Alfred rosenberg livros pdf

Continue It would be an exaggeration to say that Alfred Rosenberg, a self-proclaimed ideologue of Nazism, invented Adolf Hitler, but we can say that he helped influence the German dictator in some central aspects of third reich politics – especially the decision to destroy the Soviet Union, on the grounds that Bolshevism was a Jewish invention, part of an international conspiracy that had to be stopped at all costs. because it threatened the existence of the Germanic world. That's why the 2014-1944, 2015 edition of Alfred Rosenberg's diaries, now coming to Brazil by publisher Crítica (Editora Planeta), allows them to be not exactly behind the scenes of the Nazi regime, but the essence of the radical idea that drove Germany's line at the time - and it still seduces the Far Right in Europe today. The discovery of the diaries itself is a great story apart. They gathered for the Nuremberg trial, which condemned the dome of the Nazi regime after the war, and these writings were entrusted to an American prosecutor, Robert Kempner, who took them home to the United States. Researchers later discovered that the diaries were handed over by Kempner's family after his death in 1993. It was only in 2013 that the FBI came to the documents and then held a small New York publisher. The discovery caused a sensation, as it was imagined that the diaries could reveal something unknown about the Third Reich. Reading the documents, however, is less of a way to reconstruct the Nazi government and more to understand the construction of the ideology that moved Hitler and almost all of Germany. Ravensbrück: exclusively feminine concentration campA Brazilian edition, translation of the edition published in Germany, makes sure that the reader has a wide contextualization of the diary, not only through a hearty introduction, but also with the widespread use of footnotes to clarify vague points of the text - written in insious and confusing style by Rosenberg, who was not particularly brilliant at thinking. Hitler, by the way, in the 20th and 20th years. Hitler said that like most Nazi leaders, he had only read a small part of the book. However, the face value of Hitler's jummy comments about Rosenberg cannot be taken away, because the Führer generally liked to throw his aides against each other to enhance the spirit of competition between them, and each of them should take increasingly radical steps to prove that he is the most reliable, loyal and loyal. Ignoring the dismayed opinion that Hitler On it, Rosenberg was proudly Hitler, perhaps the most fanatical of all, who was a member of the Führer's circle of authorities. As his diary shows, even frustrated by Hitler's unexpected agreement with the Archenemy of the Nazis, soviet dictator Josef Stalin, to share Poland in 1939, Rosenberg spared his beloved Führer. For him, those responsible for the regime's most serious mistakes, among which Rosenberg interpreted as decisions that contradicted nazi-thinking guidelines, were always Hitler's bad advisers. Rosenberg thus considered himself pure, and as such lacked the political tact that allowed his rivals to take power at the top of the Third Reich. Nevertheless, he held an important position as head of the central administration of space affairs in Eastern Europe – he traded as a child and was one of the main responsible for planning the occupation of the East as the German army progressed in this area. Nothing is more suitable; After all, Rosenberg was an intellectual obsession with the Nazi regime in Eastern Europe. And his work made a decisive contribution to the war of externation, which got rid of him, which was enough to condemn him to a gallows after the war in the Nuremberg trial. By the end of his days, even in the cell where he was awaiting his punishment, he was writing texts that reinforced his murderous ideology. In 1944, when German wealth was already sealed, he mentioned the intention to organize a European conference to bring together countries willing to help Germany exterminate the Jews. He even consulted Hitler and sent invitations to the so-called anti-Jewish congress, which takes place in Krakow, occupied Poland. In a draft resolution for such a meeting, Rosenberg writes, as if it were a statement from all participants, that Judaism is a completely strange parasitic element in all developing nations of mankind, and that only after the elimination of these pathogenic bacteria can we devote ourselves to rebuilding worldly life. Also with the aim of cleaning German art brought by Jewish degenerates, Rosenberg was tasked with organizing the task of looting the continent's most important works of art during the war under a continental-scale attack. For Rosenberg, however, this task was part of the fight against Jewish culture. His most important contribution, if you can call it, was to convince the Nazis that the ideological basis he offered them was based on a deep and rational philosophy, not pure hatred. In this way, he eased the conscience and, in a way, facilitated genocide. The logs reveal the doentia. The destrui'o das grandes cidades alem's bombardeios pelos dos Aliados had a uma chance of redescoberta like never before, not que é rural. It was necessary to understand sin is not destino. Embora has written that mesmo, or diarium of Rosenberg legou histology um rare document o ponto ao qual chegam those who have resigned deeply. Os Diários Alfred Rosenberg 1934-1944 Author: Alfred Rosenberg Organizacao: J.R. and Frank Bajohr Tradu.o: Claudia Abeling Editora: Planet 664 pages R$99.90 Other uses of the surname, see Rosenberg. Alfred Rosenberg Alfred Rosenberg in NSDAP uniform. Imperial Minister for the Occupied Territories of Eastern July 17, 1941 - 1945. 