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08/16/21 Monday

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Videos: Seeks Help Fighting Huge Blaze Raging in Hills Above by Morgan Artvukhina

Record-setting wildfires have broken out across the planet in 2021, from California to Turkey and from Greece to Siberia, raising concerns about how a warming global climate could make fires larger and more common, but also about how humans use the land in areas prone to wildfires. A powerful new wildfire in the hills to the west of Jerusalem has the Israeli government looking for international help to fight the blaze. Just last week, Israel sent its own firefighters to help Greece tame a wave of fires. On Monday, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid appealed to his counterparts in Greece, Cyprus, , France, and other countries in the region for help against the fire that began on Sunday near , about nine miles west of Jerusalem. Although just two days old, the fire is already poised to become the country’s worst-ever, having consumed 80% as much as the 2010 Mount Carmel fire near Haifa that destroyed roughly 6,200 acres of land. Photos and videos posted on social media captured the towering flames as they consumed the land’s legendary pine trees and the billowing smoke blotted out the sun over Jerusalem. On Monday afternoon, Israeli officials began evacuating the residents of Shoeva, Tzuba and Kiryat Yearim, Ein Nakuba, , Har Etan, and the psychiatric hospital, according to Haaretz. “Tomorrow, 88 firefighting teams will continue to fight this fire,” Fire and Rescue Commissioner Dedi Simchi told reporters on Monday night. “I hope and believe we’ll finish this tomorrow.” Simchi said the fires “were a human act,” noting there had not been any lightning strikes in the country on Sunday. “We don’t know yet if it was arson or negligence. We’ll investigate.” No deaths have been reported as of yet, but one firefighter was injured. In the 2010 Mount Carmel blaze, 44 people were killed. “The climate crisis will make such events more frequent and powerful, and Israel is particularly sensitive to drought and warming,” Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg said on Monday during a visit to the front lines. “Climate disasters must be declared a strategic threat, and prepared for accordingly.” The Defense Ministry told the Times of Israel on Monday that it was looking to rent six aircraft from private aviation company Chim-Nir “to expand our aerial firefighting capability.” They will join another 10 firefighting aircraft already in service in the area. According to the Times of Israel, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was motivated to seek international help after the fire breached a defensive line on its eastern side and firefighters were forced to regroup and establish a new line at Ora and , two neighborhoods that abut the municipal borders of Jerusalem itself, which Israel claims as its capital.

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This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

From Afghan War Diary to Afghanistan Papers, US ‘Reconstruction’ Long Known to be Farce by Morgan Artvukhina

The US spent $143 billion on “nation-building” in Afghanistan, a cause US President said Monday was never Washington’s goal, despite regular boasting about the progress made toward westernizing the country’s political system and values. In the end, little has changed in 20 years, except the deaths of nearly half a million people. The quick folding of the US-backed Afghan government before a Taliban advance has caught many off-guard after Pentagon leaders claimed little chance of its overthrow. However, almost since the 2001 US invasion, a steady stream of reports showed the “reconstruction” was a rolling disaster. ‘So-Called Nation Building’ The US invasion of Afghanistan began on October 7, 2001 - less than a month after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. None of the airplane hijackers were Afghans, but the Islamic terrorist group that claimed responsibility, Al-Qaeda, was based in eastern Afghanistan, where the Taliban had allowed them to build training facilities. The administration of then-US President George W. Bush demanded the Taliban hand over Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; they agreed to do so, if the US provided firm evidence of bin Laden’s guilt. Washington rejected this and prepared for the first strikes of what would become a “global war on terrorism.” In reality, this was always the goal: Bush’s government was dominated by neoconservative figures from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) think tank, which had mused in September 2000 that the US needed “some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor” to jump start their grand crusade against what Bush’s deputy secretary of defense, Paul Wolfowitz, called “old surrogate Soviet regimes” across the Middle East, including Syria, , Iran, and Afghanistan. However, Bush and his central leadership scarcely believed overthrowing these governments would require extensive work afterward on their part: on October 12, five days after the US invasion began, Bush told reporters ”it would be a useful function for the United Nations to take over the so-called nation-building.” Bush pledged $320 million in aid for Afghanistan for the following year, but it wasn’t until 2004 that the first elections were organized. The winner was Hamid Karzai, a CIA asset appointed to head the interim government beginning in December 2001. The US invasion drove the Taliban from power, but it didn’t destroy their organization, and after a few months’ regrouping, the group launched a new insurgency in early 2002 in the country’s east and south, which proved impossible to quash and grew steadily to control half the country by the summer of 2018.

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Eight years after the 2001 invasion, as newly elected president announced a surge of 33,000 troops were being sent to Afghanistan to rapidly end the war, he denied the US was interested in “a nation-building project of up to a decade.” By 2010, the Congressional Budget Office estimated the US had authorized some $345 billion spending on the Afghan War, and US troops in-country exceeded 100,000. Karzai’s re-election in 2009 was accomplished via ballot-stuffing, demonstrating the country was no closer to democracy than before the war. Meanwhile, civilian deaths grew dramatically, with nearly 14,000 killed by the end of 2010, according to a count by the Watson Institute. Afghanistan War Diary In July 2010, WikiLeaks published a massive compendium of 91,000 Pentagon documents from the war, most of them classified as secret, which it dubbed the Afghan War Diary and which were later revealed to have been passed to them by then-US Army specialist . The logs covered the full scope of the war up until that point and revealed a grim side of the war scarcely seen in the corporate media, including the routine cover-up of civilian deaths by soldiers who classify the dead as combatants and the worsening military situation as the Taliban deployed improvised explosive devices (lEDs) with increasing and deadly effectiveness. Indeed, more recently, intelligence analyst Daniel Hale, who was sentenced last month to 3.75 years in prison for blowing the whistle on the US’ drone warfare practices, revealed that simply being a male of a certain age was enough for American servicemembers to classify them as combatants when it came to authorizing a drone strike or counting those killed in one. The files WikiLeaks published also revealed how dependent had become on private security contractors - mercenary outfits like DynCorp and the infamous Blackwater USA- to buttress its numbers, and how those same mercenaries destroyed any goodwill the US-led occupation might have accumulated through their terrorizing of civilians and routine and wanton violence. SIGAR Reveals Corruption, Waste Seven years into the war, in 2008, Congress created the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) to keep track of the massive amounts of money being spent on the Central Asian country. SIGAR’s quarterly reports, delivered in the frank style of a watchdog, became an important sounding board for the ongoing failures of the “reconstruction.” - until that sounding board was muzzled by the Trump White House. The watchdog issued two damning reports in 2014 called “Lessons Learned” aimed at unveiling what had gone wrong in the US’ approach to Afghanistan but which, ironically, had their most damning interviews censored. In 2019, when published thousands of documents in what it called the Afghanistan Papers, the paper revealed what didn’t make it into the official reports. In one interview, Robert Finn, who served as US ambassador to Afghanistan from 2002 to 2003, told SIGAR the Bush administration had refused to form long-term plans for the country, shaping its approach by domestic politics. “This is a systemic problem of our government,” he said. “We can’t think beyond the next election. When we went to Afghanistan, everybody was talking about a year or two, and I said to them that we would be lucky if we were out of here in 20 years.”

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Despite the censorship, SIGAR showed the waste and the failures of the ongoing occupation, such as in 2018 when they revealed that the Afghan government’s Anti-Corruption Justice Center, intended to foster a culture of transparency and accountability in the government, was itself run through by corruption. That same year, SIGAR reported some $15.5 billion in waste, including $4 billion intended for “stabilization programs” and $7.3 billion on fighting the massive opium trade, both of which had been totally ineffective. Spoko also exposed what he called “ghost” soldiers and police, or men the Afghan security forces had claimed existed in order to collect their paychecks. Afghanistan Papers, Trump Muzzles SIGAR After US President took office in 2017, he followed a similar path to Obama, pledging that “we’re not nation-building again” as he sent thousands of troops back into Afghanistan and dramatically stepped up the war alongside US military operations in other undeclared war zones such as Yemen and Somalia. Alongside its financial audits, SIGAR also reported on district control numbers - reports that showed a slow but steady expansion of Taliban control in the countryside, as well as other terrorist groups such as Daesh and the Haqqani Network. "They do a report on every single thing that's happening, and they release it to the public," Trump lamented in January 2019, at his first cabinet meeting of the year. "We're fighting wars, and they're doing reports and releasing it to the public? Now, the public means the enemy. The enemy reads those reports; they study every line of it. Those reports should be private reports." "I don't want it to happen anymore," Trump told then-acting US Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan at the meeting. After that, the war went increasingly dark. SIGAR’s next quarterly report, published in April 2019, informed Congress the inspector general was no longer being informed by US commanders of how much of the country the Afghan government in Kabul controlled. The last report, dating to October 2018. reported the Taliban controlled 53.8% of the country - a 2% increase since the summer report. By the eve of the US’ peace deal with the Taliban in February 2020, SIGAR chief John Sopko bluntly told Congress “we don’t know” many of the basic facts about the reconstruction effort, including how many Afghan police there were, whose salaries the US was ostensibly paying. The Afghanistan Papers revealed more than just the censoring of SIGAR: the US had systematically lied about basic elements of the reconstruction effort, including the number of children enrolled in schools and life expectancy, which constituted Washington’s claims of success amid the continued war. Others have pointed to shortages in the US narrative as well: Human Rights Watch, a nongovernmental organization that often restricts its criticisms to US adversaries, reported in 2017 that 67% of girls and 40% of boys didn’t go to school, that 41 % of schools had no buildings, and that girls were literate at half the rate boys were.

"All the signs have been there," Sopko told NPR on Sunday. “[Wje've been shining a light on it in multiple reports going back to when I started 2012 about changing metrics, about ghosts, ghost soldiers who didn't exist, about poor logistics, about the fact that the Afghans couldn't sustain what we were giving them.”

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The Steep Costs of War Twenty years of war have come at a steep cost in money and human lives. While most American news networks correctly note the incredible waste of money in the Afghan war - some $2.26 trillion according to the Costs of War Project at Brown University - less often mentioned are the US deaths from the war: some 2,442 servicemembers and 3,846 contractors. However, totally almost unreported is the catastrophe that has befallen the Afghan people. According to data collected by the Costs of War Project, some 3.2 million Afghans have been internally displaced by the two decades of war and 2.1 million have fled abroad. In addition, some 241,000 people have been killed in the war, 71,300 of whom have been identified as civilians. While estimating are more difficult when it comes to calculating the number of indirect deaths attributed to disruptions caused by the war, such as shortages of medicine, stresses caused by the conflict or being a refugee, or illnesses caused by food and water shortages or spoilage, the Brown academics calculated in 2015 that it had already reached as high as 360,000 people. Together, the picture shows over half a million Afghans are dead due to the US war fought from 2001 until 2021, the Taliban is back in power again and the country’s social, political, and economic structure remains largely what it was before.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

'Never a Good Time to Withdraw': Biden Says 20 More Years Wouldn't Convince Afghans to Fight Taliban by Morgan Artvukhina

Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of US Central Command, told Taliban representatives in Qatar on Sunday that US forces would defend the Kabul airport, where 2,500 US troops have already arrived to oversee the evacuation of US and allied forces, equipment, and civilian personnel, including Afghans who cooperated with the NATO occupation. Speaking after the US-backed Afghan government folded and fled the country over the weekend, US President Joe Biden said Monday that another 20 years of US occupation of Afghanistan would not have changed the outcome so long as Afghan forces refuse to take over the US' fight against the Taliban, which has once again seized power. Biden said he stands "squarely behind" his decision to pull US forces totally out of the country, saying “there was never a good time to withdraw." “There is no chance that one more year, five more years, or 20 more years of US military boots on the ground would’ve made any difference," he said, adding that it was “wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not.” Biden said his national security team was moving to executive plans "put in place in response to every contingency, including the rapid collapse we’re seeing now," which he said included deploying 6.000 troops to assist in the evacuation of American and allied civilians and the remainder of US assets in the country, including its embassy. However, he conceded that "this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated."

