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THE WELSH RUGBY UNION LIMITED Annual Report 2014 THE WELSH RUGBY UNION LIMITED Annual Report 2014 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG Adroddiad Blynyddol 2014 The Purpose of the WRU is to: Promote, foster, encourage, control and improve rugby football in Wales. The WRU Group’s Vision is three fold: • Take Wales to the world with our rugby • Welcome the world to Wales in our stadium • Define Wales as a nation The WRU Group’s Mission is based upon: • Leading Welsh rugby to the forefront of the global game in performance and reputation • Maximising participation, performance and enjoyment of the game at all levels • Developing grassroots rugby, supporting clubs, schools and colleges and bringing communities together • Promoting the Millennium Stadium as a unique, must play, must visit venue Our Values and Beliefs Our purpose, vision, and mission are underpinned by our values and beliefs which embrace, integrity, excellence, success, courage, family and humour. WRU ARA 2014 1a:Layout 1 22/09/2014 19:25 Page 1 Contents Financial highlights 02 Neges y Llywydd / President’s message 04 Datganiad y Cadeirydd / Chairman’s statement 06 Crynodeb Prif Weithredwr y Grwˆp / Group Chief Executive’s summary 10 Strategic report 22 Elite rugby review 30 Community rugby review 52 Stadium review 64 Directors’ report 68 Consolidated profit and loss account 72 Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses 72 Balance sheets 73 Consolidated cash flow statement 74 Notes to the financial statements 75 Independent auditors’ report 93 Welsh Rugby Union governance 95 Registered office and advisers 97 Board of Directors 98 Executive Board 103 Obituaries 105 Commercial partners 108 THE WELSH RUGBY UNION LIMITED - ANNUAL REPORT 2014 1 WRU ARA 2014 1a:Layout 1 23/09/2014 08:45 Page 2 Financial highlights P&L extract - 2014 & 2013 70 61.0 60 58.5 50 40 31.2 31.9 £ ‘m 30 29.0 27.3 22.5 22.1 20 10 7.0 4.8 3.8 1.7 0.8 2.3 0 2014 2013 2014 2013 Year Turnover EBITDA Operational costs Operating profit before exceptional items Allocations to affiliated organisations Profit before tax & exceptional items Amount remaining to service other costs Analysis of turnover 65 60 3%3% 1.7 3.1 55 1.5 3.5 50 14.0 13.2 Match income 45 40 Competition income 24% 35 8.9 9.1 Commercial income 30 55% £ ‘m 25 Other event income 20 Other income 32.4 15 32.1 10 5 15% 0 2014 2013 Year EBITDA = Earnings before interest, depreciation, allocations and exceptional items 2 THE WELSH RUGBY UNION LIMITED - ANNUAL REPORT 2014 WRU ARA 2014 1a:Layout 1 23/09/2014 12:14 Page 3 Turnover v EBITDA 70 63.2 61.0 58.5 58.5 60 54.3 50 40 £ ‘m 29.0 30 27.6 26.2 27.6 27.3 20 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Turnover EBITDA EBITDA v Allocations 29.0 30 27.6 27.6 26.2 27.3 25 22.1 22.5 20.1 20.0 19.3 20 £ ‘m 15 10 5 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Allocations - all EBITDA Allocations 18 16.9 17.1 16 15.0 15.1 14.2 14 12 10 £ ‘m 8 6 4.5 4.0 4.3 3.8 4 3.1 2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Regions Community Rugby Semi-professional THE WELSH RUGBY UNION LIMITED - ANNUAL REPORT 2014 3 WRU ARA 2014 1a:Layout 1 22/09/2014 19:29 Page 4 Neges y Llywydd Dennis Gethin, Llywydd / President Nid oes amheuaeth y gall rygbi Cymru dyfu hyd yn oed yn gryfach os dysgwn y gwersi mae’r flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi’u gadael. Nawr yw’r amser i ystyried fel mae’n rhaid i Undeb Rygbi Cymru adeiladu hyd yn oed fwy o undod o fewn y gêm yr ymfalchïwn ynddi. Yn