党委书记:罗维东 校长:徐金梧 Chancellor Luo Weidong President Xu Jinwu

致辞 Message from the Chancellor and the President

举校同庆喜迎华诞,欢聚一堂共襄盛典。在 The whole university joins in a jubilant celebration of its birthday; all our alumni have assembled here for the joyful grand 建校 60 周年之际,谨向长期以来关心、支持北京 ceremony. On the 60th anniversary of the founding of the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), we would like to 科技大学建设发展的各级领导、师生员工、离退 extend our heartfelt gratitude and respect to all the leaders who have shown great care and concern for the development of the 休老同志、海内外校友及社会各界人士致以最诚 university, to all faculty, staff, students and retirees, to all our alumni both home and abroad, and to friends from all walks of life. 挚的感谢和最崇高的敬意! The past sixty years have witnessed the blossoms and fruits of our growth year on year. Strenuous efforts have been made for the cultivation of talents and professionals for generations. For sixty years, true to its long-established tradition of being 六十载春华秋实,数代人躬耕树蕙。建校以 “Rigorous in Scholarship and Dedicated to Practice”, and thanks to its vigorous endeavors and enterprise, the university has 来,北京科技大学秉承“学风严谨,崇尚实践” developed far advanced disciplines and distinctive educational features. It has also made remarkable progress in discipline 的优良传统,经过几代人励精图治,奋发拼搏, reconstruction, scientific researches and the nurture of highly qualified professionals, developing itself into a promising 形成了突出的优势学科和鲜明的办学特色。学校 institution of higher education with increasingly brilliant comprehensive strength. 的学科建设、人才培养、科学研究取得了显著成就, Known as the “Cradle for Iron and Steel Engineers”, USTB has turned out numerous first-rate scholars and qualified 综合实力日渐雄厚,各项事业蓬勃发展。 professionals, and, upholding the tradition of being practical-minded, fieldwork-based and innovation-oriented, it has now 钢铁摇篮育英才,求实鼎新谱新篇。面对建 started a new chapter. To answer the call for building a stronger China with a wealth of talent and innovative spirit, USTB 设人才强国和创新型国家的重大战略需求,北京 will fully implement the Party’s policies in order to expand its exoteric education concept, elevate its talent cultivation quality, 科技大学将全面贯彻党的教育方针,拓展开放性 upgrade its scientific research capability, enhance its service function to social and economic development, and harmonize 办学思路,提升人才培养水平,增强科学研究能力, its cultural heritage and innovation. All the university will endorse its tradition and adhere to the motto of “Seeking Truth and 不断增强服务经济社会发展能力,大力推进文化 Endorse Innovation”. They are determined to work with passion and confidence so as to make USTB one of the top ranking 传承创新。全体师生将弘扬传统,恪守“求实鼎新” research-based universities in China and an internationally renowned higher education institute with its own prominent 的校训,满怀豪情,坚定信心,把北京科技大学建 features. 设成为国内一流,国际知名的高水平研究型大学。 目 录

学校概况 1...... 3

亲切关怀 4...... 7

历史沿革 8...... 13

人才培养 14...... 27

学科建设 28...... 33

科学研究 34...... 43

合作交流 44...... 49

和谐校园 50...... 59

校友风采 60...... 61

附 录 62...... 69


北京科技大学 1952 年由天津大学等 6 所国内著 另有 MBA(含 EMBA)、MPA 和 20 个领域的工程 名大学的部分系科组建而成,现已发展成为以工为 硕士专业学位授予权。学校在冶金、材料、机械、 主,工、理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展的 矿业等领域的 12 个全国重点学科学术水平蜚声中外。 教育部直属全国重点大学,是全国首批正式成立研 学校拥有一支治学严谨的师资队伍,1787 名专 究生院的高等学校之一。1997 年 5 月首批进入国家 任教师中,有中国科学院院士 6 人,中国工程院院 “211 工程”建设高校行列。2006 年,学校成为国 士 2 人,国家“千人计划”入选者 7 人,国家“973” 家“优势学科创新平台” 建设项目试点高校。 项目首席专家 3 人,长江学者 15 人,国家杰出青年 建校 60 年来,学校逐步形成了“学风严谨,崇 科学基金获得者 13 人。教授431 人,副教授735 人。 尚实践”的优良传统,为社会培养各类人才 14 余万 学校的科研实力雄厚,现有 7 个国家级科研基 人 ( 其中博士 3164 人,硕士 18997 人 ) ,大部分已 地,包括 1 个国家科学中心,2 个国家重点实验室, 成为国家政治、经济、科技、教育等领域尤其是冶金、 2 个国家工程(技术)研究中心,2 个国家科技基础 材料工业的栋梁和骨干,罗干、刘淇、徐匡迪、黄 条件平台, 21 个省、部级重点实验室、工程研究中 孟复等党和国家领导人,34 名中国科学院院士和中 心。学校的科技创新不断,1978 年以来,共申请专 国工程院院士都曾在校学习、工作,一大批校友走 利 2917 项,授权专利 1510 项,1000 余项科研成果 上了省长、市长的领导岗位,一大批校友担任鞍钢 获国家、省、部委级等各种奖励,其中国家级奖励 等国家特大型企业以及北大方正等大型高新技术企 150 余项。 业的董事长和总经理。“钢铁摇篮”的美誉名扬四海。 今天,北京科技大学全体师生正满怀信心,迈 学校现由 16 个学院及研究生院、体育部、管庄 着坚定的步伐,向着“把北京科技大学建设成为以 校区、天津学院、延庆分校组成,现有全日制在校 工为主,工、理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展, 生 2.3 万余人。学校有 46 个本科专业,118 个硕士 规模适度,特色突出,国内一流,国际知名的高水 学科点,73 个博士学科点,11 个博士后科研流动站, 平研究型大学”的目标而奋进。 A Brief Introduction to The University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB)

The University of Science and Technology Beijing have become members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 2 members of the Chinese Academy of (USTB) was founded in 1952 following the Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Engineering, 3 chief experts of National Project 973, amalgamation of the best departments in related A significant number of USTB graduates have also 15 professors listed on the Cheung Kong Scholars fields of six eminent universities, among them Tianjin become mayors and provincial governors. Still more Program, 13 winners of awards from the National University, as a result of a nationwide reorganization have become presidents or managing directors of Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 7 of the higher education system. It has now developed large key state enterprises such as the Anshan Iron members listed on the National Project of Thousands into one of the most influential key national universities & Steel Group Corporation and well-known high- of Talented Professionals. with a focus on engineering, supplemented and tech enterprises such as the Founder Group. USTB USTB has always emphasized scientific research supported by other scientific disciplines as well as has been acclaimed as “the cradle of iron & steel and therefore it has laid a solid foundation for further faculties of management, the humanities, economics engineers”. research. It has 7 national research bases including and law. It was one of the first universities in China USTB has now 16 schools besides the Graduate 1 National Science Center, 2 state key laboratories, (Mainland) to win official approval to establish School and the Sports Department. There are also 3 2 national engineering research centers, 2 national graduate schools. In 1997 it was in the first group of branch schools at Guanzhuang, Yanqing and Tian Jin. science basis platforms, and 21 provincial-level Key universities chosen to be part of China’s “211 Project”, With a total enrolment of 23,000 resident students, Laboratories and Engineering Research Centers. which is designed to develop 100 first rate universities USTB boasts 46 undergraduate programs, 118 Since 1978, 1510 of 2917 patents applied for were in the 21st century. In 2006 it was selected as one of Master’s programs, 73 doctoral programs and 11 Tier granted. More than 1000 research projects have been the few pilot universities for the “Platform for National One doctoral programs. It also offers MBA (including awarded various prizes at national, provincial and Advanced Disciplines Innovation” program. EMBA), MPA and other professional degrees in ministerial level, including more than 150 prizes at Over the sixty years since its foundation, USTB has 20 fields. 12 national key disciplines including state level. gradually established a fine tradition of “Rigorous in materials science, materials engineering, mechanical USTB is working hard towards its goal of becoming Scholarship and Dedicated to Practice”, and produced engineering, mining engineering, mechanical design “one of the top-ranking research-based universities 140,000 graduates in a wide range of fields. (among and theory, ferrous metallurgy, materials physics and in China and an internationally renowned higher them 3,164 doctors and 18,997 masters). A large chemistry have long established reputations both at education institute with its own distinguishing number of them have become prominent in politics, home and abroad. features. While retaining its current leading position economics, science and technology, education, and USTB has a long tradition of rigorous learning and in metallurgy and materials sciences, it is making in particular in metallurgy and materials science. It is teaching, which is partly attributable to its scholarly great efforts to advance in other areas and to achieve a source of great pride that CPC and state leaders faculty. Among its 1787 faculty members there are a balanced disciplinary structure of engineering and such as Luo Gan, Liu Qi, Xu Kuangdi and Huang 431 professors and 735 associate professors. These technology, science, management, economics, social Mengfu are all graduates of USTB. 34 other alumni include 6 members of the Chinese Academy of sciences, humanities and law in the near future. 亲切关怀

