The BG News April 25, 1997
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-25-1997 The BG News April 25, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 25, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6172. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS OPINION TODAY Swiichboard 372-2601 Softball Football Classified Ads 372-6977 Display Ads 372-2605 BG's Jenny Ranz Tom ponders if Editorial 372-6966 Saturday, Sports 372-2602 has made a 1 p.m. people are really Entertainment 372-2603 like what they career out of Spring football begins warmer Story Idea? Give us a call defining hustle with annual intrasquad seem to be weekdays from I pm. loSpm., or scrimmage Saturday e-mail: "[email protected]" High: 61 Low: 38 FRIDAY April 25,1997 Volume 83, Issue 142 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # Students Annual Latino spend an evening sessions begin □ Today's conference Manuel Vadillo, associate di- rector of multicultural affairs in a box on Latino issues offers and conference director, be- an opportunity to better lieves that the University needs □ The Box City project understand another cul- to educate students about the will give students a first- lifestyles, backgrounds and cul- ture. tures of Latinos. hand experience in "By attending the conference, what it is like to be By MELISSA NAYMIK students will learn about without a home. The BG News different ethnic groups," said Vadillo. Breaking the racial barrier Not only is there a color line By GENELL PAVELLICH among University students is a between races, but there is also a The BG News main priority for many campuses language barrier. This presents across the nation. In order to help other issues between students of This weekend, students partic- Bowling Green students under- different races and problems, ipating in "Box City" will experi- stand different races and cul- such as stereotyping and label- ence what homelessness might tures, the Office of Multicultural ing, can occur. belike. Affairs, along with other organi- Francisco Cabanillas, assistant "Box City: Sleep out for the zations on campus, is holding the professor of romance languages, Homeless" begins tonight at 8 third annual Latino issues con- has been part of the coordinating p.m. and will continue through ference. committee for the past two years. tomorrow morning, said Julie BG Ncwi Photo by Hldrki Kobayuhl The conference titled "The In- He has discovered two general Strinka, president of the Univer- Angela Roberts, family development specialist for WSOS, assists homeless families in housing programs clusive Discourse of the 21st points through the first two con- sity's chapter of Habitat for Hu- in Wood County. Century" will take place today in manity. 101 Olscamp. • See LATINO, page three. "This will be a great way for students to experimentally learn about the homeless situation," Group helps out homeless she said. "Students will sleep outside in boxes to see what it is □ Home Aid of community and concerned citi- The homeless can include like." Wood County zens. As a group, they are look- anyone who lacks a fixed ad- Strinka said they are expecting ing for ways to pull their expe- dress of their own. They may about 225-250 participants in the works to aid the rience and resources together be living in a motel, vehicle or event. Tickets are $5 and are on homeless that live to help those in need. temporarily with friends or sale today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. "I didn't spend my time in family. in the Union Foyer. Tickets for around the area. school getting my degree to Home Aid gets their chance the event are bursarable. come get my eight-hour job. to help a number of homeless For the five-dollar ticket price, By ROCHELLE M. CON- I'm always looking for an- people because they team up students will receive a box; a free VERSE swers, wherever I am, to the with an organization that will T-shirt and tie-dying for the first The BG News crisis that I'm facing at work," begin a transitional housing 175 people buying tickets; free said Judy Kellermeier, a licen- program in the area. food including pizza, pop and hot They look like anybody else sed social worker and member WSOS Community Action chocolate; and free entertain- wearing blue jeans and a of Home Aid. Commission, a non-profit ment, Strinka said. T-shirt, they blend in, but in Home Aid was formed in social service agency, was a- "Box City" will take place in reality - they are homeless. 1995 because no single agency warded a federal grant of the courtyard between Kreischer They aren't easy to recognize in the county was able to pro- $843,454. The money will help Quadrangle and the Student Ser- in a rural community but social vide long-term emergency eight Wood County households vices Building. service workers who work with services for the homeless. per year for three years and Proceeds from the event go to the poor know they are out Through the years, the group others in Sandusky, Ottawa and Habitat for Humanity chapter at there. has worked to create an Seneca counties. the University. "You see them at Wal-Mart. awareness in the community The transitional housing Jeff Young, vice president of You see them at filling stations. that homelessness exists. program will help families lo- the University's chapter of Habi- You see them buying ciga- "People dont think there's a cate a rental unit and pay for it tat for Humanity, said he en- rettes," said Mary Etta Fizer, a need," Fizer said. while they are in a crisis. As ■>mswHi< courages students to get involved public health nurse for the In 1996, the Wood County the family's financial situation Jered Guzman and Natalie Vlandis, the 1996 U.S. National Jun- with this event. Wood County Health Depart- Department of Human Ser- improves, they will be expect- ior Pairs championship gold medal winners, will perform at this "This is a good opportunity for ment. vices recorded 88 people who ed to pay larger portions of the weekend's Ice Horizons show. students of the campus to get "If you have one pair of blue were homeless. However, that rent. together to learn about jeans and a couple of T-shirts, number only reflects the fami- In addition, families will be homelessness and the need for you look like anybody else. So lies who contacted the depart- provided with family and job affordable housing," he said. you wouldn't necessarily know ment, according to Gay Malon, development and other social BGSU ice skaters The University's chapter of that's all they had," she said. social services supervisor for services that will enable them Habitat for Humanity began in Fizer is a member of Home the department. Malon is also a to move from dependence to the fall and they are continuing Aid of Wood County, a local member of Home Aid. self-sufficiency, said Cheryl prepare to dazzle to build up the organization, volunteer group that seeks to Fizer can also identify at Moreno, emergency services Strinka said. eliminate homelessness in the least 15 families on her health director of WSOS. A presentation about the new area. department case load who are Moreno said the program □ Ice Horizons, a country, according to "Figure organization and what is involved The group consists of mem- living in overcrowded condi- will not provide a band-aid ap- skating show which Skating Magazine." with it will also be given during bers from a variety of social tions and are at risk of becom- Ice Horizons was estab- service agencies, the business ing homeless. • See AID, page three. showcases both Uni- lished in 1968 and featured • See BOXES, page four. versity and world skating sensation and now gold medalist Scott Hamilton. class amateur talent, This year's production of will take place this Ice Horizon's stars Olympic Kane remembered with scholarship weekend at the silver medalist and three-time Canadian National champion BGSU Ice Arena Elizabeth Manley. By DARLA WARNOCK According to Marilyn Braaz, presented to Fahringer by the her a present. Joining Manley in the show The BG News development officer for the Col- Kane family. Aaron Kane, Julie's "It is kind of weird," Fahringer By ANDREA VITANZA are Jared Guzman and Natalie lege of Education and Allied brother, will award the schol- said. "It's like she's still giving." Vladis, gold medalists at the Julie Kane will give another The BG News Professions, the scholarship was arship. Mrs. Kane said the scholarship 1996 U.S. National Junior birthday present to her best set up by Julie's parents, Robert "Tara will receive a little more was developed as a way to honor friend this Sunday. Julie's memory. Members of the Universi- Pairs championship. and Roberta Kane in order to at the request of the family," ty's skating club will perform Skaters from northwest Only this celebration will be a The Kanes thought no one was benefit a student focusing on the Braaz said.