Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231– 6345 (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (S4), pp.2338-2344/Jafari et al. Research Article COMPARING THE TIME OF INJURIES IN ARTISTIC , AEROBIC GYMNASTIC, AND TRAMPOLINE AMONG ELITE MALE GYMNASTS IN IRAN 1 2 3 Tohid Nekukhah , *Yahya Sokhanguie and Seyyed Mohammad Kashef 1Department of Applied Mathematics, College of Mathematics Sciences, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Alborz, Iran 2Department of Physiotherapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Department of Physical Education, Urmia University *Author for Correspondence

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is comparing the time of injuries in , , Acrobatic Gymnastics, and Trampoline among elite male gymnasts in Iran. Due to the small number of elite gymnasts in the country, the population is equal to the sample. A total of 100 elite gymnasts in the field above the average weight 64.3 kg, height 172.19 cm, 20.41years old and BMI 18.6 kgm², respectively were selected for the study. The researcher made questionnaire was used to collect data. Its validity and reliability approved by teachers with confidence α=0.81 respectively. In the descriptive and inferential statistics level to analyze the data of the frequency of and percentage and SPSS21 software were used. The results show that from a total of 389 recorded injuries in four branches, without considering the type of injury, most of the injuries were occurred during gymnastics training. (respectively in Acrobatic Gymnastics 23.39%, Artistic Gymnastics 23.14%, Aerobic Gymnastics 20.31% and Trampoline 19.28%) and most of injuries in all branches was related to soft tissue injury and during exercise (respectively in Acrobatic 50.6%, Aerobic 44.05%, Trampoline 29.76% and Artistic 23.97%). The gymnasts and trainers should consider these injury times and apply strategies for the prevention of injury, especially during gymnastics training. Certainly, the use of standard teaching aids devices, the use of tactics to delay fatigue, and not performing risky movements during fatigue may have a great impact on reducing injuries.

Keywords: Sport Injuries, Artistic Gymnastics, Aerobics, , Trampoline, Elite Gymnasts

INTRODUCTION The sports injuries in various sports activities and competitions are always a factor in reducing the quality of performing the skills among the athletes. In most cases, the sports injuries prevent the athletes from continuing practice and lead to the lack of progress and bad performance. They also lead to increased health care costs and psychological complications. The gymnastics is very important because of its attractiveness, diversity of movements, being basic, and other special features. Therefore, a survey of the methods to prevent injuries in this sport is very important to improve the performance and health of athletes. In the gymnastics sport, the gymnast performs strength, balance, flexibility, and spatial awareness movements in Artistic Gymnastics, Aerobic Gymnastics, Acrobatic Gymnastics, and Trampoline to earn points in sports competitions (Crego, 2003). The most popular branch of this sport in the men's category is art branch. In its competitions, the gymnasts compete in Exercise, Horizontal Bars, , Bars, , and (Stoica et al., 2009). The aerobics gymnastics is the ability to perform continuous combinations and high intensity movement patterns with the music emanating from the traditional aerobic exercise. The aerobic performance usually consists of continuous movement of body, flexibility, power, and 7 basic steps along with complex movements of movement patterns (Ganzin et al., 2013). The Acrobatic Gymnastics includes regular and exciting theatrical movements and attractive group and cooperative movements. Its international competitions are held in five competition groups such as women's doubles, men's doubles, mixed doubles, women’s triple, and four men on the special floor exercises ground (Wade et al., 2009). Trampoline helps the athlete to create © Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 2338

