BioTechnologia vol. 93(4) C pp. 361-369 C 2012 Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology OPINIONS

A brief overview of the process of the elucidation of GnRH structure (1971)

KAZIMIERZ KOCHMAN Department of , The Kielanowski Institute of Animal and Nutrition Polish Academy of Sciences, Jabłonna, Poland e-mail: [email protected]

I do not know how I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy, playing by the seashore, and diverting myself, in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. Sir Issac Newton, shortly before his death in 1727 at the age of 84

Abstract The delineation of the primary structure of the gonadotropin-releasing in 1971 released an avalanche of research on a wide spectrum of aspects concerning releasing and their receptors. Today there are over 100 000 publications on the subject. It should be pointed out that, when this success was achieved, analytical tools and molecular methodology were at a semi-primitive stage in comparison to the present time. Therefore, we should show our respect to the pioneers of neuroendocrinology. Key words: GnRH, GnRH structure, A.V. Schally, R. Guillemin, Nobel 1977

Abbreviations GnRH – or (LHRH, LRF) neurohormonal decapeptide, synthesized in hypothalamus which have the releasing properties of gonadotropins (LH and FSH) from the anterior pituitary cells LH – luteinizing hormone FSH – follicle stimulating hormone GnRH receptor – receptor protein for GnRH, bound to protein G in the pituitary cell membrane Protein G – protein bound to receptor of rhodopsin type superfamily of receptors in cells Primary structure of peptide or protein – sequence of particular amino acid residues in the chain, it determines both spatial folding and pro- perties TRH – hypothalamic peptide (tripeptide) releasing thyrotropin ACTH – adrenocorticotropin RIA – radioimmunoassay method CNS – central nervous system

Introduction travel through the blood stream to their target organs The pituitary is a small endocrine gland situated at the and tissues, including the peripheral endocrine glands, bottom of the brain and surrounded by the sphenoidal where they stimulate the secretion of the sex hormones, bone on which the brain rests. It consists of two parts, the adrenal cortical hormones and other hormones. The anterior and posterior lobes, which differ functionally, hormones of these endocrine glands regulate different morphologically, and embryologically. It is known that the bodily processes such as reproduction, metabolism, the pituitary secretes several hormones. These hormones response to stress and also growth and lactation. 362 K. Kochman

Close to the pituitary gland is the hypothalamus, an Although the results of many anatomical, physiological area of the diencephalon lying at the base of the brain and pharmacological studies had supported the neuro- below the thalamus, from which its name derives. The humoral concept of the regulation of the pituitary gland hypothalamus is the part of brain nearest to the pituitary through the portal blood system of pituitary gland, there gland, and therefore its function is to act as a link be- had been no direct evidence for the existence of hypo- tween the central nervous system (CNS) and the endo- thalamic hormones involved in the release of pituitary crine system. hormones. The demonstration in 1955 of the existence The median eminence of the hypothalamus is connec- of a corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) enabled subseq- ted to the pituitary by a stalk. Since about 1945, scientists uent discoveries of the hypothalamic regulatory substan- have been focusing on obtaining evidence that this area ces (Saffran and Schally, 1955; Saffran et al., 1955). controls anterior pituitary gland activity. Anatomical stu- I should also mention the names of two outstanding dies have provided evidence that there is no nerve con- scientists – pioneers of neuroendocrine research: Sa- nection from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary; muel M. McCann from the United States and Marian Ju- it has been suggested that control is effected hrough the tisz from France. hypophyseal portal blood supply, a well-organized system McCann was one of the outstanding researchers in of blood vessels between the median eminence and the pi- neuroendocrinology and studies on releasing factors. His tuitary, and mediated by neurohormonal substances syn- achievements in neuroendocrinology are significant; he thesized in the hypothalamus and stored in the median introduced the first biological method for releasing fac- eminence (Campbell et al., 1961; Green and Harris, 1947; tor identification, which was utilized mostly by scientists Guillemin and Rosenberg, 1955; Harris, 1955; Harris and prior to the introduction