1933-8 May 1945 Personal dataBirth 12 January 1893Reval , Estonian Governorates, Russian Empire (now Tallinn, Estonia)Death 16 October 1946 Nuremberg, occupied GermanyCausa death Russian citizenship hanging, Weimar Republic and third reich German maternal language German Baltic German Instituter chose Neo-Parliamentary Coastal German National Socialist Workers' Party family Padres Waldemar Wilhelm Rosenberg Elfriede SiréCóre Hilda Leesmann (1915-1923) Hedwig Kramer (1925-1946)Sons 2 EducationEducated Engineering Education Education Riga Technical UniversityMuniversity M. University Bauman of Moscow Professional InformationSport , politician and writerEmpleador V'lkescher Beobachter Notable words The myth of the twentieth century Militaryrama SturmabteilungRango Obergruppenf-hrer member of society ThuleKampfbund f Deutsche Kultur D istinciones Cruz a Merit of WarOnorary Citizen in Lubeck's GoldenPlate Blood's Blood (1937) Criminal InformationCargo (s) Crime against Humanity Signature [editing data Wikidata] Alfred Rosenberg (Tallinn, Russian Empire, 12 January 2008 , 1893 - Nuremberg, Germany (Born October 16, 1946) is a German politician, Adolf Hitler, leading ideologue of Nazism and political officer of german territories during World War II in Eastern Europe. One of the main authors of key Nazi ideological concepts, in particular his racial theory, militant anti-Semitism, the idea of Lebensraum, the repeal of the Treaty of Versailles and the so-called degenerate opposement of modern art. It is also known for its persistent rejection of Christianity. [1] because it played a central role in promoting what he called positive Christianity, a sectarian ideology that sought to transition from Christianity to a new Nazi faith(2), which denied the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. He was indicted in Nuremberg, sentenced to death and hanged as a war criminal. Early biography He comes from the Baltic Germans' family and began his architectural career at riga technical school in 1910 (later the University of Latvia). As a result of the development of World War I, the Russian authorities decided to leave the technical school, including teachers, in Moscow in 1915, where he studied engineering at the Moscow Technical Upper School,[3][4] which peaked in 1917. When he was young, he defended the idea of racial purity in Germans. This thought led him to reject the Bolsheviks; therefore, during the October Revolution, Rosenberg supported Russian counterreareareers off the Baltic Sea coast. In 1918, together with Max Scheubner-Richter, he emigrated to Germany, who became a kind of mentor to Rosenberg and his ideology. He arrived in Munich and contributed Dietrich Eckart to the publication of the V-lker Beobachter (People's Observer). By this time, Rosenberg was convinced that Houston's Stewart Chamberlain's book, the 19th, was also an anti-Bolshevik, as a result of his family's exile. [5] Rosenberg was one of the first members of the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiter Partei or DAP, later the Nazi Party) when he became a member in January 1919 with 625 files; Adolf Hitler only came forward in September 1919. Rosenberg, along with Dietrich Eckart, was also a member of the Thule Society. After the Beobachter became the official newspaper of the Nazi Party in December 1920, Rosenberg was its editor from 1923,[6] which he carried out until December 1938. Rosenberg was a prominent member of the Aufbau Vereinigung' (Reconstruction Organization, a group of German emigrants from Russia that had a critical impact on early Nazi politics). [7] Rosenberg was influenced in his youth by Houston's Stewart Chamberlain in the re-drafted racist doctrines of Abermensch (superman, Friedrich Nietzsche) and Gobineau. In 1929, Rosenberg founded the German Cultural Struggle Front as a supporter of racism where, under the influence of H.S. Chamberlain and the Earl of Gobineau, he extolled the racial superiority of the Aryan peoples, whom Rosenberg attributed to the Indo- European people, who created the great culture of classical antivaluation (Greece, Rome, Persia) and whose higher descendants would be the Scandinavian Peoples of Europe. By then Rosenberg had been anti-materialistic and anti-Marxist, notions that his great sapience was dominated and at the same time hated. He began years after being interested in the occult, from which he would never be parted. At that time, he traveled to France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Rosenberg then founded the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question, which dedicated the identification and attack of Jewish influence in German culture and the recording of the history of Judaism from a highly anti-Semitic perspective. In 1930, the Nazi party appointed him deputy member of the Reichstag of the Republic of Weimar and published his book on racial theory, The Myth of the Twentieth Century (Der Mythus des 20). Jahrhunderts), which dealt with central topics of National Socialist ideology, such as the Jewish issue. Rosenberg planned to make his book a continuation of Houston Stewart Chamberlain's work, extolling ethnic Germans as a superior race among the Aryans, and more broadly worldwide. Despite the fact that more than a million copies were sold by 1945, in the 20th century, it was not until the 20th century that the world was sold. It is often claimed that this is a book officially revered in Nazism, but very few actually read beyond the first chapter, or even many Nazi militants found it incomprehensible. [8] Hitler called it things that no one understood,[9] and rejected his pseudo-religious tone,[5] while other Nazi leaders, such as Goering, Himmler and Goebbels, did not hide disparaging or derogatory comments against Rosenberg's lyrics. Hitler himself stated that the myth of the twentieth century was a text that did not contain the official ideology of Nazism and did not suggest that he had read it in its entirety. From 1942, rosenberg was promoted to head of the Nazi party's foreign service in 1933, after Nazism came to power. From this position, he attributed the artefacts and other equipment of the museums and private collections of German Jews to his own. In the same year, he took over the post of Reichsleiter, while his ideas shaped the Nuremberg laws that began the sincere persecution of Jews in Germany. In 1939, Rosemberg came into contact with Quisling, an exoficial of the Norwegian army who Arya held ideas of racial superiority and longed for nazi support for a similar political project in his home country. Rosenberg's approach to Soviet Bolshevism would have influenced Hitler, who was convinced of the communist threat and the supposed fragility of the Soviet political