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231– 6345 (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (S4), pp.2338-2344/Jafari et al. Research Article good physical and mental condition, and in particular to understand his/her body form in the space. Trampoline competitions are held individually or in pairs and each athlete must perform acrobatic movements (forward, backward, or sideways) (Kunze et al., 2009). However, some research refers to gymnastics as a risky sport. They state that various injuries threat the health of athletes such as falling from equipments, collision with equipments, training pressures, and other factors (Marshall et al., 2007). In its journal, the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons in America announced that more than 69,000 children under the age of 14 years were treated for medical problems related to gymnastics in 2007. To prevent from injuries of gymnasts, this academy recommended warm-up and stretching before exercise, protecting the used equipments, wearing good shoes, and having good target for practice (Diana, 2010). Despite all the benefits and beauty of gymnastics, the injuries in this field are relatively high. The gymnasts practice many years to achieve the championship platforms. But sometimes, the injuries make the process very long; even in certain circumstances, they lead to the resignation of gymnasts from the field (Caine et al., 1996). In their study on the gymnasts (Lindner and Caine, 1992) reported that the gymnastics injuries range in 1000 hours practice is 0.55 to 5.6. In a study on 37 male gymnasts for one year, also (Bak et al., 1994) reported that the injuries rate in gymnastics per 1000 hours of training is 4.1 cases. In a study on 107 male gymnasts for nine month, (Weaker et al., 1985) reported that the injuries rate in gymnastics per 1000 hours of training is 3.1 cases. Much research has been conducted about the injuries of gymnasts. However, many of them are conducted on women who are physically different from men and have rather different skills and equipments (Nikrou et al., 2012). Also, the research on men’s gymnastics is only in the field of artistic branch. There is no specialized and separate research on all four branches of gymnastics in Iran. Due to the lack of comprehensive research reports about injuries in male gymnastics, the researcher aims to compare the injuries in artistic gymnastics, aerobics gymnastics, acrobatic gymnastics, and trampoline among elite male gymnasts in Iran to clarify some ambiguities in this regard.

MATERIAS AND METHODS Methodology This was a descriptive -retrospective study. The population consisted of all the male elite gymnasts over 15 years in the field of artistic gymnastics, aerobics gymnastics, acrobatic gymnastics, and trampoline who were national team members and invitees to the national teams and athletes of gymnastics camps in Iran (N=100). Their weight mean, height mean, age mean, body mass index (BMI), and average duration of gymnastics experience were 64.3 kg, 172.19 cm, 20.41, 18.61 kgm², and 13.03 years, respectively. Totally, 99% of the samples were injured. A number of 208 successes and 90 participations in international, Asia, and world competitions in different fields had been acquired by the gymnasts. Due to the small number of population included in this study (elite gymnasts over 15 years), the population was considered equal to the sample. The data were collected using researcher-made questionnaire with three sections. The first section is included the demographic characteristics of gymnasts and instructions on completing the questionnaire. The second part is related to skeletal, skin, joints, and soft tissue injuries and the interfering factors in the incidence of injuries at gymnastics (during exercise, competition, training, and warm-up). The third section is related to the ranking of internal and external factors in creating injuries; respondents rank each of the internal and external factors. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by several of the professors. The reliability was obtained by distributing it among smaller sample (α=0.81). After identifying the statistical population through artistic, acrobatic, aerobic, and trampoline committees, Gymnastics Federation, and the committee’s active in the provinces in Iran, the questionnaires were completed by champions. Using software SPSS21 and Excel 2010, the descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analyzing the data.

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Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231– 6345 (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (S4), pp.2338-2344/Jafari et al. Research Article RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Findings According to Table 1, the highest number of injuries in artistic gymnastics occurred during exercise; it was higher than injuries during training, warm-up, and competition. Among them, the soft tissue injury during exercise (23.97%), damaged bone during exercise (22.32%), skin injury during exercise (14.88%), and joint injury during exercise were the highest injuries.

Table 1: The calculation of injury time percentage considering the type of injury in artistic gymnastics

Type of injury Bony injury Skin injury Soft tissue injury Joint injury

Injury time

up up up up

- - - -

during training during training during training during training during

during exercise during exercise during exercise during exercise during

during warm during warm during warm during warm during

during competition during competition during competition during competition during

The number

5 0 6 2 1 5 0 4 3 1 1 3

27 18 29 16


31 88 97 22

13 . 96 65 83 . 13 31 . 48 83 83 . 48

0 0


4 4 1 0 4 3 2 0 0 2

22 14 23 13

According to table 2, regardless of injury type in artistic gymnastics, the common time of injury was during exercise (74.38%), during training (14.05%), during competition (6.61%), and during warm-up (4.96%).

