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Ablijn, Cornelis, 70–1, 73, 89 Barendsz, Dirck, 123, 128; America, 123, Acosta, José de, 148, 152, 162 128–9 Africa, 157, 211, 251–2; Anglo-Dutch Barentsz, Willem, 152, 158 conflict over, 293, 300 Barlaeus, Caspar, 254–5, 260–1, 264, 375 Africans, in America, 200, 211 n53; Rerum per octennium in Brasilia, Alba, duke of, 75, 78, 80–1, 90, 99, 165; 255–7, 316 propaganda against, 81–2, 112–3, 189, Batavia (as historical name for the Dutch), 235, 237, 240 invoked in Americana, 252–4, 257, Albrecht of Austria, 142–3, 155 374 n42, 388 n30. See also national Aldrete, Bernardo José de, Origenes de la identity lengua castellana, 324 n21 Baudartius, Willem, 231–2, 235, 240; allegories, visual, of America, 123–38, Morghen-wecker, 232, 234 376–7 n65, 377 n70 Beggars. See Amboina, Anglo-Dutch dispute over, Benedicti, Georgius, 146 295–7 Benzoni, Girolamo, 46–7, 51–2; as American alliance, Dutch pursuit of, authority on America, 95, 162; 198–210. See also Aventroot, Joan; Historia del mondo nuovo, 46–53, 64–5, Nassau Fleet; Usselincx, Willem; 69, 99, 308 Dutch West India Company Beverwijck, Johan van, 264–5, 267 Ampzing, Samuel, 218, 222–3, 226 Black Legend, xviii, 23, 91, 98 amusement park. See doolhof Blaeu, Joan, 255, 316 Anderson, Benedict, xvii Bles, Henri, 61 Anghiera, Pietro Martire d’, 17, 24, 46–7; Bodecher Banning, Johan, Epigrammata as authority on America, 94–5, 162; Americana, 253 Decades, 17–24, 27, 47–8, 69, 99 Boer War, 396 n98 Anglo-Dutch Wars, 292–4, 300 Bogardus, Everhardus, 279 Anjou, François, duke of, 102 Bontekoe, Willem, 303 Antwerp, 7–8, 11, 70, 73, Bor, Pieter, 235, 239 Arminians. See Remonstrants Bosch, Lambert van den, 316 Arminius, Jacobus, 186–7. See also Brant, Sebastian, 16 Remonstrants Brazil, 34–6, 59; artifacts from, 129; army of Flanders, 81–2, 85, 106; description in American texts of, of, 84–5, 91 34–43, 340 n111; French involvement atlases: representation of America in, in, 36–9; Renaissance pageantry and, 71–2, 126, 133, 165–7; Dutch 36–7. See also Dutch Brazil production of, 164–5, 316, 363–4 n70 Britain, reception of American in, xv. See Aurea Aetas. See Golden Age also England. Aurelius, Cornelius, 8, 15 Brouwer, Adriaen, 270 Aventroot, Joan, 201–4 Brouwer, Hendrick, 204, 206–8


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Bruijn, Abraham de, 61 Contra-Remonstrants, 186–8, 225, 235 Bry, Theodore de, 40, 44, 53, 56, 97 conversos. See New Christians buccaneer. See pirate literature Cordes, Simon de, 152 Buchell, Arend van, 226 Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 58–9, Burgkmair, Hans, the Elder, 56 61 Buytewech, Willem, 270 Cortés, Hernán, 6, 24–5, 30, 57, 121, 361 n44; Cartas de relación, 24–7, 31, 69, Calvin, John, 32–3. See also Calvinism 370 n9 Calvinism: debates in the Netherlands Council of the Indies, 19, 95, 109 over, 186–7, 263; exportation to Court, Pieter de la, 289 America of, 220–22; American Crespin, Jean, L’Histoire des martyrs 39, narratives and, 40–1; international, 93–4, 162 39, 92–3. See also Protestant Cuttler, Charles, 60 Reformation; Dutch West India Company, evangelism and Dathenus, Petrus, 75, 95 Calvinoturcism. See Ottomans, Dutch De Britaine, William, 298 overtures to. Dodoens, Rembert, 344 n12 cannibalism, in early descriptions of Doesborch, Jan van, 13–5, 56 America, 13, 34, 42, 116, 126, 135 Donck, Adriaen van der, 258, 261, 264, captivity narrative. See Puritan captivity 277–9 narrative