建校以来,学校受到党和国家领导人的高度重视 和热情关注,学校取得的成就凝聚了党和国家领导人 的亲切关怀和悉心指导。峥嵘岁月里学校留下了周恩 来、刘少奇、朱德、邓小平到访的足迹。迈入新时代, 江泽民、李鹏、李瑞环、李岚清、贾庆林、罗干、王兆国、 刘淇、刘延东、陈至立、徐匡迪、黄孟复等党和国家领 导人多次亲临学校,视察学校的建设情况,关心学校 的教学科研成果,体察师生员工的工作生活情况,激 励着学校师生不遗余力地办好教育、培养栋梁、服务 国家、回报社会。

Learder’s Attention 1958 年 8 月,周恩来总理陪同西哈努克亲王来校参观访问 Premier Zhou Enlai visited USTB in August 1958

Over the years since its establishment, USTB has been encouraged by the great attention from leaders of the Party and the State, among whom were Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping etc. Entering a new era, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan, Li Lanqing,Jia Qinglin, Luo Gan, Wang Zhaoguo, Liu Qi, Liu Yandong, Chen Zhili, Xu Kuangdi, Huang Mengfu etc. have also come to USTB in person to inspect the construction, to show solicitude for the achievements in teaching and research, and to experience and observe the work as well as life of the faculty, staff and students. Their visits and attention continuously encourage teachers 1958 年 10 月,朱德委员长来校视察 1958 年 10 月,邓小平总书记来校视察 and students do their best to work, in order to service Chairman of NPC Standing Committee Zhu De visited USTB in CPC Central Committee Secretary-General Deng our country and society in return. October 1958 Xiaoping visited USTB in October 1958

4 2000 年,江泽民总书记、李鹏委员长与参加全国两院院士大会部 分院士合影(前排中间为我校魏寿昆) Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and other Party and State leaders took part in the national conference of Chinese Academies in 2000 (Professor Wei Shoukun is in the middle of the front row)

2001 年,李鹏委员长与我校老校长王润亲切交谈 2007 年,原中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席李瑞环莅临我校天津学院视察工作 In 2001, Premier Li Peng had a cordial chat with Professor Wang Run, former president of USTB Li Ruihuan, former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CCCPC and Chairman of CPPCC, visited Tianjin College, USTB in 2007

5 1999 年,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李岚清来校视察 Li Lanqing, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee and vice-premier of the State Council, visited USTB in 1999

2008 年,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林来校视察奥运场馆及奥运赛事筹办工作 2002 年,中共中央政治局常委罗干视察校史馆 In 2008, Jia Qinglin, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CCCPC and Luo Gan, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, visited the Chairman of CPPCC, inspected the Olympic gymnasium on campus School History Museum of USTB in 2002

6 2007 年 7 月,中共中央政治局委员、全国人大副委员长王兆国高 2006 年教师节,国务委员陈至立来校祝贺魏寿昆先生百岁华诞 全国政协副主席徐匡迪与我校青年学生亲切交谈 度评价我校大学生社会实践活动 In September 2006, Chen Zhili, member of the State Council, Xu Kuangdi, vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Wang Zhaoguo, member of the Politburo Standing Committee visited Mr. Wei Shoukun, member of the Chinese Academy of Consultative Conference(CPPCC), talked with young of the CPC Central Committee and vice-chairman of National Sciences, to celebrate his 100th birthday students of USTB People Congress Standing Committee, highly evaluated the Students' Social Practice Activities of USTB, in July 2007

2008 年 6 月,中共中央政治局委员、北京市委书记、北京奥组委 主席刘淇来校视察奥运赛事筹办工作 Liu Qi, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, President of Beijing Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games, came to inspect the university’s preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, in June 2008

2008 年 8 月,中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东来校视察奥运赛事筹办工作 In August 2008, Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of CCCPC and member of the State Council, came to inspect the university 's preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

2008 年 9 月,全国政协副主席黄孟复(右)来校视察 Huang Mengfu, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, visited USTB in September 2008

7 8 历史沿革

1952 年的春天,伴随着新中国百业待兴的步伐,传承着天津大学、唐山铁道学院、山西大学、北京工业学 院、西北工学院、清华大学等 6 校部分系科的精髓,北京钢铁工业学院应运而生。1960 年改名为北京钢铁学院, 1988 年更名为北京科技大学。六十载春华秋实,钢铁精神薪火相传,几代北科人竭诚尽智,耕耘不辍,在共同不 懈的努力下,学校人才培养和科学研究成效日益突出,综合实力日渐雄厚,各项事业蓬勃发展。一张张铭刻着学 校辉煌历史的泛白老照片被载入史册,在六十华诞之际,学校站在新的起点上,焕发出勃勃生机,以崭新的姿态 迎接未来,绽放更加璀璨的光芒。

History and Origin

In the spring of 1952, as a part of New China’s rapid social and economic reconstruction and development, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (BIIST) was established. It brought together the best departments of the country in the fields of mining, metallurgy and materials from 6 established universities at that time: Tianjin University, Tangshan Railway Institute, Shanxi University, Beijing Institute of Technology , Northwest Institute of Technology and Tsinghua University. BIIST was renamed as Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology (BUIST) in 1960, and then renamed once more as University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) in 1988. The past sixty years have witnessed the blossoms and fruits of our growth year on year. Generations of USTB scholars have passed the spiritual torch down and demonstrated their willingness to do their uttermost and to face new challenges. Thanks to their vigorous endeavors and constant efforts, the university has made great strides towards ever better programs of teaching and scientific research, thus building USTB into a promising key institution of higher education with increasingly comprehensive strength. A series of albums featuring the major stages in glorious past of the university have always been part of our recorded history. Invigorated with the grand celebration of its 60th anniversary, USTB is ready to start a new phase of development and to embrace an ever- bright future.

9 历史沿革 History and Origin

天津大学 唐山铁道学院 山西大学 北京工业学院 西北工学院 清华大学 Tianjin University Tangshan Railway Institute Shanxi University Beijing Institute of Technology Northwest Institute of Technology Tsinghua University (1895) (1896) (1902) (1940) (1939) (1911)

1952 年全国院系调整 , 由上述院校的矿冶等部分系科基础上组建了 北京钢铁工业学院 北京钢铁工业学院 Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology (BIIST) was founded Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Technology in 1952 following the amalgamation of the best departments in related fields of of the above eminent universities as a result of a nationwide reorganization of the higher education system

1960 年改名为北京钢铁学院 北京钢铁学院 BIIST was renamed as Beijing University of Iron and Steel Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology Technology (BUIST) in 1960

1988 年更名为北京科技大学 1998 年划转为教育部直属高校 北京科技大学 BUIST was renamed as University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) Beijing (USTB) in 1988 Since 1998 it has been supervised directly by the Ministry of Education

10 11 历任校领导 Former Leaders

12 现任校领导 Present Leaders

13 14 人才培养

学校大力实施人才强校战略,广纳贤才注入活力,不拘一格用好人才。学校汇聚高端人才,加强团队建设,重点扶持青年教 师成长,建立了一支学历、职称和年龄结构合理的高素质师资队伍。学校逐步构建有利于师资队伍成长的人才资源开发与利用机 制,搭建有利于人才不断成长、脱颖而出的事业发展平台,形成了人才辈出、人尽其才的生动局面。 学校以“转变教育观念,深化教学改革,加强教学管理,提高教学质量”为重点,强调本科教育的基础性,优化知识结构, 加强工程实践,突出创新能力,培养团队精神,从而提高学生的综合能力和全面素质。学校研究生教育始终遵循“创新机制, 优化结构,提高质量,适应需求,引领未来”的方针,加强创新教育,提高研究生创新能力和研究能力,提高研究生培养质量, 推进研究生教育从规模发展向内涵发展转变。面向社会发展需要,学校扩大工程硕士、MBA、MPA 等专业学位研究生教育 规模。同时,面向国防建设,积极为军队培养专业技术人才。 学校不断深化素质教育,加强和改善对学生的教育、管理与服务,大力开展丰富多彩的学术科技、社会实践、志愿服务、 文化体育等活动,精心打造提高学生综合素质的“第二课堂”,育人效果显著。

