. . . ' • .. ... \ ...... " ~ ' • ' " "' ' "' " • .. • It .. .. • - " ' • " • .. .. • • ...... ' "' ' \ ' " .... "' ~ .. "' ......

Artificial intelligence is for real... p. 3

27 WHAT'S UP: ·.September IS NOTHING . . SACRED? 1989 The Provocateur cuts loose~ .. p. ·7

@ Lash rides again •.• p.9

@ Big Baby delivers ... p.11 . Volume 1 Number 1 0 Enterta lriment. .. p.1&·

MSU's alternative @ Out and about..• p.12 and truly · independent 0 Classifieds••. p. 10-11 voice

BITE THE BULLET! Students victimized as cost of learning surges Legislators: Stat.a Educators: No relief strapped for hi.gher in sight for soaring education funding tuition expenses by TODD W. CARTER byDAVIDSTEARNS . uR-1 Special Correspondent uR-1 Managing Editor LANSING - It is a perennial . MSU students who may have question, and one that few legislators, hoped for a financial break this.year college administrators' or students are Instead are digging deeper into able to answer: threadbare pockets, facing yet When will the skyrocketing tuition anothertultion increase. · increases stop? The explanation most sources Will 's higher-education give for rising tuition is: If the system - composed of 15 colleges university does not get what it and universities-become so expen- . requested from the state, student sive that only those with the resources tuition rates must be adjusted to to attend Harvard or Princeton be able make up the balance. to afford to be a Spartan, Wolverine or But while administrators point even a Chippewa? . whosedis,rid includes East Lansing fingers at the Legislat~re and Lawmakers are faced with the and MSU, points out that colleges and Spartans were spared the guber­ lawmakers return the gesture, . political dilemma of wanting to support universities have received a •substan• natorial rod by deciding to hike tuition students across the state sit by higher education - support for · tial Increase· in funding since the state 7.9 percent. scratching their collective heads edupition always is good for a few Income-tax hikes of the early 1980s. . ·MSU students have been sub­ and wonder.when the esealating stantially hit in previous years, though. . vot~ - but not wanting to take the •But it still ls not high enough to costs will slow down. . money from other programs. · assure that, given the present spend­ The 1981-88 fiscal year brought a And It doesn't look like It will A legislator whose district de­ ing patterns of the schools, there whopping 20.4-percent tuition hike­ happen anytime soon. pends on agricultural funding is not won't be tuition increases,· he s&id partly from an Increase In registration · According to Ed Hines, director of about to jeopardize that department recently. fees -and 1988-89 meant a 10.2- the Center for Higher Education at for the sake of MSU. Nor are many In fact, nearly all of the state's -percent Increase. Illinois State University, tuition lawmakers about to choose universi­ public universities raised tuition this . Raising fees for registration, · levels are increasing as money ties over prisons. · year above 8 percent - prompting a · equipment use and other Items designated for social and public Reo. Lynn Jondahl, a Democrat public rebuke by Gov. James Blan- nol'fl'.1ally absorbed In tuition could hold services dwindles across the . See LEGISLATORS • 2 See ED~T!>~" p. 4' ·

·" · .. .. . '• 2 •Reporter-Intelligencer · -'. , , 27 Se tember 1989 st o are there carrying a LEGISLATORS, from p. 1 perspectives.• The btg question Is where you greater burden. But you're also straight credit-hour rates steady. said shift the money from, because few seeing a_lot of students-low . MSU Trustee Kathy Wiibur. lawmakers would support a tax Income as well as middle Income, · Un lversltles &lso will realize they · Increase for higher education, e kids from larger families need to raise more of their operating Jondahl said. able to get there, costs themselves, using massive "That means you pit higher er paying the fund-raising campaigns as sources of . · education against other programs. funding, said Wilbur, who also is an ng to run arou Ing aide to Sen. William Sederburg. chair prisons and • of the Senate Appropriations sub­ he battles being f~ht,. committee on Higher Education. A former MSU professor, sCouncil empha- Sederburg'sdistrict Includes East stz for more state monies·1n Lansing. a flve..year plan submitted to Blan­ Jondahl and Wilbur agree that chald and the Legislature In January. state funding is unlikely to increase The proposal.would •r8Verse, over unless priorities are shifted or taxes time, the alarming trend toward fMlll· . raised. rellance on tuition as a revenue . •1 don't see us being able to give source.• according to a statement the universities what they're saying released In August. they need In terms of Increases,• •As public public institutions, the Jondahl said. •1 see us being able to state universities clearly recognize a give them Increases, but I don't see special obligation to keep overall being able to without substantial new costs at levels which do not restrict or monies.• deny access to higher education Sederburg has proposed In­ opportunities to qualified students: creases in the beer and wine tax - Before lawmakers permit more often referred to as -Sin taxes• - to funding to go toward higher educa­ fund more education. The plan calls tion, Jondahl said, they will want to for splitting the new revenues with a know what the universities are doing group that would use its half for to control costs and ensure effi­ substane&-abuse couns&ting, Wilhur cienc.y. sakt . -How legitimate are those The Presidents Council, a group requestS?Th in dis representing each of Michigan's he said. •Are t public universities, received the Ing the money the senator's proposal in January and to?" · has asked Sederburg to do more Often times there are outcrys research on its plibllc acceptance, from Spartans that the University of Wilbur said. Michigan receives more funding But she said there are existing despite MSU's higher enrollment. But studies that Indicate people are Jondahl said that is not a fair com­ For more information call: willing to pay higher beer and wine parison, and said MSU has a differ­ 355-4510 taxes for education and other worthy ent emphasis than the state's other issues. two large universities~ One of the council's problems While MSU gets less per-capita with the proposed legislation is afear than the University of Michigan or of what happened to revenues from Wayne State, those two schools the state lottery: Intended to supple­ have a greater emphasis on graduate ment the K· 12 education budget, and professional students, he said. lottery monies instead replaced ·•If that's the way we did it, MSU general-fund dollars and there was would take ••• almost a 2()..percent little net gain. cut,. he said. . Wilbur waves aside the fear, and Whatever the long-term picture says the bill could be written to for tuition hikes, Jondahl said he Is preventthat problem. confident escalating aedit-hour Lawmakers have two alternatives if they decide higher edocatlon. need& more funding, Jondahl said: "One Is to say we'll raise taxes for that purpose. The other is to say we11 take the money from other · JV'~&~ Ctnit areas where it's being spent and put it Into there. · -To some degree we've done bdh.· .Alad While the taxes raised from a state income-tax Increase In 1983 allowed more funding Into K-12 and 332-5611 higher education, •it became a major 1500 LAKE LANSING RD. partisan political Issue: he said. THE PLAZA SUITE C Few representatives would EAST LANSING . FOCUS 21 publicly say they are against more higher-education funding, Jondahl said~ . •Nobody would run for office or say publicly they are opposed to more money,• he said. "But then, If you said ~here would It come from?' you get (lawmakers) with far different HAIR A MESS? Let us help you out-Come to GARY'S CAMPUS HAI ALON $9.00 x hair styling "A Cut Above Yet Priced Below~, 351-6511 549 E. (next to Confection Connection) M-F 8am-7pm Sat 9am-2pm the University Reporter-Intelligencer Page Three , , ., The Second Front Pa e

