3840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 30 REPORTS OF THE COMMIT- NOMINATIONS . TEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES Executive nominations received by the OF Mr. PEPPER, frpm the Committee on Senate April 30, 1942: THURSDAY, APRIL 3_0, 1942 Foreign Re~ations, submitteci the follow­ APPOINTMENTS Il'J THE REGULAR ARMY The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ing favorable reports of nominations: TO BE FIRST LIEUTENANTS, MEDICAL CORPS, WITH Father Alcuin Heibel, 0. S. B., Mount 1 carlton J . H. Hayes, of New York, to be RANK FROM DATE OF APPOINTMENT Ambassad'Jr Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ Angel College, Mount Angel, Oreg., offered ' .Capt. William Holmes Crosby, Jr., Medical the following prayer: tiary to Spain. Corps Reserve. Cornelius Van H. Engert, of California, First Lt. Alex Brown, Medical Corps Re- now a Foreign "Service officer of class 1 and 0 Heavenly Father, acknowledging our­ consul general at Bei~ut, Lebanon, to be selves Thy creatures, we ask the con­ se~i~~t Lt. Charles Mathews Swindler, Med­ tinued blessings of your kind providence Envoy . Extraordinary and Minister PHmipo­ ical Corps Reserve. tentiary to Afghanistan. upon our Nation. We are grateful to be Maynard B. Barnes, of Iowa, now a For­ APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR citizens of these United States. Guide eign .Service officer of class 2 and a secretary ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES our President, enlighten the minds of in the Diplomatic Service, to be also a con- TO QUARTERMASTER CORPS our legislators in their deliberations so sul general; and · Capt, Frank Coffin Holbrook, Field Artillery that they may conclude unselfishly and Laurence w. Taylor, of California, now a (temporary major, Army of _ the United Foreign Service officer of class 7 and a secre­ wisely during these critical times in our States), with rank from June 30, 1936. Nation's history. tary in the Diplomatic Service, to be also TO. CORPS OF ENGINEERS a consul. Grant, 0 Lord, that we may always Capt. Everett Clifton Hayden, Quarter­ have the decency to revere Thy holy The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there master Corps· (temporary lieutenant colonel, name and to respect the dignity of a be no further reports of committees, the Army of the United States). with rank from June 13, 1939. human person. May we keep our Gov­ clerk will state the nominations on the ernment so arranged that it may always calendar. - TO AIR CORPS benefit and protect all the people, not ' POSTMASTERs-NOMINATION ADVERSELY First Lt. John Barkley Pattison, Jr., Coast as classes or antagonistic groupS, but as REPORTED Artillery Corps (temporary captain, Army of the United States), with rank from June 14, one family in the peace of Christ. Give The legislative clerk read the nomi­ 1941. to all of us, and especially to our chosen nation of Bernice B. Lyons to be post­ Secqnd Lt. George Major White, Cavalry leaders, the grace to realize and always (temporary first lieutenant, Army of the master at Vinton, La., which had ~een remember the essential unit of our Amer .. adversely reported from the Committee United states), with rank from Jul¥ 1, 1940. ican society in the family in which par• on Post Offices and Post Roads. Second Lt. William Jonreau Williams II, ents are acknowledged as the representa .. - Corps of Engineers (temporary first Ueu­ tives of God with the natural right and Mr. McKELLAR. At the request of tenant, Army of the United States), with one of the Senators from Louisiana, I ask rank from July 1, 1940. duty to take a guiding part in the edu­ that the nomination be passed over. Second Lt. John Edward Nitsche, Field cation of their children. 