2008 activity report


Workforce www.fondation.veolia.com development


Corporate Foundation Tel.: +33 1 55 23 42 92 [email protected] Table of contents

Editorial 2 Corporate Foundation Two-way interview 3 Governed by law no. 87–571 of July 23, 1987, amended version The Foundation: how it works 4 Sponsors and volunteers: Head offi ce the cornerstone of our action 6 36-38, avenue Kléber – 75116 Paris – France Veoliaforce 8 Mail address Emergency missions 10 6, esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle – 92751 Nanterre Cedex – France Development projects 12 Tel.: +33 1 55 23 42 92 – Fax: +33 1 55 23 42 90 E-mail: [email protected] Outreach 14 Development aid 16 to 20 Photos: Veolia Environnement photo library, the Foundation’s sponsors, project leaders, Veoliaforce volunteers, Helping children and Marc Vautrin, Veolia photo library/R. Humphries/Interlinks, Pro-Natura, Arago laboratory archives/Laure Andrieu, other vulnerable groups 21 to 25 C. Majani d’Inguimbert, Éditions Autrement, Éditions Bayard Jeunesse.

Workforce development 26 Design – creation and production: Business activity 28 to 32 Editorial support: Doussot Conseil Counseling and training 33 to 35 Environmental conservation 36 Translation: alto Preserving natural heritage and biodiversity 38 to 40 Education and awareness-raising 41 to 43

A clear and transparent framework 44 This document was printed using plant-based inks on FSC™ certifi ed Satimat paper and on Satimat Green paper, made of 60% recycled fi bers and 40% FSC™ virgin fi bers. Satimat Green paper is FSC™, Index of projects 45 PCF, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certifi ed. The FSC™ (Forest Stewardship Council) is an international nonprofi t organization constructively Index of sponsors 47 encouraging socially, environmentally and economically responsible initiatives in forest management, by making them distinctive and credible through a label on products sourced from certifi ed forests. In 2008 107 projects 22 missions A corporate foundation serving sustainable development The Veolia Environnement Foundation, created in May 2004 on the initiative of Henri Proglio, Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of Veolia Environnement, and with an annual budget of €5 million, is one of France’s largest private foundations. It supports community- oriented projects contributing to sustainable development in France and other countries in three main areas: outreach, workforce development and environmental conservation. The originality of its approach is that each project is supported by a sponsor who is a Veolia employee, which contributes to a sense of purpose within the company and support for the values of solidarity and responsibility. The Foundation provides fi nancial assistance to begin with, but it also encourages volunteering of skills, thereby capitalizing on the varied expertise of Veolia Environnement employees. 2 Editorial

“For Veolia Environnement, the Foundation is an extension of the commitment to the community on which its employees pride themselves.”


HENRI PROGLIO Chairman of the Veolia Environnement Foundation A source of pride for all

By extending the Veolia Environnement Foundation’s remit for another fi ve years, its Board of Trustees recognized its accomplishments since 2004, the year of its creation. The Foundation has supported over 700 projects, all sponsored by Veolia employees, in the fi elds of outreach, workforce development and environmental conservation, in France and the rest of the world. The Board wished, fi rst and foremost, to mark its determination to pursue and even broaden its action, despite – and even because of – the current period of crisis when the most vulnerable people are most at risk. The Foundation will continue to mobilize its employee sponsors around local initiatives while also encouraging employees to volunteer their skills on humanitarian missions, under the umbrella of Veoliaforce. Such missions will often be in very distant countries, and may involve responding to emergencies or working on more structural, major health and environmental problems. Our traditional partners – like the Red Cross, UNICEF, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the French Natural History Museum – will be able to continue relying on the dedication and expertise of these volunteers, professionals from every fi eld of our company’s business: water, waste management, energy and transportation. This dedication is indeed key to our everyday activity – our Chinese friends for instance can testify to the exceptional mobilization of Veolia Environnement employees around Veoliaforce after the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008. For Veolia Environnement, the Foundation is an extension of the commitment to the community on which its employees pride themselves.• Two-way interview 3

“The Foundation is taking on a new dimension while retaining its essence.”

RAYMOND-MAX AUBERT THIERRY VANDEVELDE Executive Vice-President, Executive Offi cer Chairman of the Selection Committee

The Veolia Environnement Foundation, T. V.: This alliance strengthens our overall several such overarching projects. One aims to founded in 2004, completed its fi rst action. Alongside our support for local eliminate cholera within four to fi ve years in fi ve-year term in 2008. How do you see initiatives, which are limited in terms of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), its performance this year? partnership and duration, we will also be through a combined medical, epidemiological Raymond-Max Aubert: It has been a very focusing on overarching projects spanning and environmental approach. For this project, positive year of transition. Thanks to the several years. we work alongside the DRC’s Ministry of Public unwavering support of its sponsors in France Is the new, larger Veoliaforce already Health, the French Embassy, UNICEF, the NGO and other countries, the Foundation’s excellent operational? Solidarités, and the French Development performance prompted the founders to sign up Agency (AFD). Starting with an initial grant of T. V.: Yes. The network of volunteers, which for another fi ve years. They took the view that €390,000, the Foundation hopes to mobilize already consists of some 500 Veolia Water the current crisis, far from being an obstacle, fi ve to ten times that amount. employees, has been supplemented by gives us even greater motivation to support R.-M. A.: We might also mention a project 80 people from our Environmental Services projects in the fi elds of outreach, workforce recently launched in Nouakchott in Mauritania. division and 40 from our Energy division. We have development and environmental conservation. With the technical support of our waste not yet defi ned precisely the kind of expertise Even better, the Foundation has taken on a new management experts, GRET, an NGO that that will be contributed by our transportation dimension, as shown by the appointment as invents development models, has created a arm, but I am working on this with the division. Executive Offi ce of Thierry Vandevelde, founder “virtuous” system: some 1,000 or more women R.-M. A.: This idea of setting up a cross-division and coordinator of Veolia Waterforce, the recover and process waste plastic into pellets Veoliaforce, proposed by Henri Proglio, won the group’s emergency humanitarian arm. that they sell to local plastics manufacturing unqualifi ed approval of the division heads. They Thierry Vandevelde: The Foundation is now companies. all believed it would enhance the eff ectiveness supporting actions in which employee T. V.: Another important project steered by and continuity of our humanitarian action. volunteers use their expertise to respond to nonprofi t Sky Island Alliance aims to preserve a emergency situations around the world. In this You mentioned overarching projects. land archipelago in Arizona, United States, and way, alongside employee sponsoring of local What do you mean by this and can you Northwest Mexico. This area is an important initiatives, we provide a framework for already cite some examples? and very threatened reservoir of biodiversity. volunteering of skills in emergencies. This R.-M. A.: They are projects spanning several The partnership should bring into play NGOs approach was fi rst proposed by Veolia Water years with the capacity to attract other and American and Mexican universities, the US but now encompasses the group’s other areas partners and muster substantial resources, Environmental Protection Agency and Veolia of expertise under the name of Veoliaforce. starting from a modest initial investment. employee volunteers in America. What are the advantages of this extension We have already launched similar projects – R.-M. A.: Other projects are under way, but of the Foundation’s activities ? I am thinking here of the creation of the I would like to emphasize the fact that the R.-M. A.: A more consistent approach. The Alliance pour le Développement (Alliance for Foundation will continue to support local Foundation was already fi nancing equipment for Development), where we work alongside the projects sponsored by Veolia employees, as Veoliaforce. Bringing all our sponsorship activities French Ministries of the Economy and Foreign the Chairman Henri Proglio has always wished. together in the Foundation is a guarantee of Aff airs, the French Development Agency (AFD), In this way, the Foundation is strengthening consistency and good management. Our Sanofi -aventis and the Institut Pasteur. The its ambition to involve Veolia Environnement Foundation already stands out for the importance Alliance is keen to set up exemplary initiatives employees in useful, community-based it attaches to employee sponsors. Its profi le in areas closely related to environmental initiatives, which they can do by sponsoring a was raised by the creation of the Environment conservation and health, such as health project or contributing their skills in emergency Book Prize in 2005. Employee volunteering gives centers in Madagascar, schools in Niger and and development actions, as well as in these it another – very legitimate – strength and combating dengue fever in Vietnam. major, overarching projects. The Foundation is makes Veolia’s corporate sponsorship activity T. V.: Reinforcing the Foundation through taking on a new dimension while retaining more visible and easier to understand. employee volunteering gives us a central role in its essence. 4

The Foundation: how it works Acting through its employees, the Veolia Environnement Foundation supports sustainable development by providing fi nancial support for local initiatives and volunteering of skills for emergency and development actions. It implements its action through transparent and rigorous procedures, with the aim of facilitating useful, realistic projects that harness the enthusiasm of Veolia employees.

Financial support in three vital areas

To improve the lives of the most vulnerable groups and help them fi nd employment as well as preserving the environment, the Foundation supports local projects sponsored by Veolia Environnement employees.

Workforce development: fi nding a stable Outreach place in society Workforce 46% development 30% Living with dignity means fi nding a job and being able to lead an independent and useful life. The Foundation supports initiatives to help people excluded from mainstream society: learning a trade, fi nding a job in the supportive economy or through microfi nance Environmental 24% conservation initiatives, for instance. Environmental conservation: so that life can continue Outreach: meeting essential needs Living in harmony with nature, preserving resources and biodiversity, Healthier living starts with access to clean water, food and energy. It also limiting climate change—in other words, preserving the Earth for means protecting your health thanks to access to adequate hygiene and future generations. The Foundation encourages actions contributing healthcare. The projects we support aim to provide these fundamental to environmental conservation, in particular through education and benefi ts, particularly for society’s more vulnerable members. raising awareness of responsible environmental practices.

Phase 1: Phase 2: project preparation selection

PROJECT • The sponsor helps with preparation of the application • The Selection Committee examines the project • The Foundation team examines the project and ► acceptance/rejection ITINERARY decides whether to submit it to the Selection • If the project requires a grant of over €150,000, All projects are sponsored Committee it is submitted to the Board of Trustees by a Veolia employee. ► acceptance/rejection The project leader may be a nonprofi t organization, Selection criteria a subsidized employment • Community-based nonprofi t initiatives company or a local • Put forward and sponsored by an employee government structure, • Useful, realistic and reproducible initiatives coordinated by a credible project leader with reliable partners for instance. • Supported by other backers – the Foundation grant must not exceed 50% of the budget and must be earmarked in priority for tangible or intangible investment 5 Attentive and eff ective governance

The Board of Trustees*: guidance and vigilance Volunteering of skills: The Board of Trustees, chaired by Henri a humanitarian structure Proglio, meets twice a year. It defi nes the Foundation’s strategic orientations and In 2008, the Foundation was broadened to include Veoliaforce, a humanitarian ensures sound management. It selects those structure that harnesses the expertise and know-how of Veolia employees to projects applying for a grant of over respond to humanitarian emergencies and development needs. €150,000. It is made up of members of the Executive Committee and a Veolia Environnement employee representative, as well as qualifi ed experts. The Selection Committee*: projects from A to Z The Selection Committee, chaired by Raymond-Max Aubert, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees, meets every two months. It selects projects applying for grants up to €150,000. It decides on the amount of the grant, which for some long-term projects Humanitarian emergencies: surviving a disaster may span several years. It is made up of Veolia Environnement employees with a Immediate health-protection measures following a disaster, for instance by installing broad range of expertise, enabling it to water supply and sanitation facilities: this is the job of Veolia employees belonging to consider projects from diff erent angles. the Veoliaforce network, who contribute their time and expertise to help disaster victims. The Foundation team*: Development: building for the long term in the front line every day Making a contribution to the lasting improvement of environmental and living The permanent staff reviews and monitors conditions of disadvantaged communities: this is the goal of overarching projects projects and handles relations with sponsors, spanning several years and calling on the skills of Veoliaforce. These projects combine volunteers and project leaders. the resources of diff erent partners to implement major structural programs, such as * List of members on page 44. eliminating cholera in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Partnership: acting together An operational ally for international organizations involved in aid projects (the French 2009-2013: Ministry of Foreign Aff airs, the Red Cross, Solidarités, Première Urgence, Action contre la Faim, Secours Catholique, etc.): this is the model for Veoliaforce’s intervention, whether laying the basis for in emergency situations or development programs. In April 2008, for instance, it became a new departure a stand-by partner for UNICEF, which calls on its expertise to help disaster victims. At the Board of Trustees meeting on November 28, 2008, the founding members decided to extend the Foundation’s remit Phase 3: Phase 4: to December 31, 2013, with a new multi-year support monitoring and evaluation program and a budget of €36 million. This represents €7.2 million a year, contributed • Project accepted► a sponsorship • Monitoring of the project with the by Veolia Environnement and the four divisions convention is signed between sponsor (photos, invoices, progress (€4 million in fi nancial support and the organization and the Foundation report, etc.) (reciprocal undertakings, • End of project ► sponsor’s report and €3.2 million to support the volunteering timetable, etc.) evaluation by the Foundation of skills component). • Payment of funds by the sponsor The term of offi ce of the Foundation’s current in accordance with the timetable and on presentation of supporting trustees was renewed. The Board also decided documents to re-appoint Henri Proglio as Chairman and Raymond-Max Aubert as Executive Vice-President for the Foundation’s new fi ve-year term. 6

Sponsors and volunteers: the cornerstone of our action The Veolia Environnement Foundation off ers motivated Veolia employees a way of becoming involved in community-based initiatives. They may act as sponsor for a local initiative receiving fi nancial support from the Foundation, or become a volunteer in the Veoliaforce network and undertake humanitarian or development missions with the support of the Foundation.