structure. Since the early 1920s, Judeo-Bolshevism has been accepted as a target for German expansion,[5] but Rosenberg's stated hatred of religion (including Christianity) has not caused his racial postulates to be widely disseminated by Nazi propaganda in the name of losing support for German conservative Christians. Despite this, Rosenberg did not abandon his anti-Christian beliefs and supported them whenever possible, with a particular emphasis on condemning the malicious Jewish and cosmopolitan roots of the Christian faith, attacking Catholicism as a Jewish strength and censoring Protestantism for failing to establish a German national faith during the Protestant Reformation. After the Battle of France and Hitler's behing, Rosenberg was responsible for searching French soil for all material related to political ideas and theories that underpinned his belief in the superior race. In Eastern Europe in 1941, Hitler appointed Rosenberg as the holder of the Ministry of The Eastern Occupied Territories. This energized Rosenberg with policies used against the degenerate Aryans, as he usually called the Slavs. Thus, as soon as the German occupation of the Soviet Union began, Rosenberg planned to encourage anti-communism between the peoples of Ukraine, the Baltic and the Caucasus, to incorporate such ethnic groups into Hitler's anti-Bolshevik crusade, to which Rosenberg believed it wise to advise Hitler on the application of moderate (if never humanitarian) policies against these ethnic groups. Rosenberg's wish was to believe that the Soviet Union could collapse politically entirely as militarily, and to this end it would be sufficient to encourage degenerate and exposed peoples to the Soviet Union in an appropriate manner. These ideas were not liked by Hitler or Himmler, who insisted on the exploitation and slavery of non-German peoples as the only policies to follow. Thus, in 1942, Rosenberg sought to nurture allies within occupied Ukraine between the UPA nationalists and the Ukrainian OUN to aid German war effort, while seeking to maintain the strictest repression against Poles and Czechs, as well as to eradicate Jews on Ukrainian soil. Such a pro-Slavic policy was sharply criticized by Himmler and his subordinates like Erich Koch, who insisted on treating all Slavics as untermensch or subhumans, without As a result, Rosenberg's attempts to gain the help of the Baltic peoples for the empire, himmler and Koch demanded that the economic exploitation of the Reichskommissariat Ostland take precedence over Rosenberg's activities. Nuremberg courtroom: Rosenberg (front row, left). Rosenberg (right) at the Nuremberg trial of Hans Frank (centre) and Alfred Jodl. Rosenberg after he was hanged. Since he made no attempt to introduce his policies in Ukraine and Belarus in mid-1943 and renewed the father of Soviet counter-attacks in mid-1943, Rosenberg worked to promote the cooperation of Slavic volunteers in combat service within Wehrmacht due to war emergencies, but Hitler refused to fully maintain such a project. Indeed, Rosenberg's Eastern Ministry increasingly lost the raison d'e lack throughout 1944 as the SS was the true political officer of occupied Eastern Europe, but Rosenberg did not reject Hitler, but simply marginalized any relevant decision. In May 1945, Alfred Rosenberg lost influence over Hitler during his stay at Holstein, but was arrested by U.S. military police while hiding in a hospital to recover from injuries. He was later tried in Nuremberg for supporting extermnation operations against Jews and Slavs in Eastern Europe, to which Rosenberg first tried to justify his racist philosophy and then refused to be aware of Hitler's plans to exterm out Jews (although his immediate assistants attended the Wanseen Conference in 1942). On October 1, 1946, he was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, and in 1946, according to Joseph Kingsbury Smith, who covered the executions of the International News Service, Rosenberg was the only inmate who, when asked on the gallows if he had a final statement, replied with one word: No. [11] His body, like the nine others executed and hermann goring's body, was cremated in Ostfriedhof, Munich, and the ashes were scattered across the Isar River. [12] Rosenberg's family life was married twice. In 1915, he married Hilda Leesmann, a young woman of Estonian ethnicity, but divorced after eight years of marriage. In 1925, he married his second wife, Hedwig Kramer. The marriage lasted until his execution in 1946. Rosenberg and Kramer had two sons, a toddler who died, and a daughter, Irene, who was born in 1930. Your child has refused to contact anyone who asks for information about their father. Irene had a son in Argentina. Works Immoral im Talmud, 1920, Boepple Deutscher Volksverlag, Munich (Immorality in the Talmud) Das Verbrechen der Freimaurerei: Judentum, JesuitAsmism, Deutsches Christentum, 1921 (Crime of Freemasonry: Judaism, Jesuitism, German Christianity) Wesen, Grunds-tze und Ziele der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei, 1922, Ernst Boepple Deutscher Volksverlag, Munich (Principles and objectives of the National Socialist Party of German Workers Der Bolschewismus, seine Houpter, Handlanger und Opfer, 1922, Ernst Boepple Deutscher Volksverlag, Munich (The Plague in Russia). Bolshevism, its ringleaders, henchhorses and victims) Bolschewismus, Hunger, Tod, 1922, Ernst Boepple Deutscher Volksverlag, Munich (Bolshevism, Starvation, Death) Der staatsfeindliche Zionismus. (Zionism, enemy of the state), 1922. Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion und die j'dische Weltpolitik, 1923 (Sion's Sage Protocols and Jewish World Politics) J. Bolschewismus, Britons Pub. Society, 1923, (Jewish Bolshevism) along with Ernst Boepple Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1930 (Myth of the 20th century) Dietrich Eckart. Ein Vermschtnis, 1935 (Dietrich Eckart: A Legacy) Egy die Dunkelm'nner unserer Zeit. Eine Antwort auf die Angriffe gegen den Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1937 (Age obscurantists: The response to the attacks of The Myth of the Twentieth Century) protestantische Rompilger. Der Verrat is a Luther und der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1937 (Protestant Pilgrims of Rome: The Betrayal of Luther and The Myth of the Twentieth Century)Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus: Die Basis der neuen Ordnung (Foundations of National Socialism: Foundations of the New Order) Blut und ehre (Blood and Honor) Portrait of Eines Menschtsheverb 1949, Serge Lang and Ernst von Schenck (Alfred Rosenberg's Memories: With Commentary)[13] Die Macht der Form , The Power of Form Daily during nuremberg lawsuits Rosenberg's handwritten diary was translated by Harry Fiss, head of documentation for the American indictment. [14] After being used as evidence during the Nuremberg trial, the journal disappeared, along with other material that was handed over to Prosecutor Robert Kempner. He was found in Lewiston on June 13, 2013. [16] It was written on 425 loose pages with entries from 1936 to 1944 and is now owned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington. [15] Henry Mayer, the museum's chief archivist and the son of a Holocaust survivor, was able to access the material, and although he did not have enough time to read [the] diary entry from start to finish, he saw Rosenberg focusing on certain topics, including brutality against Jews and others, the civilian population of occupied Russia is being forced to serve Germany. [15] Meyer noted Rosenberg's hostile comments about Nazi leaders, which he called varnishless. [15] Although parts of the manuscript were previously published, most had been lost for decades. Robert King Wittman, a former agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation who helped find the paper, said there was no place in the newspaper where Rosenberg or Hitler said jews should be exonered and all said to get them out of Europe. [17] The New York Times reported that the newspaper's tangled journey could be the subject of a television miniseries. [19] Since the end of 2013, USHMM has published the 425-page document (photographs and transcripts) on its website. [20] References to Hexham, Irving (2007). Invention of pagans: a close reading of Richard Steigmann-Gallic Holy Empire. Journal of Contemporary History (SAGE Publications) 42 (1): 59-78. ISSN 0022-0094. doi:10.1177/0022009407071632. Jewish Virtual Library. Alfred Rosenberg. Accessed May 7, 2008. Der Nurnberger Prozeo, 1946. Hasenfratz, H.P. (1989). Die Religion Alfred Rosenbergs. Numen (German) 36 (1): 113-126. doi:10.2307/3269855. a b c Evans, Richard J. (2004). The coming of the Third Reich. London: Penguin. 178-179. ISBN 0-14-100975-6. Cecil, it's Robert. The Myth of the Master Race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi Ideology, p. 34, ISBN 0-396-06577-5. Kellogg 227-228 ' Goldensohn, Leon; Gellately, Robert (ed) (2004). The Nuremberg interviews. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. xvii, 73-75, 108-109, 200, 284. ISBN 0-375-41469-X. The reference uses the outdated parameter co-authors (help) - Speer, Albert (1970). In the Third Reich: Albert Speer's memoirs. Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. New York: Macmillan. Article 115 Arguments for Alfred Rosenberg's defence during the Nuremberg trial. Archived on February 23, 2011. Accessed February 20, 2011. - J. Kingsbury-Smith; Dear Journalist - LA Times, 06, February, 1999. Accessed August 16, 2015. Thomas Darnst-dt (2005), Ein Gl'cksfall der Geschichte, Der Spiegel Rosenberg, Alfred (1949). Alfred Rosenberg's memoirs, with commentary. Posselt, Eric, Lang, Serge and von Schenck, Ernst. Chicago: Ziff-Davis Publishing. P. 328. OCLC 871198711. Tragakiss, Tamara (November 23, 2005). Morris Resident was a translator during nuremberg war trials. The Litchfield County Times. Hearst Media Services Connecticut. Accessed December 31, 2018. (a) b c d Fenyvesi, (14 June 2012). Mysteries of lost (and found) Nazi diaries. National Geographic. Federal officials reveal the diary of a high-level Nazi leader found at WNY. It was archived from the original on October 15, 2014. Accessed February 21, 2020. Kovaleski, Serge F. (March 31, 2016). To follow an elusive diary from Hitler's inner circle. Newspaper. The New York Times. Article C1-2 Accessed April 3, 2016. Cohen, Patricia (June 13, 2013). Diary of a Hitler Aide Resurfaces After a Hunt That Last Years. The New York Times. Accessed June 15, 2013. Reuters (June 10, 2013). I found the diary of one of Hitler's confidantes. La Vanguardia (Barcelona, Spain). It was archived from the original on October 14, 2013. Unknown parameter url-status ignored (help) Alfred Rosenberg Diary - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . August 16, 2015) External links to Wikimedia Commons media related to Alfred Rosenberg. Data: Q75849 Multimedia: Alfred Rosenberg Retrieved from « 22020MMXX December Sem L M M J V S D 1 30 31 1 2 4 5 2nd 6 7 8 9 10 0 11 12 3 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 4th 20 21 22 24 25 26 5th 27th 27th28 29 30 31 1 2 Other dates: January 0Ever calendar day is January 12 (twelfth) day of the year in the Guerra calendar. There are 353 days left until the end of the year and 354 leap years. Events is the original document of Avillasilai Fuero and Villamelendro, issued by Alfonso VIII in 1180. The Revolution of Palermo (Sicily) 29 hours in 1848. C. In ancient Rome, the civil war ends. 1072: In Spain, after the Battle of Golpejera, Sancho II is crowned King of León. 1180: Alfonso VIII enters the Fuero de Villasila and Villamelendro 1230: James I of Aragon conquers the island of Majorca. 1528: In Sweden, Gustav I was crowned king. 1610: In Spain, the expulsion of the Moors from Andalusia was ordered. 1719: Some 4,000 Carolinian soldiers (King Charles XI and Charles XII) froze in the Tidal Mountains, norway's Tr'ndelag region, norway's Tr'ndelag region. 1755: In Moscow (Russian Empire), Empress Elisabeth approves the creation of the first Russian university, Moscow University. 1777: The Santa Clara mission, the eighth Spanish mission in the region, is located in the current city of Santa Clara, California. 1807: Part of the city of Leyden( Netherlands) is destroyed by the explosion of a ship loaded with gunpowder. 1812: Potosí County (Upper Peru, Bolivia) The Spaniards defeat the Argentines at the Battle of Quebrada del Nazareno. 