by JOE LAMPORT uR-1 Science Correapondenl

Imagine one day never having to declphersaawled notes, handing In assignments via electronic mall and exchanging philosophy or sex trivia with thousands of students at cam­ puses worldwide. Stop daydreaming. That day has come. Already, MSU students are taking advantage of such technology to meet those ends. National and international networks link students coast to coast and continent to continent. Some university professors list their elec­ tronic mail (e-mail) addresses in their syllabi. · And more students carry portable lap-top devices-some as powerful as iop•·personal computers produced less than five years ago - into classrooms each day. C&r1 Page, an MSU computer science professor, sees computers becoming a distinct part of student life, if they aren't already. Although changes may occur overnight, the technology is readily available, he said. '1 give students my electronic malllng address and they can send me notes through their (computer} accounts," Page said. Page also can send exam date or time changes, for example, to stu­ dents' accounts in little more time than it takes for you to read this sentence. An e-mail address ls a code identifying a particular use who is uR-lartwork/JACKWHEATLEY linked to a network of other users, allowing researchers in academia, Roses. manage Information. But It hasn't usually termed a multi-user system. If business and government to share Artificial Intelligence is beginning always been that way for Al. two users each have a terminal on a new Ideas and Information quickly and to make Its mark as well. •Just thirteen y~ ago I told efficiently. network, one may type a command as "E~systems,• explained Chris people there'd be computers in cars simple as •mail chartes• to send Page said MSU Pr:ofessor Don Peterson, an artificial inteUigence and it was scandalized,· Page said. Weinshank actually taught while Charles a message. group leader at Unisys Corp. in "Today, most cars have a small working In Israel by communicating But If Charles in New York wants Plymout~. •capture the expertise of a (personal computer) In them.· with his teaching assistants on an a recipe for bean casserole from Jean key individual, allowing you the ability Page recalled the first Al conven­ in East Lansing, Jean needs to have International e-mail network. to solve problems automatically tion he attended In Ann Arbor in 1958 The university community has not her computer linked Into a national without computer involvement.· as a student at the U of M. Only 20 to network (usually via telephone with a been blind to the rapid changes Integrating such systems with 30 people attended. But this summer occurring. modem) and also must know Charles' conventional processing capabilities, In , where MSU had a booth for address. Lewis Greenberg, director of such as •number crunching• and the first time ever at an international For exam pie, if Charles studies at academic computing, said for the first similar tasks, will offer businesses an conference on technology, more than time the faculty-staff directory will New York University, Jean might type efficlent,cost-effectlveapproachto 6,000 people participated. include e-mail addresses as well as something like, •mail many tasks. Since then, waves of research [email protected].•Thecomputer office and telephone numbers. "The key is Integration,· Peterson revelation and consequent application •Expanding e-mail service Is an then passes Jean's recipe to the next said. •Still, In the Al community, stand­ have spread Al influence far and wide. ever-growing process,• Greenberg computer In the direction of NYU and alone systems are the norm. Making With the advent of computers like different departments add the so on until the message arrives In said. As them better is a good goal, but people NeXT and other powerful -Worksta­ Charles' -mailbox.• service~ some now rely excusively in business want It Integrated.· tions, • 1arge stores of information - like upon It for rote communication - Sometimes, that isn't the best way Expert systems developed at a dictionary, a thesaurus and encyclo­ others become interested, he to send a message. added. corporations like Unisys and expert pedia - are being linked forthe first •E-mail ls definitely an (important) Page said a message sent on one system research at MSU and other time In a way allowing for efficient, part of university computing,• Green­ network at the University of Michigan institutions already serve as an effective and rapid access. berg said. · first W'5 transmitted by satellite to Important basis for American technol­ •(As) the industrial revolution Maryland before it arrived across the The future offers even more time­ Ofll. amplified workers' powertodo work, a saving, knowledge enhancing campus. ad­ Page said researchers look to Al machine built to accomplish more, Al Severaf networks allow national vances. Just two weeks ago, the to allow advances In many areas. Is Intelligence amplification,· Page and lntematlonale-mailcommunlca­ publishers of El'lCf clopedla Brittanica "Space (will benefit) from Al, but said. tion virtually free of charge. Bltnet, released all of Its 'Zl volumes on a advanc&s are being held back by started by International Business CO-ROM- a compact disk read-only certification requirements,· he said. Machines Corp. and now open to the memory. •A1 may put a co-pilot In the transpor­ u - ge results, so public, allows worldwide communica­ Many new computers, like Apple tation Industries (that) would tell a pilot act now and contact tion among linked users. One group of founter Steven Jobs' NeXT, access what they should do now and what your ad exec... people started Fido, a national net­ these cartridges much as a CD player problems are occurring.· work. The networks include govern­ reads to code on an audio CO to fill a The technology will allow people ...... ,, -ti•... ,..,,,!ftw--lutlf· Hl/•llN/fnl ... tilU•"""'*•n!!! ment agencies.and Jarge companies, - . room with Gershwin or Guns 'N to develop new solutions and to better 4 • Reporter-Intelligencer 27 September, 1989 EDUCATORS, from p. 1 country. . Rising •Social and public services are tuition not receiving the rates of increase costs are they came to expect in the 1960's putting and 70's, • Hines said. •in the 7CYs, college tuition rates were kept relatively low degrees because of the expected commit­ out of ment to higher education. They reach. uA-11 were actually lower than they MATTHEW should have been. GOEBEL -There was also the political payoff, because people doni gripe if there areni any increases,• he sakt Lowtuition levels mean greater accessibility for students -and in the 198CYs that accessibility has shriveled. -rhe simultaneous occurrence of repeated rises when compared to the 70's and the relatively slower rates of increase of taxes for higher education has been a double blow to students,• Hines said. ments, annual giving and federal, lngs across campus. The Breslin action and adopted by the governor And students are in a bind. stateand privately-funded research Center, Student Services building, forthe purposes intended. Building The repeated jumps in tuition projects are but a few of the Olin Health Center, all of the construction funds are one-time have limited the opportunity to alternate routes of covering operat­ residence halls, all of the intramural only: attend instituions of higher lea.ming. ing costs. buildings and part of the Wharton That means if the university were Hines said enrollment statistics It is a difficult Issue for all in­ Center are paid for by the students. to take $1 O million from building for the last several years indicate volved, and unfortunately there is There ls no per student charge, funds and use it for general opera­ the true impact of skyrocketing no end in sight. but rather a percentage of tuition tions, it would have to be replaced costs on prospective students at •1t's the exceptional state that that goes toward paying for the at some point down the line. four-year colleges and universities. finds a lot of money that it didni "debt retirement •of th~ buildings, 'When we submit our budget -Transfer programs in community have previously or that can in­ Wilkinson said. This year, less than requests for 1990-91 this Novem­ colleges in the last five years have crease taxes,· Hines said. 5 percent of tuition revenue is ber, it will include a new general grown rapidly, primarily because of Michigan probably Is not one of designated for building expenses, operating fund budget and a new the costs (of four-year institutions),• those, he said. he added. capital outlay request. They're he said. Fiscal constraints, largely the The charge Is constant -$5.7 entirely separate.· But while probably accurate, result of the domestic automobile million per year- but the actual Essentially, the university could Hnes said It was dramatic to say Industry decline, make it difficult. percentage decreases as tuition not ask for less capital funds to that the state has been remiss •and But Hines said Michigan's commit­ and fees rise year by year, Wilkin­ garner additional general operating the students are getting screwed.• ment to higher education is improv­ son said. funds, which would in tum keep Public universities are turning ing. That Is unless the university elsewhere for revenue. Endow- "It's not leading In the Great refinances or builds another SH EDUCATORS,p. 5 Lakes, but it's making a comeback,• building with student fees, in which he said. case the percentage would in- Cal) your r------, In the interim, however, many crease. I students are wondering what the Students will be paying for the tradYet a1?.e9cy I university is doing to control costs. Breslin Center until 2005-20 0 It all. I A stroll across campus provides years after the board of trustees I students with evidence that loads of approved construction of the arena Hotel reservations I · money Is being spent In areas that But Provost Scott said building at I probably doni affect their educa­ the university must continue, or Car rentals I tion. The Breslin Student Events future students will lack facilities Tours I . Center, the IM East, the addition to that current students enjoy . Cruises the Engineering Building and the •Just suppose the past boards new Soll Sciences building are and administrations decided not to Limousines examples of capital improvements build the Kresge Art Museum, or Rail Travel 10°/o being made across campus. they said, 'let's not have an IM,' • MSU Provost David Scott ex­ he said. "'We wouldn't have those Guaranteed service plained that student tuition dollars thingsn<>W.· • OFF are not being used to pay for most Scott said the amount of student I capital expenditures, although there fees MSU uses for new buildings is I are exceptions. I I As Roger Wilkinson, MSU vice modest when compared to other At Spartan 1ravel we president for finances and opera­ Big Ten institutions. •Any retail purchase of: tions, explains, student fees are -Those funds are appropriated uarantee our service •T-Shirts used to pay for a variety of build- with Capital Outlay,• he said. •Sweatshirts "They're specified by legislative Give us a call and let

