TTC Email and Facebook Alerts

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2009-12-01 Scarborough Ctr Stn Police Investigation 10:56:00 PM 11:21:00 PM 2009-12-04 Union to Bloor Injury at track level 3:11:00 PM 4:46:00 PM 4:42:00 PM Yes 2009-12-05 Keele to Islington Stns Switch problems at Jane Stn 9:56:00 AM 10:11:00 AM Yes 2009-12-08 Warden to Kennedy Switch problems at Warden 6:26:00 AM 6:46:00 AM 6:27:00 AM 6:48:00 AM 2009-12-09 Union Station Smell of smoke at track level 7:07:00 AM 7:11:00 AM 2009-12-09 Bay & Adelaide Wires down - Bay bus diverted 7:40:00 AM 7:56:00 AM 2009-12-09 Smell of smoke at track level 8:24:00 AM 8:42:00 AM 2009-12-09 Police investigation 8:58:00 AM 9:01:00 AM 2009-12-09 Smell of smoke at track level 9:25:00 AM 9:38:00 AM 2009-12-10 Smell of smoke at track level 6:36:00 AM 6:39:00 AM 2009-12-10 Smell of smoke at track level 7:19:00 AM 7:25:00 AM 2009-12-10 Security incident 7:26:00 AM 7:30:00 AM 2009-12-10 Bloor Station Smell of smoke at track level 10:37:00 AM 10:39:00 AM 2009-12-11 Victoria Park Station Mechanical problem on train 6:47:00 AM 6:58:00 AM Slow service Downsview to St. 2009-12-11 Clair West Delay at 7:21:00 AM 7:29:00 AM 2009-12-11 Davisville Station Smell of smoke at track level 8:39:00 AM 8:44:00 AM 2009-12-11 Pape Station Smell of smoke at track level 8:53:00 AM 8:58:00 AM 2009-12-11 Smell of smoke at track level 9:56:00 AM 10:05:00 AM 2009-12-11 Power off 1:44:00 PM 1:51:00 PM 1:45:00 PM 01:00 1:52:00 PM 01:00 2009-12-11 Spadina to St. Andrew Stns Smell of smoke at track level 2:11:00 PM 2:20:00 PM Yes 2:12:00 PM 01:00 2009-12-11 Ossington to Chester Stns Smell of smoke at track level 4:55:00 PM 5:12:00 PM 4:56:00 PM 01:00 5:13:00 PM 01:00 Unspecified in notice (derailment 2009-12-12 Dundas & Ossington reported by others) 10:21:00 AM 12:11:00 PM Yes 2009-12-12 Bloor to St. Andrew Stns Signal problems 11:36:00 AM 1:46:00 PM 11:28:00 AM 1:42:00 PM 1:48:00 PM 02:00 11:29:00 AM 01:00 1:43:00 PM 01:00 Smell of smoke at track level at 2009-12-15 Islington to Keele Stns Jane Stn 6:41:00 AM 6:46:00 AM 6:26:00 AM 6:43:00 AM Yes Police investigation - 96 Wilson 2009-12-15 Wilson east of Dufferin diverting 6:56:00 AM 7:27:00 AM Police investigation - 26 Dupont 2009-12-15 Dupont east of Dundas diverting 6:56:00 AM 10:05:00 AM 10:06:00 AM 01:00 2009-12-17 Chester Station Smell of smoke at track level 7:50:00 AM 7:56:00 AM

2009-12-17 Spadina & Queen Collision - 510 Spadina diverting 9:55:00 AM 10:11:00 AM 9:57:00 AM 02:00 10:13:00 AM 02:00 2009-12-17 Bloor Station Unspecified delay NB 11:07:00 AM 11:22:00 AM 11:01:00 AM 11:20:00 AM 11:03:00 AM 02:00 11:21:00 AM 01:00 2009-12-17 College Street Olympic Torch Delays 4:06:00 PM 8:46:00 AM 4:08:00 PM 02:00 Olympic Torch Delays 6:57:00 PM 7:06:00 PM 09:00

2009-12-18 St. Clair & Brimley Collision - 102 Markham diverting 7:46:00 AM Police investigation - 94 Wellesley 2009-12-18 Harbord E of Bathurst diverting 7:46:00 AM 9:13:00 AM Road reopened - end of diversion 2009-12-18 Royal York & Dundas of 73 Royal York 8:17:00 AM 2009-12-18 St. George Stn NB Smell of smoke at track level 9:56:00 AM 10:02:00 AM TTC Email and Facebook Alerts