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Noting the US war in Afghanistan began 20 years ago in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda, which was based in southern Afghanistan, Biden said the primary purpose of the US presence in the country was to get those who had attacked the US, not to rebuild the country or sustain a pro-US government. “Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been nation-building," he said. "It was never supposed to be creating a unified, centralized democracy. Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan remains today what it has always been: preventing a terrorist attack on [the] American homeland.” Instead, Biden urged that the US's primary concerns lay outside Afghanistan, including fighting terrorist groups that had "metastasized" beyond the Afghan borders, naming specifically al-Shabaab in Somalia, al-Nusra in Syria, and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen - groups the US has long waged undeclared wars against under the legal guise of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) that underpins the entire US War on Terror. “Our true strategic competitors, and , would love nothing more than [for] the to continue to funnel billions of dollars and resources and attention into stabilizing Afghanistan indefinitely," Biden added.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

The World Reacts: Global Leaders Weigh In on Swift Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan by Gabv Arancibia

Despite past assurances made by the Biden administration that the Taliban would not take full control of Afghanistan, the militant group did just that over the weekend as reports detailed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country. Amid the worsening chaotic scenes, the US has maintained that it will indeed continue with its troop pullout. From fears of what the Taliban’s swift takeover of Afghanistan may mean domestically and internationally, many global leaders have begun to weigh in on the chaotic scenes by offering their analysis on potential implications. The US, which initially announced under the Trump administration that it would be fully removing all Americans troops from the war-torn country, has so far made no indication that withdrawal procedures will be halted.

In fact, US President Joe Biden announced Sunday that an additional 1,000 soldierswould be joining the 4,000 troops that had been dispatched to the Afghan capital of Kabul to assist in the safe and secure exit of American embassy staffers. Biden addressed the nation on Monday and acknowledged that while there was “never a good time to withdraw,” it was “wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not.” The Taliban managed to successfully gain control of Afghanistan with little to no clasheswith Afghan forces that the US had spent years training to prevent such an offensive. The takeover

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effectively came just over two weeks shy of the August 31 deadline that Biden had marked out to officially end the 20-year American footprint. However, as the not-so-smooth withdrawal efforts are showing thousands of Afghans flooding the Hamid Karzai International Airport, many, including world leaders, are growing increasingly concerned about what the future of the Taliban takeover may mean for the region and more broadly, internationally. United Kingdom Largely echoing statements previously raised by UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged the US’ withdrawal “accelerated things” in Afghanistan, but also noted that nations needed to work together in order to prevent the country from becoming a “breeding ground for terrorism.” “Our priority is to make sure we deliver on our obligations to UK nationals, to all those who have helped the British effort in Afghanistan over 20 years, and to get them out as fast as we can,” Johnson stated on Sunday after reports surfaced of the militant group’s control over Kabul. He added that nobody should be “bilaterally recognizing the Taliban” as the new administration. Come Monday, Johnson announced that he would be stepping up evacuation efforts and holding a virtual meeting of G7 leaders in order to better address the deteriorating circumstances in Afghanistan. London had initially committed to sending 600 troops to help in evacuation efforts in Kabul, but numbers have since been increased to 900. Johnson’s office has stated that the British prime minister is working alongside French President Emmanual Macron in order to address the unraveling situation. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has also revealed that allies are considering the possibility of imposing sanctions and withholding aid to the country if the Taliban fails to uphold human rights or allows the nation to become a base for terror groups. Australia Over yonder in Australia, officials deployed some 250 troops to help in evacuating nationals who were living in Afghanistan. A release issued by the Australian Defense Force relayed that two C-17A Globemasters and a KC-30Ahad been ordered to the region amid ongoing assessments. At the time, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told the ABC’s News Breakfast that the nation’s mission in Afghanistan had not been in “vain,” adding that history proves it’s “always” been a “very challenging situation in Afghanistan.”

“You look at the history, that is the story of Afghanistan. It is a, it is a tragic place, it is a tragic country that has borne such terrible hardships and catastrophes over a very long period of time,” Morrison further added. “And, sadly, that story continues.” Canada Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has called for an early election in September, addressed the developments over the weekend and stated that he felt “heartbroken” over the scenes unfolding. He further revealed that Canadian diplomatic personnel were recalled. “Canada formally condemns the escalating violence and we are heartbroken at the situation the Afghan people find themselves in today. This is especially so given the sacrifices of the

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Canadians who believed and continue to believe in the future of Afghanistan,” Trudeau said in his Sunday address. “We are committed to Afghanistan and the Afghan people.” Trudeau also indicated that Canada would be allowing the resettlement of up to 20,000 Afghan nationals through its special visa program, underscoring that the initiative remains a “top priority.” Germany Weighing in on the latest, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters Monday that the “breathtaking speed” with which the Taliban gained control of Afghanistan proved “an extremely bitter development.” “Bitter, dramatic and terrifying,” Merkel stressed before pointing out that the mission in Afghanistan had not been as successful as officials had initially hoped. "It is a terrible development for the millions of Afghans who want a more liberal society." The chancellor further stated that an analysis of the missteps in Afghanistan needed to be noted in order to prevent similar issues from emerging in any future military engagements. She also went on to vow support of neighboring countries, such as Pakistan, when it comes to providing assistance for refugees fleeing the war-torn nation. It was previously reported that Merkel laid partial blame for the Taliban takeover on the US withdrawal, noting at the time that the move was undertaken for “domestic political reasons.” Merkel’s Monday remarks came as German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas admitted that all parties had “misjudged the situation,” and that “neither we nor our partners and experts did foresee the speed with which the Afghan security forces withdrew and capitulated.” The official also indicated that of the 2,500 embassy staff who had been ordered to evacuate, 1,900 individuals had been dispatched back to Germany. Another 2,000 people composed of human rights activists and their families are expected to be placed on Germany’s evacuation list. Iran On the more positive side of the spectrum, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has statedthat "America's military defeat and its withdrawal must become an opportunity to restore life, security and durable peace in Afghanistan.” "Iran backs efforts to restore stability in Afghanistan and, as a neighbouring and brother nation, Iran invites all groups in Afghanistan to reach a national agreement,” Raisi continued.

Outgoing Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif addressed the developing situation and remarked via Twitter on Sunday that Iran wholeheartedly welcomed the decision by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai to establish a coalition. “We hope that it can lead to dialogue & a peaceful transition in Afghanistan. Iran stands ready to continue its peacemaking efforts,” he wrote. Iran, which shares a 600-mile border with Afghanistan, is home to hundreds of thousands of registered Afghan refugees and many others who are undocumented. United Nations Echoing calls made by European leaders, the United Nations urged caution and called on the Taliban during a Monday meeting to “exercise utmost restraint” and “ensure” that human rights are upheld in the country.

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“I call upon the Taliban and all parties to respect and protect international humanitarian law and the rights and freedoms of all persons,” Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said during the gathering. “I am particularly concerned by accounts of mounting human rights violations against the women and girls of Afghanistan who fear a return to the darkest days. It is essential that the hard-won rights of Afghan women and girls are protected.” “The international community must unite to make sure that Afghanistan is never again used as a platform or safe haven for terrorist organizations,” he added before name-checking the Security Council and stressing the usage of tools to “suppress the global terrorist threat in Afghanistan.” “The following days will be pivotal. The world is watching. We cannot and must not abandon the people of Afghanistan.”

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Possible Spike in Terror Threats May Emerge Amid Afghan Crisis, Top US General Warns by Gaby Arancibia

US President Joe Biden previously stressed that the Taliban would not overrun the entirety of Afghanistan on account of Afghan security forces being capable enough to defend their own. However, that sentiment ultimately went into the trash, as the militant group managed to topple the status quo and gain control of the nation with little resistance. The swift takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban militant groups may soon enough prompt a sharp increase in potential terror threats in the region, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently warned. The eyebrow-raising revelation was made by Milley during a Sunday phone briefing on the Afghanistan developments with officials from both the White House and a bipartisan group of US lawmakers. Sources familiar with the briefing told Axios that the call specifically included Milley, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), among other officials. However, it was Graham who raised the question on whether a June threat assessment would need to be revised in light of the latest developments. That past review determined the risk of terrorist groups reconstituting in Afghanistan stood at a “medium” threat level, with Austin explaining during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing that “it would take possibly two years for them to develop that capability.” “If certain other things happen, if there was a collapse of the government or dissolution of the Afghan security forces, that risk would obviously increase, but right now I’d say medium and about two years or so,” Milley, who was also present during the hearing, remarked weeks before the Taliban gained control of the nation. With Milley indicating on Sunday that officials would indeed need to revisit the June review, the general went on to note that he would be more than happy to expand on a new assessment in a classified setting. The trio of Biden administration officials were also badgered with questions about the removal of more than 20,000 Afghans who sought to leave the country amid the American troop

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withdrawal. One source who was on the Sunday call predicted to Axios that the US is “gonna leave tens of thousands of people behind.” Incidentally, Pentagon spokesperson Adm. John Kirby informed reporters during Monday's briefing that the US fully intends to complete the evacuation of embassy personnel, US citizens and Afghan facilitators by the August 31 deadline imposed by US President Joe Biden. Evacuations of Afghan visa holders are expected to increase once US officials are able to secure Hamid Karzai International Airport, which was overrun with citizens trying to board US military planes. Garry Reid, who serves as the director for defense intelligence and is tasked with evacuating visa-carrying Afghans, revealed that the Pentagon is aiming to fly between 20 and 30 daily airlifts that will transport approximately 5,000 people. The unraveling situation in Afghanistan comes shortly after Biden and company repeatedly stressed that US-trained Afghan forces would be able to hold off an offensive from the Taliban.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

No Chocolate for You: Israel Seizes Gaza-Bound Goodies It Believes Was Meant to Fund Hamas by Gabv Arancibia

The chocolate funding scheme is said to have been pinpointed by Israeli investigators who had flagged so-called “suspicious” imports of food that had a final destination of Gaza. Officials have speculated that the food operations are part of a larger, broad funding network. Israeli security officials have placed chocolate on the no-go list for Gazans with a sweet tooth after investigators determined that chocolate bars bound for the Gaza Strip had been part of a networking scheme to fund the Hamas group. The offending chocolate bars were confiscated on Monday after being flagged by Tax Authority officials when the packages were coming into Israel from Egypt at the Nitzana border crossing. In total, approximately 23 tons of the “Cocoa Lovers” chocolate bars were seized. Citing the Israeli Ministry of Defense, the Times of Israel reported that investigators had been working off of intelligence that was issued by investigators and the ministry’s National Bureau for Counterterror Financing. The 23 tons of crispy chocolate bars are said to have been imported by the al-Mutahidun Currency Exchange and the Arab al-Sin, two Gaza-affiliated companies that function under the Shamlakh family and are deemed terror organizations by the Israeli state. The Israel Defense Forces had previously accused the Shamlakhs of having funneled millions of dollars to back the Hamas group. “Israel will continue acting to prevent the empowerment of Hamas, who is building up military force instead of taking care of the people of the [Gaza] Strip who are collapsing from the economic burden,” Gantz said in a statement obtained by the Jerusalem Post. “We will continue to hunt down networks that fund terror, no matter what method they choose.”