•Tank Tops MOOD \.fl:SIC TO SUIT ANY TIME OF DAY! Mid-Michigan's Call for DAVID at travel leader do it all ••• for you CUSTOM 337-1114 PRINTING I David I •,.a Spartan Travel AVAILABLE I Zumberg I I Experienced Hairstylist I I Personal Attention Carriage Hill Holiday Inn I I East Lansing East Lansing I I 351-1080 336-9444 : 119 North Harrison : 1 East Lansing I Patrician's Hair Fashion Capitol City Airport Downtown I 337-7611 I 309 MAC 323-7666. Lansing L------J East Lansing 484-7111 27 September, 1989 · Reporter-Intelligencer • 5 tuition levels stable~ However, Scott said that spend­ treated the same as all other PURPOSE, from p. 1 LEGISLATORS, from p. 2 ing changes are being made in an universities,• he said. We have we do not have all the answers, we Wilbur disagrees. effort to limit the impact on stu­ different missions. We're just hope at some point all readers will find •rm personally not convinced of dents. looking at a reasonable compro­ their 15 minutes of noteriety within that because our applicant pool is still Both personnel redudions and mise. these very self-same pages. so large: the trustee said. the phasing out of departments will 8h's largely due to a lack of We welcome all submissions, be It an There is plenty of financial aid make the university more efficient, political maneuverability to bring idea, story, photograph, artwork, or available to let students enter MSU he said. large changes in times of economic cartoon. and ex>ntlnue to attend through the Last year, three MSU general shortage,· Scott said. As we say, we are YOUR paper, and tuition increases, she said. education departments-humani­ The Center for Higher as such, we want you to be both But she also does not know when ties, natural science and social Education's Hines said many reader and writer. Your efforts are the demand side will hold the upper science-were eliminated with the student organizations acl'066 the welcomed as we attempt to fill these hand over the supply of higher educa­ intent of ex>mbining them in a country have engaged in lobbying pages with elements readers will seek tion. Center for Integrative Studies. This efforts to put pressure on Institu­ out enthusiastically. ·1 just truly do not know what the will allow the University to draw on tions and the state to not raise For our part, we seek to probe, search market will ex>ntinue to bear,· Wilbur faculty from across the university to tuition. and expose readers to stories and said. •1 don't think anyone knows that: teach general education classes. "In many cases it has been Issues either ignored or glossed-over Jondahl is equally unsure of the The university is retrenching in successful,· Hines said •A strong by the mainstream press. There is no effect: •No one knows where you start other areas as well, Scott said. student association can make a subject too sensitive for discussion triggering redudions in enrollment.· In tne human health-related very big impad. The best known Is within these pages and all Issues will While Jondahl does not deny the departments of the school, such as the Student Association of the State be aired out and explored as well as increasing numbers of applications, he osteopathic medicine, human Universities of New York.· we are able. insists that the demographics of those medicine and the ex>llege of nurs­ Steinke said 'one of ASMSU's We also aim to entertain and make people become more and more elite ing, ex>urses are being rescheduled goals this year is to aJ>ply more you think. as tuition rises. so students from all three areas can concentrated pressureonthe$tate So read on - and enjoy. •1 think It's dear you've got certain take the same classes, reducing government, ·in hopes that MSU people-from an economic perspec­ the need for more professors. will be more fairly treated ex>me tive, demographically-who aren't "We're trying to bring greater appropriations time.• even showing up,· Jondahl said. power to bear, by ex>mbining what Apparently, MSU students want 8There's no point, they can't hack students in the medical schools their voices heard as a collective it: need,· Scott said. whole. In two days of this year's Almost all ex>lleges at MSU are registration, more than 8,000 letters making redudions in the number of were signed requesting representa­ faculty. But Scott said this will not tives and senators from across the adversely aff ed the quality of state to increase higher education education students receive. funding. Many students still want to attend (JJ]/2=0 •h means that because. we don't have the funds to provide (salary) MSU, Scott said. Increases with inflation, we'll have There were over 21,000 appli­ to do with a smaller cadre of cants for this year's freshman dass faculty,· he said. •it's not a case of of6,500. removing faculty. MSU has large And while many of those were numbers of people retiring, and turned away because they weren't we're building a plan to focus where qualified academically, Scott said you make changes.• the university obviously is turning That is where Scott's ex>ntrover­ away many students who ex>uld sial plan - the famed A-cubed succeed at MSU. That does not jive document - fits in. with the land-grant philosophy. University resources must be, as •rm sure there are lots of stu­ he says, refocused, refined and dents who have financial hard­ rebalanced to accomodate lack of ships,· Scott said. "Our philosophy money for general operating still ls to provide financial aid so expenses. that no student qualified will be The university still ls hoping for denied an·education. increased appropriations from the "Is that possible? On paper, yes. state, particularly in per-student In practice? Ask.around on the funding. street. We still by and large fulfill MSU falls short of Its peer that philosophy: he said. institutions In the state-the University of Michigan and Wayne State-when It comes to per capita funding, according to ASMSU Executive Director Sue Steinke. D Provost Soott said administrators ©fNJOI! are CX>ntinulng their efforts to stimulate equity In state appropria­ 0~!2&~@ tions. /Gdi/j We're not saying we should be 10 % Student Discount '[}{} & l!r! ff &g ecttcM Natural Fiber Clothing CURRIE'S UNISEX 337-4445 SALON r~~maLL Bulimia Support Group r::------;i This support group is designed to assist students with bulimia in decreasing or 'flack to School Special eliminating binge/purge behaviors. Through educational, psychological, and 1 408 E. Grand River Ave. behavioral techniques, participants will learn to focus their behavior away from I I destructive use of food and toward more positive actions and attitudes. I 15%0FF I 372-5521 When: Mondays 3:00-4:30 p.m., Oct. 2 - Nov. 20, 1989 Where: 2nd floor conference room, Olin Health Center : With this Coupon l Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm Fee: Free . : Excluding sale items : Sat8am-5pm Please call 355-7593 for more information and/or registration Olin Health Center L __ Expir::_ JO I 31}_!:_ __ _J Walk-ins welcome OLIN Health Education Public Health Services: 353-0718 HEALTH CENTER Appointments preferred MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY e e

It's the same old story Now is the tiJDe for a rewrite Crunch, crunch, crunch. That means a freeze on new campus That's not the sound of bones bottom line Is that over the last 20 Guess what, it Isn't ihousand points o'light, ·either. buildings until the crisis has passed. breaking. It's the sound of students years the percentage of general Money previously designated for new getting the squeeze from university operating costs derived from student Ifs "a tax hike: Unless Michigan taxpayers are buildings should go to repair, main­ administrators and state lawmakers. checkbooks has increased by almost tain, and improve currently existing Once again, students have been t3 percent, while the state's •comm It- willing to take the solar plexus shot of classrooms. The money will go farther hit with tuition Increases. At MSU, ment to higher education• has plum- a tax Increase, the higher education and be more efficiently spent. tuition is jumping 7 .9 percent. meted by almost 18 percent. system of the state is going to dwindle to a bundl of mediocre schools with If we continue to approve new While administration officials use St~e lawmakers must allocate expenditures we must be ready to pay their annual excuse for the rising cost funds to a variety of public service eroding buildings and seoond-rate faculties. forthem later. If that means another of attending school - lack of money areas, ranging from corredlonal tuition hike, we must ask: "Can we from the state - students continue to facilities to mental hospitals to K-12 No winning footbal teams and no future rocket scientists. Just a hippie afford it?9 bear the brunt of MSU's drive to education. We assert, instead, that our become the next University of Michl- Higher education Is taking a back breeding ground forthedisillusioned gan. seat.to lawmakers who are beginlng to rich brats of Michigan. money be spent In the areas of greatest need - and that does not And loan officers don't care about realize there Is little political leverage Maybe the Increase could come In inc.lude thousands of dollars to the U-M octopus' new East Lansing to gain by bolstering higher education the form of a larger sales tax on beer campus. budgets. What sense would it make and wine sales, as has been men- beautifytheBeaumontTower. We · love the old symbol, but let's face it, They ~re about collateral for a representative from Hicksville to .tioned at the Capitol? It doesn't really no one learns how to do a derivative Don't forget administrator.s' favor taking money away from a farm matter how it's done, it's just got to be there, and can anyone rememberthe excuses don't for credits and subsidy program in favor of an extra done. ~y last time the Tower stood up in front of employers don't want to hea;why million to a state school? Taxpayers won1 likely vote for something of this nature unless they a classroom to give a political science students couldn't afford to finish The tune "Roll Out the Pork lecture? college. Money talks and we know Barrel• reverberates in our heads. are assured that universities won't what walks. However, there is one big solution continue to fritter away their harcl­ And that's just one of many examples. Shall we put it in a different to the dilemma, and taxpayers are earned salaries. perspective? going to have to swallow the pill. Yes, MSU must join with the rest of the It's time for some responsibility and accountability on the part of While we understand the difficult it's those three dirty little words from universities in the state in making university administrators and state position administrators are In, the the 1988 presidential campaign­ responsible changes In its spending and it's not ·11ove you.• practices. Got that John and David? legislators alike. Otherwise, this university will cease to serve the students in their Watch your step! M&t Interest. Officials reported last week that East Lansing may be upchucking it's way into bankruptcy. According to the Alcohol Commu­ nity and Safety report released this month by the city, East Lansing spends $7,000 in contract expense for weekend pickup of litter and cleanup of urine and vomit from April to September -we're not kidding, folks. We always knew the big city was dirty .. City officials weren't bothered for comment, but idle speculation places the city in danger of going belly up (as opposed to lunch up) by early next year if students persist In pissing and puking their way through the beautiful downtown area Talk of a "Barf Bond Issue• has surfaced (along with small bits of El Az nachos). Therefore, sources who spoke on condition of anonimlty said it Is incumbent upon us, the students, to take our urine and vomit elsewhere. The source went so far as to suggest perpetrating the technicolor yawn in Ann Arbor, home of the exalted University of Michigan. Suddenly, we feel queasy. LETTERS: you got 'em JIOWCOM'­ and we _surt'RH~R..0€°$ want 'em. ~E'"ER ltAV&:' "RMPll But we have a few conditions, lfAl~?lf first: The uR-1 encourages all of its readers to participate in the dissemination of information and knowledge across cam­ pus. We are accepting view­ points, letters to the editor or other commentary for publica­ tion on this page. Only with your ideas will the uR-1 truly be able to serve as the springboard for intelligent, creative and otherwise stimu­ lating discourse. Please send letters typed and double-spaced (or on a macintosh disk) to our offices at 142 Gunson the Friday before publication .. Letters may be edited for clarity and become property of the uR-1. They will not be returned. So get cracking.

