HSDC 2010-10

Vietnamese Population by County, Island and Census Tract in the State of : 2010

State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism Research and Economic Analysis Division Hawaii State Data Center February 2012

This report has been cataloged as followed:

Hawaii. Dept. of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Research and Economic Analysis Division. Statistics and Data Support Branch. Hawaii State Data Center. Vietnamese population by county, island and census tract in the State of Hawaii: 2010. : 2012.

Hawaii State Data Center Report Number 2010-10.

1. Ethnic groups-Hawaii-Statistics. 2. Census districts-Hawaii-Statistics. 3. -- Census, 2010. HA4007 .U89 2011


About This Report

This report, Vietnamese Population by County, Island and Census Tract in the State of Hawaii: 2010, was produced by the Hawaii State Data Center which is part of the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) . The data included here were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Summary File 1. The thematic maps were produced by the Hawaii State Office of Planning’s GIS Program.

The category of “race alone” consisted of individuals who chose only that one race. “Race alone or in combination” referred to the number of responses in which an individual chose either that one race or that same race in combination with another race or races. For example, if an individual chose the race groups of both Native Hawaiian and Chinese, that individual’s response would be counted in both the Native Hawaiian “race alone or in combination” column as well as the Chinese “race alone or in combination” column. For the Native Hawaiian group, this count represented all persons saying they were, for example, either a full or part “Native Hawaiian”. It should be noted that “race alone or in combination” figures refer to number of “responses” and not individuals, so their sum would exceed the total population.

The small areas used in this report were based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s geographic level of census tracts. In 2010, there were 321 census tracts in our state which contained population. Populations in the census tracts ranged from 1 to 11,012 people.

The following tables and maps show the distribution of “race alone” and “race alone or in combination” populations. The tables and maps show the actual number as well as the percentage of the total population that number represents in each geographic area. Data on the number of people in a racial group are useful, especially when searching for large numbers of that specific group. The percentage of the area’s population composed of a certain racial group is a good indicator of population concentration.

Having statistical information locating where clusters of racial groups currently live in Hawaii may be beneficial to businesses as well as to other organizations.

Businesses will be able to make more knowledgeable decisions based on where their target population is located or knowing who their customers are in a specific location. Some crucial questions regarding the area may be answered by knowing its demographic characteristics. For example, a certain type of ethnic food may sell much better in one place versus another. Familiarity of cultural practices and sensitivities might add to the success of a business, too.

Other types of organizations may use this data in deciding where they should open an office or how to best serve the majority of their clientele in a particular area. If an area has a significant number of people in a specific racial group, having people who speak their language on the organization’s staff may be helpful. Careful consideration of interactions and customs of families of that racial group may also add to the effectiveness of their staff in delivering services.


It should be noted, though, that other factors influence the needs and characteristics of racial groups. For example, was the person born here or did they come from another country? If they are from another country, when did they migrate here? This report provides some basic data. Researchers who are interested in more in-depth analyses of detailed race groups by small areas will be able to use additional census data being released by the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

The present report is a part of the 2010 Census racial group report series being released by DBEDT.

Availability of Data

This report may be viewed or downloaded from the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism’s Internet site at:


Census maps (online, thematic and reference) are available on the Hawaii State Office of Planning GIS Program Internet site at:


An earlier Hawaii State Data Center publication containing 2010 Census data by major race groups may be found on our DBEDT Internet site at:


Similar data from the Census 2000 may be found on our DBEDT Internet site at:


The U.S. Census Bureau Internet site is at:


Information from the Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey may be obtained through its American FactFinder website at:


For further information, call the Hawaii State Data Center at (808) 586-2499.


Table 1.-- RANKING OF SELECTED RACES IN HAWAII: 2010 Race alone or in Race combi- Rank Race alone Rank Race nation

1 White 336,599 1 White 564,323 2 Filipino 197,497 2 Filipino 342,095 3 Japanese 185,502 3 Japanese 312,292 4 Native Haw aiian 80,337 4 Native Haw aiian 289,970 5 Chinese 54,861 5 Chinese 199,872 6 Korean 24,203 6 Korean 48,699 7 Black or African American 21,424 7 Black or African American 38,820 8 Samoan 18,287 8 Samoan 37,463 9 Vietnamese 9,779 9 American Indian/Alaska Native 33,470 10 Marshallese 6,316 10 Vietnamese 13,266 11 Tongan 4,830 11 Tongan 8,085 12 American Indian and Alaska Native 4,164 12 Marshallese 7,412 13 Guamanian or Chamorro 2,700 13 Guamanian or Chamorro 6,647 14 Asian Indian 2,201 14 Asian Indian 4,737 15 Thai 2,006 15 Thai 3,701 16 Laotian 1,844 16 Laotian 2,620 17 Taiw anese 898 17 Taiw anese 1,161 18 Cambodian 464 18 Indonesian 990 19 Indonesian 399 19 Fijian 711 20 Fijian 282 20 Cambodian 705 21 Burmese 199 21 Pakistani 303 22 Sri Lankan 186 22 Malaysian 297 23 Pakistani 174 23 Burmese 281 24 Nepalese 125 24 Sri Lankan 231 25 Malaysian 86 25 Nepalese 146 26 Hmong 70 26 Hmong 87 27 Bangladeshi 60 27 Bangladeshi 74 28 Bhutanese 7 28 Bhutanese 13


Distribution of the Vietnamese Population in Hawaii

Table 2.‐‐ VIETNAMESE POPULATION BY RACE ALONE AND RACE ALONE OR IN COMBINATION BY COUNTY AND ISLAND, STATE OF HAWAII: 2010 Race alone or in Race alone: % combination: % Total Race alone or in of total of total Area population Race alone combination population population

STATE 1,360,301 9,779 13,266 0.7 1.0

CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU 953,207 8,887 11,985 0.9 1.3 Island 953,207 8,887 11,985 0.9 1.3 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands ‐ ‐ ‐ (X) (X)

HAWAII COUNTY 185,079 317 496 0.2 0.3

MAUI COUNTY 1/ 154,924 491 650 0.3 0.4 Island 144,444 488 641 0.3 0.4 Island 3,135 1 5 0.0 0.2 Island 1/ 7,345 2 4 0.0 0.1 Island ‐ ‐ ‐ (X) (X)

KAUAI COUNTY 67,091 84 135 0.1 0.2 Island 66,921 84 135 0.1 0.2 and Kaula Islands 170 ‐ ‐ (X) (X)

‐ Represents zero or rounds to 0.0. (X) Percentage changes involving negative numbers or zero are meaningless. 1/ Includes Kalawao County (Census Tract 319) which is administered by the Hawaii State Department of Health. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Summary File 1, Tables QT‐P8 and QT‐P9; extracted by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Hawaii State Data Center.

Statewide, there were 9,779 people in the Vietnamese “race alone” group. The Vietnamese were the 9th largest “race alone” group in Hawaii and comprised less than one percent of our resident population in 2010.

In our State of Hawaii, there were 13,266 people in the Vietnamese “race alone or in combination” group. This group was the 10th largest “race alone or in combination” group and made up one percent of Hawaii’s population.



Number of Census tract Total Vietnamese Rank number Island Census tract name population race alone 1 52 Oahu Chinatown 3,293 330 2 34.06 Oahu Lower Makiki 5,777 261 3 56 Oahu Kapalama 6,749 251 4 22.01 Oahu Kamoku Street‐Iolani School 3,684 227 5 23 Oahu Moiliili 5,523 223 6 11 Oahu Central Palolo 3,862 206 7 35.02 Oahu Upper Pawaa 3,876 187 8 75.05 Oahu Foster Village 5,338 179 9 24.01 Oahu Lower McCully 3,096 167 10 54 Oahu Mayor Wright Housing 1,637 164

The census tracts with the largest number of people in the Vietnamese “race alone” group were in the urban Honolulu area. Specifically, they were located in the Chinatown, Lower Makiki, Kapalama areas and on through to Moiliili and Central Palolo.


% Census tract Total Vietnamese Rank number Island Census tract name population race alone 1 52 Oahu Chinatown 3,293 10.0 2 54 Oahu Mayor Wright Housing 1,637 10.0 3 22.01 Oahu Kamoku Street‐Iolani School 3,684 6.2 4 24.01 Oahu Lower McCully 3,096 5.4 5 11 Oahu Central Palolo 3,862 5.3 651OahuFoster Botanical Garden 3,090 5.2 7 35.02 Oahu Upper Pawaa 3,876 4.8 8 55 Oahu Palama 2,078 4.7 9 34.06 Oahu Lower Makiki 5,777 4.5 10 58 Oahu Waiakamilo Road 3,440 4.3

The census tracts with the highest percentage of the Vietnamese “race alone” group were concentrated in most of the same top areas as the actual number in this group. Chinatown and Mayor Wright Housing topped this list at ten percent of the total population.



