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4-15-1961 Letter to AALL Chapter Presidents regarding membership dues reimbursement, April 15, 1961 Helen Roalfe Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits oy u.

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Repository Citation Roalfe, Helen, "Letter to AALL Chapter Presidents regarding membership dues reimbursement, April 15, 1961" (1961). Correspondence. 1820.

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pril 15, 1961

¥.emorandum to Chapter Presidents:

Please be reminded that Article V, sec (e), of the By-Laws of the American Association of Law Librari es, provides that:

"Of each $10. 00 dues collected from members of the Association, who are also members of a chapter, the Asso­ ciation shall receive $9. 00 and the chapter shall receive 1. 00 (Effective June l, 1959) . "

To receive your chapter's share of the dues of its AALL members , your request and your member­ ship list should r each:

'illiam D. !urphy, Treasurer American Association of Law Libraries 2900 Prudential Plaza 1 , Illinois

BEFORE MAY 1, 1961

; 1 1 J,{l.4 ,,I..L) &l.;J ..:•:!1 C, ,/.j; '1f _ J( 6 0-.,,'{_z_ ;k.J,a,,,,r,, ~ I f-Ud- /if:;~ .A-'-/- . XJJ~~ I .~ -171tt!!.if .~('(. _I/It, Hel en S. Roalfe President 9./Ji .t..~ /(h.lY/1.Uj. J..1.a/vi'I.

OFFICERS: President (1960-61 ), HELEN A. SN OO K, Detroit Bar Association Librnry, 577 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. ~.Presidmt-E/ut (1960-61), EuZABHTH F JNLEYj Covington and Burling, 701 Union Trust Bldg., 5, D. C.; Trearn rer, W rLLIAM D. MURPHY, Kirkland, Ellis, rtod,on, Chaffetz & Masters, 2900 Prudemia Plaza, Chicago 1, Ill.; Secretary, G OLDIE G RE.EN A LPERI N, T he Chicago Bar Association, 29 S. La SaJle St., Chicago 3, Illinois. EXECUTIVE BOARD: The O ffi ce rs and Frances Farmer, University of Viri:inia Law Li brary, Charlotte,ville, Va.; Harrison MacDonald, New M ex ico Law Librarv, Sante Fe, N. M.: E rnest H. Breuer, New York State Law Library, Educauon B ldg., A lbany I, N. Y.; Margaret Hall, University of Puerto Rico Law Library, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. PUBLICATIONS : Index to Legal Periodicals: Editorial Offices, Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts. Ind ex to Foreign L ega l Periodica ls : William B. Stern, Cb3irman, County Law Lil,rary, Los Angeles 12, Californiu. Law Library Journal : Lionel J. Coen, Editor, New York Law Institute, 120 Broadway, New York 5, New York.