Donne, John, 5, 389 n39 Cats, Jacob, 262, 264, 267–70 doolhof, American themes in, 237–8 chambers of rhetoric, 144 Downing, George, 298–9 Charles V, 25, 27, 30–1, 56–7, 70, 97, 100. Dryden, John, Amboyna, 296–7 See also Habsburg empire Duncanus, Martinus, 343 n6 Chatterjee, Partha, xv-xvi Dürer, Albercht, 56 Chauveton, Urbain, 53, 335 n71, 351 n72 Dutch Brazil: corrupt High Council , Dutch overtures to, 204–10 [Hooghen Raad] of, 283–5; declining Cicero, 169–70 reputation of, 281–8; colonial activity Cieza de León, Pedro, 6, 28 in, 152, 211–3, 249–52; Dutch pride in, Claesz, Cornelis, 141, 148, 160–3, 169 253–7; Indian-Dutch relations in, 286. classicism, literary and artistic style, 4, 15, See also Brazil; Recife 18–9; invoked in Dutch Americana, Dutch East India Company (VOC), 140, 253–7; See also humanism 154, 195, 204, 261, 295 Clercq, Gilles le, 76–7 Dutch Revolt, 68, 74–6; Americanization Coenen, Adriaen, 158 of, 111–22 Coligny, Gaspard de, 37, 40, 43, 92; family Dutch West India Company (WIC): relations, and the Netherlands, 335 attacks upon, 261, 275, 277, 281, n71 283–9, 395 n88; colonial activities of, collecting: of American artifacts, 156–8, 211–4, 216–7, 246–52; early arguments 316, 393 n61; of books on the New for (1607–1609), 140, 154, 174–6, 179, World, 6 188; evangelism and, 180, 193, 216, Collier, Edwaert, Vanitas Still Life, 274–5 219–21; final designs for (1621–1624), colonial discourse, in the Republic, xiv- 186, 193–7; governing structure of, xvii. See also subaltern studies 195, 247–8, 251, 283–5, 367 n99; colonization, Dutch, in America, 211–5, historiography on, 367 n102, 371 n18; 246–52. See also Brazil; New presumed “righteousness” of, 223–7; Netherland; Dutch West India pursuit of American alliance by, xv, Company 179–80, 197, 204–10; share prices of, Columbus, Christopher, 9, 11–2, 18–9, 46; 227, 288–9; Usselincx’s campaign for, anecdotes about, 336 n88; Epistola, 8, 178–83. See also Usselincx, Willem; 11–2, 69 Laet, Johannes Compaen, Claes, 303 Contarini, Gasparo, 91 Eden, Richard, 94 continents, place of America within, 125–6 Elizabeth I, 102, 149–50, 173

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Elliott, J. H., xiv Guicciardini, Francesco, 52, 63, 349 n55 England: anti-Hispanism in, 91–2; foreign Guicciardini, Lodovico, 8 policy of, 32, 102; Dutch Americana derived from, 148, 150–1, 158; Dutch Habsburg empire, 7, 153–5, 159–60, propaganda against, 300–1; conflicts 171–4, 198. See also Spain; universal with the Republic, 292–4, 300, 384 n7; monarchism polemical attacks on the Dutch by, Haemstede, Adriaan van, Geschiedenissen 293–300; featured in pirate literature, der vromer martelaren, 39, 93 303, 309–10. See also New England hair, debates over length of, 390 n45 Erasmus, Desiderius, 8, 16 Heemskerk, Johan van, Batavische arcadia, Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso de, La Araucana, 232, 236 206 Heinsius, Daniel, 226 Everard, Giles, 266–7 Herckmans, Elias, 208–10, 218, 253, 257 exoticism, xxii, 61, 133, 155–6, 316–20 Hermite, Jacques l’, 199–201 Exquemelin, Alexander, 305; De Heyn, Piet, 212, 216, 223, 227, 229; capture Americaensche zee-roovers, 303–10 of fleet by, 218, 220, 225–8, 261 Heyns, Peeter, 72; Spieghel der werelt, 72–3, Faustus. See Wagenaer, Christoffel 165–6 Felltham, Owen, 294–5, 298–9 history. See patriotic history “fire and sword,” topos in early America Hollandophobia. See England, polemical literature, 28, 48, 116, 218, 305 attacks on the Dutch by , French colonial efforts in, 43–5 Hommius, Festus, 225–6, 235 Focanus, Jacobus, 222–3 Hondius, Jodocus, 141, 151, 363 n66 Fracastoro, Girolamo, Syphilis, 24 Hondius, Petrus, Moufe-schans, 236, 239 France: anti-Hispanism in, 92; exploration Hoochstraten, Michiel van, 25 and colonization of America by, 36–7, Hooft, P. C., 98, 235, 239–40 43; foreign policy of, 32–3, 102; Hoorn, Jan ten, 304, 309 featured in pirate literature, 303, Hout, Jan van, 147 309–10. See also Florida Houtman, Cornelis de, 154 Frederik Hendrik, prince of Orange, 204 Hudson, Henry, 152, 369 n6, 396–7 n100 humanism, 8, 17, 329 n28. See also Galle, atelier of, 129, 131, 133, 343 n9 classicism Gemma, Reinerus, Frisius, 344 n12 Geuzen (“Beggars”), 90, 104, 106, 116, 225 Inquisition, presence and reputation in Gheeraerts, Marcus, the Elder, America, the Netherlands, 76–80, 100–1, 110, 131–3, 158 112 Gijsius, Joannes, 230, 232, 234–5; intertextuality, 111, 120–1 Oorsprong en voortgang, 237–9 Italy, 105–6; anti-Spanish sentiment in, gold: moral dangers of, 261–3, 265–6; New 51–2, 63, 91 World identified with, 129, 135–6, 149, 168, 245. See also Guiana golden age, topos in early American Jameson, J. Franklin, 178 literature and painting, 18–20, 47–8, Jan of Nassau, 102–3 62, 64–6, 128, 166 Jews, presence in America, 212, 279. See Gómara, Francisco López de, 6, 27, 95 also New Christians Gomarists. See Contra-Remonstrants Jode, Cornelis de, 133 Gomarus, Franciscus, 186–7. See also Johan Maurits, count of Nassau-Siegen, Contra-Remonstrants 246, 250–2, 316; literary praise of, Governor Kieft’s Wars, 279–80 252–7 Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal, 80, Jon (Junius), François du, 93 100–1, 112 Juan of Austria, Don, 84, 105, 113, 189 Grotius, Hugo, 181, 187, 388 n30 Guiana, 149–51, 212, 261, 369 n6, 383 n5. Kemys, Lawrence, 149–51 See also gold, New World identified Kieft, Willem, 246, 249, 276–80, 388 n30 with

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Laet, Johannes de, 185, 213–14, 219, 235, Montanus, Arnoldus, 316–7 248, 388 n30 Moreau, Pierre, 291 Lange, Petrus de: Batavise Romeyn, 253, Morgan, Henry, 308–10 257; Wonderen des werelds, 317 Mostaert, Jan, 1, 57, 60–1; West Indies Langenes, Barent, Caert-thresoor, 165–7 Landscape, 1–5, 54, 57–66, 125, Larsen, Eric, 59–60 128–30, 135–6, 311 Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 22, 66, 95–6, 114, Münster, Sebastian, 70, 126 333 n56; Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias, 95–9, 115–121, Nassau Fleet, 197–201 162, 168–70, 189, 239; Lascasian national identity, the Netherlands and, language, 98, 115–7, 171, 233, 285, xvii-xviii, 74–6, 313–4; pride in 395–6 n90; verse and illustrated “Batavia” and, 252–3, 388 n30 editions of, 169. See also pirate naturalism, literary style, 11. See also literature nature Laudonnière, René de, 43–4 nature, in New World, 24, 41, 129, 131, Le Challeux, Nicolas, Discours de l’histoire 311. See also naturalism de la Floride, 44–5, 69, 93 Nau, Jean-David. See L’Olonnais, François Le Maire, Isaac, 205 Neck, Jacob Cornelisz van, 154 Le Maire, Jacques, 152 New Amsterdam, 247–8, 276, 278–9. See Léry, Jean de, 38–43, 93–4; Histoire d’un also Manhattan voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, 39–43, New Christians, 211–2 52, 54, 66, 69, 148 New England, 297, 377 n70, 384 n7, 390 Ligtenberg, Catharina, 178 n45, 396 n99 Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 152–7, New Netherland, 213–5, 246–9; early 