of radioimmunoassay (RIA). Jacobsohn, 1952; Igarashi and McCann, 1964; McCann Marian Jutisz was also an outstanding researcher in et al., 1960; Courrier et al., 1961). The credit for establi- neuroendocrinology, focusing on the hypothalamus and shing the concept of hypothalamic neurohumoral control anterior pituitary. In 1959, when he worked at the Col- of anterior pituitary secretions must be given to Geof- lege de France with Robert Courrier, a member of the frey W. Harris, then at the Maudsley Hospital in London French Academy of Sciences, he began to mention the in the 1950s, and later head of the Department of Phy- neurohormonal theory developed by Green and Harris siology in Cambridge. The central tenet of Harris’ propo- (Green and Harris, 1947) during his lectures, while sal for neurohumoral control of the pituitary function Courrier would also recall the experiments conducted by was that the unusual capillary system existing between Guillemin (Guillemin et al., 1957) and Saffran and Schal- the ventral hypothalamus and the anterior lobe of the pi- ly (Saffran and Schally, 1955; Saffran et al., 1955) on the tuitary could be the conduit for substances of hypo- partial purification of CRF (corticotropin releasing fac- thalamic origin that enable the release of each and every tor). Courrier then decided to invite Guillemin to his pituitary hormone upon reaching the parenchyma of the laboratory in Paris. After Guillemin’s arrival, Jutisz wor- gland (Harris, 1955). The early evidence for this theory ked together with him on the purification of factor re- of hypothalamic control of the pituitary was based on the leasing LH (LRF). The experiments evidenced that both results of various experimental approaches, including GnRH and TRH are peptides (Courrier et al., 1961). In studies on the function of gonads, thyroid, and adrenals the meantime decided to return to after electrical stimulation or lesions of discrete brain Houston in the United States. He returned to the US in areas, disruption of the portal blood vessels between the November 1963 taking with him a very talented tech- hypothalamus and the pituitary by sectioning the pitui- nical worker and all the protocols concerning the puri- tary stalk, and transplantation of the pituitary to remote fication of peptides. After his departure, Courrier and sites. Observations of the effects of external environmen- Jutisz decided to work only on GnRH and the mechanism tal factors, such as light, on the reproductive cycles of of its action. animals also implied the role of the CNS in the control My research into LHRH began in October 1962, of the release of gonadotropins. The hypophyseal portal when I joined the scientific staff of Professor E. Domań- system was found in humans and mammals, as well as in ski at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition at lower vertebrates (Schally el al., 1977). Jabłonna. I started immediately on the isolation and puri- A brief overview of the process of the elucidation of GnRH structure (1971) 363 fication of this releasing hormone from ovine hypothala- should be stressed, his role was only that of an assistant mus, at my disposal were no more than 5 000 hypotha- technical worker. Andrew Schally said later that his work lami. My work had dual aims: to purify and characterize in that Institute determined his scientific personality. the peptide as far as possible and also to provide purified In April 1952, Schally left London and went to Mon- material to Domański for physiological experiments. The treal. Again, his appointment was as an assistant techni- results of my work were published in 3 papers on purifi- cal worker at the Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry cation and structural analysis (Kochman, 1966; Koch- at McGill University. His chief was Murray Saffran, man, 1969; Kochman and Domanski, 1969) and in a fur- a young biochemist whose role in Schally’s scientific life ther 3 on the physiological action of this purified peptide was very important. It was similar to the role that For- before structure elucidation (Domański and Kochman, tier had in Guillemin’s life, in spite of the fact that Guil- 1968; Domański et al., 1964; Domański et al., 1966). lemin largely overlooked the role that Fortier had played However, from the mid 1960s the only two research in his life and career. However, Saffran soon went abroad teams competent and enthusiastic enough to research to the Laboratory of Herman Kalckar to replace James the possibility and availability of the many hundred thou- Watson, who later determined the structure of DNA. sands of hypothalami for the isolation and purification of On returning to Montreal, Saffran found his new LH-RH (GnRH), and ready to determine the structure of technical