Liquefaction Basics

By Marshall Lew, Ph.D., G.E. and Martin B. Hudson, Ph.D., G.E.

Would it shock you to see a building that has sunk 5 feet into the ground? Would it shock you to see a building that has tilted by more than 20 degrees? liquefaction has resulted in spectacular damage during to buildings and other structures. Buildings and other structures have settled differentially, severely tilted, and even ripped apart because of liquefaction. As seismic design levels have greatly increased in most of the U.S. due to recent design code changes, liquefaction hazard deserves attention and consideration for all construction. What is Liquefaction? Liquefaction is a phenomenon caused by shaking or other rapid loading in which an otherwise normal soil behaves like a fl uid, losing some or all of its strength and stiffness. Liquefaction only occurs in already saturated before the earthquake strikes. One has to look at how the particles of soil interact with each other to understand liquefaction. The water in-between soil particles always exerts some amount of pressure on the particles, infl uencing how tightly the particles themselves are pressed together. The net pressure between soil particles at a particular point in the soil is referred to as the effective (equal to the total vertical pressure minus the water pressure). Prior to an earthquake, the static water pressure in the soil is relatively low. However, earthquake shaking can cause the soil to attempt to compress, which will in turn cause the water pressure to increase. In the extreme, the water pressure will become equal to or greater than the total vertical pressure, thus reducing the effective overburden pressure to zero. This means that there is no longer any between soil particles. As the strength of sandy soils is directly proportional to the effective overburden pressure, those soils will thus lose their and the soil particles can readily move with respect to each other. Liquefaction can occur most commonly in sandy and silty soils. Also, the soils that are looser have a greater propensity to compress due to shaking and are thus more susceptible to liquefaction. Soils containing clays are not Photo courtesy of Dr. Robert May generally believed to be prone to liquefy. 10 STRUCTURE magazine • June 2004 Effects of Liquefaction Evaluation of Liquefaction Jet Grouting As the water pressure increases during ground shaking as a result of an earthquake, Potential the ground water may fi nd its way to the Areas that may be prone to liquefaction ground surface through cracks and vents in hazard are those that may be subjected to the ground to relieve the excess pore pressures. moderate to very strong ground shaking, This results in soil particles being carried with have young alluvial deposits consisting of the water to the ground surface in what are and , and have shallow ground commonly referred to as “sand boils,” looking water (within 50 feet of the ground surface). Compaction Grouting like small volcanoes with the carried particles Young deposits would be of to late stacked up outside of the cracks and vents. in age. Liquefaction can also cause ground Geotechnical professionals generally use deformations. These ground deformations can subsurface exploration techniques to evaluate be expressed in the form of ground settlement the potential for liquefaction. The most as the loose soils become more compact after common technique is to use the Standard the pore pressures dissipate. Liquefaction can Penetration Test blow count (commonly also cause excessive ground oscillations, caused referred to as the “N-value”). Researchers have by shaking of unliquefi ed soils above a deeper developed liquefaction prediction techniques liquefi ed soil layer. In addition, liquefaction using the expected seismic stresses in the soil can result in lateral spreading or fl ow slides, from a given design earthquake, and the N- caused by a surfi cial layer of soils on a slope value soil resistance. If the N-value is great Soil Mixing (even a very gentle slope) moving downslope enough, liquefaction would not be expected to over a liquefi ed soil layer. occur for a given seismic stress. For sandy soils Signifi cant damage can occur to structures at sites in the most seismically active areas of the supported on soils that liquefy. As liquefi ed United States, the N-value would generally need soils lose strength, buildings supported on to be greater than 30 to not have liquefaction. spread footings can lose and Liquefaction prediction techniques have also settle or tilt. Buried structures extending been developed based on correlations with Cone below the water can literally “fl oat” out of Penetration Tests (CPTs). CPTs are becoming Stone Columns the ground due to the increased pore water more preferred by Geotechnical professionals as pressures. Waterfront structures, such as dock they provide essentially continuous soundings or quay walls, would experience greater lateral of the soil profi le, whereas N-values can only pressures and may tilt or fail. Buried utilities provide discreet resistance values at intervals of can be subjected to differential movements several feet. along their alignments, and ruptures can occur Current evaluation techniques can also where the utilities make connections with predict the magnitude of liquefaction-induced structures that may move or settle differentially settlement. Evaluation techniques are also Dynamic Compaction with the utilities. available to analyze the magnitude of lateral spreading if there are ground slopes. We have a liquefaction problem, so what? If it is determined that there is a liquefaction potential at a site, what can you do about it? Generally, it is not good engineering practice to ignore the problem; you may end up talking with your attorneys later if an earthquake occurs. It would be good engineering practice to provide for mitigation of the liquefaction potential. There are two approaches to mitigate against liquefaction: soil improvement and -based mitigation.

