W. J. and J. 0. Mills, Mr. Just, Senator Ingernoll. Mr, TO UiiUnoiD COMITY IMlldLTlfUL FAIR. l'tcunigs, Mm. Charles O'Couor, (.overuor Howif, meut for ilie rjoj. Ah the horses approached the THE YELLOW FEVEB. . THE IMIil O JOl'Ktl (LIB. <>l Maryland; tieneral luck Taylor, of New Orleans, throe-quarter pole both llarle una Kiagfl her begun ex-Mayor Uunther and lady, and other*. to move up to the others, und mi tliey came loto tuo Gain Dmy at the Fair Yv»tertfay.'What Nix Nmw Vmnom u4 Two Deal hi During the TIIE hotuestretch MMda.v aud the Donerube closed up to KQIIIPAUHH. or Hail Farm Ijul Twenty-tear Ilvur*. Misoellaneouc and General New* Items and Pari, Among the handsome turuouta at the Club House CblUluHhe. Then &iugtlaber wart tat no. und ho Slay Oh»I "Kauw About inn" ( wen* those of Mr. J. F. Stone, a milord; Mr. came with such a rush that be went through his and What lie Dae* Kuow. At the yellow fever hospital in the lower buy new graphs from the Metropolitan Police Courts. of the Fall Soutter. a phaeton and handsome pair of bays; horses ns ii they were hobbled, und came la an easy This institution has lii for » ases are received dally from Governor's First Day Meeting Mr. Itel- winner butt a dozen Chii.iootlie seconu, yearly be«o progress Inland, Judge Mtougbtou, n slvllsh lour in-hand: l>y lengths, the and Assistant Gibbs wus at Park. 1110m, a barouche una pair of high steppiug bays. Midday third, tbe Dom raiie oott lourth, daiic tutu several duysou Richmond Ciub Conine, near the yesterday Acting Surgeon Jerome Mr. P. Van Courtiandt drove up to the grand aud Item slxtit. Time of tbe neat, 1:49. farm or W. II. Vanderbllt, Now Dorp, una there 1m detailed by the medical director, Dr. Cuyier, to assist The following record will show the changes ta the aland with his Htyltph four-tii-hnnri, followed by Mr. .stkxtna Hv.it.The Doueralle colt hid the best of in tiie slot. of the temperature for the hours la com¬ sec¬ the usual variety of pigs, cows, horses, turnip*, attendaucy upon Many patients past twenty-four William Duncan with a fine pair of bays, and by the send-oir, the stall beiug very even, Hatlo parison with the as neat Mr. Item Usher fourth. fruits, flower* aud bed quilt* that make up a coun¬ are now convalescing, and the cold weather corresponding day of last year, turnouts driven by Mi'. Withers, Jonu ond, third, Kuig Midday seems them. The indicated Interesting Scenes and Splen¬ Mr. santord. Mr. Charles l'alley and Mr. fifth aud Chillloothe sixth. Tliey kept their try fair. Of comae there had to be a aud to be favorable for following by the thermometer at Uudnat's phar¬ Parley, but before speech, is a list of those received at the West Bank Quaran¬ macy, Hkhald corner of Ann street:. 'l roin borough. The Prince de Ccncl was noticeable pluc/JM luto the upper turn, tney llall wan Invite.! for the and hours at Building, did the upon the ve¬ reached the quarter pole some changes bad Mayor purpose spoke tine Uospital for the twenty-four euding 1MB. UTti. 188# 1879. Sport. among prominent persona colt for half au hour m oue or the tents after¬ six o'clock last 8 AM. 02 63 SP.H 68 A3 randa of the club house lrorn his tall taken place, Tue Doneralle kept tbe yesterday evening:. «A.M and elegant carriaire. A little distance from lead, Ranc second, Midday Kurd, Item lourtn, noon. lie by that he could not Henry Hart, private, company C. 40 04 CP. M CO 64 figure sixth. Aa begau observing Adain Miller, 0. M 63 IP. M 08 63 the last named poisonage were Messrs. Lawrence Kingfisher tlftb und Chllllcotne they came the on its allow. It was not the private, company and I