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Israeli investigators are working under the belief that Hamas officials are branching out into the imports sector in order to clamp down on alternative means in which to gain new funding for operations.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Facebook Expands Subsea Cable Network in Africa, Joins Google in Backing Cable Project in Pacific by Evan Craighead

Facebook announced in March that it would be investing in two undersea cables - Echo and Bitfrost - to connect North America to Singapore and Indonesia, and bring more reliable internet to the Asia-Pacific region. Google also disclosed an investment in Echo, touting that the project could boost economic activity in the Southeast Asian countries. Over the weekend, both Facebook and Google announced financial backing of the Apricot subsea cable system, a 12,000-kilometer (~7456-mile) subsea cable expected to bring expanded internet access to the Pacific region's burgeoning market for 4G, 5G and broadband connectivity. The subsea cable system, which remains subject to regulatory approvals, is presently projected to launch in 2024 and will connect Japan, Guam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, and Indonesia. Apricot and Echo, the other cable system backed by Google and Facebook, are both complementary submarine systems that will ensure a "significantly higher degree of resilience for Google Cloud and digital services," the Alphabet subsidiary noted. It has also been announced that the consortium of 2Africa, an undersea cable funded in part by Facebook, would be expanding to include four new branches, including the Seychelles, the Comoros Islands, , and another landing point in southeast Nigeria. Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) has been tapped to deploy the new landings of the 2Africa project, which began in 2020 and connects Africa, Europe and parts of the Middle East. "Most of the subsea route survey activity is now complete. ASN has started manufacturing the cable and building repeater units in its factories in Calais and Greenwich to deploy the first segments in 2022," read a joint statement on the expansion. The 2Africa consortium includes Facebook, China Mobile International, France's Orange SA, MTN Global Connect, Telecom Egypt, Vodafone and WIOCC. "The significant investment by Facebook in 2Africa builds on several other investments we have made in the continent, including infrastructure investments in South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria and [the Democratic Republic of the Congo]," a Facebook spokesperson said, as reported by TechCrunch. "The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of connectivity as billions of people around the world rely on the internet to work, attend school and stay connected to the people they care about." Tech giants Facebook and Google have continued to cement their standings as key players in the telecommunications market once dominated by AT&T and BT Group (fm. British Telecom).

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The recent subsea cable boom has been likened to the extreme demand for internet during the 1990s. "We’ve seen this happening over at least the last 10 years," said TeleGeography analyst Tim Stronge. "First, we saw them buying lots of capacity on cables, then buying fiber pairs for their own use, and then as participants in building the cables themselves."

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Rick Scott Floats Invoking 25th Amendment, Demands Bicameral Probe on Biden's Afghan Pullout by Evan Craighead

US President Joe Biden declared earlier on Monday that he stands "squarely behind" his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, asserting that the alternative would have been to initiate a "third decade" of war. The Pentagon argued the current Kabul situation "would have been difficult for anybody to predict," despite the Taliban's publicized gains. As top Republicans such as former US President Donald Trump blast Biden for the collapse of the Afghan government, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) took his critique of the US president a bit further and suggested it may be time for Biden to be removed from his position. "After the disastrous events in Afghanistan, we must confront a serious question: Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?" he tweeted, quoting an August 12 post in which he ripped Biden for Taliban gains, record-high US-Mexico border encounters and spending. The 25th Amendment of the US Constitution details that the vice president and a majority of the cabinet must agree that the US president is unfit to conduct their duties. The matter is then sent to Congress, where it must be approved with a two-thirds vote in both legislative chambers. This has yet to be a mechanism used to remove a US president from office, despite its repeated mention during then-US President Donald Trump's time in the White House. Scott, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, issued a call to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), demanding a bipartisan, bicameral investigation on the dialogue and series of events associated with Biden's "careless" pullout of US troops from Afghanistan. The US senator from Florida argued that Schumer and Pelosi "must put partisan politics aside and demand accountability from the Biden administration." "This failure is unacceptable, especially following 20 years of war that has taken the lives of more than 2,300 American service members and wounded more than 20,000," he concluded. "The American people deserve answers." Interestingly enough, shortly after questioning Biden's level of competence, Scott and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) penned a joint letter requesting the US president make an emergency declaration for Florida over Tropical Storm Fred. The tropical storm made landfall on Monday.

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Biden pushed back against his critics in a Monday speech delivered from the White House, asserting that "American troops cannot — and should not — be fighting in a war, and dying in a war, that the Afghans are not willing to fight for themselves." He also dismissed claims that US forces "gave up and fled the country."

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

'Incompetent': Trump Trashes Timeline of Biden's Afghan Pullout by Evan Craighead

On Monday, US President Joe Biden acknowledged that the Taliban's storming of Kabul and the fall of the Afghan government "did unfold more quickly than we anticipated," but also declared that he does not regret the decision to withdraw US troops from the country. Former US President Donald Trump has rejoined the chorus of political heavyweights blasting the timeline of the Biden administration's pullout from Afghanistan. "It's not that we left Afghanistan," he said in a brief statement. "It's the grossly incompetent way we left!" The 45th president of the US did not expound on his disagreements with his successor's withdrawal timeline. As US lawmakers play the blame game regarding the current situation in Kabul, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), an outspoken critic of 45, took to Twitter to declare that neither Trump nor Biden made the right calls. "I blame both Trump for this moment coming, and Biden for this botched ending," tweeted Kinzinger. a lieutenant of the US Air Force who conducted aerial missions in Afghanistan. "I’m not picking sides, because both sides have failed you. It’s the truth about Afghanistan." 8/17/2021 2:00:00 AM -04:00 RPT - Russian 18th Century Replica Boat Re-Starts Trip Around World Despite Challenges - Captain WASHINGTON, August 17 (Sputnik) - The crew of Russian and US voyagers onboard the Pilgrim, a replica of the 18th century wooden boat Pomor, restarted its trip around the world after spending the winter at the Great Lakes and despite existing challenges has reached , the boat’s captain Sergey Sinelnik told Sputnik. "We finished last year’s part of the trip by reaching the port of Duluth, the western-most point of the Great Lakes, and had to decide on how to continue the voyage," Sinelnik said. "Our initial plan to cross the Panama Canal and sale via Australia was impossible due to the COVID-19 restrictions, as many countries were closed to foreigners. Now, there is only one way to return home to Russia - by travelling North via Alaska and Chukotka." The Pilgrim, a 40-foot sailboat, has a crew of four. Sinelnik and his assistant Alexis Volchok are permanently on board, while others are joining on rotating basis. The Pilgrim started the voyage four years ago from the city of Petrazavodsk in Russia’s Karelia region. On the way to the United States, the vessel visited multiple countries in Europe, the Canary and Caribbean islands as well as Cape Verde.

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The crew, however, had to move the boat from Duluth to port of Everett along Port Gardner Bay by trailer. Sinelnik expressed gratitude to all Russian compatriots and to Americans who helped fundraising to transport the ship by land. After putting the ship afloat in Everett, the crew sailed to Seattle, Washington, where it remained a couple of weeks at the invitation of the local Center for Wooden Boats. The crew had to get the Canadian government’s permission to enter the country’s territorial waters before reaching Alaska, but obtained a transit passage only because of the coronavirus pandemic. "\Ne had no right to come ashore, but could lay an anchor," Sinelnik said. "More than ten days we spent onboard amid strong winds, streams and rains, but when we reached the north of Vancouver Island, we caught a fair wind and headed for Alaska." Due to the bad weather, the sailors said they had to drain water with automatic pumps. Sinelnik explained that such situations are normal for wooden boats even though it may shock yachtsmen who utilize plastic or other vessels. "They try to find a harbor in such cases because it is emergency for them, but we sail normally with such high water," he said. The crew experienced significant winds near Alaska that introduced uncertainty in their plans to continue the voyage, he pointed out. "V\fe have to arm ourselves with patience and continue our way North," Sinelnik said. Sinelnik explained that that time is running out in terms of the favorable weather conditions given that the boat has to cover more than 2000 miles to reach Chukotka. Recruiting the team may present another challenge but there is readiness to negotiate with all who are ready to sail, he said. While in Alaska, the Pilgrim team said they want to visit the city of Sitka - formerly Novo-Archangelsk - the capital of Russian America in the 19th century. "We would like to visit Sitka and its museum, which has a large collection of Russian artifacts. However, if we are going to Chukotka, we need to save time, head to Kodiak Island and wait for fair winds and sail along the Aleutian Islands," Sinelnik said.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

RPT - Taliban Victory Shows World Power Centers Moving East - Ex-Pentagon Aide

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The rapid takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban is another strong sign that the centers of world power are moving eastwards across Asia, former Department of Defense veteran analyst Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired US Air Force lieutenant colonel, told Sputnik. The Taliban completed their take over of Kabul on Sunday, the speed of which caught Washington by surprise as images have gone viral of a chaotic American evacuation invoking memories of Saigon.

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"I do see this transition of power as one more sign that the power centers of the planet are eastward and Asian, not westward and Eurocentric," Kwiatkowski said. "The lack of emphasis on having the new Afghan public spokesmen speaking in English or even addressing the US and English speaking world indicates this shift." The former Pentagon aide said the Afghans are likely to adapt faster than expected. "By Afghan standards, and the standards of 20 years of US occupations, black sites, torture and constant and repeated destruction of Afghanistan people, territory, industry and environment, I think the Taliban rule will for many in the country be something they adapt to quickly and see as ‘better,’ at least initially," she said. Younger generations who had grown up in a city at war, protected by US money and soldiers, and those who had suffered the poverty of war in the provinces would have different perspectives, Kwiatkowski explained. The previous Afghan government was looting its American sponsors as well as the Afghan people and territory for nearly 20 years, Kwiatkowski explained. The Taliban movement now taking power in Kabul was vastly different from the regime that the United States and local militias easily routed in 2001, Kwiatkowski pointed out. "The Taliban - thanks to over 30 years of war with the Russians, the Russian-backed secular government, and the last 20 with the US and its puppet government in Kabul - has been transformed from a decentralized and traditional culture-centered entity into something more akin to a western hierarchical military state," she said. The Taliban today was more able than it ever was before to govern the entire country, she advised. Russia and China had long prepared for the Taliban takeover and both major powers were ready to seek constructive relations with the new regime in Kabul, she said. The former Pentagon official said she remains somewhat concerned about retaliatory bomb and missile strikes at the demand of US Senators, congressmen "and a shaky and geriatric administration that seems increasingly hysterical and disconnected from reality."