worker as a diligent, hard working young man, this neurohormone, were those of Schally and Guillemin. full of enthusiasm, and happy. The director of the Insti- Schally’s group elucidated GnRH in 1971. In 1977, tute, R. A. Cleghorn, was very interested in the Harris Schally and Guillemin received the in medi- theory of neurohormonal influence on the pituitary, and cine for his outstanding scientific achievement. discussed it with Saffran, who, as a biochemist, decided The next two sections of this article are based on the to isolate and determine the structure of hormones, story written and realized by these two distinguished which at that time was a contentious issue among human scientists. physiologists. Aware of Selye’s research , he chose the hormone acting on stress, which, in response to it, re- Andrew V. Schally and Roger Guillemin leases corticotropin. Andrew (Andrzej) Schally was born in Wilno on 30 In 1955, Saffran published two important papers November 1926 as the son of a Polish General, Kazi- (Saffran and Schally, 1955; Saffran et al., 1955), in which mierz Schally, who defended Poland in 1939. Young he demonstrated the presence of a hypothalamic sub- Andrew was also destined to be a military officer. How- stance which he called a factor releasing corticotropin. ever, the war changed these plans. At first, he, his mo- Saffran proved to be generous, adding Schally’s name as ther and sister Halina were moved to a camp for the co-author, contrary to the practice that assistant tech- families of Polish Officers in Craiova in Rumania, where nical workers were not considered authors. This deci- Andrew and his sister attended a Polish School. At the sion by Saffran had a decisive effect on the further scien- age of 15 he was already certain that he wanted to study tific career of Schally, and as Saffran said later: “The first chemistry and become a scientist. In 1946 his family important discovery I made was to give a scientist from landed in Edinburgh, where Andrew, then 20, had to the east an open road everywhere in America and he will learn a new language and adapt to a new culture. reach the goal some time later”. His career path diverged from that envisaged for him Roger Guillemin was born on 11 January 1924 in by his father. After 3 years of chemical studies at Lo- Dijon, France, where his father was a supplier of instru- ndon University he found a job as an assistant technical ments and as a means of transport had at his disposal only worker at the National Institute of Medical Research in a bicycle. The University of Dijon had a Medical Faculty Mill Hill, which was one of great centers of biological and Roger began studying there, but his studies were research in England. There he worked for Donald Eliott, interrupted after his participation in the Resistance. a great authority on protein chemistry. The two professors from the Medical Faculty in Di- Years later, when describing that period of Schally’s jon tried to convince him to pursue a scientific career working career, Elliot said that Schally performed ex- and advised him to focus on . However, in periments far better than he himself. However, and this France after the war the prospects for work in a labo- 364 K. Kochman ratory were very limited. His opportunity arrived in 1948 tissue together as a control of the secretion of the pitui- when he participated in a Scientific Conference in Paris tary hormones. The idea was fascinating but Pomerat did concerning the reaction of organisms to stress. The con- not show even the slightest interest in this study. How- ference was organized by a great scientist from Canada, ever, Pomerat mentioned to Guillemin the Harris’s exi- Hans Selye. After the Conference Roger asked Selye to sting idea concerning the hypothalamic substances of. accept him as trainee. Selye agreed and offered him 120 Guillemin wished to verify Pomerat’s thesis and the dollars per month for work in his newly founded Insti- student, Barry Rosenberg, came to Guillemin’s labora- tute in Montreal. Guillemin arrived at the Institute full tory and they worked together on this interesting sub- of hope but after two months it was clear that he was not ject. Guillemin chose cells that produced ACTH. When as good as the other young researchers in the labora- the cells were alone in a culture containing ACTH, the tory. Selye was not interested in educating the young ACTH secretion dropped almost immediately. man who had not had a chance to gain a good education It was the year 1954, Guillemin remembered the in Dijon during the Nazi occupation. Roger had to return date well, when the results of the second experiment to France at the end of the same year. He arrived in provided confirmation that only in the presence of frag- Bourgogne, where