Employee HÉLÈNE GABAY-HUMIENNY, SPONSOR OF PARRAINS PAR’MILLE, engagement FRANCE () A personal commitment Creating a mentoring house for to a project “the kids on the block” Whether they have put forward a project themselves or adopted an “orphan” project, Since 1990, nonprofi t organization Parrains par’mille has been creating links between the sponsors are all present or retired Veolia children from diffi cult family backgrounds and adults keen to sponsor them. employees. Throughout the world, they form Hélène Gabay-Humienny, in-house lawyer with Veolia Water’s legal department, the human link between the Foundation has been advising the organization on legal matters for ten years. In 2007, she decided and the project. to become its sponsor with the Veolia Environnement Foundation and help Parrains The sponsor is the project leader’s key par’mille open premises devoted to mentoring children in Paris. contact. He or she meets with the project leader, checks the project’s relevance in terms of the Foundation’s criteria, assesses its technical and fi nancial feasibility and may also advise the project leader on how “Parrains to prepare the application. The sponsor also par’mille has drafts a detailed opinion for the Selection brought some Committee. Once the project is accepted, the sponsor happiness to hands over the grant check. They then the lives of over remain in contact with the project leader, monitor its progress, ensure that the funds 4,000 children are properly spent and, in some cases, in diffi cult contribute their own skills or those of work circumstances.” colleagues. Once the action is completed, the sponsor drafts a report on its HÉLÈNE GABAY-HUMIENNY, implementation and a fi rst evaluation. IN-HOUSE LAWYER, VEOLIA WATER (right in photo) 7

Volunteers for PHILIPPE DEPARDAY, VOLUNTEER ON ASSIGNMENT IN LEBANON humanitarian Helping to build a sanitation system action in a Palestinian refugee camp Dedication and expertise Some 40 km south of Beirut, on the outskirts of the town of Veoliaforce volunteers are technicians or Saïda in Lebanon, is Ein El Hilweh, one of the biggest Palestinian engineers willing to travel anywhere in the refugee camps. Some 45,000 people have been living there for world to make their experience and many years. But all around this offi cial camp, with its concrete expertise available to people in need of it. or stone buildings and infrastructure, other camps have sprung Following an earthquake, a hurricane or a up to accommodate further successive waves of refugees tsunami, the immediate task is to prevent displaced by the continuing Israeli-Palestinian confl ict. Living disease and other health risks swelling the conditions in these unoffi cial camps are far from satisfactory, number of victims. The survivors must be whether in terms of housing quality, infrastructure or saved, which means re-establishing access PHILIPPE DEPARDAY, conditions of health and hygiene. To help remedy these many to water and energy, collecting and treating CENTER MANAGER WITH SADE problems, NGO Première Urgence has been working since waste and helping transport food and March 2005 in one of the camps, Sikke, which accommodates equipment. “There is 368 families, totaling 1,712 people. It is helping to renovate Veolia Environnement has expertise in all housing and improve access to essential services, with a these areas. so much particular focus on eliminating the environmental and health Volunteers undertake assignments in their poverty in risks arising from the uncontrolled discharge of hundreds of working time and continue to be paid by these camps cubic meters of wastewater. To carry out this work, the NGO their company. The Foundation is responsible relies on the expertise of Lebanese and international experts. for logistics, pays their travel costs and that you Philippe Deparday, center manager with SADE DRIF Sud, was fi nances the equipment, which is mostly naturally assigned by Veoliaforce to help the NGO. He spent a week in donated to the community helped. want South Lebanon in February 2008 with the aim of validating Comprehensive training some of the choices made for the future wastewater collection to help.” system. On site, he was able to validate the data transmitted Before being sent on assignment, volunteers to him earlier (confi guration of housing, topography, access for attend a three-day training course to site machinery, state of roads, existing systems, etc.), update familiarize themselves with the latest preliminary projects for future wastewater and rainwater humanitarian emergency techniques and runoff systems and work with the local design offi ce. equipment. These courses are also open to partners (the Red Cross, UNICEF), enabling the diff erent players to learn to work together under conditions approximating those in the fi eld and building cohesion between the diff erent teams.

Discover sponsors’ and volunteers’ comments on the Foundation web- site: w w w. fo n d at i o n .ve o l i a . co m heading “Summaries” 8

Veoliaforce: emergency aid and development volunteers In 2008, Veoliaforce’s network of volunteers joined the Foundation, bringing their experience and expertise in humanitarian missions: one-off assignments to help disaster victims and long-term commitment to development projects involving a number of diff erent partners.

years 10 of experience In 1998, in response to two major disasters, Veolia Water set up Waterforce, a network of employee volunteers prepared to devote their time and expertise to helping disaster victims, secure water supply and prevent epidemics. Over the years, the network has expanded and now counts over 500 expert volunteers. In the regions where they intervene, these volunteers noted that there was frequently a great lack of basic infrastructure. After the emergency proper, there was still a great deal to do, which is why longer-term projects began to emerge, under the Waterdev “label.” Partnerships for action

Veoliaforce has become a partner to public authorities keen to A new pillar carry out decentralized aid initiatives and a favored partner of for the Foundation organizations involved in international aid and development, such as the French Ministry of Foreign Aff airs, the Red Cross, Solidarités, Since its inception in 2004, the Veolia Environnement Foundation Première Urgence, Action contre la Faim and Secours Catholique. has fi nanced the equipment used for humanitarian missions, which Since 2008, it has been a stand-by partner for UNICEF, which can is frequently left in place to be operated by trained personnel. call on its volunteer experts at any time to respond to humanitarian In turn, the Foundation called on Waterforce experts for many projects emergencies. requiring technical expertise in water. In 2008, the Foundation realized that it could facilitate its work by combining these two Veolia Five years of aid work in the fi eld teams, both of which serve community and environmental objectives. In Bunia, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, UNICEF and Veolia Environnement have been working together to help Waterforce joins the Foundation local NGOs and the government improve access to water for This operation is more a merger than a transfer as it brings all the 150,000 people living in urban areas with the aim of reducing the risk company’s experts under a single umbrella. With its new name of epidemics. In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North of Veoliaforce, the network has been expanded to include volunteers Korea), Veoliaforce experts assessed the condition of pumping from Veolia Energy and Veolia Environmental Services, who will stations in areas aff ected by the summer 2007 fl oods and drafted eventually be joined by volunteers from Veolia Transport. a refurbishment project that is currently being rolled out. 9

Specifi cally designed “Veolia emergency equipment researchers are totally Veoliaforce conducts research and development work focusing specifi cally on humanitarian action. The aim is to improve the equipment used, making it easier committed to handle, lighter and more robust. alongside us. One example is the new Aquaforce 5000 mobile water treatment unit. Thanks to Easy to transport and install thanks to its modular design, Aquaforce 5000 can supply 20 liters of drinking water per day per person for up to 5,000 people. them, we benefi t from excellent research conditions New ideas emerging and above all from their Thanks to the use of new technologies, future emergency equipment will be more compact, lighter and more eff ective. Veolia researchers work with Veoliaforce talent!” experts, seeking to adapt to emergency equipment the techniques used on a large FRANK HAASER, scale in water production and wastewater treatment plants (Biostyr®, membrane HEAD OF EMERGENCIES – VEOLIAFORCE processes, etc.). A number of pilot projects are being tested in the Annet-sur-Marne WITH THE VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT test center, and the new mobile units will shortly move into industrialization phase. FOUNDATION Likewise, Veolia Energy experts are keen to develop an energy “fi rst-aid” kit that can be implemented rapidly in emergency situations to respond to the needs of disaster victims. The kit consists of several modules – electricity, heating and health – and will be used primarily to bring priority facilities such as hospitals back into operation but also to supply power for living facilities in refugee camps. 10

Emergency missions In 2008, Veoliaforce participated in fi ve emergency humanitarian missions in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, involving French and foreign volunteers who spent a total of over 500 days in the fi eld.

ZIMBABWE – December 2008 HAITI – September 2008 Combating the cholera epidemic Coordinating emergency aid

The cholera epidemic starting in August 2008 had aff ected Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike: in just three weeks in late August 85,000 people by the beginning of 2009, with 4,000 deaths and, and early September 2008, the coastal areas of Haiti, a country in in some places, a mortality rate of over 25%. In December 2008, the which 70% of the population lives under the poverty threshold, French Red Cross requested help from Veoliaforce to supervise was ravaged by a series of major hurricanes. According to the UN, an emergency response team with special expertise in water supply 800,000 people were victims of the damage caused by this series and treatment. Ten metric tons of emergency equipment (two Aquaforce of violent hurricanes. UNICEF called on Veoliaforce in the framework mobile water treatment units) were sent to the capital, Harare. of its partnership agreement to help coordinate the NGOs working A fi rst mobile unit serving 10,000 people was set up in the Chikurubie in water, sanitation and promoting hygiene. district, while a second unit was set up to restore water supply at A volunteer was assigned for three weeks to carry out this mission strategic points (health center, market, etc.) in Chitungwiza, a town in Les Gonaïves, in the northwest part of the island, the region with 620,000 inhabitants located 20 km south of the capital that was hardest hit by fl ooding. the site of the fi rst outbreak of the epidemic.

MYANMAR, BURMA – May 2008 CAMEROON – February 2008 Restoring water supply after Producing drinking water for cyclone Nargis refugees from armed confl ict

Veoliaforce sent two volunteers and seven metric tons of emergency At the request of the Red Cross, Veoliaforce sent two volunteers to equipment to Myanmar at the request of the French Red Cross. provide autonomous water and energy supply for a primary healthcare The volunteers trained members of the Myanmar Red Cross and center in a fi rst-line camp set up in Maltam to accommodate Chadian employees of the local water company to assemble and monitor refugees displaced by the armed confl ict that broke out in Chad at the mobile water production units. A fi rst unit was set up in the township beginning of 2008. of Labutta, one of the areas most hard hit by the cyclone; the second Once in place, the volunteers were also asked by UNICEF to upgrade was used to restore water supply to inhabitants of the township of potable water access – at very short notice – to cope with the massive Myaungmya located to the west of the Irrawaddy delta, which was infl ux of refugees. also severely aff ected by the disaster.

Cameroon – February 2008 An emergency camp was set up in Maltam to accommodate Chadian refugees fl eeing armed confl ict in N’Djamena.

Zimbabwe – December 2008 A mobile water treatment unit (Aquaforce) was set up in the town of Chitungwiza, a major casualty of the cholera epidemic. 11

How to best help victims of the Sichuan earthquake?

By providing them with potable water On May 12, 2008, an earthquake measuring 8 “Supplying areas. As of May 24, a second unit was set up on the Richter scale devastated the province of in Taguanje. The third Aquaforce unit arrived Sichuan in central China: 80,000 confirmed potable on May 31, along with two French volunteers deaths, 20,000 people missing and 1.5 million water was who came to relieve their colleagues. On June 4, disaster victims, according to the local authori- the unit was installed in Ci-Fong to supply ties. The authorities quickly put the necessary the toughest 10,000 people. measures in place to rehouse the victims, in challenge The Chinese volunteers, working in 15-day some cases transporting them to the outskirts to be met shifts, then kept the three stations going. of cities whose infrastructure had suff ered less damage. Even so, drinking water was lacking in after this devastating A new mission many places, due to the infl ux of disaster vic- earthquake. Veoliaforce At the request of UNICEF, for which Veoliaforce tims and the fact that certain water resources is a stand-by partner, another post-emergency or supply networks had been destroyed. provided prompt and mission was organized between July 1 to 17, to eff ective help.” set up five UNICEF mobile units including a Immediate mobilization water treatment system, flexible reservoirs The Chinese authorities very quickly contacted JIANG BO, TECHNICAL DIRECTOR and distribution ramps equipped with taps in OF THE VEOLIA WATER PLANT IN CHENGDU Veolia Water Asia, which in turn contacted four very badly affected districts in Sichuan Veoliaforce. Two mobile water treatment units and train 12 technicians and local operators. were sent to the area on May 16, accompanied by three Veoliaforce experts. In China itself, of Speed and eff ectiveness the many employees responding to Veolia On May 21, two volunteers went to the village HUMAN RESOURCES Water Asia’s call for volunteers, nine with par- of Xiang’e, where thousands of survivors were 25 French and Chinese volunteers working ticular expertise in supply networks, operation living in tents. Analyses showed that a local in shifts in the front line or chemical processes were chosen. They water resource was usable. 375 days on assignment joined Tian Gang, Director of the Veolia Water The local team joined the volunteers by truck, plant in Chengdu, to form the local team (Tian bringing the equipment. After some minor EQUIPMENT MOBILIZED AND GRANT was also to play a key role in liaising with the excavation work, the Aquaforce line was ins- 3 Aquaforce water treatment units authorities). The volunteers were given an talled and supplemented by two water tankers Grant of €373 000 to the China intensive three-day training course. to respond to demand from the neighboring Environmental Protection Foundation 12

Development projects In 2008, Veoliaforce volunteers spent more than 900 days on assignment with the aim of contributing their skills to development projects, primarily in Africa and the Middle East.

NIAMEY, NIGER – November 2008 PÉNI, BURKINA FASO – May 2008 Treating polluted wastewater Water access program in three from tanneries villages in a rural community

At the request of the CMCAN (Niger leather trades and arts center), To help the rural community of Péni in the Bobo-Dioulasso region, Veoliaforce brought its technical expertise to bear on bringing the Veoliaforce conducted a study to design the most appropriate never-used effl uent treatment plant adjacent to the tannery into infrastructure the villages of Poya, Banankeledaga and Baguera. operation. The Veoliaforce volunteer focused on three objectives: It fi nalized the dimensions of the new supply networks, the chemical analysis of the water to be treated; refurbishment of the positioning of new standpipes, identifi ed the sections of the network plant to treat effl uent containing toxic products from the tannery; that needed to be modifi ed, drafted the execution plans, decided on and training technicians to operate the plant. the height of a new water tower and ensured that the work complied with the consumption standards defi ned by the Word Health Organization.

BANGOUA, CAMEROON – November 2008 A new water supply network

Bangoua residents have been deprived of potable water for several years. The fi rst water supply system, built in 1984, proved unsuitable for the harsh weather in this mountainous region. Veoliaforce, contacted by nonprofi t organization Les Enfants du Ndé, undertook to restore the water supply. The preliminary evaluations carried out by Veoliaforce volunteers in 2006 and 2007 identifi ed all the necessary parameters for rehabilitating the system and the assignment carried out at the end of 2008 successfully completed the fi rst stage of the works.

BISSAU, GUINEA-BISSAU – July 2008 BEIT SIRA, PALESTINE – July 2008 MOUDEYRI, SENEGAL – February 2008 • Providing expertise and recommendations • Inspecting the state of the existing water supply • Expert technical advice on improving the for improving conditions of access to water network and analyzing all existing infrastructure; availability of the water resource, modernizing and sanitation in the city of Bissau. proposing suitable solutions for renovating the existing installations, carrying out extensions network. to the system and setting up a sustainable management system. SAÏDA, LEBANON – February  GAO, MALI – July 2008 • Assistance in building a sanitation and IVATO, MADAGASCAR – 2008 rainwater runoff system in a Palestinian refugee • Study, expert advice and technical camp. recommendations to improve sanitation in • Construction of a 50 cubic meter water tower the municipality of Gao (wastewater and to supply potable water for a health center sludge management). and primary school and rehabilitation of the municipality’s sanitation system. 1

How to improve living conditions in the arid region of Yélimané in Mali?