161–3; Itinerario, 153–5, 161–3 reports on, 214–5; loss to the English Lipsius, Justus, 98, 146, 321 n1 of, 293–4, 301; patroonships in, L’Olonnais, François, 308–9 247–8; literary celebration of, Loncq, Hendrik Cornelisz, 253 257–60; criticism of, 275–81; Luttervelt, R. van, 58–9, 61 “tyranny” of director-generals, of 276–80 Maandags relaes, 302 New Sweden, 257 Mander, Karel van, 1, 53–4, 60, 62–6, 141, Noort, Olivier van, 152, 159–60, 205 389 n39; Schilderboeck, 53, 64, 66 Noot, Jan van der, 146 Mandeville’s Travels, 9–10 novelties, America identified with, Manhattan, 384–5 n9. See also New 129–30, 147–8 Amsterdam Mantegna, Andrea, 338 n104 Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van, 186–8, 205 Marees, Pieter de, 157 “Oranje pot.” See doolhof Margeretha of Austria, 57–8, 60 Ortelius, Abraham, 98; Theatrum orbis Marnix, Philip, lord of St. Aldegonde, 75, terrarum, 72, 126, 129–30, 164–5, 264; 78, 84–6, 100–2, 105, 109, 112–3, 120, interest in antiquities of, 363 n68 128; Byencorf, 95 Ottomans: Dutch overtures to, 103–4; Martyr, Peter. See Anghiera, Pietro imperial range of, 101; reputation for Martire d’. cruelty, 104–5; Marvell, Andrew, 294 Ottsen, Hendrik, 152, 160–1 Maurits of Nassau, prince of Orange, Oudewater, Spanish assault on, 115 186–8, 198–9 Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández de, 24, 54, Meteren, Emanuel van, 72, 98, 230, 235, 162 239, 241–2, 369 n6; on tobacco, 266–7 Paludanus, Bernardus, 156, 161–3 Michaëlius, Jonas, 214–5, 276 pamphlets, Dutch propaganda and, 75 Miggerode, Jacques de, 97 Paracelsus, Theophratus, 24 Migoen, Jacobus Willem, 173 Patinir, Joachim, 4 Minuit, Pieter, 247, 257, 276 patriotic history, 228–43; children’s Molenaer, Jan, Vrouw Wereld, 274 version of, 231–3; confessional

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variations of, 235–6; generic Schouten, Willem, 152 variations of, 234–7 Shakespeare, William, 321 n1 Pauw, Cornelius de, 291 silver fleet, Dutch capture of. See Heyn, Pavonia (New Jersey), 248, 277; Battle of, Piet 280 Silvius, Willem, 69–70, 73, 141, 338–9 n105 pearls, associated with America, 266 Smeeks, Hendrik, 398 n114 Pedro de Gante. See Pieter van Gent Souterius, Daniel, 223 Pers, Dirck, Bacchus wonder-wercken, Spaenschen ende Arragoenschen Spiegel, 271–4 106–7 Peru, Dutch overtures to, 198–204 Spain: consumption of Americana by, Philip II, 68, 84, 97, 100, 138–9, 155; as 27–30; control of territories, within object of Dutch attacks, 85–7, 101–2, Europe by, xiv-xv, 32, 90, 105; 112, 235 depictions of the “character” of, 50–2, Philip III, 171–2, 185–6, 188, 202 85–7, 143–4; and imperial policy for Pieter van Gent, 30–1 the Netherlands, 90; reputation pirate literature, 303–10; Lascasian rehabilitated, 301–3, 310. See also elements of, 304–5 Black Legend Plakkaat van Verlatinge, 75, 88 Spanish Inquisition. See Inquisition, Plante, Franciscus, 253, 255; Mauritias, Spilbergen, Joris van, 157, 198, 205, 399 n2 253–4 Spranckhuysen, Dionysius, 226–8 Plantijn, Christoffel, 35–6, 141, 165 Springer, Balthasar, 14 Polo, Marco, 9 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 39, 44, Ponet, John, 92 63, 93, 121 Portugal, 105; presence in America of, 38, Staden, Hans, Warhaftig historia, 6, 33–6, 60, 211–2, 249–50; conflict with Dutch 54, 66, 148, 162 in Brazil, 282, 284–5, 287; attacks Steendam, Jacob, 259–60 against the Dutch by, 291 Steenwijck, Harmen, Vanitas Still Life, 270 Post, Frans, 255, 290–1, 311, 316 Stradanus, Johannes, 