Table 2: Time of Injuries regardless of injury type in artistic gymnastics The time during competition during warm-up during exercise during training The number 8 6 90 17 percentage 6.61 4.96 74.38 14.05

Table 3: The calculation of injury time percentage considering the type of injury in aerobic gymnastics

Type of injury Bony injury Skin injury Soft tissue injury Joint injury

Injury time

up up up up

- - - -


during training during training during training during training during

during exercise during exercise during exercise during exercise during

during warm during warm during warm during warm during

during competition during during competition during competition during

The number

0 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0


19 18


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5.95 4.76 1.19

22.62 44.05 21.43

© Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 2340

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231– 6345 (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (S4), pp.2338-2344/Jafari et al. Research Article Table 3 shows that most of the injuries in aerobic gymnastics occurred during exercise; it was higher than injuries during training, warm-up, and competition. Among them, the soft tissue injury during exercise (44.05%), skin injury during exercise (22.62%), joint injury during exercise (21.43%), and damaged bone during exercise (5.95%) were the highest injuries. According to table 4, regardless of injury type in aerobic gymnastics, the common time of injury was during exercise (94.05%), during competition (4.76%), during warm-up (1.19%), and during training (0%).

Table 4: Time of Injuries regardless of injury type in aerobic gymnastics The time During competition During warm-up During exercise During training The number 4 1 79 0 percentage 4.76 1.19 94.05 0

Table 5 shows that most of the injuries in acrobatic gymnastics occurred during exercise; it was higher than injuries during training, warm-up, and competition. Among them, the soft tissue injury during exercise (50.6%), damaged bone during exercise (16.87%), joint injury during exercise (13.25%), and skin injury during exercise (9.64%) were the highest injuries.

Table 5: The calculation of injury time percentage considering the type of injury in acrobatic gymnastics

Type of injury Bony injury Skin injury Soft tissue injury Joint injury

Injury time

up up up up

- - - -


during training during training during training during training during

during exercise during exercise during exercise during exercise during

during warm during warm during warm during warm during

during competition during competition during during competition during

The number

0 0 2 0 0 8 4 0 2 0 0 0 0

14 42 11


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0

2.41 9.64 4.82 2.41 50.6

16.87 13.25

According to table 6, regardless of injury type in acrobatic gymnastics, the common time of injury was during exercise (91%), during training (6%), during warm-up (3%), and during competition (0%).

Table 6: Time of Injuries regardless of injury type in acrobatic gymnastics The time During competition During warm-up During exercise During training The number 0 2 75 5 percentage 0 3 91 6

Table 7 shows that most of the injuries in trampoline occurred during exercise; it was higher than injuries during training, warm-up, and competition. Among them, the soft tissue injury during exercise (29.76%), skin injury during exercise (26.19%), damaged bone during exercise (21.43%), and joint injury during exercise (11.9%) were the highest injuries.

© Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 2341

Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231– 6345 (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (S4), pp.2338-2344/Jafari et al. Research Article Table 7: The calculation of injury time percentage considering the type of injury in trampoline

Type of injury Bony injury Skin injury Soft tissue injury Joint injury

Injury time

up up up up

- - - -

during training during training during training during training during

during exercise during exercise during exercise during exercise during

during warm during warm during warm during warm during

during competition during competition during competition during competition during

The number

1 1 1

0 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 0


18 25 10


0 0 0

0 0 0

1.19 2.38 1.19 1.19 3.57 1.19 1.19

21.43 26.19 29.76

According to table 8, regardless of injury type in trampoline, the common time of injury was during exercise (89.29%), during training (7.14%), during warm-up (2.38%), and during competition (1.19%).