By providing access to running water Little by little, life is changing in the Cercle de “It’s a genuine A project involving many participants Yélimané. In this region of 160,000 people – one shared project, Initial diagnosis, local organization, pricing, train- town, 11 municipalities and 94 villages – located ing water inspectors, managers, treasurers, in the western Sahel in Mali, we are helping to grounded in mechanics and plumbers, setting up users’ asso- tackle the challenge of providing potable water. cooperation ciations, raising the local community’s awareness The foundations for economic and human of hygiene and sanitation: all this required a great development are now in place. Between January between deal of preparation, with the support of nonprofi t 2005 and December 2007, the 50-year-old water the partners, organi z ations and Veoliaforce, acting as project supply system in Yélimané, the main town in the the village people, manager, with the expert advice of the Regional area, was rehabilitated and extended, involving Hydraulic Department of Kayes. The young peo- replacement of 6 km of pipes, 15 standpipes and the authorities, local ple in the villages manned the shovels and picks 70 individual connections. At the same time, the development associations to dig 3.5 km of trenches out of the 9 km required supply system was expanded to include three for the first part of the project, alongside local outlying villages with two new standpipes for and Veoliaforce.” companies responsible for civil engineering work each village, which required requisitioning a FRÉDÉRIQUE HÉRY, PROJECT MANAGER (standpipes, inspection holes, premises). By pro- new water resource to serve around 6,000 peo- WITH THE VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT viding a renovated, leak-free supply network, ple in all. FOUNDATION Veoliaforce enabled the village management In 2009, the program tackled another project: committees to benefit from and manage their building an interconnection between two vil- water authority (SEDIF) and Veoliaforce – were own infrastructure. Thanks to sound manage- lages 3 km from the Cercle to supply 11 stand- asked to provide support. They were joined by ment, a surplus was generated in 2008 and will pipes for some 3,500 people. Montreuil nonprofit organizations and local be used to fi nance any repairs required. development associations, municipalities, project Combining goodwill and resources managers and local people. This little miracle is the fruit of extensive North- The project has been launched in two parts. HUMAN RESOURCES South and South-South cooperation and of the First, the Vietnamese will help intensify fl ood- 6 volunteers undertook successive involvement of the local community. In 2004, the plain crop production (rice) and diversify farm- assignments in the fi eld town of Montreuil, which has a large Malian com- ing activities (market gardening, orchards, etc.). 19 separate assignments munity and acts as partner to both Yélimané and Secondly, Veoliaforce will help develop a water 433 days on assignment the province of Hai Duong in Vietnam, arranged system over a three-year period in collaboration 240 days spent on project coordination contact between the Malian and Vietnamese with SEDIF and the NGO Eau Vive. The Veolia FOUNDATION GRANT authorities. Other partners – the UN’s Food and Environnement Foundation is providing a grant Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Île-de-France of €300,000. €300,000 14 Outreach: meeting essential needs

The partners responded to the children’s“ appeal for running water, toilets, sanitation and electric light – such simple things, but their future depends on them.” SERIFI VILLAR MOHAMED, UNICEF PROGRAM COORDINATOR

How to prevent early?

336 projects in fi ve years By improving hygiene in

In Morocco, why do so many children, 48 projects in 2008 especially girls, drop out of school before completing their studies? The answer: the lack of sanitary facilities. This fact emerged from a survey carried out at the beginning of DEVELOPMENT AID the decade under the aegis of the Moroccan government and UNICEF in schools in underprivileged neighborhoods around HELPING CHILDREN AND OTHER Tangier. In these districts, barely half of the children were enrolled in school and only half VULNERABLE GROUPS the population could read and write, with four out of fi ve women being illiterate. A major project Remedying this problem required resources www.fondation.veolia.com and skills. From France, the Greater heading “Projects supported” fi eld Outreach Taking stock15

little girls from dropping out of school their schools

Community, Veolia Environnement (and, from conducted in the schools, with local authorities, together with 26 new connections to the 2004, its Foundation) and the Waterdev team the Moroccan Ministry of Education, UNICEF water, wastewater and electricity systems. (now Veoliaforce), joined forces with UNICEF, and the nonprofi t organization Al-Barzakh, This immense project was completed the Moroccan Ministry of Education, nonprofi t to raise the awareness of all participants thanks to fi nancial support from the Veolia organizations and other companies such as – students and teachers but also parents, Environnement Foundation, the Greater Amendis, to conduct a wide-ranging project. maintenance employees and local offi cials Lyons Solidarity Fund for Water and the The project, initiated in 2003, included a highly – of the importance of hygiene to health. French Committee for UNICEF. technical component. Various works were Improved conditions in 32 schools carried out in each school after detailed inspection: connection to the public water, After three years of works, over 30,000 In brief wastewater and electricity systems and people – students and teachers – have seen • 32 schools equipped with toilet blocks. installation or renovation of toilet blocks. a radical change in their conditions of work The work was carried out by local companies and study in 32 schools in Tangier-Assilah. • 30,000 students and teachers served. selected after a call for tender for each school. Some 322 separate WCs for boys, girls and • 3 years of works. It was monitored by Amendis and a Veoliaforce teachers and 133 shared hand-washing • Foundation grant: €415,000. expert. In addition, a daily program was basins were either installed or renovated, 16

Development aid

-DAY CAP DÉVELOPPEMENT SÉNÉGAL • SENEGAL ASSIGNMENT A new vegetable oil production activity Some 200 km south of Dakar in the Foundiougne département, the Senegalese company SOPREFF is moving into production of vegetable oil to be used locally as a fuel. It is being helped by the Senegalese nonprofi t Cap Développement Sénégal, which supports implementation in Africa of an innovative rural development model based on local entrepreneurship. The oil will be produced from the jatropha plant, known as “tabanani” in the region. The plant will be grown over 2,500 hectares, bringing into play a federation comprised of several hundreds of farmers. The aim is to create the conditions for a signifi cant and sustainable improvement in living standards for some 100 villages (around 60,000 people) by generating new sources of income allowing them to develop and perpetuate local communities’ access to high-quality water and electricity services. This source of alternative energy will be used to power multi- functional village infrastructure (presses, millet mills, shelling machines) but also, once transformed into biofuels, to run locally Location: Foundiougne département used vehicles. It will also be used to produce candles and soap. Sponsor: Jean-Pascal Rigolleau, Veolia Energy – Dalkia Altogether, some 30 village development points will be created. Foundation grant: €90,000

PARTAGE AVEC L’AFRIQUE • BURKINA FASO FOYER SOCIO-ÉDUCATIF DU LYCÉE AMICALE LAÏQUE DE GUILERS • PAUL LANGEVIN • SENEGAL BURKINA FASO Creation of a photovoltaic plant to provide electricity for a school that runs evening Extension of a water supply system: Reinforcing the water supply system for classes for adults. pipes, connections and borehole pump. market-gardening activities and a maternity clinic. Location: Godin Oulogtenga, Location: Touba Peycouk, Thiès province west of Ouagadougou Sponsor: Rémy Ledoux, Veolia Water Location: Tuili, south of Ouagadougou Sponsor: Jean-François Moal, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €14,000 Sponsor: Jacques Pouliquen, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €10,000 Foundation grant: €5,000 Outreach Development aid 17

M.A.Dé.L.A.* • NIGER PACTE CONTRE LE CHOLÉRA (SOLIDARITÉS/SOLENA/RÉSEAU CAP) • -DAY DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO ASSIGNMENT Water for market gardening Combating cholera Construction of a well with manually The Ministry of Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo operated pump and an irrigation network drafted its national plan for eliminating cholera in 2007 with to develop market-gardening activity in the the help of the Foundation. Since then, a number of bush village of Tidirka. organizations have joined forces with the NGO Solidarités, * Sustainable development actions in Africa UNICEF and Veoliaforce to implement this plan. Their action is focused on seven towns in the east of the country located in Location: Tidirka, Dosso region lakeside areas and identifi ed as breeding grounds for epidemics Sponsor: Zakari Boureima, Veolia Water (Bunia, Goma, Bukavu, Uvira, Kalemie, Bukama and Kasenga) and Foundation grant : €10,000 has helped to improve their capacity to produce and distribute ASSANE M’BAYE, potable water and sanitation, improve medical treatment for VEOLIA WATER cholera victims and reinforce promotion of hygiene and health RAIL-NIGER • NIGER “Participating education. The Foundation provided a grant for the start-up in this project phase of the program, targeted on the town of Kalemie. On the Two boreholes technical level, water production and distribution infrastructure to provide access gave me will be renovated and extended. On the medical level, all even greater patients will receive treatment to avoid the disease spreading to water further. Lastly, on the educational level, information campaigns motivation will aim to raise the community’s awareness of hygiene. Nigerian NGO Rail-Niger is conducting new in my day- Veoliaforce will participate in work on the water production water infrastructure work in the village plant and on the water supply system as a whole. of Dounawa to provide satisfactory coverage to-day work.” of the daily water requirements of the Location: Kalemie, a town located on the shores of Lake Tanganyika local population and their herds, which will Sponsors: Bruno de Buzonnière, Veolia Environnement; Frank Haaser, Veolia Water relieve women of the chore of walking for Foundation grant: €390,000 miles to collect this essential resource. It has entrusted the construction of two manually operated boreholes to Nigerian companies and is also conducting programs to raise the local community’s awareness of the need to maintain water points and the importance of systematic implementation of best practices in the fi eld of hygiene.

Location: Dounawa, Zinder region Sponsor: Célia de Lavergne, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €20,000

ROTARY CLUB DE RENNES • MADAGASCAR KYNAROU • INDIA HYDRAULIQUE SANS FRONTIÈRES • MADAGASCAR Digging 20 very deep wells to supply 10 villages Building a potable water system for fi ve with clean water. underprivileged villages in Tamil Nadu. Building a potable water system for village-dwellers in Marotandrano. Location: Maroantsetra district, Toamasina Location: Tamil Nadu region province Sponsor: Monique Tissier, Veolia Water Location: Marotandrano, Mahajanga region Sponsor: Philippe Surjous, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €10,000 Sponsor: Patrick Flicoteaux, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €25,000 Foundation grant: €10,000 18 Outreach Development aid

1-DAY -DAY w BERGERS EN SCÈNE • MALI OMCI* DE COMMERCY • SENEGAL ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT Providing water Access to for 5,000 people potable water Nonprofi t organization Bergers en scène The organization OMCI de Commercy has been working with helps village-dwellers in Mountan Soninké the Ronkh municipality since 1990 on a comprehensive program gain access to potable water. With the covering access to potable water, public hygiene, health, education, expertise of a Veoliaforce volunteer, the training and economic development. Veolia Water has been organization built a water tower and assisting it from the outset with the water component of its connected it to a network of six standpipes. activity. The new project, which will continue throughout 2008 and 2009, and for which the organization has sought the help of Location: Mountan Soninké, Kayes region the Veolia Environnement Foundation, is part of a much larger Sponsor: Nassif Jahjah, Veolia Water operation launched by the Senegalese government: the Lake Guiers Foundation grant: €15,000 JEAN BOMBARDIERI, action plan currently being implemented, which involves water VEOLIA WATER infrastructure development for the whole region. South of the rural -DAY community of Ronkh, OMCI is connecting village communities “They didn’t ADEFRAMS* • SENEGAL ASSIGNMENT to the water system by building a reservoir, 30 standpipes and have water installing 36,000 meters of pipes. This extension of the system and the many additional connections mean that all the people or electricity. Water living within the scope of the project – almost 5,000 people – will It really have equal access to water. The community project, considered supply for 122 villagesill exemplary by the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs, will become the made me In the department of Kédougou, Adeframs property of the Senegalese water company, SONES, which will feel I was is building water points (wells or boreholes) maintain it in good operating order over the longer term. useful.” to supply potable water to 12 villages around * Municipal offi ce for international development aid Ninefetcha. This involves sinking 12 wells or boreholes and training local people to Location: Ronkh municipality, Saint-Louis region manage the installations, while raising the Sponsor: Jean Bombardieri, Veolia Water communities’ level of awareness on issues Foundation grant: €50,000 of hygiene. The sponsor has taken a lively interest in the project and carried out an assignment in the fi eld to share his expertise in hydraulics. * An organization that develops exchanges between France, Morocco and Senegal

Location: 12 villages around Ninefetcha, Kédougou département Sponsor: Alain Coat, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €36,000 over three years

LYCÉE DENIS PAPIN • MALI UN JOUR, UNE PENSÉE • MALI OUAGA • BURKINA FASO Refurbishing the electrical installations in a Provision of equipment to facilitate waste Extension of a water supply system for an technical high school in Bamako with the collection and removal in a suburban infant nutrition center in the bush. help of students from a French vocational neighborhood of Bamako. Location: Barsalogho, Sanmatenga province high school. Location: Daoudabougou neighborhood, Sponsor: Jean-Pierre Thevenon, Veolia Water Location: Bamako Bamako Foundation grant: €7,500 Sponsor: Michel Barbier, Veolia Water Sponsor: Jean-Christian Pottier, Veolia Environmental Services Foundation grant: €4,000 Foundation grant: €6,000 Outreach Development aid 19

-DAY ARP DÉVELOPPEMENT* • MALI ASSIGNMENT Using solar energy to provide potable water

ORCADES • INDIA Rebuilding a region after the tsunami NGO Orcades has been working for three years in the east of Tamil Nadu alongside an Indian NGO, INDP, to help villages devastated by The Malian government has embarked on a vast program to provide the tsunami of December 2004. After a fi rst successful initiative, they access to drinking water, which should give 75% of the population have launched new projects to perpetuate the work already done and access to this precious resource by 2015. The government is therefore extend it to new areas. In 2008, this allowed seven more villages to working with numerous public and private partners. In the Cercle be equipped with water treatment facilities. Orcades has asked INDP de Niafunké, in particular, it plans to renovate wells, many of which to set up appropriate training schemes with village-dwellers to teach are in poor condition and in any case not in suffi cient number to them how to manage water supply and maintain the installations. serve the fast-growing population. Given the scale of the works planned, a specifi c partnership has been set up with the Rhône-Alpes region, France, the Veolia Environnement Foundation and ARP Développement. This nonprofi t organization, set up in 1992 with the aim of working alongside the Tombouctou PADL (local development support project), is responsible for technical and fi nancial monitoring of the project and seeking competent partners to design and install the water infrastructure. During the summer of 2007, after a consultation phase, the Foundation and the PADL launched a major water infrastructure construction project in seven villages to serve approximately 15,000 people. Each village will have a water supply system powered by solar energy and adapted to their requirements. Training programs are also organized to encourage local residents to take part in maintaining the installations. * Planning, research and education for development