he began to work as a doctor in his ments from the hypothalamus did the pituitary cells native city. His career as a scientist restarted owing to begin normal secretion . Guillemin understood the im- the kindness of a student from the Selye’s Institute, portance of this experiment. Some months later, he Claude Fortier, who was again, on a study placement at came across nearly identical experiments reported by Selye’s Institute. He wrote a letter to Guillemin and pro- Saffran and Schally (Saffran and Schally, 1955). Luckily, posed collaboration on the subject of his thesis (Wade, Guillemin had published the preliminary version of this 1981). The subject of Fortier’s scientific interest was experiments in December 1954. the relationship between the brain and the pituitary. He In answer to the invitation from Roger Courrier, was fascinated by the theory of Harris which stated that a member of the French Academy of Sciences, Guillemin the pituitary and the rest of the body were controlled by arrived in Paris, bringing his family, and worked toge- the influx of substances going from the brain. Fortier ther with Courier and Jutisz at the beginning of the asked Guillemin to come and work with him. 1960s. He held the latter’s competence in high esteem In 1950, just before finalizing his thesis, Guillemin but was also of the opinion that the biologist is the im- fell seriously ill. At that time Fortier helped him very portant scientist while the chemist’s task is only to per- much. He suggested the introduction of cortisone and form the work. antibiotics into his treatment. His nurse, Lucienne Bil- Guillemin decided to return to Houston and in 1963 lard, subsequently became his wife and Fortier was the obtained US Citizenship. godfather of their first child. Guillemin was able to re- It took Guillemin some time to set up a laboratory in turn to the laboratory again and then quickly forgot the Houston in 1963. He decided to work even faster than help and support that Fortier gave him when he was ill before. On behalf of the National Institutes of Health he and in need. ordered a collection of a half-million ovine hypothalami Guillemin looked for a new place where he could from a slaughterhouse. They were transported to Hou- continue his research. In 1953, he received a position at ston and he was considering collecting more in the Uni- the Department of Physiology in the Faculty of ted States. Then he tried to construct a team. He also at Baylor University in Texas. believed that this time, for isolating the released factors, Working in Houston, he visited the laboratory of ano- a specialist in chemistry may be needed. Roger Burgus ther French scientist, Charles Pomerat, who was working became responsible for this area and he became the soul on tissue culture. Pomerat introduced him to a young of the group. student who was working on pituitary tissue cultures. Then the busy work proceeded, including the day to Guillemin was then told that the pituitary tissues in the day organization of work, conduct of logical experiments culture did not synthesize the hormones which they nor- and drawing conclusions; all these elements led from the mally synthesize, in situ. To verify this it was possible discovery of the primary structure of the first releasing only to have a culture of the pituitary and hypothalamic hormone to the next and then one after another. A brief overview of the process of the elucidation of GnRH structure (1971) 365

Guillemin loved to dominate. He was never an easy fied LHRH available to him. But there was another shock co-worker for fellow scientists. He was a man of calcula- to follow. Neither the Veterans Administration (VA) nor tion, an organizer and master in utilizing the scientific had the license needed to order 0.5 Ci competences of others. He constructed a machine in tritiated water, the minimum ordering amount. The offi- order to reach a goal, but he expressed neither pleasure cials of the Veterans Administration Hospital told Arimu- nor satisfaction. The Nobel Prize medal he was awarded ra that it would take a long time, several months to stands on his desk to remind him of what he battled for a year, to obtain the license. Matsuo could not use his (Wade, 1981). method for selective tritium labeling unless he had titra- ted water. Arimura, very desperate, asked Ernest A. The analyses leading to the elucidation of GnRH Daigneault, Professor of Pharmacology at Lousiana State structure in Schally’s Laboratory – Arimura’s story University (LSU) Medical School for help. He instantly From 1965, the main physiologist in the Schally helped to solve this problem. He not only agreed to pur- group was Akira Arimura, the head of Japanese scien- chase the radioisotope at LSU, but also permitted Mat- tists