The Climate Change Movement and Political Parties Social Media Interaction During the Electoral Period 2019 in Finland

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The Climate Change Movement and Political Parties Social Media Interaction During the Electoral Period 2019 in Finland THE CLIMATE CHANGE MOVEMENT AND POLITICAL PARTIES SOCIAL MEDIA INTERACTION DURING THE ELECTORAL PERIOD 2019 IN FINLAND Sonja M. Savolainen University of Helsinki Faculty of Social Sciences Political Science Master’s thesis June 2020 Tiedekunta – Fakultet – Faculty Koulutusohjelma – Utbildingsprogram – Degree Programme Faculty of Social Sciences Political Science Tekijä – Författare – Author Savolainen, Sonja M. Työn nimi – Arbetets titel – Title The Climate Change Movement and Political Parties: Social Media Interaction During the Electoral Period 2019 in Finland Oppiaine/Opintosuunta – Läroämne/Studieinriktning – Subject/Study track Study line for politics Työn laji – Arbetets art – Level Aika – Datum – Month and year Sivumäärä – Sidoantal – Master’s thesis June 2020 Number of pages 79 Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract This master’s thesis investigates the dynamics between the climate movement and Finnish political parties in 2019. The climate movement mobilization overlapped two elections in Finland: the parliamentary elections in April and the European parliamentary elections in May. The research focuses on developments in the relationship before, during and after the elections, which will be analysed using the contentious politics approach and electoral contention mechanisms by Tilly, McAdam and Tarrow. This thesis uses a case study research design to examine the distinctive circumstances in which a global mobilization wave overlaps with two elections. The main set of data consists of all public tweets in Finnish twitter, which mention either ‘ilmastolakko’ (climate strike) or ‘#nytonpakko’ (#actnow) and were published in 2019. The tweets are collected using search engine technology and processed by extracting four datasets of tweets sent out by Finnish parliament members. The data is further investigated using various methods, such as network analysis. Statistics collected by the Finnish police force and survey data collected by researchers in climate protests are used to support the analysis. The analysis showed that the dynamics of the interaction between the climate movement and the political parties in Finland changed throughout 2019. Before the parliamentary elections in April 2019, the climate movement formed mutually beneficial electoral alliances with the Green League and the Left Alliance. The political parties took distance from the movement after the elections. A responsive mobilization of the climate movement after the elections showed increasing criticism towards politicians. Other parties did not significantly change their position towards the movement after the elections, although the Finns Party slightly increased the amount of criticism and the other parties slightly decreased the amount of support shown towards the movement. The developments in the movement-party relations were apparent in many ways: Indicators of the mechanisms of interaction were changes in the number of tweets published by MPs, the contents of the tweets, frequency and scale of climate protests and the support or criticism from the climate movement towards the political parties. The two waves of mobilization in Helsinki was supplemented by other types of mobilization, such as the launch of the ‘Korvaamaton’- campaign of development, climate and environmental organizations. This thesis shows that social media is a venue of movement-party interactions in more open media systems, where political elites transcend to Twitter networks. The existence of virtual political elites can have implications for social movements and the collective ‘conflict and alliance’ structure of politics. Further research should be conducted on the other venues in which movement-party interactions may occur and on other case studies, where social movement mobilization and elections occur simultaneously. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords Social movements, climate movement, environmental movement, elections, contentious politics, electoral contention Ohjaaja tai ohjaajat – Handledare – Supervisor or supervisors Mikko Mattila Säilytyspaikka – Förvaringställe – Where deposited Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Helsingfors universitets bibliotek, Helsinki University Library Muita tietoja – Övriga uppgifter – Additional information Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Theoretical framework and previous research ...................................................................................... 5 2.1 Defining social movements ................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Social movements and political parties .............................................................................................. 8 The political process approach ............................................................................................................ 9 The societal cleavages approach ....................................................................................................... 12 The agenda-setting power approach ................................................................................................. 13 The contentious politics approach ..................................................................................................... 15 2.3 Mechanisms of movement-party interactions ................................................................................... 17 3 Social movements and media ................................................................................................................. 21 3.1 The global media technologies and social movements..................................................................... 21 3.2 The Finnish media system and strategic use of media platforms ..................................................... 24 4 The environmental movement in Finland ............................................................................................ 27 4.1 The history and organizational development of the environmental movement in Finland .............. 27 4.2 The climate mobilization .................................................................................................................. 31 5 Methodology and data collection .......................................................................................................... 34 5.1 Research design and methodology ................................................................................................... 34 5.2 Data collection from social media .................................................................................................... 36 5.3 Processing and analysing the data .................................................................................................... 37 5.4 Ethics of social media research......................................................................................................... 40 6 Mechanisms linking the climate movement and electoral party politics ........................................... 42 6.1 The Finnish political context in the 2019 elections .......................................................................... 42 6.2 Electoral coalitions ........................................................................................................................... 44 6.3 Transferable innovations .................................................................................................................. 50 6.4 Proactive mobilization ...................................................................................................................... 53 6.5 Polarization of parties ....................................................................................................................... 56 6.6 Discussing the mechanisms of movement-party interaction in the Finnish political context .......... 62 7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 68 Sources ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 79 1 Tweets by @maripsrantanen and @sebastiantyne .............................................................................. 79 2 ‘Korvaamaton’-campaign website ....................................................................................................... 79 3 Tweet by @petteriorpo ........................................................................................................................ 79 Acknowledgements The social media data for this thesis was collected with the software tool Mohawk Analytics and generously provided by The Centre for Consumer Society Research (Kuluttajatutkimuskeskus). The contribution is sincerely appreciated as the project could not have been completed without it. 1 Introduction Greta Thunberg inspired what would become a global ‘Fridays For Future’ climate movement on the 20th of August 2018, when she first sat down in front of the Swedish Parliament holding a sign that read: Skolstrejk för klimatet (School strike for the climate). Although Thunberg started the protest alone, it didn’t take long for other young people to join her. The protests started to
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