Census tract Total in

Rank number Island Census tract name population combination 1 52 Oahu Chinatown 3,293 402 2 34.06 Oahu Lower Makiki 5,777 304 3 56 Oahu Kapalama 6,749 295 4 23 Oahu Moiliili 5,523 271 5 22.01 Oahu Kamoku Street‐Iolani School 3,684 252

6 11 Oahu Central Palolo 3,862 248

7 35.02 Oahu Upper Pawaa 3,876 231 8 75.05 Oahu Foster Village 5,338 208 954OahuMayor Wright Housing 1,637 199 10 51 Oahu Foster Botanical Garden 3,090 197

Census tracts with the largest population of the Vietnamese “race alone or in combination” group were located in the urban Honolulu census tracts of Chinatown, Lower Makiki, Kapalama, Mayor Wright Housing and Foster Botanical Gardens. Other areas on the list continued through urban Honolulu to Kamoku Street- Iolani School and the Central Palolo area.


% Vietnamese race alone or Census tract Total in Rank number Island Census tract name population combination 1 52 Oahu Chinatown 3,293 12.2 254OahuMayor Wright Housing 1,637 12.2 322.01OahuKamoku Street‐Iolani School 3,684 6.8 4 11 Oahu Central Palolo 3,862 6.4 551OahuFoster Botanical Garden 3,090 6.4 624.01OahuLower McCully 3,096 6.0 7 35.02 Oahu Upper Pawaa 3,876 6.0 8 55 Oahu Palama 2,078 5.8 9 58 Oahu Waiakamilo Road 3,440 5.5 10 34.06 Oahu Lower Makiki 5,777 5.3

Similar to the actual number of people in the Vietnamese “race alone or in combination” group, the census tracts with the highest percentage of people in this group were all found in urban Honolulu census tracts.



% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

State total 1,360,301 9,779 13,266 0.7 1.0

Oahu 953,207 8,887 11,985 0.9 1.3 1.06 Hahaione‐Mariners Ridge 7,704 31 56 0.4 0.7 1.07 Kuapa Isle 2,818 18 33 0.6 1.2 1.08 Hawaii Kai Marina 3,264 7 26 0.2 0.8 1.10 Kalama Valley 4,288 24 46 0.6 1.1 1.11 Lunalilo Park Subdivision 5,035 11 24 0.2 0.5 1.12 Koko Marina 5,555 36 46 0.6 0.8 1.14 Portlock 1,594 13 19 0.8 1.2 2 Kuliouou 5,742 47 78 0.8 1.4 3.01 Aina Haina‐Hawaii Loa Ridge 3,307 31 37 0.9 1.1 3.02 Wailupe 2,990 9 16 0.3 0.5 4.01 Waialae Nui Ridge‐Ainakoa 2,893 12 31 0.4 1.1 4.02 Waialae Iki 3,999 17 33 0.4 0.8 5 Waialae‐Kahala 3,807 23 45 0.6 1.2 6 Diamond Head 1,218 7 14 0.6 1.1 7 Kaimuki: 22nd Avenue 2,966 30 44 1.0 1.5 8 Kaimuki: Kapiolani Community College 3,771 37 63 1.0 1.7 9.01 Waialae Nui Valley 2,736 10 18 0.4 0.7 9.02 Maunalani Heights 4,088 10 15 0.2 0.4 9.03 Lower Wilhelmina 2,858 43 54 1.5 1.9 10 Upper Palolo 3,096 25 31 0.8 1.0 11 Central Palolo 3,862 206 248 5.3 6.4 12.01 Waialae Avenue‐Pukele Avenue 2,924 105 140 3.6 4.8 12.02 Lower Palolo 3,030 49 72 1.6 2.4 13 Kaimuki: 6th Avenue 4,207 114 142 2.7 3.4 14 Kapaolono Field 2,550 43 60 1.7 2.4 15 Upper Kapahulu 3,527 98 130 2.8 3.7 16 Lower Kapahulu 3,783 51 77 1.3 2.0 17 Kapiolani Park 2,437 12 16 0.5 0.7 18.01 Koa Avenue 1,717 9 14 0.5 0.8 18.03 Tusitala Street 3,360 31 36 0.9 1.1 18.04 Jefferson School 1,849 9 14 0.5 0.8 19.01 Waikiki Beach 837 5 5 0.6 0.6 19.03 Ena Road 2,770 42 47 1.5 1.7 19.04 Hobron Lane 3,912 25 42 0.6 1.1 20.03 Seaside Avenue 2,477 23 28 0.9 1.1 20.04 International Market Place 1,398 15 16 1.1 1.1 20.05 Ala Wai‐Niu Street 2,389 53 63 2.2 2.6 20.06 Ala Wai‐Olohana Street 2,364 76 90 3.2 3.8 21 Olokele Avenue 3,864 97 131 2.5 3.4 22.01 Kamoku Street‐Iolani School 3,684 227 252 6.2 6.8 22.02 Ala Wai Park‐Lauiki Street 3,400 47 61 1.4 1.8 23 Moiliili 5,523 223 271 4.0 4.9 24.01 Lower McCully 3,096 167 187 5.4 6.0 24.02 Upper McCully 3,228 113 127 3.5 3.9 25 Lower Pawaa 3,915 120 152 3.1 3.9 26 Bingham Tract 4,249 104 133 2.4 3.1 27.01 UH Manoa Campus 5,093 77 87 1.5 1.7 27.02 Punahou School 5,057 61 78 1.2 1.5 28 St. Louis Heights 3,678 12 16 0.3 0.4

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% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

Oahu (con.): 29 East Manoa 2,415 7 17 0.3 0.7 30 Judd Hillside‐Lowrey Avenue 4,321 5 13 0.1 0.3 31.01 Woodlawn 3,687 4 8 0.1 0.2 31.02 Upper Manoa 3,335 8 13 0.2 0.4 32 Round Top‐Tantalus 833 1 3 0.1 0.4 33 Makiki Heights 1,132 4 9 0.4 0.8 34.03 Thurston Street 5,530 142 184 2.6 3.3 34.04 Makiki Fire Station 4,716 92 112 2.0 2.4 34.05 Poki Street 3,250 88 97 2.7 3.0 34.06 Lower Makiki 5,777 261 304 4.5 5.3 34.07 Maryknoll School 913 7 7 0.8 0.8 35.01 Academy of Arts 2,282 77 106 3.4 4.6 35.02 Upper Pawaa 3,876 187 231 4.8 6.0 36.01 Sheridan Street 4,109 161 190 3.9 4.6 36.03 Ahana Street 2,807 111 141 4.0 5.0 36.04 Kaheka Street‐Makaloa Street 2,519 74 89 2.9 3.5 37 Ala Moana 5,579 78 97 1.4 1.7 38 Kakaako 3,970 77 87 1.9 2.2 39 Civic Center 655 4 4 0.6 0.6 40 Financial District 1,552 27 31 1.7 2.0 41 Queen's Hospital 4,504 147 167 3.3 3.7 42 Queen Emma Gardens 3,432 86 106 2.5 3.1 43 Punchbowl 5,591 135 189 2.4 3.4 44 Pauoa 5,165 45 77 0.9 1.5 45 Dowsett Highlands 5,145 41 61 0.8 1.2 46 Puunui‐Waokanaka Street 3,735 5 21 0.1 0.6 47 Alewa‐Kawananakoa 4,553 27 32 0.6 0.7 48 Kamehameha Heights 6,707 147 164 2.2 2.4 49 Lanakila 3,198 42 70 1.3 2.2 50 Kuakini 4,049 96 112 2.4 2.8 51 Foster Botanical Garden 3,090 162 197 5.2 6.4 52 Chinatown 3,293 330 402 10.0 12.2 53 Aala 3,636 57 73 1.6 2.0 54 Mayor Wright Housing 1,637 164 199 10.0 12.2 55 Palama 2,078 97 121 4.7 5.8 56 Kapalama 6,749 251 295 3.7 4.4 57 Iwilei‐Anuenue 2,148 57 68 2.7 3.2 58 Waiakamilo Road 3,440 147 190 4.3 5.5 59 Mokauea Street 3,353 13 13 0.4 0.4 60 Umi Street 5,421 46 47 0.8 0.9 61 Kalihi Waena 4,175 15 22 0.4 0.5 62.01 Kam IV Road 6,047 88 97 1.5 1.6 62.02 Linapuni Street 1,701 23 23 1.4 1.4 63.01 Kalihi Valley Park 3,773 66 74 1.7 2.0 63.02 Kalena Drive 2,720 72 83 2.6 3.1 64.01 Gulick Avenue‐Likelike 2,059 14 17 0.7 0.8 64.02 Kamanaiki Street 6,387 34 41 0.5 0.6 65 Upper Kalihi Valley 4,541 40 46 0.9 1.0 66 Kahauiki Street 374 ‐‐(X) (X) 67.01 Tripler‐Moanalua 5,830 10 19 0.2 0.3 67.02 Red Hill 1,989 17 20 0.9 1.0

Continued on next page.


% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

Oahu (con.): 68.02 Aliamanu 6,842 104 127 1.5 1.9 68.04 Aliamanu Crater 2,835 5 14 0.2 0.5 68.05 Salt Lake Country Club 6,167 66 81 1.1 1.3 68.06 Ala Lilikoi 1,704 11 12 0.6 0.7 68.08 Ala Ilima Mauka 4,423 80 120 1.8 2.7 68.09 Ala Ilima Makai 5,040 97 126 1.9 2.5 69 Arizona Road 3,823 5 17 0.1 0.4 70 Navy Marine Golf Course 4,041 5 11 0.1 0.3 71 Nimitz Elementary School 2,713 2 8 0.1 0.3 73.02 Hangar Avenue‐Vickers Avenue 3,866 16 25 0.4 0.6 73.03 Hickam Air Force Base 341 2 3 0.6 0.9 74 Ford Island 3,981 12 18 0.3 0.5 75.02 Halawa Valley 1,376 6 6 0.4 0.4 75.03 Halawa Heights 5,160 30 43 0.6 0.8 75.04 Aloha Stadium 3,171 38 46 1.2 1.5 75.05 Foster Village 5,338 179 208 3.4 3.9 75.06 Red Hill Military Housing 933 1 3 0.1 0.3 77.01 Lower Aiea 4,240 24 30 0.6 0.7 77.02 Aiea Heights 5,098 24 36 0.5 0.7 78.04 Lower Pearl City 1,907 4 16 0.2 0.8 78.05 Waiau Townhouses 5,136 31 57 0.6 1.1 78.07 Pearl Ridge High Rise 5,405 36 51 0.7 0.9 78.08 Pearlridge Center 3,346 21 38 0.6 1.1 78.09 Newtown 3,377 12 23 0.4 0.7 78.10 Royal Summit 5,450 12 26 0.2 0.5 78.11 Pearl Country Club 4,990 30 39 0.6 0.8 80.01 Hale Mohalu Hospital 2,005 20 21 1.0 1.0 80.02 Lower Waiau 2,837 18 24 0.6 0.8 80.03 Manana 4,668 16 34 0.3 0.7 80.05 Pacific Palisades 6,864 25 46 0.4 0.7 80.06 Pearl City 4,858 20 25 0.4 0.5 80.07 Pearl City Highlands 5,306 47 60 0.9 1.1 83.01 Iroquois Point 4,661 1 9 0.0 0.2 83.02 Campbell High School 6,749 8 8 0.1 0.1 84.02 Ewa Beach 8,206 29 35 0.4 0.4 84.05 Holomua School 4,664 18 42 0.4 0.9 84.06 Hawaii Prince Golf Course 5,997 41 63 0.7 1.1 84.07 Ocean Pointe 3,325 38 55 1.1 1.7 84.08 Hoakalei Country Club 4,728 26 35 0.5 0.7 84.10 Coral Creek Golf Course 2,346 7 7 0.3 0.3 84.11 Geiger Road 3,448 22 36 0.6 1.0 84.12 Ewa Gentry 6,543 34 47 0.5 0.7 85.02 Kalaeloa 2,136 ‐‐(X) (X) 86.06 Kapolei Golf Course 9,693 57 93 0.6 1.0 86.09 Ko Olina‐Honokai Hale 2,066 7 14 0.3 0.7 86.10 Ko Olina Resort 1,051 1 2 0.1 0.2 86.11 Kahe 84 ‐‐(X) (X) 86.12 Upper Makakilo 6,017 14 26 0.2 0.4 86.13 Makakilo: Wainohia Street 904 6 12 0.7 1.3 86.14 Kunia West 8,232 22 33 0.3 0.4 86.17 Ewa Villages 9,364 48 61 0.5 0.7

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% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

Oahu (con.): 86.22 Lower Makakilo 4,068 10 20 0.2 0.5 87.01 Leeward Community College 8,787 27 36 0.3 0.4 87.02 St. Joseph School 5,593 14 16 0.3 0.3 87.03 West Loch 6,837 28 33 0.4 0.5 88 Managers Drive 8,054 60 70 0.7 0.9 89.06 Mililani Golf Course 3,771 7 14 0.2 0.4 89.07 Mililani High School 4,232 6 21 0.1 0.5 89.08 Mililani Marketplace 5,837 7 21 0.1 0.4 89.09 Mililani District Park 3,806 18 21 0.5 0.6 89.12 August Ahrens School 2,570 12 20 0.5 0.8 89.13 Robinson Heights 4,116 5 13 0.1 0.3 89.14 Honowai School 5,098 7 13 0.1 0.3 89.15 Waipio Acres 5,236 16 21 0.3 0.4 89.17 Mililani Town Center 4,554 15 19 0.3 0.4 89.18 Mililani: Nob Hill 5,429 19 36 0.3 0.7 89.20 Waipio Gentry 4,296 19 44 0.4 1.0 89.21 Waipio 2,668 5 17 0.2 0.6 89.22 Waikele 7,479 26 57 0.3 0.8 89.23 Seaview 4,737 16 29 0.3 0.6 89.24 Royal Kunia 7,623 53 74 0.7 1.0 89.25 Village Park 6,902 30 58 0.4 0.8 89.26 Laulani Valley‐Mililani Technology Park 1,572 3 7 0.2 0.4 89.27 Koolani Drive 5,180 20 45 0.4 0.9 89.28 Mililani Mauka Middle School 3,884 17 29 0.4 0.7 89.29 Mililani Mauka‐Meheula Parkway 4,836 10 33 0.2 0.7 89.30 Mililani: Ainamakua Drive 2,560 5 6 0.2 0.2 89.31 Waiawa 3,310 9 15 0.3 0.5 90 Wheeler‐East Range 1,634 ‐ 2 (X) 0.1 91 Kaukonahua Road 5,332 2 5 0.0 0.1 92 Wahiawa Mauka 7,963 3 17 0.0 0.2 93 Wahiawa Waena 4,762 4 6 0.1 0.1 94 Wahiawa Makai 5,155 8 13 0.2 0.3 95.01 Kolekole Avenue 4,893 4 7 0.1 0.1 95.02 Menoher Street 4,243 11 50 0.3 1.2 95.03 Foote Avenue 3,403 6 15 0.2 0.4 95.04 Leilehua Avenue 1,271 3 4 0.2 0.3 95.07 Schofield: McCarthy Field 2,560 2 7 0.1 0.3 96.03 Maili 10,289 14 31 0.1 0.3 96.08 Lualualei Transmitter 5,682 11 13 0.2 0.2 97.01 Waianae Kai 6,635 3 12 0.0 0.2 97.03 Lualualei‐Camp Waianae 6,227 4 12 0.1 0.2 97.04 Lualualei: Halona Road 3,066 2 3 0.1 0.1 98.01 Makua Valley 2,834 5 13 0.2 0.5 98.02 Makaha 6,386 12 17 0.2 0.3 99.02 Haleiwa 3,740 2 4 0.1 0.1 99.04 Kaena Point 5,986 6 13 0.1 0.2 100 Kawailoa 3,320 2 3 0.1 0.1 101 Waimea‐Kahuku 7,881 8 17 0.1 0.2 102.01 Hauula‐Kaaawa 5,882 9 15 0.2 0.3 102.02 Laie 7,643 11 14 0.1 0.2 103.03 Kahaluu‐Waikane 4,766 18 33 0.4 0.7

