Captain Edward Richardson
In ;outh From an o: 1 painting Captain Edward Richardson A MEMORIAL With Genealogical Records of Some of His Ancestors and Descendants By ELIZABETH WILLS VERNON RADCLIFFE Privately Printed 1923 NEWCOMB & GAUSS Printers SALBM, MASS. CONTENTS Biographical Sketch of Capt. Edward Richardson 1 Genealogical Records . 41 Appendix . · . 69 CAPTAIN EDWARD RICHARDSON-A MEMORIAL. ,VITH GENEALOGICAL RECORDS OF SOME OF His ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BY ELIZABETH WILLS VERNON RADCLIFFE. One Sabbath morning, more than one hundred years ago, a sailing vessel dropped anchor in the harbor of a Massachusetts seaport town. A young sailor came ashore, walked along a peaceful road and into its Baptist l\ileeting House. Soon he heard a sweet voice singing. "Who is that?" he inquired of a friend. "That's Patty Smith, one of the belles of Hadley," was the reply. Edward Richardson looked up from where he was seated and discovered a beautiful girl. "I'll walk home with her after service," he whispered to his companion. "You can hardly do that," was confided, "s·omebody else claims the privilege." Nevertheless, at the church door he stood awaiting the descent from the choir; was introduced, and did walk home with her that morning, in the spring sunshine, and into her heart as well; this we may conclude, as their engagement and marriage soon followed. In her father's familv Bible is recorded: &I "July 28, 1813, My daughter ~Iartha aged 19 years and 8 months, was married to Edward Richardson, aged 24 years, of Danvers, Mass." Edward was the son of Seth, who fought in the Revo lutionary War, and ,vho was with Washington when he [I] C.1\.PTAIN ED,VARD RIC_HARDSON crossed the Delaware and at Valley Forge, and of Hannah Waters, whose ancestors go back to the earliest settlers of Salem; to John Tomkins and through Trasks, Gardners and Porters to l\iajor ,villiam Hathorne, head of ~Iilitia of Colonial Wars; and through Richard Waters, of Danvers, 'Over the seas to James, of the parish of St.
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