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

RPT - US, Taliban Can Normalize Ties, Finish 'U-Turn' by Next Year - Ex-UK Envoy

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - There is nothing of substance that will prevent the United States from normalizing relations with a new government in Kabul after the Taliban takeover, although it may take a few months to negotiate the awkward U-turn, former UK diplomat Peter Ford told Sputnik. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul, which raised concerns and questions of how they might rule. At a presser on Monday, President Joe Biden said Afghan government forces collapsed faster than the United States expected but vowed the US would continue to fight for human rights. "Nothing substantial stands in the way of us seeing by mid-2022 the United States and the Taliban not only normalizing relations but on the road to becoming besties [best friends]," Ford

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said. "It’s easy to overlook what should really be obvious: that other than 9/11 and its aftermath, all safely in the past, the United States and the Taliban have little reason to be enemies today and plenty of reasons to cozy up." However, Ford said the US will need several months to negotiate this "awkward U -turn," given teaming up with a terror-supporting erstwhile enemy "is not a good look." However, he added, the Taliban have had plenty of time to rue their mistakes and will not want to risk a repeat of the movie. Moreover, the Taliban’s Sunni Islamist fundamentalist ideology is not dissimilar to that of US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Ford pointed out. In fact, he added, from a US perspective there is nothing not to like given the Taliban hate Shia Iran and Russia as well. "Did the CIA not actively support the Taliban when the group was fighting Russia?" Ford asked rhetorically. "It would be nothing new for the US to pact with this devil." Top of the mutual agenda, of course, will be an alliance against Tehran, Ford said. Even if the nuclear deal with Iran is renewed, the United States has made clear "it has many more bones to pick with Iran," he said. "And of course 'adversary’ Russia has to be thwarted on its southern approaches just as it must be undermined on its Western borders, dictating close cooperation with the rulers in Kabul. Then looming ever larger is the specter of China breaking out of its ‘containment’ on its own Western borders, again dictating US cooperation with Kabul," Ford said. Ford also said the US and Taliban share the Islamic State (terror group banned in Russia) as a common enemy. The insurgents also have never taken much interest in supporting Palestine and never lifted a finger against Israel, Ford said. "In time they could probably be bought - for a price - to follow the examples of the Gulf feudal monarchies of pacting with Israel," he said. In any case, Afghanistan was doomed ever to be a pawn in the Great Game of the superpowers in Central Asia, pioneered by the United Kingdom and Russia back in the days of Queen Victoria and the Indian Raj, Ford concluded.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Biden Administration Appeals Court Decision to Block Pause on Oil, Gas Leasing

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US administration appealed the federal court decision to block a pause for oil and gas leasing in public land, a court filing revealed. "All Defendants give notice that they appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the Memorandum Ruling and Order on Plaintiff States’ Motion for a Preliminary Injunction," the notice read onMonday. US Judge Terry Doughty of the District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ruled in June that Louisiana and several other states, who sued the Biden administration, would face significant problems because of the government’s decision to pause oil and gas leases in public land.

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"The appeal of the preliminary injunction is important and necessary. Together, federal onshore and offshore oil and gas leasing programs are responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions and growing climate and community impacts," the Department of Interior (DOI) said in a statement after filing an appeal. Several US major energy trade groups, including the American Petroleum Institute, sued the administration in a separate case for imposing ‘indefinite pause' on hydrocarbons leasing on federal lands. In January 2021, the Biden administration issued an order that mandated a pause on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands, onshore and offshore. The government directed the DOI to conduct a comprehensive review, but did not establish a specific timeframe when this work should be done.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Canada’s Top Diplomat Does Not Rule Out Recognizing Taliban-led Government in Afghanistan

TORONTO, August 16 (Sputnik) - Ottawa is taking its time assessing the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Canada’s Foreign Minister Marc Garneau said, albeit, not explicitly ruling out recognition of a government led by the terror group (banned in Russia). "It’s early days. Right now, we want to see what happens," Garneau said on Monday, when asked during an interview with state broadcaster CBC whether Ottawa would recognize a Taliban-led government, noting it is "too early" to answer such questions. "We have to see how [the Taliban] behave," Garneau added when pressed to clarify his position, saying that the terror group’s behavior was unacceptable during its first rule of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. Garneau’s statement echoes the position taken by the US State Department. Washington is "taking stock" of the Taliban's shock takeover of Afghanistan in a matter of 72 hours, State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters earlier in the day, when asked about the possibility of the United States recognizing a Taliban government. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country to prevent what he described as bloodshed that would occur if militants had to fight for the city. Most countries have reduced or evacuated their diplomatic missions in the Central Asian country following the events.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Blinken Discusses Afghanistan With Pakistani, Indian Counterparts - State Dept.

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WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US Secretary of State recently discussed the developing situation in Afghanistan with his counterparts from Pakistan and India in separate phone calls, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said in a press release. "Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi," Price said on Monday. "Secretary Blinken and Foreign Minister Qureshi discussed Afghanistan and the developing situation there." In a separate statement, Price said Blinken also discussed the same matter with Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar. Earlier on Monday, the State Department said Blinken also had consultations with his counterparts from Russia and China about Afghanistan. On Sunday, the Taliban (banned in Russia) completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country, saying he wanted to prevent bloodshed. Many countries present in Afghanistan chose to evacuate their citizens and diplomatic personnel due to the precarious security situation. At least seven Afghans have died since Sunday due to the frenzy at the airport, which includes two armed Afghan men who were shot and killed by US Marines.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

US Has Seen New IAEA Report, Urges Tehran to Halt Nuclear Escalations - State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States has seen a new report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warning about Iran’s progress enriching uranium and calls on Tehran to seize its continued nuclear escalations that were prohibited under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), State Department spokesperson Ned Price said in a press release. Earlier in the day, the UN watchdog released a report warning that Iran made progress in its work to enrich uranium metal that could be used to make a nuclear bomb. "We have seen the IAEA report, which remains restricted until released by the IAEA Board of Governors," Price said on Monday. "Iran should cease its nuclear escalations and return to negotiations toward full implementation of the JCPOA in good faith." Price added that although the US administration is not currently imposing a deadline on the talks to revive the JCPOA, this window will not remain open indefinitely. On Wednesday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz predicted that Iran will be able to produce military-grade nuclear materials as soon as 10 weeks from now. In 2018, the US abandoned its conciliatory stance, withdrawing from the JCPOA and implementing hardline policies against Iran, prompting the latter to largely abandon its own obligations under the accord.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

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Taliban Victory Shows World Power Centers Moving East - Ex-Pentagon Aide

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The rapid takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban is another strong sign that the centers of world power are moving eastwards across Asia, former Department of Defense veteran analyst Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired US Air Force lieutenant colonel, told Sputnik. The Taliban completed their take over of Kabul on Sunday, the speed of which caught Washington by surprise as images have gone viral of a chaotic American evacuation invoking memories of Saigon. "I do see this transition of power as one more sign that the power centers of the planet are eastward and Asian, not westward and Eurocentric," Kwiatkowski said. "The lack of emphasis on having the new Afghan public spokesmen speaking in English or even addressing the US and English speaking world indicates this shift." The former Pentagon aide said the Afghans are likely to adapt faster than expected. "By Afghan standards, and the standards of 20 years of US occupations, black sites, torture and constant and repeated destruction of Afghanistan people, territory, industry and environment, I think the Taliban rule will for many in the country be something they adapt to quickly and see as ‘better,’ at least initially," she said. Younger generations who had grown up in a city at war, protected by US money and soldiers, and those who had suffered the poverty of war in the provinces would have different perspectives, Kwiatkowski explained. The previous Afghan government was looting its American sponsors as well as the Afghan people and territory for nearly 20 years, Kwiatkowski explained. The Taliban movement now taking power in Kabul was vastly different from the regime that the United States and local militias easily routed in 2001, Kwiatkowski pointed out. "The Taliban - thanks to over 30 years of war with the Russians, the Russian-backed secular government, and the last 20 with the US and its puppet government in Kabul - has been transformed from a decentralized and traditional culture-centered entity into something more akin to a western hierarchical military state," she said. The Taliban today was more able than it ever was before to govern the entire country, she advised. Russia and China had long prepared for the Taliban takeover and both major powers were ready to seek constructive relations with the new regime in Kabul, she said. The former Pentagon official said she remains somewhat concerned about retaliatory bomb and missile strikes at the demand of US Senators, congressmen "and a shaky and geriatric administration that seems increasingly hysterical and disconnected from reality."

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Ghani Foreshadowed His Administration’s Fate in 1989 Article on Soviet Afghan Exit

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WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - An article written by exiled Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for the Los Angeles Times in 1989 resurfaced following the loss of Kabul to advancing Taliban (banned in Russia) forces over the weekend. "The Soviets have left Afghanistan, making the collapse of the besieged puppet regime in Kabul just a matter of time," Ghani wrote in the article over three decades ago, ironically foreshadowing that which happened to his own administration in recent days following the US withdrawal. Ghani’s article also echoed anti-US sentiment among the Afghan people that seemingly lasted up to this day. He said that the Afghan people have "no desire that the United States micromanage their politics," and that they wish the US would stop "writing the script for the future" of Afghanistan. Ghani fled the country on Sunday after the Taliban seized Kabul, although State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said that there has yet to be a formal transfer of power. A source close to Afghan authorities told Sputnik on Monday that the exiled president is currently in Oman.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

US State Department Says Images From Kabul Airport 'Painful' to Watch

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said the images of thousands of desperate Afghans trying to leave Afghanistan are painful to watch. "The images that we have all seen, emanating from the international airport in Kabul, they are searing, they are painful, they are difficult to see, they are difficult to watch," Price said during a press briefing on Monday. Images circulating on social media on Monday showed masses of fleeing Afghans on the airfield at the Kabul international airport following the Taliban (banned in Russia) takeover. Some images show Afghans holding on to the tires and wings of large US aircraft and falling to their death after takeoff. At least seven Afghans have died since Sunday due to the frenzy at the airport; two armed Afghan men were shot and killed by US Marines. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country to prevent a bloodshed. Many countries present in Afghanistan chose to evacuate their citizens and diplomatic personnel due to the precarious security situation.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

US Examining ‘Lack of Action’ by Afghan Military, Political Leaders - Pentagon

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WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States is examining inaction on the part of top Afghan leadership as one of the factors behind the government and military’s swift collapse, which handed control of the country back to the Taliban (banned in Russia), Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor, said. "The lack, possibly, of action by some of the Afghan leaders is one of the areas we are continuing to look at," Taylor said during a press briefing on Monday, when asked to explain the swift capitulation before the Taliban’s advance. "Military and some of the political," Taylor noted, when asked to clarify which branch of leadership the logistics specialists on the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff was referring to.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

US to Complete Evacuation of Citizens, Afghan Facilitators by August 31 - Pentagon

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States will complete its evacuation of diplomatic personnel, American citizens and Afghan facilitators from Afghanistan by August 31, Defense Department Spokesperson John Kirby said at a press briefing. "The mission is to evacuate our embassy personnel, American citizens as well as Afghans who we can help," Kirby told reporters on Monday. "The timeframe that we're on... is to complete that mission by August 31." Director for Defense Intelligence Garry Reid, who is tasked with evacuating Afghan special immigrant visa holders, said evacuation efforts will ramp up once US forces secure the situation in Kabul. The Department of Defense is aiming to fly 20-30 evacuation airlifts a day, which would airlift approximately 5,000 people out of Afghanistan daily.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