r•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-. I· I iI fr=D ~w ~~ [Q)~ ~ iI llt's a neat-o reader response card! I !so are we headed in the right track? . ! :Please let us know, send this card to our offices at 142 I IGunson St. with any criticisms, comments or suggestions I lor other things you believe will enhance our ability to serve I !the MSU community. Remember, this is your paper, too. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~------··········································-··-~ ______..,.._ __ _· ~--~-

8 • Re orter-lntelli encer · 27 September, 1989

Neither a he nor a she, a star is born

first, but we~· we had no choice . It has been said by some that the journalism: the bastard son of a but to love It no matter how much motivation for this enterprise was thousand maniacs. trouble It-was or h<>W unruly It might But remember, our daws are become. . ~8. But only the most pernicious, rapier-sharp and non-discriminating. Unlversl-D wanted to call It "The viciously cynical slug-eating fartbiter It's ours and we love it. Word• or something else catchy and would actually believe this. There were some who said It brief. I wanted someting more tradi- Listen, honeybaby, no spite flame couldn't be done; no one could put out tional. bums long enough or hot enough to a with no financial backing M.L. give off the heat an enterprise like this · 0r sponsorship from some wealthy So we named It after my great­ Elrick req~lres. benefactor. great grandfather. Spite doesn't have the stamina to Who would advertise in a non­ Horatio Alger Mencken Hearst ·get one through a project like this. existent newspaper? Who would write Kane Pulitzer Reporter-lntelligencief. It takes talent, dedication, desire, for it, shoot photographs, create art? He was.a fine man, even If he gusto, sheer balls-but especially I guess they were right, nobody In · . used ,to get beat up a lot. good people who put themselves, their right mind would. "Mr. Elrick, Mr; Steams . . . It's an , After watching It grow for five their honor, their effort on the line to · I guess they were right, it's too it.• months, we decided to let It out of the do something they believe In. much trouble and too outlandish. What? attic and Into the real world. People like Tresa Baldas, David .1guess they were right, let's just After recovering from the Initial .A world of dog-eat-dog competi­ Steams, Matthew Goebel, Steve Lacy, forget the whole thing. · shock Universi-D and I realized we tion. Delaine Wright, Tim Parfitt and so had witnessed the birth.of an unusual A world resplendent with callous­ many more that should be thanked - Elrick ill executive editor of the ~ecimen. An·extraordinary specimen. ness and fierce injustice. and aJ)plaudSd but cannot be because uR-1, and •pent this •um mer in /amaze A troublesome specimen. A specimen A world that waited til you were of space constraints. cl---. overly laden with names. · down to boot you In the small of the · And there are many on the uR-1 A newspaperspecimen. neck. limb who wHI be pulled in today. Let It We weren't sure what to do 8t We figured the world had time be said this is the Freddy Krueger of · enough to toughen Itself up for uR-1.

M·su: The new hoIDe of the Medellin? beverage transaction. . disease? sehool that resident assistants bust -Tuey apparently had arranged to If university officials think outlaw­ every keg party or •common source· purchase beer from two legal-aged ing alcohol In the dormitories - er, , party that they see, students but had failed to pay for an excuse me, residence halls - ls ­ Statistics show that the United earliertransadion. DPS officials say going to limit the amount of excessive State5 only is able to intercept about they have no suspects.• drinking occurring on campus, It's one percent of Illegal narcotics such It sounds far-fetched and proba­ tlm,e for them to wake up and take a as cocaine, crack and heroine from bly Is, but It's about as ludicrous as cold shower. entering the country. ·And that might David MSU's ability.to enforce its new And If a policy doesn't meet It's be pushing it, even with the war on alcohol policy on campus. stated objective, It's aflawed one and . drugs. I can't imagine many resident Stearns En loco parentis syndrome Is should be reconsidered. assistants wanting to be associated rearing Its ugly head on campus once Of course, MSU administrators with an Attack on Amstel or a Repeal again. What's next? Are the resi­ probably will argue that alcohol really • Rolling Rock crusade. dence halls and student life adminis­ . Isn't being outlawed on campus, Resident assistants have an trators going to follow In the footsteps becau~ 21-year-old dorm rats still important job to do, rJnning the gamit of Boston University and prohibit will be able to pursue their legal right from counseling to breaking up fights .. students from having cvemight Why aeate an even greater air of It's a scene you could see one to get annihilated. guests? Fine. Now the question is, what mistrust and antagonism by forcing dayatMSU. HeA, If students can't get drunk them to becx>me prohibitionist key­ I can hear the talking head on the percentage of on-campus students anymore, might as well let them be are under 21 ? And how many legal­ stone kops, running around looking idiot box now ... frustrated, too. In fact, why not outlaw for keg parties? "One MSU freshman was shot aged students live on floors with dancing? Footloose was one of the minors, yet still enjoy socializing with Many don't do It, most GBn't do it, twice in the head and two others . most Inspirational movies I've ever . and none of them shou Id have to do received minor Injuries when the trio them 8S either neighbors or even seen. roomates? It. It's n'ot their job, so,change the attempted to smuggle a case of The underlying issue here Is not policy. Falstaff beer to their room In Hubbard Does the term pimping ring a whether the university should offer Its bell? Otherwise, MSU could become Hall. services to problem drinkers. It the next Colombia. ·ops officials believe the hit was Another justification for the policy st)ould. But do you see Alcoholics may be that underage drinkers are the result of a beer-deal gone awry, Anonymous dragging people in front - Stearns i. m•tlllging editor foi' the as the freshmen attempted to leave breaking a state law. But that's a of a smoke-filled auditorium and matter tor the police, not resident uR-1 •nd wu c.ught during his sopho­ the scene of an Illegal alcoholic mote year trying to anHk • "-g to the forcing someone to admit their ,assistants. It's the biggest joke at this fifth flaorof Wnt Ak~rsHall.

Dade Priageon Reed · sawyer Weiss WilbUr Owen DiBiaggio Geek{s) of the Week Sorry Board of Trustees {and President DiBiaggio). We know you're In a bind, but for yet another tuition Increase, no left-minded student·Journallst wou:ld pasa up the opportunity to put the blame on those nearest to our heart Board of Trustees, as at-1artge elected offlclala from acrosa the state, it's fine time for you to initiate some responsible spending on campus. That hasn't been a top priority yet, obviously, so for that you've qualified as the uR-l's first Geek{s) of the Week. Oh, we almost forgot We recognize the legislature's substantial Involvement In our Indebtedness, too. Unfortu­ nately, It waa loglstleally prohibitive to print the photos of every •nator and representative from across the state. ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " "' • _. • "' ,. " ,._ II • " • • # ' , # ., " " /. , . ~ .. .~ . . '.,., "'",.,' ""' ~

27 September, 1989 9 • Reporter-Intelligencer P_rominent folks beg·in countdown to Lash

for years to get out of this university William F ~ Buckley-Undoubt­ for years. Hell, I retired two years may jeopardize our case with Judge· H8nslovsky .• edly, Mr. L.arrowe is one of the most ago, and here's this old coot trying to subversive elements to appear since stick around! They boost him and I'm What the people In the know have Ronald Reagan-•ves, well, the McCarthy days. Under no circum­ still here. Hey Lash, got any point­ stances should this leftist, shall we to say about the return of celebrated, ers?" Lash? Well, Mommle and I are very chastised and oft-misunderstood bard pleased with the way George Is say, pink, Individual be allowed to undermine the moral fiber of young C. Patric •Lash• L.arrowe to the Wordamlth-·Laaash, what was decorating the White House. It's a joy journalistic hemisphere .. While most to see young Danny-boy playing on America. The very mention of his It like (oh tell me please I've got to. . name evokes images of words such of the below-mentioned folks were know) for those three long months the South Lawn. Lash? Yes, well, um, candid and stopped swearing after It was a horse in Mexico. That's as degradation, infiltration, desecra­ without writing? But really, man, bop's tion, irreveranceand, ludicrousity?" they heard the news, these comments glad to have you back; never giving somewhere near France. Wanna see should be taken with a minute boulder the establishment any slack. Irie.• my scar? My brain hurts: of salt. Richard Lewie-"It's Wednes­ day, I know know, I need a date, my A grain that would make Arnold Opal Tanya Gazdik- ·1 just love uR-1- 'Welt, we asked Lash to Swarzenburgemeger bust a nut. · write again because he's the only guy hair is falling out. Lash? He doesn't Lash. Next to he's the wear leather, he's not 40 years old sexiest man on campus. And you around with a shorter name than ours. Plus, he works for free and doesn't and worried about getting laid. I don't know what? He loves me, too! He know, I'm stressing, he's funny. Am I Kelley Root-:- ·1 thought we got really does.See, our signs are com­ ask for mileage. Right, buddy ?" rid of him already!• funny? My mother thinks so, I don't patible and we like the same food, and know ...Hey, where's Letterman? . we both breathe and .. .- George Perlea - ·1 don't know · . John DiBiagg io - •tt•s good to much, but l'lltellya this, brudder, that Arsenio, baby!· know Lash is back stirring up contro­ ACLU - •1t would be in the best ~ Lash Is a hell of a guy. Reminds me of versy on campus. It's men like Lash Jack Lambert. Good-family-man, good Tune in next week for the trium­ Interests of ·everybody if we witheld phant return of Michigan State's most that help this fine AAU-L.and grant comment at this time. You see, Lash values, good teeth. He's a real gamer, university maintain Its excellence as brudder. Just wait, he'll still be in the outspoken columnist, Lash Larrowe. has a few misgivings about this flag­ · Episode number one; •Lash of the we strive to become the premier burning thing·, being a-real patriot and . bowl hunt late this season. Real clas5, Titans . ~ · research university of the 1990's.• all. To issue a statement at this act, brudder: ·