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% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

Oahu (con.): 103.05 Ahuimanu 5,063 16 26 0.3 0.5 103.06 Haiku 6,369 22 39 0.3 0.6 103.08 Kapunahala 3,319 2 7 0.1 0.2 105.03 Kaneohe District Park 1,980 9 10 0.5 0.5 105.04 Waikalua Road 5,115 5 10 0.1 0.2 105.05 Heeia Kea 3,531 11 21 0.3 0.6 105.07 Kahuhipa Street 5,421 54 76 1.0 1.4 105.08 Lilipuna Road 2,569 6 24 0.2 0.9 106.01 Puohala 3,422 6 13 0.2 0.4 106.02 Castle High School‐Halekou Road 5,449 9 22 0.2 0.4 107.01 Kokokahi 3,661 13 18 0.4 0.5 107.02 Mokulele Drive 3,666 4 15 0.1 0.4 108.01 Mokapu West 2,969 8 17 0.3 0.6 108.02 Mokapu East 6,548 20 36 0.3 0.5 109.01 Kalaheo Hillside 3,140 27 38 0.9 1.2 109.03 Oneawa Street‐Kawainui 4,133 4 13 0.1 0.3 109.04 Maluniu Avenue 3,570 9 14 0.3 0.4 109.05 Ulupaina Street 2,513 22 23 0.9 0.9 110 Maunawili 4,151 4 9 0.1 0.2 111.03 Olomana 3,796 4 14 0.1 0.4 111.04 Enchanted Lakes 4,860 11 22 0.2 0.5 111.05 Kailua Town 3,205 16 29 0.5 0.9 111.06 Keolu 5,924 23 41 0.4 0.7 112.01 Kalaheo Avenue 4,380 8 14 0.2 0.3 112.02 Lanikai 1,609 ‐ 1 (X) 0.1 113 Waimanalo 5,451 2 10 0.0 0.2 114 Waipio Peninsula 5,372 13 22 0.2 0.4 115 Kapolei 5,493 14 38 0.3 0.7 9400.01 Waimanalo Beach‐Homesteads 4,551 ‐ 6 (X) 0.1 9400.02 Nanakuli 7,400 7 12 0.1 0.2 9800 Hanauma Bay 5 ‐‐(X) (X) 9802 Honolulu International Airport 704 2 6 0.3 0.9 9803 Campbell Industrial Park ‐‐‐(X) (X) 9806 Schofield Forest Reserve ‐‐‐(X) (X) 9807 Schofield Barracks East Range ‐‐‐(X) (X) 9808 Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden 1 ‐‐(X) (X) 9810 Kawainui Marsh 13 ‐‐(X) (X) 9811 Bellows Air Force Base 19 ‐‐(X) (X) 9813 Mapunapuna Industrial 8 ‐‐(X) (X) 9814 Nimitz‐Airport Commercial 97 ‐‐(X) (X)

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands ‐‐‐(X) (X) 9812 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands ‐‐‐(X) (X)

Hawaii 185,079 317 496 0.2 0.3 201 Pauka‘a‐Wailea 5,213 19 31 0.4 0.6 202.02 Hilo: Upper Waiakea Forest Reserve 2,568 2 2 0.1 0.1 203 Hilo: Pu‘u‘eo‐Downtown 3,934 21 25 0.5 0.6 204 Hilo: Villa Franca‐Kaiko'o 5,924 11 19 0.2 0.3

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% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

Hawaii (con.): 205 Hilo: University‐Houselots 3,294 15 17 0.5 0.5 206 Hilo: Keaukaha‐Pana‘ewa 5,391 9 13 0.2 0.2 207.01 Hilo: Puainako 4,507 22 24 0.5 0.5 207.02 Hilo: Kawailani 4,861 8 12 0.2 0.2 208.01 Hilo: Kahuku‐Kaumana 4,310 2 5 0.0 0.1 208.02 Hilo: Piihonua‐Kaumana 6,196 15 37 0.2 0.6 209 Hilo: Haihai 4,729 2 14 0.0 0.3 210.03 Orchidland‐Ainaloa 6,391 12 18 0.2 0.3 210.05 Hawaiian Paradise Park 11,012 22 34 0.2 0.3 210.10 Upper Puna (Puna Mauka) 7,884 7 12 0.1 0.2 210.11 Volcano‐Mt. View 4,009 14 22 0.3 0.5 210.13 Kea‘au 4,970 14 20 0.3 0.4 211.01 Kalapana‐Kapoho 3,531 2 2 0.1 0.1 211.06 Pahoa 7,529 1 7 0.0 0.1 212.02 Ka‘u 8,451 2 15 0.0 0.2 213 South Kona 5,972 3 7 0.1 0.1 214.02 Konawaena 4,025 5 10 0.1 0.2 215.02 Hualalai 4,844 1 3 0.0 0.1 215.04 Kealakehe 3,965 ‐ 2 (X) 0.1 215.07 Kalaoa 8,503 2 8 0.0 0.1 215.09 Kaumalumalu‐Keahou 5,154 6 6 0.1 0.1 216.01 Kailua 7,822 22 27 0.3 0.3 216.04 Holualoa 7,587 27 31 0.4 0.4 217.02 Waimea‐Pu‘u Anahulu 9,540 16 19 0.2 0.2 217.04 Kawaihae‐Waikoloa 8,087 14 23 0.2 0.3 218 North Kohala 6,322 3 8 0.0 0.1 219.02 Honoka‘a‐Kukuihaele 3,925 ‐ 5 (X) 0.1 220 Pa‘auhau‐Pa‘auilo 2,588 15 15 0.6 0.6 221.02 North Hilo 2,041 3 3 0.1 0.1

Maui 144,444 488 641 0.3 0.4 301 Hana 2,291 ‐‐(X) (X) 302.01 Huelo 2,453 ‐‐(X) (X) 302.02 Ha'iku 7,635 2 5 0.0 0.1 303.01 Kula 8,013 6 16 0.1 0.2 303.03 Wailea 3,567 3 5 0.1 0.1 304.02 Pukalani 8,652 4 7 0.0 0.1 304.03 Makawao 3,269 1 1 0.0 0.0 304.04 Hali'imaile 5,609 ‐ 4 (X) 0.1 305.01 Pa'ia 2,689 4 7 0.1 0.3 307.05 Kihei Mauka 3,791 11 12 0.3 0.3 307.06 Kealia 2,448 4 6 0.2 0.2 307.07 Waipuilani 8,009 30 39 0.4 0.5 307.08 Halama 2,909 ‐‐(X) (X) 307.09 Kamaole 3,727 16 22 0.4 0.6 307.10 Keawakapu 2,441 ‐‐(X) (X) 308 Waihee‐Waikapu 6,907 10 22 0.1 0.3 309.01 West Central Wailuku 2,617 12 15 0.5 0.6 309.02 East Central Wailuku 3,205 25 32 0.8 1.0 309.03 North Wailuku 6,481 8 11 0.1 0.2 310 South Wailuku 8,426 45 64 0.5 0.8

Continued on next page.


% of Vietnamese % of Vietnamese Island and 2010 census Total Vietnamese alone or in Vietnamese alone or in tract Name population alone combination alone combination

Maui (con.): 311.01 West Kahului 8,167 28 36 0.3 0.4 311.02 Central Kahului 5,426 19 28 0.4 0.5 311.03 Southeast Kahului 7,580 20 34 0.3 0.4 314.02 Kahoma 3,003 22 22 0.7 0.7 314.04 Lahaina 3,250 95 101 2.9 3.1 314.05 Lahainaluna 5,491 16 33 0.3 0.6 315.01 Kapalua 2,368 7 13 0.3 0.5 315.02 Honokahua 5,036 55 56 1.1 1.1 315.03 Honokowai 2,366 15 16 0.6 0.7 319 Spreckelsville 5,624 22 25 0.4 0.4 320 Launiupoko 994 8 9 0.8 0.9

Lanai 3,135 1 5 0.0 0.2 316.01 Lana'i 3,135 1 5 0.0 0.2

Molokai 7,345 2 4 0.0 0.1 317 East Moloka'i 4,503 2 3 0.0 0.1 318.01 West Moloka'i 2,752 ‐ 1 (X) 0.0 319 Kalawao 90 ‐‐(X) (X)

Kahoolawe ‐ ‐ ‐ (X) (X) 9800 Kaho'olawe ‐‐‐(X) (X)