Location: 7 villages in Tamil Nadu Location: Cercle de Niafunké Sponsor: Thierry Vandevelde, Veolia Water Sponsor: Franck Haaser, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €30,000 Foundation grant: €70,000

SMARA* • MALI BRIVE-SIKASSO • MALI LES CAMIONS DE L’ESPOIR • MOROCCO Supplying educational materials and Extension of the Wayerema community Renovation of a dilapidated school and its medical kits for community health centers health center. sanitary installations. in the Tombouctou region. Location: Sikasso Location: Takoucht, Essaouira province * Mali Rhône-Alpes Health Sponsor: Jean-Christian Pottier, Sponsors: Gérard Lacombe and Ismaïl Balafrej, Location: Tombouctou region Veolia Environmental Services Veolia Water Sponsor: Alain Moulinier, Veolia Transport Foundation grant: €9,000 Foundation grant: €10,000 Foundation grant: €19,000 20 Outreach Development aid


Child Friendly Schools

UNICEF has committed to ensuring that “Unfortu- Access to basic services every child has access to quality education in This project, which is part of a comprehensive an environment conducive to learning and to nately, even partnership between UNICEF and the the child’s personal development. This is in Europe, Moldavian educational authorities, covers the concept of the “Child Friendly Schools”: issues of training (teachers’ qualifications, qualified teachers, appropriate teaching schoolchild - educational content), prevention (combating methods, high-quality teaching and a satis- ren do not violence at school, rules of hygiene and factory environment, all supported by the always health, etc.) and infrastructure. local community to bring about a lasting The idea is to ensure that each school has improvement in the educational system. have access to water and access to basic services, i.e. water, sanitation Dilapidated schools heating.” and heating, areas in which the Veolia In 2008, UNICEF launched this type of pilot PATRICK ROUSSEL, VEOLIA ENERGY Environnement Foundation is able to contrib- experience in Moldavia, an Eastern European ute its technical expertise. country that has been independent since 1991 and which is post- Veoliaforce volunteers from Veolia Water and Veolia Energy have ing growth of almost 8% a year, but where 30% of its 4 million already carried out four assignments in Moldavia. inhabitants live under the poverty threshold. The deplorable state Location: Moldavia of infrastructure in most of its schools – lack of clean drinking Sponsor: Jean-Pascal Rigolleau, Veolia Energy – Dalkia water, no heating and poor conditions of hygiene – is not condu- cive to a healthy learning environment for the children. Foundation grant: €150,000

BOURSE FONDATION VEOLIA AIDONS BADOU • TOGO BIBLIOTHÈQUE SANS FRONTIÈRES • DE LA SOLIDARITÉ ÉTUDIANTE • WORLD CAMEROON Construction of a media library for Creation of a bursary that rewards student educating people in a bush village. Creation of a documentation and cultural solidarity initiatives every year. action center in Bokito and acquisition of Location: Badou a library bus. Location: World Sponsor: Philippe André, Sponsor: Jean-Pascal Rigolleau, Veolia Energy – Dalkia Location: Bokito Veolia Energy – Dalkia Foundation grant: €9,000 Sponsor: Jean-Marie Lambert, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €30,000 Foundation grant: €10,000 21

Helping children and other vulnerable groups

APETREIMC* • FRANCE () Mixed nurseries to promote the development of disabled children

MAINS OUVERTES • FRANCE (1) A vehicle for transporting mentally disabled adults Nonprofi t organization Mains Ouvertes, set up in 2003 to collect the funds required to set up a residential center in Rheims, works Cerebral palsy results from damage to the brain during pregnancy in collaboration with L’Arche de France, which since the 1960s has or birth, or even in the fi rst months of life. It leads to motor been accommodating mentally disabled adults in “family homes” diffi culties in infants, which impair communication, learning and where able-bodied and disabled people live side by side. It caters movement. APETREIMC, set up in 1978, off ers early education in more particularly for people who are isolated and have been rejected a group environment to children suff ering from this problem, by their families, with the aim of giving them all the attention and with the aim of facilitating their cognitive, physical and social aff ection that they need. development. It has set up mixed nurseries catering for able -bodied The idea of creating an Arche home in Rheims was fi rst mooted in children (60%) and disabled children (40%). All the children share 2003 and rapidly gained acceptance in the community thanks to the the same games and activities, which provides extra stimulation for work done by Mains Ouvertes. children suff ering from cerebral palsy. They are also off ered special A network of members and supporters was set up and proceeded educational and therapeutic activities, while their parents benefi t to organize fund-raising events. Two plots of land were acquired for from the opportunity to meet and share their experience. small-scale homes catering for 16 disabled and eight able-bodied However, play and teaching equipment for children with cerebral adults. The Veolia Environnement Foundation, informed of this new palsy is very expensive and requires regular replacement. The Veolia initiative by a sponsor who is aware of the problems of disabled Environnement Foundation agreed to help the organization, since people, agreed to help the organization buy a specially fi tted vehicle. it is convinced of the need to help seriously disabled children lead It will allow residents of the home to attend cultural and sports a normal social life. events or simply enjoy leisure trips away from home, just like other * Therapeutic education and rehabilitation of children suff ering from people. cerebral palsy

Location: Rheims, Marne Location: Paris Sponsor: Bertrand de Vulpillières, Veolia Water Sponsor: Nathalie Arzel, Veolia Environmental Services Foundation grant: €22,000 Foundation grant: €25,000 22 Outreach Helping children and other vulnerable groups

AUTISME  CENTRE – ÎLE-DE-FRANCE • FRANCE () ADDPF* • CAMBODIA Supporting young autistic Improving sanitary conditions people and their families in an orphanage Very little is done to help autistic people in France – only one in every 10 suff erers has a place in a specialized institution. To help remedy this lack, which is particularly severe in Paris, nonprofi t organization Autisme 75 Centre – Île-de-France has opened a center catering for 22 young people aged 12 to 20 in the third district of the capital. A genuine medical-educational institute, with half-boarding and full-boarding facilities (fi ve beds), it occupies a detached house in which the young people may spend one week a month. This facility gives their families some time off and prepares the young people for the separation from their parents once they become adults. This project benefi ts from the support, in their respective areas of competence, of the DDASS (health and social welfare department), the CPAM (primary health insurance), the Paris City Hall and the Paris Disability Center. The organization has also signed conventions with other players – Cambodia, which is still very strongly marked by the Khmer Rouge institutional, private and nonprofi t – to set up various supplementary era and civil war, suff ers from a serious lack of social infrastructure educational initiatives. to care for the tens of thousands of orphans growing up as best they can in orphanages lacking the most elementary comfort. In Doeun Location: Paris Kor, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, the Kien Khleang orphanage Sponsor: Philippe Messager, Veolia Environnement lacks almost everything it needs to care satisfactorily for its Foundation grant: €25,000 119 children, some disabled, in decent sanitary conditions. The orphanage does not have showers and the children have to wash in the nearby river. ADDPF in Lyons, which brings together students, Ph.D. candidates and teachers in the Lyons 3 law faculty, has established links with this orphanage through the local Cambodian community. ADDPF is acting to raise funds to allow the 119 children to pursue their studies under satisfactory conditions. It plans to build a shower block with a sanitation and water storage system. It approached the Veolia Environnement Foundation for a grant to fi nance the shower block and also for advice as to the best kind of sanitation system to install. * Law, development and French-speaking partnerships

Location: Doeun Kor, outskirts of Phnom Penh Sponsor: Thirith Boun-Chan, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €15,000

CLUB KIWANIS • COLOMBIA MONTPELLIER CULTURE SPORT ADAPTÉ • AFJ • FRANCE (75) FRANCE (34) Building a sports ground for children in the Fitting out a center for women who are shantytown of Las Americas. Acquisition of a bus to transport mentally victims of prostitution networks. disabled adults to sporting and cultural leisure Location: Cartagena activities. Location: Paris Sponsor: Manuel Barrera Medina, Proactiva Sponsor: Franck Previgliano, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €15,000 Location: Montpellier, Hérault Foundation grant: €5,000 Sponsor: André Cabrera, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €15,000 Outreach Helping children and other vulnerable groups 23

GROUPE DÉVELOPPEMENT • MOROCCO SÉSAME AUTISME CHER • FRANCE (1) Respect and dignity for street Working on the farm children to establish contact with others In Marrakech, two NGOs – French NGO Groupe Développement and At the end of 2008, nonprofi t organization Sésame Autisme Cher Moroccan NGO Atfalouna – have combined their skills to open an opened a medical accommodation center for 28 autistic adults in a accommodation center for street children. These children, abandoned 5-hectare property in Osmoy. To help them establish contact with by their families and in some cases completely desocialized, survive others, Sésame Autisme Cher has decided to set up a training farm in the city by begging (often exploited by adults) and sometimes by on the property. Its residents will be taught the basics of organic prostitution. These two organizations are working together to equip farming and learn how to raise livestock characteristic of the Berry a three-story house with terrace to cater for 90 children, providing region. Depending on their wishes and the progress they make in them with food and clothing, medical care and encouraging them opening up to other people, the autistic adults will also be asked to to go (or go back) to school. participate actively in organizing public visits. Atfalouna’s existing building, located close to Jemâa el Fna square in the very center of Marrakech, will be used to provide accommodation at Location: Osmoy, Cher night. But the project’s aims are even more ambitious: it hopes to expand Sponsor: Émile Macquet, Veolia Water Atfalouna’s actions with a specifi c focus on girls, giving them special Foundation grant : €30,000 access and reserved areas, to protect children in the process of social reintegration from the negative infl uence of other young people not yet socialized; and to explore future employment possibilities for the children KINDERERHOLUNGSZENTRUM AM BRAUNSTEICH E.V. • GERMANY by encouraging the girls and boys to make and sell craft products. This initiative dovetails with the priorities defi ned by Morocco in its 2006- A vacation center 2015 national action plan for children. for disabled people Not far from Weißwasser, nonprofi t organization Kindererholungs- zentrum am Braunsteich e.V. has, since 1991, been managing a former East German vacation center, converted into a center for all nature lovers. The center, located next to the Braun pond, off ers a range of fun and educational activities to families and school groups. Over the last fi fteen years or so, it has become an important pillar of the local economy, with between 15,000 and 20,000 vacation bookings a year. Over the last fi fteen year, the organization has been expanding its leisure off ering to new groups, including disabled people. To facilitate their stay, it has fi tted out multi-functional rooms, provided special access to outdoor activities and renovated and fi tted out four apartments. Their dynamism will help sustain tourism in a region that has very little industrial activity.

Location: Marrakech Location: Weißwasser, Saxony Sponsor: Ahmed Khattabi, Veolia Water Sponsor: Petra Brünner, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €45,000 Foundation grant: €17,000

EVANGELISCHE KIRCHENGEMEINDE • HANDI 48 – LOISIRS ÉVASION • FRANCE (66) MODERNISER SANS EXCLURE – SUD • GERMANY FRANCE Replacement of electronic navigational Extension of a parish center that off ers equipment for a yacht that caters for Acquisition of equipment for a nonprofi t intergenerational activities. disabled people. organization that helps very disadvantaged people by encouraging them to participate Location: Eilenberg, Saxony Location: Argelès-sur-Mer, Pyrénées-Orientales in making videos. Sponsor: Thomas Lange, Veolia Transport Sponsor: Michel Decorruée, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €12,000 Foundation grant: €10,000 Location: Rhône-Alpes and PACA regions Sponsor: Vincent Merle, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €10,000 24 Outreach Helping children and other vulnerable groups

RUTH ALBRECHT’S RAINBOW SCHOOL • NAMIBIA A school for disadvantaged children Namibia is a developing country and cannot fi nance pre-school education. All pre-school establishments are therefore private and charge quite high fees. It is during these fi rst years of school that the children learn English, which is almost mandatory to be admitted to primary school. This means that children from low-income families have great diffi culty obtaining a place in primary school, since they cannot aff ord SIMON DE CYRÈNE • FRANCE () to pay for pre-school education. To remedy this situation, nonprofi t organization Ruth Albrecht’s Rainbow School caters for children whose When social diversity includes families cannot pay private pre-school fees. Alongside its educational programs, it also raises the children’s awareness of environmental disability conservation and, in particular, the preservation of water resources. However, in 2007, the initiative suff ered a setback when the school was In Vanves, south of Paris, several nonprofi t organizations have joined forced to vacate the premises it was renting. forces to set up a home in which disabled and able-bodied people The grant provided by the Veolia Environnement Foundation enabled will live together. The future shared accommodation center aimed it to fi nish building its own facility and a second grant will allow at disabled adults, built with the help of organizations working it to provide technical and educational support for its environmental with disabled people (such as APF, Fidesco and L’Arche en France), conservation program. will provide accommodation for 27 physically and mentally disabled people in independent shared apartments catering for up to nine Location: Windhoek people. A “host” couple and able-bodied student volunteers will Sponsor: Vincent Duchateau, Veolia Water supervise each little community. Foundation grant: €30,000 Once the diff erent groups have been set up, each member will take responsibility for some aspect of the home’s organizational duties, depending on their capacities, and will be able to invite friends and family to visit. Sporting and intellectual activities and games will be off ered to contribute to the personal development of each resident. Salaried and voluntary professionals dealing with administrative tasks and psychological counseling will supervise the program. This is a long-awaited initiative: very few facilities of this kind exist in France, despite almost universal recognition of the merits of allowing disabled and able-bodied people to live together without any barriers.

