61 bus time schedule & line map

61 - Frankley via , Northeld View In Website Mode

The 61 bus line (Birmingham - Frankley via Selly Oak, Northeld) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Birmingham: 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM (2) Frankley: 4:31 AM - 11:16 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 61 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 61 bus arriving.

Direction: Birmingham 61 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Birmingham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:34 AM - 11:50 PM

Monday 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM Arden Walk, Frankley Tuesday 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM Old Stone Close, Frankley Old Stone Close, Birmingham Wednesday 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM

Lismore Close, Frankley Thursday 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM Friday 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM Cornwall Road, Frankley Saturday 4:30 AM - 11:50 PM Windsor Close, Frankley Mow Bray Close, Birmingham

Brightstone Rd, Frankley Lysander Road, Birmingham 61 bus Info Direction: Birmingham Titania Close, Frankley Stops: 48 Trip Duration: 45 min Wareham Rd, Allens Cross Line Summary: Arden Walk, Frankley, Old Stone Close, Frankley, Lismore Close, Frankley, Cornwall Beech Park Rd, Frankley Road, Frankley, Windsor Close, Frankley, Brightstone Low Field Close, Birmingham Rd, Frankley, Titania Close, Frankley, Wareham Rd, Allens Cross, Beech Park Rd, Frankley, Crychan Crychan Close, Frankley Close, Frankley, Raven Hays Rd, Allens Cross, Manor 21 Little Cott Lane, Birmingham Park Grove, Allens Cross, Elan Rd, Allens Cross, Lower Beeches Road, Allens Cross, Guardian Court, Raven Hays Rd, Allens Cross Allens Cross, Inverness Rd, Northeld, The Black Tessall Lane, Birmingham Horse, Northeld, Northeld Leisure Centre, Northeld, Lockwood Rd, Northeld, Bell Lane, Manor Park Grove, Allens Cross Northeld, St Laurence Rd, Northeld, Whitehill Lane, Hop Leasow, Birmingham Northeld, Hole Lane, Northeld, Grins Brook Lane, , Bournville Lane, Bournville, Witherford Elan Rd, Allens Cross Way, Bournville, College Walk, Selly Oak, Oak Tree 14 Drumlin Walk, Birmingham Lane, Selly Oak, Elliott Rd, Selly Oak, Selly Oak Station, Selly Oak, Hubert Rd, Bournbrook, Dawlish Lower Beeches Road, Allens Cross Rd, Bournbrook, Bournbrook Rd, Bournbrook, Park Rd, Bournbrook, Eastern Rd, Guardian Court, Allens Cross Birmingham University, Pebble Mill Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Sir Harrys Rd, Frankley Beeches Road, Birmingham Cannon Hill Park, Viceroy Close, Cannon Hill Park, Inverness Rd, Northeld Speedwell Rd, Highgate, Stone Rd, Lee Bank, Rickman Drive, Lee Bank, Wrentham St, Lee Bank, O2 The Black Horse, Northeld Academy, Lee Bank (Hf2), Smallbrook Queensway, Frankley Beeches Road, Birmingham Birmingham (NS5), New St Station, Birmingham (NS1), Albert St, Birmingham (Ms9), Old Square, Northeld Leisure Centre, Northeld Birmingham (Bs8) 900 Bristol Road South, Birmingham

Lockwood Rd, Northeld Bristol Road South, Birmingham

Bell Lane, Northeld 705 Bristol Road South, Birmingham

St Laurence Rd, Northeld

Whitehill Lane, Northeld Bristol Road South, Birmingham

Hole Lane, Northeld Bristol Road South, Birmingham

Grins Brook Lane, Bournville

Bournville Lane, Bournville Bristol Road South, Birmingham

Witherford Way, Bournville

College Walk, Selly Oak

Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak 2A Frederick Road, Birmingham

Elliott Rd, Selly Oak Bristol Road, Birmingham

Selly Oak Station, Selly Oak

Hubert Rd, Bournbrook 618-620 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Dawlish Rd, Bournbrook 525 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Bournbrook Rd, Bournbrook 369 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Edgbaston Park Rd, Bournbrook Bristol Road, Birmingham

Eastern Rd, Birmingham University

Pebble Mill Rd, Cannon Hill Park

Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park 227 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Sir Harrys Rd, Cannon Hill Park 183 Bristol Road, Birmingham Viceroy Close, Cannon Hill Park 140 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Speedwell Rd, Highgate 97 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Stone Rd, Lee Bank

Rickman Drive, Lee Bank

Wrentham St, Lee Bank 10 Liberty Mews, Birmingham

O2 Academy, Lee Bank (Hf2) 17 Horsefair, Birmingham

Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham (NS5) Theatre Approach, Birmingham