Cultivation of Talents and Professionals

It has long been the strategy of USTB to strengthen its academic competence with talents of various specialities recruited from both home and abroad. To bring the best of these talents into full play, the university not only leaves them enough room for their initiatives but also stresses teamwork, with special care for the development of new recruits. A large constellation of highly qualified scholars and professionals has been assembled to ensure a qualified faculty with a balanced structure of disciplines, titles and age-groups. The school has gradually built up a human resource development mechanism and a platform for the smooth growth of talents and for the maximum display of their excellence. The school not only stresses “updating educational concepts, deepening teaching reform, enhancing teaching management and improving teaching quality”, but also emphasizes the fundamentality of undergraduate education, optimizing knowledge structure, strengthening engineering practice, highlighting innovation and fostering team spirits in order to elevate the comprehensive quality of the students. Postgraduate education follows the guidelines of “mechanism for innovation, optimization of structure, uplift of quality, adaptability to changes and competitiveness in the future”. These guidelines constitute a spur not only to innovation, creativity, originality, competitiveness and overall quality of graduates, but also to transformation of graduate education from emphasis on development of size and scale to emphasis on enhancement of quality. To answer the call of social development, USTB expands professional degree education programs such as Engineering Master, MBA, MPA as well as curricula for specialized technical talents to meet the needs of national defense. It has been a constant agenda for the university to intensify all-round quality education, to enhance management of students’ affairs, to facilitate students’ development with various extracurricular activities in fields of science and technology, social work, voluntary service, cultural and sports activities.

15 ▲ 长江学者 Professor on “Cheung Kong Scholars Program” 名师荟萃 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 Winners of National Outstanding A Constellation of Distinguished Faculty Young Scientist Foundation Awards

中国科学院院士 Members of Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国工程院院士 Members of Chinese Academy of Engineering

魏寿昆 Wei Shoukun 柯 俊 Ke Jun(T.Ko) 肖纪美 Xiao Jimei(J.M.Hsiao) 周国治 Zhou Guozhi

陈难先 Chen Nanxian 葛昌纯 Ge Changchun 胡正寰 Hu Zhenghuan 王一德(双聘)Wang Yide

国家千人计划入选者 Winners in National Recruitment Program of Global Experts

胡国华 张学记 林建国 林 平 庄林忠 汪林兵 汉斯·瑞查诺 Hu Guohua Zhang Xueji Lin Jianguo Lin Ping Zhang Linzhong Wang Linbing Hans Richnow

16 乔利杰 张济山 曲选辉 朱鸿民 谢建新 Qiao Lijie Zhang Jishan Qu Xuanhui Zhu Hongmin Xie Jianxin

姜建壮 邢献然 姜勇 吴爱祥 吕昭平 Jiang Jianzhuang Xing Xianran Jiang Yong Wu Aixiang Lv Zhaoping

林均品 隆克平 张志良 王循理 张跃 Lin Junpin Long Keping Zhang Zhiliang Wang Xunli Zhang Yue

郭占成 陈龙庆 李庆峰 姚俊 Guo Zhancheng Chen Longqing Li Qingfeng Yao Jun

17 国家级教学团队 全国教学名师 State-level Teaching Teams Winner of National Award for Distinguished Teachers

余永宁 Yu Yongning 机械设计制图教学团队 Mechanical Design Teaching Team

蔡美峰 Cai Meifeng

材料学教学团队 Material Science Teaching Team

18 郗安民 高学东 吴 平 尹常治 戴淑芬 Xi Anmin Gao Xuedong Wu Ping Yin Changzhi Dai Shufen

杨 平 张欣欣 张 群 周国治 强文江 Yang Ping Zhang Xinxin Zhang Qun Zhou Guozhi Qiang Wenjiang

邱 宏 张敬源 李长洪 马星桥 彭庆红 Qiu Hong Zhang Jingyuan Li Changhong Ma Xingqiao Peng Qinghong

北京市教学名师 Winner of Beijing Municipality Award for Distinguished Teachers

彭 漪 杨炳儒 Peng Yi Yang Bingru

19 教学成果 Teaching Achievement(2001-2011)

柯俊院士主持的“大材料”本科教改课题在全国高校产生 重要影响 “ C o m p r e h e n s i v e M a t e r i a l s D i s c i p l i n e ” , a n undergraduate course innovation directed by Ke Jun, an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, attracted great attention among universities in China

国家级教学成果奖 National Teaching Achievement Awards: 生产管理 Operations Management “大材料”试点班专业人才培养方案及教学内容课程体系改革的研究与实践 大学英语 College English “Comprehensive Materials Discipline”: a Pilot Experimental Program of 大学生社会实践 Social Practice of College Students Undergraduate Curriculum for the Training of Professionals in Materials- 岩石力学与工程 Rock Mechanics and Engineering related Disciplines 冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy 重点理工大学培养人才素质要求与人才培养模式的研究与改革实践 管理学原理(双语)Principles of Management(Bilingual) Research and Reform of the Training of Professionals in a National Key 传热传质学(双语)Heat and Mass Transfer(Bilingual) Polytechnic University 数字电子技术(双语)Digital Electronic Technology(Bilingual) 《新编质量管理学》A New Course book for Quality Management 凝聚态物理专题(双语)Seminars on Condensed Matter Physics (Bilingual) 机械原理课程立体化教材建设(教材) 固体电解质(双语)Solid Electrolyte(Bilingual) Three-dimensional Textbook Compilation of Mechanical Theory 环境化学(双语)Environmental Chemistry (Bilingual) 面向 21 世纪物理系列课程教学内容与课程体系改革的探索与实践 Explore and Practice of the Teaching Content and Curriculum Reform of the 21st Century 国家级高等教育精品教材 State-Level Excellent Textbook Awards: Physics Course Series 生产与运作管理(第二版)Production and Operations Management(Second Edition) 岩石力学与工程(教材)Rock Mechanics and Engineering (Textbook) 机电 类 学生科 技 创 新 体系的建 设与实 践 Construction and Operation of an 特色专业建设点 Establishment of Distinctive Disciplines: Innovation System for Students of the Mechatronic Engineering Group 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Technology 机械基础课堂教学与实践教学的研究与实践 Research and Practice on Basic 冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering Mechanical and Experimental Teaching 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology 《大学生社 会 实 践》课 程 的 建 设与实 践 Construction and Operation of the 安全工程 Safety Engineering Course for Social Practice of College Students 矿物资源工程 Mineral Resources Engineering 机械工程及自动化 Mechanical Engineering and Automation 国家级精品课程 State-Level Excellent Courses: 自动化 Automation 机械原理 Mechanical Theory 热能与动力工程 Thermal Energy and Power Engineering 材料科学基础 Foundations of Materials Science 环境工程 Environmental Engineering 传热传质学 Heat and Mass Transfer 物联网工程 The Internet of things Engineering

20 (左上)积极开展实践教学 Active teaching practice

(右上)国家工科物理教学基地 A Base for the Teaching of National Engineering Physics

(中图)青年教师教学基本功比赛 Teaching Skills Competition for New Recruits

(右下)国家级教改课题“‘大学生社会实践’课程的建设与实践” 在全国产生重要影响 A State-level Teaching Innovation Program called “Construction and Practice of Student Social Practice Course” has made its impact fel all through the country

21 本科生教育 Undergraduate Programs

(左上)学校以优秀成绩通过教育部本科教学工作水 平评估 With outstanding success, USTB has passed the Undergraduate Teaching Assessment launched by the Ministry of Education

(左下)我校成为教育部 " 卓越工程师教育培养计划 " 首批试点高校 USTB has become one of the universities to start the pilot program known as “Excellent Engineer Education Curriculum” launched by the Ministry of Education

(右下)设计性、综合性实验课深受学生欢迎 Comprehensive Courses Featuring Design and Experiment have been well received

22 我校客座教授英国籍外教 Mark Buck 博士与材料学院国际班同学交流 Dr. Mark Buck, Guest Professor of USTB, communicating with students of International class of Materials Science

著 名 军 旅 歌 唱 家 阎 维 文 为 我 校 毕 业 国 防 生 送 别 Famous army singer Yan 艺术设计专业创作室 A studio for art and design professionals Weiwen sang for the graduate National Defense Students