Date Location Event Email Alert Email clear Facebook Facebook Shuttle Email Alert Email Email Clear Email Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook Alert Clear Buses on BB Delivery on BB Delivery Alert on BB Delivery Clear on BB Delivery 2009-12-19 Woodbine to St. George No service - unspecified 2:48:00 AM 3:18:00 AM Yes 2:53:00 PM 05:00 3:27:00 PM 09:00 Unknown - posted by non TTC user as "rescue" 2:59:00 PM Yes 2009-12-21 Bloor to Union Stns Signal problems at King 7:58:00 AM 7:50:00 AM 8:39:00 AM Yes Service resumed but slower than usual 8:48:00 AM 8:39:00 AM 8:45:00 AM 8:51:00 AM 03:00 8:41:00 AM 02:00 8:46:00 AM 01:00 2009-12-23 Eglinton Station Smell of smoke at track level 7:18:00 AM Bloor to Lawrence Stns Closed due to smoke 7:28:00 AM 7:44:00 AM 7:26:00 AM 7:42:00 AM Yes

2009-12-30 Bloor to Eglinton Mechanical problem at St. Clair 6:45:00 PM 7:15:00 PM 6:49:00 PM 04:00 7:23:00 PM 08:00 2010-01-03 Bloor to Lawrence Stns Smell of smoke at Eglinton 3:36:00 PM 3:41:00 PM Yes 2010-01-03 Bloor to Lawrence Stns Smell of smoke at Eglinton 6:31:00 PM 6:43:00 PM 6:42:00 PM 11:00 6:45:00 PM 02:00 2010-01-04 All Weather problems 8:26:00 AM 9:06:00 AM 8:19:00 AM 9:02:00 AM 8:40:00 AM 14:00 9:15:00 AM 09:00 8:21:00 AM 02:00 9:04:00 AM 02:00 Mechanical problems causing 2010-01-04 Finch to Eglinton delays 9:36:00 AM 9:58:00 AM 9:32:00 AM 9:57:00 AM 9:49:00 AM 13:00 10:10:00 AM 12:00 9:34:00 AM 02:00 9:59:00 AM 02:00 2010-01-04 Finch to Lawrence Power off 11:33:00 AM 12:02:00 PM 11:28:00 AM 11:58:00 AM 12:11:00 PM 09:00 11:30:00 AM 02:00 Slow service due to signal 2010-01-04 Jane to Donlands problems at Donlands 7:02:00 PM 8:00:00 PM 7:04:00 PM 02:00 2010-01-05 Bloor to Osgoode Stns Signal problems at King 4:52:00 PM 4:59:00 PM 5:18:00 PM Yes 4:57:00 PM 05:00 5:01:00 PM 02:00 5:20:00 PM 02:00 Service resumed but slower than usual 5:32:00 PM 5:38:00 PM 5:33:00 PM 01:00 5:40:00 PM 02:00

2010-01-06 SRT Disabled train - longer wait times 7:21:00 AM 7:15:00 AM 7:17:00 AM 02:00 2010-01-06 Lawrence W to St. Clair W Mechanical problem 7:46:00 AM 7:53:00 AM 7:51:00 AM Yes 7:52:00 AM 06:00 7:55:00 AM 02:00 7:52:00 AM 01:00 2010-01-06 Bloor subway Disabled train 10:26:00 AM 10:31:00 AM 10:23:00 AM 10:27:00 AM 10:25:00 AM 02:00 10:29:00 AM 02:00 2010-01-06 Harbourfront/Spadina lines Flooding at Queen's Quay 9:54:00 PM Yes 10:00:00 PM 06:00 2010-01-07 Harbourfront/Spadina lines Flooding at Queen's Quay 6:23:00 AM 7:01:00 AM 6:18:00 AM 6:59:00 AM Yes 7:05:00 AM 04:00 6:20:00 AM 02:00 7:01:00 AM 02:00 2010-01-07 St. George Stn NB Ill passenger 5:25:00 PM 5:33:00 PM 5:27:00 PM 02:00 5:35:00 PM 02:00 2010-01-08 Sheppard to Eglinton Stns Smell of smoke at track level 10:24:00 AM 10:41:00 AM Yes 10:26:00 AM 02:00 10:43:00 AM 02:00 2010-01-08 College to Davisville Stns Signal problems at St. Clair 5:05:00 PM 5:13:00 PM 5:07:00 PM 02:00 5:15:00 PM 02:00 2010-01-08 Broadview to Woodbine Stns Police investigation at Pape 11:03:00 AM 12:53:00 AM Yes 2010-01-09 Vic Park to Kennedy Stns Signal problems at Warden 5:59:00 AM Yes Woodbine to Kennedy Stns Signal problems 7:23:00 AM Yes Vic Park to Kennedy Stns Signal problems 9:49:00 AM Yes 9:57:00 AM 08:00