1816: In France, the law of the government banishes the entire Bonaparte family. 1829: In Mexico, the Congress of the Republic annuls the presidential election. 1832: In Spain, the Ramón de Mesonero Romanos begins publishing Matritenses Scenes in the literary journal Castas Españolas. 1848: Palermo (Sicily) begins the independence revolution against the Bourbons of the Kingdom of the two Sicilians. 1866: Chile and Peru ratify an offensive and defensive alliance treaty to reverify the aggression of the Spanish navy, which sought to block Chilean ports. 1872: The Aksum (Ethiopia) Yohannes IV was crowned Emperor, the first imperial coronation in 200 years. 1874: In Cartagena, Spain, the Canonical uprising, which formed the canton of Cartagena and withstood the naval and land blockade of government forces, ends. 1875: In China, Kwang-Su was crowned emperor. 1881: In the context of the Pacific War, Bolivia, Chile and Peru meet at the Battle of San Juan and Chorrillos. 1895: The National Trust (now the National Foundation for Historic Sites or Natural Beauty) was founded in the British Empire, London. 1898: Ito Hirobumi begins his third term as Prime Minister of Japan in Tokyo, Japan. 1899: Argentine school frigate Presidente Sarmiento begins his first trip to circumnavigation. 1905: Lizardo García is elected president in Ecuador. 1906: Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet (which includes H. H. Asquith, Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George) begins radical social reforms. 1908: The radio sends a message to the Eiffel Tower for the first time in Paris, France. 1910: In the context of racial segregation that legally existed in the United States until 1967, Congress passed the White Anti-Trafficking Act (meaning that only white women will be protected). 1913: Kiel and Wilhelmshaven established the German underwater fleet (preparing for the start of World War I). 1915: In the United States, the House rejects a proposal to give white women the right to vote. 1915: In the United States, the U.S. Congress creates a rocky mountain national park. 1917: Club Atlético Argentino de San Carlos was founded in San Carlos Centro, Santa Fe, Argentina. 1918: The Inkett Mosaics Act, which makes Finns of Jewish origin legal citizens, comes into force in Finland. 1924: In Spain, Miguel Primo de Rivera dissolves provincial councils, with the exception of the councils of Navarre and the Basque Country. 1926: the Against Mexico, Mexican Constitution 27, 1932: In the United States, Hattie Caraway becomes the first white woman elected senator. 1936: Cuban pilot Menéndez Peláez departs Camaguey Airport (Cuba) to take the Havana-Madrid transatlantic flight, which he completed in four stages. 1937: Amin al-Husayni, Jerusalem's grand mufti, demands an end to Jewish immigration from Palestine. 1937: Melilla becomes the base of German submarines. 1938: The constituent meeting of the new Supreme Soviet is held in the Soviet Union. 1940: In Guayaquil, Ecuador, José María Velasco Ibarra is a supporter of a revolutionary movement. 1940: During the Winter War, the Soviet Union bombed cities in Finland. 1941: Club Sport Cartageinés won the third title of first division champion Costa Rica in 1942: in the context of World War II, Japan, after invading the Sulawesi Islands and borneo island, declares war on the Dutch East Indies. 1946: In New York, the United Nations General Assembly establishes the Security Council. 1948: In the United States, the Supreme Court declares equal education for blacks and whites. In the United States, however, racial segregation was officially abolished in 1967. 1952: Argentine central bank announces that all exports must be paid before shipment. 1953: The new Constitution enters into force in Yugoslavia and Marshal Josip Broz Tito is declared President of the Republic. 1954: More than 200 people die in Australia from a sleep. 1959: In Maro, southern Spain, five young people rediscover the Nerja Cave. Neanderthals' focas paintings were between 41,500 and 40,300. C. (making it the first known work of art in history). [1] 1961: At the University of Barcelona, a general strike in protest at aggression against students. 1963: A military uprising begins in Togo against the regime of Sylvanus Olympio. 1964: Zanzibar begins the Zanzibar Revolution, which proclaims a republic. 1966: In the United States, President Lyndon B. Johnson declares that his country will keep Vietnam until all communists are destroyed. 1966: The television series Batman with Adam West and Burt Ward airs for the first time in the United States. 1967: heavy snowfall occurs on the water volcano (Guatemala), which covers the peak in its entirety. It was the last time it snowed on this Guatemalan volcano. 1967: In the United States, psychology professor James Bedford died of cancer and be preserved cryogenically with the idea of future imitating resurrecting. 1968: In the Soviet Union, author Alexandr Guinzburg was sentenced to five years in prison. 1969: Led Zeppelin released their debut album Led Zeppelin. 1970: The Nigerian government crushes the short-lived Republic of Biafra (1967-1970). The civil war is over. 1970: Spain has large floods caused by overflows in the rivers Ebro, Tajo, Duero, Guadiana and Guadalquivir. 1971: In Germany, the Ministry of Agriculture prohibits the use of the insecticide DDT because of its carcinogenic properties. The ban will take effect on May 17. 1971: The trial begins in the United States against Catholic priest Philip Berrigan (1923-2002) and five others for claiming they would make symbolic arrests against Henry Kissinger (one of the vietnam war's in charge). Although the government will spend two million dollars in the coming years, it will not be able to condemn them. 1971: The hit situation comedy All in the Family on CBS begins in the United States. 1976: The United Nations Security Council votes 11-to-1 to give the Palestine Liberation Organization the right to participate in a Council debate (albeit without the right to vote). 1981: Uruguay's national team proclaimed world champion Gold Cup champion by beating the Brazilian national team. 1983: The rebellion led by Siegfried Ochoa ends in El Salvador. 1986: The American space shuttle Columbia is launched into space with the aim of orbiting the Cabion-1 communications satellite. 