
ElyMasterplan A Framework for the Future Development of the City of Ely

VISION DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY Ely today is at a crossroads.

Do we continue to let ad-hoc development take place without full consideration of the community’s needs or the City’s heritage, or do we draw together a long-term vision to set the agenda for Ely’s future?

4 Foreword

Ely is one of ’s classic cathedral cities. With an architectural heritage of truly international significance, a delightful riverside setting, exceptional rail links, and a high quality of life, it is a great place in which to live, work and play. Given the quality of Ely’s environment and its location in one of the Government’s growth areas, it is not surprising that the population of Ely has grown significantly over the last 10 years, from around 12,500 in 1996 to about 18,000 by 2007. Unfortunately, much recent growth has been uncoordinated, and employment, services, and infrastructure have not kept pace with the rising population. As a consequence there are worryingly high levels of out-commuting to jobs in , and South , placing pressure on an overloaded transport infrastructure. The growth pressures facing Ely will not go away despite the current economic downturn. The current planning policies for the area propose additional growth of some 1,500 houses in Ely. In response to Government demands the region is already reviewing the plans for growth in the Region to boost housing targets, even though the current plan was only approved in 2008. Ely Masterplan 5 Foreword Ely Masterplan The next stage of work will involve the involve will of work stage next The Plan Action Area of an Ely preparation Ely’s policies for to set detailed planning in the shorter/medium development an will also prepare Council The term. to Strategy Investment Infrastructure to deliver specify the infrastructure sustainable growth. In the long term a step change in the change In the long term a step it up to a to bring scale of Ely, could 2031, population of 27,000 by population base to support the provide of services and range a comprehensive critical in Ely’s An increase facilities. of enhance the level also mass would that is the self-sufficiency, employment population working proportion of Ely’s investment infrastructure The locally. help would associated with growth points and tackle congestion existing cycling and public enhance walking, transport. in the proposals growth long-term The subject to the outcomes are Masterplan Review, Spatial Strategy of the Regional are until there forward and will not go the to deliver commitments firm Southern The necessary infrastructure. is particularly important, Link Road of Ely can be no major expansion there without it. Councillor Peter Moakes Peter Councillor Committee, Development Strategic Chairman, Council, District 2010 Spring The District Council decided to prepare decided Council District The is a that there to ensure this Masterplan and to future Ely’s long-term vision for supportCore the policies in our planning document the formal Strategy, – is inevitable Growth the District. for that it is sure is to make the challenge and research Extensive managed. well place to help us consultation has taken to the significant best answers the find Ely. issues facing in that growth shows Masterplan The The sustainably. can be managed Ely will be taken vision of the Masterplan In the short term in stages. forward much on delivering action will focus to leisure needed improvements shopping and open space, facilities, and a start will be made employment, and development regeneration on key sites. Ely today is at a crossroads. Do we continue to let ad-hoc development take place take development to let ad-hoc continue Do we is at a crossroads. today Ely or do we heritage, the City’s needs or community’s of the without full consideration future? Ely’s for long-term vision to set the agenda a together draw 6 Contents

Synopsis 8

Context 16 The Role of the Masterplan 16 Regional and Sub Regional Context 18 Local Context 19 Constraints 20 Pressures for Change 20 Growth Options and Infrastructure 21 Masterplan Development Process 22

Ely Today 24 Historic Ely 24 Green Ely 24 Ely on the Move 25 Ely at Home 26 Ely at Work 26 Ely at Leisure 27 Community Views on the Future of Ely 28 Retaining Ely’s Distinctiveness 28 Achieving Sustainable Growth 28 Improving Shopping Facilities 29 Attracting More Employment Opportunities 30 Developing the Tourism Infrastructure 31 Tackling Transport Concerns 32 Enhancing the Green Infrastructure 33 Developing Leisure, Community and Cultural Facilities 34 Achieving Quality New Housing 35 Vision and Development Principles 36 Vision 36 Development Principles 36 Development Framework for Ely 38 Historic Ely 40 Green Ely 42 Ely on the Move 44 Ely at Home 49 Ely at Work 52 Ely at Leisure 54 Ely Masterplan 7 Contents Ely Masterplan 58 60 62 Implementation DocumentsBackground Glossary and 72 64 Opportunity SitesNorth Expansion Ely Regeneration and Station Gateway Riverside Extension City Centre 57 8 Synopsis

Ely Masterplan Vision “Developing Ely into a special 21st century Cathedral City and Cambridgeshire Market Town, which offers a great quality of life for all by balancing living, working and playing in an historic and rural setting with a thriving centre.” Ely Masterplan 9 Synopsis Ely Masterplan Work, and Shop Visit Live, Ten Development Ten Principles was work Substantial consultation and key local residents out with carried and agencies expert organisations of the Ely the preparation during Masterplan. were principles development Ten messages the key to capture formulated which this consultation highlighted. for been used as the basis have These and the subsequent development proposals. testing of the Masterplan 1. “Ely’s Retaining Distinctiveness” 2.Sustainable Growth Achieving 3. Heart of Ely the Historic Reinforcing 4. Living Landscape a Green Promoting 5.Access Enabling Easy 6. Congestion Tackling 7. Housing Choice Widening 8. Change to Climate Responding 9. as a Place to Ely Strengthening 10. Community Rural Wider Serving the – Key measures to enable Ely to Ely to enable measures – Key – Expansion of both retail provision and provision – Expansion of both retail – In the short term housing growth will be in line with the planning – In the short term housing growth To provide an evidence base for use in submission of funding bids to support use in for base an evidence provide To in the City. development future To provide a long term vision and strategic framework to help manage the future the to help manage framework strategic a long term vision and provide To is longer timeframe Masterplan This 20-25 years. the next over of Ely development planning policies. than that of current to the response Council’s the District base for an evidence provide To housing and which will set the future Spatial Strategy, Regional Government’s the East of England region. for targets growth employment To outline a package of short and medium term actions to improve Ely and Ely of short outline a package and medium term actions to improve To Strategy. Core in the East Cambridgeshire implement the policies policies already approved for the area, with 500 new dwellings in North Ely. The long The in North dwellings Ely. with 500 new the area, for approved policies already increasing at North a total of 3,000 homes Ely, is for term vision of the Masterplan 2031. to some 27,000 by 18,000 today around population from Ely’s development infrastructure Transport public of a strong development the firstly are sustainably accommodate this growth cycling bus, on rail, focusing car use, from a shift away policytransport to encourage of a Southern Link the provision and secondly improvements, network and pedestrian and in the city Station area both in the Railway congestion traffic to alleviate Road will also be necessary to Ely around A10/A142 Capacity enhancements on the centre. long term growth. cater for growth and employment Retail The Ely Masterplan proposes a controlled level of growth in order to provide a to provide in order of growth level a controlled proposes Masterplan Ely The of services and range will supportThis a comprehensive population base. stronger and enable Ely in the City, self sufficiency of employment enhance the level facilities, as a sustainable community. to develop Housing growth for aiming Masterplan, fundamental elements of the Ely are growth employment of out high levels the current and to help reduce self sufficiency employment jobs will estimates that some 4,000-5,000 new Research the City. from commuting in the period in the City, existing in addition to the 9,000 already be required to 2021. subject to the outcome of the Regional are proposals growth long term These Review. Spatial Strategy ■ in Ely Growth ■ ■ Purpose of the Ely Masterplan of the Ely Purpose fourfold: is Masterplan of the Ely purpose The ■ 10

Synopsis Phased Implementation of the Ely Masterplan Phasing of this growth will be essential to ensure that the necessary infrastructure and community facilities are in place before further significant housing growth occurs. The Masterplan proposes mechanisms to ensure that this phasing takes place.

In the short/medium term (2010-2020), illustrated below, the Masterplan proposes that attention is focussed on the development of infrastructure to address the current deficiencies and prepare for future growth. During these phases growth will be in line with the planning policies for the area, as set out in the approved Core Strategy, with the development of a modest level of 500 houses in North Ely.

Key Short/Medium Term Actions


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11 Ely Masterplan

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279. 11 Synopsis Ely Masterplan roposals. The first Development of a Development Redevelopment of Lisle on new site replaces existing site replaces on new Lancaster Way Lancaster Way Treatment Sewage Angel Drove Angel Willow Walk Walk Willow Riverside 9 10 11 12 facilities and increases capacity. and increases facilities Plant new business park adjoining the business park new Business Park Cambridgeshire existing light industrial/high-tech uses. for of phase of a major expansion a for Business Park Way Lancaster of business uses. range Quarter and Cresswells area Lane industrial for Works Treatment Lane Sewage uses. and mixed residential Cathedral Precincts Cathedral City Centre Shopping City Centre City Centre Expansion Market Local respondent, 2009 March Public Exhibition, “Ely is still a unique place with its own “Ely is still a here in 2007 to get I moved character. in development sprawls away from the regions. Please allow the south coast development that sustainable the character.” complements 8 7 5 6 Pedestrianisation and Pedestrianisation Management Car Park Sensitive environmental improvements environmental Sensitive to Walk Cups Three and to Steeple Row enhance the immediate setting of the Cathedral. Additional activities and markets on activities and markets Additional of the Place and upgrade the Market of Market appearance environmental Place. the potential for Investigate shops of small retail intensification within the lanes and alleyways and Market Street High between Street. Linked strategies to enhance the strategies Linked city centre for quality of experience users. Comprehensive Country Park Phase 1 Park Country Pedestrian and Cycling Pedestrian Leisure Village Leisure North Phase 1 Ely Chapters ‘Development Framework for Ely’ (Page 38) and ‘Opportunity Sites’ (Page 57) contain further details of each of these p (Page ‘Opportunity Sites’ 38) and (Page Ely’ for Framework ‘Development Chapters 4 3 2 1 programme of improvements to of improvements programme and cycle links within Ely. pedestrian Balancing recreational and biodiversity Balancing recreational uses of this unique landscape area, the as helping to bring as well countryside into the City. Development of a new, enhanced of a new, Development the to replace facility leisure district sporting at Paradise. existing facilities The first phase of a planned urban first The 500 homes in providing extension Core with the current accordance recommendations. Strategy Improvements 12 Synopsis In the long term (2021-2031), illustrated below, the Masterplan proposes major growth developments including the Southern Link Road and more significant housing growth.

Long Term Vision

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This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279. Ely Masterplan 13 Synopsis Ely Masterplan roposals. for bulky for to enhance public in partnership with rail Southern Link Road Enhanced Railway Angel Drove Angel Transport A10 Public Angel Drove Boulevard Drove Angel 15 16 17 13 14 Commercial Park Commercial Improvements authorities. transport on the A10 Ely - Cambridge A10 Ely on the transport corridor. Services goods retail showrooms. retail goods the from away traffic diverting through options Alternative Station Gateway. alignments to be and route investigated. streetscape improvements following improvements streetscape completion of the Southern Link Road, to the City. to enhance this entrance for high amenity for Regeneration for housing, for Regeneration Station Gateway City Centre Expansion City Centre and Station Riverside Paradise Quarter Paradise Urban Park Paradise Quality Bus Corridor 8 9 7 12 10 11 office accommodation and mixed uses. accommodation and mixed office employment, transport interchange transport employment, links to pedestrian improved facilities, and possible hotel. centre town Business Hub Gateway for larger retail units/anchor with retail store larger for uses. of existing relocation redevelopment of the brownfield areas of the brownfield redevelopment cafes, with opportunities for of Paradise and offices cinema, restaurants, apartments above. with enhancements to the existing field. green via High Barns linking new residential Barns linking new via High city destinations. with key areas into the open with capacity for 3,000 with capacity for for start-up offices/workshops for North Employment Ely Country Park Phase 2 Park Country NorthEly North Expansion Ely Green Links Green Northern Link Road Chapters ‘Development Framework for Ely’ (Page 38) and ‘Opportunity Sites’ (Page 57) contain further details of each of these p (Page ‘Opportunity Sites’ 38) and (Page Ely’ for Framework ‘Development Chapters 6 5 4 3 2 1 homes, and exemplar eco development. and exemplar homes, and possible location for a new hotel, a new and possible location for police and ambulance services. creating green setting to North green Ely creating Expansion. for local shopping, health, health, local shopping, for needs. and community linking Prickwillow Road with a new Road linking Prickwillow A10. junction on “Enhance attractiveness of Ely for business growth of Ely for “Enhance attractiveness improving the labour market and by increasing other locations.” within the town and to accessibility Horizons Cambridgeshire Area Neighbourhood Centres countryside for recreational and recreational countryside for purposes. biodiversity Phase 2 14

Synopsis Next Steps – Integrated Delivery Plan The Ely Masterplan brings together the economic and spatial aspects of growth in a place shaping plan that is focussed on delivery and offers real opportunities to realise the ambitions of the City for sustainable growth to the year 2031. For the first time the planning arrangements will be structured to integrate and deliver sustainable economic growth alongside strategic priorities such as housing, transport and climate change. An integrated approach to delivery, monitoring and governance in this watershed masterplan is crucial to its success, and will require strong project management. The immediate next steps are:

Growth Delivery Structures Set up Growth Delivery Structures in partnership with Cambridgeshire Horizons (the growth delivery agency for Cambridgeshire), community representatives and other key organisations to oversee delivery of growth and Infrastructure.

Regional Spatial Strategy Review Work with Cambridgeshire County Council and other Cambridgeshire District Councils on a common response to the review and to put forward the vision for sustainable growth in Ely. If, as expected, the Regional Spatial Strategy revises housing growth levels upwards and a revision of the Core Strategy is required, the Ely Masterplan will provide valuable research information for this.

Ely Area Action Plan Prepare an Ely Area Action Plan as a statutory development plan document. This will set out in greater detail how the approved Core Strategy proposals will be implemented over the period to 2025, and allocate specific sites in Ely for future development. The Ely Masterplan will be used as context material in the formulation of the Ely Area Action Plan.

Community Engagement Programme Develop a community engagement programme to ensure that the proposed developments are in line with community aspirations.

Infrastructure Investment Strategy Prepare a district wide Infrastructure Investment Strategy to detail the infrastructure requirements for growth and the necessary developer contributions.

Development Briefs Prepare development briefs and design codes for key regeneration and development areas.