RPT - US, Taliban Can Normalize Ties, Finish 'U-Turn' by Next Year - Ex-UK Envoy

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - There is nothing of substance that will prevent the United States from normalizing relations with a new government in Kabul after the Taliban takeover, although it may take a few months to negotiate the awkward U-turn, former UK diplomat Peter Ford told Sputnik. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul, which raised concerns and questions of how they might rule. At a presser on Monday, President Joe Biden said Afghan government forces collapsed faster than the United States expected but vowed the US would continue to fight for human rights. "Nothing substantial stands in the way of us seeing by mid-2022 the United States and the Taliban not only normalizing relations but on the road to becoming besties [best friends]," Ford said. "It’s easy to overlook what should really be obvious: that other than 9/11 and its aftermath,

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all safely in the past, the United States and the Taliban have little reason to be enemies today and plenty of reasons to cozy up." However, Ford said the US will need several months to negotiate this "awkward U -turn," given teaming up with a terror-supporting erstwhile enemy "is not a good look." However, he added, the Taliban have had plenty of time to rue their mistakes and will not want to risk a repeat of the movie. Moreover, the Taliban’s Sunni Islamist fundamentalist ideology is not dissimilar to that of US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Ford pointed out. In fact, he added, from a US perspective there is nothing not to like given the Taliban hate Shia Iran and Russia as well. "Did the CIA not actively support the Taliban when the group was fighting Russia?" Ford asked rhetorically. "It would be nothing new for the US to pact with this devil." Top of the mutual agenda, of course, will be an alliance against Tehran, Ford said. Even if the nuclear deal with Iran is renewed, the United States has made clear "it has many more bones to pick with Iran," he said. "And of course ‘adversary’ Russia has to be thwarted on its southern approaches just as it must be undermined on its Western borders, dictating close cooperation with the rulers in Kabul. Then looming ever larger is the specter of China breaking out of its ‘containment’ on its own Western borders, again dictating US cooperation with Kabul," Ford said. Ford also said the US and Taliban share the Islamic State (terror group banned in Russia) as a common enemy. The insurgents also have never taken much interest in supporting Palestine and never lifted a finger against Israel, Ford said. "In time they could probably be bought - for a price - to follow the examples of the Gulf feudal monarchies of pacting with Israel," he said. In any case, Afghanistan was doomed ever to be a pawn in the Great Game of the superpowers in Central Asia, pioneered by the United Kingdom and Russia back in the days of Queen Victoria and the Indian Raj, Ford concluded. This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

US State Department Says There Has Not Been Yet Formal Transfer of Power in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said there has not yet been a formal transfer of power to the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) in Afghanistan. "There has not been a formal transfer of power," Price said on Monday in response to a question about whether Ashraf Ghani is still president of Afghanistan. Price added that the United States is working with the international community to figure out any possible formal recognition of a new Afghan government led by the Taliban, but recognition is contingent upon protecting basic human rights and refusing to harbor terrorists.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

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US, Taliban Can Normalize Ties, Finish 'U-Turn' by Next Year - Ex-UK Envoy

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - There is nothing of substance that will prevent the United States from normalizing relations with a new government in Kabul after the Taliban takeover, although it may take time a few months to negotiate the awkward U-turn, former UK diplomat Peter Ford told Sputnik. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul, which raised concerns and questions of how they might rule. At a presser on Monday, President Joe Biden said Afghan government forces collapsed faster than the United States expected but vowed the US would continue to fight for human rights. "Nothing substantial stands in the way of us seeing by mid-2022 the United States and the Taliban not only normalizing relations but on the road to becoming besties [best friends]," Ford said. "It’s easy to overlook what should really be obvious: that other than 9/11 and its aftermath, all safely in the past, the United States and the Taliban have little reason to be enemies today and plenty of reasons to cozy up." However, Ford said the US will need several months to negotiate this "awkward U -turn," given teaming up with a terror-supporting erstwhile enemy "is not a good look." However, he added, the Taliban have had plenty of time to rue their mistakes and will not want to risk a repeat of the movie. Moreover, the Taliban’s Sunni Islamist fundamentalist ideology is not dissimilar to that of US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Ford pointed out. In fact, he added, from a US perspective there is nothing not to like given the Taliban hate Shia Iran and Russia as well. "Did the CIA not actively support the Taliban when the group was fighting Russia?" Ford asked rhetorically. "It would be nothing new for the US to pact with this devil." Top of the mutual agenda, of course, will be an alliance against Tehran, Ford said. Even if the nuclear deal with Iran is renewed, the United States has made clear "it has many more bones to pick with Iran," he said. "And of course ‘adversary’ Russia has to be thwarted on its southern approaches just as it must be undermined on its Western borders, dictating close cooperation with the rulers in Kabul. Then looming ever larger is the specter of China breaking out of its ‘containment’ on its own Western borders, again dictating US cooperation with Kabul," Ford said. Ford also said the US and Taliban share the Islamic State (terror group banned in Russia) as a common enemy. The insurgents also have never taken much interest in supporting Palestine and never lifted a finger against Israel, Ford said. "In time they could probably be bought - for a price - to follow the examples of the Gulf feudal monarchies of pacting with Israel," he said. In any case, Afghanistan was doomed ever to be a pawn in the Great Game of the superpowers in Central Asia, pioneered by the United Kingdom and Russia back in the days of Queen Victoria and the Indian Raj, Ford concluded.

This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

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Over 700 SIV Applicants Departed Afghanistan in Past 48 Hours - Pentagon

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - More than 700 Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants have departed Afghanistan in the past 48 hours bringing the total number of evacuated individuals under the SIV program to almost 2,000, US Army Brig. Gen. William Taylor told reporters. "More than seven hundred SIV applicants have departed Afghanistan in the past 48 hours by a combination of contract and commercial air, bringing the total [number of processed applicants]! today to nearly 2000," Taylor said during a press briefing on Monday. Earlier in August, US media reported that the US government was planning to continue flying out 700 Afghans every week and bring in the United States some 20,000 SIV-eiigible Afghans and their families. So far, the Biden administration has managed to evacuate about 2.5 percent of the 80,000 Afghans who have applied for the Special Immigration Visa.

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US Will Not Support Afghan Govt. That Harbors Terrorists, Violates Rights - State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States will not support a new Afghan government by the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) if they harbor terrorists and refuse to protect the basic rights of the Afghan people, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters. "The fact is that a future Afghan government that upholds the basic rights of its people, that doesn’t harbor terrorists, and that protects the basic rights of its people including the basic, fundamental rights of half of its population - its women and girls - that is a government that we would be able to work with," Price said during a press briefing on Monday. "We are not going to support a government that does not do that."

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US Closely Monitoring Situation in Haiti After Earthquake - State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States is closely monitoring the situation in Haiti after the recent earthquake and stays in close contact with the authorities with respect to providing possible assistance, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters. "The United States is closely monitoring the situation following the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck the southwestern part of the country on August 14," Price said during a press briefing

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on Monday. "We are in close contact with the Haitian authorities to respond to the earthquake and any request for assistance."

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Pentagon Says There Has Been No Attacks Against US Personnel in Kabul

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - Defense Department spokesperson John Kirby told reporters there have been no attacks against US personnel in Kabul amid the current drawdown mission. "There has been no attack on our operation or on our people at the [Kabul] airport," Kirby said during a press briefing on Monday.

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Kabul Airport Re-Opened for Operations at 3:35 p.m. Local Time - Pentagon

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The airport in Kabul has been re-opened for operations at 3:35 local time, US Army Brig. Gen. William Taylor told reporters. "As of 15:35 local time, the air field was open for operations. Shortly after, the first C-17 landed with US Marines on board. The next C-17 is preparing to land as we speak," Taylor said during a press briefing on Monday.

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US Special Envoy Khalilzad, His Team Still in Doha Engaging With Taliban - State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The team from the State Department and US Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad remain in Doha and continue engagement with both the Afghan government and the Taliban, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said at a press briefing. "Ambassador Khalilzad and his team remained in Doha, they still remain in Doha following consultations that we talked about last week with a number of countries from the region, the UN and countries much further afield. They continued and they still continue to engage with the Taliban, they continue to engage with Islamic Republic, the government of Afghanistan representatives," Price said on Monday. "V\fe do continue to engage with Taliban representatives in Doha from the State Department team. The US military has spoken to engagement with the Taliban on the ground in Kabul."

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State Dept, on Recognizing Taliban: US Still Reviewing What Transpired in Last 72 Hours

WASHINGTON, August 1 (Sputnik) - The United States is still taking stock of what transpired in the last 72 hours in Afghanistan, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said when asked about \Afeshington possibly recognizing a Taliban (banned in Russia) government. "We are still taking stock of what has transpired over the past 72 hours and the diplomatic and the political implications of that," Price said on Monday.

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US Has Conducted No Airstrikes in Afghanistan Over Last 24 Hours - General

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States has not conducted any airstrikes in Afghanistan in the past 24 hours, Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor said during a press briefing at the Defense Department. "No strikes have been conducted in the last 24 hours," Taylor said on Monday. This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Pentagon Restoring Environment for Flights From Afghanistan to Continue - US State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The Defense Department is working to restore the safe environment for flights to and from Afghanistan can continue, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said. "The Department of Defense is working to restore safe and secure environment so that military and commercial flights can resume," Price said during a press briefing on Monday.

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US Expects 3,000-3,500 Troops on Ground in Afghanistan by End of Day - General

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States is expecting to have 3,000-3,500 troops on the ground in Afghanistan by the end of the day while at this time the number is 2,500, US Army Brig. Gen. William Taylor said at a press briefing.

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"\Afe have approximately twenty fine hundred troops that have moved into Kabul within the last 72 hours, and more will arrive soon. By the end of the day, we expect nearly three thousand to thirty five hundred troops on the ground," Taylor said on Monday.

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AFGHANISTAN DEVELOPMENTS * The United States has shut down its embassy in Afghanistan and the staff is gathered at the Kabul airport while US forces are working to secure the area, President Joe Biden said in remarks on the situation in Afghanistan on Monday. * The United States has made clear to the Taliban (banned in Russia) that any attack on US personnel or disruption of the evacuation efforts will be met with devastating force, Biden said. * The US government’s goal in Afghanistan continues to be preventing terrorist attacks against the United States, Biden said. * The United States will continue to support the people of Afghanistan via diplomacy and humanitarian aid, Biden said. * The United Kingdom is increasing the military contingent for the evacuation of British citizens from Afghanistan to 900 servicemen, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement on Monday seen by Sputnik. * Russia maintains contacts with all political forces in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday. * Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the situation in Afghanistan after the de facto change of power there, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. * Pakistan is evacuating all diplomatic personnel who wish to leave Afghanistan through Pakistani territory, Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram told reporters. * The destabilization in Afghanistan is fraught with uncontrolled migration flows to Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron said. * The head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation in Afghanistan, Abdullah Abdullah, and the country's former President Hamid Karzai said they were negotiating with the leadership of the Taliban terror group (banned in Russia), the Tolo News broadcaster reported.

POLITICAL AGREEMENT IN VENEZUELA * UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres welcomes the agreement reached between the Venezuelan government and opposition, United Nations spokesperson Stephan Dujarric said on Monday.