创办理科实验班 培养创新人才 牛津大学高级学术代表团与学生进行交流 Initiating“Experiment Classes for Science Majors”to nurture innovative talents Senior academic delegates from the University of Oxford communicating with students from USTB

23 研究生教育 Graduate Students Education

(上图)毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式 A Scene of Commencement of USTB

(左下)召开研究生教育工作会议,推进研究生培养机制改革 A Seminar on reformation of graduate training mechanism

(右下)师昌绪院士为我校研究生颁奖 Shi Changxu, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, awarding certificates to graduate students

24 全国博士生学术论坛搭建学术交流平台 “学术之星”闪耀校园 National Doctoral Forum sets up academic communication platform "Academic Stars" shine on campus

学校与科研机构、企业联合培养 博士研究生 Universities, research institutes and enterprises jointly supervise doctoral students

高层管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)培养 Executive Master of Business Administration 公共管理硕士(MPA)培养 Master of Public Administration

25 第二课堂 Extra-curricular Activities

全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛 National Competition for Students' Energy Saving Practice

学生创业中心揭牌 Student Entrepreneurship Center Inaugurated

学生创业计划竞赛 全国大学生“飞思卡尔”杯智能汽车竞赛总决赛 Student Entrepreneurship Project Competition National College Students "Freescale" Cup Smart Car Contest Finals

26 假字假字假字假字假字假字假字假字假字假字假字 Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central

学生课外学术科技活动丰富多彩,屡创佳绩 Variety of student extracurricular scientific a c t i v i t i e s h a v e o b t a i n e d n u m e r o u s achievements

27 28 学科建设

学校依托“211 工程”、“优势学科创新平台”和北京市中央高校共建项目的重点投入,学科建设和实验设备 水平得到了显著提升。冶金工程、材料科学与工程、矿业工程、科学技术史等优势学科整体保持了国内领先地位; 动力工程及工程热物理、土木工程、力学、机械工程、控制科学与工程、环境科学与工程、马克思主义理论、管理 科学与工程等学科取得跨越式发展;物理学、化学、计算机科学与技术、工商管理、外国语言文学等学科取得了 开创性进步。工学、理学、管理学、经济学、法学、文学、哲学、教育学等 8 个学科门类的布局,基本形成了“优势 突出、特色鲜明、结构合理、多学科协调发展”的学科体系。


Depending on such programs as the “Platform for National Advanced Disciplines Innovation”, “211 Project” and the financial support from the Joint Project of Beijing Municipality and Central Government, the university’s discipline construction level and experiment facilities have been remarkably improved. Disciplines such as Metallurgical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Mineral Engineering and History of Science and Technology maintain their current leading positions; Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Civil Engineering, Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Theory of Marxism, Management Science and Engineering have made striking developments; Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Technology, Business Administration, Foreign Languages and Literature have made dramatic progress. 8 Disciplines, including engineering, science, management, economics, legal studies, literature, philosophy and education, have constituted a comprehensive system featuring “prominent strength, distinctive features, reasonable structure and a balanced development of multi-disciplines”. 重点学科 Key Disciplines

柯俊院士带领科学技术史团队开展研究 T. Ko, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences working with the team of history of science and technology

新金属材料国家重点实验室主任陈国良院士与美国橡树岭国家 实验室主任 Jeffrey Wadsworth 博士交流 Academician Guoliang Chen, Director of State Key L a b o r a t o r y f o r A d v a n c e d M e t a l s a n d M a t e r i a l s , communicating with Dr. Jeffrey Wadsworth, Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

30 冶金新技术国家重点实验室试验车间 国家重点学科 National Key Disciplines (12): The workshop of State Key Laboratory of 采矿工程 Mining Engineering metallurgical new technologies 矿物加工工程 Mineral Processing Engineering 安全技术及工程 Safety Technology and Engineering 钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy 有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy 冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy 材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry 材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering 材料学 Materialogy 科学技术史 History of Science & Technology 机械设计及理论 Mechanical Design and Theory 热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering

矿山压力与支护实验室 国家重点(培育)学科 National Key Cultivating Discipline(1) Mine pressure and supporting laboratory 控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering

北京市重点学科 Key Disciplines of Beijing Municipality (13): 纳米材料与器件物理学 Nano-materials and Physics of Devices 光电信息材料与器件 Optical Information Materials and Devices 机械设计及理论 Mechanical Design and Theory 机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering 机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation 车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering 管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering 思想政治教育 Ideological Education 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics 控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering 机械设计及机器人实验室 计算机系统结构 Computer Systems Organization Mechanical design and robot laboratory 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering

一级学科博士授权点 Tier 1 Doctorate Degree Programs (9): 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering 管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering 冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering 矿业工程 Mining Engineering 科学技术史 History of Science and Technology 力学 Mechanics 动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering

博士后科研流动站 Postdoctoral Research Programs (11): 主办 “2009 中国博士后材料与冶金科学大会” 矿业工程 Mining Engineering USTB hosting “2009 Chinese Postdoctoral 冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering Conference on Materials and Metallurgy 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering Science” 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering 力学 Mechanics 动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology 管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering 科学技术史 History of Science & Technology 环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering

31 211 工程与优势学科创新平台建设 Construction of “211 Project” and Platform for National Advanced Disciplines Innovation

1997 年,学校首批进入国家“211 工程”建设高校行列 In 1997 USTB was in the first group of universities chosen to be part of China's “211 Project”

材料测试中心 扫描电子显微镜实验室 Materials Testing Center Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscope

32 2006 年,学校成为国家“优势学科创新平台” 项目建设高校 In 2006, USTB was selected to start the “Platform for National Advanced Disciplines Innovation” program

生产计划与调度仿真实验室 MEMS 设计与测试实验室 Simulation Laboratory of Production Planning and Scheduling Laboratory of MEMS designing and testing

33 34 科学研究

学校始终坚持“立足基础研究、发挥行业特色、面向国家需求、发展高新技术”的战略方针,综合学科, 整合资源,突出重点,体现特色,发挥优势,紧密结合国家中长期科技规划,推进科技体制和运行机制创新, 凝炼重大创新目标,加速建立科技创新体系,以高水平科技创新平台建设为主要载体,重点扶持充满活力的 科技创新团队。学校促进产学研紧密融合,加快科技成果转化和产业化步伐。积极推动协同创新,通过体制 机制创新和政策项目引导,学校同科研机构、企业开展深度合作,建立协同创新的战略联盟,促进资源共享, 联合开展重大科研项目攻关,在关键领域取得成果,努力为建设创新型国家做出积极贡献。 学校充分发挥科技优势,积极与政府部门、科研机构、企事业单位开展合作,不断拓展社会服务领域和 发展空间,开创了行业领域科技工作新局面,科技产业蓬勃发展。

Scientific Research

One of the priorities of USTB is scientific researches. Under the strategy of “focusing on basic research, taking advantages of its iron and steel industrial background, meeting the needs of the state, and developing high technology”, USTB has integrated various resources to promote innovations in science and technology mechanism and used advanced technology innovation platform as a main carrier to support innovative teams and groups in science and technology. USTB has not only made great efforts in technology transfer and industrial development of its research results, but also actively promote collaborative innovative programs. Through system and mechanism innovation, USTB has carried out extensive cooperations with research institutions and enterprises by sharing resources, jointly carrying out important scientific research project to enhance the building of an innovation-oriented country. With its academic strengths in science and technology, the university has established cooperation programs with government departments, research institutes, enterprises and public institutions, and thus expanding its social service domains and room for development. Therefore, new research projects in the industry sector have been opened up with its flourishing science and technology enterprises.