~ juncture would be most Imprudent and John Cantlon- •rve been trying .Have at it!

Did Rick's attempt to kill all their Word has It that President DiBiagglo rodents with an over-powering dose of has a two-hour layover at LA.X. on Polo, or is that just the new clientele? his trips to Asia. During the brief stop at Tinseltown, the prez has been , Let's talk football for a minute (and - sitting in as a look-alike stunt double then run for a lot longer later): for Grandpa Munster. Just kidding, Drac. Why don't you ever see a football . - player looking for a parking space on Someone tet a bat In here? Hey, get campus? that thing off of me!!· -

Speaking of cars, the Provocateur We've railed on the university for wonders ~en was the last time you unwise spending practices. But It's saw a student who could afford a gold time that some money be spent in a Mercedes? The real important area-lights outside of Provocateur . the Union. It's only a matter of time Of course: with a scholarship you can before someone Is either attacked or use your money fOr other things ... such breaks their frigging neck walking as a celluar phone to call professors down the steps. for assignments. running around by do~ cafeterias? Look, the Provocateur realizes this is Hey, do you have to dial an 8 to get - a-rough start, but he hasn't gotten any off campus when you're driving in a Back to the bars. We love the Riv, but sleep for three days putting this thing gold Mercedes with a car phone? do they own any tapes otherthari Aja together. · · ·by Steely Dan? Then again, do you ever see a football So cut him some slack, jack! (Even player on campus? OK, Pete, (of Pinball fame) We're not though he wouldn't do the same for fooled by the mask. you). Why don't you ever see any squirrels SEAFOOD 2682 E. Grand River .. Dishwasher, busser ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!! needed. Apply within or Have a good season, call 337-7324. Ask for Chris. Jeffrey, #92. Love ,Jenny. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, the uR-1 will be offering classi­ USACAFE.4750S. Haga­ Thanks Barb Carr for joining fieds free of chargel What a total bargain, folks. dorn. Hiring cooks.daytime our group. Glen and Karen floor host. cashiers. Call DeVougd. We will accept classifieds in many categories, including: per­ 332-1952orapplywlthin. sonals, wanteds, lost and founds, services (sought or offered), THE VARSITY needs cooks. LIMITED OFFER!! ACT NOW roommates or housing. BEFORE SUPPLIES RUN OUT!! Experience preferred. Be a part of the uR-1 adver­ Ads must be delivered to the uR-1 offices at 142 Gunson, no Apply within at the corner tising staff. Meet interesting· later than 5 p.m. Wednesday to appear in the following week's of Grand River Avenue and people, travel to exotic, Spartan Street. far-away lands, and all for edition. little or no pay!! Call 351- Ads should be legibly printed on lined-paper, preferably a 3- THE UNION BARBER SHOP specializes in au types of 4899 for details. by-5 index card. hair. Come by and see us Ads should be reasonable in length and the uR-1 reserves the in the lower level of the MATIIE, IT'S BEEN A LONG Unin Building. See our add tirQe since I sow you pee right to make any necessary editorial changes. elsewhere in the uR-1. on the floor. I've heard This offer is for a limited time only, so act quickly. you've grown quite a bit, The uR-1 is your place to make contact with the services or SPARTAN TRAVEL can take but I haven't seen you in you where you want to go. eons. let's do lunch. How clients you need to get a hold of. Call us at 351-1080.See our about the Top Dog? And add elsewhere in the uR-1. no picking on big Tiff. I HAVE A GUITAR that I orrwo youse guys. HEY, DOV, HOW DO you wnn can't play. Please teach/ Give best to Nancy. like the rag? I tried to call summer has come and mf Price negotiable. Call Tom work with me to create you In A-squared a couple gone. I miss you and the at 332-864 1. songs. Tastes range from Dear Kelleye: Die. of weeks ago but we never gang. Come to Michigan folk to new wave. Call connected .. How's grad and marry me. Peterat 351-4885. school and such? Send up Delaine. Delaine, Delaine, $~~VI]~~$~ a viewpoint or letter or How goes things In Harris­ Delaine. You are a saint INGHAMCOUNTYM.AD.D. and we owe you something. l'manxlousto burg, Mutch? I hope all is have so W«lll7\1fr®~ @Ii' @g ... wants you to drive safely hear from you .. Dave. going wen. I tried to call, much.... but wiH a stylebook and sober. Call487-MADD. and a pizza do? g®!l'@



ANVWAV, Sl.T BACK AND WAIT • . A WEEK ... AN EXC.ITING NEW .STORY IS C.OMl.NG YOUR. WAY! Friday, Sept. 29: Big Daddy Kinsey and Thursday, Sept. 28: Burning Spear Guarneri String Quartet.. OUT AND Ole Kinsey Report Friday, Sept. 29: Pop Wiil Eat Itself Saturday, Sept. The Samaritans Peace Education Center: A~.QJJ.Il 30: Sunday, Oct. 1: Jerry Sprague. Royal Oak Music Theatre: Tonight: A meeting for East Lansing residenti with sister city La Libertad, Each week, the uR-1 will feature a section Tuesday, Oct 3: The The Nicaragua at 7:30p.m. called Out And Aboul In it you will find Sensations: listings of local entertainment happenings Tonight: The Wayouts, with Wharton Center For The Thursday, Sept. 28: Animal Farm., George ranging from bands playing at local special guest Ted White. nightclubs to plays on and off campus. Performing Arts: Orwell's movie depicting the totalitarian We also will include concert updates for Tonight through Sunday, Oct. 1:At the aftennath of a barnyard revolution that is theatres and arenas in East Lansing, Ann Small Planet: Great Hall, a Broadway musical, titled dominated by the local pigs. Part of the Arbor and metro DetroiL Considering our Thursday night blues, featuring Born Into Tlte W oodr , a new musical based on Peace Education Center's free film series. relatively "unhip" ways, please contact us Naked. storybook characters like Cinderella, Also Thursday night will be "Boom," a 10 about other happening places, events, etc.. Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and minute, animated look at the arms raee. so that we may include them in this Jack and The Beanstalk. Winner of the section. Bars, read: This is basically free The Landshark:· · 1988N.Y. Drama Critics Circle Award, Friday, Sept. 29: Meeting of the Commit­ advertising, so send us some press Tuesday, Oct. 3: L.A. Duke Trio the 1988 Drama Desk Award and three tee for Education on Latin America at 7 packets. 1988 Tony Awards. p.m. • P.T. O'Malley's: Rick's American Cafe: Friday and Saturday: The Knaves MSU's Fairchild Theatre: MSUUnion: Friday, SepL 29:SouthemAfrica Libenl­ Tonight: Bom Naked, with vocals by Tonight: Opening night in the MSU tion Committee meeting at 1:30 p.m. Phil Garner St. Andrew's Hall, Detroit: Chamber Music Series featuring the Thursday, Sept. 28: Ash Can Van Go