Location: Vanves, Hauts-de-Seine Sponsor: Paul de Rosen, Veolia Transport Foundation grant: €100,000

VIP* • GERMANY RÊVE D’ENFANCE • FRANCE (20) FOYERS DELTA-SUD • FRANCE (13) Installation of an Accrobranche® (tree Therapeutic cruise in a yacht around Corsica Financing rambling equipment used for walking) activity for young people in for 30 children suff ering from cancer or vacations for children living in social welfare distressed circumstances. leukemia. institutions. * Union of social integration projects Location: Corsica Location: Bouches-du-Rhône Location: Münster, Lower Saxony Sponsor: Aimé Calvier, Veolia Energy – Dalkia Sponsor: Delphine Durand, Veolia Transport Sponsor: Doris Reich, Veolia Transport Foundation grant: €5,000 Foundation grant: €10,000 Foundation grant: €4,000 Outreach Helping children and other vulnerable groups 25

GLENWOOD SCHOOL • UNITED STATES DIXIÈME FAMILLE • FRANCE (ÎLE-DE-FRANCE) Helping children escape Sponsoring a family from the delinquency trap in diffi culty Glenwood School in Chicago helps children from very disadvantaged To help families in diffi culty, elderly people living on their own and families escape from poverty and delinquency. It runs a boarding disabled people, nonprofi t organization Dixième Famille has set school for children whose parents can no longer provide them with up an innovative system of social mentoring. Nine families from fi nancial or emotional support, and does its best to provide them diff erent backgrounds pool their skills and experience to help a with a satisfactory education. tenth family fi nd solutions to such problems as help with children’s It is currently helping 250 children aged 7 to 17 from the poorest homework, fi nding a job, organizing microcredits, etc. Thanks to the neighborhoods in the region. The Veolia Environnement Foundation creation of a specifi c software package called “Solidariciel”, Dixième has fi nanced purchase of a minibus to allow the children to enjoy Famille also helps optimize communication between the diff erent educational outings. families and pooling of resources.

Location: Chicago, Illinois Location: Paris region Sponsor: Curtis Mabry, Veolia Environmental Services Sponsor: Ludovic Roubaudi, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €30,000 Foundation grant: €8,000

Counseling women on very low incomes

The city of Hamburg estimates that currently one quarter of its renovate and fit out new rooms on the ground floor of its children live under the poverty threshold. This inspired non- premises. The Königskinder Café (café of the king’s children) will profi t organization La Diakonie to open an advisory service for soon enable women to have a cup of coffee and meet other pregnant women. Every year, over 1,800 expectant mothers use women, buy second-hand clothes and equipment (cradles, stroll- the service, which is the only place where they can apply for a ers, etc.) and attend evening talks on various themes, such as how grant to help cover the expenses associated with a new baby. to feed and care for a baby, family law, and so on. They will also be Some 90% of them are on very low incomes and depend in part able to make an appointment with a counselor and help with run- on state aid. ning the facility. Promoting encounters Location: Hamburg, Germany In 2007, 1,900 women could not be supported due to the lack of Sponsor: Nina Steffenhagen, Veolia Environmental Services suffi cient personnel and space. La Diakonie therefore decided to Foundation grant: €6,000 26 Workforce development: moving back into mainstream society

“All in all, we helped set up an eff ective back-to-work circuit.” PASCAL LERMECHIN, SITE DIRECTOR, TRIADE ELECTRONIC

How to move back self-confi dence? 213 projects since 2004 By learning a useful trade

Hundreds of young people and adults 35 projects in 2008 struggling under a combination of social diffi culties have spent time at Ateliers Sans Frontières (ASF) at Bonneuil-sur-Marne. More than 60% of them have found a job under an BUSINESS ACTIVITY unlimited-term contract, a fi xed-term contract of more than six months or in diploma-track training. Enjoying the benefi ts of individualized social counseling and vocational training, they COUNSELING AND TRAINING have learned a trade and have done something useful at the same time: combating wastage through recovering and reconditioning sports equipment and IT hardware. Participation in a supportive project

www.fondation.veolia.com Another reason to be proud: sports and handisports equipment, wheelchairs and heading “Projects supported” fi eld Workforce development Taking stock

into mainstream society and regain

computers are destined for French nonprofi t tatami line), and equip it with special Other agreements are in preparation. organizations and international outreach workstations for sorting and reconditioning The Foundation has also connected ASF with agencies, mainly in Morocco, Algeria and computers. The place was ready in April 2005. the Mamed Handicap et Libertés network, Romania. The nonprofi t, set up in 2003, fi rst ASF also became a partner of Triade, which which recovers and recycles orthopedic and focused on reconditioning sports equipment. supplies it with used computers, welcomes medical equipment for disabled people. In 2004, it decided to go into computer young people for back-to-work training, and * Waste electrical and electronic equipment recycling. To do so, ASF moved into bigger and ships the reconditioned computers to nonprofi t more suitable premises. It contacted Veolia organizations in the developing world. Environmental Services Triade – itself specialized An effi cient organization In brief in recycling WEEE* – whose director was convinced by the project and became its ASF is now well known to subsidized • More than 300 employees have spent time in sponsor, asking the Veolia Environnement employment associations, international the workshop. Foundation for help. The Foundation made organizations and companies and lacks neither • More than 60% have found a job. a grant of €35,400, out of a total budget of resources nor outlets. It has signed a fi rst • More than 12,000 computers have been €118,600, to create an enclosed space protected agreement with the British NGO Computer reconditioned. from dust produced by the other activities Aid International, which will buy thousands • Foundation grant: €35,400. (painting, metalworking, joinery, machine shop, of computers from it every year. 28

Business activity

ARES SERVICES • FRANCE (ÎLE-DE-FRANCE) Car cleaning: 100% organic, 100% sustainable development To create new jobs designed to attract young adults in serious diffi culty and struggling to enter the mainstream, Ares Services approached Sineo, a company that has developed a car cleaning process that uses no water, products which are 100% recyclable and is a manual job. The two organizations struck a deal in July 2008 to develop a new business activity. Ares Services thus hopes to attract young people lacking professional skills but attracted by the environmentally responsible nature of this activity and happy to work on cars, in teams, with tough quality and productivity requirements. Waterless cleaning off ers an extra plus: it can be done at the customer’s premises, a further advantage that gives them a lot of potentially useful contacts. From the Ares Services centers in Île-de-France (Tremblay-en-France, Paris and Boissy-Saint-Léger), this new activity expects to spread smoothly and rapidly through this entire region. The Veolia Environnement Foundation backs the project by participating in the purchase of essential equipment: cleaning equipment, protective and safety clothing and protective tents. Thanks to this new activity, Ares Services expects to create at Location: Paris region least 20 jobs for young people as a fi rst step towards permanent Sponsor: Suzanne Lawson, Veolia Transport employment. Foundation grant: €30,000

ADPAHS* • FRANCE (1) PRO-JEUNES • FRANCE () RÉGIE DE QUARTIER DU 1e ARRONDISSEMENT DE PARIS • FRANCE () Purchase of forestry tools and equipment Support for a subsidized-employment for a subsidized-employment company. company that refurbishes old buildings. Purchase of equipment for a back-to-work * Association for development, promotion and scheme in the upkeep of buildings and open leadership in Haute Saintonge Location: La Seyne-sur-Mer, Var spaces. Sponsor: Claude Borel, Veolia Environmental Location: Haute Saintonge, Charente-Maritime Services Location: Paris Sponsor: Laurent Gouet, Veolia Energy – Dalkia Foundation grant: €10,500 Sponsor: Carole Baudouin, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €20,000 Foundation grant: €15,000 Workforce development Business activity 29

PREISTAVIGNE • FRANCE () REVAL PREST • FRANCE () From seasonal work A center for collecting to skilled jobs and dismantling WEEE* Preistavigne, a recognized subsidized-employment agency in the Bordelais area, specialized in vineyard maintenance until 2008. To help the 15 or so people it employs to advance from the uncertainty of seasonal work to more skilled and longer-lasting multitasking jobs, it decided to take on an 8.75 hectare winery in the vintage Graves area on a tenant farming basis, and to launch its own winemaking business. This meant revamping and fi tting out the winery (vats, barrels, pump, fruit crusher and stem remover, IT facilities) and training its employees in new techniques: operating machines and tractors, work in the winery, inventory control, and so on. This will turn them into versatile workers fully capable of supplying the needs of the local vine growers and winemakers. Preistavigne is determined to obtain the Qualirei label of the French committee of work integration subsidized-employment companies Reval Prest, which was set up by AMI, a nonprofi t organization off ering (CNEI). Recognized and backed by France Active, it enjoys the support back-to-work contracts to people with personal and professional of many partners for the project, which extends its range of action as diffi culties, is a subsidized-employment company. It ensures the well as the skills of those it takes under its wing. transition between subsidized contracts and the return to a normal job Location: Langon area, Gironde for the people it helps. Sponsor: Antoine Bouvet, Veolia Transport In 2008, it assisted 22 people by signing two-year back-to-work Foundation grant: €20,000 contracts in house moving, tree pruning and building renovation. To further boost its capacity to create jobs, Reval Prest has branched into a new fi eld: the collection and processing of WEEE. In premises located at Jarménil near Épinal, and leased from AMI, it has created a center for collecting and dismantling this special kind of waste. The grant from the Veolia Environnement Foundation was used to purchase the necessary tools and equipment – forklift truck, scales, turntable, IT hardware and tracing equipment, etc. This new development has provided back-to-work jobs for another 10 people seeking to rejoin the mainstream. * Waste electrical and electronic equipment

Location: Jarménil, Vosges Sponsor: Pierre-Yves Fénart, Veolia Environmental Services Foundation grant: €15,000

PONTIAS • FRANCE () CENTRE SAINT-VINCENT • FRANCE () IFAPTE* • FRANCE () Purchase of equipment for a work Support for a back-to-work organization Formation of a back-to-work organization integration nonprofi t organization through working in the construction industry and building ecological and economical homes. market gardening. manufacturing. * Institute for training and assistance for regional and environmental practices Location: Nyons region, Drôme Location: Cran-Gevrier, Haute-Savoie Sponsor: Jean-Marie Lozouet, Veolia Water Sponsor: Philippe Fontanel, Veolia Water Location: near Cahors, Lot Foundation grant: €15,000 Foundation grant: €15,000 Sponsor: Jean-François Rézeau, Veolia Environmental Services Foundation grant: €20,000 30 Workforce development Business activity

AIME* • FRANCE () BÂTI-ACTION • FRANCE () Back-to-work projects A lasting return to work in construction In Pessac, the nonprofi t organization Bâti-Action proposes projects in the building trades and in the upkeep of open spaces to the jobseekers it takes on. It supplements this role with several educational projects: raising awareness of health and the hazards of addiction, as well as training in new technologies to help them fi nd a permanent job. With the grant from the Foundation, Bâti-Action has modernized its working facilities and places its employees in conditions that are virtually equivalent to those of the corporate world. This gives them an extra push in the direction of mainstream society.

Location: Pessac, Gironde Sponsor: Pierre Flandrois, Veolia Energy – Dalkia Foundation grant: €12,500

After ten years of work integration projects in the Yvelines and the MÉDIT’ACTION • FRANCE (1) Hauts-de-Seine, near Paris, the nonprofi t organization AIME decided to settle in Ardèche, in the south of France. In this rural area, where the jobless rate is among the highest in the Rhône-Alpes region, Improving skills through it supports social and professional integration via activities in construction. olive growing In 2008, it launched two projects open to jobseekers and minimum Between and Aix-en-Provence, the nonprofi t organization wage earners referred by the local agencies of the French National Médit’action is launching a back-to-work project called “Les Olivades” Employment Agency ANPE: some 30 people obtained a subsidized focused on the traditional olive growing trades. This sector, which contract or a six-month renewable contract. is enjoying a powerful comeback right now, needs to raise the level AIME monitors the quality of the training dispensed on the worksites: of skills of its manpower, consisting essentially of relatively unskilled the jobseekers taken on are initiated into the techniques of heritage seasonal workers. Supervised by an experienced team of trainers, restoration and renovation and ecoconstruction using HEQ building counselors and specialist consultants, fi ve jobseekers and 12 minimum materials and techniques. wage earners benefi t from the necessary support and encouragement Beyond subsidized contracts, however, the real purpose of AIME is to to learn the techniques of olive growing, thus enhancing their chances help the people it counsels fi nd a permanent job at the end of the of fi nding a stable job in the area’s farms. period or to continue some form of diploma-track training. The grant As they emerge from their subsidized-employment period, they to AIME from the Veolia Environnement Foundation has enabled acquire the indispensable and eagerly sought-after skills to work both it to buy new tools and acquire a utility vehicle. in planting new olive groves and in rehabilitating and maintaining * Act, innovate, mobilize, expand old plantations.

Location: Ardèche Location: Velaux area, Bouches-du-Rhône Sponsor: Robert Bozza, Veolia Environnement Sponsor: Jean-Marie Estèbe, Veolia Transport Foundation grant: €20,000 Foundation grant: €9,500

LES POTAGERS DE MARCOUSSIS • PÉNÉLOPE • FRANCE () ACR* • FRANCE () FRANCE (1) Renovation of domestic appliances Development of an organic market garden Installation of an effi cient irrigation system of a back-to-work organization employing business by a nonprofi t back-to-work for an organic market garden associated women in textile sorting and recycling. organization. with subsidized-employment companies. * Act against exclusion – Combat inequality – Location: Montluçon, Allier Bring together people and resources Location: Marcoussis, Sponsor: Roger Vericel, Veolia Transport Sponsor: Patrick Sauvegrain, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €13,600 Location: Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Yvelines Foundation grant: €20,000 Sponsor: René Carel, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €20,000 Workforce development Business activity 31

RÉGIE DE QUARTIER D’AGEN • FRANCE () Régie de quartier d’Agen turns green Since 1998, the Régie de quartier d’Agen has been providing janitorial services in entrance halls and stairwells, and cleaning up public thoroughfares. These tasks, which may appear trivial, contribute to the quality of life of the residents. Faced with growing demand for the upkeep of open spaces, the Régie is expanding its range of services and now off ers domestic and business customers hedge trimming and tree pruning, upkeep, weeding and planting. Thanks to this new activity, it can train its employees in landscape-gardening, making it easier for them to fi nd jobs. Eight additional positions have been created. It also uses environment-friendly techniques, seeking, through essentially hands- on activities, to raise the environmental awareness of its employees, municipal offi cials and residents. EICS* • FRANCE () The grant from the Foundation was used to purchase a steam weeding machine. This technique, already used in several communities in France, including Quimper and Annecy-le-Vieux, Creating jobs for single women off ers effi cient weeding on all surfaces, eliminating the risks of water, In Combe de Savoie, not far from Chambéry, more than 2,000 people air or soil pollution. And doing so with only moderate water and fuel are unemployed – the jobless rate is 12% here, although it is only 5% consumption. in Chambéry. To remedy this state of aff airs, EICS, a subsidized- employment company, has been developing industrial subcontracting projects since 1999 (assembly of electrical components, packaging, envelope stuffi ng, etc.). This has enabled it to employ 34 people. To create new jobs for a public that it has so far overlooked, it has created an artisanal laundry aimed primarily at single women who are minimum wage earners. To do this, it relies on the networks of three other nonprofi t organizations: Terre Solidaire, which collects and drops off linen bundles, Aider, which handles training, and Aid’Auto, which supplies mopeds for back-to-work employees. The grant from the Veolia Environnement Foundation was used to fi t out the laundry with the necessary equipment in order to complete the fi tting out of 80 square meters dedicated to this new activity. * Industrial enterprise for Combe de Savoie

