JO BURT ACOUSTIC by CANDLELIGHT at St Mary's Church, Bridgwater Friday, 30Th November
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JO BURT ACOUSTIC BY CANDLELIGHT at St Mary's Church, Brid !at"r #riday, $%th N&'"()"r I* y&u'v" "'"r !&+d"r"d !hat &"s &+ )"hi+d th" sc"+"s a*t"r a stadiu( sh&!, !h"+ th" sta " ,i hts ar" "-ti+ uish"d a+d th" r&c. stars ar" !his."d a!ay i+ th"ir ),ac."d &ut ,i(&s, th"r" ar" &+,y a ha+d*u, &* /"&/," !h& r"a,,y .+&! th" truth0 On" &* th"( is "- B,ac. Sa))ath, #r"ddi" M"rcury a+d Tr& s musicia+ J& Burt. Burt s/"+t much &* his "ar,y car""r i+ th" ,at" 1%s a+d thr&u h&ut th" 2%s a+d 3%s t&uri+ th" ,&)" !ith s&(" &* th" )i "st +a("s i+ music, a+d r"c&rdi+ i+ s&(" &* th" )"st studi&s th" !&rld had t& &**"r0 His is a u+i4u" a+d *asci+ati+ i+si ht i+t& th" h"ady days &* r&c. 5 r&,,, +&! ,&+ &+"0 A+d +&! h"'s t",,i+ s&(" &* th&s" st&ri"s i+ his 'Ac&ustic )y Ca+d,",i ht' "'"+t at St Mary's Church, Brid !at"r &+ #riday, $%th N&'"()"r0 Th" ,ast d"cad" &r s& has s""+ Burt *&r i+ his &!+ s&,& car""r0 6ith thr"" studi& a,)ums u+d"r his )",t a+d a *&urth i+ th" "ar,y sta "s &* !riti+ a+d r"c&rdi+ , h" has a 'ast array &* mat"ria, &* his &!+0 Th" 'Ac&ustic )y Ca+d,",i ht' sh&! *"atur"s a s","cti&+ &* th"s" trac.s 7 !ritt"+ a+d /"r*&r("d i+ his trad"mark u/,i*ti+ sty," 7 t& "th"r !ith his &!+ '"rsi&+s &* s&(" &* th" )i "st chart hits that sha/"d his car""r0 Gr&!i+ u/ as h" did i+ a sh&!)usi+"ss *ami,y ("a+s that Burt has s&(" i+tri ui+ ("(&ri"s a)&ut th" "arly days &* "+t"rtai+("+t t","'isi&+, a+d !hat it ("a+t *&r th" '8ari"ty' circuit. 6ith thr""74uart"rs &* his i(("diat" *ami,y s"c&+d"d *r&( th" sta " t& a//"ar r" u,ar,y &+ ,i'" T8 his !as a+ u+usua, chi,dh&&d t& say th" ,"ast. Thus, it !as *airly i+"'ita)," that Burt !&u,d ta." t& th" sta " i+ s&(" *&rm &r &th"r0 L"arni+ /ia+& at a+ "ar,y a ", h" s!itch"d t& uitar at t!",'" a+d is "+tir",y s",*7tau ht &+ )&th uitar a+d )ass0 Si+ i+ has a,!ays )""+ s"c&+d +atur"0 O'"r th" ,ast *i*t""+ y"ars Burt has )""+ )usy d"'",&/i+ his &!+ /r&9"ct. Ori i+a,,y cr"at"d as a s&+ !riti+ d"'",&/("+t t&&,, i+ th" ,ast *"! y"ars his )a+d ha'" )"c&(" a+ &utsta+di+ ,i'" act /,ayi+ *"sti'a,s a+d '"+u"s ar&u+d th" U:, Eur&/" a+d N&rth A("rica; i+c,udi+ a s,&t at Glast&+)ury #"sti'a, i+ <%=10 #&r th" ,ast *&ur y"ars, Burt has a,s& )""+ &+ th" r&ad !ith D")&rah B&+ham, sist"r &* th" ,at" J&h+ B&+ha( &* L"d >"//",i+ *a("; a+d d"scri)"d )y USA's B,u"s Re'u" as ?th" Duch"ss &* B,u"s7R&c.