CURRICULUM VITAE Last Update: April 2012 I H S A N F E T H I B.Arch., M.A., PhD. Index of Contents 1. Biodata 2. Academic Qualifications Ihsan Fethi 2005 3. Publications: Books Books Translated into Arabic Books in Progress Research Papers (published) Research Papers (in progress) Articles, interviews etc. 4. Positions Held 5. Teaching Positions 6. Awards & Honors 7. Supervision of Graduate Theses 8. Academic Rank 9 Professional Practice (in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Conservation) 10. Television & Radio Interviews 11. Organizations Membership 12. Research Travel 13. Committee Membership 14. Exhibitions 15. Private Documentary Collections 16. International Symposia Attended 17. Symposia Attended in Iraq 18. Public Lectures World-Wide 19. Public Lectures in Iraq 20. Art Exhibitions & Related Activities 21. References & Recommendations 22. Appendices (Certificates etc.) 1 One Page CV. IHSAN FETHI ARCHITECT; TOWN PLANNER & HERITAGE CONSULTANT B. Arch., Great Hons. UWIST (UK), M.A., SHEFFIELD (UK), PhD, SHEFFIELD (UK) POB: Amman Ahliya University; Amman 19328, Jordan; Mobile- +96279-5652956 E-Mail:
[email protected] 1. BIODATA Name Ihsan Abdul Wahab Fethi Place of Birth Baghdad, Iraq Citizenship Iraqi (Resident in Jordan since 1991 and in the UAE (1997 -1999) Social Status Married with one son Languages Arabic and English (very fluent) Present Position Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan, (Since 2007- ). Former Positions Dean, College of Arts, Amman University, 2000-2007. Dean, College of Art & Architecture, Jordan University for Women, Amman, 1993-1995 Dean, School of Engineering and Design, Al -Bayan University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 1997-1999 Chairman, Dept. of Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 1986-1991.