Bill 65, passed on May 10, 2000 during the 37th Session, founded the Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians. It was the first bill in Ontario history to be introduced by aLegislative Committee. Editorial: David Warner (Chair), Lily Munro, Joe Spina and Alexa Huffman &$%$ !&#!%!%#"$$"%"!""# ## !%#!$!!&#$% $ "#"!"' #24(2013) DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD INVITATION O. A. F. P. has now honoured two of our former Tell us, in 25 words or less, why you Members with a Distinguished Service Award, entered political life. The vast majority Hon. Bill Davis and Bob Nixon. Both occasions of MPPs entered political life for were special moments for many former honourable reasons. Sharing those colleagues, families and friends, paying tribute to reasons with our youth may help two people who truly have served our Province counter cynicism about our politicians. and our Country with distinction. While there is no prize for your submission be assured that your Who should our Association honour next? Send contribution is important and valued. your suggestion to
[email protected] Send your submission to David Warner Explain, in not more than 500 words, why this [
[email protected]] for former Member should receive the Distinguished publication in our next newsletter. Service Award. Please also provide a curriculum vitae of the nominee. The deadline for submissions is extended to March 31, 2014. PAGE 1 WINTER 2014 Bill 65, passed on May 10, 2000 during the 37th Session, founded the Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians. It was the first bill in Ontario history to be introduced by aLegislative Committee. OAFP Pre-Christmas Soiree November 25, 2013 “A record number of former MPPs gathered for an opportunity to meet colleagues we haven't seen for some time.