35 科研基地 Scientific Research Base

国家级科研机构及研发平台 State Level Laboratories and Research Centers

国家科学中心 National Science Center: 国家材料服役安全科学中心(筹)National Center for Materials Service Safety

国家级重点实验室及专业实验室 National key laboratories and specialized laboratories: 新金属材料国家重点实验室 State Key Lab for Advanced Metals and Materials 钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室 State Key Lab for Iron and Steel Metallurgy New Technology 固体电解质冶金测试技术专业实验室 State Specialized Lab of Solid Electrolyte Testing Technology

国家工程(技术)研究中心 National Engineering Research Center 高效轧制国家工程研究中心 State Engineering and Research Center of Efficient Steel Rolling 国家板带生产先进装备工程技术研究中心 National Engineering and Research Center for Advanced Equipment of Plate and Strip

国家科技基础条件平台 National Science and Technology Platforms 材料科学数据共享网 Materials Science Data Sharing Network 国家材料自然环境腐蚀实验台网 Materials National Environment Corrosion Experiment Network

国家材料服役安全科学中心(筹)揭牌 Inauguration of the National Center for Materials Service Safety

国家材料服役安全科学中心(筹)奠基 Foundation of the National Center for Materials Service Safety

36 国家材料服役安全科学中心(筹)总体规划效果图 The Overall Planning of the National Center for Materials Service Safety

37 (左上)首钢总经理朱继民参观高效轧制国家工程研究中心 JiMin Zhu, President of ShouGang Group visiting State Engineering and Research Center of Efficient Steel Rolling

(右上)新金属材料国家重点实验室通过科技部评估 The evaluation of the state key laboratory for advanced metals and materials by the ministry of science and technology

(下图)国家板带生产先进装备工程技术研究中心通过科技部论证 National Engineering and Research Center for Advanced Equipment of Plate and passing through the argumentation of the Ministry of Science and Technology

38 专家参观钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室 Experts visiting State Key Lab for Iron and Steel Metallurgy New Technology

关键军用金属材料基础建设项目启动暨基础研究平台揭牌 “国家材料自然环境腐蚀实验台网建设”项目不断推进 学校成为首批“首都科技条件平台研发实验服务基地” Startup of the Infrastructure Project of Crucial Military Metallic Materials Construction of Materials National Environment USTB became one of the first group of universities of the Development, and the unveiling ceremony of Basic Research Platform Corrosion Experiment Network making progress Experiment and Service Base of Capital Science Condition Platform

39 科研成果 Scientific Research Achievement

科技工作会议 Science and Technology Work Conference

刘应书教授的科研成果入选 2002 年中国高等学校十大科技进展 国家自然科学奖二等奖获得者 王金安教授 The Research Resulf of Professor Liu Yingshu, one of the Ten Technological Achievements Professor Wang Jinan, Winner of the second prize of National Natural Science Award in China Higher Education in 2002

40 首届“魏寿昆科技教育奖”颁奖典礼 The first “Wei ShouKun Science and Technology Education” awarding ceremony

国家科学技术发明奖二等奖获得者 方克明教授 国家科学技术进步奖一等奖获得者 王先进教授 Professor Fang Keming, Winner of the Second Prize for National Technological Invention Award Professor Wang Xianjin, Winner of the First Prize for Advancement of National Science &Technology

41 产学研合作 Industrial, academic and research partnership

北京科大恒兴高技术有限公司拥有轧钢自动化等多项核心技术 The USTB HengXing super Technique Ltd owned many core technologies, such as automation of rolling

学校与宝钢、鞍钢、武钢、首钢等国家大型企业开展全面合作 USTB enhanced cooperative programs with key steel companies, such as Baogang, Angang,Wugang and Shougang

无缝钢管生产技术国际研讨会 The international seminar for the technology of producing seamless steel tube

矿用可移动式救生舱备受关注 Mobile rescue capsule for mining garnered attention 42 “国家环境与能源国际科技合作基地”揭牌仪式 The unveiling ceremony for “the International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of National Environment and Energy Sources”

(左上)“863”项目金属粉末注射成形技术产业化合作签字仪式 The signing ceremony for the technology transfer of Metal Powder Dynamic Injection Molding

(左下)2005 年 12 月,学校科技园被正式认定为国家大学科技园 Innovation Park of USTB was appraised as National University Innovation Park in December 2005

(右上)北京科大中冶技术发展有限公司工程项目现场 The scene of USTB ZhongYe Technology Development Co Ltd

(右下)中关村科学城首批启动建设项目签约大会 The signing ceremony for Initiative Projects of Zhongguancun Science Town

43 44 合作交流

学校敞开胸襟,坚持开放式办学,瞄准世界前沿,加强国际合作,先后与德国亚琛工业大学等 123 所国外及 港澳台地区著名大学,研究机构建立合作关系,开展科研项目合作,专家交换,留学生互派等多渠道、多层次的对 外交流与合作。对外交流与合作的广泛开展,增进学校对国外文化科技发展趋势和最新成果的了解,推进学科建 设和科研水平的更快发展,扩大学校的国内外影响,推动学校向更高的办学水平迈进。 目前在校留学生 700 余人,留学生管理工作不断规范,教育教学质量稳步提升,“开窗看世界”、世界各国大 学日等留学生文化节活动精彩纷呈,中外文化相互交融。

Cooperation and Collaboration

USTB is keen on international cooperation in research, academic and educational exchanges. It has so far established collaborations with 123 universities and research institutes from various countries and districts. Through international exchange and cooperation, a better understanding of foreign culture, technological trends and the latest achievements is gained to promote the development of discipline construction and expand the influence of USTB both at home and abroad. At present, there are more than 700 international students in USTB. Management work for international students has been constantly updated to meet the international standard and quality of education is on a steady rise. The International Students’ Culture Festival has brilliant activities such as “Open the Window to Watch the World”, and the Open Day for Worldwide Universities .

45 国际化办学 International Education

诺贝尔获得者野依良治受聘北科大名誉教授 Dr. Ryoji Noyori, Nobel Prize Winner accepted the honorary professorship of USTB

我校与德国亚琛工业大学共同种下友谊常青树 A “Friendship Evergreen Tree” of USTB and Aachen Technical University is planted

学校师生与剑桥大学教授交流 学校与美国橡树岭国家实验室签订合作协议 USTB teachers and students communicate with Cambridge professors USTB signed the cooperation agreement with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A

46 塞浦路斯教育与文化部长德 米特里欧来我校访问 Demetriou , Cyprus Minister of Education and Culture, visited USTB

(左上)美国工程院院士 R.J.Fruehan 教授来我校作学 术报告 The Academician of National Academy of Engineering, Prof. R. J. Fruehan came to USTB for academic report

(左下)学校与香港科技大学签署合作协议 USTB signed the cooperation agreement with HongKong University of Science and Technology

(右上)学校不断推进国际化进程 USTB propels the internationalization process continually

(右下)瞄准世界材料学科前沿,深入开展学术交流 Aiming at the frontier of materials science in the world, and carrying out more extensive and profound academic exchanges

47 留学生活 Life of International Students

48 我校与台湾地区高校每年举办海峡两岸设计与创新交流 USTB and universities in Taiwan hold communication activity of design and innovation annually

(中图)留学生晚会 International students’ evening party

(左下)世界各国大学日营造学校国际化办学的浓厚氛围 Open Day for Worldwide Universities creates a strong international education atmosphere of USTB

(右下)留学生文化节 International Students’ Culture Festival

49 50 和谐校园

学校重视党建和思想政治工作,为学校各项事业发展提供了坚实的领导和组织保障。学校不断加强校园 建设,图书馆、教室、实验室、学院楼、学生宿舍等办学条件逐步完善,作为 2008 年北京奥运会、残奥会 等赛事举办的体育馆,深受师生喜爱。 学校致力于校园文化传承创新,依托“国家大学生文化素质教育基地”,全面推进大学生素质拓展计划, 大力开展丰富多彩的学生科技、体育、文化、艺术、志愿服务活动,成为学生汲取养分、陶冶情操、开拓视 野的缤纷乐园。

Harmonious Campus

The Party-building programs and moral education activities have guaranteed smooth and healthy development of various affairs of USTB. Renovations of campus, such as the library, classroom building, laboratories, and dormitories, etc. have gradually improved. The gymnasium used as the venue for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is now the favorite of faculty and students. It is always on the agenda of the university to commit itself to the inheritance and innovation of campus culture in USTB. The Project of Quality Development of Undergraduates is comprehensively promoted relying on the “National Students' Cultural Quality Education Base”, and a variety of extra-curriculum activities related with science and technology, sports, culture, arts and voluntary service are vigorously carried out. They are constant stimuli to spur students to acquire more knowledge, edify healthy sentiment and expand their visions.