New St Station, Birmingham (NS1) Saint Martins Queensway, Birmingham

Albert St, Birmingham (Ms9) Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham

Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8) Direction: Frankley 61 bus Time Schedule 46 stops Frankley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:01 AM - 11:16 PM

Monday 12:01 AM - 11:16 PM Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8) Tuesday 4:31 AM - 11:16 PM Bus Mall, Birmingham Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham Wednesday 4:31 AM - 11:16 PM

New St Station, Birmingham (NS3) Thursday 4:31 AM - 11:16 PM Saint Martins Queensway, Birmingham Friday 4:31 AM - 11:16 PM

O2 Academy, Lee Bank (Hf1) Saturday 4:31 AM - 11:16 PM Horsefair, Birmingham

Wrentham St, Lee Bank Monaco House Underpass, Birmingham 61 bus Info Stone Rd, Lee Bank Direction: Frankley St Lawrence Close, Birmingham Stops: 46 Trip Duration: 43 min Speedwell Rd, Highgate Line Summary: Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8), Bus 98 Bristol Road, Birmingham Mall, Birmingham, New St Station, Birmingham (NS3), O2 Academy, Lee Bank (Hf1), Wrentham St, Viceroy Close, Cannon Hill Park Lee Bank, Stone Rd, Lee Bank, Speedwell Rd, Cley Close, Birmingham Highgate, Viceroy Close, Cannon Hill Park, Sir Harrys Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Sir Harrys Rd, Cannon Hill Park Pebble Mill Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Eastern Rd, 183 Bristol Road, Birmingham Birmingham University, Edgbaston Park Rd, Bournbrook, Bournbrook Rd, Bournbrook, Dawlish Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park Rd, Bournbrook, Selly Oak Station, Selly Oak, Chapel 45 Odell Place, Birmingham Lane, Selly Oak, Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, College Walk, Selly Oak, Witherford Way, Bournville, Bournville Pebble Mill Rd, Cannon Hill Park Lane, Bournville, Grins Brook Lane, Bournville, Hole Lane, Northeld, Whitehill Lane, Northeld, St Eastern Rd, Birmingham University Laurence Rd, Northeld, Northeld Shopping Centre, Northeld, Bell Lane, Northeld, Lockwood Rd, Edgbaston Park Rd, Bournbrook Northeld, The Black Horse, Northeld, St Heliers Rd, 348 Bristol Road, Birmingham Northeld, Inverness Rd, Northeld, Hoggs Lane, Allens Cross, Guardian Court, Allens Cross, Elan Rd, Bournbrook Rd, Bournbrook Allens Cross, Manor Park Grove, Allens Cross, Raven 1 Arley Road, Birmingham Hays Rd, Allens Cross, Crychan Close, Frankley, Beech Park Rd, Frankley, Wareham Rd, Allens Cross, Dawlish Rd, Bournbrook Titania Close, Frankley, Brightstone Rd, Frankley, 564-566 Bristol Road, Birmingham Windsor Close, Frankley, Cornwall Road, Frankley, Lismore Close, Frankley, Old Stone Close, Frankley, Selly Oak Station, Selly Oak Arden Walk, Frankley

Chapel Lane, Selly Oak Bristol Road, Birmingham

Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak 848 Bristol Road, Birmingham

College Walk, Selly Oak Bristol Road, Birmingham

Witherford Way, Bournville 1046 Bristol Road, Birmingham

Bournville Lane, Bournville

Grins Brook Lane, Bournville

Hole Lane, Northeld

Whitehill Lane, Northeld Bristol Road South, Birmingham

St Laurence Rd, Northeld

Northeld Shopping Centre, Northeld 697 Bristol Road South, Birmingham

Bell Lane, Northeld

Lockwood Rd, Northeld

The Black Horse, Northeld Frankley Beeches Road, Birmingham

St Heliers Rd, Northeld

Inverness Rd, Northeld

Hoggs Lane, Allens Cross Sunningdale, Birmingham

Guardian Court, Allens Cross Guardian Court, Birmingham

Elan Rd, Allens Cross

Manor Park Grove, Allens Cross Manor Park Grove, Birmingham

Raven Hays Rd, Allens Cross Tessall Lane, Birmingham

Crychan Close, Frankley 8 Little Cott Lane, Birmingham

Beech Park Rd, Frankley

Wareham Rd, Allens Cross Sherwood Walk, Birmingham

Titania Close, Frankley

Brightstone Rd, Frankley Ashdown Close, Birmingham

Windsor Close, Frankley Windsor Close, Birmingham

Cornwall Road, Frankley

Lismore Close, Frankley Old Stone Close, Frankley Hayling Close, Birmingham

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