working at the forefront and responsible for deci- suo to perform his first experiment at his laboratory un- sive experiments. In the 60s, Andrew Schally succeeded der LSU license (Arimura, 1991). in purifying 250 μg from 160 000 porcine hypothalami. Matsuo confirmed that his new method was good Akira Arimura, a physiologist, and a chemist Yoshihiko enough to determine the peptide C-terminus using only Baba worked on the determination of LHRH structure. a few micrograms of lysine vasopressin as a model pep- The analytical instruments were very old and although tide, which also has amidated C-terminus as would be they tried very hard, the available material and obsolete the case for GnRH. Matsuo made a brave decision to ap- instruments gave them no chance to successfully finish proach determining N- and C-terminal amino acids of the work. Schally asked Akira Arimura if he knew any fragments obtained from digestion of Schally’s purified extremely competent Japanese chemists who would be LHRH by chymotrypsin or thermolysin without further able to determine the structure of LHRH using only purification. Baba determined the N-terminal amino acid 250 μg of purified material in hand. Arimura wrote a let- using microscale Edman degradation, and Matsuo deter- ter to Professor Seiichi Inayama who worked in Keio mined the C-terminal amino acid using selective tritium University School of Medicine, who had an excellent labeling. The number of N-terminal amino acids was sup- awareness of the ability of Japanese scientists. Inayama posed to be the same as that of C-terminal amino acids, first asked the Committee of Professors at Tokyo Uni- but it was not. The conclusion was that the experiment versity and received the answer that it was impossible to had gone wrong or one amino acid had been overlooked. characterize the structure of LHRH using such a small Matsuo found that tryptophan, which is destroyed by amount of material because the currently available me- ordinary acid hydrolysis, had been overlooked. The next thods required much more material for such analysis. conclusion was that GnRH consists not of 9, but 10 ami- However, Seiichi did not give up and continued sear- no acids. This information was very important for further ching. When he read a report of a new method for iden- 3 research. From a “jigsaw game-like trial” using N- and tifying the C-terminus of a peptide using selective H-la- C-terminal amino acid sequences of mixed enzyme-diges- beling, he thought the method which required a very small amount of peptide could be used for deter-mi- ted fragments followed by a few steps of Edman degra- nation of the structure of LHRH. The method was deve- dation, the two most likely candidates for GnRH struc- loped by Hisayuki Matsuo from Osaka. Matsuo accepted ture were postulated by Matsuo (Arimura, 1991; Wade, the invitation sent by Andrew Schally (Arimura, 1991). 1981). Schally went with Baba to a meeting in California Dr Matsuo, a star of Japanese science, arrived with at that time, Matsuo started to synthesize the first can- his wife in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve 1970. He didate peptide using the new peptide synthesizer just was very shocked by the outdated analytical instruments arrived from Japan. After this synthesis, Arimura injec- in the laboratory, but very surprised and very impressed ted the obtained peptide into assay rats. Blood was col- by Andrew Schally’s bluntness and the trust he showed lected for LH assays by the RIA method using Niswen- in him when he instantly made his whole stock of puri- der’s antiserum (Arimura, 1991). 366 K. Kochman

On Sunday, April 25, 1971, Arimura left home and size LHRH and that a protein template mechanism uti- went to the laboratory. He removed test tubes from the lizing phospho-pantetheine of mitochondrial origin could refrigerator and centrifuged. Then, he sat in front of the be involved in this process. Contrary to these findings, auto-γ-counter and watched the register. When the test Kochman, Jutisz and Kerdelhué, in very laborious stu- tubes were counted the counting started falling, indica- dies using supernatants of hypothalamic homogenates ting a tremendous release of LH. It was 9:00 a.m. the without organelles, slices or dispersed hypothalamic same day, and it was then that he became the first per- neurons of rat, could not evidence the process of LHRH son in the world to discover the structure and activity of biosynthesis. Therefore, we decided to follow this pro- the GnRH molecule. He realised that this was a key mo- cess in in vivo experiments. We used mature normal and ment in the history of neuroendocrinology (Arimura, castrated Wistar female rats in which, eight days before 1991). experiments, stainless steel cannulae