Successful masterplanning is the key to creating great Ely Masterplan “places. A clear, considered masterplan which has been developed by professionals and local people together can lead to the physical, social and economic revival of places. CABE Commission for & the Built Environment ” 15 Synopsis Ely Masterplan 16 Context

The Local Development Framework Role of the The East Cambridgeshire Core Strategy, for example, have been subject to Ely Masterplan which is one of a portfolio of planning extensive consultation and this research documents within the District Council’s will help inform the formulation of the site The purpose of the Ely Local Development Framework, sets out allocations recommended by the Ely Area Masterplan is to suggest a the Council’s vision and strategic Action Plan. strategic framework for development framework for the whole managing the future For the longer term however, the Ely District until 2025. The Core Strategy will development of Ely over the Masterplan identifies a potential for be accompanied by further development next 20 years or so, growth beyond that proposed by the Core plan documents which will identify for discussion by the local Strategy, looking forward over a longer detailed planning policies and specific site community and key agencies. time frame to 2031. As such, the Ely allocations for future development. One of It outlines a comprehensive Masterplan should be viewed as a these will be an Ely Area Action Plan, and plan to enhance the City, discussion document about the future work on this has already commenced. showing how further growth growth of Ely. The Ely Masterplan will be can be accommodated and The Ely Masterplan’s short/medium term adopted by the District Council as the identifying the scope to proposals provide further detail on how basis for the District’s response to the improve the City’s the District Council can manage growth review of the Regional Spatial Strategy infrastructure and services. and development in Ely in line with the (RSS). This sets the targets for housing and The Council aims to integrate proposals in Policy CS9 of the Core employment growth at regional level. the long term vision of the Strategy. (Policy CS9 refers to the Core It will also be used to provide the long Ely Masterplan into the Local Strategy proposals as they apply to Ely). term strategic context for funding bids to Ely Masterplan Development Framework As such, it provides contextual information help deliver new infrastructure in Ely. through the Ely Area Action which can be used to help develop the Plan and through a future proposals in the Ely Area Action Plan. The review of the Core Strategy. development principles and development framework set out in the Ely Masterplan, 17 Context Ely Masterplan – setting – detailed plan Local Development Scheme, Scheme, Local Development Statement of Community Annual and Involvement Review Monitoring Site Allocations Development Plan Document housing, allocating sites for other land and employment of the District. uses in the rest out the plan development out the plan development process.

– sets out the East Framework ” Cambridgeshire Supplementary Planning Documents Core Strategy Development Development Strategy Core Plan Document the vision for strategic broad principles and strategic district, this vision for to deliver to 2025. the period detailed guidance on more – provide Plan issues in the Development topics such covering Documents, planning housing, as affordable design guides etc. obligations, full details. for See ECDC website Local Development

– detailed plan

Proposals Map Development Development Map Proposals Plan Document Action Area Plan Ely Development Plan Document housing, allocating sites for and other land employment, uses in Ely. Required Optional Planning Process

Andy Karski, Andy Planning and Urban Design Tibbalds Masterplans should not be rigid, end state blue prints, but frameworks for subsequent fleshing out. “ The Local Development Framework Planning Structure Framework Local Development The 18

Context Regional and Sub-Regional Context The Regional Spatial Strategy identifies Jobs must be high levels of growth for Cambridgeshire, an average of 3,870 linked to housing to dwellings per year, and yet the target “ achieve sustainable for East Cambridgeshire is a relatively growth. Ely must modest 360 dwellings a year, well below not become just past building rates. This reflects the conscious strategy to focus growth on another spiralling Cambridge. dormitory town.

A review of the Regional Spatial Local respondent, Public Exhibition, March 2009 Strategy is already underway and this The East of England is one of the most will provide for the development needs ” prosperous and fastest growing parts of of the region up to 2031. The the country. It is largely a region of Government is looking for a significant small and medium sized towns and increase in housing targets for the cities surrounded by rural areas, which region. There appears to be limited look towards those towns for scope for further additional growth in employment and higher level services. Cambridge, beyond the major sites

Cambridgeshire has made a significant already identified such as Cambridge contribution to the growth of the East and the Southern Fringe, without region. The continued economic success major implications for the Cambridge of the Cambridge Sub Region, focussed Green Belt. But there may be potential on education, research and knowledge- for further growth in the market towns based industry, has been of significance surrounding Cambridge, such as Ely, and to the wider region and nationally. The this potential will be explored alongside Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) other options through the review sets out a framework for the future process.

development of the region up to 2021. Ely has exceptional rail connections for This plan seeks to achieve a better a town of its size with direct trains to balance of employment and housing in London, Cambridge, , the Cambridge area. Growth in the Sub , , Stansted, Region is focussed firstly on Cambridge and . This rail accessibility itself, then secondly at the proposed provides an opportunity to promote new settlement of and sustainable growth in Ely boosting thirdly on market towns such as Ely. employment. The A10 and A142 connect Ely to the national highway network and these have congestion issues that need to be addressed. Without improvements to the A142 in Ely and enhanced public transport in the A10 corridor, significant levels of

Ely Masterplan growth will not be deliverable. 19 Context Ely Masterplan ” The East Cambridgeshire Sustainable East Cambridgeshire The and to focus seeks Strategy Community local Councils, shape the actions of the and and the public, voluntary that organisations sector community these aim is for The locally. operate towards together work to organisations the social, that benefit common goals being well economic and environmental has strategy This of the local area. East for six goals identified which includes Cambridgeshire, and support to sustainable growth and skills development business, provides Masterplan Ely The enterprise. can these goals detail on how greater in partnership with other be achieved agencies. Ely will continue to be a thriving historic city, and the and city, historic to be a thriving will continue Ely ” Core Strategy Submission May 2008 Submission May Strategy Core Local Development Framework Spatial Vision Spatial Framework Local Development 2025: Year in the Ely for main market town in East Cambridgeshire. It will provide in East Cambridgeshire. town main market and other services to a wide catchment retailing employment, as a Its role population of the town. resident and a larger area, numbers with increased strengthened, will have centre tourist and an enhanced riverside to the Cathedral attracted of visitors and expanded been improved will have centre town The area. and development, retail opportunities exploiting for by Significant been provided. sports will have facilities improved and will function as part of the town housing development new will be Growth and cycle links. pedestrian connected by be well new opportunities, in employment investment accompanied by and major Park, Country a new educational and health facilities, and the Drove Angel A142 between to the improvements Development of the city. to the southwest Causeway Stuntney historical the sensitive without compromising will be provided or its built landscape setting of the city and the cathedral, and and important special character wildlife The heritage. will have Pits area and Roswell of the river value recreational and enhanced. been protected “ Ely has grown rapidly in recent years in recent rapidly has grown Ely to the west expansion with significant in work residents new Many and north. A major concern is the Cambridge. and jobs workforce imbalance between 2007 Estates Survey New Ely The in Ely. worked 23% of workers that only found range A broader either at home or in Ely. the skills to fit of jobs is needed in Ely out- of current and aspirations commuters.

ublic transport

wever p Elyness – a special place.

Ely Society Ely “ to Ely from many villages is limited and villages many from to Ely car for on the reliance is a heavy there travel. Local Context is the largest City of The settlement in East Cambridgeshire. providing town, It acts as a market other the for and services employment Littleport of and towns market is Ely catchment. rural a large and for of public level of a reasonable the focus and has particularly provision transport Ho links. rail good 20 Context

Constraints Use growth to Ely is highly constrained in The key constraints are: strengthen and not physical terms, and is also highly ■ Physical boundaries (the river, “ sensitive due to its unique history, railway lines and A10 bypass). divert energy and geology and fens location. An ■ Herit age and the landscape resources from the Infrastructure and Constraints setting of the Cathedral. existing town. Assessment was carried out during Witney/Cirencester Study the preparation of the Masterplan ■ Topography, drainage and Tour Report to identify locations where flooding. development was most feasible. ■ ” Wildlife areas and sites of This reinforced the analysis carried ecological and geological out for the Council’s Local importance. Development Framework. ■ Infrastructure capacity (including particularly the sewage treatment capacity).

■ Transport network.

Pressures for Change Ely is likely to change significantly over the next 20 years with or without a Masterplan. The number of households in the East of England is projected to increase by 840,000 (35%) by 2031. Although current housing targets for Ely are relatively modest the slow delivery of major sites in and around Cambridge means that Ely will not be immune from future growth pressures.

Looking back, Ely has changed dramatically over the last 20 years; the population grew from just over 10,000 in 1981 to nearly 18,000 by 2007. Looking forward 20 years the future changes for Ely will probably continue to be as radical, with the likelihood of:

■ Continuing population growth, ■ Increased public expectations for the

■ An ageing population, quality of development and leisure and recreational opportunities, ■ Rising travel and energy costs, ■ Limited national funding for ■ Increased requirements for energy infrastructure, efficiency through sustainable design ■ and construction, An uncertain property market, at least in the short term, ■ Major improvements to services and ■ facilities in competing shopping Reluctance on the part of financial centres, institutions to invest in new commercial development, or in housing developments that involve significant risks. Ely Masterplan

However, there are good opportunities for Ely in the future because there will always be a premium on living (and working) in historic places that are on the national rail network, within easy reach of airports, and that offer a good quality of life and educational opportunities. 21 Context Ely Masterplan ervices kept – This would provide for provide would This – Trend Growth Trend 2031, houses by 6,091 new an extra of 305 houses per build rate an average taking the total population of Ely year, 31,500 (assuming to approximately of 2.1 per house). occupancy rates be built in 5,000 of these houses would North Ely. SQW Consulting “The impact of rapid growth on social structures and community cohesion can all too readily be neglected in new developments. If growth in housing and population is over- rapid, it risks creating social tension and damaging levels of community cohesion.” Trend Growth Trend to 2031 1,091 5,000 6,091 305 31,500 – This – This would 4,091 205 27,000 Controlled Growth Controlled to 2031 1,091 3,000 towns in Oxfordshire found that a better found in Oxfordshire towns have choice facilities and leisure of shops growth. continued from resulted the to resist it will be difficult In reality are – developers growth for pressures population increased anticipating already the by as evidenced in the town, levels planning retail recent various applications despite the current in the housing market. downturn to plan seeks therefore Masterplan The based on the this growth, ahead for of an scenario growth controlled additional 3,000 houses located in North to developed and the plan has been Ely, and facilities the appropriate incorporate to meet the needs of this infrastructure of growth. level Controlled Growth Controlled houses 4,091 new an extra for provide of 205 rate build an average 2031, by taking the total houses per year, to approximately population of Ely of 27,000 (assuming occupancy rates 3,000 of these houses 2.1 per house). in North be built would Ely. 2,091 105 23,000 Low Growth Low to 2031 (LDF) 1,091 1,000 2,077 260 18,500 Actual Actual 2001-2009 2,077 – The rate of growth rate The – Final City population size Final Greenfield development Greenfield time over dwellings Total period – dwellings Build rate per year Scenario Outstanding sites large commitments, City within existing boundaries The first two options have lower build lower options have two first The been seen in the period than have rates option third The 2001 to 2009. this. exceeds of rates the lower for arguments The the current to preserving relate growth and sense of character historic this however community of the City, of services and the level does restrict of population which the level facilities can support. of the higher rates for arguments The an to securing relate growth in consumer choice in improvement wider choice of services and facilities, public transport improved housing, of more and attraction provision, size is as the workforce locally employers market tour to two A study increased. In developing the Masterplan three future growth scenarios were investigated: were scenarios growth future the Masterplan three In developing Growth Low the Core by envisaged currently Spatial the Regional by and Strategy mean this would If continued Strategy. an 2031, 2,091 houses by an extra of 105 houses per build rate average taking the total population of Ely year, 23,000 (assuming to approximately of 2.1 per house). occupancy rates be built in 1,000 of these houses would North Ely. Growth Options and Infrastructure Growth of s the limited range is concern over the country there in to live places attractive one of the most is currently Although Ely and shops has not employment facilities, of local services, that provision local concern is considerable There and facilities. pace with housing growth. 22 Masterplan Development Process

Developmental work on the Ely Masterplan started in Autumn 2007 when URBED, (urban and economic development consultants), Gifford, (transport planners and engineers), SQW (consultant economists) and designer Alan Stones were commissioned to prepare a Masterplan for the City. East Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire Horizons jointly managed the project. In July 2008 a formal working party was set up by the District Council and this examined the issues raised in a draft report that had been presented to the Council earlier that year. Ely Masterplan 23 Masterplan Development Process Representatives from Cambridgeshire County Council and the City of Ely Council were co-opted onto the working party, and officers from the Greater Cambridge Partnership and Cambridgeshire Horizons were available in an Distinctiveness advisory capacity. is not just about the During Autumn 2008 a range of public consultation activities were “ old, it should include carried out including: new innovations

■ A telephone survey of 629 local residents, 50% of whom lived in the market which have a towns of Ely, Soham and Littleport, and 50% in rural areas, to seek their views on distinctive quality, how the District Council should manage growth and development. rather than just ■ A telephone survey of 111 businesses across the District seeking their views on a copy of something the same issues. elsewhere. ■ A series of ‘Stakeholder Consultation Sessions’ where expert speakers and local Ely Masterplan stakeholders were invited to give evidence to the Council’s working party. Working Party discussion Seven sessions were held, with a total of 28 speakers, and 3 additional ” stakeholders provided written views.

■ A series of school assemblies were held at the City of Ely College to canvass the views of a total of 880 students under 16 years. The theme of the assemblies was ‘A Postcard from the Future’ and students were invited to write on a card three things they would like to see in Ely in the future.

■ A film project was commissioned to reflect the views of young people aged between 16-24 yrs on their aspirations for the future of Ely. This was produced by See More Productions in December 2008 and involved 60 young people from Ely and the surrounding area.

■ Public consultation took place in March 2009, looking at development options for housing growth, the Riverside and Station Gateway area and the City Centre. 446 people attended the public consultation held at The Lamb Hotel in Ely over three days. The feedback from all these activities and the desk research were considered by the working party as they developed the draft Masterplan. Details of the A series of research reports were Ely Masterplan Working Party commissioned to obtain further considerations can be found on evidence on specific topics such as the East Cambridgeshire the local economy, the transport District Council website infrastructure, retail provision, and www.eastcambs.gov.uk. development constraints. Reports on the various The working party also undertook background research studies and a study tour to Cirencester and consultation work are included in Witney in Autumn 2008 to the separate background investigate the approach taken by documents which accompany Ely Masterplan local authorities in this area to this Ely Masterplan. manage growth, and the lessons from this which could be applied to the Ely Masterplan. 24 Ely Today

Green Ely The Park to the south of Ely Cathedral was laid out in the 18th century and forms an important historic green space. Cherry Hill within the park accommodates the remnants of the motte and bailey of the Norman castle.

Palace Green is situated right in the centre of the City. It is popular for picnics and sitting out on fine sunny days, and hosts a number of community events over the year.

Paradise playing fields situated close to the city centre and adjacent to the leisure centre provide a valuable open space where local teams can play cricket and football.

The Ouse riverside area, green spaces, Jubilee Gardens, Chettisham Meadows, Roswell Pits, Ely Pits and Meadows Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) already make a significant contribution to the current setting and attractiveness of Ely.

Historic Ely Ely means 'the island of the eels'. In the 17th century before were drained the site of Ely was an island surrounded by water and marshes, where eels were found in abundance.

