STORY 1 The Search for the Zodiac Stone Chapter 12 of 12: Legacies of the Zodiac from Italian Topolino 1791, 1990 (First USA Publication) STORY 2 WRITER Bruno Sarda ARTIST Massimo De Vita Pop Goes the Weasel COLORIST Nea Aktina A. E. and Digikore Studios from Walt Disney Comics Digest 3, 1968 with Nicole and Travis Seitler LETTERER Nicole and Travis Seitler ARTIST Pete Alvarado TRANSLATION AND DIALOGUE Jonathan H. Gray COLORIST Digikore Studios EDITOR Sarah Gaydos PUBLISHER Ted Adams IFC DESIGNER Paul Hornschemeier ARCHIVAL EDITOR David Gerstein COVER DESIGNER Tom B. Long REGULAR COVER Massimo De Vita REGULAR COVER COLORS Ronda Pattison SUB COVER Corrado Mastantuono RI COVER Fabrizio Petrossi RI COVER COLORS Ronda Pattison STORY 3 Wiener Schnitzel Woes from Norwegian Donald Duck & Co. 42/2008 (First USA Publication) WRITER Lars Jensen ARTIST Maximino Tortajada Aguilar COLORIST Digikore Studios LETTERER Nicole and Travis Seitler DIALOGUE Lars Jensen and David Gerstein PUBLISHER’S NOTE: “The Search for the Zodiac Stone” Chapter 12 was created in an earlier time and contains occasional historically-dated content. We include it here with the understanding that it reflects a bygone era. For international rights, Special thanks to Curt Baker, Julie Dorris, Manny Mederos, Roberto Santillo, Camilla Vedove, Stefano Ambrosio, Carlotta Quattrocolo, please contact
[email protected] Ted Adams, CEO & Publisher Facebook: Greg Goldstein, President & COO Robbie Robbins, EVP/Sr. Graphic Artist Twitter: @idwpublishing Chris Ryall, Chief Creative Officer/Editor-in-Chief YouTube: Matthew Ruzicka, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Dirk Wood, VP of Marketing Tumblr: Lorelei Bunjes, VP of Digital Services Jeff Webber, VP of Licensing, Digital and Subsidiary Rights Instagram: WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES #732, JUNE 2016.