1988: The world's first Test quintets were born in Michigan, United States. 1988: In Antarctica, Spain deploys its first base. 1991: In Spain, the vice president of the government Alfonso Guerra resigns, dragged by scandals. 1991: In Lithuania, thousands of civilians gather around Parliament for 12-13 nights and clash with Soviet troops. 1991: In the United States, both the Senate and Congress authorize President Bush to use force against Iraq. 1992: In Algeria, the electoral process was desisted in the first round on December 26 as Islamists triumphed. 1993: 120 countries sign the chemical weapons ban agreement in Paris. 1994: In Fiji, Ratu is appointed president by Sir Kamisese Mara. 1995: President Francois Mitterrand inaugurates Europe's largest music complex in Paris. 1998: In Paris, 19 European countries, including Spain, sign the Council of Europe Protocol prohibiting cloning of people, the first text of international law in this area. 1998: German government agrees to pay €100 million to Eastern Jews who survived the Nazi Holocaust. In Chile, the Chilean Air Force successfully implements Operation Manu Tama'I, in which F-5E Tigre III fighter jets fly directly from mainland Chile to Easter Island and the institution's KC-707 Eagle broadcasts by air. 1999: Britney Spears releases her first album ... Baby One More Time, with which it is currently sold more than 30 million copies worldwide, and has earned its first RIAA-certified diamond plate. 2004: The world's largest cruise liner, Queen Mary 2. 2005: From Cape Canaveral, Florida, the Deep Impact spacecraft takes off. 2006: In Mina, Saudi Arabia, panic occurs during the ritual of satan's totoning. At least 362 Muslim pilgrims die. 2010: A devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7 degrees, at the epicenter 15 km from Port-au-Prince (Haiti), produces about 316,000 dead. 2011: The Galician cultural city of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) is inaugurated. 2011. In the United States, Google censors the video channel of the Cubadebate website on the YouTube website. [2] 2012: In Limonade, 15 km south of Cape Haitian (Haiti), King Henri Christophe's site at Haiti State University opens, commemorating the second anniversary of the 2010 earthquake. It was donated by the Government of the Dominican Republic with some of the donations received by the Dominican Republic on behalf of Haiti. 2014: In , Francis appoints 19 new cardinals. 2016: A new suicide bombing is carried out in Istanbul near the Blue Mosque tourist attraction, which has a scale of 10 dead and 15 injured. 2017: The YouTube platform uploads the video with the most views in Luis Fonsi's Despacito story with Daddy Yankee. 2018: Camila Cabello's debut album, Camila. Born in 1474: Nitiananda, Hindu saint of Bengal (ca. 1540). 1483: III. 1562: Charles I, saboy aristocrat (d. 1630). 1580: Jan Baptist van Helmont, Belgian physicist and chemist († 1644). 1588: John Winthrop, American political leader (d. 1649). 1591: José de Ribera, Spanish painter (d. 1652). 1597: Francois Duquesnoy, Italian sculptor (d. 1643). 1628: Charles Perrault, French writer of children's stories such as Pulgarcito or Caperucita (d. 1703). 1711: Gaetano Latilla, Italian composer (d. 1788). 1715: Jacques Duphly, French composer (d. 1789). 1716: Antonio de Ulloa, Spanish sailor and scientist (d. 1795). 1721: Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prussian Marshal (d. 1792). 1729: Edmund Burke, Irish politician and writer (d. 1797). 1746: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Swiss pedagogy (d. 1827). 1751: Ferdinand I of Bourbon, Sicilian aristocrat, king from 1759 to 1825 (d. 1825). 1792: Johan August Arfwedson, Swedish (d. 1841). 1797: Gideon Brecher, Austrian Jewish physician and writer (d. 1873). 1809: Leopoldo O'Donnell, Spanish military and politician (d. 1867). 1822: Etienne Lenoir, Belgian engineer and creator of the internal combustion engine (d. 1900). 1843: José Peón y Contreras, Mexican poet (d. 1907). 1849: Jean Béraud, French impressionist painter (d. 1935). 1849: Candelario Obeso, Colombian writer (d. 1884). 1852: French General Joseph Joffre (d. 1931). 1856: John Singer Sargent, Italian-American painter (d. 1925). 1863: Swami Vivekananda, Indian philosopher (d. 1902). 1873: Spiridon Louis, Greek athlete (d. 1940). 1874: James Juvenal, American rower (d. 1942). 1876: Jack London, American writer (d. 1916). 1876: Ermanno Wolf- Ferrari, Italian-German composer (d. 1948). 1878: Ferenc Molnár, Hungarian writer (d. 1952). 1882: Milton Sills, American actor (d. 1930). 1884: Texas Guinan, American actress (d. 1933). 1893: Hermann Goering, German military and politician (d. 1946). 1893: Alfred Rosenberg, Estonian politician and Nazi leader (d. 1946). 1894: Georges Carpentier, French boxer (d. 1975). 1895: Marcial Mora, Chilean politician (d. 1972). 1896: David Wechsler, American psychologist (d. 1981). 1899: Pierre Bernac, French opera singer (d. 1979). 1899: Paul Hermann Muller, Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1948 († 1965). 1901: Salvador Cardona, Spanish cyclist (d. 1985). 1903: Igor Kurchatov, Russian physicist († 1960). 1904: Mississippi Fred McDowell, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1972). 1905: Tex Ritter, American singer and actor (d. 1974). 1906: Emmanuel Lévinas, Lithuanian philosopher (d. 1995). 1907: Sergei Koroliov, rocket designer and Russian engineer (d. 1966). 1908: José Limón, Mexican dancer, teacher and choreographer (d. 1972). 1908: Alfredo Zalce, Mexican painter and muralist (d. 2003). 1908: Jean Delannoy, French film director, screenwriter and actor (d. 2008). 1910: Patsy Kelly, American actress (d. 1981). 1910: Luise Rainer, German-born American actress (d. 2014). 1912: Raúl Benito Castillo, Argentine politician (d. 1969). 1912: Florindo Sassone, Argentine musician (d. 1982). 1914: Enrique Miret Magdalena, Spanish theologian (d. 2009). 1914: Diego Espín Cánovas, Spanish lawyer (2007-2007). 1916: Pieter Willem Botha, South African politician and president from 1984 to 1989 (d. 2006). 1916: Jay McShann, American singer, songwriter and pianist (d. 2006). 1917: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Indian Hindu religious (d. 2008). 