Table 8: Time of Injuries regardless of injury type in trampoline The time During competition During warm-up During exercise During training The number 1 2 75 6 percentage 1.19 2.38 89.29 7.14

According to Table 9, from a total of 389 recorded injuries in four branches, most of the injuries were occurred during gymnastics training. Most of the injuries were occurred during exercise in acrobatic gymnastics (23.39%), during exercise in artistic gymnastics (23.14%), during exercise in aerobic gymnastics (20.31%), and during exercise trampoline (19.28%). The least level of injuries occurred during competition, warm-up, and training.

Table 9: Comparison of injury time in all types of gymnastic fields, regardless of the injury type Type of injury Artistic Aerobic Acrobatic Trampoline

Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics

Injury time

up up up up

- - - -



during training during training during training during training during

during exercise during exercise during during exercise during

during warm during warm during warm during warm during

during competition during competition during competition during competition during

The number

8 6 4 1 0 0 3 6 1 2 6

90 17 79 91 75 389


14 31 39 28

06 54 . 37 03 26 . 77 . 54 26 51 . 54

0 0



2 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

23 20 23 19

Discussion and Conclusion From the simplest to the most severe types, the physical injuries cause problems for the athletes in most sports for participating in sporting events. However, the level of gymnasts’ injuries is also relatively high

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Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231– 6345 (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (S4), pp.2338-2344/Jafari et al. Research Article and has a negative effect on the performance of champions. Based on the results of this study, there was significant difference between the sports injury level during gymnastics exercise, competition, warm-up, and training. This indicated the high level of athletic injuries during exercise compared to competition. The results of various fields of gymnastics were as follows: during exercise in artistic gymnastics (74.38%), during exercise in aerobics gymnastics (94.05%), during exercise in acrobatic gymnastics (91%), and during exercise trampoline (89.29%). Also, the highest level of injuries during exercise was occurred in acrobatic gymnastics (23.39%), artistic gymnastics (23.14%), aerobics gymnastics (20.31%), and trampoline (19.28%). This is consistent with (Quinn., 2014) research. Quinn showed that the majority of reported gymnastics injuries are the injuries resulted from long hours of exercise. Also, this is inconsistent with (Jafari et al., 2008; Gaine and Nassar, 2005; Marshall et al., 2007). They reported that most of the injuries are occurred during the competition. They pointed out that totally, the low intensity injuries were 53% during the event and 69% in exercise. It should be mentioned that all of the above research was conducted on male and female artistic gymnastics; there is no comprehensive research on other fields of gymnastics. However, considering the results of this study and the above studies, it can be concluded that the level of injuries in exercise was more that in competition (regardless of the number of training sessions or competitions). Also, there was no significant difference between the injury times in various fields of gymnastics; most injuries happened during exercise: artistic gymnastics (23.14%), aerobics gymnastics (20.31%), acrobatic gymnastics (23.39%), and trampoline (19.28%). In the studies were conducted in America Orthopedic Society for Sports (Medicine et al., 2008) presented strategies for reducing Gymnastics injuries such as wearing all required safety devices (wrist strap, palm strap, elbow strap, and ankle strap) by gymnasts during exercise and competition, ensuring that their first goal is participating in all competitions and exercises, stopping exercise at the onset of pain and referring to a doctor and learning how to return quickly to sport, and warming up the muscles with mild aerobic exercise (such as jerky movements and running in place before starting movements and new activities). In the present study, the most time of injuries in four branches of Gymnastics (Artistic, aerobics, acrobatics, and trampoline) were separately mentioned. The gymnasts and trainers should consider these injury times and apply strategies for the prevention of injury, especially during gymnastics training. Certainly, the use of standard teaching aids devices, the use of tactics to delay fatigue, and not performing risky movements during fatigue may have a great impact on reducing injuries.

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