HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, February 4, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
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February 4, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 2491 undaunted search for the truth, has Francisco. This year there will be an increase in which every American can take pride. in out-of-town originations, such as New Through his Saturday evening talk ses given television an imposing dimension York and Washington, and, 1n April, Kupcinet sions, Kup has given television a whole of service to the Nation. will emanate a show-business discussion new dimension of meaning. Kup is no ordinary reporter. His 11 from Hollywood during the Oscar Awards Because of his own personal sense of years on television and his many years hoopla. fair play, he has been able to bring into as a columnist for the Chicago Sun The wonder of it all is that Kupc1net can the living rooms of millions of American Times raise him to enviable heights in squeeze so many activities within his al American journalism. lotted working time which takes in most of families discussions and conversations the day and a good part of the night. Besides with people from all over the world It ls a privilege to join today in the his widely-quoted six-a-week column in The whom Americans otherwise would never tribute to Irv Kupcinet, and his wife Sun-Times and his Kup's Show on television, have an opportunity to meet or hear. Essee, on their 11th anniversary as mod he ls also Jack Brickhouse's WGN-Radio The fact that this program bas sur erators of Kup's Show. partner during the Chicago Bears broadcasts vived 11 years in the highly competi Mr. Paul Molloy's article follows: and does numerous radio and television ap tive marketplace of American television HARDIEST TALK SHOW pearances here and in many other cities. ms other public appearances are simply is perhaps the highest singular tribute (By Paul Molloy) too numerous to mention. They include that anyone can pay to Kup and all those The cover picture of Sun-Times columnist benefits and charity !unctions for individuals who assist him in putting his program Irv Kupc!net in this issue of TV Prevue shows as well as civic, business, church and school together every week. him 1n possession of a very ordinary-looking groups and being master of ceremonies or Kup's "secret weapon" is his lovely left ear. This is extraordinary because the guest speaker at countless public affairs. wife, Essee, who does a great deal of the appendage should bear some resemblance to Often, when he shows up late at aJuncheon, research for his programs and who in a cauliflower. it is because he 1s on his third or fourth in her own right stands today as one of That It appears normal is remarkable !or and-out stop-in since noon. Kupclnet, as part of the hazards of being a Kupcinet ls both too busy and modest to the most highly respected ladles of tele newspaper-television-radio celebrity, receives talk about his activities. But Paul Frumkin, vision in America. or makes at least 100 telephone calls each who has been his TV producer since the video Working together, the Kupclnets have day. program started in 1958, puts it this way : made a tremendous impact on our Na "There are many days,'' says his secretary, "Despite all of the things that Kup does, tion. It would be difficult to fully measure Raeona Jordan, "when the calls go as high he has always considered himself (and stlll the enormous contribution Kup has as 135." does) a newspaperman who happens to do made for American televiewers to ob This week, Kupcinet's videoaudience-grab television and radio and other chores. serve first hand the lively of dis ber, Kup's Show, now on Ch. 5, goes into its "A couple of days before the taping of his art 11th year-the longest-running conversation show he does his homework, preparing for the cussion on major issues and problems program ol'.l. American television. For most program, reading up on his guests and their confronting our Nation and the world. of its video run Kup's Show was seen, on accomplishments. He gets to the studio a Kup's own uncanny ab1llty to lead a other stations, at the post-midnight hour on couple of hours before taping begins, still discussion into never-ending facets of Saturdays and, !or various reasons, a good making notes. When taping Is to begin and he excitement has helped build and keep many viewers found it difficult or impossible walks to the set he looks completely relaxed. an audience for more than a decade. to sit through 3 a.m. (or sometimes later) to But he does admit having butterflies in the The National Broadcasting Co. and hear all of his guests. stomach. After all, even Bob Hope, who Is Television Station WMAQ in Chicago Kup's show started as At Random on Ch. 2 supposed to be the most relaxed person on during the first week of February In 1958. television, concedes to a