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STRUCTURE magazine • June 2004 11 Soil Improvement Foundation-Based Mitigation Soil mitigation options can be characterized grout pumped into the ground under pressure Foundation-based mitigation should as densifi cation, , reinforcement, to densify loose soils by displacement. be designed to protect the structure mixing, or replacement. The implementation Hardening and/or mixing techniques seek to from liquefaction-induced deformations, of these techniques may be designed to fully, or reduce the void space in the liquefi able soil recognizing that the structural solution partially, eliminate the liquefaction potential, by introducing grout materials either through will have little or no improvement on the depending on the amount of deformation that permeation, mixing mechanically, or jetting. soil properties that cause liquefaction. The the structure can tolerate. Known as permeation grouting, soil mixing, appropriate means of structural mitigation The most widely used techniques for and jet grouting, these procedures also help may depend on the magnitude and type of soil in-situ densifi cation of liquefi able soils cement the soil particles together. Permeation deformation expected. are vibro-compaction, vibro-replacement grouting involves the injection of low viscosity The most common types of structural (also known as vibro-stone columns), deep liquid grout into the pore spaces of granular mitigation against liquefaction would be dynamic compaction, and compaction soils. Jet grouting creates hardened soils to support of the structure on a mat foundation or (pressure) grouting. Vibro-compaction and replace liquefi able soils with soil-cement. piles. If a mat foundation were used, it would vibro-replacement techniques use similar Deep soil-mixing is a technique involving need to be suffi ciently stiff to accommodate equipment, but use different backfi ll material mixing of cementitious materials into the the total and differential settlements due to to achieve densifi cation of soils at depth. In in-place soils using a hollow-stem-auger and liquefaction. It may be possible to re-level the vibro-compaction, a sand backfi ll is generally paddle arrangement. structure after a liquefaction event. Deep piles used; in vibro-replacement, stone () is With regard to drainage techniques for extending into stable unliquefi ed soils could used as backfi ll material. These methods are liquefaction mitigation, only permanent be used to support the structure, however, the effective when there are few or clays. dewatering (lowering of the ground-water piles would need to be designed to neglect Deep dynamic compaction involves the table) works satisfactorily. The use of gravel the capacity in the liquefi ed soils and would use of impact energy on the ground surface or prefabricated drains, installed without also be subjected to downdrag due to to densify and compact subsurface soils. soil densifi cation, is unlikely to provide pore settlement of the liquefi ed soils. Deep piles Displacement or compaction grouting pressure relief during strong earthquakes and would also need to be able to resist lateral involves the use of low slump, mortar-type may not prevent excessive settlement. forces if lateral spreading were also a concern. Summary Liquefaction is a that deserves attention in design of new construction and evaluation of existing construction. The consequences of liquefaction can be dramatic and costly. The hazard can be evaluated by geo- technical professionals and there are mitigation technolo- gies, using soil improvement and/or structural hardening, to reduce the risks associated with liquefaction.

For additional geotechnical information please contact Hyward Baker Inc., Baltimore, Maryland 800-456-6548 •

Marshall Lew, Ph.D., G.E. is a Senior Principal and Vice President of MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Los Angeles, . Dr. Lew has extensive experience in geotechnical and for a wide variety of projects. Dr. Lew has also conducted many liquefaction hazard analyses. For Advertiser Information, visit HOT PRODUCTS at PRODUCTS visit HOT Information, Advertiser For Martin B. Hudson, Ph.D., G.E. is a Principal and Project Manager of MACTEC Engineering and Consulting. Dr. Hudson has extensive experience in all phases of and is an expert in fi nite element analyses.

Graphics © Hayward Baker Inc.

12 STRUCTURE magazine • June 2004