Location: Combe de Savoie area, Savoie Location: Agen urban area, Lot-et-Garonne Sponsor: Laurent Borreau, Veolia Water Sponsor: Ghislaine Chauvet-Lamblin, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €20,000 Foundation grant: €12,000

EURÊKA EMPLOIS SERVICES • FRANCE () ÉCO RESSOURCES • FRANCE () CBE NORD 1* • FRANCE (1) Acquisition of a vehicle for a nonprofi t Creation of an eco-recycling facility to Purchase of equipment for workforce organization running riverbank and collect, recondition and re-use scrapped development and environmental waterway maintenance projects. objects. conservation projects. * Committee of the Nord 31 employment basin Location: Ille-et-Vilaine Location: Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Sarthe Sponsor: Bertrand Beuve, Veolia Water Sponsor: Laurent Vérité, Veolia Transport Location: Haute-Garonne Foundation grant: €16,500 Foundation grant: €20,000 Sponsor: Philippe Lattre, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €15,000 32 Workforce development Business activity

A workshop for young people in Salé

With a fast growing population – and “All the young learn the skills that will make them nearly two thirds under 20 – Morocco is employable. To improve this educational facing serious difficulties in the field of people found project, the nonprofi t organization ends education, despite its current economic a job after this training with a work placement in a progress. As a consequence, many insuf- company. fi ciently trained young people are inevita- this training With the grant from the Veolia bly faced with unemployment and an course.” Environnement Foundation, ASF Maroc uncertain future. To address this situation, has equipped premises of 300 square King Mohamed VI launched a “national ALEXANDRE GUILLUY, meters provided by the municipality of human development initiative” in 2003. DIRECTOR OF ATELIERS SANS FRONTIÈRES Salé. Some 30 young adults can thus In this context designed to promote benefit every year from this genuine projects implemented by civil society, Ateliers sans frontières Maroc passport to a skilled and rewarding job. has set up a training workshop in IT maintenance in Salé – one of the dormitory towns of the Rabat suburbs – with the aim of attract- Location: Salé, Rabat suburbs, Morocco ing young people from poor neighborhoods who lack basic training. Sponsor: Nasr-Eddine Mehdi, Veolia Water After a one-year curriculum, they work on recycled equipment and Foundation grant: €25,000

ACTA VISTA • FRANCE (1) ATHERBEA • FRANCE () VALORIS TEXTILE • FRANCE () Participation in a workforce development Support for the development of the open A new heating and lighting system for project to rehabilitate the natural and spaces upkeep activity of a nonprofi t the premises of a subsidized-employment built-up heritage of the Frioul islands and back-to-work organization. company working in textile recycling. the creeks. Location: Anglet, Pyrénées-Atlantiques Location: Poitiers, Vienne Location: Frioul islands and creeks, Sponsor: Roger Agor, Veolia Energy – Dalkia Sponsor: Yannick Scalzotto, Bouches-du-Rhône Foundation grant: €18,000 Veolia Energy – Dalkia Sponsor: Fanny Butruille, Veolia Transport Foundation grant: €10,000 Foundation grant: €20,000 33

Counseling and training

VILLAGE PILOTE • SENEGAL ZUP DE CO • FRANCE (ÎLE-DE-FRANCE) A “springboard” toward Helping students in diffi culty a brighter adulthood at school Among the worrying results of school failure, 15% of the students who enter the secondary school system in France have diffi culty in reading, writing and arithmetic, and 160,000 young people drop out of secondary school every year, with no qualifi cations or skills. To aid this situation, the nonprofi t organization ZUP de Co encourages the students and pupils of France’s elite graduate schools to provide individualized tuition in secondary schools, alongside teachers. By giving extra tuition in French, mathematics and modern languages, these volunteers help struggling students to keep up with the rest of the class and avoid falling behind, which is the surest road to failure. In groups of four or fi ve, the students go to schools identifi ed as “diffi cult” by the regional authorities, and help out after class. ZUP de Co also works with companies to promote meetings between the graduate students, the young people they are helping and In 2003, the nonprofi t organization Village Pilote set up a rest and companies. Potential employers can thus meet students who already accommodation center for street children in Pikine in the suburbs of have substantial relational and educational achievements, while Dakar: the Refuge. There, they can fi nd nourishment, leisure activities the younger students can discover trades that were hitherto and, above all, moral and emotional support from the adults who unknown to them. staff the center. This action is aimed at helping them in every possible way to build a Location: Paris region brighter future, starting with a determined attempt to restore family Sponsor: Olivier Grunberg, Veolia Water ties, whenever possible. If this proves impossible, some young people Foundation grant: €25,000 spend their whole adolescence at the Refuge. This raises the question of their return to mainstream society, socially and professionally. To address the issue, Village Pilote founded the Tremplin (springboard), aimed at the 16–23 age bracket, 30 km from Dakar on the shore of Lake Rose. This second home, which can accommodate 25 people, off ers them vocational training in construction and market gardening, literacy courses, learning to cook and the rules of hygiene, as well as the chance to relax in a cultural and sports area. The fi rst group of young people welcomed to the Tremplin was assigned the construction of the kitchen, storerooms, dormitories and training center. The next batch of trainees will build model homes: very soon, they will be able to stand on their own two feet.

Location: Pikine, Dakar suburbs Sponsor: Jean-Luc Davoisne, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €30,000 34 Workforce development Counseling and training

ARPEIJE* • FRANCE () Bringing school dropouts into the world of work Lack of skills, poor accommodations, health problems, alienation from their families: many young people who have dropped out of school, lacking qualifi cations or work experience, rapidly sink into a marginal existence. This vicious circle jeopardizes their ability to join mainstream society. To fi nd eff ective solutions to this situation, ARPEIJE, a nonprofi t organization set up in 1981 to implement subsidized-employment projects aimed at jobless LA CLÉ POUR L’AUTISME • FRANCE () youngsters, has created an “integration through work” facility. In concrete terms, this is a place where professionals welcome, Helping adult autists to build counsel and monitor the youngsters in diffi culty, aged 16 to 25. They encourage them to participate in educational activities in their lives the audiovisual, IT and new technology fi elds, in expression and After having opened two institutions in the Val-d’Oise for children and communications, and also teach them the highway code. adolescent autists, the nonprofi t organization La Clé pour l’autisme * Association for the education and integration of young people decided to extend the operation to adults. France suff ers from a cruel lack of institutions for adults suff ering from autism, developmental disorders and intellectual defi ciency. La Clé pour l’autisme therefore plans to open three facilities, a 42 place residential home, a specialized center for the least self-suffi cient people, and a Center for initiation into work and social life (CITVS) for 30 people on a non-resident basis. The Veolia Environnement Foundation is supporting this work and social integration institution. It will be open to all adults who are self-suffi cient enough to work but not strong enough to succeed in joining an ESAT* directly. Welcomed as non-residents from Monday to Friday, they can take preprofessional training courses with the ESATs in Val-d’Oise that are partners in the project (horticulture, bookbinding, basket weaving, carpentry), as well as learning to develop a degree of self-suffi ciency (modeling, cooking, reading, writing, arithmetic, sports, etc.). They can stay there up to fi ve years before moving somewhere else on the basis of their social and job skills. * Assisted work establishment

Location: Clamart, Hauts-de-Seine Location: Vauréal, Val-d’Oise Sponsor: Alain Dormier, Veolia Water Sponsor: Philippe Bourdeaux, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €20,000 Foundation grant: €75,000

AUTO-ÉCOLE SOCIALE • FRANCE (85) LES CHARMETTES • FRANCE (03) LE ROCHER 83 • FRANCE (83) Creation of a social driving school for Fitting out a center for skills training in arts Renovation of a center for children with the jobseekers. and crafts for blind youngsters. help of young people undergoing vocational training. Location: La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendée Location: Yzeure, Allier Sponsor: Pascal Bernard, Veolia Water Sponsor: Julie Chavaribeyre, Location: Sainte-Musse and La Beaucaire, Var Foundation grant: €16,000 Veolia Environnement Sponsor: Jérôme Contamine, Foundation grant: €35,000 Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €12,500 Workforce development Counseling and training 35

Boxing as an avenue to mainstream society

Over the past several months, L’Académie “ panies in industries like civil engineering, Christophe Tiozzo – from the name of the municipal services and mass retailing, French triple world boxing champion – has is a who are seeking to hire new employees. opened boxing schools in difficult neighbor- formidable The Veolia Environnement Foundation has hoods in France. For the young people in these made a significant contribution to the neighborhoods, this popular sport helps them school of opening of many of these boxing schools, learn discipline, rules, respect for the opponent, life.” in order to help the most motivated the taste for eff ort, and gives them the oppor- youths build a quality social, sports and tunity to channel their aggressive energy. professional future. The first school was CHRISTOPHE TIOZZO To make sure the young trainees it welcomes opened in early 2009 at Villiers-le-Bel in have the best possible chance, L’Académie Christophe Tiozzo has the Val-d’Oise département. L’Académie Christophe Tiozzo plans to designed demanding courses: sports training is supervised by pro- open another two schools in Lyons and Toulouse. fessional coaches, and back-to-work workshops are also proposed. Drawn up in partnership with teachers and social workers as well Location: France as corporate partners, the courses are designed to make these Sponsor: Denis Gasquet, Veolia Environmental Services young sportsmen attractive candidates for HR managers of com- Foundation grant: €50,000

BOUD’MER • FRANCE (13) UNIS-CITÉ MÉDITERRANÉE • FRANCE (13) BUCHKINDER • GERMANY Refurbishing of traditional fi shing boats by Support for a team of young civilian Acquisition of equipment to train people in young people in a subsidized-employment volunteers providing assistance to sustainable diffi culty in the book trades. scheme. development nonprofi t organizations. Location: Leipzig, Saxony Location: Marseilles, Bouches-du-Rhône Location: Marseilles, Bouches-du-Rhône Sponsor: Katrin Godde, Veolia Water Sponsor: Elisabeth Praux, Veolia Transport Sponsor: Fabien Vocicot, Veolia Environmental Foundation grant: €11,500 Foundation grant: €20,000 Services Foundation grant: €15,000 36 Environmental conservation: living in harmony with nature

An exceptional adventure, one“ that comes up only once every 15 or 20 years, with an environmental aspect and a profound scientifi c impact.” STÉPHANE THOMAS, VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT

How to study the 169 projects since 2004 By taking the canopy gli

Many places on Earth are still uncharted – 24 projects in 2008 for instance, the great ocean deeps and the tree canopies of tropical forests. The nonprofi t organization Pro-Natura International, founded in 1992, has decided PRESERVING NATURAL HERITAGE to fi ll the gaps in our knowledge. AND BIODIVERSITY The fi rst expedition EDUCATION AND The organization launched a fi rst expedition in 2006 deep in the South Pacifi c, on the AWARENESS-RAISING island of Santo Espiritu in the Republic of Vanuatu, an hour’s fl ight from New Caledonia. This island, particularly its wild and mountainous west coast, displays unusual ecological diversity. The nonprofi t organization, www.fondation.veolia.com backed by the French National History Museum heading “Projects supported” fi eld Environmental conservation Taking stock

fauna and fl ora of the canopy in detail? der

and the Research Institute for Development used to make needed improvements, assessment program – La planète revisitée (IRD), has enlisted more than 150 experts from notably by installing an effi cient control (Revisiting the Planet) – featuring a series of 25 diff erent countries. Ocean deeps, reefs, system for the variable pitch propeller. 11 expeditions spread over a ten-year period caves, freshwater springs, mountains, forest The more than €50,000 granted in 2007 to inventory biodiversity. canopy – nothing eludes them. Among these fi nanced research to develop a canopy The next expedition: Madagascar and experts are Bruno Cobrara and Olivier Pascal, glider made with lighter materials and an Mozambique in 2008 and 2009. equipped with a canopy glider, a sort of electrical propulsion system. The results motorized hybrid hot air balloon. met all expectations: 10,000 species In brief inventoried, hundreds of them hitherto An amazing machine completely unknown. • Santo 2006: first biodiversity survey of all the The gondola has two levels. The pilot is on organisms living in uncharted territory. Changing scale the top. Below him is the “toboggan” which • 163 scientists from 25 different countries can carry two scientists, their equipment Buoyed by these results, Pro-Natura participated. and the samples taken during the fl ight. International, working with the French • 10,000 species inventoried. The €36,000 granted by the Veolia Natural History Museum in Paris, • Foundation grant: €86,000. Environnement Foundation in 2006 was has designed an ambitious biodiversity 38

Preserving natural heritage and biodiversity

SKY ISLAND ALLIANCE • UNITED STATES Saving an exceptional ecosystem Between global warming and human activities, some of the world’s ecosystems have seen their vegetation and fauna destroyed in extremely disturbing proportions in recent decades. The Madrean Archipelago, on the borders of Arizona and Mexico, is one of them. In the United States, Mexico and France, the international scientifi c community is mobilizing. Governmental agencies (North American and Mexican), NGOs, universities, foundations (including the Veolia Environnement Foundation), companies and, very soon, regional authorities, have joined forces to put a stop to the destruction of an ecosystem that has become extremely vulnerable. They will rely on the expertise of Sky Island Alliance (SIA), a grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Madrean Archipelago. This ambitious project is slated to extend over three years. The MABA (Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment) program is ultimately Location: Madrean Archipelago, Southwest United States/Northwest Mexico designed to considerably enhance the awareness of the authorities Sponsor: Thierry Vandevelde, Veolia Water and of the 600,000 inhabitants of the area. Foundation grant: US$450,000 over three years

VEREIN FÜR FISCHWAID • GERMANY SPIELMANNSZUG VÖLLINGHAUSEN • LES MINES DE LA BRUTZ • FRANCE (35) GERMANY Creation of a nature hide on the Ilm river Reconditioning of an old steam boiler used accessible to disabled people. Development of green spaces in a village in La Brutz mines, for educational purposes. with the participation of the residents. Location: Weimar, Thuringia Location: Teillay, Ille-et-Vilaine Sponsor: Michael Strube, Veolia Water Location: Völlinghausen, North Rhineland- Sponsor: Jacques Le Luherne, Veolia Water Westphalia Foundation grant: €22,000 Foundation grant: €14,000 Sponsor: Haraki Franke, Veolia Environmental Services Foundation grant: €4,000 Environmental conservation Preserving natural heritage and biodiversity 39

