Tme^Ubi Miscellaneous Matters Crandall for Fees As a Detective
LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1898 7 pendltures, showing the following condi- STATE BOARD OF MANAGERS Neat, Stylish, Beautifulse... ALL INVALID WARRANTS tion of his department after the first nine months: Salary, allowance, $30,960; ex- President of the San Diego Normal to CITY MEWS penses, $23,973; balance, $7987; stationery, Be Elected amount allowed, $1500; expensed, $1631.49; Oxford managers INDEX 07 LOCAL EVENTH The combined boards of of the overdrawn, $131.69; of the expenditures for schools of the state convene WILLBE REPLACED BYISSUANCE stationery normal will Chronicled on pages 7, 8,10 and 13. and supplies, $315.60 was not in- today at the Los Angeles normal to elect 0? GOOD ONES cluded ln appropriation; deducting amount a president for the San Dlcgo school, now Ties westerly Forecast: Fair, warm, overdrawn, $131.49, leaves the balance lo ln process of erection. Several of the Dissolution Sale the credit of supply, etc., $183.11; water I winds. members arrived yesterday and spent the Any style, almost, 1 measurements, allowed, $2560; expended, day ln visiting the various departments of foran alleged mis- from $1.00 to $$.00 in price. A policeman sued $1486.66; balance, $1073.35; Pasadena boule- the local state school. This morning at 8:45 A take ln the Identity of a Juror. vard, Adobe acquitted charge of route, allowed, $275; expended, the visitors will meet the students in the Darling of the SOME MISTAKEN DEDUCTIONS 30 rape. $274.80; balance. cents; Buena Vista auditorium, where brief remarks will be Deputy constable and detectivo at street route, allowed, $150; expended, $130; made by the gentlemen called upon by the Snyder Shoe Co.
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