0 Divine Mas .. The. PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Artillery (temporary first lieutenant, Army ter, in this world cursed by the selfish objection, the nomination will be passed of the United States), with rank from July 1, ambitions of proud individuals, by the over. 1940. international hatreds born of human Second Lt. Alfred George Hayduk, Coast greed, let us recall Thy lessons in justice, POSTMASTERs-NOMINATIONS FAVOR­ Artillery Corps, with rank from June 11, charity, and tolerance. Grant that our ABLY REPORTED 1941. American religious, social, and economic The legislative clerk proceeded to read life may always be based on the 10-point -sundry nominations of postmasters. CONFIRMATIONS • moral . code of God's Commandments, Mr. McKELLAR. I ask unanimous for only thus can our American liberties consent that the nominations be con­ Executive nominations confirmed ·by and responsibilities be preserved in their firmed en bloc. the Senate April 30, 1942: original purity and intent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without POSTMASTERS Please, God, help us alfto keep Amer­ objection, the nominations are confirmed ALABAMA ica American in its finest aspirations and en bloc. Thomas J; Millican, Brilliant, highest ideals. Amen. THE NAVY Willard D. Leake, Jasper. The Journal of the proceedings of yes .. , The legislative clerk read the nomina­ Samuel D. Wren, Red Bay. terday was read and approved. FLORIDA \ tion of Robert L. Ghormley to be vice MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE admiral. ;Jefferson Gaines, Bocagrande. Mr. WALSH. I ask that the nomina­ Paul E. Mahan, Hebe Sound. A message from the Senate, by Mr. tion be confirmed. LOUISIANA Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Laverna 0. Ramsey, Pleasant Hill. that the Senate had passed a bill of the objection, the nomination is confirmed. · MISSISSIPPI following title, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: THE MARINE CORPS Walter Darracott, Aberdeen. Bonnie H. Curd, Pace. . S. 2404. An act to authorize officers and en­ The legislative clerk. proceeded to read Thelma Z. Landry, Waveland. listed men of the armed forc~s of the United States to accept decorations,_orders, medals, sundry nominations in the Marine Corps. ~W JERSEY and emblems tendered them by Mr. WALSH. I ask that the nomina- • Marie H. Pill, Califon. tions be confirmed en bloc. . . of cobelligerent nations or other American Peter J. Egan, Montclair. republics and to create the decorations to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SOUTH CAROLINA known as the Legion of Merit, and the Medal objection, the nominations are confirmed for Merit. · en bloc. · Mary P. Mishoe, Greelyville. Lindsay c. McFadden, Rock Hill. The message also announced that the Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous con­ APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY sent that the President be immediately Vice President had appointed Mr. BARK-. notified of all confirmations made today. Robert L. Ghormley to be a vice admiral in LEY and Mr. BREWSTER members of the the ~avy, for temporary service. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without joint select committee on the part of the objection, the President will be notified MARINE CORPS Senate; as provided for in the act of Au­ forthwith of all confirmations of today. To be second lieutenants gust 5, 1939, entitled "An act to provide Herman Hansen, Jr. for the disposition of certain records of RECESS Joe B. Russell the United States ," for the Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislativ_e ses­ Richard L. Boll dispo1)ition of executive papers in the fol .. sion, I move that the Senate take a re­ Lucien W. Carmichael lowing g.epartments and agency: ·1 Walter W. Hitesman; Jr. cess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. John L. Hopkins 1. Department of. Agriculture. The motion was agreed to; and

