Oil and Gas Development Company Limited Statement
OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------(RupeesNote '000)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(RupeesNote '000)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES NON CURRENT ASSETS Share capital 5 43,009,284 43,009,284 Property, plant and equipment 13 117,787,033 124,063,611 Development and production assets - intangible 14 91,958,684 94,403,553 Reserves 6 14,614,483 13,366,622 Exploration and evaluation assets 15 15,216,824 6,525,579 224,962,541 224,992,743 Unappropriated profit 567,741,481 494,180,516 Long term investments 16 22,895,586 27,617,446 625,365,248 550,556,422 Long term loans and receivable 17 8,085,201 7,344,145 Long term prepayments 868,036 664,958 256,811,364 260,619,292 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES CURRENT ASSETS Deferred taxation 7 23,571,884 19,980,119 Stores, spare parts and loose tools 18 18,751,790 17,984,525 Deferred employee benefits 8 22,154,000 21,280,694 Stock in trade 446,645 346,829 Provision for decommissioning cost 9 22,862,587 19,465,075 Trade debts 19 242,731,940 163,691,820 68,588,471 60,725,888 Loans and advances 20 9,669,299 17,300,931 Deposits and short term prepayments 21 1,329,883 1,339,343 Other receivables 22 7,762,428 452,987 CURRENT LIABILITIES Income tax - advance 23 20,027,510 37,278,361 Trade and other payables 10 49,477,743 36,705,914 Current portion of long term investments 16.2 113,770,186 95,957,967 Unpaid dividend 11 22,951,943 18,169,267 Other financial assets 24 74,726,436 67,834,662 Unclaimed dividend 213,785 319,706 Cash and bank balances 25 20,569,709 3,670,480 72,643,471 55,194,887 509,785,826 405,857,905 766,597,190 666,477,197 766,597,190 666,477,197 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS 12 The annexed notes 1 to 48 form an integral part of these financial statements.
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