ystod y flwyddyn fe’n hatgoffwyd gan y clybiau sy’n aelodau o’r Undeb y bydd gweithio’n glos gyda’n gilydd yn ein gwneud yn gryfach fel corff sy’n mynd rhagddo. Gyda’r Cadeirydd a Phrif Weithredwr y Grwˆp fe ymwelais â phob ardal yn ystod y flwyddyn i drafod strwythur cynghrair newydd SWALEC ac ym mhob lleoliad fe ddaliwyd ar y cyfle i elwa mwy eto o Y Llywydd gyda Dame Rosemary Butler faterion yn ymwneud â rygbi. Mae’n gwbl amlwg, fel y mae’r gêm broffesiynol a rhyngwladol ehangach yn unig yn chwaraewr arbennig ond yn wˆr ifanc hynod esblygu, bod yn rhaid i ni sicrhau y bydd rygbi cymunedol ddymunol ac mae ei agwedd yn nodweddiadol o’r holl yn dal i gyfranogi ac yn parhau’n rhan o’r broses. Mae URC chwaraewyr eraill hynny sydd wedi dioddef anafiadau wedi datgan bod lles y gêm gymunedol bellach yn cyffelyb. flaenoriaeth glir ac mae hynny’n gysur mawr i mi yn fy swyddogaeth fel Llywydd. Nid oes amheuaeth bod Profodd Mathew Rees, aelod selog arall o dîm Gleision dylanwad Cymru ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol yn un amlwg a Caerdydd, Cymru a’r Llewod, sydd wedi ysbrydoli rhaid cofio mai’r clybiau cymunedol sy’n sail i’r llwyddiant cenhedlaeth o chwaraewyr rygbi, ei fod gymaint o arwr ag hynny. erioed yn ystod blwyddyn anodd a blin. Gorchfygodd Mathew Rees ganser ac mae wedi cyflawni’r gamp ryfedd Bu David Pickering yn un o gefnogwyr selog rygbi ar lawr o ennill ei le nôl yng ngharfan Cymru ac mae hyd yn oed gwlad, ac wrth iddo ymadael ei swydd fel Cadeirydd, wedi ychwanegu at nifer ei gapiau a’i benodi’n gapten hoffwn ddiolch yn bersonol iddo am ei waith caled a’i Gleision Caerdydd. arweiniad wrth iddo lywio’r bwrdd yn ystod yr un mlynedd  thristwch mae’n rhaid i fi gofnodi i ni golli drwy angau ar ddeg diwethaf. rai chwaraewyr rhyngwladol Cymreig o fri yn ystod y Profodd i fod yn flwyddyn lle roeddem i weld Gerald Davies flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Mae eu cyfraniadau i rygbi Cymru’n yn gadael Bwrdd URC wedi naw mlynedd fel cynrychiolydd dra hysbys ac fe welir eu heisiau’n fawr. rhyngwladol. Roedd yn chwaraewr chwedlonol i Gymru a’r Cofiwn am Denzil Thomas, William James Darch, Handell Llewod Prydeinig a Gwyddelig a aeth ymlaen i brofi nad Greville a Keith Bradshaw. Wrth gwrs roedd hefyd ddau oedd ei ddeallusrwydd a’i ddawn naturiol yn gyfyngedig o’m cyd-chwaraewyr a’m ffrindiau yng Nghaerdydd, i’r maes chwarae. Rydym ni gyd yn dymuno’n dda i Gerald Roedd Gerry Wallace, yn un o dderbynwyr cyntaf Cap y i’r dyfodol ac yn diolch yn ddiffuant iddo am ei fewnbwn Llywydd yn ystod y flwyddyn ac Ian Robinson. i rygbi Cymru a rygbi’r byd. Gwas da arall ein gêm, Aurwel Morgan, sydd wedi cynrychioli Ardal D gydag anrhydedd Rwy’n diolch i Gadeirydd y Bwrdd, David Pickering, holl ac y gwelir eisiau ei onestrwydd a’i fewnwelediad i rygbi aelodau eraill y Bwrdd, Prif Weithredwr y Grwˆp, Roger wrth iddo yntau adael y Bwrdd. Yr ydym hefyd yn ffarwelio Lewis, a phawb ar ei Fwrdd Gweithredol am eu cymorth gyda Roy Giddings sydd wedi cyfrannu cymaint i rygbi parhaus a’u gwaith caled. Cymru yn ystod ei gyfnod ar y Bwrdd. Cyn terfynu, a gaf i ddymuno pob rhwyddineb i chi gyd a Rhaid i ni hefyd fod yn ymwybodol o’r chwaraewyr hynny phob lwc yn y tymor i ddod. sydd wedi dioddef anafiadau difrifol dros lawer o Diolch flynyddoedd. Mae’n anrhydedd bod yn gadeirydd Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Rygbi Cymru â’i phrif ddiben o geisio cyfoethogi ansawdd bywyd y chwaraewyr hynny a’u teuluoedd. Byddwn yn hoffi diolch i Undeb Rygbi Cymru a’r holl glybiau a’r mudiadau hynny syn rhoi