Ir·····················································., I I I I I I I i Speaking of getting out and about, the staff and i i friends of the uR-1 are just as ready to bash into i I I i the new school year as you are (but twice as i i likely to blow their own horn and in the paper, i I · I : too) so... : I I i you are cordially invited to help baptise the cam- i i pus' alternative and truly independent voice at a· i i fete commemorating the uR-1. i i There will be live music and plenty o' radical, i i 60s hippie-type fun, man. i i Bring this certificate to 142 Gunson this Friday i I . I i (Sept. 29) and consider yourself invited to what i i promises to be the event of the week. Or at i i least of Friday evening. See you there... i I I I I I I L•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.I 27 September, 1989 Reporter-Intelligencer· 13 The Deans: lntlfMliOM The Ume Gianta:At Home The Doe Boys: Today The Front: What's My Line The new tape by TIM DHna, With TIHJ Lime Giants Is It live or Is It The Doe Boys ? Word around town is that these Inventions, continues to hone the Laid down In somebody's living To see The Doe Boys live Is guys kick maximum butt live and this sound they have defined previously. room In Lansing onto a two-track with thrlHing; to capture that excitement six song collection recorded last Sounding somewhat like R.E.M., no ovef'dubs or editing, At Home With onto tape Is a difficult task. winter certainly leaves little doubt they use the dean-edged, single­ Ths Lime Giants bounces with the" The Doe Men have done it again. about it. guitar notes to put the main melody kinetic charge of live performance. Thelrlatesttape, Todaycontains Following closely in the wake of into their songs. TIM Lime Giants, comprised of very well produced studio versions of bands like Soul Asylum and the This is by no means an R.E.M. guitarist Chris Cline, bassist Mark the original songs known to those who Replacements, this quartet combines rip-off band, though. May Molleman's Mowllns, drummer Pat Bills and singer meander into Rick's while the bands a a sure melodic sense with slash and vocals add a kind of empty, hollow Mark Demming, offer up eight keepers blastin'. bum guitars fueled over a propulsive sound.to the music. here that just get better and better The tape falls Into things with the bottom. All combined it injects a little Throw in catchy bass lines, a tasty with each listen. title cut, "Today,•with lead vocalisV new life into some albeit well-trodden rhythm section, solid rhythm guitar, The Limes specialize In upbeat, . guitarist Johnny Jozwiak singing musical territory. and The Deans got a cassette that is instantly likeable tunes built around "Don't know what I wanna be/Don't You've heard songs like these just plain fun. catchy hooks and solid playing. know what I wanna be today,· and before, but the Front has enough "The Maverick• is a great ex­ Encompassing a range of styles, continues on with the next track, good ideas of its own to keep things ample. With the prairie sounding riffs, me&hing pop, SO's rock and punk, "Restlessness,· with "RestlessmanJ interesting. The energy level here is it makes you want to get off your these guys coma out sounding if not Restlessman• being repeated over just too damned great to keep these horse and eat stew outdoors. progressive, at least fresh. and over within the song. tunes from being anything but thor­ The tape sports two instrumentals, "Sensation Time• and "Something These lyrics might seem whinny, oughly satisfying. "A Piece of Wood,• and "Wendel's Better" rock fast and hard on the heels but combined with the dynamics of The tape starts off with probably Apprentice .• Like the rest of the of some powerful chords, while mid­ Jozwia.k's vocals and the intensity of the best song of the lot. "One for you, songs, they are catchy and dancy. tampo numbers like the lead-Off track the band, they come of very sincere. Two for me· immediately jumps and The most impressive song on the •Learn Whan You Bum· contain Most of them being MSU grads demands full volume on ye aide tape is "Searching,· sounding tight enough clever lickS and riffs to be could explain some of the turmoil, but stereo. Why this hasn't been placed and very professional. Talent is continually pleasing. And just when The Boys don't stay in the same track in heavy rotation by WDBM I'll never definitely shining through. you're having fun with alHhat, the though. know. It rocks at least as good, if not "Tunnel Raragain makes its Limes even can make ya laugh out Other songs, such as "Harrisburg better, than 95 percent of the similar appearance, as it did on the other two loud with ridiculous love songs and Pennsylvania,· are comical and stuff in its class. tapes. Seems the boys like the song. odes to the wonders of angling. So satirical. After a slightly less engaging. Kinda' bluesy, kinda hollow, kinda what's not to like? The song, about the Treasurer of "Look Away,· the· Front delivers Deans. Hopefully this is just the begin­ Pennsylvania, R. Bud Dwyer, shooting another major leaguer with "Nasty So go out, plop $5 down, slam it ning for this band which has the · his head off in front of the press, is Little Girl: Ignore the stupid lyrics, into your walkman, and dance to the potential t-0do even greater things. dark comedy with "his brains on the which sound like the inspired geniu's Deans' until they appear at Rick's By the ~y, don't tMi. scared by the pew/and on my shoe•, ends with a of the Cult, and dig the mean r&b-ish aga!n. lack of production. The sound Is aowdclapping. groove and the ecstatic guitar work. Then see them live. surprisingly dear and bright. TI:1e band's music Is presented on On "All Fall Down· and "She's - T1111othyPetfitt -JO#ISchmldt a strong supports of a Cure'ish, Comin' Round. lead singerT. Taylor REM'ish, new-wave'ish style, but to turns basically good tunes Into stand­ classify It would be a disservice. It out selections with emotionally honest would be much better to say they are and impassiQned vocals which owe a guitar-based band, with occasional more to instinct and feel than deliber­ sythisizerwhen needed. ate technique. In fact, all through this The Doe Boys are a band ready to tape I was duly impressed by the break Into something bigger-or at Fronrs crooning, which was right on. least deserve to. Bringing up the rear, "You Went See them, buy the tape. Too Far" is a disappointing finale to an Buy the tape, see them. otherwise exceptional debut release. Or It could become too late. If you're into guitar-basetj rock - Timothy Perfitt with the proverbial hard edge, some guts and more than a little musician­ ship tossed in for good measure, get the this tape and keep your eyes peeled for the Front's next local gig. See ya uR-1 there. (Available at Flat, Black and Mondays SHARK WAVE CircularandWherehouse Rea>rds.) a piece brass) NEWS-OPINION­ Tues., Oct.3 .•...... ••.• L.A. Duke Trio ENTERTAINMENT -Joe Schmidt Fri.-Sat., Oct. 6 & 7 ...... Souvenir EVERY WEDNESDAY Tues., Oct. 10 ...... The Wayouts For Reservations Fri., Oct 13 ...... The Chisel Brothers Call the HOT TUB Tues., Oct. 17 ...... Souvenir Fri., Oct. 20 ...... The Wayouts j ·FREE NACHOS~ HOT LINE Tues., Oct. 24 ...... Mike Ridley I $2.50 value I 332-6318 Tues., Oct.31 ...... The Chisel Brothers 2411,inc I with this coupon on I (located corner of Grove & Linden I regular-priced order over $6 I I valid 11 am - 11 pm I near Dooleys) SUNDAY SPECIAL 24 IEast Saginaw•East Lansing lower level 241 Building Expires Oct. 31, 1989 _J St.allion Burger w/Fries L -----~~--- (1(2 ground b~ef w/bacon, s\Viss, cheddar, hair/nail care for women/ Greater Lansing's · •.• ·.· ..

j i 14 • Reporter - Intelligencer , 27 September, 1989 Gothic rockers fulfill exoectations at Fox engagement by M.l. ELRICK u R-1 Music Correspondent

DETROIT -A wise man once said: "I don't know what color your eyes are, baby, but your clothes should be black and long.· And they were when Love and Rockets touched down in Detroit's Fox Theater Sept. 16. Throughout the hour and a half set the former Bauhaus and Tones on Tail (sans David J) trio grourid out the heavy, thumping, somewhat gothic sound that has gained them a hard­ core following of drab-dressed, anti­ societal punks out for a good, rough time. Usually running from suburbia In white faces, black leather and with lots of booze in tow. love and Rockets did .little to LOVE AND ROCKETS diseourage their Image, as Daniel Ash "So Alive,• their current hit which has Tel~• and other numbers. They throwback to punk's roots (the lyric ripped Into his mirrored guitar (blinding done some heavy crossing-over. delivered on solid favorites, utilized ·s11c1ng an eyeball. from •Debaser,· those not wearing the prerequisite Most of the aowd fell silent, cool visual toudles and pleased with a the first track on •Doolittle• comes to cool shades) and tight black leather­ emitting a sense of betrayal. A few, lengthy one-song encore. For the mind), the Pixies flew through their set suited David J set off on his bass like the shitferbrains In front of me, encore, Ash - clad In a Beetlejuice­ and never established a presence in through a haze of fog. booed the band's pop excursion. style zoot suit - took to alto sax for a their 45 minutes on stage. It was like Early in their set they established With the next song, though, the 30s/40s era jam; listening to outtakes from their album the mood of the evening with a trio aanked the crowd back up. Not to the band's aedit, however, - the versions not good enough for visually spectacular rendition of Ash and David J were sharp were the taped guitar solo In •No New the final produd. "Motorcycle• from the new •Love and throughout the show (as was drummer Tale to Tell,· and the taped tenor sax Black Francis, normally no Enrico Rockets• album, followed by •No Big Kevin Haskins), occasionally swap­ riffs in the encore. Caruso, bled one too many eardrums Deal,• also from the new release. ping their respective guitar and bass For •So Alive; the band brought with his primal screams. One or two In the only soft spot In the · fact, for an acoustic, as in •No New Tale to out a back-up singer to play key­ inches less of microphone in his show came when the band laid into boards and fill in the female harmo­ epiglottis would have resolved my nies. It wouldn't have been a bad idea dilemma to enlist someone to play the taped Perhaps by design, perhaps not, ~ric guitar and tenor parts, or leave the Pixies never really letthe audi­ them out altogether since they only ence relate to them. It was too bad. colored the tunes and weren't crucial .. Overall, though, the Pixies were \ The Pixies, unfortunately, who adequate. They just could have been provided the downside of the evening. better; letting the show live up to the Despite being one of the hottest high expectations I had of it being one Welconie Back Students college bands around and a hardy of the best opening-main act com bina­ tk>ns fo the summer. __ ...... -----BB&i&m--...Expires ...... 12-15-89 12-15-89 Oh, one word about the audience, appeal, and their image. I CALL for appointment I WALK-INS accepted The double bill wa& sponsored by I Detroit's "We're-hip-but-we-still-want­ I 355-3359 to-be-played-in-office-buildings-so-we­ I $1.fill OFF can-sell-lots-of-commercials" pseudo­ progressive 99.5 FM, the FOX. with coupon A mistake. When one of the FOX's female UNION deejays came out to announce the show, she was accompanied by an BUILDING obnoxious jerk who told the crowd she BARBER SHOP was afraid to come out because she knew they (her, him, and the hardly Lower level of Union Building cutting edge FOX) would be booed by the always-hip, anti-mainstream love We specialize in all types of hair and Rockets audience. $1.QQOFF •But I said, 'How can they boo an ass like this,. a the slug cheered, with coupon maneuvering the deejay to display her posterior. The crowd booed anyway. I cheered. For the aowd, that is.

