennis Memorial School Scholarship Fund In Memory Of: Warren Dennis by Diane Dennis. Yizkor/Yahrzeit Fund In Memory Of: Morris Allen by Leslie Allen & Family. Mendel Tchulak by Joseph Zilberbaum. Sylvia Kletzkin by Morris Kletzkin. Eva Gordon Bortin by Leonora Abrams. Arthur Cohen by Rhoda Steiner. Hannah Goldman by Martin Goldman. Samuel Julius Friedlander by Bernice Friedlander. Littman & Cayla Cardash by Lillian Cardash. Howard Rausch by Sidra Rausch. Frances Kahn, Nathan Kahn, Alan Kahn, all by Stephen Kahn. Bernard Levinson by Toby Kahn. Sara Levinson by Don Levinson. Irving Burka by Randi & Bill Levin. Ruth E. Mazo by Patricia Karp. Stan Sherman by Iona Klayman. Kurt Adler by Lilliane Litton. Harry Goldstein by Stanley & Carol Goldman. Julius Epstein & Shirley Epstein by Phillip Epstein. Sylvia 2013 is a big year for the Adas Web World. Weinstein by Judge Paul Weinstein. Rose We are proud to launch a brand-new Leibowitz by Bunny Weinstein. Jacob Rubin version of adasisrael.org, the synagogue’s by Lillian Kramer. Israel Herman by Jack M. main website. It’s a bold move, but just Herman. Miriam Bachrach by Joan Slatkin & Stephen Slatkin. Arnold Belkin by Gilda as we are renovating our building and Snyder. Sara Fram Helman by Faye Cohen. worship spaces to better meet the needs of Jozsef Karpati by Maria Burka. Joel S. Winnik today’s modern Jewish community, so, too, The creative minds at District Design Group work tirelessly through the night to create by Barbara Winnik. Idel Makowski by Armand must we renovate today’s primary method Makowski. Harold J. Bobys by Anita Bobys. the Adas website. Look closely . . . notice the of modern communication. The official “soft Fannye Berman by Judith Lipnick. Joseph Adas logo on the screen? Winberg by Susan Winberg. Lena & Philip opening” of the new site is anticipated to be Katz by Helen Kaplan. Maurice Kravtin by this spring, but the site will remain under Michelle Gary. construction for the first few months after its initial launch. District Design Group Young Professionals By: Sam Fuchs. (districtdesigngroup.com), one of DC’s premier web, graphics, and marketing design Youth Activities Fund firms, has taken the lead on designing and constructing the new Adas website. We In Memory Of: Louis Rosenkrantz by Walter are incredibly grateful to have such a talented and dedicated team of designers Rosenkrantz. Howard Rausch by Jonathan and programmers working so closely with staff and lay leaders to complete this Cohn. Florence Zacks Melton by Catherine important project. Gildenhorn. Robert Goldman by Stanley & Carol Goldman. Norman Frumkin by Harold Things to look forward to in the new website: & Carrie Singer. Evelyn Cousins by Beth & • Increased ease of use and navigation Leonard Sloan & family. Sylvan Mazo by Patricia Karp. Libbie Ross & Jesse Ross by Jeff • Cleaner and easier-to-read services and events information & Laura Blumenfeld. ¢ • Enhanced community and event pages • Two fully integrated education sub-sites for the Religious School and Gan HaYeled • Improved access to photo galleries and video archives ResidentAdas Caterer Israel’s • Live streaming of significant Adas events • Comprehensive b’nai mitzvah, wedding, and bereavement guides and sub- navigation • Online learning, music, and podcasts • Beautiful design elements that better capture the sophistication of the Adas community Visit the trusty old www.adasisrael.org to take a brief survey and tell us anything you think we should know before launching the new website. If, for whatever reason, content from the old website that you normally expect to Fresh Ideas. Fabulous Kosher Food. see on adasisrael.org does not make it on to the new website, please (calmly) let us For Today’s Festive Moments. know at [email protected], and it will be corrected as soon as humanly possible. p: 202.670.4308 www.yardencatering.com Happy clicking! ¢

