致辞 Message from the Chancellor and the President

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致辞 Message from the Chancellor and the President 党委书记:罗维东 校长:徐金梧 Chancellor Luo Weidong President Xu Jinwu 致辞 Message from the Chancellor and the President 举校同庆喜迎华诞,欢聚一堂共襄盛典。在 The whole university joins in a jubilant celebration of its birthday; all our alumni have assembled here for the joyful grand 建校 60 周年之际,谨向长期以来关心、支持北京 ceremony. On the 60th anniversary of the founding of the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), we would like to 科技大学建设发展的各级领导、师生员工、离退 extend our heartfelt gratitude and respect to all the leaders who have shown great care and concern for the development of the 休老同志、海内外校友及社会各界人士致以最诚 university, to all faculty, staff, students and retirees, to all our alumni both home and abroad, and to friends from all walks of life. 挚的感谢和最崇高的敬意! The past sixty years have witnessed the blossoms and fruits of our growth year on year. Strenuous efforts have been made for the cultivation of talents and professionals for generations. For sixty years, true to its long-established tradition of being 六十载春华秋实,数代人躬耕树蕙。建校以 “Rigorous in Scholarship and Dedicated to Practice”, and thanks to its vigorous endeavors and enterprise, the university has 来,北京科技大学秉承“学风严谨,崇尚实践” developed far advanced disciplines and distinctive educational features. It has also made remarkable progress in discipline 的优良传统,经过几代人励精图治,奋发拼搏, reconstruction, scientific researches and the nurture of highly qualified professionals, developing itself into a promising 形成了突出的优势学科和鲜明的办学特色。学校 institution of higher education with increasingly brilliant comprehensive strength. 的学科建设、人才培养、科学研究取得了显著成就, Known as the “Cradle for Iron and Steel Engineers”, USTB has turned out numerous first-rate scholars and qualified 综合实力日渐雄厚,各项事业蓬勃发展。 professionals, and, upholding the tradition of being practical-minded, fieldwork-based and innovation-oriented, it has now 钢铁摇篮育英才,求实鼎新谱新篇。面对建 started a new chapter. To answer the call for building a stronger China with a wealth of talent and innovative spirit, USTB 设人才强国和创新型国家的重大战略需求,北京 will fully implement the Party’s policies in order to expand its exoteric education concept, elevate its talent cultivation quality, 科技大学将全面贯彻党的教育方针,拓展开放性 upgrade its scientific research capability, enhance its service function to social and economic development, and harmonize 办学思路,提升人才培养水平,增强科学研究能力, its cultural heritage and innovation. All the university will endorse its tradition and adhere to the motto of “Seeking Truth and 不断增强服务经济社会发展能力,大力推进文化 Endorse Innovation”. They are determined to work with passion and confidence so as to make USTB one of the top ranking 传承创新。全体师生将弘扬传统,恪守“求实鼎新” research-based universities in China and an internationally renowned higher education institute with its own prominent 的校训,满怀豪情,坚定信心,把北京科技大学建 features. 设成为国内一流,国际知名的高水平研究型大学。 目 录 学校概况 1.........3 亲切关怀 4.........7 历史沿革 8.......13 人才培养 14......27 学科建设 28......33 科学研究 34......43 合作交流 44......49 和谐校园 50......59 校友风采 60......61 附 录 62......69 学校概况 北京科技大学 1952 年由天津大学等 6 所国内著 另有 MBA(含 EMBA)、MPA 和 20 个领域的工程 名大学的部分系科组建而成,现已发展成为以工为 硕士专业学位授予权。学校在冶金、材料、机械、 主,工、理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展的 矿业等领域的 12 个全国重点学科学术水平蜚声中外。 教育部直属全国重点大学,是全国首批正式成立研 学校拥有一支治学严谨的师资队伍,1787 名专 究生院的高等学校之一。1997 年 5 月首批进入国家 任教师中,有中国科学院院士 6 人,中国工程院院 “211 工程”建设高校行列。2006 年,学校成为国 士 2 人,国家“千人计划”入选者 7 人,国家“973” 家“优势学科创新平台” 建设项目试点高校。 项目首席专家 3 人,长江学者 15 人,国家杰出青年 建校 60 年来,学校逐步形成了“学风严谨,崇 科学基金获得者 13 人。教授431 人,副教授735 人。 尚实践”的优良传统,为社会培养各类人才 14 余万 学校的科研实力雄厚,现有 7 个国家级科研基 人 ( 其中博士 3164 人,硕士 18997 人 ) ,大部分已 地,包括 1 个国家科学中心,2 个国家重点实验室, 成为国家政治、经济、科技、教育等领域尤其是冶金、 2 个国家工程(技术)研究中心,2 个国家科技基础 材料工业的栋梁和骨干,罗干、刘淇、徐匡迪、黄 条件平台, 21 个省、部级重点实验室、工程研究中 孟复等党和国家领导人,34 名中国科学院院士和中 心。学校的科技创新不断,1978 年以来,共申请专 国工程院院士都曾在校学习、工作,一大批校友走 利 2917 项,授权专利 1510 项,1000 余项科研成果 上了省长、市长的领导岗位,一大批校友担任鞍钢 获国家、省、部委级等各种奖励,其中国家级奖励 等国家特大型企业以及北大方正等大型高新技术企 150 余项。 业的董事长和总经理。“钢铁摇篮”的美誉名扬四海。 今天,北京科技大学全体师生正满怀信心,迈 学校现由 16 个学院及研究生院、体育部、管庄 着坚定的步伐,向着“把北京科技大学建设成为以 校区、天津学院、延庆分校组成,现有全日制在校 工为主,工、理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展, 生 2.3 万余人。学校有 46 个本科专业,118 个硕士 规模适度,特色突出,国内一流,国际知名的高水 学科点,73 个博士学科点,11 个博士后科研流动站, 平研究型大学”的目标而奋进。 A Brief Introduction to The University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) The University of Science and Technology Beijing have become members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 2 members of the Chinese Academy of (USTB) was founded in 1952 following the Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Engineering, 3 chief experts of National Project 973, amalgamation of the best departments in related A significant number of USTB graduates have also 15 professors listed on the Cheung Kong Scholars fields of six eminent universities, among them Tianjin become mayors and provincial governors. Still more Program, 13 winners of awards from the National University, as a result of a nationwide reorganization have become presidents or managing directors of Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 7 of the higher education system. It has now developed large key state enterprises such as the Anshan Iron members listed on the National Project of Thousands into one of the most influential key national universities & Steel Group Corporation and well-known high- of Talented Professionals. with a focus on engineering, supplemented and tech enterprises such as the Founder Group. USTB USTB has always emphasized scientific research supported by other scientific disciplines as well as has been acclaimed as “the cradle of iron & steel and therefore it has laid a solid foundation for further faculties of management, the humanities, economics engineers”. research. It has 7 national research bases including and law. It was one of the first universities in China USTB has now 16 schools besides the Graduate 1 National Science Center, 2 state key laboratories, (Mainland) to win official approval to establish School and the Sports Department. There are also 3 2 national engineering research centers, 2 national graduate schools. In 1997 it was in the first group of branch schools at Guanzhuang, Yanqing and Tian Jin. science basis platforms, and 21 provincial-level Key universities chosen to be part of China’s “211 Project”, With a total enrolment of 23,000 resident students, Laboratories and Engineering Research Centers. which is designed to develop 100 first rate universities USTB boasts 46 undergraduate programs, 118 Since 1978, 1510 of 2917 patents applied for were in the 21st century. In 2006 it was selected as one of Master’s programs, 73 doctoral programs and 11 Tier granted. More than 1000 research projects have been the few pilot universities for the “Platform for National One doctoral programs. It also offers MBA (including awarded various prizes at national, provincial and Advanced Disciplines Innovation” program. EMBA), MPA and other professional degrees in ministerial level, including more than 150 prizes at Over the sixty years since its foundation, USTB has 20 fields. 12 national key disciplines including state level. gradually established a fine tradition of “Rigorous in materials science, materials engineering, mechanical USTB is working hard towards its goal of becoming Scholarship and Dedicated to Practice”, and produced engineering, mining engineering, mechanical design “one of the top-ranking research-based universities 140,000 graduates in a wide range of fields. (among and theory, ferrous metallurgy, materials physics and in China and an internationally renowned higher them 3,164 doctors and 18,997 masters). A large chemistry have long established reputations both at education institute with its own distinguishing number of them have become prominent in politics, home and abroad. features. While retaining its current leading position economics, science and technology, education, and USTB has a long tradition of rigorous learning and in metallurgy and materials sciences, it is making in particular in metallurgy and materials science. It is teaching, which is partly attributable to its scholarly great efforts to advance in other areas and to achieve a source of great pride that CPC and state leaders faculty. Among its 1787 faculty members there are a balanced disciplinary structure of engineering and such as Luo Gan, Liu Qi, Xu Kuangdi and Huang 431 professors and 735 associate professors. These technology, science, management, economics, social Mengfu are all graduates of USTB. 34 other alumni include 6 members of the Chinese Academy of sciences, humanities and law in the near future. 亲切关怀 建校以来,学校受到党和国家领导人的高度重视 和热情关注,学校取得的成就凝聚了党和国家领导人 的亲切关怀和悉心指导。峥嵘岁月里学校留下了周恩 来、刘少奇、朱德、邓小平到访的足迹。迈入新时代, 江泽民、李鹏、李瑞环、李岚清、贾庆林、罗干、王兆国、 刘淇、刘延东、陈至立、徐匡迪、黄孟复等党和国家领 导人多次亲临学校,视察学校的建设情况,关心学校 的教学科研成果,体察师生员工的工作生活情况,激 励着学校师生不遗余力地办好教育、培养栋梁、服务 国家、回报社会。 Learder’s Attention 1958 年 8 月,周恩来总理陪同西哈努克亲王来校参观访问 Premier Zhou Enlai visited USTB in August 1958 Over the years since its establishment, USTB has been encouraged by the great attention from leaders of the Party and the State, among whom were Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping etc. Entering a new era, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan, Li Lanqing,Jia Qinglin, Luo Gan, Wang Zhaoguo, Liu Qi, Liu Yandong, Chen Zhili, Xu Kuangdi, Huang Mengfu etc. have also come to USTB in person to inspect the construction, to show solicitude for the achievements in teaching and research, and to experience and observe the work as well as life of the faculty, staff and students. Their visits and attention continuously encourage teachers 1958 年 10 月,朱德委员长来校视察 1958 年 10 月,邓小平总书记来校视察 and students do their best to work, in order to service Chairman of NPC Standing Committee Zhu De visited USTB in CPC Central Committee Secretary-General Deng our country and society in return. October 1958 Xiaoping visited USTB in October 1958 4 2000 年,江泽民总书记、李鹏委员长与参加全国两院院士大会部
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