The world famous Cathedral with its medieval surroundings was built on the site of a monastery founded in 673AD by Saint Etheldreda. Traces of Saxon settlement are known in the vicinity of the Cathedral and the Cathedral Green, “It is not just the as well as downhill to the east between Broad Street and the river. “Cathedral that is Ely is the second smallest city in England, and attracts 1.25 million tourists a stunning, it’s the heritage year. Tourism is estimated to be worth £91million to the local economy and architecture of Ely Masterplan (2002 figures). the City.” The Ely Conservation Area boundary was extended significantly in 2009 and Ely Youth Film takes in the central and historic core with over 190 statutorily listed buildings, as well as buildings and open spaces of local importance. ” 25 Ely Today Ely Masterplan A Southern Link Road has been has A Southern Link Road to relieve previously proposed Although a bid A142. on the congestion this for funding for to Government scheme met Government in 2004 not the scheme was requirements, a funding successful in obtaining of the high level allocation because of The this funding. competition for working is currently Council District to Council County with Cambridgeshire the current options to resolve explore the railway caused by problems crossing. used to parks are of the public car Many in part a the day, capacity during limited bus of the extremely reflection Ely. within and around services available The proposed development of a new development proposed The station at Chesterton in sidings serving the Cambridge Cambridge, the strengthen would , areas the employment links between as as well and Cambridge of Ely transport rail alternative providing commuters existing options for A10. using the currently using the HCV’s for crossing railway Ely . 25mins in every A142 is closed for with proposed By the mid 2020’s, and passenger in freight increases might be closed for the crossing traffic, to traffic, Delays hour. every 55 minutes of regional are including HCV’s, the importance of the given significance route. A142 as a primary agmented, Ely on the Move Ely is within easy Most of the population of key or cycling distance walking network cycleway The services in Ely. is currentlyhowever, fr to access key making it difficult the roads. destinations without using that A roads major two by is served Ely network. road link the City to the wider while to the west, Ely bypasses A10 The Angel along east/west A142 runs the on the southern outskirts. Drove connected to the national is well Ely in A 30% growth network. railway the last ten years over levels passenger in 1.5 million passengers has resulted station (2007/8) using Ely now per year on car and a consequent pressure in this area. parking provision 26

Ely Today Ely at Home Ely at Work Ely has grown rapidly in recent years Employment studies suggest that the with significant expansion to the west current allocation of major new and north. employment sites at Lancaster Way and Angel Drove will be sufficient for the Sites for new housing in Ely are severely period up until 2021, provided that they restricted by physical constraints. are fully developed. Studies indicate that there is capacity to accommodate only a further The projected employment growth 1,100-1,300 dwellings on brownfield within the County is seen to be within sites within the current development the financial, business and other boundaries of Ely (ECDC Housing Land services sector, which includes public Availability Assessment 2007). For this sector, health, distribution, hotels and reason the District Council’s Core The local economy has been performing catering. Strategy plans for development of new strongly in recent years, although the and the King’s School are two of housing on a green field area in the current global downturn may impact on the largest employers in Ely. Education north of Ely to the eastern side of the this. Today there are just over 9,000 provision also includes the City of Ely Hospital. people employed in Ely. Community College and Sixth Form More than half of those living and Centre. working in Ely walk to work. However, out commuting levels for Ely are 49% and this figure rises to 72% for some of the more recent housing developments in the City. Ely Masterplan 27 Ely Today Ely Masterplan However ility. ility. club fac There are current proposals to relocate proposals current are There sports at Paradise the existing facilities Road/A10 to a site at the Downham this is to develop proposal The junction. new providing village as a leisure but as a District Ely, for not just facilities as East Cambridgeshire for facility level will be centre proposed The a whole. outdoor with the existing incorporated sports and include a new facilities a health eight-lane swimming pool, suite and a six court sports hall. is operated facility A bowling and there Drove, Angel off commercially health is a private arts or centre has no cinema, Ely apart the from provision, theatre at the which can be offered facilities Maltings Banqueting and Conference the river. by Centre an offer moorings riverside The amenity, important and leisure tourist attractiveness. which adds to the City’s Retail studies have identified that there identified studies have Retail of spending high leakage is a relatively 23% of the with only out of the area, spend on comparison available locally home consumer goods, (clothes, goods being spent products) improvement indicate that They within the district. the is potential to increase there (East share of this market percentage Retail Council District Cambridgeshire April 2008, Partial Review 2005, Study & Partners). Tym Roger floorspace limited vacant is very There to city centre within the existing shopping provision. accommodate new Ely hosts three different markets with markets different hosts three Ely on Market winning Farmers its award of every the second and fourth Saturday General Thursday its regular month, and Craft and Saturday Market Market. Collectables sq m gross is almost 45,000 There shopping area in the central floorspace 35,000 sq m of the over Just of Ely. up with is taken floorspace total gross 80% over which represents uses, retail total retail The of the total floorspace. store Tesco includes the floorspace Drove, Angel at (4,824 sq m gross) significant a represents which retail proportion of the convenience for and is a major attractor in Ely, offer uses Non-retail centre. as a retail Ely up just under 5,500 sq m (12.2%) take of the total floorspace. gross (4%) 1,700 sq m gross over Just (East is vacant of the total floorspace Retail Council District Cambridgeshire 2005). Study Ely at Leisure at Leisure Ely 28 Community views on the future of Ely

Key issues and concerns in relation to future growth, identified through public consultation and other research, were:

“Key views of the Cathedral need to be protected and, where possible, enhanced.” English Heritage

Retaining Ely’s Achieving Sustainable Growth Distinctiveness During consultation work local people expressed their concern about allowing high rates of housing growth. 38% of respondents to a telephone survey The need to safeguard and enhance the thought that recent housing growth rates had been too high, 39% thought that unique and special character of this growth rates had been about right. When asked, however, where new growth Cathedral City was by far the strongest should be located 56% of respondents did not think that further growth should message given by consultees when take place in Ely, Littleport or Soham. asked about the future of Ely. This ’distinctiveness’ was defined as the Local people did say that they would like to see growth in employment and unique heritage, the importance of the shopping facilities and also in the supporting infrastructure such as education Cathedral views, the green and rural and health facilities. Most felt that resolving transport congestion is an essential Ely Masterplan setting of Ely, and its small scale and prerequisite before further significant growth can take place. Respondents compactness. highlighted the need for supporting infrastructure to be put in place alongside any future planned growth. 29 Community views on the future of Ely Ely Masterplan ” Don’t mind growth and expansion as long as it has the infrastructure to support it. Film Youth Ely “ “Our current view is that Ely is over reliant on just two food store retailers.” consultants & Partners, Tym Roger 2008 April “The City Centre in “The City Centre Ely is still very small…...traders complain of the in lack of footfall, due they say, part, of high to the lack street names.” 2008 URBED, wever local residents ng town centre. Ho centre. ng town MRUK Residents Telephone Survey Telephone Residents MRUK “The majority (93%) of respondents agreed that attracting a much that attracting agreed (93%) of respondents majority “The opportunities should and employment leisure of retail, range greater plans.” further growth to any be central it is important that the (93%) agreed of respondents majority “The that to ensure and growth development plans future Council District in service supported with an increase are housing developments any is adequate open space.” and that there in the local area provision Survey Telephone Residents MRUK would also like to see more national chain stores. There were a number of calls for of a number were There national chain to see more stores. also like would Place. building on the Market 1960’s to the ugly improvements Improving Shopping Facilities Shopping Improving Views of telephone survey respondents on recent growth rates growth on recent respondents of telephone survey Views per year of 250 dwellings in Ely Improved shopping facilities were a top priority for most age groups consulted during groups most age for priority a top were shopping facilities Improved the local independent shops valued People work. development Masterplan the Ely of town the impact of out of town/edge about expressed and concern was of the existi development on the vitality 30 Community views on the future of Ely Attracting More MRUK Business Survey – Base 111 respondents Employment Which factors will encourage businesses to locate in the area? Opportunities The consultation research indicated a general consensus on the need for additional employment in the local area. 75% of respondents to the resident telephone survey and 86% of business respondents agreed that there is a need to improve employment opportunities.

“The young people returning to Ely from universities would like to work locally but the industries aren’t here.” Ely Youth Film

82% of train “commuters would prefer to work

Ely Masterplan locally, 86% work in professional services. Greater Cambridge Partnership ” 31

Developing the Community views on the future of Ely Tourism Infrastructure Tourism is recognised as a major contributor to the local economy, and a number of comments were received about the need to enhance tourism facilities. The current ‘quality of place’ and ‘distinctiveness’ of Ely is a material asset in attracting business and is fundamental in terms of the City’s tourism appeal. Key shortcomings in tourism infrastructure include limited hotel availability, touring/static caravan sites and moorings, and limited outdoor venues for major tourism events.

Focus on tourism sectors... “attraction of quality restaurants, cafes and a boutique hotel...promotion of distinctive local shops to ensure Ely shopping experience remains unique. Greater Cambridge Partnership ” Ely Masterplan 32

Community views on the future of Ely Tackling Transport Concerns “Please please let Ely There is a wide range of concerns about transport and access issues, both locally and have a by pass to on a sub-regional basis. These include congestion on the A10, primarily as a result of prevent congestion out commuting with significant adverse impacts environmentally, socially and economically, and unacceptable pressures on the A14/A10 junction. The cost in terms caused by railway of delays as a result of the rail crossing closures and the number of vehicle strikes on crossing.” the rail bridge adjacent to Ely Station has been highlighted by consultees. These Local respondent, issues on the A10 and A142 impact on the sub regional transport network. There is a Public Exhibition, March 2009 consensus on the need for better car park management and configuration, better public transport provision particularly with the outlying necklace of communities around the City, and improvements to the current fragmented cycling and pedestrian footpath network.

Remove bottlenecks “and severance, especially the station area, by removing through traffic and transforming poor quality environments to create welcoming and safe urban spaces. Cambridgeshire Horizons ”

“A vile bottleneck at the southern approach to Ely town and riverside.” Ely Society on the rail station area Ely Masterplan 33

“Every resident should Enhancing the Green Infrastructure Community views on the future of Ely have access to a There is strong support for retaining and enhancing the green infrastructure and open natural green space spaces in Ely. The consultation work also highlighted the opportunity to develop a network of habitat corridors and stepping stones linking Ely with the green areas within 300m of home.” beyond the City. This could include Wicken Fen, Roswell Pits and the proposed Wildlife Trust presentation Country Park, Chettisham Meadow, Little Downham Nature Reserve across to the and the WWT Centre at .

“Nature contributes to our own health and wellbeing nature is our life support system.” Wildlife Trust The Country Park should include the “whole of the Wild space and SSSI...wildlife and people use the whole area, so integrated management is essential...considering the Ely Masterplan wider picture could help secure resources and identify strategic solutions. LCPRE – Local Campaign for the Protection of Rural Ely ” 34

Community views on the future of Ely Developing Leisure, Community and Cultural Facilities Improvement to local leisure facilities was identified as a top priority by 39% of respondents to the telephone survey, reflecting its high importance to local people. There is also clear support amongst younger age groups for cinema provision, music and arts venues, and many consultees highlighted the lack of an evening economy in the City.

Outdoor events are limited in “growth and activity and the Masterplan should consider a dedicated space for such events...designs should consider how easy it is for celebratory processions to move through the landscape as well as designing opportunities for temporary cultural events...making a commitment to culture recognises the role of culture in community formation and place making. ADeC Arts development in East Cambridgeshire ”

“Proposed Facility Hierarchy – Ely to have a major district wide indoor and

Ely Masterplan outdoor sports facility provision.” Strategic Leisure Consultants 35 Community views on the future of Ely

Avoid clone “housing estates and town centres. City of Ely Perspective ”

Achieving Quality New Housing “Be specific and Local people feel strongly that a ‘sense of place’ and an ‘Ely distinctiveness’ should prescriptive about the be designed into new developments, and there is real concern about sprawling public realm – define housing estates with few local facilities. There was considerable interest in the opportunities for energy efficient, low carbon communities and measures to routes, streets, combat flood risk, to meet the needs of climate change. There was also a squares, and the consensus that new housing should provide for mixed communities, including both spaces within which affordable housing and ‘lifetime’ housing for changing needs for different life the life of the city stages. Developments elsewhere, such as at and Witney, have demonstrated the potential of the “neighbourhood development” concept. takes place.” This ensures local facilities are available to serve the areas of new housing. Mole Architects Ltd

“Maximise access to local facilities by non car modes...planning for permeability...new cycle and walking routes to serve an expanding Ely.” Sustrans Ely Masterplan 36 Vision and development principles

Vision for Ely The Masterplan vision for the future development of Ely is: “Developing Ely into a special 21st century Cathedral City and Cambridgeshire Market Town, which offers a great quality of life for all by balancing living, working and playing in a historic and rural setting with a thriving centre.”