March 2013 • Chronicle • 19 Periodicals postage paid Chronicle Washington, DC Vol 75, No. 8 March 2013 Adar–Nisan 5773 and at additional Adas Israel Congregation mailing offices 2850 Quebec Street, NW Washington, DC 20008-5296

W W W . A D A S I S R A E L . O R G 202.362.4433 Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Charles Feinberg, Rabbi Cantor Arianne Brown, Cantor Naomi Malka, Interim Ritual Director Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, Director of Lifelong Learning Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz, z"l, Emeritus Rabbi Jeffrey A. Wohlberg, Emeritus Rabbi Avis Miller, Emerita Cantor Arnold Saltzman, Emeritus Johanna Chanin, President Lisa Kleine, Sisterhood President David Nemeth, Men’s Club President Abigail Tannebaum Sharon and Alexandra Wisotsky, Co-Presidents, Gan Parents Association Mali Rubin, USY President Glenn S. Easton, Executive Director Josh Bender, Director of Education Sheri Brown, Director, Gan HaYeled David Polonsky, Director of Communications Lesley Brinton, Controller Tikkun Olam Carole Klein, Synagogue Administrator Beth Ann Spector, Program/Membership Coordinator CHRONICLE (USPS 005-280) Jean Brodsky Bernard, Editor Ezra Pantry Shelves Adina Moses, Graphic Design Published monthly by The Adas Israel Are Looking for Your Congregation, 2850 Quebec Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20008-5296. Telephone Hametz! 202-362-4433; Hearing Impaired Relay Services 711; Fax 202-362-4961; As Passover approaches please remember to Religious School 202-362-4449; Gan fill our Ezra Pantry shelves with your unwanted HaYeled Nursery School 202-362-4491; e-mail: [email protected]. Affiliated with The hametz and other food items. These items United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Supported can make a huge difference in someone else’s in part by The Ethel and Nat Popick Endowment Fund. Subscription $25 per year. Periodicals postage paid life. In fact, consider taking this opportunity at Washington, DC, and at additional mailing offices. to increase your tzedakah donations by Postmaster send address changes to Chronicle, 2850 Quebec Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20008. purchasing food for the pantry shelves. Check @ Adas for a list of needed pantry items. Ezra Pantry Passover Food Drive will be collecting food until March 24. To make your contributions go even further all year long, Ezra Pantry suggests you put a milk crate in the back grab) one of the items and place it on a pantry of your car and fill it with pantry staples. Each shelf in the coat room. What a great way to time you come to the synagogue for an event meet our obligations and make them a part of or to drop off a child, grab (or have your child our family’s everyday life! ¢

Give to the Ezra Pantry Alan Gross Vigil @ Adas Israel On the third Monday of every month, from noon to 12:30 See the new wish list of Ezra Pantry pm, join other Adas members and the Jewish Community needs in the cloak room at Adas. Relations Council (JCRC) in a vigil to free Alan Gross. The next When you go to the supermarket, be vigil takes place Monday, March 18, in front of the Cuban sure to buy extra for those in need! Interests Section (2630 16th Street, NW). Alan Gross, a local resident, has been held by the Cuban SAVE THE DATE government since December 2009. Charged with “acts to Sukkot in Spring, May 5 undermine the integrity and independence” of Cuba, he A Social Action Day with Yachad went to Cuba to do humanitarian work on behalf of USAID Alan Gross and his family dedicated to renovating the with the peaceful, nondissident, Jewish community. For more home of a lower-income family. information or for other ways to help, visit www.jcouncil.org/freealangross. ¢ Upcoming Chronicle Deadlines— 2018 • Chronicle •• July–AugustMarch 2013May Issue: 2010 Thursday, March 28, at noon; June Issue: Tuesday, April 30, at noon