DUNVANT RFC Broadacre Killay Minutes of Annual General Meeting – SA2 7RU Held On Tel:01792 296363 Wednesday August 22nd 2018 Email:[email protected]


(1) Apologies for absence

(2) To approve the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting

(3) Matters arising therein

(4) Chairman’s report (Geoff Sambrook)

(5) Treasurer’s report (Howard Thomas)

(6) Appointment of Independent Accountants

(7) Secretary’s report (Paul Loughlin)

(8) 1st XV Rugby report (James Richards)

(9) 2nd XV Rugby report (Jonathan Arnold)

(10) Youth Rugby report (Rob Murphy)

(11) Junior & Mini Section Rugby Report (Alun Bevan)

(12) Notices of motion – No notices of motion have been submitted

(13) Life member nominations

(14) To elect 3 Officers and 3 Committee Members for 2 years and 2 Officers for 1 Year in line with our constitution the following candidates are unopposed and are duly elected for a period of 2 years (or 1 year dependent on the annual rotation):-

Vice Chairman – Martin Newbury (2 Years)

Secretary – Paul Loughlin (2 Years) Assistant Secretary – Aled Samuel (1 Year)

Fixture Secretary – Vacant (1 Year) Assistant Treasurer – Paul Gammons (2 Years)

Committee 1 – John T Watkins (2 Years) Committee 2 – James Richards (2 Years)

Committee 3 – Andy Warren (2 Years)

1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Trustee David Vaughan, Andy Warren (Committee), Ted Rees (Committee), John T Watkins (Committee), Selwyn Davies (Committee) and Club Members John Watkins, Richard Vaughan and Jonathan Arnold.

In Attendance: (Appendix 1) Dorian Samuel (President), Geoff Sambrook (Chairman), Paul Laughlin (Secretary), Howard Thomas (Treasurer), Peter Muxworthy (Trustee), Aled Samuel (Committee), Alun Bevan (Committee), James Richards (Committee), Geraint Edwards (WRU Director – District E), and Club Members Roger Knight, Stuart Jones, Randall Baker, Brian Courtney, Anthony Piper, Mike Tucker, Rob Murphy, Brian Howell, Roger Slack, Dave Cartwright, Bob Davies and Julian Campbell.

Welcome: Opening the meeting and taking the Chair for the evening, Club President Dorian Samuel offered a warm welcome to all in attendance. The president asked all present to stand for a minutes silence to remember all club members who had sadly passed away during the year.

2. Approval of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2017:

The President requested approval of the Minutes of last year’s A.G.M. It was proposed by Peter Muxworthy and seconded by Alun Bevan that last year’s minutes were taken as read and were unanimously approved.

3. Matters arising therein: There were none raised

4. Chairman’s Report (Geoff Sambrook):

The Chairman addressed the AGM, opening up with an address on the demands and the uncertain future of grass roots club rugby in . With some clubs now struggling to raise first teams let alone second teams, we are entering uncharted territory. Within Dunvant RFC we are lucky that this season we have strong numbers within the youth team who are in their third year, we all hope that many of these will move up into the senior ranks within the club.

The club is a business and particularly over the summer month takings can be low, please bear the club in mind if are arranging an event or celebration that could be held at the club.

Membership reminder - It is important that we maximise our membership numbers at the club, would you all please pay Mr Paul Gammons as soon as possible.

The Chairman thanked all supporters and members for the support they had given to the club and the teams within the club over the past season. We are looking forward to another successful season on and off the field.

There were no questions from the floor for the Chairman.

5. Treasurer’s Report (Howard Thomas)

Howard Thomas, Club Treasurer went through the unaudited financial statement that had been prepared by WBV Chartered accountants, a copy is provided in Appendix 2.

Howard advised that in the year 2001 the clubs net assets were -£340,000 (minus), over the past seventeen years a lot of work has gone into reducing the clubs debt and we are now in a much better place. We are continuing to repay our loans with the WRU £50k loan now being down to £11.8k. Howard advised that we had experienced two good years of trading at the club.

From the floor Peter Muxworthy raised a question in relation to the cost of the gaming machine rentals, these were £863 in the year 2018 & £1300 in 2017. The treasurer advised that we were no longer paying any rental charges on the gaming machines.

It was proposed by James Richards and seconded by Roger Knight that the Accounts be accepted and were passed unanimously by members present.

6. Appointment of Independent Accountants

Howard Thomas proposed that we retain our current Independent Accountants WBV, seconded by Anthony Piper which was approved unanimously by all members present.

7. Secretary’s Report (Paul Loughlin)

The club secretary addressed the AGM, referring to the club treasurers report Paul advised how pleased he was with the accounts presented and the turnaround there has been over the past two years of trading. Paul expressed his thanks to the officers and committee of the club and also thanked all the volunteers who give up their time to make the club the success it is.

Paul advised how difficult it is to attract and retain sponsors at the club, sponsors play a valuable part in providing financial support for the club and the teams within the club. Paul requested that if anyone knew of any perspective sponsors could they please be passed in his direction, he will be happy to discuss sponsorship opportunities with businesses.

Paul thanked all present for the continued support they provide the club with, he also thanked the bar staff for serving our refreshments tonight and throughout the year. He highlighted jobs that are currently on-going within the club and the plans for some works that will be taken forward and completed in the future.

Geraint Edwards who was present was thanked for the continued support we get from the Welsh .

The club is a business and comes with associated costs, Paul advised that the TV alone in the club costs now in excess of £5000 annually. Being a commercial premises we pay large amounts to enable us to screen BT Sport, Sky Sports and Premier Sports. Paul advised how successful and how much money his 201 club has raised for the club over the years. Unfortunately of late numbers within the 201 club have been on the decline. Paul encouraged people present to join or publicise if they were already member, he advised he was looking for another thirty individuals / members to join his draw.