Kauai 66,921 84 135 0.1 0.2 401.03 Princeville‐Kilauea 6,484 4 8 0.1 0.1 401.04 Ha'ena‐Hanalei 1,344 ‐‐(X) (X) 402.04 Wailua Houselots 5,047 3 10 0.1 0.2 402.05 Wailua Homesteads 3,845 15 16 0.4 0.4 403 Kapa'a 8,385 1 8 0.0 0.1 404 Puhi‐Hanama'ulu 8,740 16 22 0.2 0.3 405 Lihu'e 5,943 34 39 0.6 0.7 406.03 Koloa‐Po'ipu 2,544 ‐ 3 (X) 0.1 406.04 Omao‐Kukui'ula 3,139 1 3 0.0 0.1 407 Eleele‐Kalaheo 8,403 1 4 0.0 0.0 408 Kaumakani‐Hanapepe 3,771 6 11 0.2 0.3 409 Kekaha‐Waimea 5,561 ‐‐(X) (X) 9400 Anahola 3,715 3 11 0.1 0.3

Niihau and Kaula 170 ‐‐(X) (X) 412 Ni'ihau‐Kaula 170 ‐‐(X) (X)

‐ Represents zero or rounds to 0.0. (X) Percentage changes involving negative numbers or zero are meaningless. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Summary File 1, Tables QT‐P8 and QT‐P9; calculations by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Hawaii State Data Center.

15 Island of Oahu Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010

CT 101 (Race Alone) 8 [ 0.1% 0 2.5 5 10 Vietnamese Miles Population

CT 102.02 11 0.1% 0 - 20

21 - 60

61 - 100

CT 99.02 2 0.1% CT 100 2 0.1% 101 - 330

No Population CT 99.04 6 0.1%

CT 102.01 9 0.2% State Vietnamese race alone population: 9,779 (0.7%) CT 91 2 0% C&C of Honolulu Vietnamese race alone population:

CT 98.01 CT 92 5 3 CT 95.07 0.2% 0% 2 8,887 (0.9%) 0.1% CT 93 4 CT 94 CT 95.02 0.1% 8 11 0.2% 0.3% CT 95.04 3 CT 95.01 CT 95.03 0.2% 4 6 CT 97.01 0.1% 0.2% 3 CT 89.26 CT 89.28 0% 3 17 CT 103.03 CT 90 0.2% CT 89.27 0.4% 18 0 20 0.4% 0% 0.4% CT 89.29 10 CT 89.15 0.2% CT 98.02 16 12 0.3% CT 89.30 0.2% 5 CT 89.31 0.2% 9 0.3% CT 89.07 6 CT 89.17 CT 89.06 0.1% 15 7 0.3% CT 97.03 0.2% CT 108.01 4 CT 97.04 CT 103.05 8 0.1% 2 16 0.3% 0.1% 0.3%

CT 89.18 CT 108.02 CT 89.09 19 20 18 0.3% CT 80.05 CT 96.08 0.3% 0.5% CT 89.20 25 11 CT 89.24 19 0.4% 0.2% 53 0.4% 0.7%

CT 89.08 CT 105.05 7 CT 103.06 11 0.1% 22 0.3% CT 105.08 CT 78.10 0.3% 6 CT 109.01 12 0.2% 27 0.2% 0.9% CT 105.04 CT 89.23 CT 105.07 CT 78.11 5 16 54 30 1% 0.1% CT 96.03 0.3% CT 109.04 CT 80.06 0.6% 14 CT 105.03 9 CT 86.14 20 CT 106.01 CT 107.01 0.1% CT 89.22 CT 80.07 9 0.3% 22 0.4% 6 13 47 0.5% 0.3% 26 0.2% 0.4% 0.3% CT 89.21 0.9% 5 CT 78.09 CT 109.03 0.2% CT 78.04 CT 112.01 12 CT 77.02 4 CT 80.03 4 CT 106.02 CT 109.05 8 0.4% 24 0.1% 16 0.2% CT 78.05 9 22 0.2% CT 89.12 0.3% 0.5% 31 CT 75.02 0.2% CT 107.02 CT 9810 0.9% CT 9400.02 12 0.6% 6 4 0 CT 111.05 7 0.5% CT 80.01 CT 89.25 CT 88 CT 87.01 0.4% 0.1% 0% 16 0.1% 20 CT 80.02 30 60 27 0.5% 0.4% 1% 18 0.7% 0.3% 0.6% CT 78.07 CT 111.03 CT 112.02 CT 89.13 CT 78.08 CT 9808 36 4 0 5 CT 87.02 21 0.7% 0 0.1% 0% CT 111.04 0% 0.1% 14 CT 114 0.6% CT 77.01 11 0.3% 24 CT 89.14 13 CT 75.03 0.2% 0.2% 0.6% CT 67.01 7 CT 87.03 30 CT 103.08 CT 111.06 0.1% 0.6% 10 28 0.2% 2 23 CT 86.12 0.4% 0.1% 0.4% 14 CT 65 CT 75.04 0.2% CT 114 40 38 CT 67.02 13 CT 75.05 CT 75.06 0.9% 1.2% 17 0.2% CT 74 179 1 0.9% 3.4% 0.1% 12 CT 9811 0.3% 0 CT 68.04 CT 110 5 0% CT 45 4 CT 74 0.2% 0.1% 12 CT 68.02 CT 46 41 104 CT 64.02 0.3% CT 68.05 5 0.8% CT 86.11 1.5% 34 0.1% CT 74 66 CT 63.02 0 CT 68.06 CT 66 0.5% CT 86.13 12 1.1% 0% 11 0 72 6 CT 86.06 0.3% 2.6% 0.6% CT 68.08 0% CT 63.01 0.7% 57 CT 70 CT 68.09 80 66 0.6% CT 86.17 5 97 1.8% 1.7% 48 0.1% CT 64.01 CT 86.22 CT 73.02 1.9% CT 31.02 CT 113 0.5% CT 84.12 CT 84.05 CT 69 CT 9813 14 CT 48 10 16 CT 62.01 CT 62.02 8 2 34 18 CT 71 5 0 0.7% 147 CT 86.10 0.2% 0.4% 23 CT 44 0.2% 0% 0.5% 0.4% 2 0.1% 0% 88 2.2% 1 CT 83.01 1.4% 45 CT 86.09 0.1% 1.5% 0.1% 1 0.9% 7 CT 60 CT 61 CT 115 CT 84.11 0% CT 9814 CT 47 0.3% CT 84.06 46 15 14 22 0 CT 56 27 41 0.8% 0.4% 0.3% 0.6% 0% 251 CT 49 0.6% CT 9400.01 0.7% CT 73.03 42 0 CT 59 CT 58 3.7% CT 84.10 2 CT 55 1.3% CT 31.01 0% CT 9802 13 147 CT 32 7 0.6% 97 4 0.3% 2 0.4% 4.3% CT 50 1 0.1% 0.3% CT 54 4.7% 96 0.1% 164 CT 53 2.4% CT 10 CT 57 10% 57 25 This map was produced by the Office of CT 84.07 CT 51 57 1.6% 0.8% CT 3.01 38 CT 83.02 2.7% 162 CT 42 CT 43 8 CT 52 CT 33 31 CT 85.02 CT 84.08 1.1% 5.2% 86 135 CT 30 Planning (OP) for planning purposes. 0.1% 330 4 0.9% 0 26 2.5% 2.4% 5 CT 84.02 10% 0.4% CT 1.07 0% 0.5% CT 41 CT 34.03 0.1% CT 29 29 CT 57 18 CT 40 147 CT 34.05 7 CT 1.06 It should not be used for boundary inter- 0.4% 57 142 0.6% 27 3.3% 2.6% 88 0.3% 31 2.7% CT 34.06 CT 1.10 1.7% 2.7% CT 11 CT 2 0.4% CT 35.01 261 CT 27.02 24 CT 35.02 CT 28 206 CT 4.01 47 CT 1.11 pretations or other spatial analysis beyond 77 4.5% 61 0.6% CT 39 187 CT 27.01 12 5.3% 12 0.8% 11 CT 38 3.4% 1.2% 4 4.8% 77 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% 77 CT 36.01 CT 36.03 0.6% 1.9% 1.5% the limitations of the data. Information CT 37 161 111 CT 25 CT 12.02 4% CT 26 78 3.9% 120 49 104 CT 9.02 1.4% 3.1% CT 24.01 CT 23 1.6% CT 36.04 2.4% 10 regarding compilation dates and accuracy of CT 19.03 167 223 CT 1.08 74 5.4% CT 12.01 0.2% 42 CT 22.01 4% CT 4.02 7 2.9% 105 1.5% CT 22.02 227 CT 13 17 0.2% CT 9800 the data presented can be obtained from OP. 6.2% 3.6% CT 9.03 CT 3.02 47 CT 9.01 0.4% CT 1.12 CT 19.01 114 43 0 1.4% CT 21 2.7% 10 9 36 0% 5 1.5% 0.3% CT 20.04 97 CT 15 0.4% 0.6% Map No.: 20110810-18-DK 0.6% CT 14 15 2.5% 98 43 1.1% 2.8% CT 8 CT 18.04 1.7% CT 18.01 9 37 CT 1.14 Map Date: 08/10/11 CT 16 9 0.5% 1% CT 7 CT 5 13 51 0.5% 30 23 0.8% 1.3% 1% 0.6% Sources: CT 17 12 0.5% CT 6 U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. 7 READ, DBEDT, 2011. 0.6% CT 67.01 10 0.2% CT 65 CT 31.01 40 4 0.9% CT 31.02 CT 10 0.1% 25 CT 46 8 0.8% 5 0.2% 0.1% CT 64.02 CT 11 CT 4.02 34 CT 4.01 206 17 0.5% 12 CT 66 5.3% 0.4% 0.4% 0 CT 32 0% CT 63.02 CT 45 1 CT 29 72 41 0.1% 7 2.6% 0.8% 0.3%