1920: Bill Reid, Canadian sculptor. 1921: Julio Cicero, Jesuit and Mexican biologist (age 2012). 1923: Tito Alberti, Argentine musician and composer (d. 2009). 1923: Ira Hayes, U.S. Marine, is one of those who raised the flag of Iwo Jima (d. 1955). 1924: Olivier Gendebien, Belgian racing driver (f. 1925: Katherine MacGregor, American actress. 1926: Morton Feldman, American composer (d. 1987). 1926: Ray Price, American singer (d. 2013). 1926: Abraham Serfaty, Moroccan politician (d. 2010). 1927: Leopoldo Federico, Argentine conductor, composer and bandoneonist (2014). 1929: Alasdair MacIntyre, Anglo-American philosopher. 1930: Glenn Yarbrough, American singer and actor, from The Limeliters. 1936: Liliana Cavani, Italian film director. 1936: Spanish mathematician Miguel de Guzmán (2004) 1939: Héctor Ortega, Mexican actor, film director and screenwriter (d. 2020). 1941: Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano, Spanish lawyer. 1942: Ramiro de León Carpio, Guatemalan politician (d. 2002). 1944: Joe Frazier, American boxer (d. 2011). 1944: Vlastimil Hort, Czech chess player. 1944: Carlos Villagrán (Quico), Mexican actor. 1946: George Duke, American pianist and composer (d. 2013). 1948: Gordon Campbell, Canadian politician. 1948: Brendan Foster, British athletics commentator. 1948: William Nicholson is a British writer and screenwriter. 1949: Ottmar Hitzfeld, German football coach. 1949: Hamadi Jebali, Tunisian engineer, journalist and politician, 1949: Haruki Murakami, Japanese writer. 1951: Kirstie Alley, American actress. 1951: Rush Limbaugh, American television presenter and writer. 1952: Walter Mosley, American writer. 1952: El Nani (Santiago Corella), Spanish robber. 1953: Mary Harron, Canadian screenwriter and director. 1954: Argentine singer Manuela Bravo. 1954: Jesús María Satrústegui, Spanish footballer. 1954: Howard Stern, American pilot, comedian and writer. 1955: Rockne S. O'Bannon, American screenwriter and producer. 1956: Ana Rosa Quintana is a Spanish television presenter and journalist. 1956: Marie Colvin, American war reporter (d. 2012). 1957: John Lasseter, creative director and animator of Pixar. 1958: Cecilio Alonso, Spanish handball player. 1958: Christiane Amanpour, Anglo-American journalist and writer. 1959: Blixa Bargeld, German singer and member of the band Einst.rzende Neubauten. 1959: Ralf Moeller, German actor and bodybuilder. 1959: Per Gessle, Swedish songwriter and singer, from the band Roxette. 1960: Canadian actor Oliver Platt. 1960: Dominique Wilkins, French-American basketball player. 1961: Francisco Marhuenda, journalist, director of La Razón newspaper and Spanish politician. 1962: Luna Vachon, American-Canadian professional wrestler (d. 2010). 1963: Francois Girard, Canadian director and screenwriter. 1963: Nando Reis, singer-songwriter, guitarist and Brazilian producer, the band. 1964: Jeff Bezos, American businessman and founder company. 1964: Laura Arraya, Peruvian tennis player. 1965: Rob Zombie, musician, film director and writer 1966: Olivier Martínez, French actor. 1967: Vendela Kirsebom is a Swedish-American model and actress. 1967: Sergio Novelli, Venezuelan journalist and announcer. 1968: Rachael Harris, American actress. 1968: Laura Mañá, Spanish film director. 1968: Junichi Masuda is a Japanese composer, developer and video game producer. 1968: Heather Mills, Paul McCartney, British activist and ex-wife. 1968: Mauro Silva, Brazilian footballer. 1969: Robert Prosine-ki is a Croatian footballer. 1970: Zack de la Rocha, American musician, from Rage Against the Machine. 1970: Raekwon, American rapper, from the Wu-Tang Clan band. 1971: Scott Burrell, American basketball player. 1973: Hande Yener, Turkish singer. 1974: Melanie Chisholm, British singer, from spice girls. 1974: Claudia Conserva, Chilean model and actress. 1975: Jason Freese, American musician, from green day. 1976: María José Loyola Anaya, Mexican singer-songwriter. 1977: Yoandy Garlobo, Cuban baseball player. 1977: Piolo Pascual, Filipino actor, singer and producer. 1978: Luis Ayala, Mexican baseball player. 1978: Jeremy Camp, American singer-songwriter and guitarist. 1978: Santiago Hirsig is an Argentine footballer. 1978: Bonaventure Kalou, Ivorian footballer. 1979: John Galliquio, Peruvian footballer. 1979: Grzegorz Rasiak, Polish footballer. 1980: Amerie, American singer-songwriter. 1981: Luis Ernesto Pérez, Mexican footballer. 1982: French tennis player Paul-Henri Mathieu. 1982: Dean Whitehead, British footballer. 1984: Oribe Peralta, Mexican footballer. 1985: Yohana Cobo, Spanish actress. 1985: Artem Milevskiy is a Ukrainian footballer. 1985: Borja Valero is a Spanish footballer. 1986: Gemma Arterton, British actress. 1986: Miguel Angel Nieto, Spanish footballer. 1986: Pablo Daniel Osvaldo, Italian-Argentine footballer. 1986: Kieron Richardson, British actor. 1987: Naya Rivera, American actress and singer 1987: Salvatore Sirigu, Italian footballer. 1988: Claude Giroux, canadian player from Jóquey, on the ice. 1988: Roberto Marín, Mexican actor. 1988: Martín Leonel Martínez is an Argentine footballer. 1988: Romi Rain, American actress. 1990: Sergei Kariakin, Russian chess player. 1991: Pixie Lott, British singer-songwriter and actress. 1992: Ishak Belfodil is an Algerian footballer. 1992: Samuele Longo is an Italian footballer. 1992: Lucas Mugni, Argentine footballer. 1993: Luciano Corigliano, Mexican actor of Argentine descent. 1993: Zayn Malik, British singer. 1993: D.O., South Korean singer, actor and model. 1994: Emre Can, German footballer. 1995: Maverick Viñales, Spanish motorcyclist. 1995: Alessio Romagnoli is an Italian footballer. 1996: Ella Henderson, British singer-songwriter. 1998: Alejandro Correa, Mexican actor. 1998: Nathan Gamble, American actor. Deaths 1322: Mary Brabant, Queen France between 1274 and 1285 (n. 1254). 1519: Maximilian I of Habsburg, Germanic Roman aristocrat, emperor from 1508 to 1519 (b. 1459). 1665: Pierre de Fermat, French mathematician (n. 1601). 1674: Giacomo Carissimi, Italian composer (b. 1605). 1705: Luca Giordano, Italian artist (b. 1634). 1735: John Eccles, British composer (b. 1668). 1765: Johann Melchior Molter, German composer and violinist (b. 1696). 