Development Principles The vision for Ely will be achieved through the following development principles:

1. Retaining “Ely’s 3. Reinforcing the Historic 5. Enabling Easy Access Distinctiveness” Heart of Ely To locate new facilities serving the To retain and enhance the special To celebrate and enhance the historic public, for example, schools, health nature of Ely and to enable new core of the City, using the Masterplan as facilities, community buildings, development to add to this an opportunity to bring forward employment sites and retail shops, distinctiveness. This special nature is sensitive redevelopments, which where they can be easily accessed by derived from the current unique blend reinforce the townscape quality and lift the majority of people, by either public of the historic core of the City, the the attractiveness of the City for transport and/or attractive, safe green rural spaces in and around the residents, visitors and investors. footway and cycleway networks. City, the river setting, the views of the Cathedral, the character and 4. Promoting a Green 6. Tackling Congestion compactness of the city centre and the Living Landscape To explore ways to minimise traffic strong local cultural and community To develop a joined up green congestion in Ely and to maximise network. infrastructure network which reinforces opportunities offered by the railway the natural setting of the City, station. This will include public transport 2. Achieving Sustainable maximises existing green spaces, strategies that encourage a shift away Growth protects and enhances existing habitats from car travel and relieve congestion To achieve sustainable growth, in this and species, enhances biodiversity, pressures on the A10. Enhanced context, means linking new housing encourages health and wellbeing, cycleways and pedestrian routes can growth to investment in local recreation, climate change adaptation contribute both to tackling congestion infrastructure, encouraging greater and creates a living landscape which is and encourage health and wellbeing employment growth to offset to some easily accessible to all. benefits. extent the impact of housing growth, providing sustainable travel options, minimising vehicle movements as far as practicable, and minimising the Ely Masterplan Cannot look at new developments in environmental impact of new isolation…must influence existing travel development. “ behaviour from existing developments. Cambridgeshire County Council Transport representatives ” 37 Vision and development principles

7. Widening Housing 9. Strengthening Ely as a Choice Place to Work, Live, Visit To cater for a wide variety of living and Shop environments, neighbourhoods, and a To encourage a more self sufficient mix of density and household types economy and business growth in Ely including affordable housing. These through provision of high quality and should be located within easy access of high amenity employment sites, community facilities, close to key public improved shopping and leisure facilities, transport, footway and cycleway including leisure facilities which corridors. promote health and wellbeing, locating large employers close to public 8. Responding to Climate transport linkages to minimise traffic Change congestion and strengthening the To encourage the development of tourism infrastructure. energy efficient homes and buildings, maximising opportunities for renewable 10. Serving the Wider energy supplies, recycling, efficient Rural Community drainage, rain harvesting and water use, To develop the role of Ely as a district managing flood risk proactively, with service centre, focusing employment, new development built to a high design retail, leisure and higher level services in standard. the City, ensuring that adequate public transport, cycleway and footpath routes are in place to link the surrounding rural areas with the City. Ely Masterplan 38 Development Framework for Ely

The Ely Masterplan Development Framework reflects the outcomes of the research and public consultation work which has been carried out into the key issues and options in respect of the future of the City. It also links the proposals to the key development principles. It sets out the Masterplan proposals for Ely under a number of separate headings, but each element interlinks with and is dependent upon the other elements of the framework, so providing a cohesive and comprehensive overall vision for the future of Ely. Ely Masterplan 39 Development Framework for Ely The key elements are: ■ Historic Ely (heritage, ■ Ely at home (housing supply, conservation and design) housing design and ■ Green Ely (parks, landscape, affordability) biodiversity and sustainable ■ Ely at work (employment and development) economic development) ■ Ely on the move (transport ■ Ely at leisure (leisure, sports and accessibility) and retail)

The Development Framework includes a The medium term proposals in the The Ely Masterplan identifies a potential range of proposals for the short, Masterplan for action are for for growth beyond that envisaged by medium and long term. The short term implementation between 2015 and existing regional planning policies. This proposals are for actions over the next 2021. These medium term proposals are provides a long term vision for the City 5 years. These short term proposals are consistent with the Core Strategy. and acts as a long term context for the consistent with the Core Strategy. decisions needed to implement the Core Strategy in the short and medium term. The long term proposals at North Ely will be tested through the current review of the Regional Spatial Strategy. Ely Masterplan 40 Development Framework for Ely Historic Ely Related Development Ely has a strong identity as one of the country’s quintessential cathedral cities. Principles Ely Cathedral, known locally as the “Ship of the Fens” is an iconic landmark for an Retaining ‘Ely’s Distinctiveness’ extensive part of Ely’s hinterland. The historic character of Ely is a fundamental Reinforcing the Historic Heart of Ely element in the special feel of the City, which it will be paramount to protect.

The Masterplan looks to conserve the historic character of Ely by carefully controlling Key Indicators development in the conservation area and by identifying opportunity sites that Levels of maintenance and would benefit from redevelopment. All major proposals for development will need to enhancement of the Ely be subjected to an appraisal of their impact on the historic character of Ely. Conservation Area, listed buildings, A key challenge will be to improve the gateways into the historic core of the City. townscape features and other Ely fails to provide either residents or visitors with the full quality of experience they buildings which make an important should expect from a riverside cathedral city. The Masterplan proposes sensitive contribution to the visual character redevelopment to enhance the railway station gateway, the riverside and other inner of the area. areas of the City.

Proposals Detailed Design Guide (Short/Medium/Long Term) Cathedral Precincts The preparation of a Supplementary (Short Term) Planning Document setting out a design Sensitive environmental improvements guide for the District requiring high to the public frontages of Steeple Row design standards. and Three Cups Walk, to enhance the quality of these areas which provide the Market Place immediate setting for the historic (Short Term) Cathedral. Close partnership working Soft and hard landscaping works to with the Dean and Chapter and the improve the appearance of the Market King’s School to encourage greater Place. Work with the owner of the connection and permeability between 1960’s building on the west side of the City Centre and Cathedral precincts. Market Place to enable this building to be upgraded. Ely Conservation Area (Short/Medium/Long Term) Riverside and Station Gateway could overwhelm Careful management of development in Regeneration “ distinctiveness. the historic areas of Ely through the (Medium/Long Term) English Heritage provision of advice, control of minor Further detailed planning of the alterations in the street scene and the riverside and station gateway areas to provision of historic building grants. promote sensitive redevelopment appropriate in the heart of a cathedral ” Ely Environmental Capacity Study city. Detailed policies and allocations (Short Term) will be set out in the Ely Area Update the Ely Environmental Capacity Action Plan. Study to inform the implementation of the Masterplan and to provide guidance World Heritage Area Status for detailed development briefs in areas Ely Masterplan (Short Term) of major change. Consider the implications of applying for World Heritage Area Status and whether this would be an appropriate direction for Ely to take. 41 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s

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R R A142 HospitalHospitalHospital To Soham Soham Soham To To To Marina Marina Marina ChettishamChettisham Station StationStation “Improve the soft landscaping. And trees Consider a water around Market Street. feature and more imaginative lighting for key areas and buildings.” 2009 March Public Exhibition, Local respondent, Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral A10 College CollegeCollege City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely To Littleport Littleport To To To Littleport To GolfGolfGolf Course Course Course Ely Ely A10 To Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge To To To A10 A142 To Chatteris Chatteris To To To Conservation Area boundary Area Key Conservation Gateway status Heritage World site for Consider Station and Enhancement of Riverside study to Cathedral Quintessential views review Further to be safeguarded. capacity Environment in an updated Ely Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This Historic Ely Historic Little Downham Witchford Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Stuntney Hospital To Soham To Marina Chettisham Station Cathedral College City of Ely To Littleport To Golf Course Ely To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Witchford 42 Development Framework for Ely Green Ely Related Development Ely has a special and distinctive landscape setting. The City sits on an island Principles standing out from the surrounding fens. The need to conserve long views has Retaining ‘Ely’s Distinctiveness’ been clearly set out in the Ely Environmental Capacity Study prepared by Achieving Sustainable Growth Landscape Design Associates in 2001, and is respected in this Masterplan. Ely’s Promoting a Green Living topography also constrains future growth options to the west, south and east. Landscape The River Ouse and its floodplains are recognised as an important green corridor Responding to Climate Change in Cambridgeshire Horizon’s Green Infrastructure Strategy (2006). Roswell Pits are considered to be of such national ecological importance that they are Strengthening Ely as a Place to destined for SSSI status. The District Council’s vision for a Country Park here Work, Live, Visit and Shop provides a key mechanism for carefully balancing recreational and biodiversity Serving the Wider Rural uses in this part of the river corridor. These green areas can have multi benefits Community for local people, including contributions towards health and wellbeing, climate change adaptation, recreation and quality of life. Key Indicators Growth provides a significant opportunity to enhance Ely’s environment. Level of green space provision for Development can be used to create new landscape, open up new vistas and recreational use and for biodiversity improve access to better quality countryside. The clay subsoil in much of Ely can purposes. be used to advantage by ensuring new lakes and waterways retain rainwater and thereby avoid overloading existing waterways.


Country Park Phase 1 Paradise Urban Park Angel Drove Boulevard (Short/Medium Term) (Medium/Long Term) (Long Term) Development of access and facilities in The protection and enhancement of the Environmental improvements including the first phase of the country park existing green area on Paradise tree planting and street works following centred on Roswell Pits and Springhead including the careful design of the completion of the Southern Link Lane. development on the already built up Road and the reduction of traffic levels parts of the site, additional tree planting on Angel Drove. Country Park Phase 2 and seating. (Medium/Long Term) Enhanced Sewage Treatment Plant A major extension to the country park Exemplar Eco Development (Short/Medium Term) linking up with development areas to (Medium/Long Term) A new treatment plant to provide the north of Ely. This will include Further detailed masterplanning and the additional capacity and to replace recreation and biodiversity linkages into development of a detailed design code existing facilities. the wider countryside. for major expansion areas. Inclusion of exemplar eco neighbourhoods as Green Links demonstration projects for tackling (Medium/Long Term) climate change concerns. Development The development of recreational and briefs for the North Ely extension to biodiversity linkages from Ely into the incorporate these proposals. wider rural area. This will include the implementation of the Green Corridors

Ely Masterplan in the Green Infrastructure Strategy for Cambridgeshire. New natural greenspace to serve in northern and western areas of Ely. “Wildlife Trust ” 43 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s

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Stuntney Stuntney Stuntney R R CWS setting to wider Fen Views vistas new Potential Drove Angel planting in tree Boulevard urban park Field Paradise and enhancement of existing Protection with hinterland to built area rural from transition Gradual paddocks and SUDS orchards, allotments, plant treatment sewage relocated for of search Area A142 HospitalHospital Hospital CWS To Soham Soham Soham To To To Chettisham Chettisham Station StationStation Marina Marina Marina Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral A10 College College College CWS City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely To Littleport Littleport Littleport To To To GolfGolfGolf Course Course Ely Ely A10 To Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge To To To A10 A142 To Chatteris Chatteris To ToTo Chatteris Key Site Wildlife Park Phase 1 Country Country Park Phase 2 Country Interest Site of Special Scientific Green including Ely routes pedestrian cycle and Improved Valley 11 and Cam Route National Cycle initiative, corridor the landscape across Habitat linkages Fen. Wicken including corridor SSSI CWS Green Ely Green Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This Witchford Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Stuntney Hospital To Soham To Station Marina Cathedral College City of Ely To Littleport To Golf Course Ely To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Witchford 44 Development Framework for Ely Ely on the Move Related Development The Core Strategy places a clear emphasis on a sustainable transport policy, Principles requiring development to be designed to reduce the need to travel, particularly Achieving Sustainable Growth by car. A transport modelling research study carried out in 2009 concludes that Enabling Easy Access the traffic network in Ely will become more congested even without any further Tackling Congestion major growth. (Details of this study are included in the background documents). Encouraging a shift to non car transport is an essential plank of the Masterplan Responding to Climate Change strategy to ensure that Ely can develop as a sustainable City with minimal traffic Strengthening Ely as a Place to Work, congestion. This will require both improvements to public transport facilities, Live, Visit and Shop cycling and walking facilities and measures to promote changes in travel mode Serving the Wider Rural Community behaviour.

Ely has exceptional rail links for a City of its size. Although the railway station is Key Indicators a key asset its immediate surroundings provide a poor and unwelcoming Levels of increase in use of public environment. The Masterplan proposes measures to improve the pedestrian, transport and sustainable transport cycle and public transport links to the station. modes.

Ely is connected to the strategic highway network by the A10 and A142. The A10 south of Ely suffers from congestion at peak times and has safety issues. The station area is another road congestion hotspot largely due to the difficulties “Challenge the growth of caused by the level crossing. These problems will get worse as increased freight use of motor vehicles... movements lead to longer periods when the level crossing is closed. careful and structured

The proposed Southern Link Road is an essential element of the Masterplan. pedestrianisation of City Studies evidence that this Southern Link Road will reduce congestion on the Centre streets...ensure A142 around the station gateway area, as well as in the city centre. It will allow walking and cycling are the provision of an effective transport interchange at the railway station and the much needed development of this area as an economic hub for the City. It will integral to all plans.” enable significant environmental upgrading of this area, and enhance the setting City of Ely Perspective for the historic core of the City as it will keep traffic away from the city centre. It will also have a wider strategic and regional impact in enabling improvements to the rail services and reducing delays on the A142 as an East Coast – Fenland primary route.

Further work will be undertaken to assess the impact of a Southern Link Road on the landscape setting of Ely, and whether the environmental disbenefits of the scheme outweigh the benefits. The modest growth levels proposed in the short term are not dependent upon the provision of the Link Road, and the Council’s Core Strategy notes the need for alternative solutions to be explored. In the long term however, congestion levels will rise to unacceptable levels without major improvements to this section of the A142.

Whilst this Masterplan is based on the premise of sustainable transport modes it is noted that, in this rural area, there will be continued dependence on cars. Road network improvements must also be considered. Ely Masterplan Additional local road network upgrades and increased highway capacity on the A10 will be required to mitigate the additional traffic which will be generated by the planned levels of growth as well as consideration of pedestrianisation and car parking management strategies in the city centre. 45 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Proposals (Local) Proposals Improvements and Cycling Pedestrian Term) (Short/Medium/Long of programme A comprehensive pedestrian to improve improvements These and cycle links in Ely. will include improvements pedestrian enhancements to the and of the city centre environment links and new area, Station Gateway areas. within and to development will also include programme The Ely enhancements to links between villages. and the outlying Quality Bus Network Term) (Medium/Long of a quality bus development The and loop linking residential corridor and north to the west with the areas employment main station, city centre, The sites. and leisure/retail areas via High is currently route preferred Barns although this will need to be the subject of further detailed study. Upgrades Network Road Additional (Long Term) to testing will be required Further of these, nature determine the exact of upgrading suggests but initial work junction A10 and key sections of the capacities will be needed to and further accommodate growth congestion. the impacts of road reduce and Pedestrianisation City Centre Strategies Management Car Park Term) (Short/Medium in a number to be concentrated Parking the of high quality car parks around include may This area. pedestrianised to car parks reconfigured some existing car storey high quality design multi compatible with historic parks where viable. and commercially character will need to ensure strategies The maintenance of at least the current the of 1500 car parking spaces in level of park exploration Further city centre. will also be required. provision and ride Enhanced Rail Services Enhanced Rail term) (Short/Medium/Long and of facilities development The will This network. services on the rail the Ely to include improvements to allow and entrance Station forecourt between interchange effective more It will cyclists and trains. taxis, buses, close partnership working also require and the Authorities the Rail between to explore Councils, and County District such as improvements the potential for North to Ely upgrades network rail line the rail to increase Junction capacity without further inconvenience crossing, to the public at the railway Plan Travel of a Station and preparation to access arrangements to help develop the station. Capacity Road – Cambridge A10 Ely (Long Term) to be likely Capacity enhancements are as a A10 Ely-Cambridge needed on the proposed. levels of the growth result public impact of the suggested The levels on traffic measures transport to and potential capacity improvements A14 A10 and its junction with the the further. need to be investigated of review conclusions of the current The and wider Spatial Strategy the Regional A14 improvements discussions on the close Again, will also be important. in partnership with the working and Cambridgeshire Agency Highways will be essential. Council County ”

Removing HGV’s from the rail station

Proposals (Strategic) Proposals Southern Link Road (Long Term) Link of a Southern construction The away traffic diverting through Road area. Gateway the Station from will be the line of the route exact The subject of detailed assessment taking into alongside other options, account the substantial environmental and concerns which need considerations to be accommodated. Northern Link Road (Long Term) the through running A boulevard in North running area Ely development to a through Road the Prickwillow from Action Ely The A10. the junction on new this proposal Plan will investigate Area phase of of the first in the context A10 The of North Ely. development linked junction is a long term proposal at Northto the long term proposals Ely. Improvements Transport A10 Public (Long Term) and facilities public transport Improved linking Ely A10 corridor services on the Council District The with Cambridge. with closely will need to work who Council, County Cambridgeshire A10 as a the identified already have to corridor, public transport priority measures that public transport ensure in growth to reflect upgraded are here housing levels. area would allow a substantial re-allocation of road space...remove the perceived barrier between the rail station and the rest of Ely.