Sl,tip-construction record-Great Lakes [From Marine News, March 1942)

Num­ Company Plant ber Length Character Built for------·------·------11------220 Mine sweepers ______American Ship Building Co. _...... Loraine .. ------8 U.S. Navy. 2 614 Bulk freighters ______Pittsburgh Steamship Co. 6 605 _____ do ______------U. S. Maritime Gommission Barnes Duluth Ship Building Co ______Duluth, Minn ______8 212 Coastal tankers. _------Do. 135 Burger Boat Co ______------~---- Manitowoc, ~-is.------6 Wood mine sweepers ______U.S. Navy. 2 110 Wood snbchasers ______Do. 250 Coastal cargo ______Walter Butler ______------Superior, Wis.------18 88 Tugs ______U. S. Maritime Commission. Calumet Shipyard & Drydock Co ______.:------South Chicago, IlL...... 5 Do. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co ... ------Chicago, IlL ______1 Floating drydock.------U.S. Navy. Dachel-Carter Shipbuilding Corporation______Benton Harbor, Mirh••.••••••.••. 2 136 Mine sweepers ______Do. 2 110 Wood subchasers ______Do. 4 100 Aircraft rescue_------U.S. Army. Defoe Boat & Marine Works ______Bay City, Mich.~------4 220 Mine sweepers ______: ______U.S. Navy. 20 165 Sub chasers _____ ------Do. 4 132 Tugs (seagoing) _------U. S. Maritime Commission. Eric Concrete & Supply Co------­ Erie, Pa______3 Steel freight lighters ______U.S. Navy. Foster Boat Works_------D etroit, l\1ich______2 110 Subchasers ______------Do. Froemming Bros ______------. ___ •• ___ ------___ _ Milawnkee, Wis______4 185 Armored target ships ______U.S. Army. Gar Wood Industries_------­ Marysville, Mich ______------175 ____ .do ______------Do. Globe Ship Building Co. ------Superior, Wis______5 185 Seagoing tugs __ ------U_ S. Maritime Commission. Great Lakes Engineering Co ______Detroit, Mioh______3 614 Bulk freighters ______Pittsburgh Steamship Co. Ashtabula, Ohio~------10 605 ____ .do ______------U.S. Maritime Commission. Do------135 Mine sweepers ______H. C. Grebe & Co .•·------"------Chicago, IlL ______------2 U.S. Navy. . 5 65 Harbor tugs ______Do. Hacker Boat Co · ------Mount Clemens, Mich .• ~------175 Armored target ships ______U.S. Army. Inland Waterways Co., Inc ______Duluth, Minn______2 110 Wood subchasers ______U.S. Navy. Lake Superior Ship Building Co ______Superior, Wis______2 235 Fuel-oil barges.------~ Do. Manitowoc Ship Building Corporation ______Manitowoc, Wis______10 Submarines ______------Do. Marine Iron & Ship Building Co ______Duluth, Minn._------4 180 Coast Guard cutter __ ------U. S. Coast Guard. Niagara Ship Building Co.------Buffalo, N. Y______6 U.S. Navy. Peterson Boat Works ______Sturgeon Bay, Wis______8 1~g §l~b~~~s~~~~~~~======::::::=::::= Do. Robinson Marine ConstrucLion Co ______Benton Harbor __ ------4 110 Wood subchasers ______Do. 2 65 Wire drag boats ______Coast and Geodetic Survey. 18 40-50 Launches._------U.S. Army. . Richardson Boat Co· ------North Tonawanda, N. Y _------47 36 Landing boats.------U. S. Navy. L. Smith Ship Building Co______Sturgeon Bay, Wis ______6 165 Subchasers ______Do. 9 250 Coasting steamers ______U. S. Maritime Commission. Stadium Yacht Basin______Cleveland, Ohio ___ ------8 135 Wood mine sweepers ______U.S. Navy. Sturgeon Bay Ship Building Drydock .••••••••: ...... Sturgeon Bay, Wis ______4 ~ox !-'Jo~ts ______U.S. Army. 3 Do. Toledo Ship Building Co·------Toledo, Ohio ______1 ~~~ c~~~eGu~rde~~effer~:::::::::::: U. S. Coast Guard. Zenith Dredge Co.------Duluth.------4 180 _____ do .• _------~------Do.

PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE by securing war-production contracts for most of the areas have been placed on Mr. JONKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask that city and the district. the list of defense-housing areas in which unanimous consent to prcceed for 2 min­ On April 28 the Price Administrator builders may secure priority ratings on utes and to revise and extend my remarks issued a series of orders designating de­ critical materials for residential construc­ in the RECORD. fense-rental areas, included in which is tion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is thera . Grand Rapids, Mich. The order includes I am now accumulating detailed data objection to the request of the gentleman Kent and Ottawa Counties in the de­ to present -to the Government officials from Michigan? . fense-rental area. having jurisdiction with the view of, first, There was no objection. In the order lfind the following state­ having Grand Rapids, Mich., designated Mr. JONKNIAN. Mr. Speaker, there ment: as a defense-housing area; and second, has been an alarming increase in unem­ The designated areas now are or will be to show the availability of ample office ployment at Grand Rapids, Mich., and the the location of establishments of the armed space to quarter some of the Federal area covered by Kent and Ottawa Coun­ forces of the United States or war-production agencies required to be transferred from ties, in my home State, comprising the industries. Washington to other cities to provide Flfth Congressional District thereof. My The order further states that in the quarters here for war-agency· work. efforts have been and will continue to areas covered, including Grand Rapids, It is therefore pleasing to note from be toward doing everything possible .to an increase in employment has taken the order of the Price Administrator that relieve the situation, which not only af­ place in most of the same and is about inasmuch as Kent and Ottawa Counties, fects labor but manufacturing as well, to.take place in the other areas and that Mich., are included in the same, war- 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3859

production industries will be located extend and am~nd . certain emergency PETITIONS, ETC. therein. laws relating to the merchant marine, and for other purposes. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions EXTENSION OF REMARKS and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Mr. KEFAUVER. Mr. Speaker, I ask and referred as follows: unanimous consent that I ma-y have per­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 2742. By Mr. JONES: Petition of Dora A. mission to extend my own remarks in States and 158 others, in support of Senate the RECORD, and to include a transcrip­ Under clause 2 of rule xm, reports of bill 860 as a contribution to a wholesale de­ tion of a "Buy a Bomber" campaign at committees were delivered to the Clerk fense program; to the Committee on Military Chattanooga. for printing and reference to the proper Affairs. calendar, as follows: 2743. By Mr. ROLPH: resolution of the The SPEAKER pro tempore . .Is there California Society of the Sons of the Amer­ objection to the request of the gentleman Mr. LESINSKI: Committee on Immigration ican Revolution,· San Francisco, Calif., rela­ from Tennessee? and Naturalization. H. R·. 4248. A bill for tive to the California State Guard; to the There was no objection. the relief of Helen Mary Nichols; without Committee on Military Affa.irs. amendment (Rept. No. 2063). Referred to SENATE BILL REFERRED the Committee of the Whole House. Mr. LESINSKI: Committee on Immigration A bill of the Senate of the following and Naturalization. H. R. 4249. A bill for title was taken from the Speaker's table the relief of William Frank ·Coman Nichols; SENATE and, under the rule, referred as fol­ with amendment (Rept. No. 2064). Referred lows: to the Committee of the Whole House. FRIDAY, MAy 1, 1942 s. 2404. An act to -authorize officers and Mr. RAMSAY: Committee on Immigration enlisted men of the armed forces of the and Naturalization. H. R. 5819. A bill di­ recting the Attorney General . to record the (Legislative day of Thursday, April 30, United States to accept decorations, orders, lawful admittance for permanent residence 1942) medals, and emblems tendered them by gov­ of Vivian Chang; with amendment (Rept. ernments of oobelligerent nations or other No. 2065). Referred to the Committee of the The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on American republics and to create the decora­ Whole House. the expiration of the recess. tions to be known as the Legion of Merit and the Medal for Merit; to the Committee on The Chaplain, the Very Reverend Military Affairs. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., o1Iered the following prayer: ADJOURNMENT Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions were introduced and Almighty God, of whom are all things Mr. BEITER. Mr. Speaker, I move severally referred as follows: and for whom all things exist, teach us that the House do now adjourn. By Mr. SPARKMAN: to be as children in our Father's house, The motion was agreed to; accordingly H. R. 7029. A bill to amend the Soldiers' where we are thankful for every gift of (at ·2 o'clock and 46 minutes p. m.) the and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 to ex­ Thy bestowal. We thank Thee for the House adjourned to meet, in accordance tend the relief and benefits provided therein glow of battle when we fight to win; for with its previous order, on Monday, May to certain persons, to include certain addi­ the glow of satisfaction as we worthily 4, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. tional proceedings and transactions therein, attain our goal; for the· bliss that comes to provide further relief for persons in mili­ from doing always that which should be - tary service, to change certain insurance pro­ COMMITTEE HEARINGS visions thereof, and for other purposes; to done, no matter what the difficulties, and, finally, we bless Thee for the joy that CoMMITTEE oN THE JUDICIARY the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. THILL: comes to us when we share our best for Subcommittee No.3 of the Committee H. Con. Res. 64. Concurrent resolution others' good. on the Judiciary will continue hearings urging the Civil Aeronautics Authority im­ May we ne'er be exercised with the on the foilowing bills at _10 a. m., Friday, mediately to institute an aircraft pilot and mere question of what we shall eat or mechanics training program in high schools; May 1, 1942, room 346, House Office to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign drink, or wherewithal we shall be clothed, Building: Commerce. but let this mind be in us to be rid of all H. R. 5218, to confer jurisdiction in the selfishness and pride, that, with clean United States courts in cases involving work hands and pure hearts, we may do our PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS stoppages, and for other purposes; work. H. R. 5259 and H. R. 6752, to confer juris­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Make us glad with that summer in the diction in the United States courts in cases bills and resolutions were introduced and heart which faith creates and love sus­ involving work stoppage for illegitimate and severally referred as follows: tains; give us the gladsomeness of Christ, nonlabor purposes; and . who, despite His short and troubled life, H. R. 6872, to amend the act entitled "An By Mr. BARRY: act to protect trade and commerce against H. R. 7030. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Mary was nonetheless the happiest of men, interference by violence, threats, coercion, or Daufkirch; to the Committee on Claims. whose joy o'erflowed on everyone . with intimidation," approved June 18, 1934. H. R. 7031. A bill for the relief of Acting whom He came in contact. Open Thou First Sgt. David Schlesinger; to the Commit­ to us the vision of a kingdom not from COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN tee on Military Affairs. CoMMERCE hence, regions of power beyond the range By Mr. JQ.NES: of ordinary sight; inspire us with those The petroleum investigating subcom­ H. R. 7032. A bill for the relief of the Cus­ ter Lumber Co.; to the Committee on Claims. far-o1I influences that give new meaning mittee of the Committee on Interstate to · our Nation's cause and lend new and Foreign Commerce will hold a meet­ By Mr. McGEHEE: H. R. 7033. A bill for the relief of certain beauty to each act of consecration to that ing at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 1, 1942, trial examiners of the National Labor Rela­ cause. We ask it in the Name of Jesus in connection with the investigation of tions Board; to the Committee on Claims. Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. petroleum. By Mr. NICHOLS: There will be a meeting of the Com­ H . R. 7034. A bill for the relief of Roy THE JOURNAL mittee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Chandler; to the Committee on Military On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by merce at 10 a.m. Tuesday; May 5, 1942. Affairs. By Mr. WHELCHEL: unanimous consent, the reading of the Business to be considered: The hearing H. R. 7035. A bill for the relief of Garland Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ in connection with the Federal Commu­ Gailey, of Baldwin, Ga., and Mrs. Clara Mae dar day Thursday, April 30, 1942, was nications Commission will be resumed on Gailey, of Baldwin, Ga.; to the Committee on dispensed with, and the Journal was May 5 at 10 a. m. Claims. approved. COMMITTEE ON THE MERCHANT. MARINE AND By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: FISHERIES H. J. Res. 309. Joint resolution tendering CALL OF THE ROLL the thanks of the American people and the The Committee on the Merchant Ma­ Congress of the United States to Capt. Maude Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of a rine and Fisheries will hold a public Davison and the other members of the quorum. hearing on Tuesday, May 5, 1942, at 10 United States Army Nurse Corps in the Phil­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk a. m., on Senate Joint Resolution 130, to ippines; to the Committee on Military Affairs. will call the roll.