TECHNOPÔLE BREST-IROISE • VIETNAM LES AMIS DU PARC ORNITHOLOGIQUE DE PONT DE GAU • FRANCE (1) Promoting the sustainable A care center for injured birds development of the Bay In the heart of the Camargue, 6 km from Les Saintes-Maries-de- la-Mer, the bird sanctuary of Pont de Gau off ers visitors (more than of Haiphong 100,000 people every year) the chance to observe a multitude of birds along a nature trail more than 7 km long, in an environment By using experience gained in the port of Brest, Technopôle Brest- where the biotope of each has been reconstructed. Iroise is harnessing all its expertise in the service of a great cause for Since the 1970s, it also has a care center that is unique in the region. sustainable development: helping the city of Haiphong to restore and It deals with nearly 350 injured birds per year, from the départements preserve the environmental quality of the water in its bay, without of Bouches-du-Rhône, Gard, Hérault, Var and Vaucluse. Owing to the interrupting business activities. menace of avian fl u and the measures taken to avoid an epidemic Thanks to the iron and steel, shipbuilding and textile industries, in Europe, the center had to be renovated or face the risk of closure. as well as a fi shing port close to many seaside resorts, Haiphong is New aviaries have been built, together with a secure enclosure that Vietnam’s second largest industrial center. It has been growing rapidly protects it from the rest of the park and prevents the sick birds from for many years but so far in a more or less haphazard manner. In 2008, escaping. Wishing to support the eff ort made to preserve biodiversity the main economic and scientifi c authorities agreed that the situation in the Camargue, the Veolia Environnement Foundation participated had become perilous: the quality of the water in the bay, and hence in this rehabilitation project. that of the seafood from the bay, has deteriorated substantially. The whole economic chain connected with maritime activity was Location: park of Pont de Gau, Bouches-du-Rhône imperiled: the city feared that the damage already observed would Sponsor: Paul Cessieux, Veolia Transport inevitably worsen, with a depletion of the biodiversity, a ban on Foundation grant: €30,000 seafood exports and a drop in tourism. Armed with its past experience in the port of Brest and thanks to the fi nancial aid of the Veolia Environnement Foundation, Technopôle Brest-Iroise therefore proposed that the city of Haiphong sign a “Bay Contract” with the authorities of the city and the port, the Scientifi c ENSEMBLE RÉUSSIR PONT-SAINT-MARTIN • FRANCE () Institute for the Marine Environment of Haiphong, the University of Western Brittany, IDHESA* and Brest Métropole Océane for its “Water Enhancing and rehabilitating and Environment” department. Its goal is to prepare an accurate diagnosis of the situation and identify all the relevant administrative, a neglected natural site economic and scientifi c stakeholders. The solutions required to In Pont-Saint-Martin, close to Nantes, the Prés Moreau extends minimize the main sources of pollution will then be identifi ed and over an area of 35 hectares. In the midst of very dense vegetation, ranked in order of priority. This is no doubt a long-term project. which makes the site relatively inaccessible, are many megaliths * Departmental institute for analysis, consultancy and expertise in food safety, water, environment and animal health dating back to prehistoric times. The nonprofi t organization Ensemble Réussir Pont-Saint-Martin, set up in 1994 to rehabilitate Location: Bay of Haiphong and develop the natural sites in Pont-Saint-Martin, is developing Sponsor: Marie-Marguerite Bourbigot, Veolia Environnement the site. It is clearing neglected trails and creating a pond, a pike Foundation grant: €20,000 spawning ground and breeding coops for bats. Along the trails, it is installing panels and orientation tables for an entertaining and educational presentation of four major topics: the forest ecosystem, the life cycle of amphibians and pond management, the fl ora and insects of the diff erent prairies of the site, and the reproduction of fi sh. To complete this project, the community has enlisted the aid of subsidized-employment companies, which will also be charged with the upkeep of the Prés Moreau once the task has been completed. This is a project that protects the natural, prehistoric environment and also promotes the employment of jobseekers struggling to return to mainstream society.

Location: Pont-Saint-Martin, Loire-Atlantique Sponsor: Fabien Boudaud, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €19,000 40 Environmental conservation Preserving natural heritage and biodiversity

L’HOMME ET L’ENVIRONNEMENT • MADAGASCAR ARDB* • MOROCCO Preserving the forest Cutting down fewer trees Located 67 km from Tamatave, the forest of Vohibola, on the coast of ARDB, which has already completed many environment-friendly Madagascar, is home to exceptional biodiversity that is threatened projects to develop the region of Bellota, is helping the population today by traffi cking in wood and slash-and-burn farming. The today to reduce their wood consumption by equipping the families nonprofi t organization L’Homme et l’Environnement is developing a of three villages with gas ovens. This will guarantee a more balanced program there to preserve the site while providing local people with management of the surrounding forests. the means to benefi t sustainably from local resources. * Rif association for the development of Bellota

Location: forest of Vohibola Location: Bellota Sponsor: Guillaume Surroca, Veolia Water Sponsor: Noureddine El Achab, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €12,000 Foundation grant: €15,000

An answer to the problem of plastic waste

In Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, “They The Foundation will also provide the project GRET* – which the Veolia Environnement with technical support: Veolia Environmental Foundation has already supported in Asia – thought Services volunteers will add their expertise has decided to grapple with the problem cre- we were to help set up a durable recycling system. ated by the vast quantity of plastic waste This involves reinforcing the management piling up everywhere. crazy to capacity of the women’s cooperatives gath- Every year, more than 15,000 metric tons of go around ered together in an Economic Interest plastic waste are produced and abandoned in collecting Grouping and helping them to identify other the city. The project calls for collecting and products that can be produced from the utilizing the hard plastic waste with two plastic, but this project shredded material, thereby creating new objectives: to fight poverty and to improve has become a reality.” outlets. the environment and public health. Women’s * Group for technological research cooperatives have been set up to manage the AÏSHA MINT BAROUMOU, and exchanges CHAIRPERSON OF THE ZAZOU EIG collection and preprocessing of the waste, thereby enabling them to boost their income. Once the plastic is washed and shredded in a dedicated processing Location: Nouakchott, Mauritania center, it is then sold to local small and medium-sized companies Sponsor: Jean-Christian Pottier, Veolia Environmental Services that will produce new objects from this recycled material. Foundation grant: €75,000 41

Education and awareness-raising

UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE • FRANCE () An exceptional arboretum between sea and mountain Bordering the Côte Vermeille, approaching Banyuls-sur-Mer, When it opens, it will help create two full-time jobs and four seasonal the Albères mountain range accommodates absolutely exceptional jobs in the summer months. In the fi rst year, 20,000 people, including biodiversity, teeming with more than 600 typical species of schoolchildren, are expected to visit. the Mediterranean seaboard. This wealth extends seaward. The Arago Laboratory, an ocean science research center, has been conducting studies there for over fifty years. The researchers, who come there from all over the world, are lodged at Mas de la Serre, a solid old building surrounded by a botanical garden that climbs up the mountainside. The Arago Laboratory, which belongs to the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, is now developing the area to open it to the public at large. Visitors will discover the vast diversity of the fauna and fl ora, and scientists will propose events, designed to build awareness of the impact of global warming. Outside the summer season, students will be welcomed to pursue their studies in a natural paradise. With the grant from the Veolia Environnement Foundation, the future Location: Banyuls-sur-Mer arboretum will be provided with a reception area, a conference Sponsor: Philippe Mignard, Veolia Water hall and a space for the collections. Foundation grant: €30,000

LA FERME DE BEAUGENSIERS • FRANCE () An educational farm for all About 20 km from Toulon, the Beaugensiers farm – which runs Warmed by a central heating system burning wood and recycled oil, various workshops for educational purposes on the topics these eco-hostels can now bring together able-bodied and disabled of environmental conservation, sustainable development and food people for several days. They off er them the chance, for example, to – has created two eco-hostels to accommodate groups learn to make bread and goat cheese, and to organize waste source- for several days. selection and save water. One of them is entirely designed for disabled people, thereby meeting the needs of this category of visitor (about 2,500 visitors Location: village of Belgentier, Var out of the 15,000 it receives every year) for whom it is very diffi cult Sponsor: Florence Dartiguenave, Veolia Transport to fi nd suitable accommodation for educational trips. Foundation grant: €15,000

LES BLÉS DU DÉSERT • FRANCE (1) CENTRE DE LA NATURE MONTAGNARDE • HAWLEY ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOL • FRANCE () UNITED STATES Collection and recycling of spent ink cartridges. Refurbishing of a permanent exhibition Equipment for a science classroom for room dedicated to water and its a school in a disadvantaged neighborhood Location: Vendôme region, Loir-et-Cher conservation. in Milwaukee. Sponsor: Florent Collet, Veolia Environmental Services Location: Sallanches, Haute-Savoie Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Foundation grant: €15,000 Sponsor: Marie Lalande, Veolia Water Sponsor: Annette Gifford, Veolia Environmental Foundation grant: €15,000 Services Foundation grant: €12,000 42 Environmental conservation Education and awareness-raising

ÉCOLE DE L’AVENTURE • WORLD LEÏ FOUNTGILLENCS • FRANCE () Sailing off to discover Renovating an irrigation canal “the water people” For seven centuries, the population of the Aigue-Agnelle valley, in the heart of the Queyras regional natural park, have operated and maintained the irrigation canal called “Rouchas Fras” (the big broken rock). A witness of human ingenuity in optimizing the water cycle, this canal regularly watered the meadows of the region, regulating the water supply from month to month. A few years ago, the nonprofi t organization Leï Fountgillencs started renovating this local heritage, with the intention of using this rehabilitation to raise public awareness of the need to save water. To do this, it is developing a discovery trail running along the 8 km of the structure abandoned in 1914. Initially, the project involves operations to shore up the banks, and reconstruct the wooden passages and the wicket valves (tasks mainly entrusted to a subsidized-employment company). A score of stone markers and a memorial in eight panels will mark the itinerary, showing the genesis of the canal at each step, its history, and that of the men and women who made it, as well as the fauna, fl ora and geology of the site.

The nonprofi t organization École de l’Aventure, which owns the Location: Queyras region, Hautes-Alpes three-master La Boudeuse, has over the years built up an educational Sponsor: Gérard Delia, Veolia Water program around the topic of the “water people.” For periods of Foundation grant: €35,000 varying length, it takes young seamen aboard on a voyage around the world. La Boudeuse wants to improve its reverse osmosis drinking water production installations and thereby boost its self-suffi ciency for distant expeditions. To fi nance these improvements, École de l’Aventure has applied to the Veolia Environnement Foundation. In exchange, the organization and the ship’s captain, Patrice Franceschi, have agreed to welcome young seamen from SNCM (Veolia Transport) on board to improve their training in seamanship and help them discover other cultures, as well as respect for the marine environment and its biodiversity.

Location: World Sponsors: Jean-Paul Margheriti, Veolia Transport, and Frédéric Plumas, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €40,000

LES AMIS DE LA FERME • FRANCE () ADELHA* • FRANCE () BUB* • GERMANY Development of an ecological campsite Creation of a geographic information Supplying communication tools to a on a farm. system on the irrigation canals of the non profi t organization for environmental département. education. Location: Saint-Pierre-dels-Forcats, Pyrénées-Orientales * Departmental association of the Hautes-Alpes * Bremer Umwelt Beratung education league Sponsor: Marc Coffinet, Veolia Environmental Location: Bremen Services Location: Gap, Hautes-Alpes Sponsor: Markus Gericke, Veolia Transport Foundation grant: €6,000 Sponsor: Gérard Delia, Veolia Water Foundation grant: €14,000 Foundation grant: €7,000 Environmental conservation Education and awareness-raising 43

Environment Book Prize

The 2008 Environment Book Prize was awarded to Amy Butler to Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie for lifetime achievement. Greenfi eld for her book A Perfect Red, published by Harper Collins. By creating the Environment Book Prize in 2006, the Veolia Other contenders for the 2008 prize were: Worldchanging: A User’s Environnement Foundation wanted to encourage the book industry Guide for the 21st Century, by Alex Steffen, published by Abrams to publish works aimed at raising public awareness of global envi- Books, Terre fragile: images d’une planète menacée (The Fragile ronmental challenges, the measures taken to respond, and the Earth: Images of a Threatened Planet), at Hachette Pratique, considerations that such a subject arouses. This annual prize is Réfugiés climatiques (Climate Refugees), Collectif Argos, at Infolio, awarded to books published in French that address the environ- and Comprendre le changement climatique (Understanding Climate ment in all literary forms (essay, novel, comic strip, photo album, Change) by Jean-Louis Fellous and Catherine Gauthier, published by personal account or investigation). Odile Jacob. The prize for the youth category went to Notre Planète The Book Prize jury, chaired by Claude Michelet, has 15 members: la Terre (Our Planet Earth) by Yvette Veyret and Séverin Husson, journalists, students, personalities and staff members of the Veolia published by Bayard Jeunesse, which was competing with L’Encyclo Environnement Group. The 2008 edition was held in June, at the verte (The Green Encyclopedia) by Véronique Corgibet and Bibliothèque Nationale de France, in Paris. Christophe Besse, at Casterman, and La ville mode d’emploi : de mon quartier à la mégapole (Living in the City: From my Location: Paris Neighborhood to the Megalopolis), by Carole Saturno and Perrine Sponsor: Philippe Langenieux-Villard, Veolia Environnement Belin, at Gallimard Jeunesse. The jury also awarded a special prize Foundation grant: €180,000

COMMISSION NATIONALE FRANÇAISE COMMUNE DE SÉNÉ • FRANCE () LE COUP DE CHAPEAU DE VICTOR • FRANCE POUR L’UNESCO • FRANCE Construction of a footbridge and A competition with a prize of €1,000 Construction of an IT platform for teachers observatory to welcome the public to the rewarding initiatives giving rise to concrete on the theme of sustainable development. natural reserve of the Séné salt marshes. actions to protect the environment.

Location: France Location: Séné, Morbihan Location: France Sponsor: Raymond-Max Aubert, Sponsor: Dominique Dubeau, Veolia Water Sponsor: Fabienne Degarne, Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €30,000 Veolia Environnement Foundation grant: €30,000 Foundation grant: €8,000 44

A clear and transparent framework

The Foundation has created an organizational structure to perform its mission that guarantees the soundness of the projects chosen and ensures that management is perfectly transparent.

