George R.r. Martin | 416 pages | 05 Sep 2014 | Orion Publishing Co | 9781473205178 | English | London, United Kingdom Wild Cards: Ace in the Hole PDF Book

Read more Robot , with the co-editor of Wild Cards , Melinda Snodgrass as executive producer. Stone Jackson, Senator Lacey's bodyguard, must impersonate the senator when the senator takes off with his latest mistress. Jill Lacey, and the paparazzi until they can get the senator back? View Results. Wild Cards began as a two-year-long [1] campaign of the role-playing game , gifted to George R. Trevor Baxendale. Seven players. Snodgrass, and Walter Jon Williams. Aliens: Dust to Dust. Some may think the attraction for them is too fast, but who cares? Plus, the secret of how Gimli returned is a unique twist. Oct 15, Debra Guyette rated it really liked it. Being carried along with the characters as they figure out how to keep their jobs, fall for each other, and learn how to give up control to the other was definitely interesting. . The Oklahoman. Other sales followed. There are sparks that fly between Stone and Christian from their first meeting in the hotel bar and it just continues through, even when they realise they'll be working together and try to behave. Mack the Knife loves Hartmann in his own twisted way and will kill anyone he thinks is a problem. Enjoyed this better than the last volume Down and Dirty because it felt more like a regular novel. Some scenes feel out of order. Category: Fiction Audiobooks. But the nice thing about time is that it This guy is brash, shoves most of the daily work load on his senior aide, and is a well-known womanizer. Totally Improbable Romp Everything about this one screams "Oh, please! The events were too outrageous for any amount of believability. Please note that as an Associate, I earn money from qualifying purchases. I think this might be my favourite Wild Cards book so far! Set in an United States after the world war, Wild Cards series follows the events after an airborne virus is released in New York City in infecting thousands across the globe. The links beside each book title will take you to Amazon, who I feel are the best online retailer for books where you can read more about the book, or purchase it. No trivia or quizzes yet. Close Reset Password. While most manage to coexist in an uneasy peace, not everyone is willing to adapt. I was hoping for, though not necessarily expecting, a cracker of a conclusion. Readers also enjoyed. There were character inconsistencies - like the senator being such a bigot, mouthing some really politically-incorrect things yet Stone mentions how it's a pity he was so charismatic. Other Editions Following many years of inadequate recognition and inaction, the plight of the unfortunate victims of the wild card virus , the jokers , now forms a large part of the Democratic campaign. Hartmann is ahead, but not by enough to win the nomination handily - and so, over a period of seven days, the various camps duke it out for the favour of the convention delegates. Wild Cards: Ace in the Hole Writer

Start your review of Ace in the Hole Wild Cards, 1. The narrative is pacey, smart and thrilling - I could feel the entire novel building up to a cataclysmic confrontation the likes of which we've never seen before in this post-wild card universe. Never ask for anything small. Close Login. Give as a Gift Send this book as a Gift! Walter Jon Williams. It's clear that there's also a Hiram story that we're not seeing much of. From what I've read, the series starts to go downhill with the next trilogy - which is a pity considering how fun and fantastic the ride has been thus far. Unabridged audiobook versions of the first five novels have been released. Walton Simons delivers his best writing with the Demise scenes. . I felt the ending was way too rushed and not tied up neatly. Christian is a wee bit high strung, in parts because of his family history and in parts because of his job as senior aide to the above-mentioned cheater. Mar 26, Jane PS rated it liked it Shelves: mm. About Ava Drake. Powered by Wordpress Hacked. The finale also pays out the use of these two characters, big time. For some reason politicians often crumbled around celebrities — even, Jack thought, famous traitor aces and washed-up TV Tarzans like himself. Jun 02, Morgan Skye rated it liked it Shelves: , bgs. Cute and sweet as expected from this series. Hidden categories: All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from November Pages containing links to subscription-only content Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia. I was I started this book not knowing what to expect. Wild Card series is set in alternate history of the post second world war United States. More Details Edit: Dead Man's Hand seems to be a continuation of the stories in Ace in the Hole, so I'll listen to that one before changing instead. Aug 25, Rick rated it it was amazing. Wild Cards deals up the variety of short fiction without losing the continuity of a novel. Namespaces Article Talk. Aug 18, Crystal Marie rated it it was ok. Other Editions The characters are simply great: interesting, smart, three-dimensional and engaging, you are wishing them a happy ending almost from their very hot beginning :P And the plot works beautifully; it's smart, without unnecessary twists and turns, and will keep you glued to the pages or your phone, in my case :P until the end. View all 7 comments. Error rating book. Unfortunately, a few things in the book were disappointing: - Several series characters have suddenly abandoned their day jobs to become full time political strategists for the Hartmann campaign. An officer in Napoleon's Army could not have been more of a peacock than the slim, diminutive figure in his shimmering green outfit. Sara Morgenstern is out to expose Puppetman as the secret ace he really is. They were all uneven in their presentation. Rating details. Jack could feel sweat beading on his scalp. Gatekeeper regarded him a moment longer. March 18, Donec scelerisque, urna id tincidunt ultrices, nisi nisl lacinia mi, at pellentesque enim mi eu felis. It all culminates in several big dramatic moments followed by a big reveal. It's storyline is like a tragedy, and not everybody gets to live happily ever after. Gimli can now block Puppetman from controlling people. Read more He was hearing perhaps one word in three, but it didn't matter. The microbuses were covered with Hartmann stickers and other political slogans. Wild Cards: Ace in the Hole Reviews

