Supplementary Appendix A. List of Species, Including Growth Form
Supplementary Appendix A. List of species, including growth form, overall distribution, occurrence on the different volcanoes, voucher information (including herbarium), and in some cases ecological preference and/or conservation status. The following abreviations apply to the volcanos: AJ=El Ajusco, CP=Cofre de Perote, IZ=Iztaccíhuatl, ML=La Malinche, NC=Nevado de Colima, NT=Nevado de Toluca, PO=Pico de Orizaba, PP=Popocatépetl, SN=Sierra Negra, TE=Telapón, TL=Tláloc. The number of genera and species in each family are indicated in parentheses. *=Endemic to alpine flora of Central Mexico; +=introduced. For some species, conservation status categories LC=Least Concern for the IUCN Redlist and A=Threatened, Pr=Protected for the NOM-059 are provided after the distribution. Abbreviations for the collectors are as follows: AM (Alicia Mastretta), AR (A. Ramírez), ARG (Armando Rincón Gutiérrez), AV (A. Vega), BL (B. Leuenberger), BLT (Billie L. Turner), CAP (C.A. Purpus), CD (C. Delgadillo), CG (C. Galván), CGP (Cyrus G. Pringle), CH (C. Hernández), D (Dziekanowski), DF (D. Flores), EM (Eizi Matuda), ESG (E.S. Gibson), FAB (Fred A. Barkley), FML (F.M. Liebmann), GCC (Gonzalo Castillo-Campos), GD (G. Diggs), GLW (Grady L. Webster), GMV (Gustavo Medrano-Valtierra), HEM (H.E. Moore), HHI (Hugh H. Iltis), HN (Héctor Narave), HR (H. Ross), ID (I. Dorantes), IH (I. Hernández), IL (I. Luna), JAP (J.A. Pérez), JC (J. Chavelas), JE (J. Espinosa), J. Daniel Tejero Díez (JDTD), JG (J. García), JHB (John H. Beaman), JHC (J.H. Cota), JIC (J.I. Calzada), JLT (J.L. Tapia), JLV (José Luis Villaseñor), JR (Jerzy Rzedowski), KBH (K.
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