Composition of governance bodies THE FOUNDATION TEAM

BOARD OF TRUSTEES SELECTION COMMITTEE Thierry VANDEVELDE Trustees representing the founding members: Raymond-Max AUBERT, Chairman Executive Offi cer [email protected] Henri PROGLIO Thierry VANDEVELDE, Secretary Claire BILLON-GALLAND Chairman & CEO, Veolia Environnement Veolia Environnement Communications Manager Raymond-Max AUBERT Dominique HÉRON [email protected] Advisor to the Chairman Philippe LANGENIEUX-VILLARD of Veolia Environnement Philippe MECHET Dominique BOIZEAU Olivier BARBAROUX Olivier ORSINI Communications Director Chief Executive Offi cer of Veolia Energy – Dalkia Anne-Charlotte PORRET [email protected] Pierre-François RIOLACCI Jérôme CONTAMINE Thirith BOUN-CHAN Senior Executive Vice-President, Veolia Water Finance Controller Veolia Environnement Marie-Michelle BATAILLE [email protected] Antoine FRÉROT Philippe LAGRANGE Sylvie GÉRARD Chief Executive Offi cer of Veolia Water Cyril ROGER-LACAN Assistant Denis GASQUET (Substitute: Richard BLACK) [email protected] Chief Executive Offi cer of Veolia Veolia Energy – Dalkia Franck HAASER Environmental Services Thierry AVELINE de ROSSIGNOL Head of emergencies – Veoliaforce Cyrille du PELOUX Bernard LECOMTE [email protected] Chief Executive Offi cer of Veolia Transport Michel TESCONI Frédérique HÉRY Alain TCHERNONOG Veolia Environmental Services Project Manager – International General Secretary, Veolia Environnement Jean BENOIST Cooperation Trustee representing Veolia Environnement Jean-Pierre COMBE [email protected] employees: Yannick MORILLON Nicolas LE GOFF Jean-Luc DAVOISNE Veolia Transport Quality Manager – Veoliaforce Secretary of the Veolia Environnement Works Dominique DELIS nicolas.le-goff @veolia.com Council Suzanne LAWSON Marie-Françoise MALHEU Paul de ROSEN Sponsorship Program Manager Outside trustees chosen for their particular [email protected] qualifi cations: Frédéric PLUMAS Anne-Marie COUDERC Logistics Manager – Veoliaforce General Secretary of Lagardère Active Media [email protected] Gilles DEGOIS Physician and Honorary Chairman of Jean-Pascal RIGOLLEAU Kinkeliba (nonprofi t) Project Manager – Veolia Energy – Dalkia Hugues GALL [email protected] Councilor of State Jérôme JAFFRÉ Isabelle VULLIEZ Director of CECOP Assistant [email protected] Claude MICHELET Writer 45

Index of projects


DEVELOPMENT AID HELPING CHILDREN AND OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS 18 Adeframs (An organization that develops exchanges between France, Morocco and Senegal) 22 ADDPF (Law, development and French-speaking 20 Aidons Badou partnerships) 16 Amicale laïque de Guilers 22 AFJ 19 ARP Développement (Planning, research and education 21 APETREIMC (Therapeutic education and rehabilitation for development) of children suff ering from cerebral palsy) 18 Bergers en scène 22 Autisme 75 Centre – Île-de-France 20 Bibliothèque sans frontières 22 Club Kiwanis 20 Bourse Fondation Veolia de la solidarité étudiante 25 Diakonie Hambourg 19 Brive-Sikasso 25 Dixième Famille 16 Cap Développement Sénégal 23 Evangelische Kirchengemeinde 16 Foyer socio-éducatif du lycée Paul Langevin 24 Foyers Delta-Sud 17 Hydraulique sans frontières 25 Glenwood School 17 Kynarou 23 Groupe Développement 20 L’école amie des enfants 23 Handi 48 – Loisirs Évasion 19 Les camions de l’espoir 23 Kindererholungszentrum am Braunsteich e.V. 18 Lycée Denis Papin 21 Mains Ouvertes 17 M.A.Dé.L.A. (Sustainable development actions in Africa) 23 Moderniser sans exclure – Sud 18 OMCI (Municipal offi ce for international development aid) 22 Montpellier Culture Sport Adapté de Commercy 24 Rêve d’enfance 19 Orcades 24 Ruth Albrecht’s Rainbow School 18 Ouaga 23 Sésame Autisme Cher 17 Pacte contre le choléra (Solidarités/Solena/Réseau Cap) 24 Simon de Cyrène 16 Partage avec l’Afrique 24 VIP (Verein sozial-integrativer Projekte e.V.) 17 Rail-Niger 17 Rotary Club de Rennes 19 SMARA (Mali Rhône-Alpes Health) 18 Un jour, une pensée 46

Workforce development Environmental conservation

BUSINESS ACTIVITY PRESERVING NATURAL HERITAGE AND BIODIVERSITY 30 ACR (Act against exclusion – Combat inequality – Bring together people and resources) 40 ARDB (Rif association for the development of Bellota) 32 ACTA VISTA 39 Ensemble réussir Pont-Saint-Martin 28 ADPAHS (Association for development, promotion 40 GRET (Group for technological research and exchanges) and leadership in Haute Saintonge) Mauritanie 30 AIME (Act, Innovate, Mobilize, Expand) 39 Les amis du parc ornithologique de Pont de Gau 28 ARES Services 40 L’Homme et l’Environnement 32 Ateliers sans frontières Maroc 38 Les mines de la Brutz 32 Atherbea 38 Sky Island Alliance 30 Bâti-Action 38 Spielmannszug Völlinghausen 31 CBE Nord 31 (Committee of the Nord 31 employment basin) 39 Technopôle Brest-Iroise 29 Centre Saint-Vincent 38 Verein für Fischwaid 31 Éco Ressources 31 EICS (Industrial enterprise for Combe de Savoie) 31 Eurêka Emplois Services EDUCATION AND AWARENESS-RAISING 29 IFAPTE (Institute for training and assistance for regional 42 ADELHA (Departmental association of the Hautes-Alpes and environmental practices) education league) 30 Les potagers de Marcoussis 42 BUB (Bremer Umwelt Beratung) 30 Médit’action 41 Centre de la nature montagnarde 30 Pénélope 43 Commission nationale française pour l’UNESCO 29 Pontias 43 Commune de Séné 29 Preistavigne 42 École de l’Aventure 28 Pro-jeunes 41 Hawley Environmental School 31 Régie de quartier d’Agen 41 La ferme de Beaugensiers 28 Régie de quartier du 14e arrondissement de Paris 43 Le coup de chapeau de Victor 29 Reval Prest 42 Leï Fountgillencs 32 Valoris Textile 42 Les amis de la ferme 41 Les blés du désert 43 Prix du Livre sur l’Environnement COUNSELING AND TRAINING 41 Université Pierre et Marie Curie 34 ARPEIJE (Association for the education and integration of young people) 34 Auto-école sociale 35 Boud’mer 35 Buchkinder 35 L’Académie Christophe Tiozzo 34 La clé pour l’autisme 34 Le Rocher 83 All the projects supported by the Foundation are described on the 34 Les Charmettes website: 35 Unis-Cité Méditerranée w w w. fo n d at i o n .ve o l i a . co m 33 Village Pilote heading “Projects supported” 33 ZUP de Co 47

Index of sponsors

32 AGOR Roger, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 41 DARTIGUENAVE Florence, Veolia Transport 20 ANDRÉ Philippe, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 33 DAVOISNE Jean-Luc, Veolia Environnement 21 ARZEL Nathalie, Veolia Environmental Services 23 DECORRUÉE Michel, Veolia Water 43 AUBERT Raymond-Max, Veolia Environnement 43 DEGARNE Fabienne, Veolia Environnement 19 BALAFREJ Ismaïl, Veolia Water 42 DELIA Gérard, Veolia Water 18 BARBIER Michel, Veolia Water 34 DORMIER Alain, Veolia Water 22 BARRERA MEDINA Manuel, Proactiva 43 DUBEAU Dominique, Veolia Water 28 BAUDOUIN Carole, Veolia Water 24 DUCHATEAU Vincent, Veolia Water 34 BERNARD Pascal, Veolia Water 24 DURAND Delphine, Veolia Transport 31 BEUVE Bertrand, Veolia Water 40 EL ACHAB Noureddine, Veolia Water 18 BOMBARDIERI Jean, Veolia Water 30 ESTÈBE Jean-Marie, Veolia Transport 28 BOREL Claude, Veolia Environmental Services 29 FÉNART Pierre-Yves, Veolia Environmental Services 31 BORREAU Laurent, Veolia Water 30 FLANDROIS Pierre, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 39 BOUDAUD Fabien, Veolia Water 17 FLICOTEAUX Patrick, Veolia Water 22 BOUN-CHAN Thirith, Veolia Water 29 FONTANEL Philippe, Veolia Water 39 BOURBIGOT Marie-Marguerite, Veolia Environnement 38 FRANKE Harald, Veolia Environmental Services 34 BOURDEAUX Philippe, Veolia Water 35 GASQUET Denis, Veolia Environmental Services 17 BOUREIMA Zakari, Veolia Water 42 GERICKE Markus, Veolia Transport 29 BOUVET Antoine, Veolia Transport 41 GIFFORD Annette, Veolia Environmental Services 30 BOZZA Robert, Veolia Environnement 35 GODDE Katrin, Veolia Water 23 BRÜNNER Petra, Veolia Water 28 GOUET Laurent, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 32 BUTRUILLE Fanny, Veolia Transport 33 GRUNBERG Olivier, Veolia Water 17 de BUZONNIÈRE Bruno, Veolia Environnement 17-19 HAASER Franck, Veolia Water 22 CABRERA André, Veolia Water 18 JAHJAH Nassif, Veolia Water 24 CALVIER Aimé, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 23 KHATTABI Ahmed, Veolia Water 30 CAREL René, Veolia Environnement 19 LACOMBE Gérard, Veolia Water 39 CESSIEUX Paul, Veolia Transport 41 LALANDE Marie, Veolia Water 31 CHAUVET-LAMBLIN Ghislaine, Veolia Water 20 LAMBERT Jean-Marie, Veolia Water 34 CHAVARIBEYRE Julie, Veolia Environnement 23 LANGE Thomas, Veolia Transport 18 COAT Alain, Veolia Water 43 LANGENIEUX-VILLARD Philippe, Veolia Environnement 42 COFFINET Marc, Veolia Environmental Services 31 LATTRE Philippe, Veolia Water 41 COLLET Florent, Veolia Environmental Services 17 de LAVERGNE Célia, Veolia Water 34 CONTAMINE Jérôme, Veolia Environnement 28 LAWSON Suzanne, Veolia Transport 48

38 LE LUHERNE Jacques, Veolia Water 29 RÉZEAU Jean-François, Veolia Environmental Services 16 LEDOUX Rémy, Veolia Water 16-20 RIGOLLEAU Jean-Pascal, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 29 LOZOUET Jean-Marie, Veolia Water 25 ROUBAUDI Ludovic, Veolia Environnement 25 MABRY Curtis, Veolia Environmental Services 24 de ROSEN Paul, Veolia Transport 23 MACQUET Émile, Veolia Water 30 SAUVEGRAIN Patrick, Veolia Water 42 MARGHERITI Jean-Paul, Veolia Transport 32 SCALZOTTO Yannick, Veolia Energy – Dalkia 32 MEHDI Nasr-Eddine, Veolia Water 25 STEFFENHAGEN Nina, Veolia Environmental Services 23 MERLE Vincent, Veolia Environnement 38 STRUBE Michael, Veolia Water 22 MESSAGER Philippe, Veolia Environnement 17 SURJOUS Philippe, Veolia Environnement 41 MIGNARD Philippe, Veolia Water 40 SURROCA Guillaume, Veolia Water 16 MOAL Jean-François, Veolia Water 18 THEVENON Jean-Pierre, Veolia Water 19 MOULINIER Alain, Veolia Transport 17 TISSIER Monique, Veolia Water 42 PLUMAS Frédéric, Veolia Water 19-38 VANDEVELDE Thierry, Veolia Water 18-19-40 POTTIER Jean-Christian, Veolia Environmental Services 30 VERICEL Roger, Veolia Transport 16 POULIQUEN Jacques, Veolia Water 31 VÉRITÉ Laurent, Veolia Transport 35 PRAUX Élisabeth, Veolia Transport 35 VOCICOT Fabien, Veolia Environmental Services 22 PREVIGLIANO Franck, Veolia Water 21 de VULPILLIÈRES Bertrand, Veolia Water 24 REICH Doris, Veolia Transport Table of contents

Editorial 2 Corporate Foundation Two-way interview 3 Governed by law no. 87–571 of July 23, 1987, amended version The Foundation: how it works 4 Sponsors and volunteers: Head offi ce the cornerstone of our action 6 36-38, avenue Kléber – 75116 Paris – France Veoliaforce 8 Mail address Emergency missions 10 6, esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle – 92751 Nanterre Cedex – France Development projects 12 Tel.: +33 1 55 23 42 92 – Fax: +33 1 55 23 42 90 E-mail: [email protected] Outreach 14 Development aid 16 to 20 Photos: Veolia Environnement photo library, the Foundation’s sponsors, project leaders, Veoliaforce volunteers, Helping children and Marc Vautrin, Veolia photo library/R. Humphries/Interlinks, Pro-Natura, Arago laboratory archives/Laure Andrieu, other vulnerable groups 21 to 25 C. Majani d’Inguimbert, Éditions Autrement, Éditions Bayard Jeunesse.

Workforce development 26 Design – creation and production: Business activity 28 to 32 Editorial support: Doussot Conseil Counseling and training 33 to 35 Environmental conservation 36 Translation: alto Preserving natural heritage and biodiversity 38 to 40 Education and awareness-raising 41 to 43

A clear and transparent framework 44 This document was printed using plant-based inks on FSC™ certifi ed Satimat paper and on Satimat Green paper, made of 60% recycled fi bers and 40% FSC™ virgin fi bers. Satimat Green paper is FSC™, Index of projects 45 PCF, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certifi ed. The FSC™ (Forest Stewardship Council) is an international nonprofi t organization constructively Index of sponsors 47 encouraging socially, environmentally and economically responsible initiatives in forest management, by making them distinctive and credible through a label on products sourced from certifi ed forests. RAA08

2008 activity report


Workforce www.fondation.veolia.com development


Corporate Foundation Tel.: +33 1 55 23 42 92 [email protected]