Gifford Transport and Access Transport Statement Gifford “ 46

Development Framework for Ely Ely on the Move (Strategic) Little Downham


Little Downham


To Littleport Hospital Chettisham City of Ely Queen Adelaide College

Roswell Ely Pits

Cathedral se Ou at re To Littleport A10 r G Hospital ve Ri


To Chatteris

Golf Station A142 Course City of Ely Queen Adelaide To Lancaster College Witchford Way A142 To Soham To Cambridge

Roswell A10 Pits Ely Stuntney This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Cathedral Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

Key “Ely must have integrated Marina Improved A10 public transport corridor transport encompassing the Enhanced Rail Services with transport interchange facilities, surrounding villages and To Chatteris including park & ride Cambridge and Golf Improved public transport links between new development and city, and London. We need a Course Station Ely Masterplan station and employment sites proper bus station in Ely.” A142 Southern Link Road, route to be agreed Local respondent, Witchford Northern link to A10 from Thistle Corner to serve new Public Exhibition, March 2009 To Soham residential development

To Cambridge Lynn Road – Cycleway linking new development and city centre

Stuntney 47 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s

ict Council Licence LA100023279. ict Council

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Roswell Roswell Roswell t

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i Stuntney Stuntney

R R A142 HospitalHospitalHospital To Soham Soham Soham To To To ChettishamChettisham StationStationStation Marina Marina Marina Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral A10 College CollegeCollege City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely To Littleport Littleport Littleport To To To Golf GolfGolf Course Course Course A10 Ely Ely To Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge To To To Way A10 A142 To Lancaster To To Chatteris Chatteris Chatteris To To To Key corridors Bus Outer loop bus route destinations Car parking provision Key including park & ride facilities interchange Transport cycle and to include improved area management Traffic zones free traffic access, pedestrian cycle links Improved Ely on the Move (Local) on the Move Ely Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This Little Downham Witchford Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Stuntney Hospital To Soham To Chettisham Station Marina Cathedral College City of Ely To Littleport To Golf Course Ely To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Witchford 48 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan 49 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Related Development Related Principles Sustainable Growth Achieving Heart the Historic Reinforcing of Ely Housing Choice Widening Indicators Key achieved provision Infrastructure further significant before place. takes development to housing of new Contribution of creation local distinctiveness, and energy balanced communities targets. efficiency Ely at Home Ely This the last ten years. over in Ely housing development has been considerable There the success of the Cambridgeshire live, as a place to of Ely the attractiveness reflects and the lack of housing stockeconomy in Cambridge. that the appropriate provided further housing growth location for is a sustainable Ely that It is critical growth. is matching and there employment is provided infrastructure incrementally. than a planned basis rather place on takes this growth in the long further housing growth for locations the key identifies Masterplan The to the south of the the option of development the Masterplan In developing term. is close to the Although this area examined. was Golf Course City including on the Ely supported some 40% of by and was of Ely, the compactness could retain area, central impact discounted because it would this option was consultation, at respondents the south and because of from important on of the Cathedral views significantly difficulties. and infrastructure delivery a is therefore line, A10 and the railway the bounded by north to the area of Ely, The unconstrained is relatively area This long term growth. Ely’s better option to cater for needed to enable the development is investment infrastructure although significant long The will be critical. provision phasing of this infrastructure The to be sustainable. Spatial at North the Regional is subject to the outcomes of proposal Ely term growth Review. Strategy Housing Sub-Region the Cambridge for Assessment Housing Market Strategic The housing in East affordable of need for level is a high that there (2008) shows of 30% of a minimum require Strategy Core in the Council’s Policies Cambridgeshire. alongside Jubilee housing built New to be affordable. the houses in a development with high quality design and layout. can be achieved what illustrates in Ely Gardens housing new public support to gaining for in design will be key standards Higher developments. per hectare density of 30 dwellings an average aims at achieving Strategy Core The that a recognises Masterplan This the district. across housing developments on new in higher densities can be achieved Whilst approach to density is required. flexible of town on edge appropriate more densities are lower locations, centre town to the open countryside is sought. a transition locations where is a fundamental Masterplan housing provision within new diversity Achieving and design briefs built into the development will be and this requirement objective, of a sprawl It is not the intention to allow housing areas. the new codes for which is seeks development Instead the Masterplan housing estates. homogenous distinctiveness adding to Ely’s of housing, mix and tenure in property styles, diverse innovations New and balanced communities. of mixed and enabling the development can people serviced plots where opportunities for quality, a distinctive which have eco housing will all be encouraged and exemplar house design, commission their own communities. diverse to introduce 50 Development Framework for Ely Proposals North Ely (Medium/Long Term) City Centre Apartments A planned urban extension to the north (Short/Medium/ Long Term) of Ely will provide capacity for 3,000 Apartments in suitable locations above homes over a 20 to 25 year period. shops in the city centre, on the already The development will be designed to be developed part of the Paradise area as a sustainable community with part of a mixed use redevelopment, community facilities, shopping, open and on other redevelopment sites as space and green links to the Ely Country appropriate. Park. This development will be phased, Willow Walk Riverside Quarter with the first phase conforming with (Short/Medium Term) the current Core Strategy projection of The redevelopment of the Lisle Lane 500 house s in North Ely. “We must be sure that industrial area and the site of the the lack of supporting Affordable Housing current Sewage Treatment Plant for (Medium/Long Term) facilities that have residential and mixed uses. The To help meet housing needs in Ely redevelopment will enhance the blighted Ely for the 30% of the housing on new housing character of this part of the last 10 years are fully developments will be affordable. conservation area and provide an This will ensure a balance of affordable integrated for the new appropriate gateway to the proposed housing is provided alongside market Country Park. housing development housing. and that there is no Station Gateway unrelieved housing (Medium/Long Term) Redevelopment of sites in the Station without green spaces.” Gateway for apartments, offices and Local respondent, possibly a hotel will significantly Public Exhibition, March 2009 enhance this important entrance to Ely. Ely Masterplan 51 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s

ict Council Licence LA100023279. ict Council

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i i

R R A142 use development Mixed and provide communities new separate wedges Green edge city and rural and cycle links between pedestrian neighbourhood centres New and SUDS orchards allotments, Opportunity sites for areas and cultural retail redeveloped Apartments/residential over HospitalHospitalHospital Stuntney Stuntney Stuntney To Soham Soham Soham To To To ChettishamChettisham Station StationStation Marina Marina Marina Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral A10 College College College City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely To Littleport Littleport Littleport To To To Golf GolfGolf Course Course Course Ely Ely A10 To Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge To To To

A10 A142

To Chatteris Chatteris Chatteris To To To Key plant treatment sewage relocated for of search Area treatment sewage of Lisle Lane/existing Redevelopment use and mixed residential site for density housing Higher density housing Moderate density housing Lower Ely at Home Ely Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This Little Downham Witchford Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Hospital Stuntney To Soham Chettisham Station Marina Cathedral College City of Ely To Littleport To Golf Course Ely To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Witchford 52 Development Framework for Ely Ely at Work Related Development Even though Ely has a strong and vibrant local economy there is a general Principles consensus on the need for additional employment growth. The high level of out- Retaining ‘Ely’s Distinctiveness’ commuting from Ely is a cause for concern. The Masterplan aims to achieve a Reinforcing the Historic Heart of Ely better balance between employment opportunities and workforce in Ely. Strengthening Ely as a Place to Work, An important objective is to improve the quality of the employment on offer Live, Visit and Shop to better reflect the skilled nature of the Ely workforce.

SQW Consultants have suggested that a feasible level of employment self Key Indicators sufficiency (that is the proportion of residents working locally) would be 50%. Increase in amount of new floorspace In order to meet this level of self sufficiency with the projected population available for employment use. growth to 2021, an estimated 4,000-5,000 extra local jobs would be required.

Some of the new jobs would follow on from residential expansion. However the key to a better balance will be attracting major new employers to the City, to supplement organisations like the District Council, Tesco and King’s School who are among Ely’s largest employers.

The Masterplan proposals will result in higher quality business space. Star sites for inward investment will be identified that offer a prestige location, for example overlooking water or next to the station, taking advantage of the City’s accessibility and quality of life. The Station Road/Angel Drove area, with convenient rail access, offers a particular opportunity for development as an economic hub for companies seeking a high quality prestige location.

Proposals Angel Drove Business Park Education Facilities North Ely Employment Areas (Short/Medium/Long Term) (Medium/Long Term) (Medium/Long Term) Development of the business park Cambridgeshire County Council are Two employment areas with potential allocation adjoining the Cambridgeshire undertaking a review of secondary uses including an enterprise hub, Business Park on Angel Drove for light school provision in the area, to consider relocated police and ambulance services, industrial uses. the facilities required to meet the conference centre and hotel, and start up population growth set out in the Core offices and workshops. Detailed policies Lancaster Way Business Park Strategy. This will include formal and site allocation for the first phase of (Short/ Medium/Long Term) community consultation. The resulting this development will be set out in the The expansion of Lancaster Way Business report and recommendations are due to Ely Area Action Plan. Long term proposals Park for a range of business uses. be published in March 2010. are subject to the outcome of the Station Gateway Business Hub Regional Spatial Strategy Review. In respect of Ely, the Ely Masterplan (Medium/Long Term) recognises that growth will create High amenity office accommodation pressure on current primary and and mixed uses close to the railway secondary school capacity in the City. station and river. This will provide an Diagrams have been included in this opportunity to attract headquarters document to provide an illustration of office uses to Ely and broaden the

Ely Masterplan how the pattern of school provision in employment mix. Detailed policies and Ely might need to change. site allocations will be set out in the Ely No decisions will be taken until the Area Action Plan. County Council have undertaken detailed discussions and consultation with the local community. 53 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide Queen Adelaide SQW Consulting “If Ely does not perform strongly as an employment location then out-commuting will increase.” Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s

ict Council Licence LA100023279. ict Council

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Roswell Roswell Roswell t

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i Stuntney Stuntney

R R mmmmmmmmmmm A142 HospitalHospitalHospital ooooo SohamSoham oSo oSo oo Soha To Soham Soha Soham Soham To To ToTo ToToToTo Soham Soham So ChettishamChettisham Station StationStation Marina Marina Marina Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral A10 l gelg Angel AAng Drove Dro College College City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely To Littleport Littleport Littleport Littleport To To To To Golf GolfGolf Course Course Course Ely Ely A10 ridge bridge er mmmmmmm ambridge ambridge aaaa CamCambridg Cambridg CCCa y ca To Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge To To ToToTo Cambridge Cambridg Way A10 To Lancaster To To A142 To Chatteris To

Key in Ely employers Existing key Park Business Drove Angel sites – Existing allocated employment Business Park Way and Lancaster station including new sites, employment new Proposed Areas and North Employment business hub Ely gateway Ambulance services and of Police relocation Proposed to be agreed – route Southern Link Road Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This Ely at Work at Ely Little Downham Witchford Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Stuntney Hospital Chettisham Station Marina Cathedral City of Ely Golf Course Ely Little Downham Witchford 54 Development Framework for Ely Ely at Leisure Related Development A national survey has rated Ely in the top twelve places to live for an affordable Principles and affluent lifestyle. (Affordable Affluence Index, Royal Bank of , 2007). Retaining “Ely’s Distinctiveness” Despite this high rating the results of a recent survey make it clear that there Achieving Sustainable Growth are significant concerns over the lack of choice in retail and leisure facilities. Reinforcing the Historic Heart of Ely The possibility of a new swimming pool and sports facilities, the creation of the Country Park and an extended waterfront would enable the whole district to Strengthening Ely as a Place to benefit from growth. Work, Live, Visit and Shop Serving the Wider Rural Community There has been a huge controversy over the need for more shops in Ely and finding suitable locations for both food (convenience) and non food (comparison) retailing. Traders have expressed concern about the lack of “High Key Indicators Street” names. The City is inevitably compared with other historic towns such as Increased retail floorspace in Ely city Cambridge, , Peterborough and Newmarket, all of which have centre expanded their retail centres and attracted major investment in quality Increased cultural attractions buildings and retailers. Development of new sports facilities

The District Council’s Core Strategy identifies a need for an additional Development of additional hotel 8,500 sq m of comparison net retail floorspace and 900 sq m of convenience provision in the City net retail floorspace in Ely for the period to 2025. With growth levels above those proposed in the Core Strategy to the period 2031 additional retail capacity will be necessary.

Many visitors are drawn to Ely in order to visit the outstanding cathedral quarter. However some argue that there is not enough to interest visitors to stay in the City, and this problem is made worse by the lack of good hotel “No entertainment, no accommodation. Hotel development is specifically identified in national music venues, no cinema, planning guidance as a key town centre use, which can add vitality and viability no nightlife, not enough to town centres. Hotel development in sustainable town centre locations close to shops, services and public transport can help to reduce the need to travel and youth clubs, everything benefit the environment. closes at 5pm – its’ pubs

Ely is a popular spot for river cruising, however the river is seen as “disjointed” or nothing.” from the city centre, and both cycling and walking links are weak. Although Ely Youth Film there are 250 mooring spaces more are needed, along with better facilities for visiting and moored boats. The Environment Agency is undertaking a detailed study which will explore the scope for creating additional moorings within the wider River Ouse area, and this is due to be completed in August 2009. The Masterplan will seek to accommodate the study findings as appropriate.