@0 As !",, as /,ayi+ )ass uitar i+ B&+ham's )a+d, !ith th" add"d "+9&y("+t &* )acki+ >"//",i+ *r&+t ma+ R&)"rt A,a+t i+ a +u()"r &* u"st a//"ara+c"s; Burt has a,s& )""+ /"rf&rmi+ as th" &/"+i+ act !ith th" hi h,y7acc,ai("d ac&ustic '"rsi&+ &* his ,i'" sh&!0 #&,,&!i+ &+ *r&( his *irst s&,& a,)u( r","as" ?S"'"+ S""ds@ i+ <%=% B!ith a r"issu" i+ <%=<C; Burt r"c&rd"d his s"c&+d a,)u( 'I+d"structi),"' at :&r" Studi&s i+ L&+d&+ i+ <%=$ u+d"r th" "-/"rt uida+c" &* ic&+ic Ar&duc"r, Chris :ims"y BR&,,i+ St&+"s, A"t"r #ra(/t&+C0 It !as r","as"d that sa(" y"ar0 Si+c" th"+, Burt has r","as"d y"t a+&th"r a,)u( 'S/&+ta+"&us' i+ Ju+" <%=1 !ith a '"ry s/"cia, ,au+ch "'"+t at Th" Ci+"ma Mus"u( i+ L&+d&+, i+ ass&ciati&+ !ith Misty M&&+0 H" has a,s& s"cur"d a !&rld!id" distri)uti&+ d"a, !ith CadiD R"c&rds a+d is curr"+tly !&rki+ t&!ards th" r","as" &* a,)um +u()"r *&ur0 J&'s s&+ !riti+ sty," is )as"d &+ his )ac. r&u+d &* r&ck, !ith a s&uth"rn7sty," i+*,u"+c" a+d a '"ry E+ ,ish 'B"at,"s7"s4u"' t!ist. T& us" his &!+ t"rmsE 'A+ ,ica+a' a+d '/sych&7c&u+try'. H" is a+ hy/+&tic /"rf&rmer, dra!i+ i+ his ,ist"+"rs !ith ta,"s *r&m his r"c&rdi+ a+d t&uri+ /ast, a+d t",,i+ ri'"ti+ st&ri"s thr&u h his s&+ s th"ms",'"s0 His !arm a+d "+thusiastic a//r&ach +"'"r *ai,s t& "+d"ar hi( t& his audi"+c" a+d Burt c&+ti+u"s t& ","ctri*y !ith th" mi-tur" &* h&+"sty, i+t"+sity a+d hu(&ur that h" )ri+ s t& "ach /"r*&rma+c"0 Th" 'Ac&ustic )y Ca+d,",i ht' sh&! *"atur"s th" t!& )acki+ '&ca,ists *r&( Burt's *u,, )a+d, A+t&+ia a+d :athy0 6ith 9ust &+" uitar a+d thr"" '&ic"s, th" music ","("+t &* th" sh&! '"ry much *&cus"s &+ har(&+y, !ith th" add"d )&+us &* &+" &r t!& /"rcussi'" i+stru("+ts thr&!+ i+ 7 a+d th" &ccasi&+a, a//"ara+c" &* a (a+d&,i+0 Burt's /r"'i&us s&,d7&ut "'"+ts &* this ki+d ha'" )""+ d"scri)"d as 'ma ica,', 'e-tra&rdi+ary' a+d 'ph"+&("+a,'. N&t t& )" miss"d, th"+F J& Burt Ac&ustic )y Ca+d,",i ht ta."s /,ac" at St Mary's Church, Brid !at"r TAG $EH &+ #riday, $%th N&'"()"r at 10$%/m Bd&&rs G0IJ/(C0 Ad'a+c" tic."ts ar" K=% Bi+c,ud"s th" *irst dri+.C *r&( Brid !at"r T&!+ C&u+ci,, T&!+ Ha,,, Hi h Str""t, Brid !at"r TAG $AS; St0 Mary's Church, Brid !at"r B=%a( t& I/(, Tu"sday t& #ridayC; Ro "r 6i,,iams BChurch!ard"+C &+ %132I J1%G2I &r 'ia s.idd,"0c&( Bs"arch J& Burt)0 Ad'a+c" )&&ki+ is ad'is"d0 #&r (&r" i+*&rmati&+ &+ J& Burt, i+c,udi+ music a+d 'id"& ,i+ks, s"" 9&)urt.c&0u.0.