were implanted Publications with the details of experimental results into the 3rd ventricle. appeared very quickly (Baba et al., 1971; Matsuo et al., The biosynthesis was followed and evaluated in the 1971a, Matsuo et al., 1971b; Schally et al., 1971). hypothalami of intact and castrated female rats after the Guillemin’s group published their successful work infusion of a labelled glycine to the 3rd ventricle. Pre- using sheep hypothalami shortly thereafter (Burgus et treatment of the cycloheximide of a proportion of the al., 1972). rats was performed. On the basis of a biochemical ana- lysis we suggested that the biosynthesis of LHRH in the Research on GnRH after the elucidation hypothalamus involved the ribosomal system (Domański of its structure and Kochman, 1978; Kochman et al., 1977; Kochman et The first great achievement in GnRH studies after al., 1982). the elucidation of its primary structure was Kerdelhué et When the mechanism of the GnRH biosynthesis had al.’s (1973) discovery of specific antibodies against it and been well established by the characterization of cDNA establishing its radioimmunological assay (RIA). for precursors and the isolation of the gene for GnRH In 1971, Mitnick and Reichlin initiated studies on the (Adelman et al., 1986; Seeburg and Adelman, 1984; See- biosynthesis of hypothalamic releasing hormones. On the burg et al., 1987), the processing of the LHRH precursor basis of their experiments on the biosynthesis of the was found to take place within the perikarya (Rubin et thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), they reported that al., 1987). The peptide GAP is colocalized with LHRH this hormone could be synthesized in supernatants of (Sar et al., 1987) and its release from the median emi- hypothalamic homogenates devoid of cellular organelles nence varies according to LHRH (Clarke et al., 1987). and then set forth a claim for a “TRH synthetase”: a so- The important features involved in the physiological re- luble, enzymatic, RNA-independent system for the bio- gulation of LHRH include a pulsatile release from the synthesis of the tripeptide (Mitnick and Reichlin, 1971). hypothalamus to maintain the correct levels of gonado- Lipmann used supernatants of hypothalamic homo- tropins. Gonadal regulation of the release of the hypo- genates without cellular organelles, similar in composi- thalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone in primates tion to those for gramicidine and thyrocidine biosynthe- was investigated with great success by the eminent sis, but failed to confirm the results obtained by Reich- scientist – Tony Plant (Plant, 1986). lin. Neither did McKelvy and Grimm-Jørgensen (Mc- It is a pleasure to mention here that Professor Plant Kelvy and Grimm-Jørgensen 1975) confirm the findings is an Honorary Member of the Polish Society of Neuro- of Reichlin in their studies on the biosynthesis of TRH, endocrinology. which proved that the chromotographic method used by The outstanding discovery after the elucidation of Reichlin was insufficient to demonstrate the biosynthesis the GnRH structure was the finding and evidencing of of a releasing hormone. the ontogeny of the neurons of the progenitor cells of Several reports have been published on the biosyn- GnRH which were found in the epithelium of the ol- thesis of LHRH. The studies by Johansson et al. (1972, factory placode (Wray et al., 1989; Wray and Hoffman, 1973) on porcine hypothalamic tissue led to the sugges- 1986) and the nervus terminalis (cranial nerve zero or tion that mitochondrial-containing fractions could synthe- terminal nerve), a differentially organized set of nerve A brief overview of the process of the elucidation of GnRH structure (1971) 367 fibers comingled with chains of GnRH-containing neuro- ted via other G proteins and potentially by G protein-in- nal cell bodies, extending peripherally to the lamina pro- dependent means. The possible selection of intracellular pria of the nasal chemosensory mucosa and centrally to signaling may be specifically directed by differences in the ventral forebrain, where they start to establish an ligand structure. A second form of GnRH, GnRH II, con- adult-like distribution. Progenitors of neurons expres- served for more than 400 million years of evolution in all sing mRNA for GnRH I and GnRH type I receptors, and higher vertebrates, including man, is present in extra- destined for the preoptic area, migrate from the olfacto- hypothalamic brain and many reproductive tissues. Its ry placode, crossing into the septal-preoptic area, appa- cognate receptor has been cloned from different verte- rently following gradients of the adhesion molecule brate species, including primates. The human gene homo- (NCAM) and the axonal growth promoting