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AGE OF CONSENT CO lvifviiTTEE EVIDENCE 1928-1929 Volume IV Oral Ev:c1 ~~}ce and \Vritten Statements of \Vitnesses f:ra•~& the 1\fadras Presidency. CALCUTTA: GOVEUNl\IENT OF INDIA CE.\'TIUL PUBLICATION BRANCH 1'329 Price Rs. 5 or 8s. 3fl. AGE OF CONSENT COMMITTEE EVIDENCE 1928-1929 Volume IV Oral Evidence and Written Statements of Witnesses from the Madras Presidency. CALCUTTA:· GOYERNMENT OF INDIA CEXTRAL PUBLICATION BRANCH 1929 Government ol India Publications are obtainable lrom the Government of India Central Publication Branch, 3, Government Place. West. Calcutta, and from the following Agents:- EUROPE. Onxo.c o• IBB HIGH _COMMISSIONKR FOR. .INDIA, 42, GBOSVENOB GABDBNS, LO~DON, s.w. 1. , And at all Booksellera. INDIA AND CEYLON ~ Provindal Book Dep8ta: )UDUs:-Superilltendent, Government Press, Monnt Road, Madras; BOKDAY :-Superintendent, Government Book Dep6t, Town Hall, Bombay. SurD :-Library attached to the Olllte of the Commissioner In Sind, Karachi. BENQ.A.L:-Ben~tal Secretariat Book Dep6t, Writers' Buildings, Room No.1, Ground Floor, Calcutta. UNITBD PROVINCES or An&J. .o\ND Ouua :-superintendant of Government Pr... s, U01ted Provinoea of Agra &Ill Oudh, Allahab>d. PUNJ.o\B :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, Lahore. BoRK.o\ :-Supfrlntendent, Oa•emme&t Printing, Burmn, Rangoon. CEN'rB!L P&OVINOBS .o\ND BBRAB :-Supellntendent, Govemrue11t Printing, Ce11tra! Provinces, Nagpur. ASSAM :-Superintendent, Assam Secretariat Press, SWJiong. · BI&.o\& .o\ND 0&ISS.o\:-8uperlntendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa, P. 0. Gulzarbagh, Patua. Cao&G :-Otlioe of the Chl9f Commlsaloner of Coorg, Bangalore. .NO&TR·W&sT FBONTIB& P&OV11'108 :-Manager, Government Printing and Stationery, Peshawar.
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