51 党建工作 Party-building Activities

(左上)坚持党的领导,建设高水平研究型大学 Adhering to the leadership of the CPC to build a high-level research university

(左中)推动学校科学发展 Promoting the development of scientific research

(左下)全国道德模范郭明义与国防生在一起 Guo Mingyi, a national moral model, together with national defense students

(右下)唱响主旋律 Advocating the main theme of a harmonious society

52 以人为本 德育为先 主题党日活动 Attaching importance to humanitarian moral education Themes of Party Day

党员发展会 A meeting to recruit new party members

关爱教职工 离退休老同志集体祝寿庆典 Concerning and caring staff A joint birthday celebration for retirees

53 校园建设 Campus Construction

学生宿舍 Student Dormitory 体育馆 The Olympic Games Gymnasium 实验室 Laboratory

学院楼群 School Buildings

田径场 The Stadium

54 55 校园文化 Campus Culture

亚洲锻锤雕塑落户我校 AsiaHammer from RWTH Aachen settled in USTB

教师文艺演出 世纪大讲堂 中国材料名师讲坛 Teachers' cultural activities China Forum of the PhoenixTV Forum of master material scientist of China

56 (上图)老年志愿者服务队 Elderly volunteer service team of Beijing Olympic

(中左)素质拓展 Project of Quality Development of Undergraduate

(中右)北京奥运会志愿者项目启动仪式 The launch ceremony of Beijing Olympic Volunteer Program

(下图)教职工蓝球赛 Staff basketball game

57 中加学子大型交流音乐会 太极协会 Students from Canada and USTB in the exchange concerts Association of Tai Chi

第 57 届世界小姐 张梓琳回母校 “Miss World” Zhang Zilin came back to her alma mater, USTB

舞蹈团表演 “梦舟明星篮球队”与我校篮球队进行友谊赛 Performance Friendship basketball match between the "Dream Boat" star team and USTB basketball team o f d a n c e association

长跑选手谢芳获第 六届全国城市运动 会 5000 米、10000 米比赛两枚银牌 L o n g d i s t a n c e runner Xie Fang w o n t w o s i l v e r m e d a l s o f t h e 5000m and 10,000 m r a c e i n t h e Sixth National City Games 健美操比赛 Aerobics Competition

58 女子篮球队 Women's basketball team

学生志愿者服务奥运会、残奥会 Student volunteers worked in Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games

合唱团参加 2006 新加坡国际华文合唱节并荣膺金奖 2007 级学生巩立姣在北京奥运会女子铅球比赛中 The choir participated in the 2006 Singapore International Chinese Choral Festival and won the gold medal Gong Lijiao, alumna of 2007, competing in the Women's Shot Put in Beijing Olympics

59 ■ 党 和 国 家 领 导 人 leaders of the Party and the State

■ 中 国 科 学 院 院 士 Members of Chinese Academy of Sciences

■ 中 国 工 程 院 院 士 Members of Chinese Academy of Engineering

罗干 Luo Gan 刘淇 Liu Qi 徐匡迪 Xu Kuangdi 黄孟复 Huang Mengfu

肖纪美 Xiao Jimei 高庆狮 Gao Qingshi 叶恒强 Ye Hengqiang 张兴钤 Zhang Xingqian 邹世昌 Zou Shichang

葛昌纯 Ge Changchun 雒建斌 Luo Jianbin 张统一 Zhang Tongyi 范维唐 Fan Weitang 殷瑞钰 Yin Ruiyu

胡正寰 Hu Zhenghuan 关杰 Guan Jie 柯伟 Ke Wei 雷廷权 Lei Tingquan 刘玠 Liu Jie 校友风采 Alumni 60 年来,14 万莘莘学子在这里学有所成,他们秉承着母校“学风严谨、崇尚 实践”的优良传统,在各行各业上求实鼎新,为祖国的现代化建设倾洒智慧、奉 献青春。他们中的大部分已成为国家政治、经济、科技、教育等领域尤其是冶金、 材料工业的栋梁和骨干。 Sixty years since its establishment, USTB has gradually acquired the tradition of “rigorous learning and venerating practice”, and 140 thousand graduates qualified professions of all sorts. A large number of them have become the backbones in China’s politics, economy, science & technology and education, in particular, in the fields of metallurgy and materials science. 魏寿昆 Wei Shoukun 吴自良 Wu Ziliang 柯俊 Ke Jun

李依依 Li Yiyi 王崇愚 Wang Chongyu 徐祖耀 Xu Zuyao 周国治 Zhou Guozhi 陈难先 Chen Nanxian

陈先霖 Chen Xianlin 涂铭旌 Tu Mingjing 钟掘 Zhong Jue 周邦新 Zhou Bangxin 崔昆 Cui Kun

陈国良 Chen Guoliang 才鸿年 Cai Hongnian 何季麟 He Jilin 王一德 Wang Yide 张玉卓 Zhang Yuzhuo 博士、硕士学位学科、专业目录 List of Doctoral and Master's Degree Discipines

学科门类 一级学科名称 可授予二级学科名称 博士 Doctorate 硕士 Masterate Disciplines (First-Level Disciplines) (Second-Level Disciplines) Degree Degree 科学技术哲学 哲 学 Philosophy 哲 学 Philosophy * Philosophy of Science and Technology 国民经济学 National Economics * 区域经济学 Regional Economics * 财政学 Public Finance * 金融学 Finance * 经济学 应用经济学 产业经济学 Industrial Economics * Economics Applied Economics 〇 国际贸易学 International Trade * 劳动经济学 Labor Economics * 统计学 Statistics * 数量经济学 Quantitative Economics * 国防经济 National Defense Economics * 法学 民商法学 Civil Law and Commercial Law * Law 经济法学 Science of Economic Law * 社 会 学 社 会 学 Sociology * Sociology

法学 Law 马克思主义基本原理 Basic Principle of Marxism * 思想政治教育☆ Education in Ideology and Politics * * 马克思主义理论 马克思主义发展史 Development history of Marxism * Marxist Theory 〇 马克思主义中国化研究 Marxist Study with Chinese Characteristics * 国外马克思主义研究 Marxist Study outside China * 教育学 Education 教 育 学 Education 高等教育学 Higher Education * 中国语言文学 Chinese 文 艺 学 Theory of Literature and Art * Language and Literature 英语语言文学 English Language and Literature * * 俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature * * 法语语言文学 French Language and Literature * * 德语语言文学 German Language and Literature * * 文 学 日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature * * 外国语言文学 Foreign literature 印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature * * Language and Literature ◎ 西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature * * 阿拉伯语语言文学 ArabicLanguage and Literature * * 欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literatures * * 亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literatures * * 外国语言学及应用语言学 * * Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages 艺术学 Art Theory 设计学 Design 设计艺术学 Artistic Design * 基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics * 计算数学 Computational Mathematics * 数 学 Mathematics 〇 应用数学 Applied Mathematics * 理 学 运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics * Science 统计学 Statistics 〇 统计学 Statistics * 理论物理 Theoretical Physics * * 物 理 学 Physics ◎ 粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics * *

62 学科门类 一级学科名称 可授予二级学科名称 博士 Doctorate 硕士 Masterate Disciplines (First-Level Disciplines) (Second-Level Disciplines) Degree Degree 原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics * * 等离子体物理 Plasma Physics * * 凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics * * 声学 Acoustics * * 光学 Optics * * 无线电物理 Radio Physics * * 理 学 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry * * Science 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry * * 化 学 Chemistry ◎ 有机化学 Organic Chemistry * * 物理化学 Physical Chemistry * * 高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers * * 地质学 Geology 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy,Petrology,Mineral Deposit Geology * 生物学 Biology 生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology * 一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics * * 固体力学 Solid Mechanics * * 力 学 Mechanics ◎ 流体力学 Fluid Mechanics * * 工程力学☆ Engineering Mechanics * * 机械制造及其自动化☆ Mechanical Manufacture and Automation * *

机械工程 Mechanical 机械电子工程☆ Mechatronic Engineering * * Engineering ◎☆ 机械设计及理论★ Mechanical Design and Theory * * 车辆工程☆ Vehicle Engineering * * 仪器科学与技术 精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery * Instrument Science and Technology 〇 测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments * 材料物理与化学★ Materials Physics and Chemistry * * 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and 材 料 学★ Materialogy * * Engineering ◎★ 工学 材料加工工程★ Materials Processing Engineering * * Engineering 冶金物理化学★ Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy * * 冶金工程 Metallurgical 钢铁冶金★ Ferrous Metallurgy * * Engineering ◎★ 有色金属冶金★ Non-ferrous Metallurgy * * 工程热物理☆ Engineering Thermophysics * * 热能工程★ Thermal Power Engineering * * 动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering 动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering * * and Engineering 流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering * * Thermophysics ◎ 制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering * * 化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment * * 物理电子学 Physical Electronics * 电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and 电路与系统 Circuits and Systems * Technology 〇 微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics * 电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology *

63 学科门类 一级学科名称 可授予二级学科名称 博士 Doctorate 硕士 Masterate Disciplines (First-Level Disciplines) (Second-Level Disciplines) Degree Degree 通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems * * 信息与通信工程 Information and Communication 信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing * Engineering 〇

控制理论与控制工程☆ Control Theory and Control Engineering * * 检测技术与自动化装置 Detection Technology and Automatic Engineering * * 控制科学与工程 Control Science and 系统工程 Systems Engineering * * Engineering ◎ 模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems * * 导航、制导与控制 Navigation,Guidance and Control * * 计算机科学与技术 计算机系统结构☆ Computer Systems Organization * * Computer Science and Technology ◎ 计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology * * 软件工程 Software 软件工程 Software Engineering * * Engineering ◎ 岩土工程☆ Geotechnical Engineering * * 结构工程 Structure Engineering * * 市政工程 Municipal Engineering * * 土木工程 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air * * Civil Engineering ◎ Conditioning Engineering 防灾减灾工程及防护工程 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and 工学 * * Engineering Protective Engineering 桥梁与隧道工程 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering * * 化学工程 Chemical Engineering * 化学工艺 Chemical Technology * 化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and 生物化工 Biochemical Engineering * Technology 〇 应用化学 Applied Chemistry * 工业催化 Industrial Catalysis *

地质资源与地质工程 矿产普查与勘探 Mineral Resources Prospecting and Exploration * Geological Resources and 地球探测与信息技术 Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology * Geological Engineering 〇 地质工程 Geological Engineering * 矿业工程 Mining 采矿工程★ Mining Engineering * * Engineering ◎★ 矿物加工工程★ Mineral Processing Engineering * * 安全科学与工程◎ Safety 安全科学与工程★ Safety Science and Engineering * * Science and Engineering 环境科学与工程 环境科学 Environmental Science * * Environmental Science 环境工程 Environmental Engineering * * and Engineering ◎ 科学技术史 History of 科学技术史★ History of Science&Technology * * Science&Technology◎★ 管理科学与工程 管理科学与工程☆ Management Science and Engineering * * Management Science 物流工程▲ Logistics Engineering * * and Engineering ◎☆ 科技与教育管理▲ Science & Technology and Education Management * * 管理学 会计学 Accounting * * Management 工商管理 M a s t e r o f B u s i n e s s 企业管理 Corporate Management * * Administration ◎ 旅游管理 Tourist Management * * 技术经济及管理 Technological Economy and Management * *

64 学科门类 一级学科名称 可授予二级学科名称 博士 Doctorate 硕士 Masterate Disciplines (First-Level Disciplines) (Second-Level Disciplines) Degree Degree 行政管理 Administrative Management * 社会医学与卫生事业管理 Social Medicine and Health Management * 管理学 公 共 管 理 P u b l i c 教育经济与管理 Educational Economy and Management * Management Management 〇 社会保障 Social Security * 土地资源管理 Land Resource Management *

说明: ◎ : 有权按一级学科授予博士、硕士学位的学科,共 18 个。 〇 : 有权按一级学科授予硕士学位的学科,共 10 个。 ★ : 一级国家重点学科,共 4 个;二级国家重点学科,共 12 个。 ☆ : 一级北京市重点学科,共 2 个,二级学科为北京市重点学科,共 10 个。 ▲ : 二级学科为一级学科授权范围内自主设置的博士学科,共 2 个。

专业学位 Professional Degrees

类别 领域 学位级别 Disciplines Fields Degrees 工商管理 Master of Business Administration(MBA) Master 工商管理 Master of Business Administration(MBA) 高级管理人员工商管理硕士 Executive Master of Business Administration(EMBA) Master 公共管理 Master of Public Administration(MPA) Master 法律硕士(非法学)Juris Master(J.M) Master 法律 Law 法律硕士(法学)Master of Laws Master 翻译 Translation Master 会计 Accounting Master 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering Master 仪器仪表工程 Apparatus and Instrument Engineering Master 材料工程 Materials Engineering Master 冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering Master 动力工程 Power Engineering Master 控制工程 Control Engineering Master 计算机技术 Computer Technology Master 软件工程 Software Engineering Master 建筑与土木工程 Architectural and Civil Engineering Master 化学工程 Chemical Engineering Master 工程硕士 (Master of Engineering) 地质工程 Geological Engineering Master 矿业工程 Mining Engineering Master 安全工程 Safety Engineering Master 环境工程 Environmental Engineering Master 车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering Master 工业工程 Industrial Engineering Master 生物工程 Biological Engineering Master 项目管理 Project Management Master 物流工程 Logistic Engineering Master 电子与通信工程 Electrical and Information Engineering Master

65 学院及本科专业 Schools and Programs for Undergraduate Students

土木与环境工程学院 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 矿物资源工程 Mineral Resources Engineering 车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering 建筑环境与设备工程 Construction Environmental and Equipment Engineering 土木工程 Civil Engineering 环境工程 Environmental Engineering 安全工程 Safety Engineering 冶金与生态工程学院 School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering 冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering 生态学 Ecology 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering 材料物理 Materials Physics 材料化学 Materials Chemistry 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Technology 无机非金属材料工程 Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering 材料成型及控制工程 Materials Processing and Control Engineering 纳米材料与技术 Nanometer Materials and Technology

机械工程学院 School of Mechanical Engineering 机械工程及自动化 Mechanical Engineering and Automation 热能与动力工程 Thermal Energy and Power Engineering 工业工程 Industrial Engineering 工业设计 Industry Design 艺术设计 Design Art 物流工程 Logistics Engineering 自动化学院 School of Automation 测控技术与仪器 Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations 自动化 Automation 智能科学与技术 Intelligence Science and Technology 计算机与通信工程学院 School of Computer and Communication Engineering 电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology 通信工程 Communication Engineering 信息安全 Information Security 物联网工程 The Internet of things Engineering 东凌经济管理学院 Dongling School of Economics and Management 信息管理与信息系统 Information Management & Information System 工商管理 Business Administration 会计学 Accounting 国际经济与贸易 International Trade and Economics 金融工程 Financial Engineering 工程管理 Project management 数理学院 School of Mathematics and Physics 应用物理学 Applied Physics 数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 信息与计算科学 Information and Computer Science 化学与生物工程学院 School of Chemistry and Biology Engineering 应用化学 Applied Chemistry 生物技术 Biotechnology 文法学院 School of Humanities and Social Science 行政管理 Public Administration 法学 Legal Study 社会工作 Social Work 外国语学院 School of International Communication 日语 Japanese 英语 English 德语 German

66 与北京科技大学建立合作关系的国外和港澳台地区部分学校、研究机构 Universities and Institutes Having Collaborative Relations with USTB

序号 学校 / 科研机构 国家 / 地区 建立时间 1 亚琛工业大学(Aachen Technical University) 德 国 1979 2 东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute Technology) 日 本 1980 3 麦克麻斯特大学(Mcmaster University) 加拿大 1982 4 里海大学(Lehigh University) 美 国 1982 5 宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania) 美 国 1982 6 九州工业大学(Kyushu University of Technology) 日 本 1984 7 皇家工学院(Royal Institute of Technology) 瑞 典 1984 8 律尼奥大学(Lulea University) 瑞 典 1984 9 神奈川大学(Kanagawa University) 日 本 1985 10 乌龙冈大学(University of Wollongong) 澳大利亚 1985 11 北海道大学(Hokkaido University) 日 本 1986 12 西里西亚工业大学(Silesian Technical University) 波 兰 1986 13 保尔·萨巴蒂大学(Paul Sabatier University) 法 国 1986 14 冈山理科大学(Okayama University of Science) 日 本 1987 15 蒙特利尔工学院(Ecole Polytechnique Montreal) 加拿大 1987 16 加利福尼亚大学(Califonia University) 美 国 1987 17 多特蒙德大学(University of Dortmund) 德 国 1987 18 玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary College) 英 国 1988 19 利物浦大学(University of Livepool) 英 国 1988 20 密西根工业大学(Michigan Technical University) 美 国 1989 21 莫斯科钢与合金学院(Moscow Institute of Steel & Alloy) 俄罗斯 1989 22 顺天国立大学(Sunchon National University) 韩 国 1993 23 密道尔赛克斯大学(Middlesex University) 英 国 1994 24 河内百科大学(Honoi University of Technology) 越 南 1996 25 台北技术学院 (Taipei Institute of Technology) 台 湾 1996 26 巴拉那联邦大学(Universidade Fderal do Parana) 巴 西 1996 27 昌原国立大学(Changwon National University) 韩 国 1997 28 弗赖贝格矿业技术大学(Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg) 德 国 1997 29 鲁汶工程技术学院(Louvain Institute of Technology) 比利时 1997 30 拉塞雷纳大学(The University of La Serena) 智 利 1997 31 九州大学(Kyushu University) 日 本 1997 32 皇家墨尔本理工学院(The Royal Melbourne Institrte of Technology) 澳大利亚 1998 33 南洋理工大学(Nangang Technological University) 新加坡 1998 34 国立塔什干理工大学(Tashkent State Technical University) 乌兹别克斯坦 1998 35 朝阳科技大学(Chaoyang University of Technology) 台 湾 2001 36 昆山科技大学(Kun Shan University) 台 湾 2002 37 德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校(University of Texas at Arlington ) 美 国 2002 38 东北大学(Tohoku University) 日 本 2002 39 浦项工业大学(Pohang University of Science and Technology) 韩 国 2004 40 室蘭工业大学(Muroran Institute of Technology) 日 本 2004