CT 9.01 CT 9.02 10 CT 28 10 0.4% 12 0.2% CT 47 0.3% CT 48 27 CT 30 147 CT 44 CT 12.02 0.6% 5 CT 63.01 49 2.2% 45 0.1% 66 0.9% 1.6% 1.7% CT 64.01 14 0.7% CT 33 CT 62.02 4 CT 9.03 0.4% CT 12.01 43 23 CT 27.01 CT 49 105 1.5% 1.4% 77 42 3.6% 1.5% 1.3% CT 50 CT 61 96 CT 27.02 CT 5 CT 62.01 CT 34.05 23 15 CT 56 2.4% 61 88 CT 34.04 88 0.6% 0.4% 251 CT 43 1.2% 1.5% 92 2.7% 3.7% 135 CT 55 2% 2.4% CT 13 97 CT 34.07 114 4.7% 7 2.7% CT 34.03 CT 34.06 0.8% CT 26 CT 8 CT 7 142 261 CT 60 CT 54 104 37 30 CT 53 2.6% 4.5% 46 164 CT 51 CT 42 2.4% 1% 1% 0.8% 10% 57 CT 23 162 86 CT 35.02 CT 58 1.6% CT 24.02 223 CT 14 5.2% 2.5% 187 147 113 4% 43 4.8% CT 15 4.3% CT 41 3.5% 98 1.7% 147 CT 35.01 CT 25 CT 22.01 2.8% 3.3% 77 CT 24.01 227 CT 36.03 120 167 CT 21 CT 9814 CT 52 3.4% 6.2% CT 57 111 3.1% 5.4% 97 0 302 330 4% CT 22.02 2.5% 0% 14.1% 10% CT 40 CT 36.01 CT 36.04 47 27 161 74 1.4% 1.7% 3.9% CT 16 2.9% CT 59 CT 20.05 51 CT 19.03 13 53 CT 20.06 1.3% 42 0.4% 2.2% 76 CT 18.03 1.5% CT 20.03 3.2% 23 31 CT 19.04 CT 20.04 CT 18.04 CT 39 0.9% 0.9% CT 37 25 15 9 4 CT 6 CT 38 78 0.6% 1.1% CT 18.01 0.5% 0.6% 77 1.4% 7 CT 19.01 9 0.6% 1.9% 5 0.5% 0.6%

CT 17 12 0.5% CT 57 57 2.7%

Honolulu Vietnamese Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 Population (Race Alone) CT 9802 2 0 - 20 0.3% 21 - 60 Oahu 61 - 100 101 - 330 This map was produced by the Office of Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- No Population pretations or other spatial analysis beyond [ the limitations of the data. Information 0 0.5 1 2 regarding compilation dates and accuracy of Map Area the data presented can be obtained from OP. State Vietnamese race alone Map No.: 20120214-03-DK Miles Map Date: 02/14/12 population: 9,779 (0.7%) Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. Note: For each tract, the numbers shown are 1) the census tract number, 2) the number of people C&C of Honolulu Vietnamese race alone READ, DBEDT, 2011. in the population group, and 3) the % of the census tract consisting of that population group. population: 8,887 (0.9%) Island of Hawaii Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010

CT 218 3 0% (Race Alone)

Vietnamese CT 219.02 0 0% Population

0 - 20

CT 217.04 21 - 60 14 0.2% 61 - 100 101 - 330 CT 201 19 CT 220 0.4% 15 0.6% CT 217.02 CT 215.07 No Population 16 CT 221.02 2 0.2% 3 0% 0.1%

CT 205 CT 203 CT 204 11 15 21 CT 208.02 0.2% 0.5% CT 206 0.5% 15 9 CT 207.01 0.2% 0.2% CT 202.02 CT 207.02 22 2 8 0.5% CT 208.01 0.1% 0.2% 2 CT 215.02 CT 209 CT 215.04 0% 1 2 0 0% 0% 0% CT 216.01 22 CT 210.13 0.3% 14 0.3% CT 216.04 27 CT 210.05 0.4% 22 0.2%

CT 210.03 CT 215.09 12 6 0.2% 0.1% CT 214.02 5 CT 210.11 CT 210.10 0.1% 14 7 0.3% 0.1%

CT 211.01 2 0.1%

CT 211.06 1 0%

CT 212.02 CT 213 2 3 0% 0.1% [

This map was produced by the Office of 0 5 10 20 Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond Miles the limitations of the data. Information regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. State Vietnamese race alone population: Map No.: 20110810-14-DK 9,779 (0.7%) Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: Hawaii County Vietnamese race alone population: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. 317 (0.7%) Island of Maui Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 (Race Alone)

CT 315.01 Vietnamese 7 0.3% Population CT 315.02 55 1.1% 0 - 20

21 - 60

CT 315.03 CT 308 15 10 61 - 100 0.6% 0.1% CT 302.02 2 CT 305.01 0% 4 CT 309.03 0.1% 101 - 330 8 CT 309.02 0.1% 25 CT 314.02 0.8% 22 0.7% CT 309.01 No Population 12 0.5% CT 311.02 19 CT 304.04 CT 302.01 CT 310 0.4% 0 0 45 CT 319 CT 314.05 0% 0% 0.5% CT 311.01 CT 311.03 22 CT 314.04 16 28 20 0.4% 95 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 2.9%

CT 304.03 1 CT 320 0% 8 CT 304.02 0.8% 4 0%

CT 307.05 11 0.3%

CT 307.06 4 0.2%

CT 307.07 30 CT 301 0.4% 0 0% CT 303.01 CT 307.08 6 0 0.1% 0%

CT 307.09 [ 16 0.4%

0 2.5 5 10 CT 307.10 0 0%

CT 303.03 3 Miles 0.1% State Vietnamese race alone population: 9,779 (0.7%) Maui County Vietnamese race alone population: 491 (0.3%)

This map was produced by the Office of Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond the limitations of the data. Information regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. Map No.: 20110810-16-DK Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. CT 319 0 0%

CT 318.01 0 0%

CT 317 2 0%

Islands of Molokai and Lanai CT 315.01 7 Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 [ 0.3% CT 315.02 (Race Alone) 55 0 2.5 5 10 1.1%

Vietnamese Miles Population State Vietnamese race alone population:

9,779 (0.7%) CT 315.03 0 - 20 15 Maui County Vietnamese race alone population: 0.6% 491 (0.3%) 21 - 60 CT 314.02 22 0.7% 61 - 100 CT 314.05 16 101 - 330 0.3%

No Population

CT 316.01 1 0%

This map was produced by the Office of Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond the limitations of the data. Information regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. Map No.: 20110810-17-DK Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. Islands of Kauai and Niihau Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 (Race Alone)