• Periodic computerized fitness evaluations • Incentive prizes for aerobic point achievement. • Personalized matched exercise partners •Specialized clinics · • Organized club activities • Regular motivation and support ~ A message to YOU from the Ingham County EXERSTART M.A.D.n. chapter INTERESTED? li@[? Dov® @OO£Jw If so, the Exerstart For Lite Club may Mothers Against Drunk Driving be just what you have been waiting for! l O17 East Kalamazoo, Lansing 487-MADD OLIN HEALTH CENTER MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY clanshlp that had preceded It, and left most of the members of MSU chapter of Jackson satisfies Hill crowd Jackson's talented ensemble just by GREG GRIFFIN standing around. SADD launches uR-l Nklslc Correspondent Jackson's band was a big reason for the show's success. designated driver During an Intermission In the Blaze campaign for E.L. ANN ARBOR-Have you ever ofGkxy set, Jackson relinquished felt a deep longing for a change In the stage for an Inspired Instrumen­ what you listen to? You know the tal arrangement of •Breaking Us In feeling. You look through your Two· from Night and Day (1983), from SADD, p. 16 albums, through your tapes and featuring soaring trumpet and next time that person visits that bar, your CD's, and nothing seems to trombone solos. so long as there Is a designated­ satisfy. It's all aap, and you need On the sweepingly melodic driver present. something else. "Sentimental Thing·, Jackson But SADD needs funds to make If you were part of the packed recreated the strings arrangement the project a success. Money Is · house at Hill Auditorium In Ann found on Blaze ofGlory at his needed for the pins, coupons and Arbor Sept. 18 , the goods were keyboard, and with violins accompa­ fHers promotlngthedeslgnated­ nied the transcendental vocals of delivered to you In a rousing two­ drlver Idea. Bars also must be and-a-half hour set from Joe Joy Askew In what resulted In an willing to bear the burden of giving Jackson and his crack 10-plece audience. Jackson and his band unforgettable high point In the show. away free pop and possibly bar band succeeded admirably In pulling this Anyone thinking Joe Jackson drinks. . Jackson makes fordeeply off. was a snobbish, pretentious Brit "We hope to get away with satisfying listening.because he can Following a brief opening set was In for a surprise that night. He (spending) no money if we can get and has written songs In just about that Included the hom.;laden-Vou Introduced •Nineteen Forever-, the things done,· SAAD Publicity any genre that you cari think of; he can't Get What You Want Till You single from Blaze of Glory, as -a Chairperson Lisa Reeber said, does It well, and he always main­ Know What You Want• from Body song that was enjoyed by dozens of adding she hopes to have the tains an Individualistic quality in his and Soul (1984) anda fewselec- people,• and sang the song In a program moving at full force by work. That quality binds It all . tlons from (1986), stuffed sequin jacket and Elvis wig winterterm. together-no matter If It's angry Jackson's band tore Into the electri­ In a hilarious caricature of the The program's purpose is to New Wave or full symphonic pieces. fying opening chords of-Tomorrow's bloated King. •make everyone aware otthe On his latest release, Blaze of Work:f•, the first track on.Blaze of He spoke freely with his audi­ problem of drinking and driving and Glory, he remains true to his. ethic Glory, to an enthusiastic response ence throughout breaks In the to help them become responsible,· of never repeating himself and a from the aowd. performance, giving the evening the said Reeber, a 22-year old psychol­ growing political expressiveness From there the show built to the added touch of Intimacy. ogy major. •1 think anywhere, By recording an album that swinging •· to a Jackson brought the concert to people could be more responsible." roughly resembles an hour-long ferocious reading of the Latin-tinged a close with another sampling of his •Drinking and driving Is not Broadway show, Jackson uses the •Aaopolls Now" and the acidic pop earlier work, Including the driving something that you can just say will shallow ·nve fast, die young• attitude of the anti-Reagan •Evil E!f1plre: disco of •Steppln'. our and the never happen,• she stressed. of rock and roll as a metaphor for · Not all the songs on Blaze of soulful •• from Night •(People need) to be aware of the the way humanity seems to be Glory benefited from a live perform­ and Day and a smoking medley dangers of drinking and driving and speeding Itself towan:Js global ance setting, however. •Discipline•, from his big band album Jumpln' to assume responsibility .•. not only holocaust. Whtdl means that, like a with Its heavy drum-machine Jive which he dedicated to greats for themselves to get home safe, but Broadway show, It's material that techno-funk, forced an awkwarct like Duke Ellington and Louie also allowing others to get home begs to be performed In front of an transition from the eloquent mu&i- Armstrong. sate: Local bar manager Lee Chevalier from ALCOLHOL, p. 16 related.• During the first six months he noted. of The Riviera Cafe applauded the of this year, 242 assaults occurred But Byam, who supervises the studenU; on the program. Im­ The last three digits of a person's In the downtown area. East Lansing alcohol, crime preven­ pressed by the students' concern drivers license will be printed on the According to the report, It costs tion and sdlool safety program, over drinking and driving, he said he snap-on bracelet, which like those taxpayers about $1,300 each believes loc8I bars should not take would support the group in its Issued at hospitals, cannot be weekend for additional police the chance of allowing persons pursuit to eliminate with drinking and removed unless cut with scissors. · needed to respond to the assaults under 21 to enter their establish­ driving. - Patrons of The B'Zar and and fights In public areas and bars. ment. Avoiding being hassled by the Dooley's and Sensations also America's Cup also are required The report states that ttle city also city and police and running Into legal showed interest In the program. now to show two pieces of Identifi­ spends $7 ,000 in contrad expense problems may be worth losing a little "We strongly support that type of cation, one pictured, for admission for weekend pickup of litter and business, he said. activity and believe no one should Into either bar. Both the bracelet cleanup of urine and vomit from ·1 think It's the best way to resolve drink after having consumed; said method and two-ID requirement April to September. the whole thing ••• If you're not 21, Gary Foltz, owner of Dooley's and were implemented earllerthls A Fact Sheet of liquor-related you don't go to the bar,· Byam said. Sensations. month. problems Issued by the city of East Bars currently holding a 21-and­ The Ingham County chapter of "We're trying to stay ahead of the Lansing In May shows that 100 over policy In the downtown area Mothers Against Drunk Driving also game,• said Jamie Fischer, general assaults occurred in a two-block Include the landshark, P. T. expressed enthusiasm .overt he manager of B'Zar and America's area, Abbott-Grand River Avenues O'MaUeys (after 1o p.m.) and Rick's Designated Driver Program. Cup. "We're trying to work with (city and Abbott-M.A.C. Avenues, where American Cafe, the most recent bar ·1 think East Lansing really has a officials), not against them.• 14 table-top liquor licensed estab­ that switched about one year ago. problem with too much drinking," East Lansing City Councilmember lishments exist. This figure repre­ This fall term may decide whether said MADD Treasurer Cheryl Little, Jay Rosen said though local bars sents nearly 75 percent of the or not the Riviera C&fe will become who has been an East Lansing are taking steps to bring under-aged assaults reported In the downtown 21-and-over, said Manager Lee resident for about 18 years. "I think drinking under control, there still ls area between January and May. Chevalier. While the clientele of It's terrific that they're initiating the room for Improvement, especially in 'When you get 1,000 kids on the restaurantlbartradltlonally has program: terms of better monitoring the Albert Street, In front of 7-11, you been an older cf'OIM'I, he said an But drinking and driving, Little situation. get a lot of problems,· Rosen said. age-policy change could occur only noted, ls not the only alcohol-related •1t varies from establishment to -The city just can't tolerate the kind If a substantial number of minors are problem affecting students. Drink­ establishment; Rosen said. -There of stuff that's happened this past caught drinking; fake ID's are ing and walking is just as big a are many (bars) we have full year: spotted or the cllentele changes. concern, If not more, she said. confidence in ••• there are some To really cut down on alcohol 'With the fake IDs now, it's stupid •1 think the bigger concern in East where they could do a better job.· abuse apparently causing many of to let 19-year-olds In •••they'll be Lansing Is the number of students Rosen said much of the stepped­ East Lansing's problems, Rosen tempted to drink,· said Chevalier, that walk and drink, and might get up enforcement on under-aged said councllmembers over the past adding he Is not worried about hit; Little said, recalling one such drinking, fake IDs and bar regulation six months considered passing losing business should the age­ Incident that resulted in the death of over the past year has been a _ legislation that would require all pollcy change because of his an MSU student last fall. response to two major problems East Lansing bars to go 21-and-over already established, older cllentele. Philip Eugene Rader, a fre5hman facing downtown East Lansing-an only. Though the Idea was given Fischer said though America's business major, was killed last fall · excessive level of violence and an some thought, he said not allowlng Cup and The B'Zar have considered after being struck by a vehicle abundance of liquorand entertain­ minors to enter any entertainment going 21-and-over during the past driven by an Intoxicated driver at a ment establishments. establishments Is a "fairly extreme few years, there currently are no downtown East Lansing Intersec­ The Alcohol community and solution• to downtown problems. It plans of doing so. tion. The student, also reported as Safety report released this month also could aeate competition from Dooley's and Sensations also have being under the influence of alcohol, by the city states that -.he number Lansing-area bars allowing people fumbled with the Idea of changing the ran out In front of the vehicle while and severity of violent Incidents In under 21 to enter, which could age requirement for admittance but crossing the Intersection of East the community Is Ina-easing, with 80 hamper local business operations, have no current plans to do so, Foltz Grand River and M.A.C. avenues, percent of assaults being alcohol- said. according to police reports. . .. ·- y-,--. -~· ~-~~ ...... ,~-.-. .--r-·• --.-·~-.. -....-- . •.--1 .,--,...,- •. ,..~,.- --.·:::-~,....,....,..-~~------~--- • - • - ~ • • • ...... • ...... 'I ' " " • ' •. .. • .. • • • t .• • ... • • • • • • • • ..... ' .. '1 .. .. • .. .. •• ~ .. • • • .. • • • "'" '" .... -... "' .. 1> .... " ...... t •• - .... " ...... 1'.. ,. t Entertainment