protein, ne- log of this receptor, however, has a frameshift and stop trin (Schwarting et al. 2004). Some of these early GnRH premature codon, and it appears that GnRH II signaling neurons remain in the nasal cavity, including the olfactory takes place in humans through the GnRH type I receptor. and vomeronasal mucosa, in adult organisms, including There is a considerable plasticity in the use of different humans (Wirsing-Wiechmann, 2001). These peripheral GnRHs, receptors, and signaling pathways for diverse GnRH processes terminate within the lamina propria of functions. the chemosensory mucosa. Type I GnRH receptors are GnRH and its analogs are used extensively for the also expressed by chemosensory neurons. Paracrine re- treatment of hormone-dependent diseases and in assis- lease of GnRH may possibly influence the chemosensory ted reproductive technology. They may potentially be neurons and therefore the GnRH is able to increase the used as contraceptives in men and women. sodium conductance in olfactory neurons (Wirsing-Wiech- mann, 2001). The GnRH in these neurons may be invol- Future perspectives ved, or responsible, for the increased sexual arousal in- Hundreds of thousands publications on the different duced by body odors at certain times of the menstrual aspects of GnRH from structural studies to the precise cycle of women, and be involved in the overall functions mode of its action and its application in clinical research of the pheromone (Guillemin, 2005). have been published. Generally speaking this area has Professor Susan Wray is an Honorary Member of the been the most fertile in the whole history of neuroendo- Polish Society of Neuroendocrinology. crinology. Human hypothalamic GnRH regulates LH and FSH Conclusions secretion through the pituitary GnRH type I receptor. The delineation of a GnRH amino acid sequence in There is a considerable plasticity in the use of dif- 1971 by the two independent research groups of Schally ferent GnRHs, receptors, and signaling pathways for di- and Guillemin released an avalanche of research on a verse functions. The precise estimation of the molecular range of aspects concerning both the decapeptide and its mechanisms involved in ligand binding to receptor, sub- receptor (to date totaling more than 100 000 publica- sequent activation, and intracellular signal transduction tions). Thirty structural forms of natural GnRH have is essential to an understanding of disease processes. been identified and determined in vertebrates and inver- Delineation of the structural elements in GnRH and its tebrates. Many vertebrates have three different forms of receptor, which facilitates differential signaling, will im- GnRH and three cognate receptors have been identified portantly contribute to the development of new interven- with distinct distributions and functions. Human hypo- tive analogs. The enormous, broad, multidirectional and thalamic GnRH regulates LH and FSH secretion through profound research on GnRH and its receptor helps us to the pituitary GnRH type I receptor via activation of the understand the essence of reproductive mechanisms. Gq protein. Studies have identified amino acid residues both in the ligand and receptor involved in binding, re- References ceptor activation, and translation into intracellular signal Adelman J.P., Mason A.J., Hayflick J.S., Seeburg P.H. (1986) transduction. The predominant binding of the GnRH Isolation of the gene and hypothalamic cDNA for the com- type I receptor in the gonadotrope is through Gq protein mon precursor of gonadotropin-inhibiting factor in human stimulation, while signal translation can also be propaga- and rat. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 83: 179-183. 368 K. Kochman

Arimura A. (1991) The backstage story of the discovery of Igarashi M., McCann S.M. (1964) A hypothalamic follicle stimu- LHRH. Endocrinology 129: 1687-1689. lating hormone-releasing factor. Endocrinology 74: 446-452. Baba Y., Matsuo H., Schally A.V. (1971) Structure of the por?- Johanssonn N.G., Currie B.L., Folkers K. (1973) Biosynthesis ine of LH- and FSH-releasing hormone. II. Confirmation and evidence for the existence of the follicle stimulating of the structure by conventional sequential analyses. Bio- hormone releasing hormone. Biochem. Bioph. Res. chem. Bioph. Res. Comm. 44: 459-463. Comm. 50: 8-13. Burgus R., Butcher M., Amoss M., Ling N., Monahan M.W., Johanssonn N.G., Hooper F., Sievertsson H., Currie B.L., Rivier J., Fellows R., Blackwell R., Vale W., Guillemin R. Folker K., Bowers C.Y. (1972) Biosynthesis in vitro of the (1972) Primary structure of the ovine hypothalamic lutei- luteinizing releasing hormone by hypothalamic tissue. nizing-hormone-releasing factor (LRF). 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