Vietnamese Population

0 - 20 CT 401.03 4 21 - 60 0.1% CT 401.04 0 61 - 100 0% CT 9400 3 101 - 330 0.1%

No Population CT 403 1 0% CT 402.04 3 CT 402.05 CT 409 0.1% 15 0 0.4% 0%

CT 408 6 0.2%

CT 404 16 0.2%

CT 405 34 0.6%

CT 407 1 0%

CT 412 CT 406.04 CT 406.03 0 1 0 0% 0% 0% [

This map was produced by the Office of 0 2.5 5 10 Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond Miles the limitations of the data. Information regarding compilation dates and accuracy of State Vietnamese race alone population: the data presented can be obtained from OP. Map No.: 20110810-15-DK 9,779 (0.7%) Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: Kauai County Vietnamese race alone population: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. 84 (0.1%) READ, DBEDT, 2011. Island of Oahu Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010

CT 101 (Race Alone or in Combination) 17 [ 0.2% 0 2.5 5 10 Vietnamese Miles Population

CT 102.02 14 0.2% 0 - 30

31 - 75

76 - 150

CT 99.02 4 0.1% CT 100 3 0.1% 151 - 402

No Population CT 99.04 13 0.2%

CT 102.01 15 0.3% State Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: CT 91 5 0.1% 13,266 (1.0%) CT 98.01 CT 92 13 17 CT 95.07 0.5% 0.2% 7 0.3% C&C of Honolulu Vietnamese race CT 93 6 CT 95.04 CT 94 CT 95.02 0.1% 4 13 50 0.3% 0.3% 1.2% alone or in combination population:

CT 97.01 CT 95.01 CT 95.03 12 7 15 0.2% 0.1% 0.4% CT 89.26 11,985 (1.3%) CT 89.28 7 29 CT 103.03 CT 90 0.4% 0.7% 33 2 0.7% 0.1% CT 89.27 CT 89.29 45 33 0.9% 0.7% CT 89.15 CT 98.02 21 17 CT 89.30 0.4% 0.3% 6 CT 89.31 0.2% 15 0.5% CT 89.07 21 CT 89.17 CT 89.06 0.5% 19 14 0.4% CT 97.03 0.4% CT 108.01 12 CT 97.04 CT 103.05 17 0.2% 3 26 0.6% 0.1% 0.5%

CT 89.18 CT 108.02 CT 89.09 36 36 21 0.7% CT 80.05 CT 96.08 0.5% 0.6% 46 13 CT 89.24 CT 89.20 0.7% 0.2% 74 44 1% 1%

CT 89.08 CT 105.05 21 CT 103.06 21 0.4% 39 0.6% CT 105.08 CT 78.10 0.6% 24 CT 109.01 26 0.9% 38 1.2% 0.5% CT 105.04 CT 89.23 CT 105.07 CT 78.11 10 29 76 39 1.4% 0.2% CT 96.03 0.6% CT 109.04 CT 80.06 0.8% 31 CT 105.03 CT 106.01 14 CT 86.14 25 CT 107.01 0.3% CT 89.22 CT 80.07 13 0.4% 33 0.5% 10 18 57 60 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% CT 89.21 0.5% 0.8% 1.1% CT 109.03 17 CT 78.09 13 0.6% CT 112.01 23 CT 77.02 0.3% CT 80.03 CT 78.04 CT 106.02 CT 109.05 14 16 0.7% 36 34 CT 78.05 22 23 0.3% CT 89.12 0.7% 0.8% 0.7% CT 107.02 57 CT 75.02 0.4% CT 9810 0.9% CT 9400.02 20 15 1.1% 6 0 CT 111.05 12 0.8% CT 80.01 0.4% CT 89.25 CT 88 CT 87.01 0.4% 0% 29 0.2% 21 CT 80.02 58 70 36 0.9% 0.8% 1% 24 0.9% 0.4% 0.8% CT 78.07 CT 111.03 CT 112.02 CT 89.13 CT 78.08 CT 9808 51 14 1 38 0 13 CT 87.02 0.9% 0.4% 0.1% 0.3% 16 CT 114 1.1% CT 77.01 0% CT 111.04 0.3% 22 22 CT 89.14 30 CT 75.03 0.4% 0.7% CT 67.01 0.5% 13 CT 87.03 43 CT 103.08 CT 111.06 0.3% 0.8% 19 33 0.3% 7 41 CT 86.12 0.5% 0.2% 0.7% 26 CT 75.04 0.4% CT 114 CT 65 46 CT 75.06 CT 67.02 22 1.5% CT 75.05 46 0.4% CT 74 208 3 20 1% 18 3.9% 0.3% 1% 0.5% CT 9811 0 CT 68.04 CT 110 14 0% CT 45 9 CT 74 0.5% CT 46 0.2% 18 CT 68.02 61 127 CT 64.02 21 0.5% CT 68.05 1.2% 1.9% 41 0.6% CT 86.11 81 CT 68.06 CT 66 CT 63.02 0.6% 0 CT 86.13 1.3% 0 0% 12 CT 68.08 83 12 CT 86.06 0.7% 0% 3.1% 1.3% 93 120 CT 68.09 CT 70 CT 63.01 1% 2.7% 126 CT 86.17 11 74 61 0.3% 2.5% CT 86.22 CT 73.02 CT 69 CT 62.02 2% CT 31.02 CT 113 0.7% CT 84.12 CT 84.05 CT 9813 CT 48 20 25 17 CT 62.01 23 CT 64.01 13 10 47 42 CT 71 0 164 CT 86.10 0.5% 0.6% 0.4% 1.4% 17 CT 44 0.4% 0.2% 0.7% 0.9% 8 0% 97 2.4% 2 CT 83.01 0.8% 77 CT 86.09 0.3% 1.6% 0.2% 9 1.5% 14 CT 60 CT 61 CT 115 CT 84.11 0.2% CT 9814 CT 47 0.7% CT 84.06 47 22 38 36 0 CT 56 CT 49 32 CT 9400.01 1% 63 0.9% 0.5% 0.7% 0% 295 70 0.7% 6 1.1% CT 73.03 CT 59 CT 58 4.4% 2.2% 0.1% CT 84.10 3 CT 31.01 7 CT 9802 13 190 CT 55 CT 32 8 0.9% CT 50 0.3% 6 0.4% 5.5% 121 3 0.2% CT 54 112 0.9% 5.8% 0.4% 199 2.8% CT 10 This map was produced by the Office of CT 57 12.2% 31 CT 84.07 68 CT 51 CT 83.02 1% CT 3.01 55 3.2% CT 52 197 CT 42 CT 43 8 CT 33 37 CT 85.02 CT 84.08 1.7% 402 6.4% 106 189 Planning (OP) for planning purposes. 0.1% 9 1.1% 0 12.2% 3.1% 3.4% 35 CT 84.02 0.8% CT 1.07 0% 0.7% CT 41 CT 34.03 CT 30 CT 29 35 CT 57 33 CT 40 167 13 17 CT 1.06 It should not be used for boundary inter- 0.4% 68 184 CT 34.05 1.2% 31 3.7% 3.3% 0.3% 0.7% 56 3.2% CT 34.06 97 CT 1.10 2% CT 11 CT 2 0.7% CT 35.01 304 3% CT 27.02 46 CT 28 248 CT 4.01 78 CT 1.11 pretations or other spatial analysis beyond 106 5.3% 78 1.1% CT 39 CT 27.01 16 6.4% 31 1.4% 24 CT 38 4.6% 1.5% 4 87 CT 36.03 87 0.4% 1.1% 0.5% 0.6% CT 36.01 141 1.7% 2.2% CT 37 the limitations of the data. Information 190 CT 36.045% CT 25 CT 24.02 CT 23 CT 12.02 97 4.6% 89 152 127 CT 26 271 72 1.7% CT 9.02 3.5% 3.9% 3.9% 133 4.9% 2.4% regarding compilation dates and accuracy of 3.1% 15 CT 19.04 CT 12.01 0.4% CT 1.08 CT 22.01 140 CT 4.02 26 CT 19.03 42 CT 13 1.1% CT 20.05 252 4.8% 33 0.8% CT 9800 the data presented can be obtained from OP. 47 142 CT 9.03 CT 3.02 63 6.8% CT 9.01 0.8% CT 1.12 1.7% CT 21 3.4% 54 0 CT 19.01 2.6% 18 16 46 0% 131 1.9% 5 CT 15 0.7% 0.5% 0.8% Map No.: 20110811-02-DK 0.6% CT 20.04 3.4% 130 CT 14 60 16 3.7% CT 8 CT 18.04 2.4% 1.1% 63 14 CT 7 CT 1.14 Map Date: 08/11/11 1.7% CT 5 CT 18.01 0.8% CT 16 44 19 1.5% 45 1.2% 14 77 1.2% 0.8% 2% Sources: CT 17 16 0.7% CT 6 U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. 14 READ, DBEDT, 2011. 1.1% CT 67.01 19 0.3% CT 65 CT 31.01 46 8 1% CT 31.02 CT 10 0.2% 31 CT 46 13 1% 21 0.4% 0.6% CT 64.02 CT 11 CT 4.02 41 CT 4.01 248 33 0.6% 31 CT 66 CT 32 6.4% 1.1% 0.8% 0 3 0% CT 63.02 CT 45 0.4% CT 29 83 61 17 3.1% 1.2% 0.7%