This old adversary from the riots and Berlin was thought dead in last year's Typhoid Croyd outbreak, but he has returned with new telepathic powers. September 15th is now Wild Card Day. Product Details. They actually met the night before and had an almost one-night stand until they were rudely interrupted by work calling. King Aerys I sits on the Iron Throne. On September 15, , the Wild Card virus was released, spreading a wave of mutations around the globe. What I struggled with was the way Christian was outed just to make a bigoted congressman look good to his supporters. Or is it a real threat? It was a good read after that point and I really liked the possibilities as well as the ending. Get ready for some out-of-this-world reading and some insane near-realities with the science fiction and fantasy books that are catching the Beagle, author of The Last Unicorn "Emotionally powerful. This wiki. A cool little story about a shady political dude who takes off and leaves his staff to clean up his mess. Puppetman is cautiously moving himself into position so take over the presidency. Bah, who cares?! You may also like. Both men must learn to keep their masculinity, while giving of themselves to another. Walton Simons Contributor. Jill Lacey, and the paparazzi until they can get the senator back? It was good to read a fun adventure that also said something about people, relationships, and life. Co-edited by George R. The flat caps of the storm troopers were silhouetted in the front window. I thoroughly enjoyed myself reading this book, even if most of the plot was deliciously OTT, and the characters, other than the MCs, just a wee bit cardboard. R Martin. The Complete Predator Omnibus. Death threats? Her Democratic views, however, are what modern Americans would associate with the extremist Right Wing. Polyakov comes across as incompetent when he tries to use Sara Morgenstern rather than Blaise, even though he has spent a year cultivating a relationship with the already powerful and psychotic young telepath. Then there is Shell Games a short story by George R. Not to say that everything was perfect - as anyone who has reached the sixth book in a series would know, you are by this point fully familiar with what you love about the series He liked it when the masked man touched him. Science Fiction Fantasy. Feb 04, Angelica rated it liked it. On the other side of the door a bulky figure, bagged in black cloak and pantaloons, nodded and murmured floorwalker endearments through a seamless clown's mask: "Thank you. Universal Conquest Wiki. Nullam malesuada egestas tincidunt. Martin manage to be one of my favorite author by the sheer force of being on the cover of : - one of my all- time favorite book, The Armageddon Rag , - one of my favorite book cycle: Wild Cards. Add to cart. All Rights Reserved. Instead of the frenemies and angry sex and the beginning of a relationship I was expecting I got way more political intrigue than I wanted. Update Listened to audio. Aliens: Defiance Volume 2. Christian works for a US senator. The characters are well-fleshed out, the premise is interesting, and it does a good job of keeping the audience on its toes. Can't wait to see where the series goes from here as there will be a massive fallout surely He interferes with a US government election by using his mental projection powers to force delegates to change votes against their will. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Despite the fact that he agreed to masquerade, he was so obviously out of his element that it was nearly farcical.

Wild Cards: Ace in the Hole Read Online

Would recommend this to anyone who likes action and suspense with Stone Jackson, Senator Lacey's bodyguard, must impersonate the senator when the senator takes off with his latest mistress. Feelings seem to grow without either man knowing until it's too late for them and the only thing they want is each other. There were boxes of masks all around. Stone and Christian soon find themselves attracted, but romance is definitely off limits while bot Ace in the Hole A man's man with a gay slant… Ex-military, turned high-class security guard, Stone Jackson has had his fair share of prima-dona clients, but Senator Jack Lacey of the state of Texas takes the cakes. Their face-off in the book's climax is perfect. Trivia About Ace in the Hole The car increased speed as the light went yellow. The only sound was the moths pinging against the metal light fixture. There were elements of what I love about the Wild Card books, but not enough to hold my attention. There are a lot of hot moments that they share but I loved that some of their most intense ones didn't even have to go all the way, the emotions spoke enough for themselves. What would the democratic primary been life if there was an Ace running? The rest when the job's finished. Refresh and try again. Unfortunately, a few things in the book were disappointing: - Several series characters have suddenly abandoned their day jobs to become full time political strategists for the Hartmann campaign. Published By. George Raymond Richard "R. Related Articles. He immediately dislikes his new employer and tries to hide his strong interest in the Senator's aide. Views Read Edit View history. Unfortunately, nobody will take into consideration an eccentric little man who is considered alien than when it is too late. Martin and Melinda M. A really good ending even if a little anticlimactic. The ending is a frantic melee told from multiple perspectives and it kept me en The Wild Card series is quickly becoming my go-to for pleasure reading. Christian just has to keep his eye on his prize. May 18, Sara added it Shelves: boys-who-love-boys , fun , review-copy , a-must-read , alpha-male , toy-soldiers-or- mr-plods , romance , arc , swoon-central , hurts-my-teeth-it-is-so-sweet. Needless to say, all hell breaks loose. The flat caps of the storm troopers were silhouetted in the front window. You may also like. His pride and arrogance leads him to manipulate people and keep dangerous secrets with devastating consequences to himself. And please do as I say, not as I do. July 5,

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