Keep facilities small scale, which reflects Ely’s uniqueness. Ely Masterplan “Ely Youth Film ” 55 Development Framework for Ely Ely Masterplan Paradise Quarter Paradise Term) (Medium/Long high quality development use, A mixed will provide site of parts of the Paradise and restaurants, cafes, opportunities for and a cinema alongside offices Linkages apartments at upper levels. site and the city the Paradise between will be enhanced. centre Park Commercial Drove Angel Term) (Medium/Long city centre complement the To will opportunities there for expansion alongside showrooms retail goods bulky on the southern business development close to the new Drove Angel end of Detailed policies Southern Link Road. and site allocations will be set out in the Action Area Ely Plan. Hotels New Term) (Medium/Long quality of additional good Development conference providing hotels in Ely of hosting coach and capable facilities near the Ideal locations are parties. or on Nutholt Lane, station, railway within the Northpossibly Ely development. Neighbourhood Centres North Ely Term) (Medium/Long the North development Ely Within neighbourhood new will be two there local shopping, for providing centres and community health education, will act as a these centres One of needs. with the opportunity to Centre District Detailed policies include a supermarket. phase of the first and site allocations for set out in the will be this development Action Area Ely Plan. Long Term subject to the outcome of are proposals Review. Spatial Strategy the Regional mbined with the Market Expansion Market Term) (Short/Medium/Long opportunities Ely’s expand to Take specialist including additional markets Support additional activities markets. Place such as a small on the Market and events. exhibitions market, daily frontages Enhancement of retail where redevelopment through and public realm appropriate, Place. on Market improvements Village Leisure Term) (Medium/Long leisure of a new development The including a swimming pool on centre the will replace This Road. Downham and serve at Paradise facilities existing District. the whole Shopping City Centre Term) (Short/Medium/Long In the short to be term a detailed study opportunities out to investigate carried of of provision the intensification for shops within the lanes and small retail and Street High between alleyways which is (an area Street Market In the longer underutilised). currently of larger provision term to investigate units on land to the northretail of will need work This Street. Market of the in view detailed investigation the unique historic need to protect that existing and to ensure environment shops can be serviced. and new co However, proposals, pedestrianisation uses will enable of retail intensification capacity and in retail an increase the of of the attraction strengthening Both of these of the city centre. core as important identified in issues were the public consultations. Proposals ”

Ely should

Witney/Cirencester Study Witney/Cirencester Report Tour SQW Consulting “Tourism can make a “Tourism rounded contribution of a and the lack is seen quality hotel as a by businesses current weakness. could Such a hotel also be attractive for short stay leisure visitors – especially if near to the station and river.”

support a higher range of quality shops... diversity of uses strengthens a town centre. “ 56

Development Framework for Ely Ely at Leisure Little Downham

Chettisham Little Downham


To Littleport Hospital Chettisham

City of Ely Queen Adelaide College

Roswell Ely Pits To Littleport Hospital Cathedral se Ou at re A10 r G ve Ri


To Chatteris

Queen Adelaide Golf Station City of Ely Course College A142

Witchford To Soham A142

Roswell To Cambridge Pits

A10 Ely Stuntney Cathedral

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Key Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Marina Proposed new Leisure Village Licence LA100023279. Area of search for additional moorings To Chatteris “Masterplan should take a Potential opportunity site for retail expansion, city centre and Golf Angel Drove Commercial Park serious look at sympathetic Course Potential north Ely neighbourhood centres, including one District Centre re-development of the High

Ely Masterplan with convenience retail Street and Market Street. Witchford To Soham Paradise Quarter Open up the small alleys to a Potential sites for new hotel full commercial use.” To Cambridge Proposed Country Park Phase 1 Local respondent, Public Exhibition, March 2009 Existing tourist attractions

Stuntney 57 Ely Masterplan This section looks at each of the three areas in more looks at each section areas of the three This illustrative are suggested ideas and proposals The detail. for briefs detailed development – more at this stage only setting out design and layout each of these sites, and densities and design issues, requirements, further for will be prepared timescales, recommended long term The public consultation and consideration. of the subject to the outcome at North are proposals Ely Review. Spatial Strategy Regional a consultative through evolved were proposals These of technical a series design workshops involving process Ely The the potential uses of these areas. examining a guiding provided principles development Masterplan each were area options for alternative Various framework. the subject of a public these were and generated these from feedback The 2009. held in March exhibition has shaped the and the public exhibition workshops further For set out below. proposals illustrative please see the process on this consultation information appendices to this document. City Centre Expansion City Centre North Extension Ely and Station Riverside Regeneration Gateway ■ ■ ■ Three key opportunity key Three been sites have the successful identified, of which development fundamental to the are Masterplan: Ely Opportunity Sites Opportunity 58

Opportunity Sites North Ely Extension This concept is based on discrete new communities clustered around two local neighbourhood centres. Expansion of the City in this way will provide for an additional 3,000 homes. Housing development will need to be phased to ensure appropriate infrastructure development is also in place prior to further housing expansion. The area to the east of the Princess of Hospital will be the first phase, providing up to 500 new homes.

Concept Assumptions Concept Elements ■ Highest density housing located closest to the city centre to ■ Land to the north of Ely will become ■ Development will be supported by a encourage sustainable development, available for development. quality public transport corridor and lower density housing located to ■ along High Barns, with improved Additional sewage treatment capacity the edges of the developments to cycle and pedestrian links along is provided by relocating the allow for gradual transition between Lynn Road. Cresswells Lane Sewage Treatment the countryside and the City. Works to the north of Ely. Options ■ Hospital site is expanded as a minor ■ Development to be exemplar eco for relocation of these works are district health centre. friendly and as self sufficient as currently being explored with ■ Local Neighbourhood Centres will possible in energy and power use. . serve both existing and new All new developments to be ‘zero’ ■ Public transport provision is put in development. Uses to include new or ‘low carbon’ and to exceed place prior to further housing school(s), medical centre, community established standards of resource development in order to offset the centres and local shops. efficiency, with water recycling, rain impact of private car use. ■ Employment areas to encourage local harvesting, managed flood risk and ■ That the necessary infrastructure working opportunities, with potential the use of reed beds to clean water. development is in place either prior uses including an enterprise hub, start ■ Land on the edges of development to or at the same time as further up offices and workshops, relocated to be used in connection with housing development. police and ambulance services, sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) ■ That the additional infrastructure conference centre and hotel. with attenuation ponds creating new development includes provision for ■ Green ‘wedges’ to provide separation habitats. the recent housing developments between the new communities and ■ Easy access via pedestrian and cycle built over the last few years as well as from Chettisham, which would retain links to the proposed Country Park, for new housing developments. its separate identity. riverside area, and city centre.

■ A new tree lined boulevard to provide ■ The Cresswells Lane Sewage a Northern Link Road linking Thistle Treatment Works relocated to a site A clear vision Corner with the A10, and to serve the north of the City to provide new communities. additional capacity and modern and plan enabled ■ Community allotments, orchards and sustainable treatment facilities. “ ■ local authorities to paddocks to retain the green setting The area north of Cam Drive is of counter pressure for of the City, and to provide a gradual particular importance in terms of the urban sprawl. transition from the rural hinterland to overall development of North Ely, the built area. being well placed to provide the Witney/Cirencester Study

Ely Masterplan location for supporting infrastructure Tour Report and facilities for new housing areas. ” The focus in this area will therefore be for mixed uses as well as housing development. 59 Opportunity Sites Ely Masterplan

Queen Adelaide


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Pits PitsPits

O Roswell RoswellRoswell t Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s ict Council Licence LA100023279. ict Council Stuntney HospitalHospitalHospital Bus corridors with links to new housing areas, routes to be identified routes housing areas, with links to new Bus corridors Outer loop bus route cycle links Improved Retail of police and ambulance services relocation – a possible site for Employment a and possibly primary of two educational provision sites for Potential secondary school Neighbourhood centre Village Leisure To Soham To Chettisham Chettisham Chettisham Station Marina Cathedral Cathedral A10

College College College City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely

To Littleport Littleport Littleport To To To Golf


Ely Ely Country Park boundary Park Country extension Park Country Potential housing development new Potential use development Mixed hinterland to built area rural from transition Gradual paddocks and SUDS orchards, with allotments, new to serve Corner Thistle A10 from Northern link to development residential

Key The concept for development in North Ely: development concept for The Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Little Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Stuntney Witchford Hospital To Soham To Chettisham Station Marina Cathedral College City of Ely To Littleport To Golf Course Ely To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Witchford 60

Opportunity Sites Riverside and Station Gateway Regeneration The concept is based on substantial improvements to the station gateway to enhance the contribution of this entrance to the City, to make the most of the riverside asset and develop the green linkages to the proposed Country Park.

Concept Assumptions Concept Elements Riverside ■ ■ New marina on the east or west bank That in the longer term the sewage Railway Station/Angel Drove of the River Ouse to provide treatment plant will be relocated. Gateway Options for relocation of these works additional moorings. ■ Provision of a new pedestrian link are currently being explored with ■ Improved pedestrian and cycle links from the station to the riverside to Anglian Water. to Riverside and the station. provide an attractive route to the ■ Employment uses in Lisle Lane, City Centre, Cathedral and proposed ■ Redevelopment of west bank of the Tesco car park and Standen’s can all Country Park. river to provide mixed use be relocated. The District Council development with offices, cafes, ■ Enhanced station forecourt with would wish to work closely with both restaurants and residential above. transport interchange facilities, and Tesco Stores and Standen’s to explore Potential hotel site. buildings with active frontages at the potential for their relocation in ground floor level to animate the ■ New footbridge to existing marina on order to enable the development of space. Opportunities for a new hotel, east bank of River Ouse with this key area as an employment hub offices and small shops. opportunity for new small scale uses for the City. ■ associated with the marina, such as ■ Station car parking relocated into That a Southern Link Road can be bar, café or restaurant. multi storey car park to south west of built to allow the congested railway the station with an opportunity for ■ Widened riverside walk towards High crossing to be bypassed. provision of park and ride. Careful Bridge, with café/restaurant/specialist design of the multi storey car park small-scale retail uses. will be needed to avoid detracting Willow Walk Riverside Quarter from the Cathedral views. ■ Redevelopment as a residential area ■ Area of mixed use residential and with other appropriate mixed uses. office development extending from Sites close to the river and country the station to the north side of Angel park to be lower density with higher Drove to promote development in density near Lisle Lane and the city close proximity to the railway station. centre. ■ Tree planting along Angel Drove to ■ Inclusion of green “wedges” to enhance the approach to the City. provide transition from proposed Country Park to developed areas.

■ A widened and enhanced access from Willow Walk to the proposed Country Park car park and visitor centre. Ely Masterplan ■ Fisherman’s car park upgraded. 61 Opportunity Sites Ely Masterplan

Queen Adelaide QQueen Q


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O copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s

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i Stuntney R A142 Hospital Enhanced access from Lavender Green to Country Park proposed Park to Country Green Lavender Enhanced access from and car park visitor centre Existing car park enhanced proposed from transition to provide ‘wedges’ Inclusion of green Park Country Existing open spaces on Riverside Ouse to provide on the River marina new for of search Area additional moorings Ouse on the east bank of River marina to existing footbridge New small scale uses associated with the new with opportunity for café or restaurant such as bar, marina, with café/restaurant/ Bridge High towards walk riverside Widened and cycle way pedestrian Improved uses. specialist small-scale retail of the riverbank to the west Park of access to the Country Creation to Cathedral Street Riverside/Broad link from footpath Improved the station to the Riverside link from pedestrian of a new Provision and Cathedral to the City Centre, route an attractive to provide Park Country proposed to be agreed – route Southern Link Road To Soham Soham Soham To To To Chettisham StationStation Marina Marina Marina Cathedral Cathedral College College College City of Ely City of Ely City of Ely

To Littleport To

GolfGolf Course Course Course

Residential use with mixed density. Sites close to the river density. use with mixed Residential density with higher density near to be lower Park and Country Lisle Lane and the city centre the from extending and employment use residential of mixed Area development to promote Drove Angel station to the north side of station to the railway in close proximity use development mixed new for bank of the river of west Redevelopment uses retail café/restaurant/specialist above, with residential including offices, and a possible hotel facilities, interchange with transport Enhanced station forecourt to animate level floor at ground frontages and buildings with active and small shops offices a possible hotel, Opportunities for the space. car park to south west storey into multi Station car parking relocated of park and ride. provision of the station with an opportunity for car park will be needed to avoid storey design of the multi Careful views the Cathedral from detracting to the city to enhance approach Drove Angel planting along Tree boundary Park Country visitor centre new siting for Proposed Park car park at Country new Proposed

Ely Ely Key This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised The concept for development in this area: development concept for The To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Queen Adelaide Pits Roswell Stuntney Hospital To Soham To Witchford Chettisham Station Marina Cathedral College City of Ely To Littleport To Golf Course Ely To Cambridge To To Chatteris To Little Downham Witchford 62

Opportunity Sites City Centre Expansion The concept is to strengthen the centre of Ely as a place to work, live, visit and shop. The approach is to maximise the potential of opportunity sites within the historic city centre in order to provide additional shopping floorspace, leisure/cultural facilities and central high density residential accommodation. These will bring additional people into the city centre, encourage a more lively evening economy as well as a more viable retail offer.

Concept Assumptions Cloisters/Market Place the Market Place, Market Street, Newnham Street and High Street ■ That the current sports activities on ■ Redevelopment of Brays Lane car Passage. This would provide a site of Paradise can be relocated to a new park to include continuation of the some 7,500m2 for larger retail shops leisure village to the northwest of Ely Cloisters retail development/ and an anchor store. It is already on Downham Road. extension of the supermarket. easily accessed by existing pedestrian ■ That a strategy for restricting This would be linked with improved linkages within the city centre and vehicular access to the city centre is pedestrian links to the Paradise area there are opportunities to increase introduced. and into Market Street via Brays Lane. the pedestrian linkage from the north Options to replace surface car ■ That a car parking management side of Market Street. Redevelopment parking with a sensitively designed strategy concentrates off street of this area will retain retail multi storey car park (with no more parking around the city centre to floorspace within the historic core than two storeys above ground) will ensure that all parts of the retail rather than requiring an edge of town be explored. centre are accessible. development. It will draw pedestrians ■ Redevelopment of the Market Place ■ That the police and ambulance through from the Cathedral Quarter, incorporating soft and hard stations can be relocated to the north High Street, Market Place and the landscaping works. Redevelopment of of Ely. Paradise Centre. 1960’s building for mixed retail and ■ ■ Creation of new bus and taxi drop off That the District Council offices are residential uses. relocated north of Nutholt Lane. point on Nutholt Lane/Lynn Road ■ An open area for markets to be ■ junction with good pedestrian linkage That improved pedestrian routes can retained. be achieved to develop the linkages into the new retail area, Market between the different parts of the Paradise Quarter Street, the city centre and the new leisure quarter on the Paradise site. City. ■ New mixed use/leisure quarter, with This will serve all existing bus routes cinema, restaurants, bars, cafes and Concept Elements and link with enhanced bus corridor. pedestrian links to the existing city High Street/Market Street centre. Options for replacing existing Lighthouse Centre surface car parking with sensitively Alleyways ■ Potential for redevelopment of this designed multi-storey car parking will ■ Potential to open up and intensify area for residential, office and be explored. Some residential the retail uses in the area between community uses with improved development including first floor High Street and Market Street for linkages into St Mary’s Street apartments. Paradise Field to remain small retail shops, encouraging more car park. as green area, potentially urban park. active frontages, which in turn would Forehill increase pedestrian footfall and open Nutholt Lane/District Council ■ up interesting perspectives of the Offices Site Improved and more active frontages Cathedral from these alleyways. on Three Cups Walk with pedestrian ■ Redevelopment of ambulance/police Servicing arrangements for both the links to Forehill and Broad Street. station sites to provide for upgraded new and existing shops would need Ely Masterplan junction of Lynn Road/Nutholt Steeplegate to be resolved. Lane/Egremont Street. ■ Creation of new/enhanced frontages ■ Develop the pedestrian linkages ■ Retail redevelopment of current to Steeple Row including waste through this area. District Council offices site and areas storage facilities within existing to the north of Market Street through premises and improved pedestrian to a key corner site accessible from access to High Street.