CT 9.01 CT 9.02 18 CT 28 15 0.7% 16 0.4% CT 47 0.4% CT 48 32 CT 30 164 CT 44 CT 12.02 0.7% 13 72 CT 63.01 2.4% 77 0.3% 74 1.5% 2.4% 2% CT 64.01 17 0.8% CT 33 CT 62.02 9 CT 9.03 0.8% CT 12.01 54 23 CT 27.01 1.4% CT 49 140 1.9% 87 4.8% 70 1.7% 2.2% CT 50 CT 61 112 CT 27.02 CT 5 CT 62.01 CT 34.05 45 22 CT 56 2.8% 78 97 CT 34.04 97 1.2% 0.5% 295 CT 43 1.5% 1.6% 112 3% 4.4% 189 CT 55 3.4% 2.4% CT 13 121 CT 34.07 142 5.8% 7 3.4% CT 34.03 CT 34.06 0.8% CT 26 CT 8 CT 7 CT 54 184 304 CT 60 133 63 44 199 CT 53 3.3% 5.3% 47 CT 51 CT 42 3.1% 1.7% 1.5% 0.9% 12.2% 73 CT 23 197 106 CT 35.02 CT 58 2% CT 24.02 271 CT 14 6.4% 3.1% 231 190 127 4.9% 60 6% CT 15 5.5% CT 41 3.9% 2.4% CT 35.01 130 167 CT 22.01 106 CT 25 CT 21 3.7% 3.7% CT 24.01 252 CT 52 4.6% CT 36.03 152 131 CT 9814 187 6.8% CT 57 402 141 3.9% 3.4% 0 302 6% 12.2% 5% CT 22.02 0% 14.1% CT 40 CT 36.01 CT 36.04 61 31 190 89 1.8% 2% 4.6% 3.5% CT 16 CT 59 CT 20.05 77 CT 19.03 13 63 CT 20.06 2% 47 0.4% 2.6% 90 CT 18.03 1.7% CT 20.03 3.8% 28 36 CT 19.04 CT 20.04 CT 18.04 CT 39 1.1% 1.1% CT 37 42 16 14 4 CT 6 CT 38 97 1.1% 1.1% CT 18.01 0.8% 0.6% 87 1.7% 14 CT 19.01 14 1.1% 2.2% 5 0.8% 0.6%

CT 17 16 0.7% CT 57 68 3.2%

Vietnamese Honolulu Population Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 0 - 30 (Race Alone or in Combination) CT 9802 6 31 - 75 0.9% 76 - 150 Oahu 151 - 402

This map was produced by the Office of No Population Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond [ State Vietnamese race alone 0 0.5 1 2 the limitations of the data. Information or in combination population: regarding compilation dates and accuracy of Map Area the data presented can be obtained from OP. 13,266 (1.0%) Map No.: 20120214-02-DK Miles Map Date: 02/14/12 C&C of Honolulu Vietnamese race Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. Note: For each tract, the numbers shown are 1) the census tract number, 2) the number of people alone or in combination population: READ, DBEDT, 2011. in the population group, and 3) the % of the census tract consisting of that population group. 11,985 (1.3%) Island of Hawaii Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010

CT 218 8 (Race Alone or in Combination) 0.1%

Vietnamese CT 219.02 5 0.1% Population

0 - 30

CT 217.04 31 - 75 23 0.3% 76 - 150 151 - 402 CT 201 31 CT 220 0.6% 15 0.6% CT 215.07 CT 217.02 8 19 CT 221.02 No Population 0.1% 0.2% 3 0.1%

CT 205 CT 203 CT 204 19 17 25 CT 208.02 0.3% CT 206 0.5% 0.6% 37 13 CT 207.01 0.6% 0.2% CT 202.02 CT 207.02 24 2 CT 208.01 12 0.5% 0.1% 5 0.2% 0.1% CT 209 CT 215.04 14 2 CT 215.02 0.3% 0.1% 3 CT 216.01 0.1% 27 CT 210.13 0.3% 20 0.4% CT 216.04 31 0.4% CT 210.05 34 0.3%

CT 210.03 CT 215.09 18 6 0.3% 0.1% CT 214.02 10 CT 210.10 0.2% CT 210.11 22 12 0.5% 0.2%

CT 211.01 2 0.1%

CT 211.06 7 0.1%

CT 213 7 CT 212.02 0.1% 15 0.2% [ This map was produced by the Office of 0 5 10 20 Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond the limitations of the data. Information Miles regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. State Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: Map No.: 20110810-19-DK 13,266 (1.0%) Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: Hawaii County Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. 496 (0.3%) Island of Maui Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 (Race Alone or in Combination)

CT 315.01 Vietnamese 13 0.5% Population

CT 315.02 56 1.1% 0 - 30

31 - 75

CT 315.03 76 - 150 16 CT 308 0.7% 22 CT 302.02 0.3% 5 CT 305.01 0.1% 151 - 402 CT 309.03 7 11 CT 309.02 0.3% CT 314.02 0.2% 32 22 1% 0.7% CT 309.01 No Population 15 0.6% CT 311.02 28 CT 304.04 CT 302.01 CT 310 CT 314.05 0.5% CT 319 4 0 64 25 0% CT 314.04 33 CT 311.01 0.1% 0.8% 0.4% 101 0.6% 36 CT 311.03 3.1% 0.4% 34 0.4%

CT 304.03 CT 320 1 9 CT 304.02 0% 0.9% 7 0.1%

CT 307.05 12 0.3%

CT 307.06 6 0.2%

CT 307.07 39 0.5%

CT 307.08 CT 301 0 0 0% 0% [ CT 307.09 CT 303.01 22 16 0.6% 0.2% 0 2.5 5 10 CT 307.10 0 0% CT 303.03 5 Miles 0.1% State Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: 13,266 (1.0%) Maui County Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: 650 (0.4%) This map was produced by the Office of Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond the limitations of the data. Information regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. Map No.: 20110810-21-DK Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. CT 319 0 0%

CT 318.01 1 0%

CT 317 3 0.1%

Islands of Molokai and Lanai CT 315.01 13 [ 0.5% Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 0 2.5 5 10 CT 315.02 (Race Alone or in Combination) 56 1.1% Miles Vietnamese State Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: Population 13,266 (1.0%) Maui County Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: CT 315.03 0 - 30 16 650 (0.4%) 0.7%

CT 314.02 31 - 75 22 0.7% 76 - 150 CT 314.05 33 151 - 402 0.6%

No Population

CT 316.01 5 0.2%

This map was produced by the Office of Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond the limitations of the data. Information regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. Map No.: 20110811-01-DK Map Date: 08/11/11 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. Islands of Kauai and Niihau Vietnamese Population by Census Tracts: 2010 (Race Alone or in Combination)

Vietnamese Population

0 - 30 CT 401.03 8 31 - 75 0.1% CT 401.04 0 76 - 150 0% CT 9400 11 151 - 402 0.3%

No Population CT 403 8 0.1% CT 402.04 10 CT 402.05 CT 409 0.2% 16 0 0.4% 0%

CT 408 11 0.3%

CT 404 22 0.3%

CT 405 39 0.7%

CT 407 4 0%

CT 406.04 CT 412 3 CT 406.03 0 0.1% 3 0% 0.1% [ This map was produced by the Office of 0 2.5 5 10 Planning (OP) for planning purposes. It should not be used for boundary inter- pretations or other spatial analysis beyond the limitations of the data. Information Miles regarding compilation dates and accuracy of the data presented can be obtained from OP. State Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: Map No.: 20110810-20-DK 13,266 (1.0%) Map Date: 08/10/11 Sources: Kauai County Vietnamese race alone or in combination population: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. READ, DBEDT, 2011. 135 (0.2%)