eu cefnogaeth ariannol i’r achos clodwiw hwn. Rydym i gyd yn ymwybodol o’r anaf difrifol a ddioddefodd Owen Williams, Dennis Gethin canolwr addawol Gleision Caerdydd a Chymru, tra oedd Llywydd/President yn chwarae i’w Ranbarth yn Singapore. Mae Owen nid yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru Cyfyngedig 4 THE WELSH RUGBY UNION LIMITED - ANNUAL REPORT 2014 WRU ARA 2014 1a:Layout 1 23/09/2014 11:57 Page 5 President’s message There is no doubt that Welsh rugby can grow even stronger if we learn the lessons the past year has taught us. Now is the time to reflect on how the Welsh Rugby Union must build even greater unity within this great game of ours. During the year our member clubs served to remind us that working more closely together will make us stronger as a whole going forward. Along with the Chairman and the Group Chief Executive I visited each district during the year to discuss the new SWALEC league structure and at each venue we all grasped the opportunity to cover a lot more ground on rugby issues. It is abundantly clear that as the Meeting delegates at the AGM international and wider professional game evolves apace we must all ensure that community rugby remains totally nice young man and his attitude is typical to all those other engaged and involved in the process. The WRU has declared players who have suffered similar injuries. that the wellbeing of the community game is now a clear priority and that gives me great comfort in my role as Another Cardiff Blues, Wales and Lions stalwart who has President. There can be no doubt that Wales punches above inspired a generation of rugby players proved he is every bit its weight at international level so we must all remember the hero we all know him to be during what was to prove how our community clubs are the foundation stone upon a gruelling year.
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    RaboDirect PRO12 PREVIEW 2013/14 Round 15: 20th – 23rd February 2014 ROUND 15 PREVIEWS With the international weekend kicking off on Friday night, the majority of the RaboDirect PRO12 games take place on Sunday, however Cardiff Blues open round 15 with their game against current champions, Leinster at the Arms Park on Thursday evening and if past form is any guide Cardiff will have their work cut out to claim victory in this match. The sole game on Saturday is also in Wales with Edinburgh Rugby visiting Llanelli to play Scarlets, who missed out last round due to the weather in Belfast. The Scots do not travel well, so Scarlets must be hoping to put their own home record back on track in this fixture. The remaining four games take place on Sunday, with a TV double header in Italy, Benetton Treviso hosting Ulster and Zebre facing another Irish province, Connacht. Connacht’s victory over Edinburgh last time out saw them swap places with Zebre at the foot of the table, which could be reversed if Zebre claim this tie. Ulster on the other hand will be hoping they can make up some ground on the teams above them in the Play-Off zone. At the same time the remaining two Welsh regions will be in action in the principality. Newport Gwent Dragons opponents’ Glasgow Warriors, currently sit in 4th place in the table courtesy of one more win than Ulster, and still have two games in hand over the three teams above them. The outstanding game must be the pick of the weekend, leaders Munster travelling to face 3rd placed Ospreys, who claimed a record victory over Treviso in their last game at the Liberty Stadium.
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