There were no questions from the floor for the Secretary

8. First XV – James Richards

James Richards presented a report for the first XV, he summarised the performances over the season which culminated in a second placed finish in division 1 west. He was pleased to announce that Jay Parry and Craig Hawkins would remain as coaches and would be joined by Mitchell Ford as a player coach for the coming season.

On behalf of everyone associated with team he thanked the coaches and physios for their continued efforts.

9. Second XV – James Richards

With Johnathan Arnold not able to make the meeting James Richards provided a report on behalf of the second XV. JR advised that the second team had used a total of seventy six players during the course of the season with a few players migrating to the first XV which is good to see.

The second XV have committed to take part in a new league for second / development teams in the Ospreys region. Hoping that the league will raise the profile of the team and Jonathan is confident going into the new season.

10. Youth Team – Rob Murphy

Rob advised that the last season had been one of the most successful seasons with an 85% win rate, winning silverware in a tournament that the team attended in Belgium. The team used a total of 37 players during the season and would be providing at least ten players to the senior squads this coming season.

Rob was concerned with the lack of numbers coming up from the current under 16’s with only five having appeared to date. With this being an issue this coming season Rob advised that we need to look at integrating the Under 16’s with the youth more going forward. Rob advised there was a new Ospreys league for youth teams this season. All Swansea West teams playing each other once in the first half of the season before the leagues get split for the second half of the season, the split based on finishing positions from the first half of the season. Rob thanked everyone for their support of the youth team.

11. Junior & Mini Section Report – Alun Bevan

Dunvant Devils – Doing extremely well in introducing children to rugby and the club. Sometimes there are in excess of 40 players attending. Under 7’s – 30 Players on occasions, game time to keep all involved is crucial. Under 8’s – Really good set up with good player numbers. Under 9’s – Really good set up with good player numbers. Under 10’s – The section has a small squad but they are developing as a team. Under 11’s – Unfortunately this team folded. Under 12’s – First season at full size field and team. Looking positive for the future. Under 13’s – Good size squad. Under 14’s – Good season had with good numbers. The team continues to develop. Under 15’s – Large squad who are well prepared and successful. First year in Ospreys Cup. Under 16’s – Improved performances from the team with an end of season tour abroad.

Our junior section is in the select 200 bracket with in excess of 200 junior players registered at the club. The junior section hold monthly meetings to discuss recruitment, this is certainly benefiting the younger sections player numbers.

The junior and mini section are looking to set up a junior committee and they will be making their own community chest application to assist in funding equipment and coaching qualifications. The highlight of the season for the junior section was the festival in May, this has now become an event that is attended by teams from throughout the UK, not just local.

James Richards created D’fest which was a change from the traditional carnival that brought us an afternoon / evening of music at the club. It was a success and we look forward to the nest offering by the under 15’s. The annual firework display at the club continues to grow getting bigger and better annually. We attracted the England Under 18’s squad to the club, they held training sessions for our juniors and also got involved with the youth team. The juniors intend to press ahead with works to develop a new training area at the club to take the pressure off the playing fields.

From the floor Peter Muxworthy raised concern over the low numbers of players within the Under 10’s and no under 11’s team at the club.

12. Notices Of Motion - There were no Notices of Motion made to Committee

13. Life Member Nominations – Paul Loughlin

Club Secretary Paul Loughlin addressed the meeting advising that Dunvant RFC Committee had recommended that Roger Knight be granted Life Membership. This was in recognition of his tireless work on Committee for a period of 10 years, during his time on Committee Roger has held the role of Assistant Secretary and Webmaster of Dunvant RFC website. Roger is no longer on committee but still provides invaluable support to the club in maintaining the website, providing match reports and is instrumental in pulling together the match day programme.

The recommendation was approved by all present and accepted by Roger Knight.

14. Election of five Officers & three Committee Members

Committee positions to be elected, 3 Officers and 3 Committee Members for a period of 2 years. Electing a further 2 Officers for a period of 1 Year in line with the clubs constitution.

Vice Chairman – Martin Newbury (2 Years)

Secretary – Paul Loughlin (2 Years) Assistant Secretary – Aled Samuel (1 Year)

Fixture Secretary – Vacant (1 Year) Assistant Treasurer – Paul Gammons (2 Years)

Committee 1 – John T Watkins (2 Years) Committee 2 – James Richards (2 Years)

Committee 3 – Andy Warren (2 Years)

The above candidates are unopposed and are duly elected for a period of 2 years (or 1 year dependent on the annual rotation).Those retiring by rotation were eligible to stand for re-election. The position of fixture secretary remained vacant.

Any Other Business

Club president and Chair for the evening Dorian Samuel addressed those present asking if there was any other business that anyone present wished to raise, there were two matters raised:-

1. Peter Muxowrthy – Requested an update on the progress of incorporation of a Company Limited by Guarantee. Club secretary Paul Loughlin responded by advising the process had been held up with the delay in club financial accounts being published.

2. Geraint Edwards – Following up on the issue of the club becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee, Geraint urged all involved to now press ahead with the incorporation as a matter of urgency.

There were no further questions from the floor.

In closing proceedings the club President advised that things looked good for the future and we had a bright future ahead. The President formally closed the A.G.M. at 20:45 on 22/8/2018

* * * * * * * * Minutes prepared & issued by Aled Samuel (Assistant Secretary) Circulation: Officers & Management Committee, Club Notice Board, File