63 Opportunity Sites Ely Masterplan


BRAYS LANE BRAYS PRICKWILLOW ROAD PRICKWILLOW Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Crown Stationery Office. Majesty’s ict Council Licence LA100023279. ict Council

FORE HILL Area of search for residential, office and community uses and community office residential, for of search Area

adjoining sites and potentially offices Council of current Redevelopment or hotel uses including anchor store retail for offices point with opportunity off to improve bus drop of new Creation linkage New junction. Road and Lynn Street Egremont Lane, Nutholt council site of new Possible area. to Paradise this area from pedestrians for and cafés. bars, restaurants, Quarter with cinema, Paradise New links. and enhanced pedestrian designed car park with new Sensitively apartments floor including first development residential Some to Cloisters/supermarket extension of site to provide Redevelopment car park. storey multi designed sensitively potential site for and Lane and Brays Centre links to Paradise pedestrian Improved NEWNHAM STREET NEWNHAM

















S area Key Pedestrian links pedestrian Existing links pedestrian new/enhanced Investigate Street, access to High pedestrian uses with improved retail Intensified links pedestrian and existing Street Market Street to Walk Cups Three and on Steeple Row frontages Improved Broad and Street bins and public links to High of refuse include storage Place Market Lane and Brays access between and pedestrian frontages Improved soft and hard Place incorporating of Market Redevelopment building to provide of 1960’s Redevelopment landscaping works. civic building for or a new over, with residential retail to be retained the market for Open area events. meetings/arts/cultural The concept for development in this area: development concept for The Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire Distr East Cambridgeshire or civil proceedings. lead to prosecution and may copyright Crown infringes reproduction Unauthorised This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her on behalf of the Controller Survey with the permission of Ordnance material Survey Ordnance from map is reproduced This 64 Implementation

The Ely Masterplan brings together for the first time the economic and spatial aspects of growth in a watershed place shaping plan. This new approach will require an integrated approach to delivery, enabling sustainable economic growth alongside strategic priorities such as housing, transport and climate change. Strong project management and a clear implementation programme, taking into account implementation risks, will be crucial to the success of the plan.

Implementation Programme A key objective of the implementation programme is to ensure that the proposals for Ely are developed in a sustainable way. There are four challenges which the implementation programme will need to address: ■ Ensuring community involvement and support in the development plans and implementation programme ■ Phasing of development to ensure housing growth does not take Ely Masterplan place without an adequate infrastructure provision ■ Obtaining funding to implement the infrastructure requirements ■ Building capacity within local agencies and statutory bodies to manage the growth process. 65 Implementation Ely Masterplan ” Early and ongoing community engagement. Horizons Cambridge “ Inspire East Inspire “Stakeholder involvement – backbone of successful masterplanning.” To partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including the To of the preferred and the identification of alternatives development solution. decision making in the hands of the public. place final To To provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist information the public with balanced and objective provide To opportunities and/or alternative, the problem, them in understanding solution. alternatives on analysis, decision makers for obtain public feedback To and/or decision. that to ensure the process with the public throughout directly work To and understood consistently are public concerns and aspirations in the decision making process. considered Planning law requires decisions on planning policy to be made by formal Council Committees Council formal decisions on planning policy to be made by requires Planning law Empower Involve Collaborate Aspirational Framework for Public Participation Public Participation for Framework Aspirational Inform Consult Source – Inspire East Presentation to Ely Masterplan/Growth Delivery Working Party Working Delivery Masterplan/Growth to Ely East Presentation – Inspire Source NB 1. Ensuring Community Involvement Community Ensuring 1. and Support the participation and support of do not involve and its proposals Masterplan If the Ely be involved must community The the plan will not be successful. the local community in the plan. of the ideas suggested in the development Masterplan Ely in the on the ideas and proposals public consultation period A six week population working and included both the residents This 2009. Autumn took place in as as well which it serves, area rural surrounding in the and the communities of Ely this from results The and agencies. organisations statutory consultees and interested into account before and taken Council the District by considered consultation were adopted. formally the plan was to take is proposed programme engagement of a community development The to to continue the implementation of the plan and enable the community forward example, for will, Such a programme process. be the backbone of this Masterplan project of specific in respect ‘consultation panels’ of include the setting up of a range be to consider and advise the will role whose Masterplan, within the Ely proposals of specific and opinions about the development views on ideas, Council District projects. people and out with young carried and successful consultation work innovative The of an example of this plan provide the development during stakeholders key in say a real have that the community to ensure approaches which can be developed of their City. development the future 66

Implementation 2. Phasing and Infrastructure Development ‘Thresholds’ The Masterplan does not envisage the large scale release of residential sites in the short term. The approach will be to concentrate first on resolving current concerns over infrastructure capacity and quality of development.

Some housing development will be required to enable the funding to be obtained for the planned infrastructure, but this will be done in a balanced way, with releases of sites for housing growth being strictly tied to a phased infrastructure development strategy and action plan.

Work is already in progress on the development of an infrastructure development strategy, which will set out the infrastructure requirements for the district to enable “Despite the impact it to accommodate future growth. This will include transport, community facilities of the credit and services, employment and other infrastructure provision. Once this work is crunch there is still completed in early 2010 further studies will be undertaken to identify the a need to plan for development ‘thresholds’ beyond which further housing, employment and retail development will not be permitted until the threshold requirements have been met. the longer term.“ Working party discussions The table on the next page sets out, in very broad terms, the current expected sequence of future development, identifying key short term projects (years 1-5), medium term projects (years 6-10) and long term projects (years 11-20). This will be further refined and expanded as the work on the implementation programme and infrastructure development strategy is developed.

The District Council can influence the rate and pattern of future development through both the timing incorporated into the Local Development Framework planning documents and through the timing of Council funded infrastructure.

To support the number of visitors “that we get within the Cathedral we need effective transport links and car parking when they arrive, good quality accommodation and hotels, and good tourist support. Dean & Chapter Ely Masterplan ” 67 Implementation Ely Masterplan e Private Private Public/Private Public/Private/CIL Private Private CIL/Private/HGF Public/CIL Anglian Water/HGF RIF/CIL/Rail Authorities RIF/CIL RIF/CIL/Private Rail/National Express Network Rail/National Express CIL/Network East Anglia/Private LTP/CIL HGF/LTP/CIL budgets CIL/Other transport required Budget /HA Private Private/HA Private/HA Private/HA Private/HA HA sector/GCP/EEDA Private sector/GCP/EEDA Private sector/GCP/EEDA Private sector/GCP/EEDA Private Self financing/Private S106/CIL/Lottery Indicative Resources Indicative Existing budgets PDG HGF HGF PDG budgets PDG/existing budgets PDG/existing Existing budgets sector Private budgets PDG/existing HGF/LPSA/S106 required Budget required Budget Public/CIL sector/HGF Private – Levy Infrastructure Community CIL xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 2021/31 Long Term xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 2016/20 Medium Term – Contributions Developer S106 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx – funding Partnership Cambridge Greater 2010/15 Short Term – Horizons Cambridgeshire through available Funding Housing Growth – National Lottery GCP HGF Lottery – funding Agreement Local Public Sector – Association Finance Housing HA LPSA – Sector Finance Private – funding sources Agency East of England Development – Council to the District available Grant Planning Development – Fund Infrastructure Regional RIF EEDA Angel Drove Commercial Park – Park Commercial Drove Angel retail goods bulky Hotels New North Neighbourhood Centres Ely Key PDG Private North Ely Employment Area North Employment Ely at Leisure Ely Expansion Markets Village Leisure Shopping –City Centre Street Market between Intensification Street and High Shopping –City Centre Street Expansion on site north of Market Quarter Cultural Paradise North Extension – Ely dwellings phases up to a total of 3,000 later Housing provision Affordable Work at Ely Business Park Drove Angel Business Park Way Lancaster Business Hub Station Gateway Quality Bus Network Upgrades Network Road Additional Strategies Management and Car Park Pedestrianisation City Centre at Home Ely Apartments – City Centre Shops Quarter and above Cultural Paradise Quarter Riverside Walk Willow Station Gateway North Extension – Ely with in accordance to 500 dwellings up proposals. Strategy Core Northern Link Road Improvements Transport A10 Public Services Enhanced Railway Station Interchange Improvements Network Pedestrian/Cycle Country Park Phase 2 Park Country Links Green Urban Park Paradise Development Eco Exemplar Boulevard Drove Angel Plant Treatment Enhanced Sewage on the Move Ely Southern Link Road Detailed Design Guide Area management Conservation – Status Area Heritage World potential investigate Regeneration and Station Gateway Riverside Capacity Study Environmental Review Ely Green Phase 1 Park Country Implementation Mechanisms Structures Delivery Area Growth Set up Ely Action Area Ely Plan Policy Contributions and Developer Strategy Infrastructure Strategies and Footpaths/Cycling Transport Public Programme Engagement Community Ely Historic Actions Indicative Implementation Timelines and Resourcing. and Timelines Implementation Indicative No funding commitments hav which of funding can be explored. potential sources suggesting only, Note – this table is indicative indicated. of the organisations any been made by 68

Implementation 3. Funding “Local authorities played The Ely Masterplan contains a series of major project proposals, many related to the leading role in both infrastructure, which will require significant funding. Budget estimates based on commissioning masterplans current day prices for some of the key proposals are indicated below, but it should be noted that these are estimates only at this stage and further detailed work will be and providing needed. infrastructure.”

Southern Link Road – costs estimated between £20 million-£28 million. URBED case studies

Relocation of leisure facilities and development of leisure village – estimated costs £12 million. Currently scheduled for completion in 2012.

Development of Country Park – Phase 1 – £850,000 estimated cost for Phase 1, potentially £5 million to complete all phases of the project.

Relocation and Development of Sewage Treatment Plant – £15-£20 million depending on the timing and type of plant and technology installed. A five year planning and commissioning process is likely to be required.

Other major projects which have not yet been costed include measures to increase public transport provision both within Ely and connections with other destinations, railway station interchange, provision of cultural and community facilities, additional road network upgrades, A10/A142 highway capacity enhancements and proposed “Admit the developers pedestrian and cycling improvements. only on the City’s terms.” URBED case studies European case studies examined during the preparation of this plan suggest that successful developments require the local authority to take a leading role in stimulating infrastructure provision and managing the development process. With the scale of the developments being considered by the Ely Masterplan, the District Council alone will not have the resources to enable the implementation of the plan. It will need to work in close partnership with other agencies, government bodies and the private sector to secure the necessary finance. However, the District Council can take a lead facilitation role.

Local authority needs to “intervene to ensure that public and private land is combined and planned as a coherent whole. URBED case studies Ely Masterplan ” 69 Implementation Ely Masterplan Growth rnment this is central Exemplar Eco Development – Development Eco Exemplar size to be not be of sufficient will in Ely government’s under central considered eco towns. encouraging for initiative However there is a strong Gove sustainable eco impetus to encourage and funding opportunitiescommunities particularly in this, should be sought for costs of insisting on of the higher view quality developments. Funding Regional Transport – Allocations (RFA) via the funding provided government capital for Transport Department for Agency enhancements on the Highways network and rail network road strategic for not otherwise proposed which are national programmes. through delivery this funding is extremely Demand for high. of funding which can be Other sources Transport include the Local explored based smaller transport for Fund economic development projects, funding opportunities the through private Partnership, Cambridge Greater sector sector funding and public/private long term viability of The partnerships. the public domain and of community will need to be secured, facilities with endowments through possibly property capital sums or commercial enterprises profit” “not for to entrusted trusts. or development “Aim to substantially “Aim increase the spend in proportion of the local economy the as a result of Masterplan.” Perspective City of Ely The This is This East of England Development Agency is Agency East of England Development of a the introduction considering (RIF) to Fund Infrastructure Regional to pump capital investment provide infrastructure related growth prime startingschemes ahead of development forward allow receipts, recycling by and, still being details are The funding. an provide but may considered at targeted additional funding source priority and sub regional regional projects. Central Government funding from the from funding Government Central and Local Community Department for is specifically which Government, which will projects towards targeted including growth, housing deliver this is Locally projects. infrastructure Cambridgeshire by administered In 2008/9 East Horizons. secured Council District Cambridgeshire to pump this source £687,000 from and sites, development key prime further application is being made for years. in future awards – Fund Infrastructure Regional Housing Growth Funding – Funding Housing Growth ” The Government is Government The

A recent study by Arup for the

Funding Sources Funding 2007 However there are a number of other sources which may become available in the future: in the future: become available may which a number of other sources are there However Community Infrastructure Community (CIL) – Levy system a tariff planning to introduce the CIL which is anticipated to through of collecting way effective be a more new towards contributions developer this is a set Essentially infrastructure. example each unit (for for payable tariff Local a house) of development. able to decide will be Authorities or not to use this new whether Horizons Cambridgeshire mechanism. of studies has commissioned a number impact of CIL and their into the likely approach indicates that a tariff work contributions developer increase would significantly, in East Cambridgeshire £2,675,000 with estimates of between An and £5,350,000 annually. Strategy, Investment Infrastructure needs of setting out the infrastructure and a development an area, policy is an essential contributions a tariff introducing for prerequisite underway is already system and work on these. The traditional route for funding of for route traditional The has social infrastructure and community the S106 developer been through where agreements, contributions towards a contribution make developers needed which are facilities, community of the new result as a direct taking place. development

Greater London Authority suggests that the additional costs of building zero carbon homes could be between £5000-£30,000 per housing unit. “ 70