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* The United Nations Security Council released a statement calling for an immediate end to hostilities in Afghanistan and the forming a united, inclusive and representative government there. * Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s decision to abandon Afghanistan over the weekend shocked everyone, Nebenzia said. * The US urges all of Afghanistan neighbors in the region to give refuge to the people who are fleeing the country after the Taliban (banned in Russia) grabbed power in the country on Sunday, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said. ‘Afghan Ambassador to the United Nations Ghulam isaczai called on the UN Security Council to urge creating an inclusive and representative government in Afghanistan.

HAITI EARTHQUAKE * Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry said on Monday that the authorities will boost efforts to aid those affected by a major earthquake that hit the country over the weekend. * The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said it is focusing relief efforts to support the Haitian authorities in finding safe buildings where thousands of displaced residents can shelter from an imminent storm projected to occur in the coming hours.

CORONAVIRUS * The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Level 4 travel warning for Turkey, its highest category, on Monday due to high numbers of coronavirus cases. * The Japanese government decided to impose the coronavirus-related state of emergency in seven more prefectures, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said. * The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said it has begun evaluating an anti-inflammatory drug that can be potentially used to treat severe COVID-19 cases.

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Biden Says Saddened By Current Situation in Afghanistan, Does Not Regret Decision to Leave

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden on Monday said he is saddened by the current situation in Afghanistan amid the Taliban (banned in Russia) takeover but he does not regret his decision to withdraw American forces from the country. "I'm deeply saddened by the facts we now face, but I do not regret my decision to end America's war-fighting in Afghanistan," Biden said.

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Biden Says US Has Shut Down Embassy, Staff is Consolidated at Kabul Airport

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WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States has shut down its embassy and the staff is gathered at the airport, US President Joe Biden said on Monday speaking on the situation in Afghanistan. "We have safely shut down our embassy and transferred our diplomats. Our diplomatic presence is now consolidated at the airport as well," he said.

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Biden Says US Made Clear to Taliban Will Defend Interests With 'Devastating Force'

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - President Joe Biden said on Monday the United States made clear to the Taliban (banned in Russia) that it if they attack US personnel or disrupt evacuation efforts, his administration will respond with devastating force. "As we carry out this departure we have made it clear to the Taliban if they attack our personnel or disrupt our operation, the US presence will be swift and the response will be swift and forceful," Biden said. "We will defend our people with devastating force if necessary." This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Biden Says US Troops Wbrking to Secure Kabul Airfield

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The US troops are working to secure the Kabul airfield, US President Joe Biden said on Monday speaking on the situation in Afghanistan. "Our troops are working to secure the airfield," he said at a press conference.

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Biden Says Afghan Political Leaders Failed to Negotiate for Future of Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The political leaders of Afghanistan have failed to negotiate for the future of their country following the Taliban (banned in Russia) solidifying its power in the country, US President Joe Biden said on Monday. "The political leaders of Afghanistan were unable to come together for the good of their people, unable to negotiate for the future of their country," Biden said in remarks on the situation in Afghanistan.

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Biden Says China, Russia Would Prefer to See US Pouring Billions into on Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - China and Russia would prefer to see the United States continue to funnel billions of dollars and resources into the stabilization of Afghanistan indefinitely, US President Joe Biden said on Monday speaking on the situation in Afghanistan. "Our true strategic competitors Russia and China would live seeing us spending billions of dollars [in Afghanistan]," he said. 8/16/2021 4:27:35 PM -04:00 Biden Says in Coming Days US Will Evacuate Thousands of Americans, Afghan Allies WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden said on Monday the United States will evacuate thousands of Americans and Afghan allies from Afghanistan in the coming days. "Over the coming days we intend to transport out thousands of American citizens who have been living and working in Afghanistan," Biden said at a press conference. "Well also continue to support the safe departure of civilian personnel, the civilian personnel of our allies who are still serving in Afghanistan." This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Biden Says US Will Continue to Support Afghan People Through Diplomacy, Humanitarian Aid

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States will continue to support the people of Afghanistan via diplomacy and humanitarian aid, US President Joe Biden said on Monday speaking on the situation in Afghanistan. "We will continue to support the Afghan people. We will lead with our diplomacy, our international influence and humanitarian aid," he said in a speech. He added that Washington will continue to speak up for the rights of the women and girls of Afghanistan.

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Biden Says US Should Not Fight in MMar That Afghans Not Willing to Fight for Themselves

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - President Joe Biden said on Monday that US troops in Afghanistan should not fight in a war in which the Afghans themselves are not willing to fight. "American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war, and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves," Biden said in remarks on the situation in Afghanistan.

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Biden Says US Goal in Afghanistan Remains Preventing Terrorist Attack on Homeland

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - President Joe Biden said on Monday that the US government's goal in Afghanistan continues to be preventing terrorist attacks on the United States. "Our vital national assistance in Afghanistan remains today what it has always been - preventing a terrorist attack on the American homeland," Biden said.

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Biden Says National Security Team Have Been Monitoring Situation in Afghanistan Closely WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden said on Monday that he and the national security team are closely monitoring the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. “Our national security team and I have been closely monitoring the situation on the ground in Afghanistan and moving quickly to execute the plans we have put in place to respond to every constituency including contingency, including the rapid collapse we are seeing now,” Biden said.

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US Military Meets With Taliban Over Non-Interference in Kabul Airport Evacuation - Reports

WASHINGTON, August 16. (Sputnik) -AUS military commander met face-to-face with the representatives of the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) to discuss the situation at the airport in Kabul, the Associated Press said on Monday citing a US official. Both sides discussed non-interference with the evacuation process at the airport, the report said. Another report published by The Hill said that both parties have agreed on a so-called "deconfliction mechanism." The talks between US Central Command chief Gen. Frank McKenzie and senior Taliban officials took place in Doha, Qatar, the report said. McKenzie reportedly warned the Taliban that the US forces would defend the Kabul airport if needed and any violation of the agreement reached between the sides will lead to retaliatory actions, the report added. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country to prevent a bloodshed. Many countries

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present in Afghanistan chose to evacuate their citizens and diplomatic personnel due to the precarious security situation.

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Russian 18th Century Replica Boat Re-Starts Trip Around World Despite Challenges - Captain

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The crew of Russian and US voyagers onboard the Pilgrim, a replica of the 18th century wooden boat Pomor, restarted its trip around the world after spending the winter at the Great Lakes and despite existing challenges has reached Alaska, the boat’s captain Sergey Sinelnik told Sputnik. "We finished last year’s part of the trip by reaching the port of Duluth, the western-most point of the Great Lakes, and had to decide on how to continue the voyage," Sinelnik said. "Our initial plan to cross the Panama Canal and sale via Australia was impossible due to the COVID-19 restrictions, as many countries were closed to foreigners. Now, there is only one way to return home to Russia - by travelling North via Alaska and Chukotka." The Pilgrim, a 40-foot sailboat, has a crew of four. Sinelnik and his assistant Alexis Volchok are permanently on board, while others are joining on rotating basis. The Pilgrim started the voyage four years ago from the city of Petrazavodsk in Russia's Karelia region. On the way to the United States, the vessel visited multiple countries in Europe, the Canary and Caribbean islands as well as Cape Verde. The crew, however, had to move the boat from Duluth to port of Everett along Port Gardner Bay by trailer. Sinelnik expressed gratitude to all Russian compatriots and to Americans who helped fundraising to transport the ship by land. After putting the ship afloat in Everett, the crew sailed to Seattle, \Afeshington, where it remained a couple of weeks at the invitation of the local Center for Wooden Boats. The crew had to get the Canadian government’s permission to enter the country’s territorial waters before reaching Alaska, but obtained a transit passage only because of the coronavirus pandemic. "We had no right to come ashore, but could lay an anchor," Sinelnik said. "More than ten days we spent onboard amid strong winds, streams and rains, but when we reached the north of Vancouver Island, we caught a fair wind and headed for Alaska." Due to the bad weather, the sailors said they had to drain water with automatic pumps. Sinelnik explained that such situations are normal for wooden boats even though it may shock yachtsmen who utilize plastic or other vessels. "They try to find a harbor in such cases because it is emergency for them, but we sail normally with such high water," he said. The crew experienced significant winds near Alaska that introduced uncertainty in their plans to continue the voyage, he pointed out. "We have to arm ourselves with patience and continue our way North," Sinelnik said.

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Sinelnik explained that that time is running out in terms of the favorable weather conditions given that the boat has to cover more than 2000 miles to reach Chukotka. Recruiting the team may present another challenge but there is readiness to negotiate with all who are ready to sail, he said. While in Alaska, the Pilgrim team said they want to visit the city of Sitka - formerly Novo-Archangeisk - the capital of Russian America in the 19th century. "We would like to visit Sitka and its museum, which has a large collection of Russian artifacts. However, if we are going to Chukotka, we need to save time, head to Kodiak Island and wait for fair winds and sail along the Aleutian Islands," Sinelnik said.

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Washington Post Publisher Asks Sullivan to Evacuate Journalists From Afghanistan - Letter

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan on Monday sent a letter to US National Security Advisor asking him to assist with the evacuation of 204 journalists working for three major US newspapers together with their families from Kabul. "Jake, Urgent request on behalf of the New York Times, Wbll Street Journal and Washington Post is to have our 204 journalists, support staff and families transported by US Military from the civilian side of the Kabul airport to the military side of the airport where they can be safe as they await evacuation flights," the letter, obtained by NBC News, said. Ryan underscored that the journalists are currently in danger and require US government assistance to be able to leave Afghanistan safely. On Sunday, the Taliban terror group (banned in Russia) completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country to prevent bloodshed. Many countries present in Afghanistan chose to evacuate their citizens and diplomatic personnel due to the precarious security situation.

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US CDC Lowers COVID-19 Travel Warning for India to Level 2 ‘Moderate’ Status

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lowered their COVID-19 travel warning for India to Level 2 Moderate status on Monday following a decrease in cases there. "Make sure you are fully vaccinated before traveling to India. Unvaccinated travelers who are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should avoid nonessential travel to India. If you must travel and have concerns, talk to your doctor,” the CDC now says.

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India recorded nearly 24,4000 cases on Monday, its lowest single-day tally of new coronavirus cases since the onset of the second wave in the country in March, according to India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. As of Monday, the ministry reported that over 31.4 million people in India have caught and then recovered from the virus since the start of the outbreak, while another 431,642 died after contracting the disease. Jagat Prakash Nadda, president of India’s ruling political party and former health minister said on Friday that the country intends to complete the vaccine drive aimed at vaccinating every adult in the country by the end of the year. Over 529 million people in India have already received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and more than 117 million are fully vaccinated.

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US CDC Issues Level 4 COVID Travel \Aferning For Turkey, Urges Americans Not to Travel There

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Level 4 COVID-19 travel warning for Turkey, its highest category, on Monday due to high numbers of cases in the country. ‘Avoid travel to Turkey. If you must travel to Turkey, make sure you are fully vaccinated before travel. Because of the current situation in Turkey, even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants,” the CDC says.

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US Energy Groups Sue Government for Pausing Oil, Gas Leasing - Statement

WASHINGTON, August 16, (Sputnik) - Twelve major US energy trade groups sued the Department of Interior (DOI) for imposing ‘indefinite pause’ on hydrocarbons leasing on federal lands, they said in a statement on Monday. “The American Petroleum Institute (API) and 11 other energy industry trade groups today filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana challenging the US DOI’s indefinite pause on oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands and waters,’’ the statement read. The plaintiffs asked the court to declare DOI’s actions arbitrary, capricious and exceeding statutory authorities, the court filing revealed. "With the indefinite pause on federal oil and gas leasing, the department failed to satisfy procedural requirements and ignored congressional mandates for holding lease sales,” API Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Paul Afonso said.

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The law enforces the DOI to hold lease sales, but the department failed to meet these requirements in first eight months of the year, he added. Afonso accused the government of creating uncertainty for the nation's energy sector and promised to continue working with authorities to solve this dispute. "As our industry takes action to preserve our legal rights, we will continue working with the Biden administration on policies that support a lower-carbon future while providing access to the affordable, reliable energy our economy needs to recover,” he said. In January 2021, the Biden administration issued an order that mandated a pause on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands, onshore and offshore. The government directed the DOI to conduct a comprehensive review, but did not establish a specific timeframe when this work should be done.

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Blinken, Lavrov Discuss Security Situation in Afghanistan - US State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed on Monday the evolving security situation in Afghanistan, including the mission to evacuate US citizens and Afghans facing a threat from the Taliban (banned in Russia), State Department spokesperson Ned Price said. "Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov about developments in Afghanistan, including the security situation and our efforts to bring US citizens and vulnerable Afghans to safety," Price said in a press release.

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Blinken, China’s Foreign Minister Discuss Afghanistan, Evacuation Efforts - State Dept.

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a phone call on Monday discussed the security situation in Afghanistan as well as efforts to evacuate US and Chinese citizens from the country following the Taliban’s (banned in Russia) takeover of power, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Monday. “Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with PRC State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi about developments in Afghanistan, including the security situation and our respective efforts to bring U.S. and PRC citizens to safety,” Price said in a press release.

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US Charges Company Withl .5Bln Shares Stock Fraud - Securities and Exchange Commission

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The US government has charged a stocks issuing company, its CEO and six other individuals or entities with participating in a penny stock fraud scheme, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced on Monday. "The SEC today announced it charged an issuer, its CEO, and six other entities and individuals with participating in a penny stock fraud scheme,” the regulator said in a press release. "The SEC also charged certain of the participants with operating as unregistered dealers." According to the SEC's complaint, GPL Ventures purchased, since at least July 2017, more than 1.5 billion shares of HempAmericana stock through a Regulation A offering, with the understanding that HempAmericana would use a portion of the offering proceeds to secretly finance stock promotions, the release said. “The complaint alleges that HempAmericana misled investors regarding its use of the offering proceeds, and that co-defendants Seaside Advisors and Lawrence Adams paid a stock promoter who, in turn, funded promotions of HempAmericana’s stock that failed to disclose HempAmericana's role in financing the promotions,” the release added. GPL Ventures and certain of the defendants allegedly reaped about $11 million in illegal profits from this fraudulent scheme, the release added. The complaint charges the defendants with violating the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws, and seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, according to the release.

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UN Security Council Calls for Ending Hostilities, Creating Union Government in Afghanistan

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The UN Security Council on Monday issued a statement calling for an immediate end to hostilities in Afghanistan and the forming of a united, inclusive and representative government there. "The members of the Security Council called for an immediate cessation of all hostilities and the establishment, through inclusive negotiations, of a new government that is united, inclusive and representative," the statement said. The UN Security Council also said that it wants to see a constitutional order to resolve the crisis of authority in Afghanistan well as increased efforts to respect human rights and the obligations under international humanitarian law. The UN Security Council also reaffirmed the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan to ensure that various radical groups are not using the country as a base from which to threaten or attack other countries. Neither the Taliban nor any other Afghan group should support terrorists operating on their territory, the statement said.

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US Issues Fossil Fuel Guidance for International Development Banks - Treasury

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The Biden administration has issued guidelines for fossil fuel energy use for international development banks in which the United States participates, the US Department of the Treasury said on Monday. "Today, the US Department of the Treasury issued Fossil Fuel Energy Guidance for Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), which is key Guidance in response to President [Joe] Biden’s Executive Order 14008 on Tackling the Climate Crisis At Home and Abroad announced earlier this year," Treasury said in a press release. The guidance said the Treasury Department advocated that MDB investments should prioritize clean energy, innovation and energy efficiency in order to achieve a clean and sustainable future consistent with the development goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. "As the largest shareholder across the MDB system, the United States takes a leadership role with the new Treasury Guidance that advocates for MDB staff to assess options for clean energy, innovation, and energy efficiency, and to only consider fossil fuels if less carbon-intensive options unfeasible," the release said.

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UN Secretary General Welcomes Agreement Between Venezuela Govt., Opposition - Spokesman

UNITED NATIONS, August 16. (Sputnik) - UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres welcomes the agreement reached between the Venezuelan government and opposition, United Nations spokesperson Stephan Dujarric said on Monday. The Venezuelan government and opposition on Friday launched negotiations in Mexico City that are mediated by Norway. "The Secretary General welcomes the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Unitary platform of Venezuela for the start of the comprehensive negotiating process and encourages them to fully commit to inclusive and meaningful dialogue with full respect for human rights, Dujarric said during a press briefing.

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UN Security Council Calls for End to Hostilities, Union Government in Afghanistan

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UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) released a press statement on Monday calling for an immediate end to hostilities and the formation of a united, inclusive government in Afghanistan. "The members of the Security Council called for an immediate cessation of all hostilities and the establishment, through inclusive negotiations, of a new government that is united, inclusive and representative,” the UNSC said. The statement added it also wants to see a constitutional order to resolve the authority crisis and stronger efforts to provide humanitarian assistance.

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Ottawa Evacuates 807 Afghans, 34 Canadian Diplomatic, Military Personnel - Trudeau

TORONTO, August 16 (Sputnik) - Ottawa has evacuated 807 Afghans and dozens of Canadian diplomatic and military personnel from Afghanistan that fell back into the hands of the Taliban (banned in Russia) over the weekend, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday. "At least 807 Afghans have been evacuated, to date, and over 500 have already arrived in Canada," Trudeau told reporters during a campaign stop in Longueuil, Quebec. Ottawa has also whisked away 34 Canadian diplomats and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel, two international diplomats and five NATO personnel, according to Trudeau. The Prime Minister explained that Canada is working with the United States, the United Kingdom and other allies to move people out of Afghanistan. In addition, Ottawa has pledged to resettle up to 20,000 vulnerable Afghan nationals, including female activists and journalists, who could be the Taliban’s primary targets for retribution, Trudeau said. The Prime Minister noted that CAF personnel are on the ground in Afghanistan, including a number of special operations forces working to secure the Kabul airport, which is one of the last areas not under Taliban control and one of the few terminal points out of the country. Canada is coordinating the emergency operation out of Kuwait, according to Trudeau, with the processing of potential refugees being done remotely. An unspecified number of Canadian citizens remain in the country, Trudeau said, stressing Ottawa is prioritizing their safety and security. The international community has been "dismayed" and "surprised" by the speed of the Taliban conquest, he added. Trudeau also condemned the escalating violence in Afghanistan and urged the Taliban (banned in Russia) ensure the safety of those who want to depart the country. On Sunday, the Taliban completed their takeover of Afghanistan by entering Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country to prevent bloodshed. Most of the countries present in Afghanistan have reduced or evacuated their diplomatic missions.

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Bezos' Blue Origin Sues US Gov't Over $2.9Bln Lunar Landing Contract Given to SpaceX

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin filed a lawsuit against the US government over NASA’s decision to award the $2,9 billion lunar landing contract to Elon Musk's SpaceX, a spokesperson said in a statement to Sputnik on Monday. "Blue Origin filed suit in the US Court of Federal Claims in an attempt to remedy the flaws in the acquisition process found in NASA’s Human Landing System,’’ the spokesperson said. "\Ne firmly believe that the issues identified in this procurement and its outcomes must be addressed to restore fairness, create competition, and ensure a safe return to the Moon for America,’’ Blue Origin filed the lawsuit after the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) rejected protests filed by the company along with technology company Dynetics over the federal government's decision to award SpaceX the contract to build a lunar landing system that can take astronauts to and from the moon as part of the Artemis program. NASA was expected to select two of three companies competing for the bid: Blue Origin, SpaceX, or Dynetics. The GAO decided that protests from Blue Origin and Dynetics were groundless, as NASA was within its rights to award the $2,9 billion contract to SpaceX to develop the first lunar landing system to be used in more than 50 years.

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Pakistan Meets With Afghan Groups, Secures Promise to Form Inclusive Government - UN Envoy

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The Pakistani government invited a number of political groups from Afghanistan to Islamabad to discuss the prospect of an inclusive Afghan government with the Taliban (banned in Russia), Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN Munir Akram said on Monday. "At our invitation, the leadership of a number of political parties and groups in Afghanistan, representing all the multi-ethnic groups apart from the Pashtuns, are present in Islamabad and have met with our Foreign Minister and with our leadership today. They have promised to engage continuously with the Taliban and to try to evolve an inclusive Afghan government,” Akram said. He added that the Taliban likewise said that they will accept an inclusive government that represents all groups in Afghanistan, and that Pakistan would like to “take them at their word" as they work towards that end. Pakistan is also assisting in the effort to evacuate diplomatic personnel and other international workers from the Afghan capital of Kabul.

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Pentagon Says US Sending 1,000 Additional Troops to Kabul, Bringing Total to 6,000

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States is sending another 1,000 troops to Afghanistan, bringing the total new deployment figures to 6,000, Business insider reported on Monday citing Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby. On Sunday, the Kabul airport descended into chaos due to the intensity of flights evacuating diplomats and also as Afghans attempt to leave the country after the Taliban (terrorist group, banned in Russia) seized power.

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URGENT Pentagon Confirms US Forces Killed 2 Armed Individuals in Kabul Airport - Reports

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby confirmed US forces killed two armed individuals at Kabul's international airport in two separate security incidents, US news reported on Monday. On Sunday, the Kabul airport descended into chaos due to the intensity of flights evacuating diplomats and also as Afghans attempt to leave the country after the Taliban (terrorist group, banned in Russia) seized power.

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Pakistan Helping All Diplomats Who Wish to Leave Afghanistan Evacuate - Envoy to UN

WASHINGTON, August 16. (Sputnik) - Pakistan is evacuating all diplomatic personnel who wish to leave Afghanistan through Pakistani territory, Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram told reporters on Monday. "We are evacuating all diplomatic personnel who wish to evacuate and wish to come through Pakistan, all representatives of international agencies who have requested our help in being evacuated, and all other personnel who feel that they are in danger," Akram said during a briefing.

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Pentagon Says US Forces Working to Reestablish Security at Kabul Airport - Reports

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US military forces are working to reestablish security at the Kabul international airport after breaches occurred overnight, Politico reported on Monday citing Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby. On Sunday, the Kabul airport descended into chaos due to the intensity of flights evacuating diplomats and also as Afghans attempt to leave the country after the Taliban (terrorist group, banned in Russia) seized power.

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China Expects Taliban to Fulfill Commitment to Create Govt, in Afghanistan - Envoy to UN

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - China expects the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) to fulfill its commitments to create an inclusive Islamic government in Afghanistan, China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Geng Shuang said on Monday. "China takes a note of what was said by the Taliban yesterday that war has ended, that it would negotiate an open inclusive Islamic government and it would ensure the safety of the Afghan citizens and foreign missions in the country. China expects that these commitments will be fulfilled," Geng said.

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Int'l Community Must Help Afghanistan Achieve National Reconciliation - Nebenzia

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The international community must help Afghanistan reach national reconciliation following the Taliban's (banned in Russia) swift takeover of power on Sunday, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia told the UN Security Council on Monday. “We believe that the main power players, or the international community rather, must help Afghanistan, they must pull their efforts and this is to assist Afghanistan achieve national reconciliation,” Nebenzia said.

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Afghan President Ghani Abandoning His Country Shocked Everyone - Russian Envoy to UN

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UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s decision to abandon Afghanistan over the weekend shocked everyone, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia told the UN Security Council on on Monday. "Today, all of our eyes are on Kabul, which yesterday was quickly abandoned by the country’s leader, ordinary Afghans and also a part of the diplomatic core," Nebenzia said. "It is clear that such a shock-turnabout took everyone by surprise. This involves those who recently made public pronouncements about the degree of military preparedness of the Afghan law enforcement structures who were prepared and trained over the past 20 years."

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Russia Will Interact With Taliban Irrespective of Situation in Afghanistan - Envoy to UN

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - Russia will continue interacting with the Taliban (banned in Russia) no matter how the situation in Afghanistan will look like as the Russian diplomatic mission continues its normal operation after the insurgency group seized Kabul on Sunday, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said on Monday. "As regards our future official steps, our official steps regarding the Taliban, we will interact with them, irrespective of the evolving situation, and their specific actions,” Nebenzia said during an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the issue of Afghanistan. “The Russian Embassy in Kabul is continuing to operate normally.”

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Biden to Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan Monday Afternoon - White House

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden will be returning to Washington from Camp David in order to deliver remarks about the ongoing situation in Afghanistan, the White House said on Monday. "In the afternoon, the President will return to the White House from Camp David," the White House said. "Then, the President will deliver remarks on Afghanistan in the East Room. These remarks will be covered by the in-house pool and pre-credentialed media." The White House’s schedule lists Biden will deliver his remarks at 3:45pm EST (7:45 p.m. GMT).

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Kabul Security Situation Changing Fast, Including at Airport - US Embassy

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The security situation in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul continues to change rapidly including at the airport where the evacuation of all American personnel is proceeding as Taliban forces converge on the city, the US Embassy said on Monday. "The security situation in Kabul continues to change quickly, including at the airport,” the Embassy announced in a security alert. “US citizens should continue to shelter in place.” US citizens seeking assistance to depart the country should complete a Repatriation Assistance Request for each traveler in their group, the Embassy alert advised. "Spouses and minor children of US citizens in Afghanistan who are awaiting immigrant visas should also complete this form if they wish to depart. Please do so as soon as possible. ...You must complete this form even if you’ve previously submitted your information to the US Embassy in Kabul by another means,” the alert said. The alert also warned US citizens still in Afghanistan not to travel to Kabul airport until they have been informed by email that departure options existed.

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US Urges Afghanistan's Neighbors to Provide Refuge to People Fleeing Country - Envoy to UN

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The US urges all Afghanistan neighbors in the region to give refuge to the people who are fleeing the country after the Taliban (banned in Russia) grabbed power in the country on Sunday, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said on Monday. "We urge Afghanistan's neighbors, and others in the region and beyond to give refuge, be it a temporary or permanent, to Afghans attempting to flee,” Thomas-Greenfield said during an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the issue of Afghanistan.

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US Urges Taliban to Give Afghans, Others Opportunity to Leave Country Safely - Envoy to UN

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United States is urging the Taliban terror group (banned in Russia) to give Afghans and others present in Afghanistan an opportunity to leave the country safely, US Envoy to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said on Monday. "All Afghan nationals and international citizens who wish to depart must be allowed to do so safely," Thomas-Greenfield said during a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Afghanistan.

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Taliban Should Allow Humanitarian Organizations to Work in Afghanistan - US Envoy to UN

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The US calls on the Taliban (banned in Russia) to allow humanitarian organizations to continue their work in the country, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said on Monday. "We also call on the Taliban to permit humanitarian organizations to continue their valuable work in Afghanistan,” Thomas-Greenfield said during an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the issue of Afghanistan. "We are deeply concerned that right now aid is not flowing to people in crisis. According to the World Food Programme, more than 500 tons of aid are currently sitting at border crossings taken over by Taliban forces." The US envoy called upon the Taliban to provide the World Food Program with an immediate and sustained safe passage to deliver the food assistance.

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US Military Flights Resume at Kabul Airport, But Sporadic Suspensions Expected - Reports

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US Military flights at the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan have resumed despite expectations of sporadic suspensions due to large crowds forming on the airfield, CNN reported on Monday. A US defense official said that the military flights have resumed, but that clearing operations may be needed should large crowds continue to gather on the airfield.

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Afghan Envoy Urges UN Security Council to Call for Creating Inclusive Govt, in Afghanistan

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - Afghan Ambassador to the United Nations Ghulam Isaczai on Monday called on the UN Security Council to urge creating an inclusive and representative government in Afghanistan. "The UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General should... call for the immediate establishment of inclusive and representative transitional government that includes all ethnic groups and women representatives, which can lead to a dignified and lasting solution to the conflict, bring peace and preserve the gains of the last 20 years especially for women and girls," Isaczai said.

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The UN Security Council should also stress that together with the United Nations "will not recognize any administration that achieves power through forces or any government that is not inclusive and represented of its diversity of the country," Isaczai added.

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Trump Says He Would Have Evacuated Civilians, Removed Equipment Before Afghan Withdrawal WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - Former US President Donald Trump published a statement on Monday criticizing the Biden administration's Afghan exit and claiming that he would have taken civilians and equipment out of the country prior to the troop withdrawal. “Can anyone even imagine taking out our Military before evacuating civilians and others who have been good to our Country and who should be allowed to seek refuge? In addition, these people left topflight and highly sophisticated equipment. Who can believe such incompetence? Under my Administration, all civilians and equipment would have been removed,” Trump said. The statement came following the Taliban’s (banned in Russia) takeover of Afghanistan, including the capital city of Kabul. Mohammed Naeem, the spokesperson for the Islamist movement’s political office declared on Sunday that the war is now over and the group is ready for dialogue with all political forces. Biden is anticipated to deliver remarks on the situation in Afghanistan later "soon." US National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer said on Monday that the administration’s national security team has been “deeply engaged” in policy conversations in recent days. Trump originally negotiated an agreement with the Taliban that called for US forces to be out of the country by May 1. However, Biden pushed the deadline back to September 11, with troops expected to be withdrawn before then, by the end of August. The Taliban’s advance through the country compelled the Biden administration to deploy several thousand additional troops to the area in an attempt to support the State Department’s evacuation of US citizens, diplomatic personnel, and Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants who assisted the US in the war. Images of a helicopter taking off the US embassy with the last remaining staff proved deeply humiliating images for Biden who just last months said this exact scenario, reminiscent of the Saigon evacuation in 1975, was highly unlikely.

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Afghan Ambassador to UN Urges Security Council to Call For End of Violence in Afghanistan

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United Nations Security Council must take every measure to call on the Taliban (banned in Russia) to cease violence and human rights violations in Afghanistan, the country's ambassador to the UN Ghulam Isaczai said on Monday.

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"The UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General should use every means at its disposal to call for an immediate cessation of violence and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law,” Isaczai said.

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US Keeping Afghanistan Financial Reserves Out of Taliban Control - Reports

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - The Biden administration will not permit the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) to gain any access to the financial reserves of the collapsed Afghan government that are held in the United States, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported on Monday. The Taliban, who are in control of Afghanistan, will be denied access to any of the country’s reserves held in US accounts, a Biden administration official was quoted as saying in the report. No assets of Afghan’s Central Bank being held in the United States will be made available to the Taliban, the official said. US forces continued to evacuate Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Monday, according to the report.

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US Military Meets With Taliban Over Non-Interference in Kabul Airport Evacuation - Reports

WASHINGTON, August 16. (Sputnik) - A US military commander met face-to face with representatives of the Taliban movement ((banned in Russia) to discuss situation in Kabul airport, the Associated Press said on Monday citing the US official. Both sides have discussed non-interference with evacuation process in the airport, the report said.

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UN Continues to Have Staff, Offices in Areas Under Taliban Control - Guterres

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - The United Nations continues to have staff and offices in areas that have come under the Taliban (terrorist group, banned in Russia) control, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday, adding that the UN presence will adapt to the security situation.

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"\Afe continue to have staff and offices in areas that have come under Taliban control... The United Nations presence will adapt to the security situation," he said in his remarks to the UN Security Council on Afghanistan.

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UN Chief Concerned by Accounts of Human Rights Violations Against Women in Afghanistan

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday expressed his concern over the accounts of human rights violations against women and girls of Afghanistan. "I am particularly concerned by accounts of mounting human rights violations against the women and girls of Afghanistan who fear a return to the darkest days. It is essential that the hard-won rights of Afghan women and girls are protected," he said in his remarks to the UN Security Council on Afghanistan.

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Guterres Calls On All Nations to Be Ready to Receive Afghan Refugees

UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - All countries should be willing to receive Afghan refugees and refrain from any deportations, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday. "I also urge all countries to be willing to receive Afghan refugees and refrain from any deportations," he said in remarks at a UN Security Council on Afghanistan. 8/16/2021 10:12:27 AM -04:00 Guterres Calls on All Afghan Parties to Provide Access for Humanitarian Aid Deliveries UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called on all Afghan parties to provide humanitarian workers with access in order to deliver life-saving aid in a timely manner. "I call on all parties to provide humanitarians with unimpeded access to deliver timely and life-saving services and aid," Guterres told the UN Security Council in remarks on Afghanistan.

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Guterres Calls on Taliban, All Other Afghan Parties to Exercise Utmost Restraint

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UNITED NATIONS, August 16 (Sputnik) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called on all Afghan parties, especially the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) to exercise utmost restraint and protect lives to Ensure humanitarian needs can be met. "I call upon the Taliban and all parties to respect and protect international humanitarian law and the rights and freedoms of all persons," Guterres told the UN Security Council in remarks on Afghanistan. This material is distributed by Ghebi LLC on behalf of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, and additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia

Biden to Speak About Situation in Afghanistan Soon - White House

WASHINGTON, August 16 (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden will make remarks about the situation in Afghanistan "soon" as the Taliban’s (banned in Russia) swift takeover of the country resulted in a deeply humiliating situation for the White House, National Security Adviser Jonathan Finer said on Monday. “I expect that he [Biden] will speak [about Afghanistan] soon,” Finer said in an interview to CNN. Finer also added that Biden and the entire US national security team have been “deeply engaged” in all policy conversations in recent days. Biden has not addressed the country following the Taliban’s entry to Kabul on Sunday after a number of rapid offensives on larger cities and provinces. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani stepped down and fled the country. Biden's silence over the developments has become a point of concern for many, including members of Congress and journalists. "Where is Joe Biden?,” Republican lawmaker Jim Banks tweeted on Sunday. White House spokeswoman is not going to provide any comments either as she is reportedly out of the office between August 15-22, according to an automated email reply to reporters reaching out for comment.

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