certain nervousness perform an outstanding service to the Four years later It moved to Ch. 7 and, before the show begins. American community by carrying Kup's November, found a more comfortable berth "With him, it's a matter of a good constitu show. at Ch. 5, the NBC outlet. It now airs after tion, an excellent memory, lots of preparation The distinguished television critic Paul Ch. 5's 10 p.m. newscast, a welcome change and very little sleep." Molloy paid a well deserved tribute to Irv of niche for viewers who must be out-of-bed Quite often readers will ask me, or ask Kupcinet in last Sunday's edition of the and-about on Sunday mornings. "Mr. Chicago" himself, the recipe for break Chicago Sun-Times. One of the things that are little known ing into television and making a go of it. about Kupclnet ls that his Wife, Essee, spends I can think of no better response than to I consider it a privilege to reprint Mr. a great deal o! time doing research for him. repeat Frumkin's words: " ... a good con Molloy's article in the RECORD today. Kupc!net's format, whose guests have stitution, an excellent memory, lots of prep- Irv Kupcinet belongs among those ranged from heads of state to hopeful Holly meaningful Americans who through wood starlets, ls now syndicated in Rockford, arai!~n,:edk;;r~i:: :;~el?i::,ts of prepara- hard work, zeal, dedication, and an Milwaukee, Cleveland, Philadelphia and San tion." HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, February 4, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. THE JOURNAL the National Commission on Consumer The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, The Journal of the proceedings of yes- Finance the following Members on the D .D ., offered the following prayer: terday was read and approved. part of the House: Mr. PATMAN, Mrs. This I command you, that you love one SULLIVAN, and Mr. HALPERN. another.-John 15: 17. Dear Lord and Father of mankind, our APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF THE APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF spirit's unseen friend, we pray for every AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICEN- THE NATIONAL FOREST RESER- effort which is being made for peace and TENNIAL COMMISSION VATION COMMISSION justice, for brotherhood and good will in The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro our Nation, and throughout the world. visions of section 2(b), Public Law 89- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro Breathe Thy spirit into every human 491, as amended, the Chair appoints as visions of title 16, United States Code, heart that men may brothers be, and members of the American Revolution Bi section 513, the Chair appoints as mem learn to live together in love, with under centennial Commission the following bers of the National Forest Reservation standing, and for the benefit of all Thy Members on the part of the House: Mr. Commission the following Members on the part of the House: Mr. COLMER ana creatures. DoNOHUE, Mr. MARSH, Mr. SAYLOR, and Bless Thou our President, our Speaker, Mr. WHITEHURST. Mr. SAYLOR. the Members of this House of Represent atives, and all who labor under the glow ing dome of this glorious Capitol. Pre APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF serve their health, give them wisdom, THE NATIONAL COMMISSION ON THE ADVISORY COMMISSION ON CONSUMER FINANCE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELA broaden their vision, and guide their as TIONS pirations that together we may seek the The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro good of all mankind. visions of section 402 <a>, Public Law 90- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provl- In the Master's name we pray. Amen. 321, the Chair appoints as members of slons of section 3 <a>, Public Law 86-380, 2492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 4, 1969 the Chair appoints as members of the had been drawn up equating commercial Mr. Speaker, at this point I would like Advisory Commission on Intergovern interests with other factors such as con to insert into the RECORD two articles mental Relations the following Mem servation, recreation, and esthetic values. from the February 4, 1969, Washington bers on the part of the House: Mr. But, not surprisingly, oil interests over Post and one article from the February 2, FOUNTAIN, Mr. ULLMAN, and Mrs. DWYER. whelmed other views. The Johnson 1969, New York Times, and one from the administration disapproved of the marine January 31, 1969, Los Angeles Times: sanctuary bills. Let me quote a portion of [From the New York Times, Feb. 2, 1969) APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF the testimony from the Interior Depart THE JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL SLICK OJ'F CALIFORNIA COAST REVIVES OIL COMMISSION ment given in hearings on the bills last DEAL DISPUTES year: (By Gladwin Hill) The SPEAKER.