67 序号 学校 / 科研机构 国家 / 地区 建立时间 41 橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory) 美 国 2004 42 韩国浦项产业科学研究院(Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology) 韩 国 2004 43 乌迪内大学(University of Udine) 意大利 2004 44 香港科技大学(HongKong University of Science and Technology) 香 港 2005 45 牛津大学材料系(Department of Materials, The University of Oxford) 英 国 2005 46 汉诺威大学 (Universitaet Hannover) 德 国 2005 47 维多利亚大学 (Victoria University) 澳大利亚 2005 48 凯斯 - 西保留地大学 (Case Western Reserve University) 美 国 2005 49 杜维嘉大学 (University of Tor Vergata) 意大利 2005 50 台湾成功大学(Taiwan Cheng Kung University) 台 湾 2006 51 德国考古研究所(Deutsch Archeology Institute) 德 国 2006 52 台湾屏东科技大学(Taiwan Ping Tong University of Science & Technology) 台 湾 2006 53 剑桥大学材料冶金系(Dept.of Materials& Metallurgy Cambridge University) 英 国 2006 54 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学(University of Tasmania) 澳大利亚 2006 55 斯图加特应用技术大学(Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Hochschule der Medien) 德 国 2006 56 瑞典布京理工学(Blekinge Institute of Technology) 瑞 典 2006 57 德国马普学会(The Max Planck Society) 德 国 2006 58 美国莱特大学 (Wright University) 美 国 2007 59 塔林技术大学 (Talline University of Technology) 爱沙尼亚 2007 60 英国斯旺西大学 (University of Wales Swansea) 英 国 2007 61 克里特大学 (University of Crete) 希 腊 2007 62 卧龙岗大学 (University of Wollongong)(工学院 - 材料学院) 澳大利亚 2007 63 蒙古科技大学 (Mongolian University of Science and Technology) 蒙 古 2007 64 东北大学 (Tohoku University)(续签) 日 本 2007 65 乌克兰国立航空大学 (National Aviation University) 乌克兰 2007 66 美国田纳西大学 (The University of Tennessee) 美 国 2007 67 台南大学 (National University of Tainan) 台 湾 2007 68 国立顺天大学 (Sunchon National University) 韩 国 2007 69 龙华科技大学 (Longhua University of Science and Technology) 台 湾 2007 70 蒙哥马利奥本大学 (Auburn University at Montgomery) 美 国 2007 71 天主教鲁汶大学 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) 比利时 2008 72 天主教辅仁大学 (Fu Jen Catholic University) 台 湾 2008 73 爱尔兰格里菲斯学院 (Griffith College Dublin ) 爱尔兰 2008 74 布鲁塞尔自由大学 (VUBVrije Universiteit Brussel) 比利时 2008 75 蒙哥马利-奥本大学 (University of Auburn at Montgomery) 美 国 2008 76 底特律大学 (University of Detroit Mercy) 美 国 2008 77 阿拉斯加矿业大学 (University of Alaska) 美 国 2008 78 巴尔的摩大学 (University of Baltimore) 美 国 2008 79 金门技术学院 (Kinmen Institute of Technology) 台 湾 2008 80 东京理科大学 (Tokyo University of Science) 日 本 2008 81 蒙特利尔大学 (Taiwan University of Science and Technology) 加拿大 2008 82 蒙纳士大学 (University of Monash) 澳大利亚 2009

68 序号 学校 / 科研机构 国家 / 地区 建立时间 83 台湾大学 (University of Taiwan) 台 湾 2009 84 滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo) 加拿大 2009 85 兰卡斯特大学 (University of Lancaster) 英 国 2009 86 赫尔辛基工业大学 (Helsinki University of Technology) 芬 兰 2009 87 邓迪大学 (University of Dundee) 英 国 2009 88 利莫瑞克大学 (University of Limerick) 爱尔兰 2009 89 图尔大学 (Université Francois Rabelais) 法 国 2009 90 海外学习基金组织 (The Study Abroad Foundation) 美 国 2009 91 加泰罗尼亚理工大学 (Universitat politecnica de catalunya) 西班牙 2009 92 东京电机大学 (Tokyo Denki University) 日 本 2009 93 电气通信大学 (University of Electro-Communications) 日 本 2009 94 逢甲大学 (Feng Chia University) 台 湾 2009 95 台湾静宜大学 (Providence University) 台 湾 2009 96 明志科技大学 (Ming Chi University of Technology) 台 湾 2009 97 昆士兰大学(University of Queensland) 澳大利亚 2010 98 阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta) 加拿大 2010 99 肯特州立大学(Kent State University) 美 国 2010 100 加州大学河滨分校(California University, Riverside) 美 国 2010 101 加州州立大学富丽通分校(California State University, Fullerton 美 国 2010 102 爱达荷大学(University of Idaho) 美 国 2010

加州大学董事会、劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室、UT 斯达康巴特尔有限责任公司、橡树岭 103 美 国 2010 国家实验室(California University, etc)

104 德蒙特福德大学(De Montfort University) 英 国 2010 105 中央大学(Chuo University) 日 本 2010 106 城西国际大学(Josai University Corporation) 日 本 2010 107 京都产业大学(Kyoto Sangyo University ) 日 本 2010 108 澳门大学(Mocao University) 澳 门 2010 109 中兴大学(National Chung Hsing University) 台 湾 2010 110 岭东科技大学(Ling Tung University) 台 湾 2010 111 华梵大学(Hua Fan University) 台 湾 2010 112 产业技术大学(Korea Polytechnic University) 韩 国 2010 113 塔尔图大学(University of Tartu) 爱沙尼亚 2010 114 佛罗里达大学(University of Florida) 美国 2011 115 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 (University of California,San Diego) 美国 2011 116 普利茅斯州立大学 (Plymouth State University) 美国 2011 117 弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) 美国 2011 118 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri- Columbia) 美国 2011 119 挪威科技大学(Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 挪威 2011 120 奥尔良大学工程师学院(Polytechnic of the University of Orleans) 法国 2011 121 博客拉大学(Pokhara University) 尼泊尔 2011 122 东海大学(Tunghai University) 台湾 2011 123 金门大学(Quemoy University) 台湾 2011

69 展望未来

时间的洗礼和岁月的雕琢,把辉煌的昨天镌刻在张张泛白的老照片上,载入了 史册。展望未来,机遇和挑战催动北科人只争朝夕,励精图治,携手共创更加美好 的未来,实现学校跨越式发展。 学校改革和发展的总体目标是把北京科技大学建设成为以工为主,工、理、管、 文、经、法等多学科协调发展,规模适度,特色突出,国内一流,国际著名的高水 平研究型大学。


With the time passed by, the brilliant yesterday was engraved in the old photos, and became history. Looking into the future, we seize the opportunities, meet challenges and make determined efforts to realize breakthrough development of our university. Now, USTB is working hard towards its goal of becoming one of the top-ranking research-based universities in China and an internationally renowned higher education institute with its own distinguishing features. While retaining its current leading position in metallurgy and materials sciences, it is making great efforts to develop other areas and to achieve a balanced disciplinary structure of engineering and technology, science, management, economics, social science, humanities and law.