Eleven When Men Killed Collide Bombers in Midai
HERALD COOKING SCHOOL ENDS TOMORROW, STATE THEATER AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULAllON WEATHER for the Moath of Jaaoory, 1985 Foreeaet of U. 8. Weather Bureau, Hartford fliln ff P i t ’l l ft t i t rt 4 ■ - 6,048 211ClalUuPiSIPir 1!| F r a U I Clondy, pretMbly rain toalght aod Member of Ihe AodM Friday. SUghtty warmer toolghL Boieoa of Otacolatiaae MANCHESTER A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM V O L. L V II., N O . lOS AdvertWac rm g* l|l). BfANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1938 .(SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HURLET LOSES Drifting: Ice Takes Polar Party for a Ride BREECHES BUOY May 31, 1917 - -J*;' ^ r- - ELEVEN MEN KILLED HIS HIGHWAYS ?NORTH»^POLE JOB FREES MAN fJpNTROL HGHT IN i m TRAP / WHEN U.S. BOMBERS Soprenie Court Roles Roads, Maroon^ In Rapids, Free^ Bridges Are Province Of ing, He Is Rescued By Men COLLIDE IN MIDAI Highway Depl; No ERect Of Coast Guard From Dis- Worst Disaster Of Its On Merritt Quiz, Is Belief. tant Station; Is Critical Little Businessmens* Parley In U. S. History; ThriM SPITZBERGEN Hartford, Feb. » —(A P ) — SUte Lowell, Mesa., Feb. 3.— (A P ) — Feb. 1, 1933 Highway Commissioner John A Coast Guardsmen in a breeches Men Injored; Giant Planes ^ Macdonald is tbe victor in a legal / / buoy today brought to shore a man battle over Jurisdiction of the lay- Jan Mayen marooned since midnight on a jag- Were Engaged In W w out, construction, reconstruction and U. j ged rock In the Merrimack river improvement of Connecticut's high- basin below Pawtucket falls.
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