1788: Francisco Noroña, Spanish religion, physician and botanist (n. 1748). 1806: Manuel Abad y Lasierra, Spanish religion (b. 1729). 1809: Antonio Sangenís Torres, Spanish military engineer (b. 1767). 1812: Lucas González Balcarce, Argentine soldier (b. 1777). 1829: Friedrich von Schlegel, German philosopher (n. 1772). 1856: Slovak politician and writer Atur Oudovít (b. 1815). 1861: Václav Hanka, Czech philologist and archaeologist (n. 1791). 1871: Eduardo Zamacois y Zabala, Spanish painter (b. 1841). 1886: Ilya Ulynov, Lenin's father (b. 1831). 1894: Mariano Rius, Spanish businessman (b. 1838). 1897: Isaac Pitman, British linguist and educator (b. 1813). 1907: Adolf Bernhard Christoph Hilgenfeld, German writer and theologian (b. 1823). 1909: Hermann Minkowski, German mathematician of Jewish descent (n. 1864). 1912: Alexander Duff, British aristocrat (b. 1849). 1938: Swedish actor Gosta Ekman (b. 1890). 1939: Hariclea Darclée, Romanian soprano (b. 1960). 1942: Vladimir Petliakov, Russian aircraft designer (b. 1891). 1956: Norman Kerry, American actor (1894). 1960: Pedro Puig Adam, Spanish mathematician (b. 1900). 1960: Nevil Shute, British engineer and writer (b. 1899). 1963: Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Spanish writer and journalist (b. 1888). 1969: Roberto Noble, Argentine journalist (1902). 1972: Amaury Germanic Aristy, Dominican politician and revolutionary (b. 1947). 1976: Agatha Christie, British writer (b. 1890). 1977: Henri-Georges Clouzot, French film director (b. 1907). 1980: President Antonio Pons of Ecuador (b. 1897). 1983: Nikolai Podgorny, Soviet politician (b. 1903). 1986: Héctor Galmés, Uruguayan writer, teacher and translator (n. 1933). 1988: Connie Mulder, South African politician (b. 1925). 1988: Bruno Prevedi, Italian tenor (b. 1928). 1990: Laurence J. Peter, Canadian educator (b. 1919). 1991: Vasco Pratolini, Italian writer (b. 1913). 1994: Samuel Bronston, American film producer (1908). 1997: Jean-Edern Hallier, French writer (b. 1936). 1997: Charles Brenton Huggins, Canadian physician, Nobel prize in medicine in 1966 (b. 1901). 1998: Roger Clark, British racing driver (1939). 1998: Ramón Sampedro, Spanish sailor and tetraplegic writer (b. 1943). 2000: Marc Davis, American animator and cartoonist (b. 1913). 2000: Bobby Phills, American basketball player (b. 1969). 2001: Manuel Aznar Acedo, Spanish journalist (b. 1916). 2001: New American engineer (1913). 2001: Atano III (Mariano Juaristi), Spanish pelotari (b. 1904). 2002: Cyrus Vance, American politician (b. 1917). 2003: Kinji Fukasaku, Japanese film director (b. 1930). 2003: Leopoldo Galtieri, Argentine soldier and dictator from 1981 to 1982 (n. 1926). 2003: Maurice Gibb, British bassist and keyboardist from the Bee Gees (b. 1949). 2003: Hugo Sofovich, Argentine producer, director and libretist (b. 1939). 2006: Jovita Luna, Argentine singer, vedette and actress (b. 1924). 2007: Alice Coltrane, American jazz pianist (b. 1937). 2008: Gabriel Manelli, Argentine bassist and babasónicos (b. 1969). 2008: Angel González, Spanish poet (b. 1925). 2008: Isobel Bennet, Australian marine biologist (b. 1909). 2009: Claude Berri, French film director (b. 1934). 2009: Arne Noss, Norwegian philosopher (b. 1912). 2009: Alejandro Sokol, Argentine musician from Sumo and Las Pelotas (b. 1960). 2010: Daniel Bensa-d, French philosopher (b. 1946). 2010: Fina de Calderón, Spanish writer, poet and composer (n. 1927). 2011: Paul Picerni, American actor (1922). 2012: Monica Grey, Argentine actress (1941). 2012: Natalee Holloway, an American student who disappeared in 2005 and was pronounced dead on this day (n. 1986). 2013: Amedeo Cattani, Italian footballer (born 1924). 2013: Spanish actress Anna Lizaran (b. 1944). 2013: Guillermo Nimo, Argentine referee and sports commenter (b. 1932). 2013: Koto Okubo (115), Japanese supercentenary, is the oldest woman in the world. [4] (n. 1897). 2014: Reynaldo Vasco Uribe, Argentine poet (b. 1951). 2014: Héctor Manuel Vidal, Uruguayan theatre director (b. 1943). 2015: Yelena Obraztsova, Russian mezzo-soprano (n 1939). 2017: Meir Banai is an Israeli musician and singer-songwriter (b. 1961). 2017: William Peter Blatty, American writer and film director (b. 1928). 2018: Pierre Pincemaille, French musician (1956). 2020: Roger Scruton, English philosopher and writer (b. 1944). 2020: Paulo Gonoalves, Portuguese motorcycle racer (b. 1979). Yennayer celebrations. Berber New Year. USA: The first day of Lee-Jackson Day may fall until January 18 with the last, celebrated Friday ahead of Martin Luther King Day (Virginia Community). Turkmenistan: Memorial Day. India: National Youth Day. Russia Russia: Attorney General's Day. Tanzania: Zanzibar Revolution Day. Mauritania's Caesarian Catholic Saint Arcadian, martyr (c. 304). Saints Tigrio and Eutropio, martyrs (406). St. C-Section of Arles, nun (c. 529). St. Victorian of Asan (c. 561). Bishop and martyr of St. Ferreol (c. 659). St. Benedek Biscop, abbot (c. 690). Saint Elredo, abbot (c. 1166). St. Martin of the Holy Cross, priest and ordinary canon (1203). Saint Bernard of Korileon, Small capuchin (1667). Saint Margaret Bourgeois, virgin (1700). Blessed is Antonio Fournier, martyr (1794). Blessed Pedro Francisco Jamet, priest (1845). St. Anthony Maria Pucci, priest of the Order of The Servants of Mary Nak P. (1892). Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, priest and martyr (1944). Jesus' baptism begins the public life of Jesus, in which Christmas time follows the uniqueness of the Lord's Epiphany. See also January 11. January 13th. December 12th. February 12th. Anniversary calendar. References to the first work of art by mankind Neanderthals?, article in the ABC newspaper (Madrid) on February 7, 2012. Google and Facebook censor Cubadebate the Ecured website in Havana. Haiti receives this Thursday from a university donated to Dominican Republic Archived on November 3, 2012 by Wayback Machine., article on the website La Perla de la Costa Norte. Most recent deaths in 2013 (time system), table on the Gerontology Research Group website. External links to Wikimedia Commons media related to January 12. Data: Q2248 Multimedia: January 12 News: Category:12 January Bekilometer «

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