129–30; America, Pratt, Mary Louise, xvi 129–31 print culture, 8 Straet, Jan van der. See Stradanus, Protestant Reformation, 32–3; as theme in Johannes American texts, 34–5, 41–4, 202–3; in Stubbes, Henry, 298–300 France, 39, 92, 121; in Germany, 32, Stuyvesant, Peter, 257, 277–9, 281, 301 35, 121; in the Netherlands, xvii, 76, subaltern studies, xv-xvi, 323 n10. See also 224. See also Calvinism colonial discourse Punta de Araya, salt pans of, 152, 194, 371 sugar: exported from Brazil, 249, 251; n19 imported into the Netherlands, 264 Purchas, Samuel, 201 suicide, theme in early American Puritan captivity narrative, 35 literature, 49 syphilis, 24, 393 n57 Ralegh, Walter, Discoverie of Guiana, 149–51 Teellinck, Ewout, 222, 224–5 Recife, 250–1, 284 Tenth Penny, 81 Remonstrants, 186–7, 225–6 Thevet, André, 36–8, 40, 43–4; Les Rensselaer, Kiliaen van, 247–8, 275–6, 279, singularitez de la France antarctique, 281 36–8, 56 Requesens, Don Luís de, 83–4 Thorius, Raphael, 267 Ripa, Cesare, 133 Tienhoven, Cornelis van, 279 romance of chivalry, 9, 332 n46 tobacco: associated with America, 266–74; Ruiters, Dierick, 157 import and processing of, 266; moralizing over, 267–74 Sabin, Joseph, 304 trade, 140; American, 189; contrasting Sande, Johan van den, 225, 235, 399 n2 Indian and Dutch attitudes toward, Saravia, Adrianus, 78, 112 261–2; moral challenges of, 244–5; Schama, Simon, xvii, 229 restricted in Brazil, 282–3

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travel literature: claims of authenticity in, Visscher, Roemer, 267–7 155; dynamics of publishing, 152–3, visual representation of America, 54–7, 158–64; early illustration of, 54–6; 373 n39. See also allegories, visual, of late medieval, 9–10; popularity in America the Netherlands of, 147, 152–3, Viverius, Jacobus, 167–8 157–8. See also Claesz, Cornelis; Vives, Juan Luis, 16–17, 23, 339 n106 Linschoten, Jan Huygen van; VOC. See Dutch East India Company romance of chivalry; urban Vondel, Joost van den, xii, 225, 253, 265–6, (burgerlijk) literature 314 Tupinambas, 34–6, 40–3, 56; Dutch Vos, Maarten de, 133; America, 133–6 relations with, 286 Vries, David de, 277–80 Twelve Year Truce (1609–1621), 139, 185–8; Vries, Simon de, 316–20 debates leading up to, 170–4 Twiller, Wouter van, 249, 277, 279 Waerdenburgh, Dirck van, 218, 221, 223 Twisck, Pieter Jansz, 233, 236 Waesberghe, Jan II van, 159–60 Wagenaer, Christoffel, fictional voyager to Udemans, Godefridus, xi–xii, xvii, 244–5, America, 147–8 262–4, 267 Waldseemüller, Martin, Cosmographiae universal monarchism, 100–1; as theme in introductio, 14 Dutch propaganda, 79, 100–2, 145, Wassenaer, Nicolaes van, 212–14, 218, 225, 377 n72; Dutch overseas trade decried 399 n2 as, 299–300 Wesembeke, Jacob van, 75, 77 urban (burgerlijk) literature, 9, 15 White, John, 339 n108 Usselincx, Willem, 151, 176–83, 193–4, 196, WIC. See Dutch West India Company 212, 225; historiography on, 178; Willekens, Jacob, 211–2 moral economics of, 181–3 Willem, prince of Orange, xii, 77, 81, 90, 92–3, 103, 105; Apologie, 75, Valerius, Adriaen, 230; Nederlandtsche 85–6, 87–9, 172; depiction of the life gedenck-clank, 231, 236 of, 115 Verheiden, Willem, 94, 108–9 Witt, Johan de, 293 Verhulst, Willem, 247, 277 Vespucci, 12–3, 130; Mundus novus, 12–5, 24, 54, 69 Zárate, Agustín de, 6, 48; Historia del Villegagnon, Nicholas Durand, chevalier descubrimiento y conquista del Peru, de, 36, 38–40, 42 28–9, 56, 69–70

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