Implementation 4. Building Capacity to Manage Growth Progress development Ensure high quality Provide strong programme proposals for Ely within the development standards management formal Local Development The public consultation work has Strong programme management will be Framework planning process demonstrated that local people feel essential to enable delivery of the In the short term the Ely Masterplan that Ely is a special place, with the growth programme. Cambridgeshire proposals are in line with the Council’s combination of the Cathedral, heritage Horizons, as the local growth delivery Core Strategy proposals. In due course buildings and rural setting. High quality agent, have developed significant details of the review of the Regional design is crucial in all new expertise and knowledge in this field Spatial Strategy will emerge, which will developments to ensure this special through their work in other parts of indicate whether the East character is retained, and experience Cambridgeshire. It is proposed that the Cambridgeshire area will need to elsewhere has demonstrated the value District Council should set up a delivery accommodate higher levels of growth. of clear design codes and design briefs structures to oversee growth, working in The impact of this on the Core Strategy in raising standards of design and partnership with representatives of can then be assessed. In the meantime, construction. These design codes will Cambridgeshire Horizons, the Greater the District Council will focus on also be an early priority in the Cambridge Partnership and community development of the following planning implementation programme. The representatives. policy documents: Cambridgeshire Quality Charter The role of the delivery structures will ■ provides a potential framework for this, Ely Area Action Plan be to develop an implementation action taking into account four themes of ■ Detailed planning briefs for North Ely, plan, identify and address potential community, connectivity, climate and the Paradise Quarter, City Centre barriers, ensure community character. Extension and Riverside and Station participation in the development of Gateway Regeneration. plans, and monitor and review progress. “Learning from There will need to be a clear line of Develop transport strategies experience and accountability to the District Council. to support sustainable growth A liaison mechanism will also be applying the Quality The Masterplan has demonstrated that, required with local landowners and if Ely is to develop as a sustainable Charter principles.” private sector interests. The delivery small city, alternatives to car travel Cambridgeshire Horizons structure will need to be supported by must be a major feature of any officers with a range of specialist skills, development strategy. The transport including urban design, community studies indicate that intervention is development, communication and essential to discourage significant engagement, landscaping, land further growth in out commuting and assembly and project management. congestion. The development of public transport and cycling and walking strategies must therefore be an early “Strong programme priority. management, identifying and “All this requires a addressing barriers.” gentle and long- Cambridgeshire Horizons

Ely Masterplan sighted hand on the planning tiller.” Ely Society 71 Implementation Ely Masterplan Any growth and change plan will be and change growth Any subject to uncertainties risk, and a long over planning particularly when implementation The time scale. seeks to build in therefore programme this risk to reduce measures mitigation and to enable these as possible, as far and main risks The to be managed. risks the for measures mitigation proposed set out below. are Masterplan Ely ECDC to work with Anglian Water to identify suitable Water Anglian with ECDC to work sites and funding. options, modal shift in transport to encourage on measures Focus public transport the car and on improved from away provision. to quality design codes and design briefs Introduce high quality design. encourage Mitigation measures Mitigation ensuring Look at phasing and sequencing of development, pace with growth. keeps investment infrastructure business planning techniques sustainability. Strict to ensure and involvement consultation, community Intensive participation programme. support and government and regional Obtain sub regional plan backing for with clear strategy, development up infrastructure Work policy. contributions developer formal within the Masterplan Ely of draft Incorporation It will planning process. Framework Local Development and be planning processes with formal need to comply other parties.subject to submissions and appeals by introduction concept, masterplan to the overall Adherence further before requirements of thresholds/sequencing place. takes development residential support and funding. Obtain sub-regional/regional Significant Significant in terms of Significant of Station development of and amount Road can which housing growth be achieved. of as level Significant which housing growth be will can be achieved restricted Significant Significant to project according Vary – in terms Significant of uncoordinated of both development housing and social and infrastructure. community Significant Impact Significant Complete the Infrastructure Complete to enable the Strategy, Development phasing and of identification development infrastructure and developer and a tariff thresholds, policy. contributions and Transport Public an Ely Develop Strategy, Footpaths/Cycleways a shift identifying means of achieving car transport. from away the feasibility, investigate Further for and funding sources cost benefits the Southern Link Road. ■ ■ ■ Medium High Low Medium Medium Medium Medium Likelihood in short term High term Medium in longer in short term High term Medium in longer Develop quality design codes and Develop of design and standards to raise briefs construction. Set up an intensive community Set up an intensive a alongside programme engagement plan. action delivery detailed growth Set up an Ely Growth Delivery Growth Set up an Ely plans. growth to oversee Structure Plan and Action Area the Ely Develop for briefs development formal individual sites. Traffic congestion on congestion Traffic A10/A142 impacts on as a of Ely competitiveness and work place to live quality developments Poor Non delivery/delayed delivery Non delivery/delayed Location Works of Sewage Housing growth not matched Housing growth growth infrastructure by delivery Non delivery/delayed of Southern Link Road Lack of funding to implement projects led Piecemeal development than rather developers by led by development coherent framework ECDC Masterplan Lack of community/political consensus on plan Risk Uncertain economic climate impacts on developer market and confidence demand Ely Masterplan Risk Assessment Masterplan Risk Ely ■ ■ Summary of Implementation ProgrammeSummary of ■ ■ Risks 72 Glossary

Action with Communities A government funded organisation that supports rural communities at ACRE in Rural Areas. national, regional and local level. Arts Development in East ADeC is responsible for the development and delivery of the arts in East ADeC Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire.

Cambridgeshire County Council is responsible for Education, Libraries and Cambridgeshire Heritage, Social Services, Roads and Traffic, Environment, Strategic CCC County Council Planning, Trading Standards, Waste Disposal, and County Farms Estate within East Cambridgeshire District.

A proposed tariff system that the Government is planning to introduce as CIL Community Infrastructure Levy a more efficient means of obtaining developer contributions toward infrastructure provision.

City of Ely Council Local ‘’ level tier of local government administration.

One of a suite of documents within the local development framework, which sets out the long-term spatial vision for the district, strategic East Cambridgeshire District Core Strategy policies and development control policies. The Core Strategy is currently Council Core Strategy. going through the Examination in Public and once adopted will become a Development Plan Document.

Horizons role is to bring together all the elements of growth to ensure Cambridgeshire sustainable new communities are built throughout the County, and that Horizons the associated new services and facilities have benefits for both the new and existing residents.

Heat from an engine block, oil cooler and exhaust, which would normally Combined Heating and Power be wasted is absorbed by a high efficiency heat exchanger and stored as CHP systems hot water. It is then used directly for central heating, hot water, or indirectly for air conditioning.

Comparison Shops selling items such as clothes, shoes, electrical goods, etc but not Retailing food items. Convenience Food shops and supermarkets. Retailing

Department for Environment DEFRA Central government department. Food and Rural Affairs A document prepared by East Cambridgeshire as part of the LDF. A DPD DPD Development Plan Document forms part of the Statutory Development Plan having been through independent Examination. E.g. Core Strategy DPD.

District level tier of local government administration, responsible for a East Cambridgeshire District ECDC range of services including development planning, environmental health, Council housing, building control, leisure and community services. Ely Masterplan

This Regional Development Agency is tasked with improving the East of England Development EEDA economic performance of the East of England by promoting sustainable Agency economic growth and regeneration. 73 Glossary Ely Masterplan The Regional Spatial Strategy prepared by the East of England Regional by prepared Spatial Strategy Regional The to 2021. of the region the future which sets out policies for Assembly , the counties of , East of England covers The and . , Cambridgeshire, , Partnerships between central government, local government, private and private local government, government, central between Partnerships economic and large-scale that aim to deliver sectors voluntary improvement. environmental 11-21. years for long-term projects of the Masterplan the purposes For 2010-2031) (Plan period setting Council County Cambridgeshire by and plan prepared A strategy a over infrastructure transport the County’s plans for out the improvement set time period. 6-10. years for medium term projects of the Masterplan the purposes For to 2031) (Plan period the land to be used for be appropriate it would where are use areas Mixed uses at and leisure retail example, For than just a single land use. more by above. with residential level ground Agency Countryside English Nature, the former comprising Statutory Body Service. Development and the Rural of delivery to assist in the Council to the District made available Funding its planning functions. for Transport via the Department for funding provided government Central and network road strategic Agency capital enhancements on the Highways national through delivery for not otherwise proposed that are network rail high. this funding is extremely Demand for programmes. The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is the sub-regional economic (GCP) is the sub-regional Partnership Cambridge Greater The sub- The Cambridge. around radius a 25-mile partnership covering (SREP) Haverhill, Bury St Edmunds, Newmarket, Ely, Huntingdon, includes region . Stansted and Royston, housing. social which provide organisations profit Not for and Local Communities the Department from for fund available A grant by locally administered housing growth, to promote Government Horizons. Cambridgeshire a suite of planning policy comprises Framework A Local Development than one local plan. documents rather Plan Documents (DPDs) that set out Development of separate It is a series and use of the land in the the development for policies and proposals it will either is adopted, As each of the Framework document District. until the Local Plan is or add to the policies in the Local Plan, replace superseded. completely Regional Spatial Strategy Regional Natural Grant Planning Delivery Allocations Funding Regional Local Transport Local Transport Plan Local Development Framework Local Development Vehicle Local Delivery Greater Cambridge Partnership Cambridge Greater Housing Associations vehicle commercial Heavy Funds Housing Growth RSS PDG RFA Mixed Use Mixed NATURAL ENGLAND Medium Term Long Term LTP LDV LDF HA HCV HGF GCP 74 Glossary Legal agreement between a Local Authority and developer in order to secure contributions (in cash or kind) towards the provision of S106 Section 106 Agreement infrastructure and services that are necessary to facilitate a proposed development. E.g. provision of highways.

South Cambridgeshire District District level tier of local government covering the immediate area SCDC Council surrounding Cambridge. Document setting out how and when stakeholders and other interested Statement of Community SCI parties will be consulted and involved in the preparation of the LDF Involvement. (and the considerations of individual planning applications).

In this document self sufficiency refers to employment self sufficiency. Self Sufficiency It is the proportion of residents both living and working locally. The Masterplan aims to have 50% of people living locally working in Ely. For the purposes of the Masterplan short-term projects for years 5-10. Short Term (Plan period 2010 – 2031) A document forming part of the suite of documents making up the LDF. Supplementary Planning SPD It contains additional detail and information on policies or proposals, Document which are outlined in a Development Plan Document.

The designation of an area as an SSSI gives legal protection to wildlife and Site of Special Scientific SSSI or geological features of the area. Natural England is responsible for Interest designation.

Private individual, local interest groups, local councils, public authorities, Stakeholder Stakeholder utility companies, and other organisations that have an interest in development and/or the site.

Statutory Statutory Required by law (statute), usually through Act of Parliament. Sustainable Urban Drainage SUDS Systems Development which enables people to satisfy their needs and secure Sustainable Sustainable Development quality of life without compromising the quality of life for future Development generations. Sustrans is a charity dedicated to improving access for cyclists and SUSTRANS pedestrians. Urban and Economic Urban and Economic Development consultants who carried out initial URBED Development consultants work on the Ely Masterplan. Ely Masterplan 75 Glossary Ely Masterplan . Further Information of library is an extensive There on further available information website Council’s the District under the Local Development section Framework www.eastcambs.gov.uk sub all of the regional, lists This and local plans, district regional, out policies and studies carried in relation years the last few over of the East to the development Local Cambridgeshire Framework. Development – sets out the main – assesses the Draft Ely Masterplan Ely – assesses the Draft – of the contains reportssummaries and – three technical reports by Atkins Consultants detailing the Consultants Atkins technical – three reports by [email protected] [email protected] – assesses whether the Draft Ely Masterplan proposals will have a likely will have proposals Masterplan Ely the Draft – assesses whether If you wish to contact East Cambridgeshire District Council about the Council District wish to contact East Cambridgeshire If you to: Masterplan please write Ely Draft Masterplan Ely Council District East Cambridgeshire Grange The Nutholt Lane Ely Cambs CB7 4EE or email: significant effect on the qualifying features and conservation objectives of European objectives and conservation on the qualifying features effect significant Habitat sites. Natural March Reports Testing and Option Forecasting Modelling Study, Transport Ely and June 2009 growth and the use of this to test various Model, Transport of an Ely development of a Southern Link Road. including the scenario Ely, for scenarios and development and can be website Council on the District available All of these documents are copies. or as printed can also be supplied on CD’s They downloaded. Background Documents are: Masterplan Ely documents to the Draft research Background Appendices Masterplan Ely Draft commissioned for studies specifically and the research undertaken consultation work the Masterplan. Involvement of Community Masterplan Statement Ely Draft indicating Masterplan, of the Ely consultation approaches used in the development Local the East Cambridgeshire by required with the processes these comply how Involvement. Community Statement of Framework Development Appraisal Masterplan Sustainability Ely Draft impacts and in terms of their main economic, social and environmental proposals sustainability. overall Screening Assessment Appropriate Masterplan Habitats Regulations Ely Draft Report 76 Ely Masterplan 77

Ely Masterplan – A Framework for the Future Development of the City of Ely “Developing Ely into a special 21st century Cathedral City and Cambridgeshire Market Town, which offers a great quality of life for all by balancing living, working and playing in an historic and rural setting with a thriving centre.”

Ely Masterplan/Growth Delivery Working Party Members

Councillor Peter Moakes, Councillor Mike Rouse, Councillor Bill Hunt, East Cambridgeshire District Council East Cambridgeshire District Council co-opted member representing and Chairman of the Working Party Cambridgeshire County Council

Councillor Sheila Friend-Smith, Councillor Richard Hobbs, Councillor Brian Ashton,

East Cambridgeshire District Council co-opted member representing City of co-opted member representing City of Ely Masterplan Ely Council (June 2008 – May 2009) Ely Council (June 2009 – Sept 2009) 78 Translation Service

Documents prepared by East Cambridgeshire District Council can be translated. Requests for the translation of policy documents can be made at the Council’s main reception. A language line is available for short documents and enquiries. There is no charge for this service.

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Arabic Hindi Spanish

Bengali Italian Ta m i l

Chinese Kurdish Tu rk i s h

Croatian Polish Urdu

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Greek Serbian Ely Masterplan 79 Translation Service Ely Masterplan 01353 665240 Fax number: number: Fax [email protected] Documents can also be made available in large print, Braille or on audio cassette. Braille print, in large made available Documents can also be email by please contact us in advance interpreter of a sign language the services For can be made. so that arrangements or fax Email: in our main reception A loop system is available Other free services offered by services offered Other free Council: District East Cambridgeshire ■ ■ ■ ElyMasterplan A Framework for the Future Development of the City of Ely

East Cambridgeshire District Council The Grange Nutholt Lane Ely Cambs CB7 4EE

Telephone: 01353 665555 Email: [email protected] www.eastcambs.gov.uk

©Copyright East Cambridgeshire District Council 2010. All rights reserved. Reproduction of graphical content in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Final version approved by Full Council 23/2/10.

Funded by Housing Growth Funds received via Cambridgeshire Horizons.

Design: www.dynamiccreative.co.uk 01353 661997 Photography courtesy of Geoff Durrant, Dynamic Creative, Shape East, Cambridgeshire Horizons & URBED Printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests