Interesting facts about LASER removal

Removing unwanted hair is an increasing trend in a beauty conscious, striving-for-the-best society. In the home based treatment, , , bleaching, , and epilators are the most common. Electrolysis is another method commonly used by many non-medical professions such as beauty parlours, hair salons, etc. wherein electric current is used to burn hair follicles using probes / electrodes. However electrolysis is an operator dependent procedure and the end results may vary.

LASER (LHR) or light based technology is a more permanent method.


A single is divided anatomically into 3 parts - infundibulum or the visible portion, isthmus and inferior portion

Stem cells in hair follicle regenerate at the base / bulb of the hair

Hair growth cycle: Is divided into three phases: anagen or the growth phase, catagen or the degradation phase and telogen or the resting phase. At any time, all three phases co-exist in a hair follicle

HAIR TYPES: The various types of hair are:

 Lanugo or fine hair normally seen fetal stage or post delivery.  Vellus or non-pigmented hair.  Terminal or coarse hair.

Colour of the hair is produced by melanin.

Disorders of excess hair growth: 1. – excess hair growth at any site non-hormonal dependent 2. Hirsutism – an abnormal male-pattern hair growth in women eg., over face and chest. It is hormone dependent

TYPES OF LASER: The various LASERs used for hair reduction are:

 Nd:YAG (long pulsed)  IPL (Intensed Pulsed Light)  Diode LASER  Long pulsed Ruby LASER  Long pulsed Alexandrite  Fluorescent pulsed light


 Medical history should include history of menstrual irregularity, thyroid problem, history of medicine use for any other problem and any other endocrine abnormality  Patients with history of photosensitivity / skin infection (Herpes infection)  Patients with history of keloid / scar to be avoided  In either case, patient consent has to be sought prior to commencing of treatment  Patients with realistic expectations


 Informed consent – Prior to LASER sitting, patient should be informed about the mechanism of action and potential side effects, and a signed consent should be taken from the patient  Topical anaesthesia – Topical lidocaine or EMLA cream may be applied for 45-60 minutes prior to the procedure. This helps in reducing the pain associated with LASER  Cooled room – An air conditioned room to provide soothing effect on the skin during the procedure  Protective eye cover to prevent any retinal damage  Ice pack cooling before, during and after the procedure is also advised


 Erythema and edema appears around the treated hair follicle and may last for 2-3 days. Cooling with ice pack and corticosteroid cream may be used  Use of a potent sunscreen and other sun-protective measures (hat and umbrella) to be used in the post-LASER period, as the skin is sensitive during that time  Each sitting will cause reduction of 10-15% hair and patient should be advised about being “PATIENT” and be regular with LHR sittings  Paradoxical hypertrichosis or increase in hair density may occur after any sitting as hair root may be upturned by the LASER

Article Source removal/1533