ISSN: 2560-1601 Vol. 14, No. 2 (BH) January 2019 Bosnia-Herzegovina economy briefing: Report: Keeping up with the Reform Agenda in 2019 Ivica Bakota 1052 Budapest Petőfi Sándor utca 11. +36 1 5858 690 Kiadó: Kína-KKE Intézet Nonprofit Kft.
[email protected] Szerkesztésért felelős személy: Chen Xin Kiadásért felelős személy: Huang Ping 2017/01 Report: Keeping up with the Reform Agenda in 2019 The second Bosnian four-year plan? In October 2018, German and British embassies organized a meeting with Bosnian economic and political experts, main party economic policy creators, EBRD and the WB representatives away from Bosnian political muddle in Slovenian Brdo kod Kranja to evaluate the success of the Reform Agenda and discuss the possibility of extending reform period or launching the second Reform Agenda. Defining an extension or a new reform agenda which in the next four years should tackle what was not covered in the first Agenda was prioritized on the meeting and is expected to become topical in the first months of the new administration. Regardless of the designed four- year timeframe, the government is expected to continue with enforcing necessary reforms envisioned in the (current) Reform Agenda and, according the official parlance, focuses on tackling those parts that haven’t been gotten straight. To make snap digression, the Reform Agenda was a broad set of social and economic reforms proposed (but poorly supervised) by German and other European ‘partners’ in order to help Bosnia and Herzegovina to exit from transitional limbo and make ‘real’ progress on the EU integrations track.