Doe Boys, Deans still intact . despite tamultuous summer b TIMOTHY PERFITT laugh out of It and the ones that didn't u~-1 Musi Correspondent looked forw~ to the band coming c back, to explain the lull. The Doe Boys have been together It played like a soap opera, but In for ttte past five years, and have two the end no one was pregnant. tapes out, Th• Do. Boy•and Todlly, Filling starring roles were The both on their own label. Doe Boys and The Deans who Furtlierconfuslng things, the underv.ient changes amid various reformation of The Doe Boys leaves · rumors before coming outofthe The Deans without a drummer, as su"1mer somewhat intact, but with . Hardy plans to leave the band soon. new line-ups. Deans' fans shouldn't fret though. The Dqe Boys have disbanded, This not the first drummer they have but lead vocalisVguitarist Johnny gone through, as May Moalleman explains. · Jozwiak and drummer Eric Hardy are reforming the band, adding a new Reminiscient of Spinal Tap, he bass player. · . said, •Eric Is our fourteenth drummer,• However, they still need a fourth. The Deans' lead vocalistt>asslst said. •He'll play up until we get another: 'We need a guitar player that can sing half-way decent and likes {our} The wait may not be long though, style of music,· says Hardy. as they already have a drummer lined The barld plans to start playing up. East Lansing and Detroit In November •Number nine Is coming back; or December, and -Want to make The Moall~an asserted-b&ck from a Doe Boys appear as if we have never detour to flight school. · broke up,• Hardy said. · The Deans currently have plans to In fad, The Doe Boys have not play Paychecks In Hamtramck, and moved to New York, as The State may be seen locally at Rick'• Ameri­ News erroneously reported. can Cafe. The has released three 'We {The Doe Boys} live in New band tapes, the first two through Imaginary York now, and come back here every cassetteCompany, andthelrlatest · once In a while to play around; Hardy one, Inventions, on their own label, quoted The State News, his voice Revolver Music. Th• Doe Boy• before rntructUring: (Ito R) Michael Hilbert, Doug Kinane, leeched in sarcasm. After starting out playing hard core Johnny Jozwiak and Eric Hardy. · Hardy said the rumors helped the at Rick's American Cafe, they have band, though. "No more distortion; Moalleman The Deans are also known to since changed their style to something .People who knew them got a big salddescribingthemusic:.(tt's) really occasionally play Freak Nightat more alternative. jumpy, kind of dancy .• B'zar, so definitely cha them out. East Lansing officials and businesses clamp down on boozing - nota1wayssoe&sy. Fake /D's targeted Y~:==beveragesalesinnew 1 SADDjoins fray by TRESA BALDAS restaurants and licensed liquor "It's extremely difficult, in fact by TRESA BAL DAS uR-1 Metro Correspondent establishments must not exceed 50 Impossible, to prevent all consump- uR-1 Metro Correspondent · percent of gross revenues; and less tion and possession (of alcohol) by than 50 percent of the total floot' . minors,· said Gary Foltz, owner of You fake it, they'll take It. area can be used for entertainment. Dooley's and Sensations - two of If you see someone wearing a That's what' II happen If you try to (adopted Sept. 5) East Lansing's most popular and designated driver button the next .pass a phony ID In East Lansing. *All food establishments that offer busiest downtown bars . time you're In an East Lansing · · Due to the continuing problems of entertainment are charged a fee; · 'We are acutely aware of the watering hole, don't be surprised. vandalism, litter and violence those businesses providing problem; he said. 'We spend a lot There's a purpose behind the pin: plaguing the streets of downtown entertainment after midnight are of time and energy In trying to DrunkdriVing is intolerable. East Lansing, city officials have charged an additional fee equal to control It: That's the recent message the taken extra steps this yearto 50 percent of the annual entertain- In response to the city's new laws • MSU chapter of Students Against counter under-age drinking. Parent ment fee. (adopted Sept. 5) _ and concerns aver alcOhol abuse, Drunk Driving is sending out to the groups, police and city officials *No person is allowed to use any specifically bymlnors, Dooley's and East Lansing community. The two­ believe the sale of alcohol to-minors type of false Identification to enter a Sensations this fall will use two year-old cam pus organization is · to be •one of the primary proQlems ·bar or to purchase liquor from a stamps to distinguish minors from launching a Designated Driver in the community, both Within. carry-out store. (adopted May 2) those older than 21, Foltz said. Program this fall, an Idea that has licensed liquor establishments and *Bars and licensed liquor stores Both bars previously used just one been floating around In the group for through purchase of liquor from must confiscate suspected false stamp. about six months. carry-out stores,• according to a Identification and tum It over to the 'We are going to continue a very The program will be d~igned so report released by the City Council police. (adopted May 2) diligent effort ascertaining those that adesignated driver will be earlier this month: · ·· 'We're asking the bars to be more who are 21, and those who llf'e not,· known and recognized by bouncers Attempting to reduce ~ol responsible,~ said East Lansing Sgt. Foltz said. and waitstaff at local bars . .The abuse · ~ accountable for ~Y of - Larry Byam, supervisor of Commu- And other East Lansing bars are driver will wear a pin reading, ,. ' the g.Q9lnt0wn safety_and de!eriora­ nlty Policing. •(Under-aged drink- doing the same, some to greater •Designated Driver,• and sign a . tion problems - the city adopted Ing) h$S been a problem ... a major extremes. The B'Zar and America's card when entering the premises. legisiation this year that addresses problem: Cup, both on M.A.C. Avenue, have In support of the program, SADD alcQhol sales to minors, USiS of false While local bar owners admit Introduced one of the newest Is asking local bars to provide free · Identification and greater regulation there Is a problem with minors techniques In seJ)arating the legal . softdrlnks fort he designated driver of lieensed liquor establishments. consuming alcohol In East ~ng. drinkers from minors - issuing of the evening, and possibly, a ProVislons of · alcohol-:r~lated monitoring under.:aged drinking and different, bright colored bracelets. coupon for a free bar drink for the ; Qtdinances passed d.urlng the past spotting the phony IDs, they say, is SH ALCOHOL, p. 15. see SADD, p. 15

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